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Name : Lusy Novyanty Januar

Class : S1 Kebidanan_Linjur A

Task 4. Lets Practice

Instruction 1

1. You have got vaginal bleeding

2. I have given you an injection to stimulate contraction

3. Your wife has given birth to your baby normally

4. I have got to mothers consent to do a perineal incision

5. The midwife has expeled the plasenta from the uterine wall

6. The umbilical cord has been cut

7. I have clamped and cut the umbilical cord

8. You have been in the second stage of delivery

9. I think, the head of the baby has descended sufficiently

10. The shoulder of the baby has been visible

Instruction 2

A. As an auxiliary verb function in present perpect

B. As a full verb in sense of possesion ( memiliki )

C. Full verb in sence of obligation ( keharusan )

1. I have to transfer you to the postnatal ward ( C )

2. The pain relief has been taken by the mother after the baby delivery ( A )

3. I have assesed the fetal heart rate by doppler ultrasound apparatus ( A )

4. She has been pregnant two times ( A )

5. Past childbearing experiences have an important part to predict the outcomes of the

present pregnancy ( B )

Instruction 3

1. I have checked the fetal lie

2. The result of the fundal measurement has no absolute reliability

3. The midwife has taken the urine sample to the laboratory

4. The result of the urine test has given to the mother

5. We have discussed with the mother to has the possibility of caesarean section

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