How Much Is It - (Numbers 10-100) - Practical English - AEF Starter - Model

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How much is it?

Numbers 1-100 and Practical English

Numbers 11-100
11 eleven 21 twenty-one
12 twelve 22 twenty-two
13 thirteen 30 thirty
14 fourteen 33 thirty-three
15 fifteen 40 forty
16 sixteen 50 fifty
17 seventeen 60 sixty
18 eighteen 70 seventy
19 nineteen 80 eighty
20 twenty 90 ninety
100 a hundred
one hundred
Bárbara Cristóvão
Listen. Can you hear the difference?

1. a 13 b 30
2. a 14 b 40
3. a 15 b 50
4. a 16 b 60
5. a 17 b 70
6. a 18 b 80
7. a 19 b 90

Listen again. Underline a or b. Then practice saying all the numbers.

Bárbara Cristóvão
Let’s practice with a Bingo!
Understanding prices
Listen and repeat
Understanding prices
1. Match the prices and words.

1. ( ) £12.75 A. five dollars and thirty-five cents

2. ( ) $1.59 B. eighty cents
3. ( ) €50.99 C. a dollar fifty-nine
4. ( ) $5.35 D. fifty euros ninety-nine
5. ( ) $13.25 E. sixty p
6. ( ) €3.20 F. thirteen dollars and twenty-five cents
7. ( ) 60p G. three euros twenty
8. ( ) $0.80 H. twelve pounds seventy-five

2. Listen and check. Then listen and repeat.

3. Cover the words and look at the prices. Practice saying them.
Understanding prices
Listen to four conversations. How much is it? Write the correct price.

It’s $ . It’s € .

It’s $ . It’s £ .
Listen again and read 3.
Man 1: A memory car, please.
1. Man 2: Two gigs or four?
Woman: The New York Times, please. Man 1: Two, please. How much is it?
Man: Here you are. Man 2: Nine ninety-nine.
Woman: How much is it? Man 1: Is a credit card OK?
Man: It’s a dollar twenty-five. Man 2: Sure.

2. 4.
Man: A phone card, please. Woman: A one way ticket to Bristol, please.
Woman: For how much? Man: Thirty pounds twenty p, please.
Man: Fifteen euros, please. Woman: Here you are.
Woman: Here you are. Man: Have a good trip.
Man: Thanks. Woman: Thank you.
Listen and repeat the words and sounds.

Listen. Practice the sentences.

Euros are money in Europe.

The price is six dollars and sixty cents.
How much is a cup of coffee in Canada.
Let’s Practice!
Play with the randomizer wheel and practice saying more prices here!
Buying a coffee
Read the menu and listen. Circle the items the woman asks for.
Buying a coffee
1. Listen again and read the dialogue. Write the missing words.

Waiter: Welcome to City Coffee.

Woman: Hi, a and a chocolate brownie, please.
Waiter: What kind of coffee? Espresso, Americano, cappuccino, or latte?
Woman: A cappuccino, .
Waiter: Regular or ?
Woman: Regular. much is it?
Waiter: Six dollars and twenty cents, please.
Woman: you are.
Waiter: Thanks. Here’s your change.

2. Listen again and repeat. Practice the dialogue with a partner.

Buying a coffee
Practice with a partner. Ask the prices on the menu

How much is a
regular latte?
Buying a coffee
1. Role-play the conversation.

Waiter: Welcome to City Coffee.

Woman: Hi, a coffee and a __, please.
Waiter: What kind of coffee? Espresso, Americano, cappuccino, or latte?
Woman: A __, please.
Waiter: Regular or large?
Woman: __. How much is it?
Waiter: __, please.
Woman: Here you are.
Waiter: Thanks. Here’s your change.

2. Change roles. Role-play the conversation again.

What kind of coffee is that? How much is it?

1. Watch James and answer:

a. Is his coffee a cappuccino? .
b. What kind of coffee is it? .

2. Watch again. How much is it? .

What kind of coffee is that? How much is it?
1. Watch three more people and complete the chart.

kind of price




2. In pairs, ask and answer the questions in the box.

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