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J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.36.8.839 on 1 August 1983. Downloaded from on April 13, 2023 by guest.

Protected by copyright.
J Clin Pathol 1983;36:839-846

Review article
Formaldehyde in pathology departments
From the Laboratory for Aerobiology, Clinical Research Centre, Watford Road, Harrow, Middlesex HAI
SUMMARY Toxic effects of formaldehyde in humans are discussed in relation to occupational
exposure and tolerance to this agent. Carcinogenic and mutagenic properties of formaldehyde
have been reported in animals and this has led to concem about a possible role in human cancer.
The current state of affairs is reviewed in the light of a lack of direct evidence linking formal-
dehyde with cancer in man and in relation to recommended exposure levels. It is important to
employ effective means of containment and practical methods for reducing exposure to formal-
dehyde in pathology departments and post-mortem rooms are described.

Post-mortem changes in cells and tissues can be tiles, laminates, pharmaceuticals, etc. In the building
retarded or even prevented by the use of chemical industry, urea formaldehyde is widely used in the
fixatives. Histological technique is built upon the use manufacture of chipboard and hardboard and in cav-
of these agents in order that fixed tissue should ity wall insulation.
resemble as accurately as possible the form that it It is difficult to be accurate about the quantity of
held in life. Early histologists made extensive use of formaldehyde produced and used in the UK and
ethyl alcohol but around 100 years ago formal- estimates vary between 60 000 and 145 000 tonnes
dehyde was established as the "classical" fixative per year!'
and could now be described as the stock-in-trade of
all hospital pathology laboratories.
Formaldehyde (HCHO) is the gas produced by OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE TO FORMALDEHYDE
the oxidation of methyl alcohol. It is colourless and During the last few years there has been concern
flammable with a strong pungent odour and may about both short and long term exposure with
form an explosive mixture with air and oxygen and is conflicting opinions as to the possibility that formal-
most commonly produced by reacting methanol dehyde is carcinogenic. Many groups of people are
vapour and air over a catalyst. Produced in this way, in some way or other exposed to formaldehyde and
it contains trace amounts of methanol and formic the US Department of Health and Human Services
acid. Formaldehyde is extremely soluble in water lists some 225 occupations where it might be
and the aqueous solution containing some 37% encountered.2 In this list are included such unlikely
formaldehyde is called formalin. Commercially occupations as accountants, health administrators,
available formalin is generally a solution containing sailors and deck hands and even writers, artists and
37% formaldehyde together with some 10-15% entertainers.
methanol to inhibit polymerisation. Without this It has been estimated that iron foundry workers
inhibition the aqueous phase can slowly polymerise might be exposed to formaldehyde concentrations
to paraformaldehyde, a form in which it is also between 0-02-18*3 ppm whilst dye stuff operatives
available. and people working in plywood industries would be
Besides being widely used in pathology exposed to between 0-1-5-9 and 1-0-2-5 ppm
laboratories formaldehyde is a basic chemical used respectively. By comparison, it was thought that
in many industrial processes including the manufac- hospital necropsy rooms produced concentrations
ture of adhesives, deodorants, dyes, explosives, tex- between 2*2-7-9 ppm. The present UK threshold
limit value for formaldehyde is 2 ppm3 whereas, for
example, it is 1 ppm in Germany whilst the USA has
Accepted for publication 5 April 1983 a short-term exposure limit of 1 ppm for 30 min.

J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.36.8.839 on 1 August 1983. Downloaded from on April 13, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
840 Clark
Toiddty to humans matitis, skin sensitisation has also been noted from
experimental studies with volunteers."2
ABSORPTION AND METABOLISM There are reports of asthma-like symptoms in
The high solubility of formaldehyde in water means workers exposed to formaldehyde.13 In particular,
that it is readily absorbed in the upper part of the respiratory symptoms have been reported in nurses
respiratory tract with relatively small amounts of in haemodialysis units where formalin was used to
any inhaled gas penetrating to the lungs. Once sterilise the dialysis equipment. In 1982 a follow-up
absorbed, formaldehyde is metabolised to formic study of two nurses who were shown to develop
acid both in the liver and blood by the enzyme for- occupational formaldehyde asthma in 1977 showed
maldehyde dehydrogenase. Direct oxidation by red that one nurse, who had ceased to be exposed after
blood cells has also been reported and further oxida- 1976, had lost all symptoms. She had also lost her
tion may take place in tissues other than liver or asthmatic sensitivity to formaldehyde and lung func-
blood. Carbon dioxide and water is finally produced tion studies were almost normal. The second nurse
by further oxidation of the formic acid. in this study however had continued to be exposed
to formaldehyde (although at a reduced level) and
INGESTION persistent asthmatic responsiveness could be
There have been reports of death from the ingestion demonstrated in 1981. In this case there was no evi-
of around about 100 ml of formalin in adults (much dence of any progressive chronic airway obstruction.
less in the case of children).4 6 The symptoms are In spite of the widespread use of formaldehyde
similar to those produced by a strong acid with there have only been a few reported cases of
severe irritation of all mucosal surfaces of the gas- respiratory illness due to allergic sensitisation.
trointestinal tract resulting in ulceration, inflamma-
tion and tissue necrosis. TOLERANCE TO FORMALDEHYDE
There is some evidence of acclimatisation or toler-
EFFECTS ON EYES AND RESPIRATORY TRACT ance to the irritant effects particularly in the action
The first signs or symptoms associated with exposure of tear production. This evidence comes from exper-
to formaldehyde occur in the eyes at concentrations iments with healthy volunteers exposed to 13'8 ppm
of 0-1-5 ppm with a burning sensation and the pro- for 30 min.'4 There was initially considerable irrita-
duction of tears. It is suggested that the threshold for tion to the eyes and nose but the effects rapidly wore
the eyes to respond to formaldehyde is as low as off with no signs of eye irritation being observed
0*01 ppm. Accidental splashes of aqueous solution after 10 min.
of formaldehyde cause severe irritation to the eyes
and have, on occasions, resulted in permanent dam- Fornmaldehyde and cancer
age even when the eyes were immediately washed
with water.7-9 4% formaldehyde solution splashed A known carcinogen, bis-chloromethylether
in the eye has been reported to produce a strong (BCME) is produced when formaldehyde reacts
irritant effect with visual disturbance persisting for with hydrogen chloride.'5-'8 The reaction of hyd-
one day after which time the eye returned to normal. rochloric acid with formaldehyde in situations where
At concentrations around 0*5 ppm mild throat the two agents are stored together permits the pos-
irritation and a tingling sensation occurs. It is gener- sibility of forming this potential carcinogen. How-
ally regarded that formaldehyde in a concentration ever, the concentrations of both agents would need
of some 5 ppm is intolerable in a room and at con- to be considerably in excess of their respective
centrations approaching 10 ppm (a danger level) a threshold limit values and in such an atmosphere
choking sensation occurs. Exposure to 50 ppm (even work would become impossible. The separate stor-
of short duration) can be expected to cause serious age of these substances and the maintenance of their
injury.'0 I' levels below the threshold limit values is regarded as
providing adequate safeguards against carcinogenic
EFFECTS ON SKIN risk due to the formation of BCME.'9
Dilute aqueous solutions of formaldehyde and the Mutagenicity, or the ability of an agent to cause a
vapour itself are irritant to the skin. Many cases of change in the genetic material within a cell, is
dermatitis have been reported amongst persons associated with most chemicals known to cause
exposed to formaldehyde in the course of their cancer. Tests for mutagenicity can therefore help in
work. In normal human volunteers it has been determining carcinogenic potential. In this regard
shown that solutions containing less than 2% for- formaldehyde has been known to be mutagenic for
maldehyde are unlikely to produce irritant effects. some time from laboratory experiments with fruit
In addition to the reports of allergic contact der- flies (Drosophila) grasshoppers, flowering plants,
J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.36.8.839 on 1 August 1983. Downloaded from on April 13, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Formaldehyde in pathology departments 841
fungi and bacteria.2022 recommendations concerning the potential car-
There is a recent report that formaldehyde at a cinogenicity of formaldehyde there had been no
level of 4 ppm was found to be mutagenic in diploid hard evidence of specific cases of human cancer due
human lymphoblasts in culture.23 In another study to the agent. The prime reason for the recommenda-
no chromosome abnormalities were found in a tion seems embodied in the statement that
group of 15 workers exposed to formaldehyde over "although humans and animals may differ in their
a long period (average 28 yr)24 susceptibility to specific chemical compounds, any
In March 1979, workers at the University of Bir- substance that produces cancer in experimental
mingham published a report on the possible car- animals should be considered a cancer risk to
cinogenic hazards of formaldehyde.25 In reviewing humans." In 1981, the Health & Safety Executive in
human data they concluded that the Registrar Gen- the UK issued a Toxicity review about formaldehyde
eral's occupational mortality tables for 1961-1970 and stated "there is at present no evidence that
did not show any increased incidence of cancer in exposure to formaldehyde has produced cancer in
two groups of workers, namely chemists and physi- humans". A number of epidemiological studies are
cal and biological scientists. In the study of the in progress to investigate this aspect.
causes of death of 131 pathologists, death from One of the immediate results of the US recom-
some cancers (especially respiratory cancers) were mendation was that the American Consumer Pro-
less than expected but there were significantly more ducts Safety Commission decided to ban the use of
deaths from lymphoid tumours (8 were found when urea formaldehyde foam used for insulation in the
3.3 were expected). These authors concluded that building industry. This was because of "unreasonable
the possibility that this was associated with exposure risks to consumers from the irritation, sensitisation
to formalin should perhaps not be excluded. and possible carcinogenic effects of formaldehyde
They also concluded that "it seems to us that car- emitted by this substance" the Commission con-
cinogenicity tests carried out so far would probably cluded that at that time no standards, voluntary or
have shown if formaldehyde itself had a high degree mandatory, to reduce the risk were feasible.
of carcinogenic activity. It is, however, possible that In a recent publication, the British Plastics Feder-
more thorough tests now being carried out may ation, sought to defend the use of urea formal-
show up a relatively weak carcinogenic action." dehyde foam and to criticise the American Con-
In October 1979, preliminary results from studies sumer Product Safety Commission for recommend-
in animals showed that when rats were exposed to ing a ban on the substance.n In regard to the release
15 ppm for 6 h/day for 5 days/wk for 16 months of formaldehyde in dwellings it asserts "there
three developed squamous cell carcinoma originat- remains no evidence to suggest that formaldehyde
ing in the epithelium of the nasal turbinates.26 can cause anything more than short-term irritation
Further results from this study in 1980 showed that to humans at the levels liable to be experienced in
after 24 months of exposure to 15 ppm of formal- properly insulated dwellings." Further concern for
dehyde some 93 rats developed squamous cell car- the industrial use of formaldehyde is expressed in a
cinomas of the nasal turbinates. Two developed publication from the Chemical Industries Associa-
respiratory epithelial carcinomas and two rats tion which says "the acute (short-term) effects of
exposed to 6 ppm and two mice exposed to 15 ppm excessive exposure to formaldehyde are mainly
had also developed squamous cell carcinomas of the transitory and reversible".29 The long-term effects
nasal turbinates.27 are summarised as chronic skin disorders and
In April 1981, the US National Institute of Occu- chronic respiratory tract conditions but with very
pational Health and Safety, in consideration of these few examples cited in the scientific literature.
carcinogenic features of formaldehyde, recom- Recently, Sir George Young, Under Secretary of
mended that formaldehyde be handled in the work- State for the Environment, in a written answer in
place as a potential occupational carcinogen.2 Since Parliament concerning the carcinogenicity of chemi-
that time, there have been a number of investiga- cals in food, consumer products and the environ-
tions seeking to clarify any relation between occupa- ment, said that an Advisory Committee was looking
tional exposure to formaldehyde and the incidence at research on the effects of formaldehyde and that
of cancer in humans. Concurrently, there have been "in its view there is no evidence that formaldehyde
calls to limit the general exposure of workers to this gas causes cancer in man."
agent and to seek ways of producing containment From the available literature there would, there-
whereby environmental contamination by formal- fore, appear to be no evidence to suggest that the
dehyde is kept at a very low level. concentrations of formaldehyde encountered in the
At the time that US National Institute for Occu- practical working environments of hospital pathol-
pational Safety and Health (NIOSH) issued its ogy laboratories and post-mortem rooms would
J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.36.8.839 on 1 August 1983. Downloaded from on April 13, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
842 Clark
produce a carcinogenic hazard. Personal exposure to altematives. The most obvious is to make use of the
this agent is effectively self-limiting because of the laboratory fume cupboard, particularly when handl-
extremely unpleasant effects at relatively low con- ing large volumes of formaldehyde.
centrations with the consequent behavioural In correctly designed cupboards the vapour will
response of avoidance. be carried away and diluted before discharge to the
Nevertheless, there do exist problems of formal- atmosphere at high level. In older buildings where
dehyde toxicity related to asthma, dermatitis, sensit- multiple fume cupboards may be on one air system,
isation and irritation where guidelines for exposure the fume cupboard and its duct work should be
reduction are appropriate. proved to be effective and should on no account
By 1982 it was thought that there might be some allow leakage of formaldehyde gas back into other
pressure from the Health and Safety Executive to laboratories.
impose restrictions on the use of formaldehyde but Recently, there has been considerable interest in
there was some disagreement between this agency the use of relatively inexpensive portable fume cup-
and the Health and Safety Commission (the govern- boards which do not require major installation
ing body of the HSE) who were less satisfied that work. These devices incorporate absorption filters to
such constraints were justified. A number of agen- remove gases and vapours from the air before
cies and organisations were already preparing returning it to the laboratory.
guidelines and policies in anticipation of new regula- Such cupboards initially appear very attractive in
tions which might result but which in the event did terms of capital cost, installation and operating
not materialise. expenses. There are, however, a number of
significant problems which should be reviewed in the
Practical containment meaures light of a potential use as far as formaldehyde
absorption in the pathology laboratory is concemed.
In 1980 the Medical Research Council had indicated If a recirculating fume cupboard is to be safe and
that work with formaldehyde should be carried out effective at removing formaldehyde and maintaining
with the following reasonable precautions: the concentration below the correct threshold limit
1 Solutions should be made up in a fume cup- value it must:
board. 1 Achieve adequate containment of fume at the
2 Vessels should be covered as much as possible. front by an inflow air velocity of at least 0-5 m/s
3 Work should only be done in well ventilated (and not greater than 1-0 mWs).
rooms. 2 In order that the harmful agent is effectively
4 Time of exposure should be kept to a minimum. removed by the filter the contact time with the
The reduction of operator exposure to splashes and filter medium must be sufficient for adequate
gross contamination by formaldehyde is a matter of absorption to take place. In addition, because
laboratory technique together with the use of gloves these filters have a finite absorption capacity
and eye protection where appropriate. However, the there must be some reliable indication of filter
formaldehyde vapour concentration in the air may saturation. In the case of formaldehyde it has
need to be controlled and this can be achieved in a been suggested that the sense of smell by those
number of ways. within the laboratory would be adequate to
determine the end-point of filter life!
ROOM VENTILATION The charcoal filters have a wide range of absorption
The laboratory may be ventilated in order that any characteristics for different chemical agents. Their
formaldehyde gas released into the atmosphere is effectiveness for a particular compound is generally
purged and the concentration maintained below the expressed as the proportion of the clean filter weight
threshold limit value. Care must be taken not to that can be absorbed. The absorption can be as high
produce excessive air change rates; for example, in as 15-20% for some agents but in the case of for-
laboratories some 7 m x 5 m the maximum air maldehyde it is very much lower at only around
removal rate for comfort conditions would be of the 1-2%. One consequence of this is that for a filter to
order of 0 2 m3/s. Greater extract would also be effective over a reasonable period of time it must
increase revenue costs as far as heating of input air is be fairly large and one manufacturer suggests that
concemed. filter weight for a practically useful life is some 36
FUME CUPBOARDS The use of recirculating fume cupboards is gener-
To complement the effects of overall ventilation sys- ally regarded as unsatisfactory and only in excep-
tems more local extraction of formaldehyde vapour tional and rather specific circumstances where the
is often appropriate and here there are a number of fume has a nuisance value rather than being toxic
J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.36.8.839 on 1 August 1983. Downloaded from on April 13, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Formaldehyde in pathology departments 843

-I *1
_i _
~ _m-

... ..... 1.0 1, 'I

b .....
..t~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ^
- .....
Fig. 1 A novel ventilated necropsy table with air exhausted from over the surface ofthe body by means of adjustable
exhaust ports which may be positioned at a height and length appropriate to the work area concerned. Courtesy ofHoworth
Air Engineering Ltd.
J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.36.8.839 on 1 August 1983. Downloaded from on April 13, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
844 Clark

Fig. 2 Postmortem room layout incorporating a clean air zone over the table and local exhaust at the cutting up bench.
Courtesy of Medical Air Technology Ltd.

could the use of these cupboards be considered.30 CUT-UP BENCHES

Cut-up benches adjacent to the necropsy table
POSTMORTEM ROOM require local air extraction of formaldehyde and Fig.
Airborne contaminants can pose problems in the 2 shows such a system incorporated into a post-
post-mortem room. The minimisation of the release mortem room where there is also a ventilated nec-
of potentially pathogenic droplets or tissue aerosols ropsy table and overhead air curtain.
together with the reduction of exposure to formal- Besides being suitable for post-mortem rooms,
dehyde at the cut-up bench require special meas- the ventilated cut-up bench is also important in pre-
ures. There is some debate as to the extent of the venting a build-up of formaldehyde in the pathology
problem and whether effective precautions can be laboratory. Care should be taken that the design is
devised whereby the overall "air quality" in these effective for gathering formaldehyde from a reason-
areas can be guaranteed, and if so do the chances of ably large working volume on the bench and partial
acquiring infection, particularly tuberculosis, enclosures to entrain the contaminated air are gen-
become smaller. erally required as shown in Fig. 3.
New designs of ventilated necropsy tables in con-
junction with overhead canopies producing FUMIGATION
downflowing air curtains can contain aerosols liber- The widespread use of microbiological safety
ated during the post-mortem procedures. Exhaust cabinets and the requirement for routine servicing
air from these systems is filtered in order to remove means that the laboratory staff are frequently called
particulates before the air is discharged to outside. upon to effectively decontaminate these cabinets
Such systems can also purge the post-mortem room before maintenance engineers start work. Many
of noxious vapours including formaldehyde. As contractors now require certification of decontami-
gases will not be arrested by filtration the exhaust nation procedures and the Health and Safety at
should be treated in much the same way as for a Work Act requires that appropriate safety measures
fume cupboard. Fig. 1 shows a novel ventilated nec- are carried out.
ropsy table using exhaust ports which are adjustable The normal method of decontaminating safety
in height and length appropriate to the work area. cabinets and their filters is by fumigation with for-
J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.36.8.839 on 1 August 1983. Downloaded from on April 13, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Formaldehyde in pathology departments 845

Fig. 3 An exampk ofa localfume extraction unitsuitable for bench extraction offormaldehyde in the postmortem room or
pathology laboratory. Courtesy of Howorth Air Engineering Ltd.

maldehyde gas. It is now also fairly common for the fumigation period the cabinet should be run
complete laboratories to require fumigation, from normally to purge the formaldehyde gas. It should
time to time. This requirement may be extended to be noted that fumigation is only fully effective as
post-mortem rooms, necropsy tables and air- long as adequate water vapour is present. Liberation
handling systems that are being proposed for new of formaldehyde gas, for example by subjecting
installations. paraformaldehyde to dry hot air is not satisfactory.
There are several methods of fumigating safety When cabinets are not ducted to the outside
cabinets and rooms with formaldehyde. In the case fumigation produces considerable problems if for-
of a safety cabinet the front closure should be in maldehyde is not to be released into the laboratory.
place and the exhaust duct blocked off. 25 ml of These may be overcome by for example, incorporat-
formalin can be vaporised by being placed in a dish ing a damper into the safety cabinet exhaust and
on an electric heater. Alternatively, 25 ml of forma- using a flexible tube attached to the exhaust duct to
lin can be placed in a 500 ml beaker and 1Og of take the formaldehyde to a window or fume cup-
potassium permanganate added. The mixture will board at the end of the fumigation period. Most of
react vigorously producing formaldehyde gas. If too these decontamination procedures involve larger
much potassium permanganate is used there is the volumes of formaldehyde than are encountered in
risk of explosion. Once the formaldehyde is pro- general laboratory work and staff should therefore
duced in the cabinet it should be introduced into the be fully instructed in the appropriate techniques and
filter by running the cabinet fan for a few seconds. safety precautions.
After this it should be left overnight. At the end of When installing new safety cabinets the provision
J Clin Pathol: first published as 10.1136/jcp.36.8.839 on 1 August 1983. Downloaded from on April 13, 2023 by guest. Protected by copyright.
846 Clark
of external ducting shouid be reviewed in the light of formaldehyde atmospherc environments. Am Ind Hyg Assoc J
decontamination procedures which may be required 1Van Duuran BL, Katz C, Goldschmidt BM, Frenkel K, Sivak A.
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Ferris B. Mortality patterns among workers exposed to
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'9 MRC (Medical Research Council). Health Hazard Note No 8.
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