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an Grade Level: 1 Name of Demo Teacher B: Queen Jasmine A. Sabado Date:_03/27/2023__ Name of Evaluator/s: Hephawie A Lin Grade given by evaluator: CONTINUE AVOID ‘Provide quick retap Of previews lesson “Showed Gyeetvns “Wed & tonlertuatited video in ty 44 aativity, “great hand writin irtadable sthe VT came from the chuents but Should be processed mort. “Noice i audible, wort proper efi et “TH dicomsion phase was iairnc fine because Of the questions “Used mer *the traditional marials are neat: seed Sven) aod" As Positive reinforcer fuk Cow “be improved [Varied + “Showed humor to Ht lass. 1TH oppliation was inderactve but Or Le ‘improved + 0 more Grode level appropiatt Obvity. oT volume of the 4 vidto 16 kind of nautfied , but WS goed fad Ht has 4| Subtitle The Prlehing question no- 5 way not foltowed. The eacker said /asked fro Important pesonal cidipling (UTI) In Hee fie Wkead a te ‘opie which 1S qobas arwitns imal dhaneye The Phase“ Piswissing pow once pts and practic phe Vial skills #4 +The inshuchons for activities eax be “page ‘Im the pesectetion with tHe] mer STH feather can emue te board fet before Sickineg an INS because i+ everlapted - SUIS bower if Here's a rubric in te aplication. “The vidwo in +e Aeteefion phate tould have a subtitte fo over otter shadents wid hve a hard Fine heaving <4 PHILIPPINE NORMAL UNIVERSITY National Cente for Teacher Education Taf Avenue, Manta sean soso Name of Teacher 8: Quseilasmine ASabado . Subject and Grade Level ra CSP Gi hing — Name OF Assessor/s Sh wiht SUGSP Grade 1 Date of Teaching: 03/27/2023. Cheek the corresponding column, eit EE Tt tt Lt 7 onsenven | oyQnven | REMARKS Planning — es ft in _ 4._Stated clear and precise objectives =| 2 Prepare relevant and appropiate earning asks and activities 7 Zz ie 3._Neatness and proper format are observed Zz B. Directi 1g Teaching-Learning Situation 1-87 1. States clear and precise objectives to the class. Z — 1=S7_[ 2. tntegratespastto new lesen Z 1-87 [3 Gives clear airections, lial presentation and y explanation T-S | thes contestation andor aerontoetactonis | appropriate oleamer’s need I=S1_[ 5. Demonstrates mastery of content within and/aracross | > curriculum teaching atea 1-85 |G Integrates activities to develop Zist century aE 1-85 [7 Asksapproprate and varied types of questons to develop critical and creative thinking Z TS | & Usesverbalandnenvertalcassroon communion | sxratgiee T=Si_| 9. Gries misconceptions mediately aa 1-S6 10. Displays proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipi we Engish wo facitate endung and lertng 7 ea eld 3=S3_[ i. Pays attention on routine mater, Zz 2=S4_| 12: Motivates and keep learners attention and ntereg’ —[— 3=S6_| 15. Manages learners bchavior constructively Z 3-SI-5 | 14. Exhibits sensitivity to students personal, aT gender differences and disabilities Assesiment of earning S=S1_| i. Conducts appropriate assessment evaluation Z 5-85 | 2 Presents appropriate rubrics before actal evaluaion (ifnecessary) .Uilization of fastructional Materials F 4-35 1. Instructional materials are appropriate for the activity be counslent given and/ or ICT Zé Seah. =S1_| 2 Show the teacher creativity and resourcefulness 4=S5 | 3. Integrates materials (examples, cases, simulation) Z 4-55 | 4 Unies instructional materials propery and _ effcienty) Assessor's Name and Signature ie ‘Name of Demo Teacher B: Queen Jasmine A. Sabado__ Date:_03/27/2023__ Name of Evaluatoris: righ Dianne Pol Grade given by evaluators Grade Level: CONTINUE AVOID = teacher is well presented ~ clear and visible handwritin. = attention 40 studende answer - Success VT — attempt te lighten a! ~ gmile fp eneouragement — chalk talk = innovate Jereacive IMs ~ me nants ant = IMs contextuatized +0 fh - Gelfwode nGiructional materia[ — dear £ audihe’ mice = Jovi volume og video = showing technical temas = calling the same student — hesitation = feachur -coatered = no obgerve phase - application foo eas ede tl = net much porttive appicoma tions for areund OFW £ Issues - not walking = nd relation — PHILIPPINE NORMALUNIVERSITY National Center for Teacher Education ‘Taft Avenue, Manila eve tine 4 90200 Name Teacher: Queen lasmine A.S Subject and Grade Level Ta ICSP Grade ate of Teaching: 03/27/2023 _—— Name of Assessor/sn Desepreaine Check the Corresponding column, PPST NOT REMARKS: Domain OBSERVED | onsERVED - ‘A. Lesson Planning 4-S2 1._ Stated clear and precise objectives Se 4-83 2. Prepare relevant and appropriate learning tasks and 2 activities 'Z._Neatness and proper format are observed Z 1. Direc Teaching enming salon 1-S7 ‘States clear and precise objectives to the class = eo |e eerie 2 + 1-87 | 3. Gives clear directions, logical presentation and 7 explanation 1-84 | — 4 Uses contextualization and/or diferentiated activities | appropriate to learner's need T=S1_| 5. Demonstrates mastery of content within and/oracross | > curriculum teaching area T-$5_| 6 Integrates activities to develop 21st century skis Zz lh te 1-85 7. Asks appropriate and varied types of questions to 7 can Oe Imprwe} develop critical and creative thinking Hots. 1=87 | & Uses verbal and non-verbal classroom communication | 7 strategies T=S1_| 9. Claniies misconceptions immediately = 1=S6 | 10. Displays proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino or > English to facilitate teaching and learning, 2-$3 11, Paysattention on routine matters - 2-54 | 12. Motivates and keeps earners attention and interest Zz 3-S6 13. Manages learners behavior constructively x 3=SHS | 14, Exhibits sensitivity to students personal, cultural, 7 gender differences and disabilities (Assessment of Learning S=S1_[ 1. Conducts appropriate assezsment/ evaluation Zz '5-S5 | 2 Presents appropriate rubrics before actual evaluation a Ww abies {ifnecessary) eo be Impred D. Utilization of fastructional Materials 4-85] 1 Instructional materials are appropriate for theactivity [ given and/ or ICT 4=Si_| 2 Show the teacher creativity and resourcefulness = 4-S5 3._Integrates materials (¢ ples, cases, simulation) = 4-85 | 4 Utilizes instructional materials properly and 2 efficient) Trish Di RA Assessor's Name-nd Signature

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