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A Research
Presented to
The faculty
Of Calatagan High School,
Virac, Catanduanes

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Subject
Inquiries, Investigation, Immersion

Noel B. Barcelon Jr
Rigor D. Tanael
Noel B. Tolero Jr
Princess LG T. Garvida
Samantha Nicole V. Magdaraog
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Food supplements are concentrated sources of nutrients, mineral and vitamins or

other substances that are intended to correct nutritional deficiencies, maintain an

adequate intake of certain nutrients, or to support specific physiological and physical

functions. Partly due to our modern lifestyle, not every child manages to intake a

healthy-foods. Malnutrition refers to deficiencies, excesses, or imbalances in a person’s

intake of energy and/or nutrients.

Malnutrition includes undernutrition (wasting, stunting, underweight),

inadequate vitamins or minerals, overweight, and obesity that leads to diet-related

noncommunicable diseases. Every country in the world is affected by one or more

forms of malnutrition. Combating malnutrition in all its forms is one of the greatest

global health challenges.

Undernutrition contributes to five million deaths of children under five each

year. Furthermore, throughout the life cycle, undernutrition contributes to increased risk

of infection, poor cognitive functioning, chronic disease, and mortality. It is thus

important for decision‐makers to have evidence about the effectiveness of nutrition

interventions for young children. Poor growth and micronutrient deficiency mainly

attack older infants and young children. Some countries have adopted clinically
effective measures to combat malnutrition, but the compliance and improvement in

efficacy of intervention vehicles in national programs require evaluation as stated by

Elizabeth Kristjansson et al., (2015)

Growth faltering in the first 2 years of life is high in South Asia where

prevalence of stunting is estimated at 40–50%. Although nutrition counselling has

shown modest benefits, few intervention trials of food supplementation exist showing

improvements in growth and prevention of stunting according to Parul Christian et al.,


Thus, study aims to seek the effectiveness of food supplement than natural

feeding program in a community, specifically Brgy. Valencia. This will help the health

workers to determine whether the said program is effective. This research will also

assess the effectiveness of supplementary feeding programs for improving the physical

and psychosocial health of disadvantaged children aged two to five years old.

Additional objectives of this study is to assess the potential of such programs to reduce

socio‐economic inequalities in undernutrition, to evaluate implementation and to

understand how this may impact on outcomes and to determine whether there are any

adverse effects of supplementary feeding.

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aims to test cogon grass as a hydrophobic paper.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. The effectiveness of the Cogon grass as a hydrophobic paper in terms of:

• Appearance

• Texture

• Color

• Resistance in water

2. Is cogon grass a perfect sustainable to make a hydrophobic paper?

3. Is there any significance difference in the characteristics of hydrophobic

paper using cogon grass?

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on developing an eco-friendly hydrophobic paper whose

main ingredient is cogon grass. The preparation and formulation of hydrophobic paper

will be held at Calatagan High School, Virac Catanduanes and the material (cogon

grass) needed in this study will be accessed at Eastern, Cavinitan Virac Catanduanes

due to its abundant availabity. The researchers selected cogon grass as the main
ingredient of the hydrophobic paper because it has high cellulose and low lignen content

which is the main component in the production of paper that has high strength and


Moreover, the study will only focus on the cogon grass and plants that produces

starch such as corn, potato and cassava starch that will be needed in the process of

making the paper hydrophobic. In addition, the study covers the production process and

the development of hydrophobic cogon paper.

Significance of the Study

This study aimed to provide information on how cogon grass could possibly be

used by commercial paper maker to identify possible substitute of fibers sources other

the wood. This may possible convert noxious weeds to plant with economic value.

This study is beneficial to the following group individuals:

Community. The community will be the general beneficiary of this study as the

product that will be produced at the end of the study will give people an alternative

paper that will help them in their everyday lives, in addition to making it simple for

them to dispose of some paper materials.

Environment. The harvest of the raw material transport and production of grass

paper is significantly more environmentally friendly. It increases value of the energy

crops, being recyclable and compostable.

Teachers. It will help them to gain awareness of the importance of application

of Life and Science in the production of new products.

Students. They will be provided with additional information especially to those

who have interest with this kind of research. They will increase their awareness in the

properties of hydrophobic cogon plant.

Paper Industry. The abundance of cogon grass and other plants enables

manufacturers, businesses, and industries to generate more paper goods without

disturbing the environment.

Businessman. It will help them to gain some additional income if they decide

to sell the paper made of grass and maintain the quality of the product.

Filipino People. There is a wonderful chance to launch a small business in the

production of environmentally friendly paper products (such as cardboards) because

cogon grass is abundant in the Philippines.

Students. Since there is a lot of student who struggling financially, who can’t

afford school supplies (such as paper), a handmade paper in agricultural process

consumes less bud.

Future Researchers. The knowledge gain from the study will help the

researcher to have better understanding of the methods in processing raw materials into

new product, and the importance of application role of science to the development of

the product. This study will also serve guide for future researcher needing information

that is related to the study of properties of hydrophobic cogon paper.

Definition of Terms

EFFECTIVENESS. The degree to which something is successful, effect of

complementary food supplement in the target respondents in Barangay Valencia

COMMUNITY. A group of people living in the Barangay Valencia

COMPLEMENTARY. combining in such a way as to enhance or emphasize the

qualities of each other or another

FOOD SUPPLEMENT. Concentrated source of nutrients or other substance with a

nutritional or physiological effect that are marketed in “dose” form

MALNOURISHED. Not properly nourished respondents in Barangay Valecia

IMPROVEMENT. The positive change in target respondents in Barangay Valencia



`This chapter contains the review of related literature and studies of the

researcher topic. It will bridge the gap between related literature and studies to the

present studies.

Related Literature
Related Studies

Roberts et al., (2022), stated that Iron and multiple-micronutrients

supplementation yield improvements in the cognitive abilities of undernourished

preschool-age children. Increased fish consumption was found to have a beneficial

effect in the cognitive outcomes of nourished children. On the other hand, B-vitamin,

iodized salt, and guava powder interventions failed to display significant results.

Providing quality food to children and nutrition education to the

parents/guardians poorly fed in low-income families improved knowledge and attitude

of the guardians and prevents anemia and improves growth, which brings in positive

effects on growth of children. Ok-Jin Park et al,. (2009).

Providing RUSF (food supplement) as part of a general food distribution

resulted in improvements in hemoglobin status and small improvements in linear

growth, accompanied by an apparent reduction in morbidity. Lieven Huybregts et al,.


Park et al., (2019) showed that the food supplement improved immune function

and growth in the children who received it, suggesting that it could be a potential

dietary supplement for improving immune function and growth in children.

Patel et al., (2019). Stated that the ready-to-use supplementary food (RUSF)

containing soy, peanut, and milk powder in treating malnourished children improved the

children’s weight, height, and mid-upper arm circumference, indicating an improvement

in their nutritional status. The study suggests that RUSF could be an effective and

affordable intervention for treating malnutrition in children.

According to Campbell et al., (2016) Complementary food supplements (CFSs)

can enhance growth where stunting is common, but substitution for the usual diet may

reduce observed benefits.

Intensive nutrition education significantly improves the status of moderately-

malnourished children with or without supplementary feeding. Roy et al., (2005).

Ready-to-use supplementary food (RUSF) was highly effective in treating acute

malnutrition, with recovery rates of up to 90% (Briend et al., 2013).

According to Zavoshy et al., (2012), Malnutrition is one of the major causes of

mortality and morbidity in children. Not only include acute effects on children’s health,

but also it has long-term effects on their cognitive development and economic growth in

the society.

Lannotti et al. (2014) found that the LNS intervention significantly improved the

children's weight-for-age and weight-for-height scores, as well as their mid-upper arm

circumference measurements. These improvements were attributed to the increased

intake of essential micronutrients provided by the LNS supplement.

Another study by Imdad et al. (2011) concluded that multiple micronutrient

supplements (MMS) interventions were effective in reducing the risk of anemia,

improving cognitive development, and increasing weight gain in children under five

years of age.
Synthesis of the state of the Art

Gaps Bridge by the Present Study

Through the review of literature and studies, it was observed that there’s

no study conducted yet that involves addition of hydrophobic materials in making

cogon paper. This is the gap in the pool of knowledge which the present study wants to

Conceptual Framework


Research Deign

This study is a quantitative, experimental method which aims to develop

a hydrophobic paper with the use of cogon plant.


The study was conducted at Calatagan High School, Calatagan Proper, Virac


Laboratory Setting

The process of hydrophobic paper was held at Calatagan High School,

Calatagan Proper Virac, Catanduanes.


 Cogon Plant

 Starch

 Water

In the paper making process, the following materials were used:

 500mL Beaker

 Paper Strainer

 Cylinder Tube

 Metal, Glass, or Plastic container

 Water

 Spoon

Hydrophobic paper making process:

(Step by Step process)


Data Collection

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