English Language For Competitive Exams - Course Progress

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5/15/23, 1:23 PM English Language for Competitive Exams - Course Progress

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Course Progress

Niket Hemant Bhalerao

Date enrolled: 2023-01-23

Email: bniket2107@gmail.com

Name: Niket Hemant Bhalerao

Assessment scores

Week 1 : Assignment 1: 20.0

Week 2 : Assignment 2: 30.0

Week 3 : Assignment 3: 50.0

Week 4 : Assignment 4: 60.0

Week 5 : Assignment 5: 50.0

Week 6 : Assignment 6: 70.0

Week 7 : Assignment 7: 60.0

Week 8 : Assignment 8: 70.0

Week 9 : Assignment 9: -

Week 10 : Assignment 10: -

Week 11 : Assignment 11: -

Week 12 : Assignment 12: -

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