Iching Six Colors Omen

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Heaven Stem Alex software Jia I WWBG Tortoise Tiger Snake Gou Chen Bird Dragon

Digitally signed by David DN: cn=David, o=Revolutionary Research Of Ancient Chinese Divination Arts, ou, email=aikoniiv@gmail.com, c=MY Date: 2011.09.11 18:00:46 +08'00'

Weng Wang Ba Gua day Heavenly Stem will be the indicator for setting of all colors in relative with the simplified calculus using Alex Chiu unconventional software. Example as below :
Yi II AC black white grey yellow red green Bing III WWBG Dragon Tortoise Tiger Snake Gou Chen Bird Ding IV AC green black white grey yellow red WWBG Bird Dragon Tortoise Tiger Snake Gou Chen Wu V AC red green black white grey yellow WWBG Guo Chen Bird Dragon Tortoise Tiger Snake Ji VI AC yellow red green black white grey Geng VII WWBG Snake Gou Chen Bird Dragon Tortoise Tiger Xin VIII AC grey yellow red green black white Ren IX WWBG Tiger Snake Gou Chen Bird Dragon Tortoise Gui X AC white grey yellow red green black

CFA software

Chinese Fortune Angle : This software provide good method to double check on the heavenly date system

when tortoise is found at a water line there are worries concerning theft and extra marital affairs. People also blame other family members if b19 wealth is lost

when tortoise is found on a wood line there may be problems giving birth. It is generally unfavourable for all especially women and romance



when the tortoise is in fire wealth will be lost, business will be slow and nothing will cure this problem


when the tortoise is on an earth line, there is sickness in the family. The house is said to be haunted and may also be burgled


when the tortoise is on a metal line, money will come from external sources. Otherwise, there will be theft and people worried about being b35 swindled. There is also a risk of gossip

when the tiger is found on a metal line, it is considered as too heavy and problems and misfortune arises. People and wealth are drained and b42 sickness will worsen. If this line is timely metal becomes stronger and death or severe misfortune is said to occur.

when in water nothing can be taken as serious. If proper care is taken health will be fine.


when in wood scandal may develop and small problems quickly worsen into great misfortune. Sickness may also develop and if a line moves Tiger in the inner triagram something unhappy will happen. when in fire the tiger is attacked, which can lead to tragedies at home, but if care is taken and fire is timely then it will not be too bad. However, b54 if people or pets do not suffer, wealth can still be lost when the tiger is on an earth line there are misfortunes at home. Properties and livestock can be hurt. People can be either seriously ill or b58 injured by an accident b50

when the snake is found on an earth line there will be nightmares and confinement. If the Object line controls Subject there will be external b65 problems. People and home will suffer from mysterious bad luck when the snake is found on a metal line, death is said to occur in a woman's family, although in a modern day instance you can take this as a loss of something. For a male nothing is smooth. Sickness will linger and if a fire line in the inner triagram moves, death can occur in the family when the snake is found in water, pregnant woman will lose some of their prosperity leading to weeping in the home. Children will suffer and Snake mothers will bear the consequences. For males there are setbacks in career. when the snake is found at a wood line there will be problems if moving home. Worries ensue concerning a female's fidelity and people b77 suffer from strange external influences. However , all will be fine if you remain still at this time. when the snake is in fire, children may be hurt. Family and home will suffer bad luck and lack of peace. If this line does not control another, b81 people will lose wealth b73 b69

when guo chen is on earth line there will be a legal problems. Real estate problems bring misfortune. Penalties, harms and clashes of this line b88 indicate people being hurt. If what controls this line is moving or timely there may be injury and death when guo chen is on a metal line you can make profits from real estate transactions, but be careful of children's and older people's safety. If a tiger is present and timely, people and wealth can suffer. If this line is controlled by a line in the inner triagram, sickness and problems will follow when on a water line, it is a time of gossip and disputes. People may suffer from abscesses and other illnesses. There is no advantage in Guo Chen competing for business and wealth and career success will have to wait. when on a wood line the guo chen is attacked and as a result, there will be problems with land and real estate. Family problems will develop b100 and there will be much arguing. This will be worse if there is control from a line in the inner triagram when found on a fire line the negative aspects of guo chen are strengthened, as this represents yin earth, women are more susceptible to its b104 effects. One should also take care of the home and children as there is potential calamity from both inside and out. b96 b92

when the bird is on a fire line there will be legal problems. A pregnant woman may lose her child. In this instance, you must pay strict attention to the Subject and Object lines and to the inner ( lower ) and outer ( upper ) trigrams, as well as the attributes from the other lines. if there is little conflict it will be ok; if fully control the chances of loss are higher. when the bird appears on an earth line there will be problems with authority. However, if this line is supported and vibrant, there is career advancement, but if clashed there will be redundancies. This is also the case if the Officer/Ghost line is hiding, though support from the day branch can prevent this.
when the bird is on a metal branch, it is important to have wealth present as this indicates an element of control. There will be gossip and disputes if it is found on a




Brother's line. Whilts on an Officer/Ghost line or a Parents line there will be difficulties. However this can be pacified if the Subject line is supported or controls the Object line, but if the Object line controls the Subject line the situation will become aggravated


when a bird is on a water line, luck does not flow smoothly but it will not be too bad. If this line is supported by the Day Branch, good times b123 will come. However, if this line is timely, be careful of gossip the bird is supported on a wood line, keep everything unchanged and wait for success to arrive. If there is a moving Officer/Ghost line b127 present there will be misfortune.

when at a timely wood branch which generates the Subject line it will be auspicious as long as it is not void. It is especially good for wife and b134 wealth or when asking about a returning traveller when the dragon is on a fire branch he will get burn, this brings worries when the divination concerns home and family. It will bring negative b138 effects when it is a moving line and if there is a water line nearby, children will be hurt when the dragon is on an earth branch something will affect the family. However if there is a nearby timely wood line there will be happy event Dragon instead. ( nearby means in the same triagram or the line next to itin the other triagram ). If there is a moving metal line in the hexagram sorrow will be heard and if the dragon is void there will be an obstructions. there is danger when the dragon appears on a metal line, if the metal line is the only moving line there will be sorrow. If divination concerns b146 family luck and well being, there will be hardship and a family member will have to pay a penalty. when the dragon is supported on a water line career success and all business transactions are favourable. If the water line represents b150 Wife/Wealth, your wife will become pregnant. b142

wood nov dec jan feb mar apr may june july aug sept oct

fire feb mar apr may june july aug sept oct nov dec jan

metal may june july aug sept oct nov dec jan feb mar apr WWBG

water aug sept oct nov dec jan feb mar apr may june july

effect timely neutal

most timely

untimely timely

most untimely

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