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SWK 210

Strength of Materials – CLASS EXAMPLES QUESTIONS

2023 Academic Year

Chapter 2
Stress and Strain – Axial Loading

2. An Introduction to Stress and Strain
Class Example 1 – Change in lengths

(a) If P=475 kN, what is the horizontal displacement of joint B?

 B = 1.83 mm 

(b) What is the maximum permissible load value, Pmax if the

displacement of joint B is limited to 1.5 mm?
Pmax = 390 kN
2. An Introduction to Stress and Strain
Class Example 2 – Poisson’s ratio
A hollow, brass circular pipe ABC (see figure) supports a load P1 = 118
kN acting at the top. A second load
P2 = 98 kN is uniformly distributed around the cap plate at B. The
diameters and thicknesses of the upper and lower parts of the pipe are
d = 31 mm,

tAB = 12 mm, dBC = 57 mm, and tBC = 9 mm, respectively. The modulus of
elasticity is 96 GPa. When both loads are fully applied, the wall thickness
of pipe BC increases by 5 x 10-3 mm.

(a) Find the increase in the inner diameter of pipe segment BC.
dBCinner = 0.022 mm 

(b) Find Poisson’s ratio for the brass.

Brass = 0.34 

(a) Find the increase in the wall thickness of pipe segment AB

and the increase in the inner diameter of AB.
d AB = 4.08  10−3 mm 
2. An Introduction to Stress and Strain
Class Example 3 – Change in lengths
A two-story building has steel columns AB in the first floor and BC in the
second floor, as shown in the figure. The roof load P1 equals 400 kN and the
second-floor load P2 equals 720 kN. Each column has length
L = 3.75 m. The cross-sectional areas of the first- and second-floor columns
are 11 000 mm2 and 3900 mm2, respectively.

(a) Assuming that E =206 GPa, determine the total

shortening AC of the two columns due to the
combined action of the loads P1 and P2.
 AC = 3.7206 mm 
(b) How much additional load P0 can be placed at
the top of the column (point C) if the total
shortening AC is not to exceed 4.0 mm?
PO = 44,200 N 
2. An Introduction to Stress and Strain
Class Example 4 – Statically Indeterminate Structures
The aluminium and steel pipes shown in the figure are fastened to rigid supports at ends A and B and to
a rigid plate C at their junction. The aluminium pipe is twice as long as the steel pipe. Two equal and
symmetrically placed loads P act on the plate at C.

(a) Obtain formulas for the axial stresses sa and ss in the aluminium and steel pipes,

For steel s s = RA = 4 Es P For aluminium s a = PB = 2 Ea P

As Ea Aa + 2 Es As Aa Ea Aa + 2 Es As

(b) Calculate the stresses for the following data: P = 50 kN, cross-sectional area of
aluminium pipe Aa = 6000 mm2, cross-sectional area of steel pipe As = 600 mm2,
modulus of elasticity of aluminium Ea = 70 GPa, and modulus of elasticity of steel Es
= 200 GPa.
For steel For aluminium
s s = 60.6 MPa (tension) s a = 10.6 MPa (compression)
2. An Introduction to Stress and Strain
Class Example 5 – Statically Indeterminate Structures
The assembly shown in the figure consists of a brass core (diameter d1 = 6mm) surrounded by a steel
shell (inner diameter d2 = 7mm, outer diameter d3 = 9mm). A load P compresses the core and shell,
which have length L = 85mm. The moduli of elasticity of the brass and steel are Eb = 100GPa and
Es = 200GPa, respectively.

(a) What load P will compress the assembly by 0.1 mm?

P = 9.24 kN 

(b) If the allowable stress in the steel is 180 MPa

and the allowable stress in the brass is 140 MPa,
what is the allowable compressive load Pallow?
Pallow = 7.07 kN 
2. An Introduction to Stress and Strain
Class Example 6 – Thermal Effects
Rectangular bars of copper and aluminium are held by pins at their ends, as shown in the figure. Thin
spacers provide a separation between the bars. The copper bars have cross-sectional dimensions 12 mm x
50 mm, and the aluminium bar has dimensions 25 mm x 50 mm.

Determine the shear stress in the 11-mm diameter pins if the temperature is raised by 40°C.

(For copper, Ec = 124 GPa and ac = 20 x 10-6/°C; for aluminium, Ea = 69 GPa, and aa = 26 x 10-6/°C.)

 = 67.7 MPa 
2. An Introduction to Stress and Strain
Class Example 7 – Hooke’s law

(See Figure)

V = 0.8 kN, a = 75 mm, b = 60 mm,

h = 20 mm, and Ge = 1.25 MPa

 aver = 0.178 MPa

 V 
 d = h  tan   = 2.86 mm
 abGe 

d = = 2.84 mm
2. An Introduction to Stress and Strain
Class Example 8 – Plastic Deformation

A cylindrical rod is placed inside a tube of the same length. The

ends of the rod and tube are attached to a rigid support on one side
and a rigid plate on the other. The load on the rod-tube assembly
is increased from zero to 25 kN and decreased back to zero.
a) draw a load-deflection diagram for the rod-tube assembly
0.75 mm
b) determine the maximum elongation
max t 1.5mm
Ar 48mm 2 At 62 mm 2
c) determine the permanent set Er 210 GPa Et 105GPa
p 0.369mm
r Y 250 MPa t Y 310 MPa

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