Lesson Plan 2 Art

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Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2

Name Shakiyla Sykes

School/Grade: 2nd grade

Content What content area(s) does this lesson cover?
area(s)/developmental Theme: Culture
domain(s) addressed

How does this lesson support all five domains of child development?
Social emotional: Students will be able to use critical thinking skills and look at things from
different perspectives such as clothing and accessories people from other cultures wear.

Physical: Students will be able to apply hands-on experience by cutting paper, drawing, and
gluing articles of clothing and accessories for their cutout people.

Cognitive: Students will be able to use what they learned about specific cultures to apply culture
appropriate clothing and accessories to their cutout people.

Language: Students will learn the names of clothes and accessories from various cultures.

Approaches to learning: Students will be able to use their imagination and creativity to create
their own person from a specific culture.
Brief description and Why is there a need for this lesson (include citation)?
rationale for the lesson
Teaching the theme of culture allows children to understand and be more accepting of other
cultures other than their own. When children see people from other cultures dressed in their
traditional clothing they will be more knowledgeable on what they see. It is important for
children to learn through art because it gives them a way of expressing themselves and exploring
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
learning in a different way. “As our culture and creativity,ingenuity, communication, and
performance skills that will assist them throughout their education and career(Sangelo,2022).
This lesson is: * A continuation of a previous lesson/activity

Keep in mind appropriate length of an activity for preschool-aged children is 15-20 minutes, no
more than 45 mins for children K-2 grade)
40 minutes
Objective(s) of the activity What will children know, or demonstrate as a result of this learning experience?
Lesson objectives must align with the assessment of student learning.
Students will be able to create traditional clothes.
Students will be able to describe the traditional clothing and accessories people from various
cultures wear and use various materials to create their own clothing and accessories.
Connections to standards Which NYS Early Learning Guidelines or Next Generation ELA Standards are addressed? Are there
other standards used?
2.ARTS.17. [VA:Cr1-3.2] Creates Visual Arts
2.ARTS.17. Indicator:
a. Experiments with various materials and tools to create art or design that explores personal
interests, questions, and curiosity.

2.ARTS.18. [VA:Pr4-6.2] Presents Visual Arts

2.ARTS.18. Indicators:
a. Distinguishes between different materials and techniques when preparing artwork for
b. Analyzes how art is exhibited and how it contributes to communities.

Language Objectives What language/vocabulary, communication, or literacy skill(s) do I want my students to develop in
this lesson? For edTPA consider this: Which academic language demands am I targeting? Choose
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
one, including language functions, vocabulary, syntax, or discourse that is central to this learning
segment. How is this activity using the specific language demand?
Language objectives must align with the assessment of children’s language learning

Students will be able to identify the names of clothing and accessories from different cultures.

Vocabulary List:
● Poncho
● Blouse
● Kilt
● Kimono
● Dashiki
● Sarong
● Thobe
● Lungi
● Yukata
● Hanfu

Resources/materials needed: Students will each be able to choose a paper cutout person of their choice. They will also be able
(Include any worksheets or to use construction paper of various colors to create clothing and accessories for their cutout
sources of evidence for person. Students will be able to use glue, scissors, pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, and
children’s learning you will use rhinestone stickers to help decorate their cutout person.
during the activity)
Technology inclusion (if N/A
Procedures (step by step) Objective(s)
Students will be able to create traditional clothes.
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
Anticipatory Set (Connection/Motivation) What will you do to get children’s attention, or to
introduce children to this learning activity? Describe the process in getting them interested and
engaged. HOOK

I will get students interested and engaged by showing a clip about clothing from various

Instruction/Mini Lesson (Outline the procedures or sequence activities that will make up this
learning experience; for instance, you might follow a routine wherein you model (I try); and ask for
active involvement (we try) during a whole group session.

I will show students an example of a cutout person dressed in a Kimono that I made and I tell
them that they will each be able to pick out their own cutout person and make their own Kimono
and decorate it or they will be able to choose a different article of clothing from the vocabulary
word list.

Independent Practice (during small group activity, working with partners, or independently)

After showing the students my model of the cutout students will create their own cutout person
dressing them in an article of clothing of their choice from the vocabulary word list
Closure (sharing/reflection, next steps)

Students will come up to the front of the class one at a time and introduce their cutout person to
the class. They will tell the class the name of their person, what culture their person is from, and
explain the clothing and accessories their person is wearing.
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
Method of assessing children’s Pre-assessment Assessment of Student Assessment of Children’s
understanding of Outline the steps you will take to Learning Outline the steps you Language Learning
lesson/activity/objective(s) evaluate student’s prior will take to evaluate students’ Outline the steps you will
(Be sure to include any tools, knowledge(i.e., What are the learning. What evidence will I take to evaluate students’
rubrics/checklists and/or skills and/or content knowledge have to assess whether students language learning. What
worksheets you will use for the students need to effectively have successfully achieved the evidence will I have to assess
assessment(s) engage in the activity?). content objectives (i.e., rubrics, whether students have
checklists)? successfully achieved the
I will have the students raise content objectives?
their hands and tell me what are After watching the video I will
some names of articles of ask students to share what I will use a checklist to
clothing or accessories they clothing and or accessories they evaluate whether or not
know of and from which learned about from the video. students have successfully
culture. I will write it on the Also after each student shares achieved the content
board for everyone to see. their cutout person with the objectives. Students should
class I will have students tell me be able to describe the
any clothing or accessories they traditional clothing and
learned from their peers that accessories people from
are not already on the board. various cultures wear.
Students should also be
able to use various
materials to create art.

Vocabulary List:
● Poncho
● Blouse
● Kilt
● Kimono
● Dashiki
● Sarong
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
● Thobe
● Lungi
● Yukata
● Hanfu

Plans for differentiated Supporting children with Supporting English Language Learners, a culturally
instruction/instructional identified delays or disabilities responsive pedagogy, and anti-bias/anti-racist
modifications (i.e., IEPs and 504 plans) curriculum
Describe how you will support What considerations should I What modifications should I make to the activity to ensure all
struggling learners. keep in mind regarding cultural students are included and engaged in all steps required to meet
relevance, age appropriateness, the lesson’s objectives?
Struggling learners will have and ability levels for all learners?
one on one assistance to English Language Learners will be given directions or
support them throughout the Children with identified delays anything else they need translated in their language. Students
lesson. or disabilities will be given one will be asked to respect the culture of others even if they do
on one help throughout the not agree with a specific culture.
Describe how you will support lesson. We will follow the
learners who have mastered the IEP/504 plan.
concepts and need additional

Learners who have mastered the

concepts and need additional
challenges will be asked to
create a setting for their cutout
person using the material in the
classroom on a piece of
Lesson Plan for Preschool-Grade 2
construction paper. The setting
has to be related to the culture
of the cutout person.

Follow up/Extension activities How can I provide an opportunity to remediate, reinforce, or expand on students’ learning today in

Family Engagement Activities I will expand on students' learning by reading the book Clothes Around the World by Clare
Lewis. This will give the students ideas on the culture they want to choose and the clothes and
accessories they want to make for their cutout people. Then, I will ask students what they saw in
the book about the different clothes people wore.

How can I support families in extending the learning in their home environment?

I can support families in extending the learning in their home environment by sharing an art
project related to cultures that they can do with their children.

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