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DimensionName AttributeName PropertyName Sequence

Action RunID 1
Activity1 Activity All1 1
Activity1 Activity Type1 2
Activity1 Activity1 BOM Status 3
Activity1 Activity1 BOM Version 4
Activity1 Activity1 Prefix 5
Activity1 BOM Plan Type 6
Activity1 BOM Type 7
Activity1 From Location 8
Activity1 To Location 9
Activity2 Activity All2 10
Activity2 Activity Resource 11
Activity2 Activity Type2 12
Activity2 Activity2 Description 13
Activity2 Activity2 Is Group Routing 14
Activity2 Routing Level 15
Activity2 Routing Plan Type 16
Activity2 Routing Type 17
Activity3 Activity All3 18
Activity3 Activity Type3 19
Activity3 Activity3 20
AI Predict Predict Tournament 1001
AI Predict Feature Predict Feature Entity Id 1002
AI Predict Feature Predict Feature Entity Name 1002
AI Predict Feature Predict Feature Entity Type 1002
AIModel AIModel 30
BatchID BatchID SolutionName 35
Class Class Class Image 550
Class Class Group Class Group Image 555
Currency Currency Currency Image 650
Currency Currency Currency Locale 650
Currency Type Currency Type 40
Data Object Data Object 45
Data Object Data Object Type 46
Data Segment Data Segment Data Segment Image 700
Data Stream Data Stream 750
Data Stream Data Stream Type 755
Data Validation Data Validation Description 780
Data Validation Data Validation Group 790
Data Validation Data Validation Type 800
Demand All Demand 800
Demand Demand Class 800
Demand Demand Ext Line CommitID 800
Demand Demand Ext LineID 800
Demand Demand Group 800
Demand Demand HeaderID 800
Demand Demand RequestID 800
Demand DemandID Incremental Flag 800
Demand Type All Demand Type 800
Demand Type Demand Type Demand Type Description 800
Demand Type Demand Type Used For Netting 800
DM Rule Rule 800
Documents OrderlineID Created By 800
Documents OrderlineID Created On 800
Documents OrderlineID Disable Upstream Consumption 800
Documents OrderlineID ExpiryDate 800
Documents OrderlineID Is Approved 800
Documents OrderlineID Is Suggested 800
Entity Entity Name 800
Error Category Error Category 800
Error Category Error ID 800
File Status File Status 800
GraphCubeDim_Sequence GraphCubeAttr_Sequence 800
In Files Serial No 18
In Files Table Name 19
Initiative Initiative Description 500
Initiative Initiative Category 505
Initiative Initiative Type 510
Initiative L1 Description 515
Initiative L1 Start Date 520
Initiative L2 Description 525
Initiative L3 Description 530
Initiative L4 Description 535
Initiative L5 Description 540
Initiative L6 Description 545
Initiative L7 Description 550
Initiative L8 Description 555
Input Table Structure Serial No 47
Input Table Structure Table Name 48
Integration Batch Milestones Serial No 52
Integration Batch Milestones SSIS Task Name 51
Item A1 145
Item A10 163
Item A11 165
Item A12 167
Item A13 169
Item A14 171
Item A15 173
Item A2 147
Item A3 149
Item A4 151
Item A5 153
Item A6 155
Item A7 157
Item A8 159
Item A9 161
Item All Item All Item Image 127
Item AltGroup1 180
Item Commodity 182
Item ContainerType 184
Item ContainerTypeName 186
Item EAN ID 190
Item Item Is New Item 100
Item Item Is Planned 100
Item Item Item Base UOM 100
Item Item Item Disc Date 100
Item Item Item English Display Name 100
Item Item Item Image 100
Item Item Item Intro Date 100
Item Item Item Organization 100
Item Item Item Status 100
Item Item SKU ID 100
Item Item Class Item Class Image 129
Item Item Stage 141
Item Item Type 143
Item L1 115
Item L2 117
Item L3 L3 Image 119
Item L4 L4 Image 121
Item L5 L5 Image 123
Item L6 L6 Image 125
Item Material Group 186
Item Pack Size 186
Item PackageType 186
Item Planning Item Base UOM 105
Item Planning Item Container Size 105
Item Planning Item Package Size 105
Item Planning Item Planning Item Disc Date 105
Item Planning Item Planning Item Intro Date 105
Item Planning Item Planning Item Locale 105
Item Planning Item UOM Type 105
Item PLC Status 139
Item PPG 186
Item ProductType 186
Item Reporting Item 175
Item RGM1 175
Item RGM10 175
Item RGM2 175
Item RGM3 175
Item RGM4 175
Item RGM5 175
Item RGM6 175
Item RGM7 175
Item RGM8 175
Item RGM9 175
Item Segmentation Category 186
Item Segmentation LOB 133
Item Stat Item 135
Item Transition Group 137
Item Transition Item Transition Item Disc Date 131
Item Transition Item Transition Item Intro Date 131
Item Unit Size 131
Item Feature Item Feature 131
Lag Lag Lag Image 1300
Lifecycle Time Day 850
Lifecycle Time Month 850
Lifecycle Time Partial Week 850
Lifecycle Time Planning Month 850
Lifecycle Time Planning Quarter 850
Lifecycle Time Planning Year 850
Lifecycle Time Quater 850
Lifecycle Time Week 850
Lifecycle Time Year 850
Location All Location All Location Image 311
Location Location Address 300
Location Location Latitude 300
Location Location Location Image 300
Location Location Location Status 300
Location Location Longitude 300
Location Location City 300
Location Location Country Location Country Image 300
Location Location Region Location Region Image 300
Location Location Type Location Type Image 300
Location Location Zip 300
Location Reporting Location 300
Location Stat Location 300
Log Table Structure Out Table Name 16
Log Table Structure Serial No 17
LPObjective Objective Type 55
Master Stg Mapping Master Table Column 7
Master Stg Mapping Master Table Name 8
Master Stg Mapping Serial No 9
ML Driver ML Driver 900
Opportunity Opportunity 830
Opportunity Opportunity Line 831
Out Files Serial No 27
Out Files Table Name 28
Out Table Structure Serial No 56
Out Table Structure Table Name 57
Output Validation Out Table Name 33
Output Validation Serial No 34
Planning Cycle Planning Cycle Is IBP 1100
Planning Cycle Planning Cycle PlanningCycleEndBucket 1100
Planning Cycle Planning Cycle PlanningCycleStartBucket 1100
Process Process 1200
Process Process Sub Type 1200
Process Process Type 1200
Raw Value Mapping Serial No 5
Raw Value Mapping Table Name 6
Resource Resource Resource Base UOM 1
Resource Resource Resource English Display Name 2
Resource Resource ResourceTypeName 3
Resource Resource Stage 4
Resource Resource All 5
Resource Resource Alternate Group1 6
Resource Resource Alternate Group2 7
Resource Resource Type 8
Row Count Row Count IsUsed 9
Sales Domain Accounting Group Accounting Group Image 226
Sales Domain All Sales Domain All Sales Domain Image 218
Sales Domain Channel Channel Image 212
Sales Domain Channel Group Channel Group Image 214
Sales Domain City 228
Sales Domain Country Country Image 222
Sales Domain Customer Class 238
Sales Domain Customer Group Customer Group Image 210
Sales Domain Customer Group Local Currency 210
Sales Domain Division Division Image 216
Sales Domain Geo Geo Image 224
Sales Domain Region Region Image 220
Sales Domain Ship To Latitude 200
Sales Domain Ship To Longitude 200
Sales Domain Ship To Ship To Status 200
Sales Domain Ship To Street 200
Sales Domain Ship To Class 230
Sales Domain Sold To Sold To Image 205
Sales Domain Sold To Sold To Status 205
Sales Domain Stat Customer Group 240
Sales Domain State State Image 232
Sales Domain Zip Code 234
Sales Domain Zone 236
SAP Deletion Serial No 2
SAP Deletion Table Name 3
Sequence RGM Series #N/A
Sequence Sequence #N/A
Sequence ID Sequence ID 20
Solution Solution Name 15
Source Source Type 1
SSIS Task SSIS Task Name 36
Stat Algorithm Stat Algorithm Stat Algorithm Image 600
Stat Model Stat Model Stat Model Image 605
Stat Parameter Stat Parameter Stat Parameter Default 610
Stat Parameter Stat Parameter Stat Parameter Description 610
Stat Parameter Stat Parameter Stat Parameter Image 610
Stat Rule Stat Rule Stat Rule Image 950
Stat Rule Stat Rule System Algorithm List 950
Stat Rule Stat Rule System Rule Description 950
Stg Info Serial No 12
Stg Info Table Name 13
Stg Info Table Type 14
Stg Table Structure With MSD36Serial No 29
Stg Table Structure With MSD36Table Name 30
Stg Table Structure With SAP Serial No 49
Stg Table Structure With SAP Table Name 50
Stg Table Structure Without SAPSerial No 37
Stg Table Structure Without SAPTable Name 38
Supplier Supplier Location Address #N/A
Supplier Supplier Location Latitude #N/A
Supplier Supplier Location Longitude #N/A
Tenant Attribute Name Aliases Alias Name 39
Tenant Attribute Name Aliases Attribute Name 40
Tenant Attribute Name Aliases Dimension Name 41
Tenant Attribute Name Aliases Serial No 42
Tenant Data Files Serial No 21
Tenant Data Files Table Name 22
Tenant Data Files Tenant Table Type 23
Tenant Data Table Structure Serial No 53
Tenant Data Table Structure Table Name 54
Tenant Dimension Name AliasesAlias Name 24
Tenant Dimension Name AliasesDimension Name 25
Tenant Dimension Name AliasesSerial No 26
Time All Time 421
Time CT Telescopic 442
Time CT Telescopic Reporting 444
Time Day D Solver Current Bucket 400
Time Day D Solver End Bucket 400
Time Day D Solver Start Bucket 400
Time Day Deployment Solver End Bucket 400
Time Day SCH Current Bucket 400
Time Day SCH End Bucket 400
Time Day SCH Start Bucket 400
Time Day of Week 450
Time Half 425
Time IO Planning Bucket IOEndBucket 437
Time IO Planning Bucket IOEndBucketHistorical 437
Time IO Planning Bucket IOIncrementalEndBucketHistorical 437
Time IO Planning Bucket IOIncrementalStartBucketHistorica 437
Time IO Planning Bucket IOStartBucket 437
Time IO Planning Bucket IOStartBucketHistorical 437
Time Month M Solver Current Bucket 429
Time Month M Solver End Bucket 429
Time Month M Solver Start Bucket 429
Time Month Month Locale 429
Time Month Name 460
Time MP Telescopic 446
Time MP Telescopic Reporting 448
Time MTD 470
Time MTD Name 472
Time Partial Week 405
Time Planning Month Planning Month Locale 415
Time Planning Month Name 454
Time Planning MTD 474
Time Planning MTD Name 476
Time Planning Quarter 417
Time Planning Quarter Name 456
Time Planning Year 419
Time Planning YTD 431
Time Planning YTD Name 458
Time Quarter 427
Time Quarter Name 462
Time Telescopic 435
Time Week W Solver Current Bucket 410
Time Week W Solver End Bucket 410
Time Week W Solver Start Bucket 410
Time Week Name 452
Time Year 423
Time YTD 433
Time YTD Name 464
Time Generation Parameters Parameter Name 58
Time Generation Parameters Serial No 59
UOM UOM UOM Image 675
UOM UOM UOM Locale 675
PlanName MeasureName MeasureDescription MeasureGroupName
Integration 001.006 Data
API Delete Record Count API Delete Record Count
Batch Metric
Integration Reconciliation Metric
001.006 Data
API Insert Record Count API Insert Record Count
Batch Metric
Integration Reconciliation Metric
001.006 Data
API Table Name API TableName
Batch Metric
Integration Reconciliation Metric
001.006 Data
API Table Record Count API TableRecordcount
Batch Metric
Integration Reconciliation Metric
001.006 Data
Integration API Update Record Count API Update Record Count
Batch Metric Reconciliation Metric
001.000 Tenant
Database Attribute Alias Description Attribute Alias Description
Integration Attribute
Designer Batch Duration Batch Duration
Batch Metric
Integration History
Batch End Time Batch End Time 001.001 Batch Duration
Batch Metric 020 Integration Batch
Common Batch Run Date Batch Run Date
Integration Status
Batch Start Time Batch Start Time 001.001 Batch Duration
Batch Metric 020 Integration Batch
Common Batch Status Batch Status
Integration Status
Correction Action Correction Action 001.003
060 Batch Failure
Batch Metric
Common CT Scenario Age Threshold CT Scenario Age Threshold Management
060 ScenarioAge
Common CT Version Age Threshold CT Version Age Threshold Threshold Age
050 Scenario
Common Daily Planning Create Validation Measure for Creating ThresholdUser
Daily PlanningValidation
Scenario Scoped Daily
Scenario Count Planning
for DailyScenario
Planning 040 Level
Daily Planning Scenario scenarios
Scenario limit for Daily Planning Management
040 Scenario
Common What day of month is the data sent
Limit scenarios Management
Integration Data Stream Cadence (day 2 of month, day 10 of month 010 DataTenant
001.000 Status
Dimension Alias etc)
Database Dimension Alias Description Dimension Name
060 Scenario
Designer DPDescription
Scenario Age Aliases
Management Age
Common DP Scenario Age Threshold 060 Scenario
Common DP Version Age Threshold DP Version Age Threshold Threshold
Management Age
Integration 001.007 Input File
Duration In Seconds Duration In Seconds
Batch Metric
Integration Metric
001.007 Input File
End Time End Time
Batch Metric
Integration Metric
001.002 Batch Error
Batch Metric Error Record Count Error Record Count Metric
Integration 001.002 Batch Error
Error Type Error Type
Batch Metric
Integration Metric
Failure Root Cause Failure Root Cause 001.003 Batch Failure
Batch Metric
Integration 001.007 Input File
File Size File Size
Batch Metric
Integration Metric
001.007 Input File
File Timestamp File Timestamp 060Metric
Batch Metric Global Scenario Age Threshold for the Global Scenario
Common Management Age
Integration Threshold Age 001.007 Input File
In File Name Input File Name Threshold
Batch Metric
Integration Metric
001.006 Data
In Table Name In Table Name
Batch Metric
Integration Reconciliation Metric
001.006 Data
Integration In Table Record Count In Table Record Count
Batch Metric Include In Performance Reconciliation Metric
001.018 Integration
Integration Include In Performance Benchmark?
Benchmark? Batch Milestones
001.005 Input Table
Database Input Column Description Input Column Description
Integration Structure
001.005 Input Table
Database Input Column Name Input Column Name
Integration Structure
Designer Input Commercial
Integration Input Commercial Planning 001.004 In Files
Planning 001.005 Input Table
Database Input Data Type Input Data Type
Integration Structure
Database Input Description Input Description 001.004 In Files
Database Input DP Input DP 001.004 In Files
Database Input Encryption Input Encryption 001.004 In Files
Database Input File Delimiter Input File Delimiter 001.004 In Files
Database Input File Format Input File Format 001.004 In Files
Integration Input File Name Input File Name 001.004 In Files
Designer Input Incremental Change
Integration Input Incremental Change Flag 001.004 In Files
Flag 001.005 Input Table
Database Input Leaf/Grain Input Leaf/Grain
Integration Structure
Database Input Logistics Visibility Input Logistics Visibility 001.004 In Files
Database Input MEIO Input MEIO 001.004 In Files
Database Input MP Input MP 001.004 In Files
Database Input OP Input OP 001.004 In Files
Designer 001.005 Input Table
Integration Input Position Input Position
Input Retail Structure
Database Input Retail Replenishment 001.004 In Files
Integration Replenishment
Database Input Scheduling Input Scheduling 001.004 In Files
Designer 001.005 Input Table
Integration Input Sign Input Sign
Database Input Source Type Input Source Type 001.004 In Files
Designer Input Suggested Usage
Integration Input Suggested Usage Guide 001.004 In Files
System 001.005 Input Table
Database Input System Recommended Values
Integration Recommended Values Structure
Database Input Table Category Input Table Category 001.004 In Files
Designer Input Table Type Input Table Type 001.005 Input Table
Log Key Columns For Structure
001.016 Log Table
Database Log Key Columns For Version
Integration Version Structure
001.016 Log Table
Database Log Out Table Column Log Out Table Column
Integration Structure
Designer 001.016 Log Table
Database Log Table Column Log Table Column
Integration Structure
001.006 Data
Designer LS Upload Count LS Upload Count
Batch Metric
Integration Reconciliation Metric
001.006 Data
Integration LS Upload Error Count LS Upload Error Count
Batch Metric Reconciliation
001.011 MasterMetric
Database Master LS Column Name Master LS Column Name 050 Scenario
Master Planning Create Validation Measure for Creating Mapping
Common Management User
Master Validation
Planning Scenario Scoped Master
Scenario Planning
Count for masterScenario
planning 040 Level
Master Planning Scenario scenarios
Scenario limit for master planning Management
040 Scenario
Integration Limit scenarios Management
001.011 Master Stg
Integration Master Stg Column Name Master Stg Column Name
001.011 Master Stg
Database Master Stg Table Name Master Stg Table Name
Integration Mapping
Designer 001.011 Master Stg
Database Master Table Type Master Table Type 050 Scenario
MEIO Create Scenario Validation Measure for Creating Mapping
Common Management User
Scenario Age Scoped MEIO Scenario 060 Scenario
Common MEIO Scenario Age Threshold Level Age
Threshold 040 Scenario
Common MEIO Scenario Count Scenario Count for MEIO scenarios Threshold
040 Scenario
Common MEIO Scenario Limit Scenario limit for MEIO scenarios 060 Scenario
MEIO Version Age Management
Common MEIO Version Age Threshold Management
060 ScenarioAge
MP Threshold
Scenario Age Threshold
Common MP Scenario Age Threshold Management
060 ScenarioAge
Common MP Version Age Threshold MP Version Age Threshold Threshold Age
Integration 001.006 Data
Out File Name Out File Name
Batch Metric
Integration Reconciliation Metric
001.006 Data
Out File Record Count Out File Record Count
Batch Metric
Integration Reconciliation Metric
001.006 Data
Out Table Name Out Table Name
Batch Metric
Integration Reconciliation Metric
001.006 Data
Integration Out Table Record Count Out Table Record Count
Batch Metric Reconciliation Metric
Integration Output Category Output Category 001.014 Out Files
Designer Output Category 001.019 Out Files
Integration Output Category Validated
Validated Validated
Database Output Cluster key Output Cluster key 001.014 Out Files
Designer 001.015 Out Table
Database Output Column Name Output Column Name
Output Commercial
Integration Output Commercial Planning 001.014 Out Files
Commercial Output Commercial Planning 001.019 Out Files
Integration Planning Validated Validated Validated
Designer 001.015 Out Table
Integration Output Data Type Output Data Type
Database Output DP Output DP 001.014 Out Files
Designer 001.019 Out Files
Integration Output DP Validated Output DP Validated
Database Output Fact Target Output Fact Target 001.014 Out Files
Database Output File Name Output File Name 001.014 Out Files
Designer Output File Name 001.019 Out Files
Integration Output File Name Validated
Validated Validated
001.015 Out Table
Database Output Filter Output Filter
Integration Structure
Designer Output Incremental
Integration Output Incremental Change Flag 001.014 Out Files
Change Flag 001.015 Out Table
Database Output Leaf/Grain Output Leaf/Grain
Integration Structure
Designer Output Local Sync Filter
Integration Output Local Sync Filter Condition 001.014 Out Files
Database Output Logistics Visibility Output Logistics Visibility 001.014 Out Files
Designer 001.015 Out Table
Integration Output Mandatory Output Mandatory
Database Output Measure Group Output Measure Group 001.014 Out Files
Designer Output Measure Group Output Measure Group Validated 001.019 Out Files
Integration Validated Validated
Database Output MEIO Output MEIO 001.014 Out Files
Integration 001.019 Out Files
Database Output MEIO Validated Output MEIO Validated
Integration Validated
Database Output MP Output MP 001.014 Out Files
Designer 001.019 Out Files
Integration Output MP Validated Output MP Validated
Output NC Enabled Validated
001.019 Out Files
Database Output NC Enabled Validated
Integration Validated Validated
Designer Output Net Change
Integration Output Net Change Enabled 001.014 Out Files
Database Output OP Output OP 001.014 Out Files
Integration 001.019 Out Files
Database Output OP Validated Output OP Validated
Integration Validated
Designer Output Override Existing Output Override Existing Measure
Integration Measure Values Values 001.014 Out Files
Designer Output Override Existing Output Override Existing Measure 001.019 Out Files
Integration Measure Values Validated Values Validated Validated
001.015 Out Table
Database Output Position Output Position
Integration Structure
Designer Output Required For
Integration Required For Integration 001.014 Out Files
Output Retail
Database Output Retail Replenishment 001.014 Out Files
Integration Replenishment
Output Retail Output Retail Replenishment 001.019 Out Files
Integration Replenishment Validated Validated Validated
Database Output Row Count Output Row Count 001.014 Out Files
Database Output Scheduling Output Scheduling 001.014 Out Files
Designer Output Scheduling 001.019 Out Files
Integration Output Scheduling Validated
Validated Validated
001.015 Out Table
Database Output Stg Table Column Output Stg Table Column
Integration Structure
Designer Output Stg Table Name Output Stg Table Name 001.015 Out Table
Integration Structure
Database Output Sync Direction Output Sync Direction 001.014 Out Files
Designer 001.015 Out Table
Integration Output Union Output Union
001.015 Out Table
Database Output Union Sequence Output Union Sequence
Integration Structure
001.002 Batch Error
Designer Percentage Error Percentage Error
Batch Metric
Integration Metric
Integration Preventive Action Preventive Action 001.003 Batch Failure
Batch Metric 001.006 Raw Value
Database Raw Column Name Raw Column Name
Integration Mapping
001.002 Batch Error
Designer Raw File Record Count Raw File Record Count
Batch Metric Metric
001.006 Raw Value
Database Raw o9 Value Raw o9 Value
001.006 Raw Value
Database Raw Value Raw Value
Integration Mapping
001.007 Input File
Designer Record Count Record Count
Batch Metric SAPDeletion Column Metric
Integration SAPDeletion Column Name 001.007 SAP Deletion
Database SAPDeletion Value SAPDeletion Value 001.007 SAP Deletion
050 Scenario
Designer Scenario Limit Per User Scenario Limit Per User Global
Common Management User
050 Scenario
Limit Per User spreading
Override from the
to change cwvspreaded
Common Management User
Integration Override value
SSIS Batch Duration SSIS Batch Duration Level Duration
001.001 Batch
Batch Metric
SSIS Batch Status SSIS Batch Status 001.003 Batch Failure
Batch Metric
Integration 001.007 Input File
Start Time Start Time
Batch Metric
Demand Stat History Outlier Outlier Threshold (one, two, three Metric
Integration 010 Version
Planning Threshold sigma) used to correct history
Database Stg Commercial Planning
Integration Stg Commercial Planning 001.008 Stg Info
Database Stg DP Stg DP 001.008 Stg Info
Designer 001.006 Data
Integration Stg Error Record Count Stg Error Record Count
Batch Metric Stg Error Threshold Reconciliation Metric
Integration Stg Error Threshold Percentage 001.008 Stg Info
Stg Incremental Change
Database Stg Incremental Change Flag 001.008 Stg Info
Integration Flag
Database Stg Logistics Visibility Stg Logistics Visibility 001.008 Stg Info
Database Stg MEIO Stg MEIO 001.008 Stg Info
Database Stg MP Stg MP 001.008 Stg Info
Database Stg OP Stg OP 001.008 Stg Info
Database Stg Retail Replenishment Stg Retail Replenishment 001.008 Stg Info
Database Stg Scheduling Stg Scheduling 001.008 Stg Info
Database Stg Source Type Stg Source Type 001.008 Stg Info
Designer 001.006 Data
Stg Table Name Stg Table Name
Batch Metric
Integration Reconciliation Metric
001.006 Data
Metric Stg
Integration Table Record Count Stg Table Record Count
Batch Stg Table W MSD365 Reconciliation Metric
001.020 Stg Table
Integration Stg Table W MSD365 ColumnName
Designer Stg ColumnName
Table W MSD365 Structure
Stg MSD365
Integration Stg Table W MSD365 DataType
DataType Structure with MSD365
001.020 Stg Table
Designer Stg Table W MSD365 Filter
Database Stg Table W MSD365 Filter
Integration Structure
Designer Stg Table W MSD365 Stg Table W MSD365 001.020with
Stg MSD365
Designer StgFrom_JoinClause
Table W MSD365 From_JoinClause Structure
001.020 Stg MSD365
with Table
Integration Stg Table W MSD365 Group By
Stg TableGroup By
W MSD365 Stg Table W MSD365 Input Column Structure with MSD365
001.020 Stg Table
Integration Input Column Name Name Input Table Structure
Designer Stg Table W MSD365 Stg Table W MSD365 001.020with
Stg MSD365
Integration Input Table Name Name Structure with MSD365
Designer Stg Table W MSD365 Stg Table W MSD365 Leaf/Grain 001.020 Stg Table
Integration Leaf/Grain
Stg Table W MSD365 Structure
Stg MSD365
Database Stg Table W MSD365 Mandatory
Integration Stg Table W MSD365
Mandatory Structure with MSD365
Designer Stg Table W MSD365 Master Data 001.020 Stg Table
Integration Master Data Check
Designer Stg Table W MSD365
Required Stg Table Check
W MSD365Required
Master Table Structure
Stg MSD365
Integration Master Table
Stg Table W MSD365Column Column
Stg Table W MSD365 Master Table Structure with MSD365
001.020 Stg Table
Integration Master Table Name Name Structure
Designer Stg Table W MSD365 001.020with
Stg MSD365
Integration Stg Table W MSD365 Position
Stg Table Position
W MSD365 Structure with MSD365
001.020 Stg Table
Database Stg Table W MSD365 Union
Integration Union Structure
Designer Stg Table W MSD365 Stg Table W MSD365 Union 001.020with
Stg MSD365
Integration 001.010 Stg MSD365
Stg TableSequence
W SAP Sequence Structure with
Database Stg Table W SAP ColumnName Structure with
Integration ColumnName 001.010 Stg Table
Designer Stg Table W SAP DataType
Database Stg Table W SAP DataType SAPAdaptor
Integration 001.010 Stgwith
Database SAPAdaptor
Integration Stg Table W SAP Filter Stg Table W SAP Filter 001.010 Stgwith
Structure Table
Designer Stg Table W SAP SAPAdaptor
Database Stg Table W SAP From_JoinClause Structure with
Designer SAPAdaptor
Integration 001.010 Stg Table
Integration Stg Table W SAP Group By Stg Table W SAP Group By Structure
001.010 Stgwith
Designer Stg Table W SAP Input Stg Table W SAP Input Column SAPAdaptor
Integration Structure
001.010 Stgwith
Stg Table W Name
SAP Input Name
Database Stg Table W SAP Input Table Name SAPAdaptor
Structure with
Integration 001.010 Stg Table
Designer StgTable
W SAP SAPAdaptor
Integration Stg Table W SAP Leaf/Grain Structure
001.010 Stgwith
Stg Table W SAP
Database Stg Table W SAP Mandatory SAPAdaptor
Structure with
Integration Mandatory 001.010 Stg Table
Designer Stg Table W SAP Master Stg Table W SAP Master Data Check SAPAdaptor
Integration Structure
001.010 Stgwith
Stg Check
Table Required
W SAP Master Stg Table W Required
SAP Master Table
Database SAPAdaptor
Structure with
Integration Table Column Column 001.010 Stg Table
Designer Stg Table W SAP Master SAPAdaptor
Integration Stg Table W SAP Master Table Name Structure
001.010 Stgwith
Table Name
Database Stg Table W SAP Position Stg Table W SAP Position SAPAdaptor
Structure with
Integration 001.010 Stg Table
Database Stg Table W SAP Union Stg Table W SAP Union SAPAdaptor
Integration 001.010 Stgwith
Designer Stg Table W SAP Union SAPAdaptor
Integration Stg Table W SAP Union Sequence Structure with
001.009 Stg Table
Stg Table w/o SAP
Database Stg Table w/o SAP ColumnName SAPAdaptor
Structure Without
Integration ColumnName 001.009 Stg Table
Designer Stg Table w/o SAP SAPAdaptor
Integration Stg Table w/o SAP DataType Structure Without
001.009 Stg Table
Database Stg Table w/o SAP Filter Stg Table w/o SAP Filter SAPAdaptor
Structure Without
Integration 001.009 Stg Table
Designer Stg Table w/o SAP SAPAdaptor
Integration Stg Table w/o SAP From_JoinClause Structure Without
001.009 Stg Table
Stg Table w/o SAP Group
Database Stg Table w/o SAP Group By SAPAdaptor
Structure Without
Integration By SAP Input 001.009 Stg Table
Designer Stg Table w/o Stg Table w/o SAP Input Column SAPAdaptor
Integration Column Structure Without
001.009 Stg Table
Designer Stg Table w/oName
SAP Input Name
Integration Stg Table w/o SAP Input Table Name Structure
001.009 StgWithout
Designer StgTable
w/o SAP SAPAdaptor
Integration Stg Table w/o SAP Leaf/Grain Structure Without
001.009 Stg Table
Stg Table w/o SAP
Database Stg Table w/o SAP Mandatory SAPAdaptor
Structure Without
Integration Mandatory 001.009 Stg Table
Database Stg Table w/o SAP Master Stg Table w/o SAP Master Data SAPAdaptor
Structure Without
Integration 001.009 Stg Table
Designer StgData
TableCheck Required
w/o SAP Master Stg TableCheck Required
w/o SAP Master Table SAPAdaptor
Integration Structure
001.009 StgWithout
Table Column Column
Stg Table w/o SAP Master Stg Table w/o SAP Master Table
Database SAPAdaptor
Structure Without
Integration StgTable
w/o SAP Name 001.009 Stg Table
Database Stg Table w/o SAP Position SAPAdaptor
Structure Without
Integration Position 001.009 Stg Table
Database Stg Table w/o SAP Union Stg Table w/o SAP Union SAPAdaptor
Structure Without
Integration 001.009 Stg Table
Designer Stg Table w/o SAP Union SAPAdaptor
Integration Stg Table w/o SAP Union Sequence Structure Without
Database Stg Threshold Count Stg Threshold Count SAPAdaptor
001.008 Stg Info
Designer 001.006 Data
Integration Stg Warning Record Count Stg Warning Record Count
Batch Metric Reconciliation Metric
001.018 Integration
Database Task Display Name Task Display Name
Integration Batch Milestones
001.005 Batch
Designer Task Duration Task Duration
Batch Metric Performance History
001.003 Tenant Data
Integration Tenant Column Name Tenant Column Name
Tenant Commercial Table Structure
001.002 Tenant Data
Database Tenant Commercial Planning
Integration Planning
Designer 001.003 Files
Tenant Data
Integration Tenant Data Type Tenant Data Type
Table Structure
001.002 Tenant Data
Database Tenant DP Tenant DP
Integration Files
Designer Tenant File Name Tenant File Name 001.002 Tenant Data
Designer 001.002 Files
Tenant Data
Integration Tenant IBPL Query Tenant IBPL Query
Designer Tenant Incremental 001.002 Files
Tenant Data
Integration Tenant Incremental Change Flag
Change Flag Files
001.003 Tenant Data
Database Tenant Leaf/Grain Tenant Leaf/Grain
Integration Table Tenant
Designer 001.002 Data
Integration Tenant Logistics Visibility Tenant Logistics Visibility
001.003 Tenant Data
Database Tenant Mandatory Tenant Mandatory
Integration Table Tenant
Designer 001.002 Data
Integration Tenant MEIO Tenant MEIO
001.002 Tenant Data
Database Tenant MP Tenant MP
Designer 001.002 Files
Tenant Data
Database Tenant OP Tenant OP
001.003 Tenant Data
Integration Tenant Position Tenant Position
Tenant Retail Table Tenant
001.002 Structure
Database Tenant Retail Replenishment
Integration Replenishment Files
Designer 001.002 Tenant Data
Integration Tenant Scheduling Tenant Scheduling
Designer Tenant Validate Hierarchy 001.002 Files
Tenant Data
Integration Tenant Validate Hierarchy Check
Check FilesTime
Database Time Format Options Time Format Options
Integration Generation
Designer 001.001Parameters
Integration Time Value Time Value
Validation Audit Table Generation Parameters
001.017 Output
Database Validation Audit Table Condition
Integration Condition Validation
Designer Validation Audit Table 001.017 Output
Integration Validation Audit Table Name
Validation Name
Commercial Validation
001.017 Output
Database Validation Commercial Planning
Integration Planning Validation
Designer 001.017 Output
Integration Validation Data Stream Validation Data Stream
001.017 Output
Database Validation DP Validation DP
Integration Validation
Designer Validation Logistics 001.017 Output
Integration Validation Logistics Visibility
Visibility Validation
001.017 Output
Database Validation MEIO Validation MEIO
Integration Validation
Designer 001.017 Output
Integration Validation MP Validation MP
001.017 Output
Database Validation OP Validation OP
Integration Validation
Designer Validation Out Table Validation Out Table Column 001.017 Output
Integration Column
Validation Out Table Validation
001.017 Output
Database Validation Out Table Condition
Integration Condition
Validation Out Validation Validation
001.017 Output
Database Validation Out Validation Table
Integration TableRetail Validation
Designer Validation 001.017 Output
Integration Validation Retail Replenishment
Replenishment Validation
001.017 Output
Database Validation Scheduling Validation Scheduling
Integration Validation
Database Validation Stg Column 001.017 Output
Integration Validation Stg Column name
Validation Stg Table Validation
001.017 Output
Database Validation Stg Table Condition
Integration Condition Validation
001.017 Output
Designer Validation Stg Table Name
Database Validation Stg Table Name
Any logs used to maintain an audit Validation
Common Audit Log 010 Data Status
Total of volume of thethat is duplicate in
Common Duplicate Volume theSummary
input fileof (multiple
the errors rows for the
(which 010 Data Status
Common Error Summary missing same
master key)
data is causing the 010 Data Status
Sum of the volume that was errored
Common Error Volume out while loadingerror)to o9 (due to 010 Data Status
Frequency of data
missing master interface
data) to o9
Common Frequency 010 Data Status
system (daily, weekly, monthly etc)
Common Input Filename Filename of the input data 010 Data Status
Common Input Volume Sum of the volume of input data 010 Data Status
Sum of the volume of input data
Common Input Volume LC 010 Data Status
when the(used dataas reference)
was last
Common Last Refresh Date 010 Data Status
Does the refreshed
Input volume match the
Common Match Does the Input volume match the 010 Data Status
Match Including Error volume in o9 system
Common volume in o9 system + any error 010 Data Status
Common Missing File Is the inputvolume
file missing? 010 Data Status
Common Notes General notes 010 Data Status
Sum of the volume loaded in the o9
Common o9 Volume Filename aftersystem processing through 010 Data Status
Common Output Filename SSIS (this is the file uploaded to o9 010 Data Status
Sum of the volume system) after processing
Common Output Volume 010 Data Status
Any resolution notesSSIS
through to track fixes in
Common Resolution Summary 010 Data Status
Time Horizon ofdata data (last 3 years,
Common Time Horizon 010 Data Status
measurelast that1 can
yearbe etc)
Common Actual 020 Actual
from either billing,
Actual Input (used by interfaces order or to
Common Actual Input 020 Actual
populate data in o9 system)
Last year actual data (Actual data
Common Actual LY 020 Actual
offset by 365 days)
Common Actual vs LY % Actual/Actual LY 020 Actual
Common Actual vs LY Abs Gap abs(Actual - Actual LY) 020 Actual
Common Actual vs LY Gap Actual - Actual LY 020 Actual
Common Actual vs LY Gap % (Actual/Actual LY) - 1 020 Actual
Historical Backorder data (snapshot
Common Backorders 020 Actual
of backorders
Backorders Inputfor any by
(used given day)
Common Backorders Input 020 Actual
populate data in
Backorder o9 (backorder
data system)
Common Backorders LY 020 Actual
data offset by 365 days)
Common Backorders vs LY % Backorders/Backorders LY 020 Actual
Common Backorders vs LY Abs Gap abs(Backorders - Backorders LY) 020 Actual
Common Backorders vs LY Gap Backorders - Backorders LY 020 Actual
Common Backorders vs LY Gap % (Backorders/Backorders LY) - 1 020 Actual
Common Billing Historical Billing or Invoice data 020 Actual
Billing Input (used by interfaces to
Common Billing Input 020 Actual
Last data in
Year Billing or o9 system)
invoice data
Common Billing LY 020 Actual
(Billing data offset by 365 days)
Common Billing vs LY % Billing/Billing LY 020 Actual
Common Billing vs LY Abs Gap abs(Billing - Billing LY) 020 Actual
Common Billing vs LY Gap Billing - Billing LY 020 Actual
Common Billing vs LY Gap % (Billing/Billing LY) - 1 020 Actual
Common Orders Historical and Open orders data 020 Actual
Orders Input (used by interfaces to
Common Orders Input 020 Actual
Year Ordersdatadata
in o9(Order
Common Orders LY 020 Actual
offset by 365 days)
Common Orders vs LY % Orders/LY 020 Actual
Common Orders vs LY Abs Gap abs(Orders - Order LY) 020 Actual
Common Orders vs LY Gap Orders - Orders LY 020 Actual
Common Orders vs LY Gap % (Orders/LY Orders) - 1 020 Actual
Common Shipments Historical Shipment data 020 Actual
Shipments Input (used by interfaces
Common Shipments Input 020 Actual
populate data indata
Shipments o9 system)
Common Shipments LY 020 Actual
data offset by 365 days)
Common Shipments vs LY % Shipments/Shipments LY 020 Actual
Common Shipments vs LY Abs Gap abs(Shipments - Shipments LY) 020 Actual
Common Shipments vs LY Gap Shipments - Shipments LY 020 Actual
Common Shipments vs LY Gap % (Shipments/Shipments LY) - 1 020 Actual
Common Target Price Targeted
Target Priceprice
Inputper unitby
(used 030 ASP
Common Target Price Input interfaces to populate data in o9 030 ASP
Common Unit Cost system)
Cost per unit 032 Cost
Common Unit Cost by Day Costby
Unit Cost per unit
Day by day
Input (used by 034 Cost by Day
Common Unit Cost by Day Input interfaces to populate data in o9 034 Cost by Day
Unit Cost Input (used by interfaces
Common Unit Cost Input 032 Cost
to populate data in o9 system)
Common Unit Price Price per unit 030 ASP
Common Unit Price by Day Priceby
Unit Price per
Dayunit by day
Input (used by 036 Price by Day
Common Unit Price by Day Input interfaces to populate data in o9 036 Price by Day
Unit Price Input (used by interfaces
Common Unit Price Input 030 ASP
to populate data in o9 system)
Discount & Allowance On Invoice + Off Invoice at lowest
Common 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Gross Revenue level
- On Invoice at
Common Net Invoice Actual 005 Trade Spend Actual
Gross Revenue lowest - Onlevel
Invoice - Off
Common Net REV Actual Revenue data (Net 005 Trade Spend Actual
Last Year NetInvoice
Common Net REV Actual LY Revenue Actual data offset by 365 005 Trade Spend Actual
Common Net REV Actual vs LY % Net REV Actual/Netdays) REV Actual LY 005 Trade Spend Actual
Net REV Actual vs LY Abs abs(Net REV Actual - Net REV Actual
Common 005 Trade Spend Actual
Gap LY)
Common Net REV Actual vs LY Gap Net REV Actual - Net REV Actual LY 005 Trade Spend Actual
Net REV Actual vs LY Gap (Net REV Actual/Net REV Actual LY) -
Common 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off - Assortment Fund 1
Common Assortment
Off - Assortment FundFundActual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off - Assortment Fund
Common (used by interfaces to populate data 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Input
Common Off - Billback Actual in o9offsystem)
Profit Billbacks
Off - Billback Actual Input (used by 005 Trade Spend Actual
Common Off - Billback Actual Input interfaces to populate data in o9 005 Trade Spend Actual
Common Off - Brand Coupon Actual Brand system)
Off - Brand Coupon Actual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off - Brand Coupon Actual
Common (usedDiscounts
by interfaces and data 005 Trade Spend Actual
to populate
for partners
Off - Channel
Common inwhen
o9 system)
ActualDiscount Off - Channel Discount Actual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
distributors they sell products
Common Off - Channel on your behalf
(used by interfaces to populate data 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Input Fund
Off - Cooperation
Common in o9
Cooperation system)Funds
Actual Fund
Off - Cooperation Off - Cooperation Fund Actual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
Common (used by interfaces
Discounts meant for to the
populate data 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Input
Off - Customer Discount
Common separatein o9 system)
and 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Off - Customer
Off - Customer Discount distributors
Common Input (used by interfaces to 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off Input
- Customer
Common populate data in
CustomerMerchandise o9 system)
MerchandiseActual 005 Trade Spend Actual
Merchandise Actual Off - Customer
Off - Customer
Common Input (used by interfaces to 005 Trade Spend Actual
Merchandise Actual
Off - FT Bottler Input
Common populate data in o9 system)
Actual Funding
Off - FT Bottler Off - FT Bottler Funding Actual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
FT Bottler Funding
Common (used by interfaces to populate data 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Input Fixed
Off - FT Contractual
Common in o9 system)
Contractual FixedActual 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Off - FT Fixed
Off - FT Contractual Fixed
Common Input (used by interfaces to 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Input
Off - FT Event Specific
Common populate dataSpecific
in o9 system)
Off - FT Event Specific Actual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off - FT Actual
Event Specific
Common (used by interfaces to populate data 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off - FT Input
Growth Rebate
Common FT in
Off - FT Growth
o9 system)
Actual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off - FT Growth Rebate
Common (used by interfaces to populate data 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Input
Common Off - Impulse Fund Actual in o9 system)
Off - Impulse FundFund Actual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
Common Off - Impulse Fund Actual
(used by interfaces to populate data 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off - Other Discount
Common in o9 Discount
Other system)
Actual Off - Other Discount Actual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off - Other Discount
Common (used by interfaces to populate data 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Input
Off - Promotion Rebate
Common in o9 system)
Promotion Rebate
Off - Promotion Rebate Off - Promotion Rebate Actual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
Common (used by interfaces
Reduction to populate
in the purchase of 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off - Prompt Input
Common in o9 system)
Actual Offgoods because
- Prompt Actual 005 Trade Spend Actual
of early cash
Pay Discount
Common Off - Prompt Pay Discount payment 005 Trade Spend Actual
Input (used by interfaces to
Actual Input
Common Off - Shelving Actual populate data in o9 system)
Off - Shelving Shelving
Actual Input (used by 005 Trade Spend Actual
Common Off - Shelving Actual Input interfaces to populate data in o9 005 Trade Spend Actual
Common Off - Slotting Actual system)
SlottingInput (used by 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off - Slotting Actual
Common Off - Slotting Actual Input interfaces to populate data in o9 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off - VT Price Off Invoice system)
Common VT Price Off Invoice 005 Trade Spend Actual
Off - VT Price Off Invoice Actual
Off - VT Price Off Invoice
Common Input (used by interfaces to 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Input
Common Off Invoice Actual populate data in o9 system)
Total Off Invoice at lowest level 005 Trade Spend Actual
Common On - Cascade Actual On - Cascade Cascade Actual Input (used by 005 Trade Spend Actual
Common On - Cascade Actual Input interfaces to populate data in o9 005 Trade Spend Actual
Common On - Free Product Actual Contract system)
Free Product
On - Free Product Actual Input (used 005 Trade Spend Actual
On - Free Product Actual
Common by interfaces to populate data in o9 005 Trade Spend Actual
On - Logistics
Common system)
Logistics AllowanceActual 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual On - Logistics Allowance
On - Logistics Allowance
Common Input (used by interfaces to 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Input
On - Other Allowance
Common populate
Other data in o9
Allowance system)
Actual On - Other Allowance Actual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
On - Other Allowance
Common (used by interfaces to populate data 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Input Difference in between the actual unit
Common On - Price Variance Actual o9 system) 005 Trade Spend Actual
On - and
price PricetheVariance
budgeted Actual
On - Price Variance Actual
Common (used by interfaces to populate data 005 Trade Spend Actual
On - Quantity results in ain decreased cost per unit
Common o9 system)
ActualDiscount Ongoods
of - Quantity
purchased Actual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
in greater
On - Quantity
Common (used by interfaces to populate data 005 Trade Spend Actual
On - Actual
Revenue Input
Rebate in o9 system)
Common On - Revenue Revenue RebateRebateActual Input 005 Trade Spend Actual
On - Revenue Rebate
Common (used by interfaces
Deduction from the tolisted
populate of 005 Trade Spend Actual
On -Actual
Trade Input
Discount in o9 system)
Common goods allowed
On - Trade Actual Inputor 005 Trade Spend Actual
by a manufacturer
On - Trade Discount
Common wholesaler to
(used by interfaces to populate a retailer data 005 Trade Spend Actual
Actual Input
Common On Invoice Actual in
Total OnBackordero9 system)
Invoice at Revenue
lowest level
Historical data 005 Trade Spend Actual
Common Backorders REV (snapshot
Backorders ofREV
Input (usedfor any
by 020 Actual
Common Backorders REV Input interfaces given day)
to populate data indata
o9 020 Actual
Last Year Backorders Revenue
Common Backorders REV LY system)
(Backorder Revenue data offset by 020 Actual
Common Backorders REV vs LY % 365 days)
Backorders REV/Backorders REV LY 020 Actual
Backorders REV vs LY Abs abs(Backorders REV - Backorders
Common 020 Actual
Common Backorders REV vs LY Gap Backorders REV - Backorders REV LY 020 Actual
Backorders REV vs LY Gap (Backorders REV/Backorders REV LY)
Common 020 Actual
% Historical Billing or - 1 Invoice Revenue
Common Billing REV 020 Actual
Billing REV Inputdata (used by interfaces
Common Billing REV Input Last 020 Actual
toYear Billingdata
populate or Invoice Revenue
in o9 system)
Common Billing REV LY data (Billing Revenue data offset by 020 Actual
Common Billing REV vs LY % 365 days) REV LY
Billing REV/Billing 020 Actual
Common Billing REV vs LY Abs Gap abs(Billing REV - Billing REV LY) 020 Actual
Common Billing REV vs LY Gap Billing REV - Billing REV LY 020 Actual
Common Billing REV vs LY Gap % (Billing REV/Billing REV LY) - 1 020 Actual
Historical and Open orders Revenue
Common Orders REV Orders REVdata Input (used by 020 Actual
Common Orders REV Input interfaces
Last Year to populate
Orders Revenuedatadata
in o9 020 Actual
Common Orders REV LY system)
(Order Revenue data offset by 365 020 Actual
Common Orders REV vs LY % days)
Orders REV/Orders REV LY 020 Actual
Common Orders REV vs LY Abs Gap abs(Orders REV - Order REV LY) 020 Actual
Common Orders REV vs LY Gap Orders REV - Orders REV LY 020 Actual
Common Orders REV vs LY Gap % (Orders REV/Orders REV LY) - 1 020 Actual
Common Shipments REV Historical
Shipments Shipment
REV Input Revenue
(used data
by 020 Actual
Common Shipments REV Input interfaces to populate
Last Year Shipments Revenue data data in o9 020 Actual
Common Shipments REV LY system)
(Shipment Revenue data offset by 020 Actual
365 days)
Common Shipments REV vs LY % Shipments REV/Shipments REV LY 020 Actual
Shipments REV vs LY Abs abs(Shipments REV - Shipments REV
Common 020 Actual
Gap LY)
Common Shipments REV vs LY Gap Shipments REV - Shipments REV LY 020 Actual
Shipments REV vs LY Gap (Shipments REV/Shipments REV LY)
Common 020 Actual
Demand % Flag to store -active
1 dates for
Active Realignment Flag The number of days after the 022 Day
Demand Active Realignment realignment
Item Location transition date to be considered for 010 Version
Demand Threshold Sum history
of values of realignment
Realignment realignment 046 Item Location Day
Planning Item ShipToPercentages
Location percentage
Sum Item ShipTo Location Realignment
Common Realignment Percentages 020 Actual
Demand Location SumRealignment Location Percentages
RealignmentSum Percentages
055 Location Day
Demand Percentages Sum
ShipTo Realignment Sum
ShipTo Realignment Percentages
043 ShipTo Day
Demand Percentages
Forecast SumTime
Generation Sum
Time bucket for generating forecast 010 Version
Demand ForecastBucket
Storage Time Time Bucket for storing
010 Version
Demand Bucket givendisaggregated
Forecast Generation forecastTime
Stat Bucket Weight 024 Partial Week
Demand Bucket and Forecast Generation
Actual L1 Actual L1 170 Stat System L1
All Item All Item 030 Planning Item
Demand Avg Volume Average Quantity of the history 180 Stat Segment
Avg Volume L1 Average Volume in actual history 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Coefficient of Variance of the
COV 180 Stat Segment
Demand history at aggregate
Coefficient of Variance
COV L1 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand stat level
COV Segment L1 X,Y segment 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand 130 Segmentation
COV Threshold Cut offVolume
Cumulative for COVPercent
segmentof this
Demand Parameters
Cumulative Volume % product across all products (used to 180 Stat Segment
Demand Cumulative Volume % accross
Cumulative Volume % L1 find the pareto) 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand products for the history
1-(Number of Zeros/Length period
Density 180 Stat Segment
Demand Series)
1-(Number of Zeros L1/Length of
Planning Density L1 Number of periods Seriesin L1)recent history. 160 Stat Segment L1
Disco Period If no actual in this period, then 010 Version
Demand monthly frequency time series,
Entropy L1 product is Discontinued 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand where low values indicate
Measure to be used for a high
History Measure 010 Version
Demand segmentation
History period used for stat
History Period 010 Version
Demand segments and forecast
History Time Buckets Time Buckets - Weekly, Monthly 010 Version
Demand null in selected history period [Low
Intermittency Threshold Boolean 010 Version
Demand (0-50%) |value Medium to check whether
(50-75%) its
| High
Intermittent intermitent or not (more than 60% 180 Stat Segment
Demand Boolean value to
Intermittent L1 data points arecheck whether
null then Yes) its 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand intermittent or not
Item Item 030 Planning Item
Demand Item Class Length of Series Item of Class
Planning Item 030 Planning Item
Length of Series (how many data points
Total number of data are there in
points 180 Stat Segment
Length of Series L1 between the history)
start and 160 Stat Segment L1
Planning Number of periods in end dates
recent of
Demand New Launch Period actual history 010 Version
If actual has started only in this
Demand Number of product
Zeros in is the planning
Number of Zeros period, then New Launch 180 Stat Segment
Demand horizon
Number of Zeros L1 Number of zeros in actual history 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Is the product New,Mature or End
PLC Status 180 Stat Segment
Demand Is the stat levelof Life Mature or End
PLC Status L1 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Product Customer L1 of Life 155 Product Customer
Stat Level Channel Group Segment
Planning Segment L1 Segment
Demand Product Customer Segmentation Output for Planning 140 Product Customer
Demand Segment
Product Customer Item and customer combination SegmentItem
045 Planning
Exception for R Plugin
Demand Segment R Exception Segmentation Output for Planning Customer Group
Product Segment 150 Product Segment
Demand ABC Classification Itemat aggregate stat
Product Segment L1 Shows noise/random variation 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand level
Remainder Component L1 compoennt in the monthly 170 Stat System L1
Reporting Item frequency
ReportIng timeItemseries 030 Planning Item
Demand Displays all the month seasonality
Seasonal Periods L1 Displays theperiods
ratio of variance of 160 Stat Segment L1
Seasonal Strength L1 monthly error component to 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Boolean
Seasonality monthlyvalue to check
seasonal whether
component 180 Stat Segment
Planning Displays repeating
Seasonality short-term
exist cycle
Seasonality Component L1 in the monthly frequency time 170 Stat System L1
Demand Seasonality Seasonalityseries
010 Version
Demand Decomposition Exception
Seasonality Detection Exception
Seasonality Detection Exception 010 Version
Demand Exception Indicates presence of monthly
Seasonality L1 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand seasonality
Lenient Check (0.4) | Stringent
Seasonality Threshold 010 Version
Demand Stat Segment L1 R Check (0.64)
Exception for R plugin 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Exception Any R exceptions generated during
Stat Segment R Exception 180 Stat Segment
Demand the Stat Segmentation run
Std Dev Standard Deviation of the history 180 Stat Segment
Std Dev L1 Standard Deviation in actual history 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Boolean value to check whether
Trend Shows 180 Stat Segment
Demand trend increase
exist andordirection
Trend Component L1 of the monthly frequency time 170 Stat System L1
Trend L1 Trend series
Planning Displays theinratio
actualof history
variance of 160 Stat Segment L1
Trend Strength L1 monthly error component to 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Lowmonthly
(0.01) | Medium (0.02) | High
Trend Threshold trend component 010 Version
Demand (0.03)
Volume Total Volume of the history 180 Stat Segment
Demand Volume contribution for this
Planning Volume % product acrossproducts
all products 180 Stat Segment
Demand Volume % accross for the
Volume % L1 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand history period
Volume L1 Total Volume for the history period 160 Stat Segment L1
Volume Segment L1 A,B segment 160 Stat Segment L1
Volume Threshold Volume cut off for ABC classification 130 Segmentation
Demand Volume-COV History History period used for volume and Parameters
010 Version
Demand Period cov calculation
Actual Cleansed Final Cleansed value 170 Stat System L1
Demand Actual Cleansed User adjustments on history 170 Stat System L1
Demand Adjustment Output of outlier cleansing
Actual Cleansed System 170 Stat System L1
Demand Actual Cleansed System vs calculated by the system
Actual Cleansed System - Actual 170 Stat System L1
Demand Actual Gap
Actual Cleansed vs Actual Actual Cleansed - Actual 170 Stat System L1
Demand Gap Assortment basis for outlier
Actual L1 Minus Time 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand correction
Actual Median OutlierMedian
value tofor beactual
replaced by 170 Stat System L1
Demand Outlier Correction interpolation or limit determined by 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Outlier Correction R the threshold
Outlier Correction R Exception 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Exception
Outlier Lower Threshold Lower Limit Threshold 170 Stat System L1
Demand Outlier Lower Threshold Lower Threshold for detecting the
160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Limit outlier
Outlier Method Outlier Correction method 160 Stat Segment L1
Outlier Upper Threshold Upper Limit Threshold 170 Stat System L1
Demand Outlier Upper Threshold Upper Threshold for detecting the
160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Limit
Stat Fcst Accuracy Point outlier
Stat Fcst Accuracy Point Loss 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Loss
Stat Fcst Contribution to
Stat Fcst Contribution to Parent 190 Stat System
Demand Parent
Stat Fcst %
Reference Stat Fcst Reference Contribution to
190 Stat System
Demand Contribution to Parent % Stat ForecastParent % Cycle Stat
vs Last
Stat Fcst vs LC Gap 190 Stat System
Demand Forecast
Stat Forecast GapCycle Stat
vs Last
Stat Fcst vs LC Gap % 190 Stat System
Demand Forecast
Stat Forecast Gap Year
vs Last % Stat
Stat Fcst vs LY Gap 190 Stat System
Demand Forecast
Stat Forecast GapYear Stat
vs Last
Stat Fcst vs LY Gap % 190 Stat System
Demand Actual Cleansed System Forecast Gap %
Actual Cleansed System - Actual 170 Stat System L1
Demand vs Actual Gap 045 Planning Item
Actual L6P Total Volume of last 6 Periods
Demand Algo Association R Customer
162 SystemGroup
Exception for R plugin
Demand Exception AR-NNET model parameters and Algorithm Association
AR-NNET Model 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Assign Rule Algo R error
Exception for R plugin 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Exception Final Algorithm List assigned based 160 Stat Segment L1
Assigned Algorithm List
Demand planner
Auto default
ARIMA modelsystem conditions
parameters and 160 Stat Segment L1
Auto ARIMA Model
Demand error
Bestfit Algorithm Bestfit Algo final 160 Stat Segment L1
Bestfit Algorithm LC Bestfit Algo last cycle 160 Stat Segment L1
Bestfit Method In Sample vs Out Sample 010 Version
Bestfit Model Bestfit model parameters and error 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Croston model parameters and
Croston Model 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand error
DES Model DES model parameters and error 160 Stat Segment L1
Error Metric RMSE/ MAPE 010 Version
ETS Model ETS model parameters and error 160 Stat Segment L1
Forecast Period Future period used for stat forecast 010 Version
Demand Growth AOA model parameters and
Planning Growth AOA Model error 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Weighted Snaive model parameters
Growth Snaive Model 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Moving Average and model
error parameters
Moving Average Model 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Naive Random Walk and error
Naive Random Walk model
160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Model
Planner Algo Override R parameters and error
Exception for R plugin 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Exception List of algorithms applicable to the
Planner Algorithm List 135 Stat Rule
Demand Planner Assigned rule according
Algorithm to its definition
List assigned based
160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Algorithm List planner
Ruleconditions in forecast
assigned based plannersetup
Planner Assigned Rule 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand conditions in forecast setup
Planner Bestfit Algorithm Bestfit Algo override by planner 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand COV segment values to be
Planner COV Segment 135 Stat Rule
Demand considered for rule
Intermittency definition
values to be
Planner Intermittency 135 Stat Rule
Demand considered for rule definition
Planner Length of Series Number of History Cycles 135 Stat Rule
Demand Product Lifecycle status values to be
Planner PLC 135 Stat Rule
Demand Planner Rule Override R considered for rule definition
Exception for R plugin 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Exception Seasonality values to be considered
Planner Seasonality Planner 135 Stat Rule
Demand forOvrride to the Best Fit
rule definition
Planner Stat Fcst L1 Forecast at Stat Level x Channel 170 Stat System L1
Demand Trend values to be considered
Planner Trend Group x Planning Month for 135 Stat Rule
Demand Volumerule definition
segment values to be
Planner Volume Segment 135 Stat Rule
Demand considered
Prophet Modelforparameters
rule definition
Prophet Model 160 Stat Segment L1
Planning error
Demand sARIMA model parameters and
sARIMA Model 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand errorYoY model
Seasonal Naive
Seasonal Naive YoY Model 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand parameters and error
SES Model SES model parameters and error 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Simple AOA model parameters and
Simple AOA Model 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Simple Snaiveerror model parameters
Simple Snaive Model 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand and
Level x Channel Group error x Month to
Stat Fcst 190 Stat System
Demand Planning
Sell In StatItem x Customer
Accuracy Last 6Group
Periodsx 045 Planning Item
Stat Fcst Accuracy L6P
Demand at Planning
ForecastItem x Customer
output Group
of AR-NNET Customer Group
Stat Fcst AR-NNET 170 Stat System L1
Demand algorithm
Stat Fcst AR-NNET 80% LB Stat Fcst AR-NNET 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst AR-NNET 80% UB Stat Fcst AR-NNET 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand Forecast output of Auto ARIMA
Stat Fcst Auto ARIMA 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst Auto ARIMA 80% model
Stat Fcst Auto ARIMA 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Demand LB
Stat Fcst Auto ARIMA 80%
Stat Fcst Auto ARIMA 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand UB
Stat Fcst Backtest L1 R
Exception for R plugin 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Exception
Stat Fcst Contribution % Stat Fcst Percent to Total 190 Stat System
Demand Stat Fcst Croston Forecast output of Croston model 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst Croston 80% LB Stat Fcst Croston 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst Croston 80% UB Stat Fcst Croston 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst DES Forecast output of DES model 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst DES 80% LB Stat Fcst DES 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst DES 80% UB Stat Fcst DES 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst ETS Forecast output of ETS model 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst ETS 80% LB Stat Fcst ETS 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst ETS 80% UB Stat Fcst ETS 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand disaggregation , chosen among stat 185 Stat Transition
Planning Stat Fcst Final Profile TL and profile TL fcst based on Level
Demand Forecast output of Growth AOA
Stat Fcst Growth AOA 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst Growth AOA 80% algorithm
Stat Fcst Growth AOA 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Demand LB AOA 80%
Stat Fcst Growth
Stat Fcst Growth AOA 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand UB Forecast output of Growth Snaive
Stat Fcst Growth Snaive 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst Growth Snaive algorithm
Stat Fcst Growth Snaive 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst80% LB Snaive
Stat Fcst Growth Snaive 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand 80% UB If Planner Override to system bestfit
Stat Fcst L1 170 Stat System L1
Demand isSell
Stat system else planner
L1 Accuracy Last 6
Stat Fcst L1 Accuracy L6P 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Periods
Stat Fcst L1 Lag1 Lag 1 at higher level 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst L1 N6M Sell In Stat Fcst for Next 6 Months 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Sell In Stat Fcst Last Cycle for Next 6
Stat Fcst L1 N6M LC 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Months
Stat Fcst L1 N6P Sell In Stat Fcst for Next 6 Periods 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Sell In Stat Fcst Last Cycle for Next 6
Stat Fcst L1 N6P LC 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Periods
Stat Fcst L1 N6P vs LC Gap Sell In Stat Current Cycle vs Last 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand CYcle for Next 6 Periods Gap
Stat Fcst L1 R Exception Exception for R plugin 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst LC Last Cycle Stat Fcst 190 Stat System
Stat Fcst LY Last Year Stat Fcst 190 Stat System
Demand Forecast output of Moving Average
Stat Fcst Moving Average 170 Stat System L1
Planning model
Demand Stat Fcst Moving Average
Stat Fcst Moving Average 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Demand 80% LB Average
Stat Fcst Moving
Stat Fcst Moving Average 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst80%
NaiveUBRandom Forecast output of Naive Random
170 Stat System L1
Demand Walk Random
Stat Fcst Naive Stat Fcst NaiveWalkRandom
model Walk 80%
170 Stat System L1
Demand Walk 80%Random
Stat Fcst Naive LB LB
Stat Fcst Naive Random Walk 80%
170 Stat System L1
Demand Walk
Stat Fcst80% UB R
PL Lag1 UB
Exception for R plugin 190 Stat System
Demand Stat FcstException
Product Accuracy Sell In Stat Product Accuracy Last 6
030 Planning Item
Demand L6P ProfilePeriods at Fcst
for Stat Planning
Stat Fcst Profile PL 190 Stat System
Demand Item Intro and Disc
Profile for Stat Fcst Lag1 Dates
Stat Fcst Profile PL Lag1 190 Stat System
Demand Stat Fcst Profile PL R Planning Item Intro and Disc Dates 185 Stat Transition
Transition forLag1
level R plugin
Demand Exception Level
185 Stat Transition
Stat Fcst Profile TL Lag1 disaggregate Stat Level Lag1
Demand Transition level stat forecast to Level
185 Stat Transition
Stat Fcst Profile1 TL forecast
Demand Stat Fcst Profile1 TL R disaggregate
Exception Stat
forLevel forecast
R plugin Level
185 Stat Transition
Planning Exception Transition level forecast using last 6
DP016TransitionLevelStat Level
Demand 185 Stat Transition
Stat Fcst Profile2 TL month average and last year profile
Demand Stat Fcst Profile2 TL R Level
185 Stat Transition
to disaggregate
ExceptionStatfor RLevel forecast
Demand Exception Level
Stat Fcst Prophet Forecast Output of Prophet model 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst Prophet 80% LB Stat Fcst Prophet 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst Prophet 80% UB Stat Fcst Prophet 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst Reference
Stat Fcst Reference Percent to Total 190 Stat System
Demand Contribution %
Stat Fcst sARIMA Forecast output of sARIMA model 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst sARIMA 80% LB Stat Fcst sARIMA 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst sARIMA 80% UB Stat Fcst sARIMA 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst Seasonal Naive Forecast output of Seasonal Naive
170 Stat System L1
Demand YoY
Stat Fcst Seasonal Naive YoY model
Stat Fcst Seasonal Naive YoY 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Demand YoY 80% LB Naive
Stat Fcst Seasonal Stat Fcst Seasonal Naive YoY 80%
Planning YoY 80% UB UB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst SES Forecast output of SES model 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst SES 80% LB Stat Fcst SES 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst SES 80% UB Stat Fcst SES 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand Forecast output of Simple AOA
Stat Fcst Simple AOA 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst Simple AOA 80% algorithm
Stat Fcst Simple AOA 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst SimpleLB AOA 80%
Stat Fcst Simple AOA 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand UB Forecast output of Simple Snaive
Stat Fcst Simple Snaive 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst Simple Snaive algorithm
Stat Fcst Simple Snaive 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst80% LB Snaive
Stat Fcst Simple Snaive 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand 80% UB
Stat Fcst STLF Forecast output of STLF model 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst STLF 80% LB Stat Fcst STLF 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst STLF 80% UB Stat Fcst STLF 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst TBATS Forecast output of TBATS model 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst TBATS 80% LB Stat Fcst TBATS 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst TBATS 80% UB Stat Fcst TBATS 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst TES Forecast output of TES model 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst TES 80% LB Stat Fcst TES 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst TES 80% UB Stat Fcst TES 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst Theta Forecast output of Theta model 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst Theta 80% LB Stat Fcst Theta 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Stat Fcst Theta 80% UB Stat Fcst Theta 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand Transition level forecast 185 Stat Transition
Stat Fcst TL Transition Levelfrom
Demand disaggregated Level Level
185 Stat Transition
Stat Fcst TL Lag1 disaggregated from Stat Level Lag1
Demand Stat Fcst TL Lag1 R Level
185 Stat Transition
for R plugin
Demand Exception Forecast output of Weighted AOA Level
Stat Fcst Weighted AOA 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst Weighted AOA algorithm
Stat Fcst Weighted AOA 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst80% LB
Weighted AOA
Stat Fcst Weighted AOA 80% UB 170 Stat System L1
Demand 80% UB Forecast output of Weighted Snaive
Stat Fcst Weighted Snaive 170 Stat System L1
Demand Stat Fcst Weighted Snaive algorithm
Stat Fcst Weighted Snaive 80% LB 170 Stat System L1
Demand 80% LB Snaive
Stat Fcst Weighted
Stat Fcst
levelWeighted Snaive 80%
flag to determine UB
which 170 Stat System L1
Demand 80% UB
Stat Profile Selected method to use to disaggregate fcst 160 Stat Segment L1
STLF Model frommodel
STLF stat level to transition
parameters and level
error 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand System Assigned Algorithm List assigned based
160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Algorithm List planner
Rule default
assigned system
based conditions
planner default 160 Stat Segment L1
System Assigned Rule
Demand system conditions
System Bestfit Algorithm Bestfit Algo Assigned by system 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand System Stat Algorithm Forecasting algorithms assigned to 162 System Stat
Demand Association Stat Level * Channel Group
Best Fit Forecast at Stat Level x Algorithm Association
System Stat Fcst L1 170 Stat System L1
Demand System Stat Fcst L1 80% Channel
Lower BoundGroup80% x Planning Month
at Stat Level x
170 Stat System L1
Demand System StatLBFcst L1 80% Channel Group x Planning
Upper Bound 80% at Stat Level Monthx
Association between assigned 170 Stat System L1
Demand System StatUBParameter Channel Group x Planning Month 164 System Stat
algorithms and applicable
Demand System Association
Stat Parameter Final Inputparameters
Algorithm Parameter Parameter Association
164 System Stat
Demand Value Value Parameter Association
TBATS Model TBATS model parameters and error 160 Stat Segment L1
Planning TES Model TES model parameters and error 160 Stat Segment L1
Theta Model Theta model parameters and error 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Validation period used for finding
Validation Period 010 Version
Demand Weighted bestfit
AOAforecast algo
model parameters
Weighted AOA Model 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand Weighted Snaive and model
error parameters
Weighted Snaive Model 160 Stat Segment L1
Demand and error
ML Current Period L1 ML Current Period L1 010 Version
Demand RID Placeholder Attention
RID Placeholder Attention L1 010 Version
Demand L1
RID Placeholder ML L1 RID Placeholder ML L1 010 Version
System Attention Fcst L1 System Attention Fcst L1 170 Stat System L1
Demand ML Forecast on Planning Month
System ML Fcst L1 170 Stat System L1
Demand Tournament System Tournament System Level Attention Fcst
170 Stat System L1
Demand AttentionSystem
Tournament Fcst L1 ML L1
Tournament System ML Fcst L1 170 Stat System L1
Demand Fcst L1
Training Start Date L1 Training Start Date 010 Version
Demand Dependent Forecast through Attach
Option Fcst 800 Option Fcst
Demand Option Fcst Last RateCycle (snapshot
Option Fcst LC 800 Option Fcst
Demand taken from the last
Option Fcst Last year planning
Option Fcst LY 800 Option Fcst
Demand offset by 52 weeks)
Option Fcst vs LC % Option Fcst/Option Fcst LC 800 Option Fcst
Option Fcst vs LC Abs Gap abs(Option Fcst - Option Fcst LC) 800 Option Fcst
Option Fcst vs LC Gap Option Fcst - Option Fcst LC 800 Option Fcst
Option Fcst vs LC Gap % (Option Fcst/Option Fcst LC)-1 800 Option Fcst
Option Fcst vs LY % Option Fcst/Option Fcst LY 800 Option Fcst
Option Fcst vs LY Abs Gap abs(Option Fcst - Option Fcst LY) 800 Option Fcst
Option Fcst vs LY Gap Option Fcst - Option Fcst LY 800 Option Fcst
Option Fcst vs LY Gap % (Option
Parameters Fcst/Option
associated Fcstwith
LY)-1 800 Option Fcst
Demand Stat Algorithm Parameter 060 Stat Algorithm
different Stat Algorithms (SES has
Demand Association Finalalpha,
cleansed Parameter Association
Stat Cleansed History DEShistory that beta)
has alpha, is used as 100 Interactive Stat
Demand Stat Cleansed History input to the stat
Any user adjustment to the run Forecast
100 Interactive Stat
Demand Adjustment
Stat Cleansed History cleansedhistory
System cleansed historybased on Forecast Stat
100 Interactive
Demand System AnytheR Outlier
exceptions Threshold
during Forecast
Stat Cleansing R Exception 010 Version
Demand the Interactive History
Best fit stat forecast selected by thecleansing 100 Interactive Stat
Stat Forecast Best Fit
Demand the parametersystem values (alpha = 0.4 Forecast Stat
110 Interactive
Stat Forecast Description
Demand etc) used inMAPE
Weighted the run forand
thethe best fit
3 models Output Stat
110 Interactive
Stat Forecast Error
Demand Model 1that statwere run output
forecast Output Stat
100 Interactive
Stat Forecast Model 1
Demand Model generated by the stat
2 stat forecast output Forecast Stat
100 Interactive
Stat Forecast Model 2
Demand generated by the
Model 3 stat forecast output stat Forecast Stat
100 Interactive
Stat Forecast Model 3
Demand Stat Forecast R Exception Any R exceptions generated by the stat during
generated Forecast
010 Version
Demand History theMeasure
Interactive usedStat run input
as the
Stat History Measure Outlier 010 Version
Demand Stat History Outlier for stat forecasting by
value to be replaced
interpolation or limit determined by 010 Version
Demand Stat History Correction
Outlier Lower Outlier Lower the Threshold
threshold (one, two, 010 Version
Demand Threshold
Stat Limit
History Outlier three sigma)
Stores used to
the options forcorrect
010 Version
Planning Method method
Demand Stat History Outlier Upper Outlier Upper Threshold (one, two,
010 Version
Demand Threshold Limit three sigma)generating
used while used to correct history
the forecast
Stat History Period 070 Stat Model
Demand for a particular
Product model interactive
level at which (anything
Stat Item Level 010 Version
Demand stat is run
Planning Stat Last Run When was the stat forecast last run 070 Stat Model
Demand Location level at which interactive
Stat Location Level Stat algorithms 010 Version
Demand Stat Model Algorithm stat associated
is run with a
080 Stat Model
model (say Model1
Algorithm and it's Parameters uses SES,(say
Demand Association
Stat Model Parameter Algorithm
090 StatAssociation
Model1 uses uses ARIMA
SES and etc)
Demand Association Parameters specified by has
the Alpha
user for Parameter
090 StatAssociation
Stat Parameter Value the Store Lower
Stat and
Algorithm Alpha(say Upper
0.2 asalpha
Demand Stat R Attribute Customer Sales Domain attribute Parameter Association
lower and
members for0.6 for alpha
R plugin to useupper)
it as a 040 Customer Group
Planning Group Stores Location attribute members
Demand proxy for Sales Domain master
Stat R Attribute Location Stores
for R plugin to use it members
Item attribute as a proxyfor forR 050 Location
Demand Stat R Attribute Planning
pluginTime Location
to use master
it as a proxy for Item 030 Planning Item
Planning Item Stores attribute members for R
Demand master
Stat R Attribute Week plugin to use it as a proxy for Time 020 Week
Demand Raw history that is populated using 100 Interactive Stat
Stat Raw History master
Demand Sales Domain levelMeasure
the Stat History at which Forecast
Stat Sales Domain Level 010 Version
Demand interactive stat
Time level at which interactive is run stat
Stat Time Level 010 Version
AI Predict AI Predict Feature Extra is run AI Predict Recipe
AI Predict Feature Extra Info
AI Predict Info Relative
AI Predict Feature AI Predict Feature Relative Features
AI Predict Recipe
AI Predict Importance
AI Predict Feature AI PredictImportance
Feature Transform Features
AI Predict Recipe
AI Predict Transform SubType
AI Predict Feature SubType Features
AI Predict Recipe
AI Predict Feature Transform Type
AI Predict AITransform Type
Predict Feature Features
AI Predict Recipe
AI Predict Feature Transform Value
AI Predict Transform
AI Value
Predict Recipe Features
AI Predict Recipe Algorithm AI Predict Results
AI Predict Algorithm
AI Predict Recipe Extra
AI Predict Recipe Extra Info AI Predict Results
Plan Info
AI Predict
AI Predict Recipe Id AI Predict Recipe Id AI Predict Results
AI Predict AI Predict Recipe Predict
AI Predict Recipe Predict Level AI Predict Results
AI Predict Level
AI Predict Recipe Score AI Predict Recipe Score AI Predict Results
AI Predict AI Predict Recipe Slice
AI Predict Recipe Slice Level AI Predict Results
AI Predict AI PredictLevel
Recipe Train
AI Predict Recipe Train Time Secs AI Predict Results
AI Predict TimeTournament
AI Predict Secs
AI Predict Tournament End Time AI Predict Tournaments
AI Predict EndTournament
AI Predict Time
AI Predict Tournament Execution Id AI Predict Tournaments
AI Predict Execution
AI Predict Id
Tournament AI Predict Tournament Execution
AI Predict Tournaments
AI Predict AIExecution Time Secs
Predict Tournament Time Secs
AI Predict Tournament Extra Info AI Predict Tournaments
AI Predict Extra
AI Predict Info
AI Predict Tournament Start Time AI Predict Tournaments
AI Predict StartTournament
AI Predict Time
AI Predict Tournament Top Score AI Predict Tournaments
Demand Top Score 310 Sell Out Sell In
Bundle L1 Bundle Promotion
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Discount % L1 Discount %
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Display L1 Display Promo
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Feature L1 Feature Promo
Demand Forecast
017 Holiday Calendar
Holiday Type L0 Holiday Type
Demand 017 HolidayL0 Calendar
Is Holiday L0 Holiday Flag
Demand 310 Sell L0
Out Sell In
Promo Days L1 Promo Days
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Promotional Price L1 Promotional Price
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Tournament Fcst Sell Out Tournament Fcst
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Demand Exception for R Plugin to generate Forecast
Accuracy L6M R Exception 010 Version
Demand last 6 months'accuracy
Actual COV Coefficient of variance of actuals 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Historical actual aggregated to
Actual L2 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand abs(Consensushigher level
Fcst Lag1 - Actual
Planning Consensus Fcst Abs Error Abs Gap) 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand 1-MAPE, with a lower bound 0 and
Consensus Fcst Accuracy 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Consensus Fcst Accuracy Consensus upper bound
Forecast of 1 Point
Accuracy 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Consensus Point Loss
Fcst Accuracy Loss
Desired Accuracy 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Target
Consensus Fcst Accuracy Consensus Fcst Accuracy -
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand vs Target Gap Consensus Fcst Accuracy Target
Consensus Fcst Bias (Consensus Fcst Lag1/Actual) - 1 330 Forecast Accuracy
Consensus Fcst Error Consensus Fcst Lag1 - Actual Gap 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Consensus Fcst Lag vs Consensus Fcst Lag1/Actual 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Actual % abs(Consensus Fcst
Consensus Fcst MAPE 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Lag1-Actual)/Actual
Consensus Fcst MAPE Consensus Forecast Contribution to
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Contribution
Consensus Fcst MAPE Over/Under
Consensus Forecast 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Over/Under
Consensus Exception
Fcst Product Exception (Based on tolerance) 335 Product Forecast
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Abs Error
Consensus Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
1 - MAPE
Demand Consensus Accuracy
Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Abs Error/Actual
Demand Consensus MAPE
Fcst Tracking Consensus Forecast Tracking Signal Accuracy
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Signal (Based on tracking
Consensus Fcst Tracking Consensus Forecastsignal indicator)
Tracking Signal
Customer Forecast Absolute Error 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Signal Indicator Indicator (Based on tolerance) 350 Product Sold To
Customer Fcst Abs Error (Customer Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Abs
Demand Customer Forecast Forecast Accuracy
Customer Fcst Accuracy Gap) Accuracy (1- 350 Product Sold To
Demand MAPE),
Customer cappedBias
Forecast at 0(Customer
and 1 Forecast Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
Customer Fcst Bias
Planning Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Gap %) Forecast Accuracy
Demand Customer Forecast Error (Customer 350 Product Sold To
Customer Fcst Error
Demand Customer Fcst Lag vs Fcst Lag1
Customer vs Actual
Forecast Lag vsGap)
Actual % Forecast
350 Accuracy
Product Sold To
Demand Actual % (Customer Fcst Lag1 vs Actual
Customer Forecast MAPE (Customer %) Forecast Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
Customer Fcst MAPE
Demand Customer Fcst Fcst Lag1 vs
Customer Actual Over/Under
Forecast Abs Gap %) Forecast
350 Accuracy
Product Sold To
Demand Over/Under
Customer Exception
Fcst Product Exception (Based on tolerance) Forecast
335 ProductAccuracy
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Abs Error
Customer Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
1 - MAPE
Demand Accuracy
Customer Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Tracking Signal
Demand MAPE
Customer Fcst Tracking Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
(Based on Customer Fcst tracking
Demand CustomerSignal
Fcst Tracking Customer Fcstindicator)
Tracking Signal Forecast Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
Planning Signal Indicator Marketing
(Based on Absolute Error
tolerance) Forecast Accuracy
Marketing Fcst Abs Error (Marketing Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Abs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Marketing Forecast
Marketing Fcst Accuracy Gap) Accuracy (1- 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand MAPE), capped
Marketing Forecast Bias at 0(Marketing
and 1
Marketing Fcst Bias 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Gap
Marketing Forecast Error (Marketing%)
Marketing Fcst Error 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Marketing Fcst Lag vs Fcst Lag1
Marketing vs Actual
Forecast Lag vsGap)
Actual %
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Actual % (Marketing Fcst Lag1 vs MAPE
Marketing Forecast Actual %)
Marketing Fcst MAPE (Marketing Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Abs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Marketing Fcst Marketing Forecast
Gap %) Over/Under 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Over/Under
Marketing Exception
Fcst Product Exception (Based on tolerance) 335 Product Forecast
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Abs Error
Marketing Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
1 - MAPE
Demand Accuracy
Marketing Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Abs Fcst
Marketing Error/Actual
Tracking Signal
Demand MAPE
Marketing Fcst Tracking Accuracy
(Based on Marketing Fcst tracking 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Marketing Signal
Fcst Tracking Marketing Fcst Tracking Signal
signal indicator) 330 Forecast Accuracy
Planning Signal Indicator Published
(Based on Absolute Error
Published Fcst Abs Error (Published Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Abs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Published Forecast
Published Fcst Accuracy Gap) Accuracy (1- 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand MAPE), capped
Published Forecast Bias at 0(Published
and 1
Published Fcst Bias 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Gap
Published Forecast Error (Published%)
Planning Published Fcst Error Fcst Lag1 vs Actual 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Published Fcst Lag vs Published Forecast Lag vsGap)
Actual %
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Actual % (Published Fcst Lag1 vs Actual
Published Forecast MAPE (Published %)
Published Fcst MAPE 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Published Fcst Fcst Lag1 vs
Published Actual Over/Under
Forecast Abs Gap %)
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Over/Under
Published Exception
Fcst Product Exception (Based on tolerance) 335 Product Forecast
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Abs Error
Published Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
1 - MAPE
Demand Accuracy
Published Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Published Error/Actual
Tracking Signal
Demand MAPE
Published Fcst Tracking Accuracy
(Based on Published Fcst tracking 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand PublishedSignal
Fcst Tracking Published Fcstindicator)
Tracking Signal
signal 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Signal Indicator Indicator (Based on tolerance)
Reason Reason 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Reason Code Reason Code 330 Forecast Accuracy
Recommended Action Recommended
Reference1 Action Error
Forecast Absolute 330 Forecast Accuracy
Reference1 Fcst Abs Error (Reference1 Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Abs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Reference1 Forecast
Reference1 Fcst Accuracy Gap) Accuracy (1- 330 Forecast Accuracy
Planning Reference1
MAPE), Forecast
capped Bias1
at 0 and
Reference1 Fcst Bias (Reference1
Reference1 Forecast Error Gap
Fcst Lag1 vs Actual 330 Forecast Accuracy
Reference1 Fcst Error (Reference1 Fcst %) Lag1 vs Actual 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Reference1 Fcst Lag vs Reference1 ForecastGap) Lag vs Actual % 330 Forecast Accuracy
Planning Actual % Reference1
(Reference1 FcstForecast
Lag1 vs MAPE
Actual %)
Reference1 Fcst MAPE (Reference1 Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Abs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Reference1 Fcst Reference1 Forecast
Gap %) Over/Under 330 Forecast Accuracy
Planning Over/Under Exception Exception (Based on tolerance)
Demand Reference1 Fcst Product 335 Product Forecast
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Abs Error
Reference1 Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
1 - MAPE
Demand Accuracy
Reference1 Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Planning MAPE Reference1 Error/Actual
Abs Fcst Tracking Signal Accuracy
Demand Reference1 Fcst Tracking
(Based on Reference1 Fcst tracking 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Reference1 Signal
Fcst Tracking Reference1 Fcst Tracking Signal
signal indicator) 330 Forecast Accuracy
Planning Signal Indicator Reference2
Indicator Forecast
(Based onAbsolute
Reference2 Fcst Abs Error (Reference2 Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Abs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Reference2 Forecast
Reference2 Fcst Accuracy Gap) Accuracy (1- 330 Forecast Accuracy
Planning Reference2
MAPE), cappedForecast Bias1
at 0 and
Reference2 Fcst Bias (Reference2
Reference2 Forecast Error Gap
Fcst Lag1 vs Actual 330 Forecast Accuracy
Reference2 Fcst Error (Reference2 Fcst %) Lag1 vs Actual 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Reference2 Fcst Lag vs Reference2 ForecastGap) Lag vs Actual % 330 Forecast Accuracy
Planning Actual % Reference2
(Reference2 FcstForecast
Lag1 vs MAPE
Actual %)
Reference2 Fcst MAPE (Reference2 Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Abs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Reference2 Fcst Reference2 Forecast
Gap %) Over/Under 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Over/UnderFcst
Reference2 Exception
Product Exception (Based on tolerance) 335 Product Forecast
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Abs Error
Reference2 Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
1 - MAPE
Demand Accuracy
Reference2 Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Planning MAPE Reference2 Error/Actual
Abs Fcst Tracking Signal Accuracy
Demand Reference2 Fcst Tracking 330 Forecast Accuracy
(Based on Reference2 Fcst tracking
Demand Reference2 Signal
Fcst Tracking Reference2 Fcst Tracking Signal
signal indicator) 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Signal Indicator Reference3
Indicator Forecast
(Based onAbsolute
Reference3 Fcst Abs Error (Reference3 Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Abs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Reference3 Forecast
Reference3 Fcst Accuracy Gap) Accuracy (1- 330 Forecast Accuracy
Planning Reference3
MAPE), cappedForecast Bias1
at 0 and
Reference3 Fcst Bias (Reference3
Reference3 Forecast Error Gap
Fcst Lag1 vs Actual 330 Forecast Accuracy
Reference3 Fcst Error (Reference3 Fcst %) Lag1 vs Actual 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Reference3 Fcst Lag vs Reference3 ForecastGap) Lag vs Actual % 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Actual % Reference3
(Reference3 FcstForecast
Lag1 vs MAPE
Actual %)
Reference3 Fcst MAPE (Reference3 Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Abs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Reference3 Fcst Reference3 Forecast
Gap %) Over/Under 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Over/UnderFcst
Reference3 Exception
Product Exception (Based on tolerance) 335 Product Forecast
Planning Abs Error abs (Lag1 - Actual) Accuracy
Demand Reference3 Fcst Product 335 Product Forecast
1 - MAPE
Demand Accuracy
Reference3 Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Planning MAPE Reference3 Error/Actual
Abs Fcst Tracking Signal Accuracy
Demand Reference3 Fcst Tracking
(Based on Reference3 Fcst tracking 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Reference3 Signal
Fcst Tracking Reference3 Fcst Tracking Signal
signal indicator) 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Signal Indicator Indicator (Based on tolerance)
Reviewed Reviewed by planner 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Sales Forecast Absolute Error (Sales
Sales Fcst Abs Error 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Fcst
Sales Lag1 vsAccuracy
Forecast Actual Abs Gap)
Sales Fcst Accuracy 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1
Sales Forecast Bias (Sales Fcst Lag1
Sales Fcst Bias 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand vs Actual
Sales Forecast ErrorGap %) Fcst Lag1
Sales Fcst Error 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand vs Actual
Sales Forecast Lag vsGap)Actual % (Sales
Sales Fcst Lag vs Actual % 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Fcst Lag1 vs Actual
Sales Forecast MAPE (Sales %) Fcst
Sales Fcst MAPE 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Sales Fcst Over/Under Lag1 vs Actual Abs Gap
Sales Forecast Over/Under %)
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Exception
Sales Fcst Product Abs Exception (Based on tolerance) 335 Product Forecast
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Error
Sales Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
1 - MAPE
Demand Accuracy Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Sales Fcst Product MAPE Abs Error/Actual
Demand Sales Fcst Tracking Signal (Based on Accuracy
Sales Fcst Tracking Signal 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Sales Fcst Tracking Signal Sales
Sales Fcst
Fcst tracking
Tracking signal
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Indicator (Based on tolerance)
Sell Out Absolute Error (Sell Out 350 Product Sold To
Sell Out Abs Error
Planning Lag1 vs Actual Abs Gap) Forecast Accuracy
Demand Sell Out Accuracy (1-MAPE), capped 350 Product Sold To
Sell Out Accuracy
Demand Sell Out Bias (Sellat 0 and
Out 1Lag1 vs Actual Forecast
350 ProductAccuracy
Sold To
Sell Out Bias
Demand Sell Out Error Gap %)Out Lag1 vs
(Sell Forecast Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
Sell Out Error
Demand Sell Out LagActual Gap)% (Sell Out
vs Actual Forecast
350 ProductAccuracy
Sold To
Sell Out Lag vs Actual %
Demand Lag1 vs Actual
Sell Out MAPE (Sell Out %)Lag1 vs Forecast
350 ProductAccuracy
Sold To
Sell Out MAPE
Demand Sell Out Over/Under Sell Out Actual Abs GapException
Over/Under %) Forecast Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
Demand Exception (Based on tolerance) Forecast
335 ProductAccuracy
Sell Out Product Abs Error abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Sell Out Product Accuracy 1 - MAPE
Demand Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Sell Out Product MAPE Sell OutAbs StatError/Actual
Fcst Absolute Error
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Abs Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
(Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Abs
Demand Error Sell Out Stat Gap)Fcst Accuracy (1- Forecast
350 ProductAccuracy
Sold To
Sell Out Stat Fcst Accuracy
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Biasat(Sell
MAPE), capped 0 and 1 Stat
Out Forecast Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
Sell Out Stat Fcst Bias
Demand Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Gap
Sell Out Stat Fcst Error (Sell Out Stat %) Forecast
350 ProductAccuracy
Sold To
Sell Out Stat Fcst Error
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag vs FcstStat
Sell Out Lag1Fcst
vs Actual
Lag vs Gap)
Actual % Forecast Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
Demand Actual % (Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag1
Sell Out Stat Fcst MAPE (Sell vs Actual
Out%) Forecast
350 ProductAccuracy
Sold To
Sell Out Stat Fcst MAPE Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Absolute
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Stat Fcst Lag1 vs Actual Abs Gap %) Forecast Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
Error (Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2
Demand Sell Out Abs
Fcst Model2 Sell Out Stat Forecast Accuracy
Lag1 vs Fcst
Actual Model2
Abs Gap)Accuracy 350 Product Sold To
Demand Accuracy
Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Sell Out Stat
(1-MAPE), Fcst
cappedModel2at 0 Bias
and 1(Sell Forecast Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
Planning Bias Out
Sell Stat
Out Fcst
Stat Model2
Fcst Model2Lag1 vs Actual
Error (Sell Forecast Accuracy
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Gap %) Lag1 vs Actual 350 Product Sold To
Planning Error Out Stat Fcst Model2
Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Lag vs Forecast Accuracy
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Gap) 350 Product Sold To
Planning LagStat
vs Actual % Sell Out%Stat
Actual (Sell Out
Fcst Stat Fcst
Model2 Model2
MAPE (Sell Forecast Accuracy
Demand Sell Out Fcst Model2 Out Stat Lag1
Fcst vs
Model2Actual %)
Lag1 vs Actual 350 Product Sold To
Planning MAPE Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Abs Gap %) (Based on 350 Product Sold To
Over/Under Exception
Demand Over/Under
Sell Exception
Out Stat Fcst Model2 Forecast
335 ProductAccuracy
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Sell Product
Out StatAbsFcstError
Model2 Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
1 - MAPE
Demand Sell Product
Out StatAccuracy
Fcst Model2 Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Planning Product MAPE Abs Fcst
Sell Out Stat Error/Actual
Model2 Tracking Accuracy
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 350 Product Sold To
Sell Out(Based
Stat on Sell
Fcst Out Stat
Model2 Fcst
Demand Tracking
Sell Out Signal
Stat Fcst Model2 Model2 Forecast
350 ProductAccuracy
Sold To
Indicator signal indicator)
(Based on
Demand Tracking Signal
Sell Out StatIndicator
Fcst Sell Out Stat Fcst Over/Under Forecast Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
Demand Over/Under Exception
Sell Out Stat Fcst Product Exception (Based on tolerance) Forecast
335 ProductAccuracy
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Sell Out Abs
Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
1 - MAPE
Demand Sell Out Accuracy
Stat Fcst Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Planning MAPE Sell Out AbsStatError/Actual
Fcst Tracking Signal Accuracy
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Tracking 350 Product Sold To
(Based on Sell Out Stat Fcst tracking
Demand Sell Out Stat Signal
Fcst Tracking Sell Out signalStat Fcst Tracking Signal Forecast
350 ProductAccuracy
Sold To
Demand Signal Indicator Indicator (Based
Sell Out Tracking Signal on tolerance)
(Based on Forecast Accuracy
350 Product Sold To
Sell Out Tracking Signal
Demand Sell Out Tracking Signal Sell Out tracking signal indicator)
Sell Out Tracking Signal Indicator Forecast
350 ProductAccuracy
Sold To
Demand Indicator (Based on tolerance) Forecast Accuracy
Stat Fcst Abs Error Sell In Stat Lag1 - Actual Abs Gap 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand 1-Sell In Stat MAPE, with a lower
Stat Fcst Accuracy 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand bound 0 and upper bound of 1
Stat Fcst Accuracy L6M Sell In Stat Accuracy Last 6 Months 045 Planning Item
Demand at Planning Item x Customer Group Customer Group
Stat Fcst Bias (Sell In Stat Lag1/Actual) - 1 330 Forecast Accuracy
Stat Fcst Error Sell In Stat Lag1 - Actual Gap 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand 340 Stat Level Forecast
Stat Fcst L1 Abs Error abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand 340 StatAccuracy
Level Forecast
Stat Fcst L1 Accuracy 1 - MAPE
Demand Sell In Stat L1 Accuracy Last 6 Accuracy
Stat Fcst L1 Accuracy L6M 160 Stat Segment L1
Planning Months
Demand 340 Stat Level Forecast
Stat Fcst L1 MAPE Abs Error/Actual
Demand Accuracy
Stat Fcst Lag vs Actual % Sell In Stat Lag1/Actual 330 Forecast Accuracy
Stat Fcst Lag1 Lag 1 Stat forecast (one month lag) 190 Stat System
Stat Fcst MAPE abs(Sell
Stat In Stat
Forecast Lag1-Actual)/Actual
Model2 Absolute Error 330 Forecast Accuracy
Stat Fcst Model2 Abs Error (Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1 vs Actual Abs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Stat Forecast Model2
Stat Fcst Model2 Accuracy Gap) Accuracy (1- 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Stat Forecast Model2atBias
MAPE), capped 0 and 1 Fcst
Stat Fcst Model2 Bias 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Model2
Stat Lag1Model2
Forecast vs Actual Gap(Stat
Error %)
Stat Fcst Model2 Error Stat Forecast Model2 Lag vs Actual 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Stat Fcst Model2 Lag vs Fcst Model2 Lag1 vs Actual Gap)
(Stat Fcst Model2
Forecast Model2 Lag1
MAPEvs Actual
(Stat 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Actual %
Stat Fcst Model2 MAPE Fcst Model2 Lag1 vs Actual Abs Gap 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Stat Fcst Model2 Stat Forecast Model2 %) Over/Under 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Over/Under Exception
Stat Fcst Model2 Product Exception (Based on tolerance) 335 Product Forecast
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Abs Error
Stat Fcst Model2 Product Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
1 - MAPE
Demand Stat FcstAccuracy
Model2 Product Accuracy
345 Product Location
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand StatLocation Abs Error
Fcst Model2 Product Forecast
345 Accuracy
Product Location
1 - MAPE
Demand StatLocation Accuracy
Fcst Model2 Product Forecast Accuracy
345 Product Location
Abs Error/Actual
Demand Location
Stat Fcst MAPE
Model2 Product Forecast
335 Accuracy
Product Forecast
Abs Error/Actual
Demand MAPE Tracking Tracking Signal (Based on tracking
Stat Fcst Model2 Accuracy
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Signal Tracking Tracking Signal
Stat Fcst Model2 signal Indicator
indicator)(Based on
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand StatSignal Indicator
Fcst Over/Under Over/Undertolerance)
Exception (Based on
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Exception
Stat Fcst Product Abs tolerance) 335 Product Forecast
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Error Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Stat Fcst Product Accuracy 1 - MAPE
Demand Stat Fcst Product Accuracy Sell In Stat Product Accuracy Last 6 Accuracy
030 Planning Item
Demand L6M Location
Stat Fcst Product Months at Planning Item 345 Product Location
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Abs Error
Stat Fcst Product Location Forecast
345 Accuracy
Product Location
Planning 1 - MAPE
Demand Stat FcstAccuracy
Product Location Forecast Accuracy
345 Product Location
Abs Error/Actual
Demand MAPE Forecast
335 Accuracy
Product Forecast
Stat Fcst Product MAPE Abs Error/Actual
Stat Forecast Reference Absolute
Demand Stat Fcst Reference Abs Accuracy
Error (Stat Fcst Reference Lag1 vs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Stat FcstError
Reference Stat Forecast Reference
Actual Abs Gap)Accuracy 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Accuracy Stat Forecast capped
(1-MAPE), Referenceat 0Bias
Stat Fcst Reference Bias Fcst Reference Lag1 vs Actual Gap 330 Forecast Accuracy
Stat Fcst Reference Error Stat
Forecast Reference
%) Error (Stat
Stat ForecastLag1Reference LagGap)
vs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Stat Fcst Reference Lag vs Fcst Reference vs Actual
Actual % (Stat Fcst Reference
Stat Forecast Reference MAPE (Stat Lag1 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Actual %
Stat Fcst Reference MAPE Fcst Reference vs Actual
Lag1 %)
vs Actual Abs 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Stat Fcst Reference Stat Forecast Reference
Gap %) Over/Under 330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Over/Under Exception
Stat Fcst Reference Exception (Based on tolerance) 335 Product Forecast
abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Product
Stat Abs Error
Fcst Reference Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Stat Fcst Reference 1 - MAPE
Demand Product Accuracy Accuracy
345 Product Location
Product Location Abs abs (Lag1 - Actual)
Demand Stat Fcst Reference Forecast Accuracy
345 Product Location
Error 1 - MAPE
Demand Product Location
Stat Fcst Accuracy
Reference Forecast
345 Accuracy
Product Location
Abs Error/Actual
Demand Product Location
Stat Fcst MAPE
Reference Forecast Accuracy
335 Product Forecast
Abs Error/Actual
Demand Product
Fcst Reference Tracking Signal (Based on tracking Accuracy
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Tracking
Stat Signal
Fcst Reference signal Indicator
Tracking Signal indicator)(Based on
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Tracking Signal Indicator Tracking Signal tolerance)
(Based on tracking
Stat Fcst Tracking Signal 330 Forecast Accuracy
Planning signal indicator)
Demand Stat Fcst Tracking Signal Tracking Signal Indicator (Based on
330 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Indicator tolerance) 357 Stat Level Forecast
AR-NNET M Lag Stat Fcst AR-NNET L1 by Month Lag
Demand Stat Level AR-NNET Abs Error by 357 Stat M LagForecast
AR-NNET M Lag Abs Error
Demand Forecast Month
AccuracyLag(1-MAPE), 357 Stat M LagForecast
AR-NNET M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
AR-NNET M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
AR-NNET M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Abs GapL1
Stat Fcst AR-NNET %)by Planning 356 Stat M LagForecast
Demand AR-NNET PM Lag Abs Month Lag
Stat Level AR-NNET Abs Error by PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Demand Error Planning
Forecast Month
Accuracy Lag
(1-MAPE), 356 StatPM LagForecast
AR-NNET PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
AR-NNET PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
AR-NNET PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Demand Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
AR-NNET W Lag Stat Fcst AR-NNET L1 by W Lag
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
AR-NNET W Lag Abs Error Stat Level AR-NNET Abs Error by W
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 355 Stat W LagForecast
AR-NNET W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
AR-NNET W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
AR-NNET W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand GapL1%)
AIPredict Fcst Attention by 357 Stat W LagForecast
Attention M Lag
Demand Month
Stat Level Attention Lag
Abs Error by M Lag
357 Stat Level Forecast
Attention M Lag Abs Error
Demand Month Lag
Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 357 Stat M LagForecast
Attention M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
Attention M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
Attention M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Planning Attention M Lag wMAPE AbsL1Gap %)
Demand AIPredict Fcst Attention by PM 356 Stat M LagForecast
Attention PM Lag
Demand Lag
Attention PM Lag Abs Stat Level Attention Abs Error by PM 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand ErrorPM Lag
Attention Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Attention PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
Attention PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
Attention PM Lag wMAPE MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs
Demand Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
Attention W Lag AIPredict Fcst L1 Attention by W Lag
Demand W Lag
Attention W Lag Abs Error Stat Level Attention Abs Error by W
355 Stat Level Forecast
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 355 Stat W LagForecast
Attention W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
Attention W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
Attention W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Attention W Lag wMAPE
Demand GapARIMA
Stat Fcst L1 Auto %) by Month 357 Stat W LagForecast
Auto ARIMA M Lag
Demand Lag
Auto ARIMA M Lag Abs Stat Level Auto ARIMA Abs Error by 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Error M Lag
Auto ARIMA Forecast Month
AccuracyLag(1-MAPE), 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Auto ARIMA M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
Auto ARIMA M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Auto ARIMA M Lag MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Planning wMAPE Abs Gap %) M Lag
Demand 356 Stat Level Forecast
Auto ARIMA PM Lag Stat Fcst L1 Auto ARIMA by PM Lag
Demand Auto ARIMA PM Lag Abs Stat Level Auto ARIMA Abs Error by 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Error PM Lag
Auto ARIMA PM Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
Auto ARIMA PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Auto ARIMA PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Auto ARIMA PM Lag MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
Auto ARIMA W Lag Stat Fcst L1 Auto ARIMA by W Lag
Demand Auto ARIMA W Lag Abs Stat Level Auto ARIMA Abs Error by 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Error W Lag
Auto ARIMA W Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
Auto ARIMA W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
Auto ARIMA W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Auto ARIMA W Lag MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %) W LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Consensus Fcst M Lag Consensus Fcst by Month Lag
Demand Consensus Fcst M Lag Abs M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Consensus Abs Error by Month Lag
Demand Error
Consensus Fcst M Lag Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Consensus Fcst M Lag Bias (Fcst Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Consensus Fcst M Lag M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Fcst Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Error
Consensus Fcst M Lag wMAPE (Month Lag Fcst vs Actual M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Demand wMAPE Consensus Fcst Abs by
Gap %)
planning Month M LagAccuracy
353 Forecast
Consensus Fcst PM Lag
Demand Consensus Fcst PM Lag Lag
Consensus Abs Error by planning PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Abs Error
Consensus Fcst PM Lag Forecast Month
AccuracyLag(1-MAPE), PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Accuracy
Consensus Fcst PM Lag capped at 0 and 1 PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
(Fcst planning Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand ConsensusBias
Fcst PM Lag Fcst planning Month Lag - Actual PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Error
Consensus Fcst PM Lag wMAPE (planning GapMonth Lag Fcst vs PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
Demand wMAPE Actual Abs Gap %) PM Lag
352 Forecast Accuracy
Planning Consensus Fcst W Lag Consensus Fcst by Week Lag W Lag
Demand Consensus Fcst W Lag Abs 352 Forecast Accuracy
Consensus Abs Error by Week Lag
Demand Error
Consensus Fcst W Lag Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), W LagAccuracy
352 Forecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 W LagAccuracy
352 Forecast
Consensus Fcst W Lag Bias (Fcst Week Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Consensus Fcst W Lag W LagAccuracy
352 Forecast
Fcst Week Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Error
Consensus Fcst W Lag wMAPE (Week Lag Fcst vs Actual W LagAccuracy
352 Forecast
Demand wMAPE Abs Gap %) 357 Stat W LagForecast
Croston M Lag Stat Fcst L1 Croston by Month Lag
Demand Stat Level Croston Abs Error by 357 Stat M LagForecast
Croston M Lag Abs Error
Demand Forecast Month
AccuracyLag(1-MAPE), M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Croston M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
Croston M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
Croston M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Croston M Lag wMAPE
Demand Abs Gap %) M LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Croston PM Lag Stat Fcst L1 Croston by PM Lag
Demand Stat Level Croston Abs Error by PM 356 StatPM LagForecast
Croston PM Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 356 StatPM LagForecast
Croston PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
Croston PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Croston PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Croston PM Lag wMAPE
Demand Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
Croston W Lag Stat Fcst L1 Croston by W Lag
Planning W Lag
Demand Stat Level Croston Abs Error by W 355 Stat Level Forecast
Croston W Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 355 Stat W LagForecast
Croston W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
Croston W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
Croston W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Croston W Lag wMAPE
Demand Gap %) 357 Stat W LagForecast
DES M Lag Stat Fcst L1 DES by Month Lag
Demand Stat Level DES Abs Error by Month 357 Stat M LagForecast
DES M Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 357 Stat M LagForecast
DES M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
DES M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
DES M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Abs Gap %) 356 Stat M LagForecast
DES PM Lag Stat Fcst L1 DES by PM Lag
Demand PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
DES PM Lag Abs Error Stat Level DES Abs Error by PM Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 356 StatPM LagForecast
DES PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
DES PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
DES PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Demand Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
DES W Lag Stat Fcst L1 DES by W Lag
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
DES W Lag Abs Error Stat Level DES Abs Error by W Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 355 Stat W LagForecast
DES W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
DES W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
DES W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Gap %) 357 Stat W LagForecast
ETS M Lag Stat Fcst L1 by Month Lag
Demand Stat Level ETS Abs Error by Month M Lag
357 Stat Level Forecast
Planning ETS M Lag Abs Error Lag (1-MAPE),
Demand Forecast Accuracy 357 Stat M LagForecast
ETS M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
ETS M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
ETS M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Demand Abs Gap %) 356 Stat M LagForecast
ETS PM Lag Stat Fcst L1 by PM Lag
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
ETS PM Lag Abs Error Stat Level ETS Abs Error by PM Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 356 StatPM LagForecast
ETS PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
ETS PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
ETS PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
ETS W Lag Stat Fcst L1 by W Lag
Demand W Lag
355 Stat Level Forecast
ETS W Lag Abs Error Stat Level ETS Abs Error by W Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 355 Stat W LagForecast
ETS W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
ETS W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
ETS W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Demand Stat Fcst Growth GapAOA%) L1 by Month 357 Stat W LagForecast
Growth AOA M Lag
Demand Growth AOA M Lag Abs Stat Level Growth LagAOA Abs Error by 357 Stat M LagForecast
Planning Error Month Lag M Lag
Demand Growth AOA M Lag Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 357 Stat Level Forecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
Growth AOA M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
Growth AOA M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Growth AOA M Lag MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Abs Gap %) M LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Growth AOA PM Lag Stat Fcst Growth AOA L1 by PM Lag
Demand Growth AOA PM Lag Abs Stat Level Growth AOA Abs Error by 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Growth Error
AOA PM Lag PM Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
Growth AOA PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Growth AOA PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Growth AOA PM Lag MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
Growth AOA W Lag Stat Fcst Growth AOA L1 by W Lag
Demand Growth AOA W Lag Abs Stat Level Growth AOA Abs Error by 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand GrowthError
AOA W Lag W Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
Growth AOA W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
Growth AOA W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Growth AOA W Lag MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %)Snaive L1 by
Stat Fcst Growth W LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Growth Snaive M Lag
Demand Growth Snaive M Lag Abs MonthSnaive
Stat Level Growth Lag Abs Error 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Growth Error
Snaive M Lag ForecastbyAccuracy
Month Lag(1-MAPE), 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
Growth Snaive M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Growth Snaive M Lag M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Growth Error
Snaive M Lag MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Abs Gap
Stat Fcst Growth %) L1 by PM
Snaive 356 Stat M LagForecast
Growth Snaive PM Lag
Demand Growth Snaive PM Lag Stat Level Growth LagSnaive Abs Error 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand GrowthAbs ErrorPM Lag
Snaive by PM
Forecast Accuracy Lag(1-MAPE), PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Demand GrowthAccuracy
Snaive PM Lag capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
(Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Bias PM Lag
Growth Snaive 356 StatPM LagForecast
Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Error PM Lag
Growth Snaive MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %) PM LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Growth Snaive W Lag Stat Fcst Growth Snaive L1 by W Lag
Demand Growth Snaive W Lag Abs Stat Level Growth Snaive Abs Error 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Error W Lag
Growth Snaive by W Lag(1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
Growth Snaive W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Growth Snaive W Lag W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Error W Lag
Growth Snaive MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %) W Lag
M to PW Lag Association M to PW Lag Association 026 Partial Week Lag
Demand 357 Stat Level Forecast
ML M Lag AIPredict Fcst L1 ML by Month Lag
Demand Stat Level ML Abs Error by Month 357 Stat M LagForecast
ML M Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 357 Stat M LagForecast
ML M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
ML M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
ML M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Demand Abs Gap %) 356 Stat M LagForecast
ML PM Lag AIPredict Fcst L1 ML by PM Lag
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
ML PM Lag Abs Error Stat Level ML Abs Error by PM Lag
Planning PM Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 356 Stat Level Forecast
ML PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
ML PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
ML PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Gap %) PM LagForecast
355 Stat Level
ML W Lag AIPredict Fcst L1 ML by W Lag
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
ML W Lag Abs Error Stat Level ML Abs Error by W Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 355 Stat W LagForecast
ML W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
ML W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
ML W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Gap %) Average by
Stat Fcst L1 Moving 357 Stat W LagForecast
Moving Average M Lag
Demand Moving Average M Lag Month
Stat Level Moving Lag Abs Error
Average 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand MovingAbs Error M Lag
Average Forecast AccuracyLag
by Month (1-MAPE), M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Demand MovingAccuracy
Average M Lag capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
(Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Bias M Lag
Moving Average 357 Stat M LagForecast
Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Error M Lag
Moving Average MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Abs GapAverage
Stat Fcst L1 Moving %) by PM M LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Moving Average PM Lag
Demand Moving Average PM Lag Lag
Stat Level Moving Average Abs Error 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand MovingAbs Error PM Lag
Average by PM Lag(1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand MovingAccuracy
Average PM Lag capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
(Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Bias PM Lag
Moving Average PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Error PM Lag
Moving Average MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %)Average by W
Stat Fcst L1 Moving 355 StatPM LagForecast
Moving Average W Lag
Demand Moving Average W Lag Stat Level Moving Lag
Average Abs Error 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand MovingAbs Error W Lag
Average by W Lag(1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Demand MovingAccuracy
Average W Lag capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
(Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Bias W Lag
Moving Average 355 Stat W LagForecast
Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Error W Lag
Moving Average MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand wMAPE
Naive Random Walk M Gap Random
Stat Fcst L1 Naive %) Walk by W LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Demand Lag Walk M
Naive Random Month Lag
Stat Level Naive Random Walk Abs 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand NaiveLag Abs Error
Random Walk M ErrorAccuracy
Forecast by Month Lag
(1-MAPE), 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Lag Accuracy
Naive Random Walk M capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
(Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Lag BiasWalk M
Naive Random M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Lag ErrorWalk M
Naive Random MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Naive Lag wMAPE
Random Walk PM Abs Gap
Stat Fcst L1 Naive %)
Random Walk by 356 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Lag
Naive Random Walk PM PM Lag
Stat Level Naive Random Walk Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand NaiveLag Abs Error
Random Walk PM ForecastError by PM (1-MAPE),
Accuracy Lag PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Demand Lag Accuracy
Naive Random Walk PM capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
(Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Lag BiasWalk PM
Naive Random 356 StatPM LagForecast
Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Lag Error
Naive Random Walk PM MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Lag wMAPE
Naive Random Walk W Gap Random
Stat Fcst L1 Naive %) Walk by PM LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Demand Lag
Naive Random Walk W W Lag
Stat Level Naive Random Walk Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand NaiveLag Abs Error
Random Walk W ForecastError by W Lag
Accuracy (1-MAPE), 355 Stat W LagForecast
Planning Lag Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 W Lag
Demand Naive Random Walk W 355 Stat Level Forecast
(Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Lag BiasWalk W
Naive Random 355 Stat W LagForecast
Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Lag ErrorWalk W MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs
Naive Random 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Lag wMAPE Gap %) W Lag
PM to PW Lag Association PM to PW Lag Association 026 Partial Week Lag
Demand 357 Stat Level Forecast
Prophet M Lag Stat Fcst L1 Prophet by Month Lag
Demand Stat Level Prophet Abs Error by 357 Stat M LagForecast
Prophet M Lag Abs Error
Demand Forecast Month
AccuracyLag(1-MAPE), 357 Stat M LagForecast
Prophet M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
Prophet M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Prophet M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Prophet M Lag wMAPE
Demand Abs Gap %) 356 Stat M LagForecast
Prophet PM Lag Stat Fcst L1 Prophet by PM Lag
Demand Stat Level Prophet Abs Error by PM 356 StatPM LagForecast
Prophet PM Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Prophet PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
Prophet PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
Prophet PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Prophet PM Lag wMAPE
Demand Gap %) PM LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Prophet W Lag Stat Fcst L1 Prophet by W Lag
Demand Stat Level Prophet Abs Error by W 355 Stat W LagForecast
Prophet W Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 355 Stat W LagForecast
Prophet W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
Prophet W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Prophet W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Prophet W Lag wMAPE
Demand Gap %) W LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Published Fcst M Lag Published Fcst by Month Lag
Demand Published Fcst M Lag Abs M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Published Abs Error by Month Lag
Demand PublishedError
Fcst M Lag Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Published Fcst M Lag Bias (Fcst Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Published Fcst M Lag Error Fcst Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Published Fcst M Lag wMAPE (Month Lag Fcst vs Actual M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Demand wMAPE Published FcstAbsby
Gap %)
planning Month M LagAccuracy
353 Forecast
Published Fcst PM Lag
Demand Lag
Published Fcst PM Lag Abs Published Abs Error by planning PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
Demand PublishedError
Fcst PM Lag Forecast Month
AccuracyLag(1-MAPE), PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Accuracy
Published capped at 0 and 1
Fcst PM Lag (Fcst planning PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Bias
Published Fcst PM Lag Fcst planning Month Lag - Actual PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
Demand PublishedError
Fcst PM Lag wMAPE (planning GapMonth Lag Fcst vs PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
Demand wMAPE Actual Abs Gap %) PM Lag
352 Forecast Accuracy
Published Fcst W Lag Published Fcst by Week Lag
Demand Published Fcst W Lag Abs W Lag
352 Forecast Accuracy
Published Abs Error by Week Lag
Demand PublishedError
Fcst W Lag Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), W LagAccuracy
352 Forecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 W LagAccuracy
352 Forecast
Published Fcst W Lag Bias (Fcst Week Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand W LagAccuracy
352 Forecast
Published Fcst W Lag Error Fcst Week Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Published Fcst W Lag wMAPE (Week Lag Fcst vs Actual W LagAccuracy
352 Forecast
Demand wMAPE Abs Gap %) 357 Stat W LagForecast
sARIMA M Lag Stat Fcst L1 sARIMA by Month Lag
Demand Stat Level sARIMA Abs Error by 357 Stat M LagForecast
sARIMA M Lag Abs Error
Demand Forecast Month
AccuracyLag(1-MAPE), 357 Stat M LagForecast
sARIMA M Lag Accuracy
Planning capped at 0 and 1 M Lag
Demand 357 Stat Level Forecast
sARIMA M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
sARIMA M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Abs Gap %) 356 Stat M LagForecast
sARIMA PM Lag Stat Fcst L1 sARIMA by PM Lag
Demand Stat Level sARIMA Abs Error by PM PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
sARIMA PM Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 356 StatPM LagForecast
sARIMA PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
sARIMA PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
sARIMA PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Demand Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
sARIMA W Lag Stat Fcst L1 sARIMA by W Lag
Demand Stat Level sARIMA Abs Error by W 355 Stat W LagForecast
sARIMA W Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 355 Stat W LagForecast
sARIMA W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
sARIMA W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
sARIMA W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Gap %) Naive YoY by
Stat Fcst L1 Seasonal 357 Stat W LagForecast
Seasonal Naive YoY M Lag
Demand Seasonal Naive YoY M Lag Stat Level SeasonalLag
Month Naive YoY Abs M Lag
357 Stat Level Forecast
Demand SeasonalAbs Error
Naive YoY M Lag Error by Month Lag
Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Accuracy
Seasonal Naive YoY M Lag capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
(Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Seasonal NaiveBias YoY M Lag 357 Stat M LagForecast
Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Error
Seasonal Naive YoY M Lag MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Demand SeasonalwMAPE
Naive YoY PM Stat Fcst L1 Abs Gap %)
Seasonal Naive YoY by 356 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Lag YoY PM
Seasonal Naive PM Lag
Stat Level Seasonal Naive YoY Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Lag Abs
Seasonal Error
Naive YoY PM ForecastError by PM (1-MAPE),
Accuracy Lag 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Lag Accuracy
Seasonal Naive YoY PM capped at 0 and 1 PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Planning (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand SeasonalLag BiasYoY PM
Naive 356 StatPM LagForecast
Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Seasonal LagNaive
ErrorYoY PM MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Lag wMAPE Gap %) Naive YoY by
Stat Fcst L1 Seasonal 355 StatPM LagForecast
Seasonal Naive YoY W Lag
Demand Seasonal Naive YoY W Lag W LagNaive YoY Abs
Stat Level Seasonal W Lag
355 Stat Level Forecast
Demand SeasonalAbs Error
Naive YoY W Lag ForecastError by W Lag
Accuracy (1-MAPE), 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Accuracy
Seasonal Naive YoY W Lag capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
(Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Seasonal NaiveBias YoY W Lag 355 Stat W LagForecast
Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Error
Seasonal Naive YoY W Lag MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Demand wMAPE Gap %) 357 Stat W LagForecast
SES M Lag Stat Fcst L1 SES by Month Lag
Demand Stat Level SES Abs Error by Month 357 Stat M LagForecast
SES M Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 357 Stat M LagForecast
SES M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
SES M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
SES M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Abs Gap %) 356 Stat M LagForecast
SES PM Lag Stat Fcst L1 SES by PM Lag
Demand PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
SES PM Lag Abs Error Stat Level SES Abs Error by PM Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 356 StatPM LagForecast
SES PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
SES PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Planning PM Lag
Demand 356 Stat Level Forecast
SES PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
SES W Lag Stat Fcst L1 SES by W Lag
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
SES W Lag Abs Error Stat Level SES Abs Error by W Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
SES W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
SES W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
SES W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Stat Fcst Simple GapAOA
%) L1 by Month W LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Simple AOA M Lag
Demand Simple AOA M Lag Abs Stat Level Simple Lag
AOA Abs Error by 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Error
Simple AOA M Lag Month
Forecast Accuracy Lag(1-MAPE), 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
Simple AOA M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Simple AOA M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Simple AOA M Lag MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Abs Gap %) 356 Stat M LagForecast
Simple AOA PM Lag Stat Fcst Simple AOA L1 by PM Lag
Demand Simple AOA PM Lag Abs Stat Level Simple AOA Abs Error by 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand ErrorPM Lag
Simple AOA PM Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
Simple AOA PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
Simple AOA PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Simple AOA PM Lag MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %) PM LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Simple AOA W Lag Stat Fcst Simple AOA L1 by W Lag
Demand Simple AOA W Lag Abs Stat Level Simple AOA Abs Error by 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand SimpleError
AOA W Lag W Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
Simple AOA W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Planning Simple AOA W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Simple AOA W Lag MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Stat Fcst Simple Gap %) L1 by Month
Snaive 357 Stat W LagForecast
Simple Snaive M Lag
Demand Simple Snaive M Lag Abs Stat Level Simple LagSnaive Abs Error 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Error
Simple Snaive M Lag Forecast AccuracyLag
by Month (1-MAPE), M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
Simple Snaive M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
Simple Snaive M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Simple Snaive M Lag MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Abs Gap %) M LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Simple Snaive PM Lag Stat Fcst Simple Snaive L1 by PM Lag
Demand Simple Snaive PM Lag Abs Stat Level Simple Snaive Abs Error 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Error PM Lag
Simple Snaive by PM Lag(1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
Simple Snaive PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Simple Snaive PM Lag PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Error PM Lag MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs
Simple Snaive 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
Simple Snaive W Lag Stat Fcst Simple Snaive L1 by W Lag
Demand Simple Snaive W Lag Abs Stat Level Simple Snaive Abs Error 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Error W Lag
Simple Snaive by W Lag(1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
Simple Snaive W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
Simple Snaive W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Planning W Lag
Demand Simple Snaive W Lag MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat Level Forecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %) 357 Stat W LagForecast
Stat Fcst L1 M Lag Stat Fcst Bestfit L1 by Month Lag
Demand Stat Fcst L1 M Lag Abs Stat Level Bestfit Abs Error by 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Error
Stat Fcst L1 M Lag Forecast Month
AccuracyLag(1-MAPE), 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Stat Fcst L1 M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
Stat Fcst L1 M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Stat Fcst L1 M Lag wMAPE
Demand Abs Gap %) 356 Stat M LagForecast
Stat Fcst L1 PM Lag Stat Fcst Bestfit L1 by PM Lag
Demand Stat Fcst L1 PM Lag Abs Stat Level Bestfit Abs Error by PM PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Demand Error
Stat Fcst L1 PM Lag Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
Stat Fcst L1 PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
Stat Fcst L1 PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Stat Fcst L1 PM Lag MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Demand wMAPE Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
Stat Fcst L1 W Lag Stat Fcst Bestfit L1 by W Lag
Demand Stat Fcst L1 W Lag Abs Stat Level Bestfit Abs Error by W Lag 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Error
Stat Fcst L1 W Lag Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Stat Fcst L1 W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
Stat Fcst L1 W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Stat Fcst L1 W Lag wMAPE
Demand Gap %) W LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Stat Fcst M Lag Stat Fcst by Month Lag
Demand M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Stat Fcst M Lag Abs Error Stat Level Abs Error by Month Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Stat Fcst M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Stat Fcst M Lag Bias (Fcst Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Stat Fcst M Lag Error Fcst Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand wMAPE (Month Lag Fcst vs Actual M LagAccuracy
354 Forecast
Planning Stat Fcst M Lag wMAPE Abs Gap %) M LagAccuracy
Demand 353 Forecast
Stat Fcst PM Lag Stat Fcst by planning Month Lag
Demand PM Lag
Stat Fcst PM Lag Abs Error Stat Level Abs Error by planning 353 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Forecast Month
AccuracyLag(1-MAPE), PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
Stat Fcst PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
Stat Fcst PM Lag Bias (Fcst planning Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Fcst planning Month Lag - Actual PM Lag
353 Forecast Accuracy
Stat Fcst PM Lag Error
Demand Gap PM Lag
Stat Fcst PM Lag wMAPE wMAPE (planning Month Lag Fcst vs
353 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Actual Abs Gap %) PM Lag
Stat Fcst Profile PL M Lag Stat Fcst Planning Level Profile at 354 Forecast Accuracy
Demand Monthly Lag M LagAccuracy
Stat Fcst Profile PL PM Lag Planning Level Stat Fcst profile at
353 Forecast
Demand Planning planning month
Level Stat Fcstlag
Profile at PM Lag
352 Forecast Accuracy
Stat Fcst Profile PL W Lag
Demand week lag W Lag
186 Stat Transition
Stat Fcst Profile TL M Lag Stat Fcst profile for monthly lag
Demand Transition Level Stat Forecast profile 187Level M Lag
Stat Transition
Stat Fcst Profile TL PM Lag
Demand at planning month lag Level PM Lag
Stat Fcst Profile TL W Lag Transition Level Stat Forecast Profile
188 Stat Transition
Demand TransitionforLevel
lag for 186Level W Lag
Stat Transition
Stat Fcst TL M Lag
Demand monthly lag
Transition Level Forecast at Planning 187Level M Lag
Stat Transition
Stat Fcst TL PM Lag
Demand Month
Transition Level Lag at Week
Forecast 188Level
Stat PM Lag
Stat Fcst TL W lag
Demand Lag Level W Lag
352 Forecast Accuracy
Stat Fcst W Lag Stat Fcst by Week Lag
Demand W LagAccuracy
352 Forecast
Stat Fcst W Lag Abs Error Stat Level Abs Error by Week Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), W LagAccuracy
352 Forecast
Stat Fcst W Lag Accuracy
Planning capped at 0 and 1 W Lag
Demand 352 Forecast Accuracy
Stat Fcst W Lag Bias (Fcst Week Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand W LagAccuracy
352 Forecast
Stat Fcst W Lag Error Fcst Week Lag - Actual Gap
Demand wMAPE (Week Lag Fcst vs Actual W LagAccuracy
352 Forecast
Stat Fcst W Lag wMAPE
Demand Abs Gap %) 357 Stat W LagForecast
STLF M Lag Stat Fcst L1 STLF by Month Lag
Demand Stat Level STLF Abs Error by Month M Lag
357 Stat Level Forecast
STLF M Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 357 Stat M LagForecast
STLF M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
STLF M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
STLF M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Demand Abs Gap %) 356 Stat M LagForecast
STLF PM Lag Stat Fcst L1 STLF by PM Lag
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
STLF PM Lag Abs Error Stat Level STLF Abs Error by PM Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 356 StatPM LagForecast
STLF PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
STLF PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
STLF PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
STLF W Lag Stat Fcst L1 STLF by W Lag
Demand W Lag
355 Stat Level Forecast
STLF W Lag Abs Error Stat Level STLF Abs Error by W Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 355 Stat W LagForecast
STLF W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
STLF W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
STLF W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Demand Gap %) 357 Stat W LagForecast
TBATS M Lag Stat Fcst L1 TBATS by Month Lag
Demand Stat Level TBATS Abs Error by 357 Stat M LagForecast
TBATS M Lag Abs Error
Demand Forecast Month Lag(1-MAPE),
Accuracy 357 Stat M LagForecast
TBATS M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Planning TBATS M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
TBATS M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Abs Gap %) 356 Stat M LagForecast
TBATS PM Lag Stat Fcst L1 TBATS by PM Lag
Demand Stat Level TBATS Abs Error by PM PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
TBATS PM Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 356 StatPM LagForecast
TBATS PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
TBATS PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
TBATS PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Demand Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
TBATS W Lag Stat Fcst L1 TBATS by W Lag
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
TBATS W Lag Abs Error Stat Level TBATS Abs Error by W Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 355 Stat W LagForecast
TBATS W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
TBATS W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
TBATS W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Gap %) 357 Stat W LagForecast
TES M Lag Stat Fcst L1 TES by Month Lag
Demand Stat Level TES Abs Error by Month M Lag
357 Stat Level Forecast
TES M Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 357 Stat M LagForecast
TES M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
TES M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Planning M Lag
Demand 357 Stat Level Forecast
TES M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Abs Gap %) 356 Stat M LagForecast
TES PM Lag Stat Fcst L1 TES by PM Lag
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
TES PM Lag Abs Error Stat Level TES Abs Error by PM Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
TES PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
TES PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 356 StatPM LagForecast
TES PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Gap %) PM LagForecast
355 Stat Level
TES W Lag Stat Fcst L1 TES by W Lag
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
TES W Lag Abs Error Stat Level TES Abs Error by W Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), 355 Stat W LagForecast
TES W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
TES W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
TES W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Gap %) 357 Stat W LagForecast
Theta M Lag Stat Fcst L1 Theta by Month Lag
Demand Stat Level Theta Abs Error by Month 357 Stat M LagForecast
Theta M Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Theta M Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
Theta M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 357 Stat M LagForecast
Theta M Lag Error Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Theta M Lag wMAPE
Demand Abs Gap %) M LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Theta PM Lag Stat Fcst L1 Theta by PM Lag
Demand Stat Level Theta Abs Error by PM 356 StatPM LagForecast
Theta PM Lag Abs Error
Demand Lag (1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 356 StatPM LagForecast
Theta PM Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
Theta PM Lag Bias (Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Planning Theta PM Lag Error Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Theta PM Lag wMAPE
Demand Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
Theta W Lag Stat Fcst L1 Theta by W Lag
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
Theta W Lag Abs Error Stat Level Theta Abs Error by W Lag
Demand Forecast Accuracy (1-MAPE), W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Theta W Lag Accuracy
Demand capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
Theta W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand 355 Stat W LagForecast
Theta W Lag Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Theta W Lag wMAPE
Demand Gap %) W Lag
W to PW Lag Association W to PW Lag Association 026 Partial Week Lag
Demand Stat Fcst Weighted AOA L1 by 357 Stat Level Forecast
Weighted AOA M Lag
Demand Weighted AOA M Lag Abs Month Lag
Stat Level Weighted AOA Abs Error 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Weighted Error
AOA M Lag Forecast AccuracyLag
by Month (1-MAPE), 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Weighted AOA M Lag Bias (Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Weighted AOA M Lag 357 Stat M LagForecast
Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Weighted Error
AOA M Lag MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Abs GapAOA
Stat Fcst Weighted %) L1 by PM 356 Stat M LagForecast
Weighted AOA PM Lag
Demand Weighted AOA PM Lag Lag
Stat Level Weighted AOA Abs Error PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Demand WeightedAbsAOA
ErrorPM Lag by PM Lag(1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Weighted Accuracy
AOA PM Lag capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
(Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Planning Bias PM Lag
Demand Weighted AOA PM Lag 356 Stat Level Forecast
Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand WeightedErrorAOA PM Lag MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %) 355 StatPM LagForecast
Weighted AOA W Lag Stat Fcst Weighted AOA L1 by W Lag
Demand Weighted AOA W Lag Abs Stat Level Weighted AOA Abs Error 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Weighted Error
AOA W Lag by W Lag(1-MAPE),
Forecast Accuracy W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Demand Accuracy capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
Weighted AOA W Lag Bias (Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Weighted AOA W Lag 355 Stat W LagForecast
Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Weighted Error
AOA W Lag MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %)Snaive L1 by
Stat Fcst Weighted W LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Weighted Snaive M Lag
Demand Weighted Snaive M Lag Month LagSnaive Abs
Stat Level Weighted 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Weighted AbsSnaive
Error M Lag ErrorAccuracy
Forecast by Month Lag
(1-MAPE), 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand Weighted Accuracy
Snaive M Lag capped at 0 and 1 357 Stat M LagForecast
(Fcst L1 Month Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand WeightedBias Snaive M Lag M LagForecast
357 Stat Level
Fcst L1 Month Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Error
Weighted Snaive M Lag MAPE (Month Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual 357 Stat M LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Abs GapSnaive
Stat Fcst Weighted %) L1 by PM 356 Stat M LagForecast
Weighted Snaive PM Lag
Demand Weighted Snaive PM Lag Stat Level WeightedLag Snaive Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand Weighted AbsSnaive
Error PM Lag Error by
Forecast Accuracy PM (1-MAPE),
Lag PM LagForecast
356 Stat Level
Demand Weighted Accuracy
Snaive PM Lag capped at 0 and 1 356 StatPM LagForecast
(Fcst L1 PM Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand Bias PM Lag
Weighted Snaive 356 StatPM LagForecast
Fcst L1 PM Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Weighted ErrorSnaive PM Lag MAPE (PM Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 356 StatPM LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Stat Fcst WeightedGap %) Snaive L1 by W PM LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Weighted Snaive W Lag
Demand Weighted Snaive W Lag Lag
Stat Level Weighted Snaive Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Weighted AbsSnaive
Error W Lag Forecast Error by W Lag
Accuracy (1-MAPE), 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand Weighted Accuracy
Snaive W Lag capped at 0 and 1 355 Stat W LagForecast
(Fcst L1 W Lag/Actual) - 1
Demand WeightedBias Snaive W Lag W LagForecast
355 Stat Level
Planning Error Fcst L1 W Lag - Actual Gap
Demand Weighted Snaive W Lag MAPE (W Lag Fcst L1 vs Actual Abs 355 Stat W LagForecast
Demand wMAPE Gap %) W Lag
B2GO Buy Two Get One Free 440 Promo Calendar
BOGO Buy One Get One Free 440 Promo Calendar
Demand Buy Two Get 50% off on Lower
BOGO 50% 440 Promo Calendar
Demand Priced Item
Bundle Bundle 440 Promo Calendar
Discount % Discount % 440 Promo Calendar
Demand Display Display 440 Promo Calendar
Demand 460 Marketing
Facebook Ad Facebook Ad
Demand Calendar
Feature Feature 440 Promo Calendar
Demand FOS FOS Display 440 Promo Calendar
Free Mug Mug 440 Promo Calendar
Free T-shirt T-shirt 440 Promo Calendar
Demand Full Page Full Page 440 Promo Calendar
GE GE Display 440 Promo Calendar
Half Page Half Page 440 Promo Calendar
Holiday Type Holiday Type 016 Holiday Calendar
Initiative Bundle Initiative Bundle 400 Initiative
Initiative Bundle Details Initiative Bundle Details 430 Promo Details
Initiative Description Initiative Description 400 Initiative
Initiative Discount % Initiative Discount % 430 Promo Details
Initiative Display Initiative Display 400 Initiative
Initiative Display Details Initiative Display Details 430 Promo Details
Demand Initiative Distribution
Initiative Distribution Coverage 400 Initiative
Demand Coverage
Initiative Duration Initiative Duration 400 Initiative
Initiative End Initiative End Date 400 Initiative
Initiative Feature Initiative Feature 400 Initiative
Initiative Feature Details Initiative Feature Details 430 Promo Details
Initiative ID Initiative ID 440 Promo Calendar
Initiative Medium Marketing Initiative Medium 400 Initiative
Initiative Owner Initiative Owner 400 Initiative
Initiative Price Initiative Price 430 Promo Details
Initiative Rating Initiative Rating 400 Initiative
Initiative Reach Marketing Initiative Reach 400 Initiative
Demand Initiative Spend Marketing Initiative Spend 400 Initiative
Initiative Start Initiative Start Date 400 Initiative
Initiative Status Initiative Status 400 Initiative
Initiative TPR Initiative TPR 400 Initiative
Initiative TPR Details Initiative TPR Details 430 Promo Details
Is Holiday Holiday Calendar 016 Holiday Calendar
Is Weekend Is Weekend 022 Day
Demand Load In Period b/w Sell Out and Sell
Load In Period 400 Initiative
Demand In 460 Marketing
Marketing Medium Marketing Medium
Demand Marketing Product Marketing Product Customer Calendar
450 Marketing Initiative
Demand Customer Association Association Details
460 Marketing
Marketing Reach Marketing Reach
Demand Marketing Scope 460Calendar
Marketing Scope Association
Demand Association Calendar
460 Marketing
Marketing Spend Marketing Spend
Demand Marketing Time 410 CalendarTime
Marketing Time Association
Demand Association Association
Multi Buy Buy 4 save 2$ 440 Promo Calendar
Demand 460 Marketing
Newspaper Ad Newspaper Ad
Demand Calendar
Precipitation Precipitation 018 Weather
Promo Days Promo Days 440 Promo Calendar
Demand Promo Distribution
Promo Distribution Coverage 440 Promo Calendar
Demand Promo Product CoverageCustomer Promo Product Customer 430 Promo Details
Demand Association Association
Promo Scope Association Promo Scope Association 440 Promo Calendar
Demand 420 Promo Sold To
Promo Sold To Association Initiative Customer Association
Demand 410Association
Initiative Time
Promo Time Association Promo Time Association
Demand Association
Promotional Price Promotional Price 440 Promo Calendar
Demand 460 Marketing
Radio Ad Radio Ad
Demand Calendar
Reduced Price Flat Price $1.49 440 Promo Calendar
Seasonal Aisle Seasonal Aisle Display 440 Promo Calendar
Sell In Initiative End Sell In Initiative End Date 400 Initiative
Sell In Initiative Start Sell In Initiative Start Date 400 Initiative
Shelf Shelf Display 440 Promo Calendar
Shipper Shipper Display 440 Promo Calendar
SS/LR SS/LR Display 440 Promo Calendar
Standard Price Standard Price 440 Promo Calendar
Temperature Temperature 018 Weather
TPR TPR 440 Promo Calendar
Demand 460 Marketing
Demand 460Calendar
YouTube Ad YouTubecalculated
Channel Inventory Ad from
Demand Calendar
310 Sell Out Sell In
Ch INV using the Sell Out and Sell In AM
Demand Forecast
Ch INV Actual and previous
Channel monthinChPast
Inventory INV 300 Sell Out Actual
Demand Channel Inventory Input (populated
Ch INV Actual Input 300 Sell Out Actual
Demand from interface)
Ch INV Actual Last Year (Ch INV
Ch INV Actual LY 300 Sell Out Actual
Demand Actual offset by 52 weeks)
Ch INV Actual vs LY % Ch INV Actual/Ch INV Actual LY 300 Sell Out Actual
Demand Ch INV Actual vs LY Abs
abs(Ch INV Actual- Ch INV Actual LY) 300 Sell Out Actual
Demand Gap
Ch INV Actual vs LY Gap Ch INV Actual - Ch INV Actual LY 300 Sell Out Actual
Ch INV Actual vs LY Gap % (Ch INV Actual/Ch INV Actual LY) - 1 300 Sell Out Actual
Demand Channel Inventory Actual at higher 310 Sell Out Sell In
Demand Channel Inventory level
Last Year (Ch INV Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Demand Ch INV Actual in pastweeks)
offset by 52 and Wk Cover Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Ch INV Target
Demand Target
Actual in converted
Past andto Units
Final SellinInFuture
after Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM
Demand considering override if any in Future Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM Lag1 Sell In AM Lag1 (one month lag)
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM Lag2 Sell In AM Lag2 (two month lag)
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM Lag3 Sell In AM Lag3 (three month lag)
Demand Sell In AM Last Cycle (snapshot Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Planning Sell In AM LC taken from
Demand Sell In AMtheLastlast
(Sell In cycle)
AM Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM LY
Demand offset by 52 weeks) Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM vs LC % Sell In AM/Sell In AM LC
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM vs LC Abs Gap abs(Sell In AM - Sell In AM LC)
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM vs LC Gap Sell In AM - Sell In AM LC
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM vs LC Gap % (Sell In AM/Sell In AM LC) - 1
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM vs LY % Sell In AM/Sell In AM LY
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM vs LY Abs Gap abs(Sell In AM - Sell In AM LY)
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM vs LY Gap Sell In AM - Sell In AM LY
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In AM vs LY Gap % (Sell In AM/Sell
Sell In Actuals in pastInand
AM Calculated
LY) - 1
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc by using the Ch INV Target and Sell
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc Lag1 Sell In CalcOutLag1in Future
(one month lag)
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc Lag2 Sell In Calc Lag2 (two month lag)
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc Lag3 Sell In Calc Lag3 (three month lag)
Demand Sell In Last Cycle (snapshot taken Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc LC
Demand Sellfrom theyear
In Last last(Sell
planning cycle)
In offset by 52 Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc LY
Demand weeks) Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc vs LC % Sell In Calc/Sell In Calc LC
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc vs LC Abs Gap abs(Sell In Calc - Sell In Calc LC)
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc vs LC Gap Sell In - Sell In LC
Planning Forecast
Demand 310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc vs LC Gap % (Sell In/Sell In LC) - 1
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc vs LY % Sell In Calc/Sell In Calc LY
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc vs LY Abs Gap abs(Sell In Calc - Sell In Calc LY)
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc vs LY Gap Sell In - Sell In LY
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Calc vs LY Gap % (Sell In/Sell In LY) - 1
Demand Sell In Override by Account Manager Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell In Override
Demand in Future Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Sell In Stat L0 Exception Sell In Stat L0 Exception
Demand Sell Out Actual in Past and Forecast Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out
Demand in Future Forecast
Sell Out Actual Sell Out Actual in Past 300 Sell Out Actual
Demand Sell Out Input (populated from
Sell Out Actual Input 300 Sell Out Actual
Demand Sell Out Actual Interface)
Last Year (Sell Out
Sell Out Actual LY 300 Sell Out Actual
Demand Actual offset by 52 weeks)
Sell Out Actual vs LY % Sell Out Actual/Sell Out Actual LY 300 Sell Out Actual
Demand Sell Out Actual vs LY Abs abs(Sell Out Actual- Sell Out Actual
300 Sell Out Actual
Demand Gap LY)
Sell Out Actual vs LY Gap Sell Out Actual - Sell Out Actual LY 300 Sell Out Actual
Demand Sell Out Actual vs LY Gap (Sell Out Actual/Sell Out Actual LY) -
300 Sell Out Actual
Demand % 1 310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Lag1 Sell Out Lag1 (one month lag)
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Lag2 Sell Out Lag2 (two month lag)
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Lag3 Sell Out Lag3 (three month lag)
Demand Sell Out Last Cycle (snapshot taken Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out LC
Demand Sell from the Year
Out Last last planning
(Sell Outcycle)
offset by Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out LY
Demand 52 weeks) Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out vs LC % Sell Out/Sell Out LC
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out vs LC Abs Gap abs(Sell Out- Sell Out LC)
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out vs LC Gap Sell Out - Sell Out LC
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out vs LC Gap % (Sell Out/Sell Out LC) - 1
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Planning Sell Out vs LY % Sell Out/Sell Out LY Forecast
Demand 310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out vs LY Abs Gap abs(Sell Out- Sell Out LY)
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out vs LY Gap Sell Out - Sell Out LY
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out vs LY Gap % (Sell Out/Sell
Calculated WOS viaOut LY)from
plugin - 1 Sell
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Wk Cover Out Fcst
Target WOSandforChSell
in any given
to Sell In
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Wk Cover Target period by Account
Conversion (maintained
Demand Forecast Item
045 Planning
Actual L6M Total Volume Manager)
of last
Planning Exception Measure for6the
plugin Customer Group
Demand Actual L6M R Exception 010 Version
calculating Total Volume of Last 6
Demand 470 ML Driver
Driver Importance DriverMonths
Demand Input measure for corresponding Importance
470 ML Driver
Driver Importance Input
Demand main measure Importance
470 ML Driver
Driver Weight Driver Weight
Demand Importance
Consensus Fcst Consensus Forecast 320 Forecast
Demand Lag 1 Consensus forecast (one
Consensus Fcst Lag1 320 Forecast
Demand month forecast
Lag 2 Consensus lag) (two
Consensus Fcst Lag2 320 Forecast
Demand month lag)
Lag 3 Consensus forecast (three
Consensus Fcst Lag3 Consensus Forecast 320 Forecast
Demand month lag) last cycle
Consensus Fcst LC ( (snapshot taken from the last 320 Forecast
Demand Consensusplanning
Last Last year
Consensus Fcst LLY 320 Forecast
Demand (Forecast
Consensus Forecast104
offset by weeks)
Last year
Consensus Fcst LY 320 Forecast
Demand (Forecast offset by 52
Consensus Forecast/Consensus weeks)
Consensus Fcst vs LC % 320 Forecast
Planning Forecast LC
Demand Consensus Fcst vs LC Abs abs(Consensus Forecast - Consensus
320 Forecast
Demand Gap ConsensusForecast
- Consensus
Consensus Fcst vs LC Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Forecast LC
Consensus Fcst vs LC Gap (Consensus Forecast/Consensus
320 Forecast
Demand % ConsensusForecast
ForecastLC) - 1 Last Year
vs Last
Consensus Fcst vs LLY % 320 Forecast
Demand Consensus Forecast
Consensus Fcst vs LLY Abs Consensus Forecast vs Last Last % Year
320 Forecast
Demand Gap ConsensusForecast
Consensus ForecastvsAbsolute
Last LastGap
Consensus Fcst vs LLY Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Consensus Forecast Gap
Consensus Fcst vs LLY Gap Consensus Forecast vs Last Last Year
320 Forecast
Demand % Consensus
Consensus Forecast Gap %
Consensus Fcst vs LY % 320 Forecast
Demand Forecast
Consensus Fcst vs LY Abs abs(Consensus Forecast LY - Consensus
320 Forecast
Demand Gap ConsensusForecast
- Consensus
Consensus Fcst vs LY Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Forecast LY
Consensus Fcst vs LY Gap (Consensus Forecast/Consensus
320 Forecast
Demand Consensus vs % Marketing Forecast LY) - 1 360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Marketing Fcst %
Demand Fcst %
Consensus vs Marketing Consensus vs Marketing Fcst Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Consensus vs Marketing ConsensusAbsolute
Fcst Abs Gap Gap Forecasts
360 Delta Between
vs Marketing Fcst Gap
Demand FcstvsGap
Consensus Marketing Consensus vs Marketing Fcst Gap % Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Fcst Gap %
Consensus vs Published Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Published Fcst %
Demand Fcst %
Consensus vs Published Consensus vs Published Fcst Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Fcst Abs Gap
Consensus vs Published Absolute Gap Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Published Fcst Gap
Demand FcstvsGap
Consensus Published Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Published Fcst Gap %
Demand Fcst Gap %
Consensus vs Published Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Published Fcst LC %
Demand Fcstvs
Consensus LCPublished
% Consensus vs Published Fcst LC Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Fcst LC Abs Gap
Consensus vs Published Absolute Gap Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Published Fcst LC Gap
Demand Fcst LC
Consensus vs Gap
Published Consensus vs Published Fcst LC Gap Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Fcst LC
Consensus vsGap %
Reference1 % Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Reference1 Fcst %
Demand Fcst %
Consensus vs Reference1 Consensus vs Reference1 Fcst Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Fcst Abs Gap
Consensus vs Reference1 Absolute Gap Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Reference1 Fcst Gap
Demand ConsensusFcstvsGap
Reference1 Consensus vs Reference1 Fcst Gap Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Fcst Gap %
Consensus vs Reference2 % Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Reference2 Fcst %
Demand Fcst %
Consensus vs Reference2 Consensus vs Reference2 Fcst Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Fcst Abs Gap
Consensus vs Reference2 Absolute Gap Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Reference2 Fcst Gap
Demand ConsensusFcstvsGap
Reference2 Consensus vs Reference2 Fcst Gap Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Fcst Gap %
Consensus vs Reference3 % Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Reference3 Fcst %
Demand Fcst %
Consensus vs Reference3 Consensus vs Reference3 Fcst Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Fcst Abs Gap
Consensus vs Reference3 Absolute Gap Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Reference3 Fcst Gap
Demand ConsensusFcstvsGap
Reference3 Consensus vs Reference3 Fcst Gap Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Fcst Gap % % Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Sales Fcst % Consensus vs Sales Fcst %
Demand Consensus vs Sales Fcst Consensus vs Sales Fcst Absolute Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Abs Gap
Consensus vs Sales Fcst Gap Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Sales Fcst Gap
Demand ConsensusGapvs Sales Fcst Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Sales Fcst Gap %
Demand Gap % Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Stat Fcst % Consensus vs Stat Fcst %
Demand Consensus vs Stat Fcst Abs Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Stat Fcst Absolute Gap
Demand ConsensusGap vs Stat Fcst Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Stat Fcst Gap
Demand ConsensusGap vs Stat Fcst Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Consensus vs Stat Fcst Gap %
Planning Gap % Forecasts
Customer Fcst Customer Forecast 305 Customer Fcst
Demand Input measure for corresponding
Customer Fcst Input 305 Customer Fcst
Demand main measure
Customer Fcst Lag1 Lag 1 Customer Forecast 305 Customer Fcst
Customer Fcst Lag2 Lag 2 Customer Forecast 305 Customer Fcst
Customer Fcst Lag3 Lag 3 Customer Forecast 305 Customer Fcst
Demand Last cycle Customer Forecast
Customer Fcst LC 305 Customer Fcst
Demand populated from previous version
Customer Fcst LY Last year actuals 305 Customer Fcst
Demand Customer Forecast vs Last Cycle
Customer Fcst vs LC % 305 Customer Fcst
Demand Customer Fcst vs LC Abs Customer
Customer Forecast
Forecast % Cycle
vs Last
305 Customer Fcst
Demand Gap Customer
ForecastAbsolute Gap
vs Last Cycle
Customer Fcst vs LC Gap 305 Customer Fcst
Demand Customer Fcst vs LC Gap Customer
Customer Forecast
Forecast GapCycle
vs Last
305 Customer Fcst
Demand % Customer
Customer Forecast
Forecast Gap Year
vs Last %
Customer Fcst vs LY % 305 Customer Fcst
Demand Customer Fcst vs LY Abs Customer Forecast %
Customer Forecast vs Last Year
305 Customer Fcst
Demand Gap Customer
ForecastAbsolute Gap
vs Last Year
Customer Fcst vs LY Gap 305 Customer Fcst
Demand Customer
Customer Forecast
Forecast GapYear
vs Last
Customer Fcst vs LY Gap % 305 Customer Fcst
Demand Customer Forecast Gap %
Is Past Week Is Past Week 020 Week
Marketing Fcst Marketing Forecast 320 Forecast
Marketing Fcst Lag1 Lag 1 Marketing Forecast 320 Forecast
Marketing Fcst Lag2 Lag 2 Marketing Forecast 320 Forecast
Marketing Fcst Lag3 Lag 3 Marketing Forecast 320 Forecast
Demand Last cycle Marketing Forecast
Marketing Fcst LC 320 Forecast
Demand populated from previous version
Marketing Fcst LY Last year actuals 320 Forecast
Demand Marketing Forecast vs Last Cycle
Marketing Fcst vs LC % 320 Forecast
Demand Marketing Fcst vs LC Abs Marketing
Marketing Forecast
Forecast %Cycle
vs Last
320 Forecast
Demand Gap Marketing Forecast Absolute
Marketing Forecast vs Last CycleGap
Planning Marketing Fcst vs LC Gap Marketing Forecast GapCycle 320 Forecast
Demand Marketing Fcst vs LC Gap Marketing Forecast vs Last
320 Forecast
Demand % Marketing
Marketing Forecast
Forecast Gap Year
vs Last %
Marketing Fcst vs LY % 320 Forecast
Demand Marketing Fcst vs LY Abs Marketing
Marketing Forecast
Forecast % Year
vs Last
320 Forecast
Demand Gap Marketing Forecast Absolute
Marketing Forecast vs Last YearGap
Marketing Fcst vs LY Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Marketing Fcst vs LY Gap Marketing
Marketing Forecast
Forecast GapYear
vs Last
320 Forecast
Demand % Marketing Forecast Gap %
Published Fcst Published Forecast 320 Forecast
Demand Published Fcst Input Published Forecast Input 320 Forecast
Published Fcst Lag1 Lag 1 Published Forecast 320 Forecast
Published Fcst Lag2 Lag 2 Published Forecast 320 Forecast
Demand Published Fcst Lag3 Lag 3 Published Forecast 320 Forecast
Demand Last cycle Published Forecast
Published Fcst LC 320 Forecast
Demand populated from previous version
Published Fcst LY Last year actuals 320 Forecast
Demand Published Forecast vs Last Cycle
Published Fcst vs LC % 320 Forecast
Demand Published Fcst vs LC Abs Published
Published Forecast
Forecast %Cycle
vs Last
320 Forecast
Demand Gap Published
ForecastAbsolute Gap
vs Last Cycle
Published Fcst vs LC Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Published Fcst vs LC Gap Published Forecast Gap
Published Forecast vs Last Cycle
320 Forecast
Demand % Published
Published Forecast
Forecast Gap Year
vs Last %
Published Fcst vs LY % 320 Forecast
Demand Published Fcst vs LY Abs Published
Published Forecast
Forecast % Year
vs Last
320 Forecast
Planning Gap Published Forecast Absolute Gap
Demand Published Forecast vs Last Year
Published Fcst vs LY Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Published
Published Forecast
Forecast GapYear
vs Last
Published Fcst vs LY Gap % 320 Forecast
Demand Published Forecast Gap % 390 Supply Chain
Published Final Fcst Published Final Forecast
Demand Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Published Final Fcst Input Published Final Forecast Input
Demand Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Published Final Fcst Lag1 Lag 1 Published Final Forecast
Demand Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Published Final Fcst Lag2 Lag 2 Published Final Forecast
Demand Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Published Final Fcst Lag3 Lag 3 Published Final Forecast
Demand Last cycle Published Final Forecast Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Published Final Fcst LC
Demand populated from previous version Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Published Final Fcst LY Last year actuals
Demand Published Final Fcst vs LC Published Final Forecast vs Last Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Planning % Fcst vs LC Cycle Published Final Forecast
Published vs Last
Final Forecast % Forecast
Demand Published Final 390 Supply Chain
Cycle Published Final Forecast
Demand PublishedAbs GapFcst vs LC
Final PublishedAbsolute
Final Forecast Forecast
Gap vs Last 390 Supply Chain
Planning Published Final Forecast vs Last
Demand Published Final Fcst vs LC Cycle Published Final Forecast Gap
Gap Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Cycle Published Final Forecast Gap
Demand PublishedGap
Final%Fcst vs LY Published Final Forecast vs Last Year Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Planning % Published Final Final
Published Forecast vs Last
Forecast % Year Forecast
Demand Published Final Fcst vs LY 390 Supply Chain
Published Final Forecast Absolute
Demand PublishedAbs GapFcst vs LY Published Final Forecast vs Last Year
Final Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Demand Gap Published
Published Final Fcst vs LY Published FinalFinal Forecast
Forecast GapYear
vs Last Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Demand Gap % Published Final Forecast Gap % Forecast
Reference1 Fcst Reference1 Forecast 320 Forecast
Reference1 Fcst Lag1 Lag 1 Reference1 Forecast 320 Forecast
Reference1 Fcst Lag2 Lag 2 Reference1 Forecast 320 Forecast
Reference1 Fcst Lag3 Lag 3 Reference1 Forecast 320 Forecast
Demand Last cycle Reference1 Forecast
Reference1 Fcst LC 320 Forecast
Demand populated from previous version
Reference1 Fcst LY Last year actuals 320 Forecast
Demand Reference1 Forecast vs Last Cycle
Reference1 Fcst vs LC % 320 Forecast
Demand Reference1 Fcst vs LC Abs Reference1 Reference1 Forecast
Forecast % Cycle
vs Last
Planning Gap Reference1 320 Forecast
Demand Reference1Forecast
ForecastAbsolute Gap
vs Last Cycle
Reference1 Fcst vs LC Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Reference1 Fcst vs LC Gap Reference1Reference1 Forecast
Forecast GapCycle
vs Last 320 Forecast
Demand % Reference1
Reference1 Forecast
Forecast Gap Year
vs Last %
Reference1 Fcst vs LY % 320 Forecast
Demand Reference1 Forecast
Reference1 Fcst vs LY Abs Reference1 Forecast vs Last Year %
320 Forecast
Demand Gap Reference1
ForecastAbsolute Gap
vs Last Year
Reference1 Fcst vs LY Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Reference1 Fcst vs LY Gap Reference1Reference1 Forecast
Forecast GapYear
vs Last
320 Forecast
Demand % Reference1 Forecast Gap %
Reference2 Fcst Reference2 Forecast 320 Forecast
Reference2 Fcst Lag1 Lag 1 Reference2 Forecast 320 Forecast
Reference2 Fcst Lag2 Lag 2 Reference2 Forecast 320 Forecast
Demand Reference2 Fcst Lag3 Lag 3 Reference2 Forecast 320 Forecast
Demand Last cycle Reference2 Forecast
Reference2 Fcst LC 320 Forecast
Demand populated from previous version
Reference2 Fcst LY Last year actuals 320 Forecast
Demand Reference2 Fcst vs LC % Reference2 Forecast vs Last Cycle 320 Forecast
Demand Reference2 Fcst vs LC Abs Reference2 Reference2 Forecast
Forecast % Cycle
vs Last
320 Forecast
Demand Gap Reference2
ForecastAbsolute Gap
vs Last Cycle
Reference2 Fcst vs LC Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Reference2 Forecast
Reference2 Fcst vs LC Gap Reference2 Forecast vs Last Cycle Gap
320 Forecast
Demand % Reference2
Reference2 Forecast
Forecast Gap Year
vs Last %
Reference2 Fcst vs LY % 320 Forecast
Demand Reference2 Fcst vs LY Abs Reference2 Reference2 Forecast
Forecast % Year
vs Last
320 Forecast
Planning Gap Reference2 Forecast Absolute Gap
Demand Reference2 Forecast vs Last Year
Reference2 Fcst vs LY Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Reference2 Fcst vs LY Gap Reference2
Reference2 Forecast
Forecast GapYear
vs Last
320 Forecast
Demand % Reference2 Forecast Gap %
Reference3 Fcst Reference3 Forecast 320 Forecast
Reference3 Fcst Lag1 Lag 1 Reference3 Forecast 320 Forecast
Reference3 Fcst Lag2 Lag 2 Reference3 Forecast 320 Forecast
Reference3 Fcst Lag3 Lag 3 Reference3 Forecast 320 Forecast
Demand Last cycle Reference3 Forecast
Reference3 Fcst LC 320 Forecast
Demand populated from previous version
Reference3 Fcst LY Last year actuals 320 Forecast
Demand Reference3 Forecast vs Last Cycle
Reference3 Fcst vs LC % 320 Forecast
Demand Reference3 Fcst vs LC Abs Reference3
Reference3 Forecast
Forecast % Cycle
vs Last
320 Forecast
Demand Gap Reference3
ForecastAbsolute Gap
vs Last Cycle
Reference3 Fcst vs LC Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Reference3 Fcst vs LC Gap Reference3
Reference3 Forecast
Forecast GapCycle
vs Last
320 Forecast
Demand % Reference3 Forecast Gap
Reference3 Forecast vs Last Year %
Reference3 Fcst vs LY % 320 Forecast
Demand Reference3 Fcst vs LY Abs Reference3
Reference3 Forecast
Forecast % Year
vs Last
320 Forecast
Demand Gap Reference3
ForecastAbsolute Gap
vs Last Year
Reference3 Fcst vs LY Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Reference3 Fcst vs LY Gap Reference3
Reference3 Forecast
Forecast GapYear
vs Last 320 Forecast
Demand % Reference3 Forecast Gap %
Sales Fcst Sales Forecast 320 Forecast
Sales Fcst Comment Sales Fcst Comment 320 Forecast
Demand Sales Fcst Comment
Sales Fcst Comment Exception 320 Forecast
Demand Exception
Sales Fcst Input Sales Forecast Input 320 Forecast
Sales Fcst Lag1 Lag 1 Sales Forecast 320 Forecast
Sales Fcst Lag2 Lag 2 Sales Forecast 320 Forecast
Sales Fcst Lag3 Lag 3 Sales Forecast 320 Forecast
Demand Last cycle Sales Forecast populated
Sales Fcst LC 320 Forecast
Demand from previous version
Planning Sales Fcst LY Last year actuals 320 Forecast
Demand Sales Forecast vs Last Cycle Sales
Sales Fcst vs LC % 320 Forecast
Demand Sales ForecastForecast %Cycle Sales
vs Last
Sales Fcst vs LC Abs Gap 320 Forecast
Demand SalesForecast
Forecast Absolute GapSales
vs Last Cycle
Sales Fcst vs LC Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Forecast Gap
Sales Forecast vs Last Cycle Sales
Sales Fcst vs LC Gap % 320 Forecast
Demand Forecast
Sales Forecast Gap Year
vs Last % Sales
Sales Fcst vs LY % 320 Forecast
Demand Forecast
Sales Forecast % Year Sales
vs Last
Sales Fcst vs LY Abs Gap 320 Forecast
Demand SalesForecast
ForecastAbsolute GapSales
vs Last Year
Sales Fcst vs LY Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Forecast Gap
Sales Forecast vs Last Year Sales
Sales Fcst vs LY Gap % 320 Forecast
Demand Forecast Gap % 360 Delta Between
Sales vs Customer Fcst % Sales vs Customer Fcst %
Demand Sales vs Customer Fcst Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Sales vs Customer Fcst Absolute Gap
Demand Sales vsAbs Gap Fcst
Customer Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Sales vs Customer Fcst Gap
Demand Gap
Sales vs Customer Fcst Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Sales vs Customer Fcst Gap %
Demand Gap % Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Sales vs Marketing Fcst % Sales vs Marketing Fcst %
Demand Sales vs Marketing Fcst Sales vs Marketing Fcst Absolute Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Demand Sales vsAbs Gap Fcst
Marketing Gap Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Sales vs Marketing Fcst Gap
Demand Gap
Sales vs Marketing Fcst Forecasts
360 Delta Between
Sales vs Marketing Fcst Gap %
Demand Gap % Forecasts
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Stat Fcst Sell Out Stat Forecast
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag1 Lag 1 Sell Out Stat Forecast
Planning Forecast
Demand 310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag2 Lag 2 Sell Out Stat Forecast
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag3 Lag 3 Sell Out Stat Forecast
Demand Last cycle Sell Out Stat Forecast Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Stat Fcst LC
Demand populated from previous version Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Stat Fcst LY Last year actuals
Demand Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Sell Out Stat Forecast Model2
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Lag 1 Sell Out Stat Forecast Model2
Demand Sell Out StatLag1Fcst Model2 Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Lag 2 Sell Out Stat Forecast Model2
Demand Lag2
Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Lag 3 Sell
Last Out
cycle Stat
Sell OutForecast Model2
Stat Forecast
Demand Sell Out StatLag3Fcst Model2 Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Model2 populated from previous
Demand LC
Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Planning Sell Out Last
Stat year actuals
Forecast Model2 vs
Demand Sell Out StatLYFcst Model2 Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Last Cycle Sell Out Stat
Sell Out Stat Forecast Model2 Forecast
Demand vs LCFcst
Sell Out Stat % Model2 Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Last Cycle Model2
Sell Out %
Stat Forecast
Planning vs LC Abs Gap Sell Out Stat Forecast Model2 vs Forecast
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Model2 Absolute Gap 310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Cycle Sell
Stat Out StatModel2
Forecast Forecast
Demand vs LC Gap
Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
LastOutCycle Model2
Sell Gap
Out StatModel2
Planning Sell Stat Forecast vs
Demand Sell OutvsStat
LC Gap
Fcst%Model2 Model2 Gap %Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Last Year Sell Out Stat
Sell Out Stat Forecast Model2 vs
Demand vs LYFcst
Sell Out Stat % Model2 Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Year Model2
Sell % Forecast
Out Stat
Planning vs LY Abs Gap Sell Stat Forecast Model2 vs Forecast
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Model2 Absolute Gap 310 Sell Out Sell In
Planning vs LY Gap Last Year Sell Out Stat
Sell Out Stat Forecast Model2 Forecast
vs Forecast
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Model2 Gap 310 Sell Out Sell In
Planning vs LY Gap % Last Year Sell Out Stat Forecast Forecast
Demand Sell Out Stat Forecast
Model2 Gapvs%Last Cycle 310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Stat Fcst vs LC %
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst vs LC Abs Sell Out Stat Forecast
Sell Out Stat Forecast vs Last % Cycle Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Demand GapFcst vs LC
Sell Out Stat Sell Out Stat Forecast Absolute
Sell Out Stat Forecast vs Last Cycle Gap Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Demand GapFcst vs LC
Sell Out Stat Sell Out
Sell Out Stat Stat Forecast
Forecast GapCycle
vs Last Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Demand Gap % SellSell
OutOut Stat
Stat Forecast
Forecast Gap Year
vs Last % Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Sell Out Stat Fcst vs LY %
Demand Sell Out Stat Fcst vs LY Abs SellStat
Sell Out Out Forecast
Stat Forecast % Year
vs Last Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Demand GapFcst vs LY
Sell Out Stat Sell Out Stat Forecast Absolute
Sell Out Stat Forecast vs Last Year Gap Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Demand GapFcst vs LY
Sell Out Stat Sell Sell
Out Out
StatStat Forecast
Forecast GapYear
vs Last Forecast
310 Sell Out Sell In
Demand Gap % Sell Out Stat Forecast Gap % Forecast
Stat Fcst L0 Stat Forecast L0 320 Forecast
Stat Fcst L0 Input Stat Forecast L0 Input 320 Forecast
Stat Fcst L0 Lag1 Lag 1 Stat Forecast L0 320 Forecast
Stat Fcst L0 Lag2 Lag 2 Stat Forecast L0 320 Forecast
Stat Fcst L0 Lag3 Lag 3 Stat Forecast L0 320 Forecast
Demand Last cycle Stat Forecast L0
Stat Fcst L0 LC 320 Forecast
Demand populated from previous version
Stat Fcst L0 LY Last year actuals 320 Forecast
Demand Stat Forecast L0 vs Last Cycle Stat
Stat Fcst L0 vs LC % 320 Forecast
Demand Stat Forecast Forecast
L0 vs L0
Last%Cycle Stat
Stat Fcst L0 vs LC Abs Gap 320 Forecast
Demand StatForecast
Forecast L0 L0 Absolute GapStat
vs Last Cycle
Stat Fcst L0 vs LC Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Forecast L0 Gap
Stat Forecast L0 vs Last Cycle Stat
Stat Fcst L0 vs LC Gap % 320 Forecast
Demand Forecast
Stat Forecast L0 L0 Gap Year
vs Last % Stat
Stat Fcst L0 vs LY % 320 Forecast
Demand Stat Forecast Forecast
L0 vsL0 % Year Stat
Stat Fcst L0 vs LY Abs Gap 320 Forecast
Demand StatForecast
ForecastL0 L0Absolute GapStat
vs Last Year
Stat Fcst L0 vs LY Gap 320 Forecast
Demand Forecast L0 Gap
Stat Forecast L0 vs Last Year Stat
Stat Fcst L0 vs LY Gap % 320 Forecast
Demand Forecast L0 Gap %
Stat Fcst Model2 Stat Forecast Model2 190 Stat System
Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1 Lag 1 Stat Forecast Model2 190 Stat System
Stat Fcst Model2 Lag2 Lag 2 Stat Forecast Model2 190 Stat System
Stat Fcst Model2 Lag3 Lag 3 Stat Forecast Model2 190 Stat System
Demand Last cycle Stat Forecast Model2
Stat Fcst Model2 LC 190 Stat System
Demand populated from previous version
Stat Fcst Model2 LY Last year actuals 190 Stat System
Demand Stat Forecast Model2 vs Last Cycle
Stat Fcst Model2 vs LC % 190 Stat System
Demand Stat Forecast
Stat Fcst Model2 vs LC Abs Stat Forecast Model2Model2 % Cycle
vs Last
190 Stat System
Demand Gap
Stat Fcst Model2 vs LC Stat
Model2Absolute Gap
vs Last Cycle
190 Stat System
Demand Gap
Stat Fcst Model2 vs LC Stat Stat Forecast
Forecast Model2
Model2 GapCycle
vs Last
190 Stat System
Demand Gap % StatStat Forecast
Forecast Model2
Model2 Gap Year
vs Last %
Stat Fcst Model2 vs LY % 190 Stat System
Demand Stat Forecast
Stat Fcst Model2 vs LY Abs Stat Forecast Model2
Model2 % Year
vs Last
190 Stat System
Demand Gap
Stat Fcst Model2 vs LY Stat
Model2Absolute Gap
vs Last Year
190 Stat System
Demand Gap
Stat Fcst Model2 vs LY StatStat Forecast
Forecast Model2
Model2 GapYear
vs Last
190 Stat System
Demand Gap % Stat Forecast Model2 Gap %
Stat Fcst Reference Stat Forecast Reference 190 Stat System
Stat Fcst Reference Lag1 Lag 1 Stat Forecast Reference 190 Stat System
Stat Fcst Reference Lag2 Lag 2 Stat Forecast Reference 190 Stat System
Demand Stat Fcst Reference Lag3 Lag 3 Stat Forecast Reference 190 Stat System
Demand Last cycle Stat Forecast Reference
Stat Fcst Reference LC 190 Stat System
Demand populated from previous version
Stat Fcst Reference LY Last year actuals 190 Stat System
Demand Stat Fcst Reference vs LC Stat Forecast Reference vs Last
Stat Forecast Reference vs Last 190 Stat System
Demand %
Stat Fcst Reference vs LC Cycle Stat Forecast Reference %
Cycle Stat Forecast Reference 190 Stat System
Demand Stat FcstAbs Gap vs LC
Reference Stat Forecast Reference
Absolute Gap vs Last 190 Stat System
Demand Gap
Stat Fcst Reference vs LC Cycle
Stat Stat Forecast
Forecast Reference
Reference Gap
vs Last
190 Stat System
Demand Gap %
Stat Fcst Reference vs LY Cycle Stat Forecast
Stat Forecast Reference
Reference vs LastGap
190 Stat System
Demand %
Stat Fcst Reference vs LY Stat Forecast Reference
Stat Forecast vs Last
Reference % Year
Stat Forecast Reference Absolute 190 Stat System
Demand Stat FcstAbs Gap vs LY Stat
Reference Forecast Reference vs Last Year
Gap 190 Stat System
Demand Gap
Stat Fcst Reference vs LY StatStat Forecast
Forecast Reference
Reference GapYear
vs Last
190 Stat System
Demand Gap % Stat Forecast Reference Gap %
Active Process by Day Active Process by Day 006 Process Calendar
Demand Validation if input dates are from
Date Validation 005 Process Setup
Demand different Cycles
Process Active? Process Active? 005 Process Setup
Process Duration Process Duration 005 Process Setup
Process End Date Process End Date 005 Process Setup
Demand Process End Date LC Last Cycle Process End Date 005 Process Setup
Process End Date LY Last Year Process End Date 005 Process Setup
Process Owner Name of Process Owner 005 Process Setup
Demand Process Start Date Process Start Date 005 Process Setup
Process Start Date LC Last Cycle Process Start Date 005 Process Setup
Process Start Date LY Last Year Process Start Date 005 Process Setup
Demand Process Status Date Stamp Process Status Date Stamp 005 Process Setup
Process Submission Status Process Submission Status 005 Process Setup
Demand Measure to define if the Calendar is
Integrated Publish Calendar? 005 Process Setup
Planning the companyPublished
target for the current
Integrated AOP 020 Target
year. Usually
AOP Input created
(used towards the
by interfaces to
Business AOP Input 020 Target
Integrated every year data
populate for the next
in o9 5 years
Business LRP which accounts for industry and 020 Target
Planning category growth and is used for long
LRP Input (used by interfaces to
Integrated LRP Input 020 Target
populate data in o9 system)
Business Outlook Contribution % Outlook Percent to Total 010 Outlook
Planning Outlook Contribution % vs
Integrated Outlook PTT vs LY Outlook PTT 030 Delta
LY Gap
Outlook Contribution % vs
Business Outlook PTT vs Target PTT 030 Delta
Integrated Target Gap
Planning Outlook Contribution to
Integrated Outlook Percent to Parent 010 Outlook
Planning OutlookParent %
Contribution to
Integrated Outlook PTP vs LY Outlook PTP 030 Delta
Outlook % vs LY Gap to
Business Outlook PTP vs Target PTP 030 Delta
Integrated Parent % vs Target Gap
Business Outlook Downside Outlook Downside 010 Outlook
Planning Outlook Downside
Integrated Outlook
Outlook Downside
- Uncons Comment
Outlook LC) Used 010 Outlook
Outlook Gap vs Uncons
Business for checking if the gap in Outlook is 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook Gap
Business Outlook LY Contribution % caused
supply variations
Percent to Totalor 010 Outlook
Planning Outlook LY Contribution
Integrated Outlook LY Percent to Parent 010 Outlook
to Parent %
Business Outlook Upside Outlook Upside 010 Outlook
Business Outlook Upside Comment Outlook Upside Comment 010 Outlook
Planning Outlook vs Uncons
Integrated Outlook/Uncons Outlook 030 Delta
Outlook %
vs Uncons
Business abs(Outlook - Uncons Outlook) 030 Delta
Integrated OutlookvsAbs Gap
Planning Outlook Uncons
Integrated Outlook - Uncons Outlook 030 Delta
Outlook Gap
vs Uncons
Business (Outlook/Uncons Outlook) -1 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook Gap %
Planning Target Plan (combination of AOP for
Integrated Target 020 Target
current year and LRP in outer years)
Business Target Contribution % Target Percent to Total 020 Target
Business Target Contribution to
Integrated Target Percent to Parent 020 Target
Parent % Target Input (used by interfaces to
Business Target Input 020 Target
Integrated Unconstrained
populate dataOutlook - Actuals in
in o9 system)
Business Uncons Outlook the past and Unconstrained forecast 010 Outlook
Integrated Uncons Outlook
Business in the future
Uncons Outlook Percent to Total 010 Outlook
Integrated Contribution %
Planning Uncons Outlook Uncons Outlook PTT vs LY Uncons
Integrated Uncons Outlook
Contribution % vs LY Gap Outlook PTT 030 Delta
Business Contribution % vs Target Uncons Outlook PTT vs Target PTT 030 Delta
Business Uncons GapOutlook Uncons Outlook Percent to Parent 010 Outlook
Integrated Uncons Outlook
Contribution to Parent % Uncons Outlook PTP vs LY Uncons
Business Contribution to Parent % 030 Delta
Integrated Uncons Outlook Outlook PTP
Business vs LY Gap
Contribution to Parent % Uncons Outlook PTP vs Target PTP 030 Delta
Business UnconsvsOutlook
Target Gap
Downside Uncons Outlook Downside 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons Outlook Downside Uncons Outlook Downside
Integrated Unconstrained Outlook Input (used 010 Outlook
Comment Comment
Business Uncons Outlook Input by interfaces to populate data in o9 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons Outlook Lag1 (one month
Integrated Uncons Outlook Lag1 010 Outlook
Uncons Outlook Lag2 (two month
Business Uncons Outlook Lag2 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons Outlook Lag3 Uncons Outlooklag) Lag3 (three month 010 Outlook
Integrated Unconstrained lag)Outlook Last Cycle
Business Uncons Outlook LC (snapshot taken from the 010 Outlook
Integrated Unconstrained Outlook Lastlast
Business Uncons Outlook LY planning cycle)
(Uncons Outlook offset by 12 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons Outlook LY Uncons Outlook months)
LY Percent to Total 010 Outlook
Integrated Contribution
Uncons Outlook%LY Uncons Outlook LY Percent to
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated Contribution to Parent % Parent
Business Uncons Outlook Upside Uncons Outlook Upside 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons Outlook Upside
Integrated Uncons Outlook Upside Comment 010 Outlook
Business Uncons Outlook vs LC % Uncons Outlook/Uncons Outlook LC 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons Outlook vs LC Abs abs(Uncons Outlook - Uncons
Business 010 Outlook
Gap Outlook LC)
Uncons Outlook - Uncons Outlook
Integrated Uncons Outlook vs LC Gap 010 Outlook
Uncons Outlook vs LC Gap LC
(Uncons Outlook/Uncons Outlook
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated % LC) - 1
Business Uncons Outlook vs LY % Uncons Outlook/Uncons Outlook LY 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons Outlook vs LY Abs abs(Uncons Outlook - Uncons
Integrated 010 Outlook
Gap Uncons OutlookOutlook LY) Outlook
- Uncons
Business Uncons Outlook vs LY Gap 010 Outlook
Integrated LY
Planning Uncons Outlook vs LY Gap (Uncons Outlook/Uncons Outlook
Integrated 010 Outlook
Uncons Outlook vs LY) - 1
Business Uncons Outlook/Outlook 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook %
Planning Uncons Outlook vs
Integrated abs(Uncons Outlook - Outlook) 030 Delta
Uncons Abs Gapvs
Business Uncons Outlook - Outlook 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook Gap vs
Planning Uncons Outlook
Integrated (Uncons Outlook/Outlook Gap) -1 030 Delta
Uncons Gap
Outlook vs%Target
Business Uncons Outlook/Target 030 Delta
Integrated % vs Target
Planning Uncons Outlook
Integrated abs(Uncons Outlook - Target) 030 Delta
Abs Gapvs Target
Uncons Outlook
Business Uncons Outlook - Target 030 Delta
Integrated Gap vs Target
Planning Uncons Outlook
Integrated (Uncons Outlook/Target) - 1 030 Delta
Gap % Actuals in the past and Constrained
Business Outlook COGS 010 Outlook
Integrated forecastCost
in the future
Planning Outlook COGS LC Outlook Last Cycle(based on
(snapshot 010 Outlook
Integrated taken from the last planning cycle)
Outlook Cost Last Year (Outlook
Business Outlook COGS LY 010 Outlook
Integrated offset by 12 months)
Business Outlook COGS vs LC % Outlook COGS/Outlook COGS LC 010 Outlook
Business Outlook COGS vs LC Gap Outlook COGS - Outlook COGS LC 010 Outlook
Planning (Outlook COGS/Outlook COGS LC) -
Integrated Outlook COGS vs LC Gap % 010 Outlook
Business Outlook COGS vs LY % Outlook COGS/Outlook COGS LY 010 Outlook
Business Outlook COGS vs LY Gap Outlook COGS - Outlook COGS LY 010 Outlook
Integrated (Outlook COGS/Outlook COGS LY) -
Business Outlook COGS vs LY Gap % 010 Outlook
Integrated 1
Business Outlook GM (Net REV - Outlook COGS) 010 Outlook
Business Outlook GM % (Outlook GM / Net REV) 010 Outlook
Business Outlook GM % LC (Outlook GM LC/ Net REV LC) 010 Outlook
Business Outlook GM % LY (Outlook GM LY/ Net REV LY) 010 Outlook
Business Outlook GM % vs LC Gap Outlook GM % - Outlook GM % LC 010 Outlook
Business Outlook GM % vs LY Gap Outlook GM % - GM % Outlook LY 010 Outlook
Integrated Outlook GM % vs Target
Business Outlook GM % - Target GM % 030 Delta
Integrated Gap
Planning Outlook GM % vs Uncons Outlook GM % - Uncons Outlook
Integrated 030 Delta
Outlook Gap Outlook GM Last GM Cycle
% (snapshot
Business Outlook GM LC 010 Outlook
Integrated taken from the last planning cycle)
Planning Outlook GM Last Year (Outlook GM
Integrated Outlook GM LY 010 Outlook
offset by 12 months)
Business Outlook GM vs LC % Outlook GM/Outlook GM LC 010 Outlook
Business Outlook GM vs LC Gap Outlook GM - Outlook GM LC 010 Outlook
Business Outlook GM vs LC Gap % (Outlook GM/Outlook GM LC) - 1 010 Outlook
Business Outlook GM vs LY % Outlook GM/Outlook GM LY 010 Outlook
Business Outlook GM vs LY Gap Outlook GM - GM Outlook LY 010 Outlook
Business Outlook GM vs LY Gap % (Outlook GM/Outlook GM LY) - 1 010 Outlook
Business Outlook GM vs Target % Outlook GM/Target GM 030 Delta
Business Outlook GM vs Target Gap Outlook GM - Target GM 030 Delta
Planning Outlook GM vs Target Gap
Integrated (Outlook GM/Target GM) - 1 030 Delta
Outlook GM% vs Uncons
Business Outlook GM/Uncons Outlook GM 030 Delta
Outlook %
Outlook GM vs Uncons
Integrated Outlook GM - Uncons Outlook GM 030 Delta
Outlook GM vsGap
Uncons (Outlook GM/Uncons Outlook GM) -
Business 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook Gap % 1 in the past and
Planning generated by Actuals
Integrated Outlook REV 010 Outlook
Constrained forecast Last
Outlook Revenue Cycle
in the future
Business Outlook REV LC (snapshot taken from the last 010 Outlook
Planning Outlook Revenueplanning Last Year (Outlook
Integrated Outlook REV LY 010 Outlook
offset by 12 months)
Business Outlook REV vs LC % Outlook REV/Outlook REV LC 010 Outlook
Planning Outlook REV vs LC Abs
Integrated abs(Outlook REV - Outlook REV LC) 010 Outlook
Business Outlook REV vs LC Gap Outlook REV - Outlook REV LC 010 Outlook
Business Outlook REV vs LC Gap % (Outlook REV/Outlook REV LC) - 1 010 Outlook
Business Outlook REV vs LY % Outlook REV/Outlook REV LY 010 Outlook
Planning Outlook REV vs LY Abs
Integrated abs(Outlook REV - Outlook REV LY) 010 Outlook
Business Outlook REV vs LY Gap Outlook REV - Outlook REV LY 010 Outlook
Business Outlook REV vs LY Gap % (Outlook REV/Outlook REV LY) - 1 010 Outlook
Business Outlook vs Target COGS % Outlook COGS/Target COGS 030 Delta
Planning Outlook vs Target COGS
Integrated Outlook COGS - Target COGS 030 Delta
Planning Outlook vsGap
Target COGS (Outlook COGS/Target COGS) - 1 030 Delta
Integrated Gap %
Business Outlook vs Target REV % Outlook REV/Target REV 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook vs Target REV Abs
Business abs(Outlook REV - Target REV) 030 Delta
Integrated Gap
Planning Outlook vs Target REV
Integrated Outlook REV - Target REV 030 Delta
Outlook vs Target REV
Business (Outlook REV/Target REV) - 1 030 Delta
Integrated Gap
Business Outlook vs %
Uncons Outlook COGS/Uncons Outlook
Integrated 030 Delta
Outlook %
Uncons Outlook COGSCOGS - Uncons Outlook
Business 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook COGS Gap
Outlook vs Uncons COGS
(Outlook COGS/Uncons Outlook
Business 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook COGS Gap
Outlook vs Uncons % COGS) -1
Business Outlook REV/Uncons Outlook REV 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook REV %
Planning Outlook vs Uncons abs(Outlook REV - Uncons Outlook
Integrated Outlook REV Abs Gap REV) 030 Delta
Planning Outlook vs Uncons
Integrated Outlook REV - Uncons Outlook REV 030 Delta
Outlook REV Gap
Uncons (Outlook REV/Uncons Outlook REV)
Business 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook REV Gap % -1
Planning Copied from Outlook COGS for a
Integrated Target COGS 020 Target
particular version
Business Target GM (Target Net REV - Target COGS) 020 Target
Planning Target GM % (Target GM
Integrated (Target GM % /- Outlook
Target Net GMREV)
% LY) 020 Target
Planning Target GM % vs Outlook
Integrated Used to see the growth in target vs 030 Delta
Target GMLYvs
GapOutlook LY
Business last year
Target GM/Outlook GM LY 030 Delta
Integrated % Outlook LY (Target GM - Outlook GM LY) Used
Planning Target GM vs
Integrated to see the growth in target vs last 030 Delta
Planning Target GMGapvs Outlook LY year GM LY) - 1
Integrated (Target GM/Outlook 030 Delta
Gap % target income from sales after
Business Target Net REV 020 Target
Integrated subtracting returns, discounts, and
Business Target Off Invoice Target Off Invoice % * Target REV 020 Target
Business Target Off Invoice % Target Off Invoice discount % 020 Target
Business Target On Invoice Target On Invoice % * Target REV 020 Target
Business Target On Invoice % Target On Invoice
Integrated Target Revenue Plan discount %
(combination 020 Target
Business Target REV of revenue for AOP for current year 020 Target
Planning Target vs Outlook COGS LY andCOGS/Outlook
LRP in outer years) LY
Integrated Target
(Target COGS - OutlookCOGS COGS LY) 030 Delta
Target vs Outlook COGS LY Used to see the growth in target vs
Business 030 Delta
Integrated Gap COGS LY
Planning Target vs Outlook last year COGS LY) - 1
Business (Target COGS/Outlook 030 Delta
Gap %
Target vs Outlook REV LY
Integrated Target REV/Outlook REV LY 030 Delta
Target vs Outlook REV LY
Business abs(Target REV - Outlook REV LY) 030 Delta
Integrated Gap REV LY (Target REV - Outlook REV LY) Used
Planning Target vsAbs
Integrated to see the growth in target vs last 030 Delta
Target vs Outlook REV LY
Business (Target REV/Outlookyear REV LY) - 1 030 Delta
Integrated Gap %
Planning recorded income from sales after
Integrated Uncons Net REV Uncons Net Revenue Last Cycle 010 Outlook
subtracting returns, discounts, and
Business Uncons Net REV LC (snapshot taken from 010 Outlook
Integrated Uncons Net Revenue Lastthe last
Year (Net
Business Uncons Net REV LY planning
Uncons Outlook cycle) offset by
Revenue 010 Outlook
Business 12 months) Net REV LC
Uncons Net REV vs LC % Uncons Net REV/Uncons 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons Net REV - Uncons Net REV
Integrated Uncons Net REV vs LC Gap 010 Outlook
Uncons Net REV vs LC Gap (Uncons Net REV/Uncons LC Net REV
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated % LC) - 1
Business Uncons Net REV vs LY % Uncons Net REV/Uncons Net REV LY 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons Net REV - Uncons Net REV
Integrated Uncons Net REV vs LY Gap 010 Outlook
Uncons Net REV vs LY Gap (Uncons Net REV/Uncons LY Net REV
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated % LY) - 1
Planning Uncons Off Invoice Off Uncons
Invoice %
Integrated Off* Invoice
UnconsLast Outlook
CycleREV 010 Outlook
Business Uncons Off Invoice LC (snapshot taken from the last 010 Outlook
Integrated Uncons Off Invoice Last Year
Business Uncons Off Invoice LY planning cycle)
(Uncons Off Invoice data offset by 010 Outlook
Uncons Off Invoice vs LC % Uncons Off 12Invoice/Uncons
Planning months) Off
Integrated 010 Outlook
Uncons Off Invoice vs LC Invoice LC
Uncons Off Invoice - Uncons Off
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated Gap
Planning Uncons Off Invoice vs LC (Uncons OffInvoice LC
Invoice/Uncons Off
Integrated 010 Outlook
Gap % Invoice LC) - 1
Uncons Off Invoice/Uncons Off
Business Uncons Off Invoice vs LY % 010 Outlook
Business Uncons Off Invoice vs LY Uncons OffInvoice
InvoiceLY - Uncons Off
Integrated 010 Outlook
Uncons Off Invoice vs LY Invoice LY
(Uncons Off Invoice/Uncons Off
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated Gap % Invoice LY) - 1
Business Uncons On Invoice On Uncons
Invoice %
Integrated On* Invoice
UnconsLast Outlook
CycleREV 010 Outlook
Business Uncons On Invoice LC (snapshot
Integrated Uncons Ontaken from
Invoice theYear
Last last 010 Outlook
Business Uncons On Invoice LY planning cycle)
(Uncons On Invoice data offset by 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons On 12Invoice/Uncons
months) On
Integrated Uncons On Invoice vs LC % 010 Outlook
Uncons On Invoice vs LC Invoice LC
Uncons On Invoice - Uncons On
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated Gap
Planning Uncons On Invoice vs LC (Uncons OnInvoice LC
Invoice/Uncons On
Integrated 010 Outlook
Gap % Uncons Invoice
On LC) -1
Invoice/Uncons On
Business Uncons On Invoice vs LY % 010 Outlook
Integrated Uncons On Invoice vs LY Uncons OnInvoice
InvoiceLY - Uncons On
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated Gap Invoice LY
Planning Uncons On Invoice vs LY (Uncons On Invoice/Uncons On
Integrated Unconstrained Outlook 010 Outlook
Gap % Invoice LY) - 1Cost - Cost
Business Uncons Outlook COGS generated by Actuals in the past and 010 Outlook
Integrated Unconstrained Outlook Cost Last
Business Unconstrained
Uncons Outlook COGS LC Cycle forecast
(snapshot taken in
from the future
last 010 Outlook
Integrated Unconstrained Outlook Cost
Business Uncons Outlook COGS LY Year (Uncons planning cycle)
Outlook offset by 12 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons Outlook COGS vs Uncons Outlook
months) COGS/Uncons 010 Outlook
Integrated LC %
Uncons Outlook COGS vs Uncons Outlook COGSLC
Outlook COGS - Uncons
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated LC Gap
Planning Uncons Outlook COGS vs (UnconsOutlook
OutlookCOGS LC
Integrated 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons LC Gap %COGS vs
Outlook UnconsOutlook
Outlook COGS LC) - 1
COGS/Uncons 010 Outlook
Integrated LY % COGS vs
Uncons Outlook UnconsOutlook
OutlookCOGS COGSLY - Uncons
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated LY Gap Outlook COGS LY
Planning Uncons Outlook COGS vs (Uncons Outlook COGS/Uncons
Integrated 010 Outlook
LY Gap % (UnconsOutlook
Net REV COGS LY) - 1Outlook
- Uncons
Business Uncons Outlook GM 010 Outlook
Integrated COGS)
Planning (Uncons Outlook GM / Uncons Net
Integrated Uncons Outlook GM % 010 Outlook
(Uncons Outlook GM LC/ Uncons
Business Uncons Outlook GM % LC 010 Outlook
(Uncons Outlook GM LY/ Uncons
Integrated Uncons Outlook GM % LY 010 Outlook
Uncons Outlook GM % vs Net REV
Uncons Outlook GM LY)% - Uncons
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated LC Gap GM % vs
Planning Uncons Outlook UnconsOutlook
OutlookGMGM%%LC - Uncons
Integrated 010 Outlook
LY Gap GM % vs
Uncons Outlook Outlook GM % LY
Uncons Outlook GM % - Outlook
Business 030 Delta
Planning Uncons OutlookGap
Outlook GM % vs Uncons Outlook GMGM% % - Target GM
Integrated Uncons Outlook 030 Delta
Target Gap % GM Last Cycle
Business Uncons Outlook GM LC (snapshot taken GM
last 010 Outlook
Integrated Uncons Outlook
Business Uncons Outlook GM LY planningGM
(Uncons Outlook cycle)
offset by 12 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons Outlook GM vs LC Uncons Outlook
months) GM/Uncons
Integrated 010 Outlook
% GM vs LC
Uncons Outlook UnconsOutlook
OutlookGM GMLC - Uncons
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated Gap GM vs LC Outlook GM LC
Planning Uncons Outlook (Uncons Outlook GM/Uncons
Integrated 010 Outlook
Gap % GM vs LY
Uncons Outlook Outlook
Uncons GMGM/Uncons
Outlook LC) - 1
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated % GM vs LY
Planning Uncons Outlook UnconsOutlook
OutlookGM GMLY - Uncons
Integrated 010 Outlook
Uncons Outlook GM vs LY Outlook GM LY
(Uncons Outlook GM/Uncons
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated Gap % GM vs Outlook GM LY) - 1
Planning Uncons Outlook
Integrated Uncons Outlook GM/Outlook GM 030 Delta
Planning UnconsOutlook
Outlook%GM vs
Integrated Uncons Outlook GM - Outlook GM 030 Delta
Uncons GapGM vs
Outlook (Uncons Outlook GM/Outlook GM) -
Business 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook Gap % vs 1
Planning Uncons Outlook GM
Integrated Uncons Outlook GM/Target GM 030 Delta
Planning UnconsTarget % GM vs
Integrated Uncons Outlook GM - Target GM 030 Delta
UnconsTarget GapGM vs
Business (Uncons Outlook GM/Target GM) - 1 030 Delta
Integrated Target Gap %
Planning Revenue generated by Actuals in
Integrated Uncons Outlook REV Unconstrained Outlook Revenue 010 Outlook
the past and Unconstrained forecast
Business Uncons Outlook REV LC Last Cycle (snapshot taken from the 010 Outlook
Integrated Unconstrained Outlook Revenue
Business Uncons Outlook REV LY last planning cycle)
Last Year (Uncons Outlook offset by 010 Outlook
Integrated Uncons Outlook REV vs LC Uncons Outlook REV/Uncons
Business 12 months) 010 Outlook
Integrated % REV vs LC
Uncons Outlook Outlook
abs(Uncons Outlook REVREV LC - Uncons
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated Abs GapREV vs LC Outlook REV LC)
Planning Uncons Outlook Uncons Outlook REV - Uncons
Integrated Gap REV vs LC 010 Outlook
Planning Uncons Outlook (UnconsOutlook
OutlookREV LC
Integrated 010 Outlook
Gap % REV vs LY
Uncons Outlook UnconsOutlook REVREV/Uncons
Outlook LC) - 1
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated % REV vs LY Outlook REVREV
LY - Uncons
Planning Uncons Outlook abs(Uncons Outlook
Integrated 010 Outlook
Abs GapREV vs LY
Uncons Outlook Outlook REV LY)
Uncons Outlook REV - Uncons
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated Gap REV vs LY
Uncons Outlook (UnconsOutlook
OutlookREV LY
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated Gap % Outlook REV LY) - 1
Planning Uncons Outlook vs Uncons Outlook COGS/Outlook
Integrated 030 Delta
Outlook COGS
Uncons Outlook vs% Uncons Outlook COGS
COGS - Outlook
Business 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook COGS Gap COGS
Planning Uncons Outlook vs (Uncons Outlook COGS/Outlook
Integrated 030 Delta
Uncons Outlook vs%
Business Uncons Outlook REV/Outlook REV 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook REV %vs
Planning Uncons Outlook abs(Uncons Outlook REV - Outlook 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook
UnconsREV Abs Gap
Outlook vs REV)
Business Uncons Outlook REV - Outlook REV 030 Delta
Integrated Outlook REV Gap
Planning Uncons Outlook vs (Uncons Outlook REV/Outlook REV)
Integrated 030 Delta
Outlook REV Gap %
Uncons Outlook vs Target -1
Business Uncons Outlook COGS/Target COGS 030 Delta
Integrated COGS %vs Target
Planning Uncons Outlook Uncons Outlook COGS - Target
Integrated 030 Delta
Planning Uncons COGS Gap
Outlook vs Target (Uncons OutlookCOGSCOGS/Target
Integrated 030 Delta
Uncons Outlook vs % Target COGS) - 1
Business Uncons Outlook REV/Target REV 030 Delta
Integrated REV % vs Target
Planning Uncons Outlook abs(Uncons Outlook REV - Target
Integrated 030 Delta
Planning UnconsREV Abs Gap
Outlook vs Target REV)
Business Uncons Outlook REV - Target REV 030 Delta
Uncons Outlook vs Target (Uncons Outlook REV/Target REV) -
Integrated Outlook - Actuals 030 Delta
REV Gap % 1 in the past and
Business Outlook Constrained forecast in the future 010 Outlook
Planning Outlook Input
(based on(used
interfaces to
Integrated Outlook Input 010 Outlook
populate data in o9 system)
Business Outlook Lag1 Outlook Lag1 (one month lag) 010 Outlook
Business Outlook Lag2 Outlook Lag2 (two month lag) 010 Outlook
Business Outlook Lag3 Outlook Lag3 (three month lag) 010 Outlook
Planning Outlook Last Cycle (snapshot taken
Integrated Outlook LC 010 Outlook
Outlook the Year
last planning
offset by
Business Outlook LY 010 Outlook
Integrated 12 months)
Business Outlook vs LC % Outlook/Outlook LC 010 Outlook
Business Outlook vs LC Abs Gap abs(Outlook - Outlook LC) 010 Outlook
Business Outlook vs LC Gap Outlook - Outlook LC 010 Outlook
Business Outlook vs LC Gap % (Outlook/Outlook LC) - 1 010 Outlook
Business Outlook vs LY % Outlook/Outlook LY 010 Outlook
Business Outlook vs LY Abs Gap abs(Outlook - Outlook LY) 010 Outlook
Business Outlook vs LY Gap Outlook - Outlook LY 010 Outlook
Business Outlook vs LY Gap % (Outlook/Outlook LY) - 1 010 Outlook
Business Outlook vs Target % Outlook/Target 030 Delta
Business Outlook vs Target Abs Gap abs(Outlook - Target) 030 Delta
Business Outlook vs Target Gap Outlook - Target 030 Delta
Business Outlook vs Target Gap % (Outlook/Target) - 1 030 Delta
Business Target vs Outlook LY % Target/Outlook LY 030 Delta
Planning Target vs Outlook LY Abs
Integrated abs(Target - Outlook LY) 030 Delta
Gap (Target - Outlook LY) Used to see
Business Target vs Outlook LY Gap 030 Delta
Integrated Target vs Outlook LY Gap the growth in target vs last year
Business (Target/Outlook LY) - 1 030 Delta
Demand % Discontinuation date of a planning
Planning Planning Item Disc Date 030 Planning Item
Demand Discontinuation item data in the previous
Planning Item Disc Date LC 030 Planning Item
Planning cycle
Demand Planning Item Disc Date vs Changes in discontinuation date vs 030 Planning Item
Demand LC last cycle
Planning Item Intro Date Introduction date of a planning item 030 Planning Item
Demand Planning Item Intro Date Introduction data in the previous
030 Planning Item
Demand Planning Item LC Intro Date Changes in introduction
cycle date vs last
Analytics KPI 030 Planning KPI
002.004AL Item
Planning vs LC
AL KPI Actual Delivered cycle
Actual Delivered Quantity on
Inputs &KPI
Analytics Quantity Intermediate OTIF CD
Outputs Open OrderDate
Delivery Unitsand DemandID
which are yet to 003.015ALTGKPI Output
Analytics&KPI AL KPI Backlog Order TG
be delivered Order Management TG
Inputs &KPI AL KPI Backlog Trend AL KPI Backlog Trend 002.014AL KPI Backlog
Analytics 002.004AL KPI
Inputs &KPI AL KPI CD Order QTY Quantity committed for an order Intermediate OTIF CD
Outputs AL KPI CD Order Qty AL KPI CD Order Qty Month 002.014ALTGKPI Backlog
Inputs &KPI
Outputs AL KPI Month
Closed Order Closed orders which were delivered 003.015AL KPI Output
Inputs &KPI
Analytics Stores Closed orders
AL KPILateness
CommitTG Closed late which were Order Management
Intermediate InFull TG
Inputs & delivered after expected delivery
Analytics KPI Orders 002.004AL KPI
Outputs AL KPI Lateness
Commit Day Day
AL KPI Commit date
Day Delivered Qty
OnTime by Commit
Inputs &KPI
Analytics Intermediate OTIF CD
AL KPIDelivered
Commit Qty
Expected Expected Delivery Date = Commit Intermediate
Inputs &KPI TG InFull &
Analytics Delivery Date Creation Date + Std Lead Time OnTime by Commit
Outputs AL KPI Commit Month Order which are delivered on the
Analytics&KPI 002.014AL KPI Backlog
AL Delivered
KPI Commit Qty
Month committed month
Inputs &KPI AL Stores
KPI Commit Month which
Analytics Delivery Date open orders wereQty 002.014AL KPI Backlog
Outputs AL KPI Commit Open Intermediate InFull &
Inputs &
Analytics KPI ALOrders delivered after expected delivery
KPI Delivered DayOn AL KPI Delivered Qty On Commit OnTime by Commit
Inputs & date 002.014AL KPI Backlog
Commit Month Month
Analytics KPI
AL KPI Delivered Qty On AL KPI Delivered Qty On Delivery
Inputs &KPI
Analytics 002.014AL KPI Backlog
Delivery Month
AL KPI Delivered Qty Till Month
Inputs &KPI AL KPI Delivered Qty Till Date 002.014AL KPI Backlog
Analytics Date Order
Outputs AL KPI Open Open orders which were delivered 003.015AL KPI Output
Lateness TG late, grained on Time Order Management
001.002AL TG
KPI Inputs
Inputs &KPI AL KPI Standard Lead Time Avg Lead Time of Last Week
Analytics Standard Lead Time
Outputs AL KPI Standard Lead Time 001.002AL KPI Inputs
Analytics&KPI Avg Lead Time of Last 12 Weeks
L12W Lead Time
AL KPI Standard Standard Lead
001.002AL Time
KPI Inputs
Inputs &
Integrated L4W TheAvg Lead Time
snapshot of Last data.
backorder 4 Weeks
If last Standard LeadSupply
Outputs 040 Demand
Integrated Backorder cycle EOH is <0, then there is
Backorder backorder
Last Cycle (snapshot Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Backorder LC
Integrated taken from the
Planning Backorder Lastlast planning
Year cycle)
(Backorder Sync Supply
040 Demand
Integrated Backorder LY
offset by 12 months) Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Backorder vs LC % Backorder vs LC %
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Backorder vs LC Abs Gap Backorder vs LC Abs Gap
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Backorder vs LC Gap Backorder vs LC Gap
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Backorder vs LC Gap % TheBackorder
snapshot vs LC Gapat%the
balance Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business BOH begining on hand. Equals to the EOH
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning from booked
last cycleinventory 040 Demand
Integrated Book Inventory The snapshot
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Demand Demand
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Demand Input Demand Input
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Demand Lag1 Lag1 Demand (one month lag)
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Demand Lag2 Lag 2 Demand (two months lag)
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Demand Lag3 Lag 3 Demand (three months lag)
Integrated Sync Supply
Business Damend Last Cycle (snapshot taken 040 Demand
Integrated Demand LC
Planning Demand Lastlast
from the Yearplanning
(Demand cycle)
offset Sync Supply
040 Demand
Integrated Demand LY
by 12 months) Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Demand Target Demand from AOP version
Integrated Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Demand vs LC % Demand/Demand LC
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Demand vs LC Abs Gap Demand vs LC Abs Gap Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Demand vs LC Gap Demand vs LC Gap
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Demand vs LC Gap % Demand vs LC Gap %
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Enroute Inventory TheThe snapshot
snapshot enroute
balance atinventory
the end on Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business EOH hand. Equals to the BOH from next
Integrated Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business EOH Input EOH cycle
Integrated 051Sync
Planning IBP Capacity Demand Late Capacity Demand Late Short
Integrated Short Quantity Quantity on Problem Type Supportability Demand
051 Future
Planning IBP Capacity Demand Late Input for Capacity Demand Late Late Short
Integrated Supportability Demand
Short Quantity Input Short Quantity on Problem Type 050
Business IBP Demand Fill Rate Demand Fill Rate LateFuture
Integrated Supportability
Planning IBP Demand Fulfilled 050 Future
Integrated Demand Fulfilled Quantity
IBP Demand Fulfilled Input measure for Demand Fulfilled Supportability
050 Future
Integrated IBP Quantity
Demand Input
On Time Quantity Supportability
050 Future
Business % Total met on time quantity
Integrated Supportability Supportability
Planning 050 Future
Integrated IBP Demand Quantity Demand Quantity
IBP Demand Quantity Input measure for demand quantity Supportability
050 Future
Integrated Input 051 Future
Business IBP Material Demand Late
Planning Material Demand Late Short
Integrated Supportability Demand
051 Future
Short Quantity
IBP Material Demand Late Input Quantity on Problem
for Material Demand Type
Business Late Short
Supportability Demand
Integrated Short Quantity Input Short Quantity on Problem Type
Planning 050
Integrated IBP Total Late Quantity Total Late Quantity
IBP Total Late Quantity Supportability
050 Future
Business Input measure for total late quantity
Planning IBP TotalInput
Met On Time Supportability
050 Future
Business Total Met On Time Quantity
Quantity Supportability
IBP Total Met On Time 050 Future
Integrated Total Met On Time Quantity Input
Quantity Input Supportability
050 Future
Business IBP Total Short Quantity Total Short Quantity
Integrated Supportability
Planning IBP Total Short Quantity Input measure for Total Short 050 Future
Integrated The snapshotQuantity inventory data. If last
Input Supportability
040 Demand Supply
Business Inventory cycle EOH is >0, then there is
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning Inventory Last Cycle (snapshot
inventory 040 Demand
Integrated Inventory LC
taken from the last
Inventory Last Year (Inventory planning cycle)
offset Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Inventory LY
Integrated by 12 months) Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Inventory Target Inventory from AOP version
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Inventory vs LC % Inventory vs LC %
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Inventory vs LC Abs Gap Inventory vs LC Abs Gap
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Inventory vs LC Gap Inventory vs LC Gap
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Inventory vs LC Gap % Inventory vs LC Gap %
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Production Production Quantity
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Production Input Production
Production Quantity
Quantity LastInput
Cycle Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Production LC (snapshot taken fromLast
Integrated Production Quantity Sync Supply
Planning planning cycle) 040 Demand
Integrated Production LY (Production Quantity offset by 12
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Production Target months)
Production from AOP version
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Production vs LC % Production vs LC %
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Production vs LC Abs Gap Production vs LC Abs Gap
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Production vs LC Gap Production vs LC Gap
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Production vs LC Gap % Production vs LC Gap %
Integrated Sync Supply
Business 040 Demand
Integrated Purchased Purchased Quantity
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Purchased Input Purchased Quantity Input
Integrated Purchased Quantity Last Cycle Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Purchased LC (snapshot taken from the last
Integrated Purchased Quantity Last Year Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Purchased LY planning cycle)
(Production Quantity offset by 12
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Purchased Target Purchasedmonths) from AOP version Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Purchased vs LC % Purchased vs LC %
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Purchased vs LC Abs Gap Purchased vs LC Abs Gap
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Purchased vs LC Gap Purchased vs LC Gap
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Purchased vs LC Gap % Purchased vs LC Gap %
Integrated Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Received Received Quantity
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Received Input Received
Received Quantity
Quantity Input
Last Cycle Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Received LC (snapshot taken from the last
Integrated Received Quantity Last Year Sync Supply
Planning planning cycle) 040 Demand
Integrated Received LY (Received Quantity offset by 12
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Received Target Received months)
from AOP version
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning Received vs LC % Received vs LC % 040 Demand
Integrated Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Received vs LC Abs Gap Received vs LC Abs Gap
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Received vs LC Gap Received vs LC Gap
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Received vs LC Gap % Received vs LC Gap %
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Shipped Shipped Quantity
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Shipped Input Shipped Input Quantity
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Shipped LC Shipped Quantity Last Cycle
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Shipped vs LC % Shipped vs LC %
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Business Shipped vs LC Abs Gap Shipped vs LC Abs Gap
040 Demand Supply
Integrated Shipped vs LC Gap Shipped vs LC Gap
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Shipped vs LC Gap % Shipped vs LC Gap %
Supply Plan Sync
Planning SO Commit Actual 005.044 Transactional
Supply Plan Actual Delivery of SO Commit Line
Delivery Date Sales Order
005.044 Commit
Common SO Commit Creation Date Creation Date of Document
Supply Plan Sales Order Commit
Inputs 005.044 Transactional
Supply Plan SO Commit Date Sales Order Commit Date
SO Commit Delivered Sales Order
005.044 Commit
Common Delivered Sales Order Quantity
Supply Plan Quantity Sales Order Commit
Inputs 005.044 Transactional
Supply Plan SO Commit Quantity Committed Sales Order Quantity
Sales Order
005.044 Commit
Common SO Commit Status Status of SO Commits
Inputs The sum of Production, Received & 040 DemandCommit
Sales Order Supply
Integrated Supply
Purchased Sync
040 Demand Supply
Business Supply Lag1 Lag1 Supply (one month lag)
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Supply Lag2 Lag 2 Supply (two months lag)
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Supply Lag3 Lag 3 Supply (three months lag)
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning Supply Last Cycle (snapshot taken 040 Demand
Integrated Supply LC
Supplyfrom theYear
Last last(Supply
planning cycle)
offset by 12 Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Supply LY
Supply Plan months) SyncUOM
Planning Supply Planning Final Final Conversion Rate for Supply 106.001
Integrated Conversion Rate Planning Measures Conversion
040 Demand Supply
Business Supply Target Supply from AOP version
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Supply vs LC % Supply vs LC %
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Supply vs LC Abs Gap Supply vs LC Abs Gap
Integrated Sync Supply
Planning 040 Demand
Integrated Supply vs LC Gap Supply vs LC Gap
Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business Supply vs LC Gap % Supply vs LC Gap %
Integrated Sync Supply
Business 040 Demand
Integrated WOS Weeks Weeks of Supply
of Supply Last Cycle Sync Supply
040 Demand
Business WOS LC (snapshot taken from the last
Demand Forecast from cycle)
week level Sync
Planning IBP Fcst planning 325 IBP Forecast
Demand Input measure for partial
disaggregated to weeks
IBP Fcst Input 325 IBP Forecast
Demand main measure
Planning IBP Fcst Lag1 Lag 1 IBP forecast 325 IBP Forecast
IBP Fcst Lag2 Lag 2 IBP forecast 325 IBP Forecast
Demand IBP Fcst Lag3 Lag 3 IBP forecast 325 IBP Forecast
Demand Last cycle IBP forecast populated
IBP Fcst LC 325 IBP Forecast
Demand from previous version
IBP Fcst LY Last year actuals 325 IBP Forecast
Demand IBP Forecast vs Last Cycle IBP
IBP Fcst vs LC % 325 IBP Forecast
Demand IBP Forecast Forecast %Cycle IBP
vs Last
IBP Fcst vs LC Abs Gap 325 IBP Forecast
Demand IBP Forecast
Forecast Absolute GapIBP
vs Last Cycle
IBP Fcst vs LC Gap 325 IBP Forecast
Demand Forecast Gap
Forecast vs Last Cycle Forecast Gap
IBP Fcst vs LC Gap % 325 IBP Forecast
Demand IBP Forecast vs % Last Year IBP
IBP Fcst vs LY % 325 IBP Forecast
Demand IBP ForecastForecast % Year IBP
vs Last
IBP Fcst vs LY Abs Gap 325 IBP Forecast
Demand IBPForecast
ForecastAbsolute GapIBP
vs Last Year
IBP Fcst vs LY Gap 325 IBP Forecast
Demand Forecast Gap
IBP Forecast vs Last Year IBP
IBP Fcst vs LY Gap % 325 IBP Forecast
Demand Mapping Forecast
of Day toGap % Month,
Is Day 022 Day
Demand Calculating Quarter, Year etc
total number of days in a
Integrated Num Days 024 Partial Week
Planning particular Partial Week
Integrated Discount & Allowance On Invoice + Off Invoice 010 Outlook
Business Discount & Allowance LC On Invoice LC + Off Invoice LC 010 Outlook
Business Discount & Allowance LY On Invoice LY + Off Invoice LY 010 Outlook
Planning Discount & Allowance vs Discount & Allowance/Discount &
Business 010 Outlook
LC % Allowance LC
Discount & Allowance vs abs(Discount & Allowance -
Integrated 010 Outlook
DiscountLC &
Abs Gap
Allowance vs Discount
Discount & Allowance
& Allowance LC) &
- Discount
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated LC Gap
Planning Discount & Allowance vs (Discount &Allowance LC
Allowance/Discount &
Integrated 010 Outlook
Planning DiscountLC&Gap %
Allowance vs Allowance LC) - 1
Discount & Allowance/Discount &
Integrated 010 Outlook
Discount LY
& %
Allowance vs Allowance
abs(Discount LY
& Allowance -
Business 010 Outlook
Integrated LY Abs Gap Discount & Allowance LY)
Planning Discount & Allowance vs Discount & Allowance - Discount &
Integrated 010 Outlook
Planning Discount LY Gap
& Allowance vs (Discount &Allowance LY
Allowance/Discount &
Integrated 010 Outlook
LY Gap % Allowance LY) - 1
Business Net Invoice Gross Revenue - On Invoice 010 Outlook
Planning Net Invoice Last Cycle (snapshot
Integrated Net Invoice LC 010 Outlook
taken from the
Net Invoice Lastlast planning
Year cycle)
(Net Invoice
Business Net Invoice LY 010 Outlook
Integrated data offset by 12 months)
Business Net Invoice vs LC % Net Invoice/Net Invoice LC 010 Outlook
Business Net Invoice vs LC Abs Gap abs(Net Invoice - Net Invoice LC) 010 Outlook
Business Net Invoice vs LC Gap Net Invoice - Net Invoice LC 010 Outlook
Business Net Invoice vs LC Gap % (Net Invoice/Net Invoice LC) - 1 010 Outlook
Business Net Invoice vs LY % Net Invoice/Net Invoice LY 010 Outlook
Business Net Invoice vs LY Abs Gap abs(Net Invoice - Net Invoice LY) 010 Outlook
Business Net Invoice vs LY Gap Net Invoice - Net Invoice LY 010 Outlook
Business Net Invoice vs LY Gap % (Net Invoice/Net Invoice LY) -1 010 Outlook
Integrated Net Revenue is the recorded income
Business Net REV from sales after subtracting returns, 010 Outlook
Planning Net Revenue
discounts, andLast Cycle
other (snapshot
Integrated Net REV LC 010 Outlook
takenNetfrom the last
Revenue planning
Last Year (Netcycle)
Business Net REV LY 010 Outlook
Integrated Revenue offset by 12 months)
Business Net REV vs LC % Net REV/Net REV LC 010 Outlook
Business Net REV vs LC Abs Gap abs(Net REV - Net REV LC) 010 Outlook
Business Net REV vs LC Gap Net REV - Net REV LC 010 Outlook
Business Net REV vs LC Gap % (Net REV/Net REV LC) - 1 010 Outlook
Business Net REV vs LY % Net REV/Net REV LY 010 Outlook
Business Net REV vs LY Abs Gap abs(Net REV - Net REV LY) 010 Outlook
Business Net REV vs LY Gap Net REV - Net REV LY 010 Outlook
Business Net REV vs LY Gap % (Net REV/Net REV LY) - 1 010 Outlook
Business Off Invoice Off Invoice 010 Outlook
Planning Forecasted Off Invoice % in future
Integrated Off Invoice % 010 Outlook
and actualised
Off Invoice Last Cyclein(snapshot
Business Off Invoice LC 010 Outlook
Integrated taken from the last planning cycle)
Planning Off Invoice Last Year (Off Invoice
Integrated Off Invoice LY 010 Outlook
data offset by 12 months)
Business Off Invoice vs LC % Off Invoice/Off Invoice LC 010 Outlook
Business Off Invoice vs LC Abs Gap abs(Off Invoice - Off Invoice LC) 010 Outlook
Business Off Invoice vs LC Gap Off Invoice - Off Invoice LC 010 Outlook
Business Off Invoice vs LC Gap % (Off Invoice/Off Invoice LC) - 1 010 Outlook
Business Off Invoice vs LY % Off Invoice/Off Invoice LY 010 Outlook
Business Off Invoice vs LY Abs Gap abs(Off Invoice - Off Invoice LY) 010 Outlook
Business Off Invoice vs LY Gap Off Invoice - Off Invoice LY 010 Outlook
Business Off Invoice vs LY Gap % (Off Invoice/Off Invoice LY) - 1 010 Outlook
Business On Invoice On Invoice Discount 010 Outlook
Planning Forecasted On Invoice % in future
Business On Invoice % 010 Outlook
and actualised in past
On Invoice Last Cycle (snapshot
Integrated On Invoice LC 010 Outlook
taken from the
On Invoice Lastlast planning
Year cycle)
(On Invoice
Business On Invoice LY 010 Outlook
Integrated data offset by 12 months)
Business On Invoice vs LC % On Invoice/On Invoice LC 010 Outlook
Business On Invoice vs LC Abs Gap abs(On Invoice - On Invoice LC) 010 Outlook
Business On Invoice vs LC Gap On Invoice - On Invoice LC 010 Outlook
Business On Invoice vs LC Gap % (On Invoice/On Invoice LC) - 1 010 Outlook
Business On Invoice vs LY % On Invoice/On Invoice LY 010 Outlook
Business On Invoice vs LY Abs Gap abs(On Invoice - On Invoice LY) 010 Outlook
Business On Invoice vs LY Gap On Invoice - On Invoice LY 010 Outlook
Business On Invoice vs LY Gap % (On Invoice/On Invoice LY) - 1 010 Outlook
Planning Exchange Rate Exchange Rate 014 Exchange Rate
UOM Conversion UOM Conversion Factor 012 UOM Conversion
Default Input Currency Default Input Currency 010 Version
Is Single Currency Is Single Currency 010 Version
Demand 015 Local Exchange
Local Exchange Rate Local Exchange Rate
Demand Disaggregated Fcst to be sent to Rate Chain
390 Supply
Final Fcst
Demand Supply Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Final Fcst LC Final Fcst Last Cycle
Demand Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Final Fcst LY Final Fcst Last year
Demand Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Final Fcst vs LC % Final Fcst vs Last Cycle Actuals %
Demand Final Fcsts vs Last Cycle Actuals Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Final Fcst vs LC Abs Gap
Demand Final Fcst Gap Absolute Gap and Last
b/w current Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Final Fcst vs LC Gap
Demand Final Fcst vs Last Cycle
Cycle Actuals Gap Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Final Fcst vs LC Gap %
Demand % Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Final Fcst vs LY % Final Fcst vs Last Year Actuals %
Demand Final Fcsts vs Last Year Actuals Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Final Fcst vs LY Abs Gap
Demand Final Fcst Gap Absolute Gap and Last
b/w current Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Planning Final Fcst vs LY Gap Year Forecast
Demand Final Fcsts vs Last Year Actuals Gap 390 Supply Chain
Final Fcst vs LY Gap %
Demand % Forecast
390 Supply Chain
Sell In Stat L0 Forecast in R at lower level
Demand Forecast
Sell In Stat L0 Agg Aggregate value of Sell In Stat L0 320 Forecast
Demand 390 Supply Chain
SKU DC Split % Split of Sell In Stat L0
Demand Forecast
390 Supply Chain
SKU DC Split LC SKU DC Split Last Cycle
Demand Forecast
390 Supply Chain
SKU DC Split LY SKU DC Split Last year
Demand SKU DC Split Gap b/w current and Forecast
390 Supply Chain
SKU DC Split vs LC Gap
Demand SKU DC SplitLast GapCycle
b/w current and Forecast
390 Supply Chain
SKU DC Split vs LY Gap Percentage of New Item Forecast
Demand Last Year Forecast
Cannibalization % that will be taken away from 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand 610 New Product
Cannibalization Impact Cannibalized Items
Cannibalization Impact
Demand Cannibalized Item Selected Cannibalized Item for a Forecast
600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Selected Item - Customer
Discontinuation Datecombination
of an Item for
Disco Date Assortment to mark valid 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Generate System Like a Customer
intersections for Like Item Match 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Item Match Assortment Independence Date of a new Item
Independence Date generation 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand for a Customer
Intial Build Quantity of a new Item
Initial Build 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand for a Customer
Intro Date Intro Date of an Item for a Customer 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Assortment to mark association
Is Assorted 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand between an Item
Generic actual andgrained
data Customer
Lifecycle Actual 620 Lifecycle Actual
Planning Lifecycle Time
Demand Backorders data grained by Lifecycle
Lifecycle Backorders 620 Lifecycle Actual
Demand Time by Lifecycle
Billing data grained
Lifecycle Billing 620 Lifecycle Actual
Demand Actuals or Average Timeof Actuals of Like 610 New Product
Lifecycle Like Item Actual
Demand Item/Items
Orders data grained by Lifecycle Forecast
Lifecycle Orders 620 Lifecycle Actual
Demand Lifecycle ProfileTime based on Lifecycle
Lifecycle Profile 630 Lifecycle Actual L1
Demand Volume
Shipments data grained by Lifecycle
Lifecycle Shipments 620 Lifecycle Actual
Demand Time
Lifecycle Volume Lifecycle History Volume 630 Lifecycle Actual L1
Common Like Item Actual Actuals used for Like Item Search 020 Actual
Demand Forecast or Average of Forecast of 610 New Product
Like Item Fcst
Demand Like Item Search History Like Item/Items
History measure used to generate Forecast
010 Version
Demand Measure Like Items
Selected level of Item to constrain
Like Item Search Space 010 Version
Demand the like
Selected Likeitem
for anspace
Item and
Like Item Selected 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Customer combination
M01 Ramp Up Profile Ramp Up Factor for Month 1 600 Product Life Cycle
M01 Start Date Start Date of M01 600 Product Life Cycle
M02 Ramp Up Profile Ramp Up Factor for Month 2 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand M02 Start Date Start Date of M02 600 Product Life Cycle
M03 Ramp Up Profile Ramp Up Factor for Month 3 600 Product Life Cycle
M03 Start Date Start Date of M03 600 Product Life Cycle
M04 Ramp Up Profile Ramp Up Factor for Month 4 600 Product Life Cycle
M04 Start Date Start Date of M04 600 Product Life Cycle
M05 Ramp Up Profile Ramp Up Factor for Month 5 600 Product Life Cycle
M05 Start Date Start Date of M05 600 Product Life Cycle
M06 Ramp Up Profile Ramp Up Factor for Month 6 600 Product Life Cycle
M06 Start Date Start Date of M06 600 Product Life Cycle
Planning M07 Ramp Up Profile Ramp Up Factor for Month 7 600 Product Life Cycle
M07 Start Date Start Date of M07 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand M08 Ramp Up Profile Ramp Up Factor for Month 8 600 Product Life Cycle
M08 Start Date Start Date of M08 600 Product Life Cycle
M09 Ramp Up Profile Ramp Up Factor for Month 9 600 Product Life Cycle
M09 Start Date Start Date of M09 600 Product Life Cycle
M10 Ramp Up Profile Ramp Up Factor for Month 10 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand M10 Start Date Start Date of M10 600 Product Life Cycle
M11 Ramp Up Profile Ramp Up Factor for Month 11 600 Product Life Cycle
M11 Start Date Start Date of M11 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand M12 Ramp Up Profile Ramp Up Factor for Month 12 600 Product Life Cycle
M12 Start Date Start Date of
Stores exceptions M12 Python
during 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand NPI Cannibalization
plugin execution to populate 010 Version
Demand Impact Py Exception 610 New Product
NPI Fcst Cannibalization
New Item Fcst Impact
Demand Intermediate measure for NPI Forecast
610 New Product
NPI Fcst Calc
Demand forecast
NPI Forecast lastcalculation
cycle ( (snapshot Forecast
610 New Product
Demand taken from the last planning cycle) Forecast
610 New Product
NPI Fcst vs LC % NPI Forecast/NPI Forecast LC
Demand Forecast
610 New Product
NPI Fcst vs LC Abs Gap abs(NPI Forecast - NPI Forecast LC)
Demand Forecast
610 New Product
NPI Fcst vs LC Gap NPI Forecast - NPI Forecast LC
Planning Forecast
Demand 610 New Product
NPI Fcst vs LC Gap % (NPI
Stores Forecast/NPI
exceptions during Forecast LC)-1
Demand NPI Lifecycle Actual Py Forecast
exceptions to during
populate actual
Python 010 Version
Demand Exception
NPI Lifecycle Like Item measures
plugin usedgrained
to by Lifecycle
populate Time
Lifecycle 010 Version
Planning Actual Py Exception Stores exceptions during Python
Demand NPI Like Item Fcst Py Like ItemtoActual
Stores execution
membersLike and 010 Version
Demand Exception
NPI ML Attribute Item properties Item
for Fcst
plugin to use it as a 032 Item
Planning Stores Planning Item properties for
Demand NPI ML Attribute Planning proxy for Item Master
plugin to use it as a proxy for Item 030 Planning Item
Demand Item information Master at Ship To Level for
NPI ML Attribute Ship To Storestoexceptions 042 Ship To
Demand NPI System Feature plugin use it as aduring
proxy for python
plugin execution for system
Stores exceptions during python feature 010 Version
Demand Weight
NPI SystemML Exception
Like Item
plugin weight generation
execution for system 010 Version
Demand Match ML Exception Nosuggested
of like items
Num Like Items liketo be generated
item generationby 010 Version
Demand system during like item search 610 New Product
PLC Horizon Product
Assortment Life Cycle
to mark Horizon
Demand Populate Cannibalization Forecast
intersections for Cannibalization
Assortment to mark valid 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Impact Like
Populate Assortment
Item Fcst Impact for
intersections generation
Like Item Fcst 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Assortment
Scaling Factor Population
Scaling Factor 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand 047 Item Feature
System Feature Weight Weight recommended
Count of User Cannibalized by system
Demand User Cannibalized Item Weight
Override selected for an Item and 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand UserOverride
Ramp Up User Defined Ramp Up Period for a
Customer combination 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Period
User Defined Ramp Up new Item and a Customer
End Date of user defined ramp (Months)up
600 Product Life Cycle
Demand UserPeriod
Date Up period
User Defined Ramp Up Volume for a
600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Volume new Item and a Customer 047 Item Feature
User Feature Weight CountUser Feature
of User Weight
Like Item Override
Demand User Like Item Override Weight
selected for a single Item and 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Count 610 New Product
Weekly Initial Build Customer
Initial Build incombination
weekly buckets
Demand Ramp up profile distributed in Forecast
610 New Product
Weekly Ramp Up Profile
Demand Weekly Ramp Up Profile weekly
Ramp up buckets
profile(copy to leaves)
distributed in Forecast
610 New Product
Demand Normalized weekly buckets (distribute to leaves) Forecast
Planning Actual L4 Historical data at L4 level 332 Actual L4
Decline Threshold Decline Threshold 010 Version
Demand Delist Recommendation Delist Recommendation Exception 010 Version
Demand Exception Forecast outside product life cycle
Fcst Outside PLC Horizon Flag to markhorizonthe Planning Item 320 Forecast
Demand Fcst Outside PLC Horizon
where Forecast exists outside 320 Forecast
Demand Flag
High Decline Threshold product life cycle
High Decline horizon
Threshold 010 Version
Demand Marking valid combinations based 610 New Product
Is Valid Consensus
Demand on Consensus Forecast Forecast
o9 Recommendation o9 Recommendation 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Phase Out History Period History Period considered to
010 Version
Demand (in months) calculate Trend
Phase Out Threshold Phase Out Threshold 010 Version
Demand Planning Item Planning Item 030 Planning Item
Demand Rate of change as % of monthly
Rate of Change Gap 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Ratesales Planning
of change as Item vs L4
% of monthly
Rate of Change L4 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Rate of Change Planning Rate of change sales asL4
% of monthly 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Item sales Planning
Timestamp of transition Item of a
Time Stamp 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Planning Item
Transition Type Transition Type of a Planning Item 600 Product Life Cycle
Trend L4 Trend L4 600 Product Life Cycle
Trend Planning Item Trend Planning Item 600 Product Life Cycle
Demand Include Opportunity (o9 System suggested action for the
840 Opportunity Base
Planning Reco.) opportunity
Demand Include Opportunity (o9 System suggested action for the
850 Opportunity
Demand says)
Include Opportunity opportunity
Planner decision for the opportunity 850 Opportunity
Demand (Planner
Include Override)
Planner decision for the opportunity 840 Opportunity Base
Demand Latest(Planner Reco.)Data Depreciated Value of assets after
The opportunity stages for which 030 Planning Item
Demand Py Exception leasing duration
List of Opportunity Stages the opportunity pipeline is to be 010 Version
Demand The revenue type associated with
List of Opportunity Types considered in consensus forecast 010 Version
Demand for whichopportunity
we want to shortlist
Must Win Options 010 Version
Demand opportunities for consensus
Opportunity Created Date Date The of creation ofstages
opportunity the opportunity
for which 850 Opportunity
Opportunity Fcst the opportunity pipeline is to be 320 Forecast
Demand Opportunity Leasing considered
Duration in consensus
for which forecast
assets are leased 850 Opportunity
Demand Duration
Opportunity (inLeasing
months) Py
Opportunity Forecast 840 Opportunity Base
Demand Plugin Exception
Opportunity Line Created
Date of creation of the opportunity 840 Opportunity Base
Demand Opportunity DateLine Created
Date of creation of the opportunity 830 Opportunity Input
Demand Date Input
Opportunity Line Leasing Duration for which assets are leased
Opportunity 840 Opportunity Base
Demand Duration (inLine Leasing
Duration Input
Opportunity Line Leasing (in Duration for which assets are leased 830 Opportunity Input
Demand Last Refresh of Duration for which
Duration Input (in 830 Opportunity Input
Demand Opportunity Line Modified Last date assets
when the are opportunity
leased was
months) LR 840 Opportunity Base
Demand Date modified
Opportunity Line Modified Last date when the opportunity was
830 Opportunity Input
Demand Date Line
Opportunity InputModified Last Refresh of modified
Last date when the
830 Opportunity Input
Demand Date Input
Opportunity Line MustLR opportunity was modified
Opportunity is MUST WIN or not 840 Opportunity Base
Demand Win
Opportunity Line Must
Opportunity is MUST WIN or not 830 Opportunity Input
Demand Win Input
Opportunity Line Must Last Refresh of Opportunity is MUST
830 Opportunity Input
Demand Win Input LR
Opportunity Line ProbabilityWIN or not with the
840 Opportunity Base
Demand ProbabilityLine
Opportunity opportunity
Probability associated with the
830 Opportunity Input
Demand Probability Input
Opportunity Line opportunity
Last Refresh of Probability
Planning Probability Input LR 830 Opportunity Input
Demand Opportunity Line Requested date ofthe
associated with opportunity
delivery for the
840 Opportunity Base
Demand Requested Date
Opportunity Line opportunity
Requested date of delivery for the 830 Opportunity Input
Demand Requested Date
Opportunity Line Input Last Refresh opportunity
of Requested date of
830 Opportunity Input
Demand Opportunity Line Residual Depreciatedfor
Requested Date Input LR delivery the opportunity
Value of assets after
840 Opportunity Base
Demand Value leasing duration
Opportunity Line Residual Depreciated Value of assets after
830 Opportunity Input
Demand ValueLine
Opportunity Input Residual Last Refresh leasing duration Value of
of Depreciated
830 Opportunity Input
Demand Value Input LR assets after
Revenue leasing duration
associated with the
Opportunity Line Revenue 840 Opportunity Base
Demand Opportunity Line Revenue opportunity
Revenue associated with the
830 Opportunity Input
Demand Opportunity Input
Line Revenue Last Refreshopportunity
of Revenue associated
830 Opportunity Input
Demand Input LR
Opportunity Line Sales with the opportunity
Sales type associated with the 840 Opportunity Base
Demand Type
Opportunity Line Sales opportunity
Sales type associated with the
830 Opportunity Input
Demand Type Input opportunity
Opportunity Line Stage Stage of opportunity 840 Opportunity Base
Demand Opportunity Line Stage Stage of opportunity 830 Opportunity Input
Demand OpportunityInput Line Stage Last Refresh of Stage of opportunity
830 Opportunity Input
Demand Input LR Units associated with the
Opportunity Line Units 840 Opportunity Base
Demand Opportunity Line Units opportunity
Units associated with the
830 Opportunity Input
Demand Input
Opportunity Line Units opportunity
Last Refresh of Units associated
830 Opportunity Input
Demand Input LR
Opportunity Modified Last date with
opportunity was
850 Opportunity
Planning Date modified
Opportunity Must Win Opportunity is MUST WIN or not 850 Opportunity
Demand Probability associated with the
Opportunity Probability 850 Opportunity
Demand Opportunity Requested Requested opportunity
date of delivery for the
850 Opportunity
Demand OpportunityDateResidual opportunity
Duration for which assets are leased 850 Opportunity
Demand Value Revenue associated with the
Opportunity Revenue 850 Opportunity
Demand Opportunity Revenue Revenueopportunity
associated with the
850 Opportunity
Demand (incl. in Fcst) opportunity after planner's approval
The revenue associated with
Opportunity Revenue Fcst 320 Forecast
Demand Opportunity opportunity
Revenue associated with the Direct
850 Opportunity
Demand Revenue(Direct
OpportunitySale) Saleassociated
Revenue opportunities
with the
850 Opportunity
Demand Revenue(Lease) Leasing opportunities
Sales type associated with the
Opportunity Sales Type 850 Opportunity
Demand opportunity
Opportunity Stage Stage of opportunity 850 Opportunity
Demand Units associated with the
Opportunity Units 850 Opportunity
Demand Opportunity Units (incl. in Opportunity opportunity
Units after planner's
Threshold setup by user to 850 Opportunity
Demand Fcst) acceptance
Probability Threshold determine Opportunity inclusion in 010 Version
Demand Py Opportunity Shortlist for which weconsensus
want to shortlist
the 010 Version
Planning Exception opportunities for consensus
Current Date to calculate scenario 040 Scenario
Common Current Date
Delete Scenario when age exceeds Management
040 Scenario
Common Delete Scenario
Final Measure threshold
combining manual Management
040 Scenario
Common Delete Scenario Final
and scenario
Manual Selection age exceeding
for Delete Management
040 Scenario
Common Delete Scenario Manual 050 Scenario
Demand Planning Create Scenario
Validation Measure for Creating Management
Common Management User
Planning Scoped Demand
Scenario CountPlanning Scenario
for demand 040 Level
Scenario Count
Demand Planning Scenarioplanning
limit for scenarios
demand planning Management
040 Scenario
Common 050 Scenario
Scenario scenarios
Validation Measure for Creating Management
Common Management User
Validation Global Scenario 040 Level
Common Global Scenario Count Number of scenarios in the tenant
Maximum scenario number limits in Management
040 Scenario
Common Global Scenario Limit the tenant Management
Global Scenario Limit Per 040 Scenario
Common Sets per user limit to all the users
User Management
040 Scenario
Common Product Scenario Created for which Product
040 Scenario
Common Scenario Age Scenario Age in days 060 Scenario
Common Scenario Age Threshold Threshold for the Scenario Age Management
050 Scenario Age
Common Scenario Count Per User Scenario count for each user ThresholdUser
040 Level
Common Scenario Created By Username who created this scenario
040 Scenario
Common Scenario Created Date Date on which Scenario is Created 050 Scenario
Common Scenario Limit Per User Scenario creation limit for each user Management User
Common Action End Time End time of the Action LevelTimes
070 Run
Common Action Start Time Start time of the Action 070 Run Times
Common Actual Raw Actuals before realignment 020 Actual
010.001 Delete
Common Attribute Name Object Attribute Name
Threshhold based Object
Variable Obsolete Members
006.010 Financials
Common Auxiliary Inventory Framework
Auxiliary Inventory additional cost influenced by the Auxillary Inventory
Storage Cost Per Unit Auxiliary Inventory
Common Storage Cost Per Unit item perStorage
day. Cost Per Auxillary
Unit 006.009
Auxillary Inventory
Intermediate Auxillary Inventory Storage
Common Auxillary Inventory Variable Storage
Storage Threshold AuxillaryThreshold
Inventory Storage Variable StorageCost
Common Storage Threshold Inventory Storage
Threshold Intermediate 003.002Storage
Inventory Common Cost
Common Intermediate
Base Forecast LC Last Cycle Forecast Qty Demand Netting Inputs
003.002 Common
Common Base Forecast Quantity Base Forecast Quantity DemandForecast
Netting Inputs
Base Forecast Quantity R 004.005 Demand
Common R netting forecast Input placeholder 010.001 Delete
Input Method but requires Modelling of Netting Inputs Forecast
Common Behavior Identifier Obsolete
003.002 Members
Hierarchy with 2 Members Parent
Common Buff1 Forecast Quantity Buff1 Forecast Quantity Demand Framework
Netting Inputs
Buff1 Forecast Quantity R 004.005 Demand
Common R netting forecast Input placeholder 003.002 Common
Input Netting Inputs Forecast
Common Buff2 Forecast Quantity Buff2 Forecast Quantity Demand Netting Inputs
Buff2 Forecast Quantity R 004.005 Demand
Common Cascade Parent R netting forecast Input placeholder
Input Deletion Parent Attribute of the Level
Netting InputsDelete
Common Dimension Attribute Obsolete
010.001 Members
Child Attributes Attribute
checkedtoinbe Deleted,
of noninleaf
Common Object to be case Framework
checked attribute, It can be comma 010.001Members
Child Deletion Measures Measures of child deletion to be Framework
Common Obsolete Members
003.009 Common
to check checked
Common COM Demand Type COM Demand Type Framework
Demand Netting
005.018 Demand
Netting split for common at item Forecast Streams
Common Common Netting Split Netting Netting Split
customer 004.003 Seed Inputs
Common Create Unique DemandIDs Takes true or false as input Common
Common Currency Exchange Rate Exchange Rate Currency Exchange
Data Object
Common Data Object Delete Flag Data Object Delete Flag
Data Object Delete Flag Delete
010.006 Data Flags
Common Data Object Delete Flag
Data Object Delete Flag Delete Flags
010.006 Data Object
Common Data Object Delete Flag
Data ObjectFinal
Delete Flag Delete
011.006 Flags
Data Object
Common Data Object Delete Flag 003.009
Override Delete FlagCommon
Common Default Demand ID Default Demand ID Demand
010.001 Netting
Delete Obsolete Members Limit for Deletion is the Behavior is ForecastMembers
Common Obsolete
004.013 Demand Inputs
Demand ClassLimit
Selected Individual Delete
Common Demand Class selected on UI Demand Framework
Class Selected
For UISelected R
Demand Class R netting DemandClassSelected 004.004
Common ForDemand
005.016 Demand
Demand Input Input placeholder
Netting Brand For population of brand combined Netting Inputs Orders
Common Netting
005.015 Brand
Customer Intermediate
Demand Netting Item applicableofweeks
For Population combined
Common Customer
Netting Intermediate
Item Customer
Customer Intermediate
Dimension Attribute applicable weeks 010.001 Delete
Common Dimension Attribute to be deleted Intermediate
Object 010.001Members
Dimension Data Table Framework
Common Name Dimension Data Table Name Obsolete Members
010.001 Delete
Common Dimension Name Object Dimension Name Object Framework
Obsolete Members
Common DIST Expedite Cost DIST Expedite Cost Intermediate
DIST Expedite Cost Distribution Standard
Common DIST Expedite Cost Intermediate
Intermediate Distribution Standard
006.015 Financials
Common DIST IsExpedite Expedite Cost Marker
006.015Cost Marker
Common DIST IsStandard Standard Cost Marker 006.005 Financials
DIST Transportation Cost costs needed for shipping/receiving Standard Cost Marker
Common Distribution
Per Unit
DIST Transportation material
Cost DIST which is not
Transportation covered
Cost in
Per Unit DistributionCost
Common Transportation
Per Unit Intermediate Intermediate Transportation Cost
Common DM Customer Attribute1 Customer Attribute 1 001.001 ABDM Rules
DM Customer Attribute1 001.003 ABDM
Common Customer Attribute1 Mapping
Mapping Mappings
Common DM Data Type Data type of Measure to be updated 001.002 ABDM Data
DM Demand Type Objects
001.003 ABDM
Common Demand Type Attribute1 Mapping
Attribute1 Mapping
DM DemandID Attribute1 Mappings
001.003 ABDM
Common DemandID Attribute1 Mapping
Mapping Mappings
001.002 ABDM Data
Common DM Input Table Name Input Table Name
Common DM Item Attribute1 Item Attribute 1 001.001 ABDM Rules
DM Item Attribute1 001.003 ABDM
Common Item Attribute1 Mapping
Mapping Mappings
Common DM Location Attribute1 Location Attribute 1 001.001 ABDM Rules
DM Location Attribute1 001.003 ABDM
Common Location Attribute1 Mapping
DM Time Attribute1 Mappings
001.003 ABDM
Common Time Attribute1 Mapping
Mapping Mappings
001.002 ABDM Data
Common DM Value Measure1 Measure to be updated 1
001.002 Objects
Common DM Value Measure2 Measure to be updated 2
Common DM Value1 Measure Value 1 001.001 ABDM Rules
Common DM Value2 Measure Value 2 001.001 ABDM Rules
DP Item Forecast moved to SP if the 009.001 DP SP
Common DP SP Handshake Enabled 004.007 Demand
Dummy Demand flag is set to true Handshake Items
Common R Netting Demand Output Netting Outputs
Exclude ExcessOutput
Forecasts 007.002 Exclude Excess
Common Exclude Excess Forecasts in the Past Monthly Level
in the Past 003.005 in
Forecasts Common
the Past
Common Exclude from Netting Exclude from Netting Demand Netting
Exclude from Netting Demand Netting
Common Exclude from Netting Forecast
Exclude from Netting Forecasts excluded from Netting Parameters
Demand Netting For
Common 003.004 Common
Forecast MP Snapshot
Exclude from Netting during MP Run Parameters For
Common Exclude from Netting DemandCommon
003.004 Netting
from Netting Orders excluded from Netting Parameters For Order
Common DemandCommon
003.005 Netting
Order MP Snapshot during MP Run
Common Exclude from Planning Exclude from Planning Parameters For Order
Demand Netting
Exclude from Planning Demand Netting
Common Exclude from Planning Forecast
Exclude Forecast
from Planning Forecasts excluded from Planning Parameters
Demand For
Common 003.004 Common
Exclude fromMP Snapshot
Planning during MP Rung Parameters For
Common Exclude from Planning DemandCommon
003.004 Netting
Exclude Order
from Planning Orders excluded from Planning
Common Parameters
Demand For Order
Order MP Snapshot Excluded Members
during MPfrom Run attribute 010.001 Netting
Common Excluded Members for of
deleting, It can Parameters For Order
Cost operating thebe comma
warehouse Obsolete Members
seperated values 006.007 Financials
Common Fixed Operating Cost (rent, fixed labor, fixed electricity, Fixed 006.007 Financials
Fixed Operating Cost Operating Cost
Common Fixed Operatingetc) Cost Intermediate Fixed Operating
006.017 Financials Cost
Fixed Operating Cost Per
Common Fixed Operating Cost Per Unit FixedIntermediate
Operating Cost
Unit Cost Per 006.017 Financials
Fixed Operating Fixed Operating Cost Per Unit Daily
Common Fixed Operating Cost
Unit Intermediate Intermediate
Machine overtime cost associated 006.008 Financials
Common Flex Cost Band 1 Per Unit Daily Intermediate
Flex Cost Band 1 Per Unit with producing skus at
Flex Cost Band 1 Per Unit a plant 006.008
Flexible Financials
Cost Band
Common Flexible Cost Band
Intermediate Intermediate
Machine overtime cost associated 006.008 Financials
Common Flex Cost Band 2 Per Unit Intermediate
with producing skus at aUnit
plant 006.008 Financials
Flexible Cost Band
Flex Cost Band 2 Per Unit Flex Cost Band 2 Per
Common Flexible
003.009 Cost Band
Forecast Consumption Intermediate
Common Forecast Consumption Priority Intermediate
Demand Netting
Priority 003.009 Common
Common Forecast Stream Forecast Stream Forecast Streams
Forecast Stream 003.009
Common Forecast Stream Description Forecast Streams
Demand Netting
Inbound Inventory One time inbound handling cost at 006.011
Common ForecastFinancials
Handling Inventory
Per Unit Plant,DC 006.011Handling
Inventory FinancialsCost
Inbound Inventory Handling Cost
Common Handling Cost Per Unit Inventory Handling Cost
Per Unit Intermediate 006.003 Financials
Common Intermediate
Interest Rate Financials Inventory Interest Rate Intermediate
Inventory FinancialsRate
Common Interest Rate Intermediate Interest Rate Intermediate Inventory Interest Rate
Opportunity cost of investing capital 006.012 Financials
Common Inventory Cost Per Unit 006.012 Financials
Inventory Cost Per Unit in inventory
Inventory Cost Per Unit Inventory Holding Cost
Common Inventory
010.001 Holding
Delete Cost
Intermediate Intermediate
Whether attribute is in hierarchy or
Common Is Attribute in Hierarchy Intermediate
not 010.001Members
Common Is Key Attribute Whether attribute is leaf or not Framework
Obsolete Members
003.009 Common
Common Is Order Netting Is Order Netting required or not Framework
Demand Netting
003.009 Common
Common Is RTF Netting Is RTF Netting required or not Forecast
Demand Streams
ForecastItem Deletion
Common Item Delete Flag Item Delete Flag
Flags Deletion
010.002 Item
Common Item Delete Flag Boolean Item Delete Flag Boolean
Flags Deletion
010.002 Item
Common Item Delete Flag Final Item Delete Flag Final
Flags Deletion
011.002 Item
Common Item Delete Flag Override Override for Item Delete Flag
Flags Overrides
Per unit cost associated with
Item Purchase Expedite 006.002 Financials Item
Common expediting an existing purchase 006.002 Financials
Price Expedite
Item Purchase Item Purchase Expedite Price Purchase PriceItem
Common order Purchase Price
Price Intermediate Intermediate 006.002 Financials Item
Common Item Purchase Price Net Purchase price for an item Intermediate
006.002 Financials
Purchase PriceItem
Item Purchase Price
Common Item Purchase Price Intermediate Purchase Price
Intermediate 006.001 Financials Item
Common Item Selling Price Net Selling price for an item Intermediate
006.001 Financials
Selling Price Item
Item Selling Price
Common Item Selling Price Intermediate Selling Price
Intermediate 010.003 Location
Common Location Delete Flag Location Delete Flag Intermediate
Location Delete Flag Deletion Flags
010.003 Location
Common Location Delete Flag Boolean
Boolean Deletion Flags
010.003 Location
Common Location Delete Flag Final Location Delete Flag Final 011.003 Location
Location Delete Flag Deletion Flags
Common Override for Location Delete Flag Deletion Flags
Override 010.004 Location Type
Common Location Type Delete Flag Location Type Delete Flag Overrides
Location Type Delete Flag Deletion
010.004 LocationFlagsType
Common Location Type Delete Flag Boolean
Location Boolean
Type Delete Flag Deletion
010.004 LocationFlagsType
Common Location Type Delete Flag Final 011.004 Location
Final Deletion FlagsType
Common Location Type Delete Flag
Override for Location Type Delete
010.001 Flags
Override Flag
Common Measure Data Table Name Measure Data Table Name Overrides
Obsolete Members
010.001 Delete
Common Measures to be validated Measures to be validated to delete Framework
the members
Common Member Deletion Flag FlagThis
to enable for member Framework
MFG Variable Cost Per is the mfg variable deletion
cost Obsolete Members
006.006 Financials
Common associated with producing skus at a Framework
Manufacturing Variable
Unit Cost Per 006.006 Financials
MFG Variable MFG Variable Cost Per Unit
plant. Cost Variable
Common Manufacturing
008.001 Seed MP
Unit Intermediate
MP Demand Seed Intermediate
Demand Seed Aggregation
Common Cost Intermediate
Transaction Global
Aggregation Parameter Parameter 008.001 Seed MP
MP Distribution Seed Master Planning Distribution Parameter
Transaction Global
Common 008.001 Seed MP
MP Manufacturing Seed Parameter
Master Planning Manufacturing
Common Parameter
Transaction Global
Parameter Seed
MP Procurement Parameter 008.001 Seed MP
Common Master Planning Procurement Parameter
Transaction Global
Parameter Data
MP Transaction MP Transaction Data Delivery Date 008.001 Seed MP
Common Delivery Date Parameter Parameter
Transaction Global
NC Addition Forecast from Demand Netting
Common NC Addition Forecast Parameter
NC Addition Order from layer
integration Incremental
Demand NettingInputs
Common NC Addition Order
NC Addition RTF from integration Incremental
Demand NettingInputs
Common NC Addition RTF
NC DeletionlayerForecast from Incremental
Demand NettingInputs
Common NC Deletion Forecast
NC Deletion integration
Order fromlayer
integration Incremental
Demand NettingInputs
Common NC Deletion Order
NC Deletion RTF from integration Incremental
Demand NettingInputs
Common NC Deletion RTF 003.013 Common
layer Incremental Inputs
Common NC Netting Addition NC Netting Addition Demand
Common NC
Common NC Netting Deletion NC Netting Deletion Addition
Demand and Deletion
Common NC
Common Netted Demand Quantity Netted Demand Quantity Output Addition and
DemandDemand Deletion
Netting Assortment Assortment flag to disaggregate Outputs
Common Netting Assortment Netting
Telescopic Bucket to Day from telescopic
Assortment to day
flag to disaggregate
Common Telescopic Bucket to Assortment
Netting Input
from telescopic week to week 003.005 Common
Week Buckets
Common Netting Backward Netting Backward Buckets Assortment
Demand NettingInput
Netting Backward Buckets Demand Netting
Common Netting Backward Buckets Forecast
Forecast Parameters For
Common Netting Backward Buckets Snapshot of Backward buckets at Demand
Forecast MP Snapshot the time of MP Run Parameters For
Common Netting Backward Buckets Netting Backward Buckets Order DemandCommon
003.004 Netting
Order Buckets
Netting Backward Netting Backward Buckets for
Common Parameters For Order
Order MP Snapshot Orders during MP Run 003.005
Common Netting Forward Buckets Netting Forward Buckets Parameters For Order
Demand Netting
Netting Forward Buckets Demand Netting
Common Netting Forward Buckets Forecast
Forecast Buckets
Netting Forward Snapshot of Netting Forward Parameters
Demand For
Forecast MP Snapshot Buckets at the time of MP Run Parameters For
003.004 Common
Netting Forward Buckets
Common Netting Forward Buckets Order DemandCommon
003.004 Netting
Order Buckets Number of Backward Buckets for
Netting Forward
Common Parameters For Order
Order MP Horizon
Snapshot 003.002
Horizonduring MP Run
Controlled By Flags Parameters For Order
Common Controlled By Flags Demand
003.001 Netting
Netting Horizon Forecast
Netting Horizon Controlled By Flags
Common Forecast Forecast
Demand Netting Inputs
Controlled By Flags Order Execute weeklyOrder or daily procedure 005.014 Demand
Common Netting Input Type Order
depending on measure value 003.005Input
Netting Common
Netting Item Upward
Common Netting Item Upward Levels Demand Netting
Netting Levels
Item Upward Netting Item Upward Levels Demand Netting
Common Netting
LevelsItem Upward
Forecast Number of upward Forecast
traversal in Item Parameters
Demand Netting For
Common Levels Forecast MP 003.004 Common
Netting Item Upward Dimension during MP Run Parameters For
Common Snapshot Netting Item Upward Levels Order Demand Netting
Levels Order 003.004 Common
Netting Item Upward Number of Traversal levels for Item Parameters For Order
Common DemandCommon
003.005 Netting
NettingOrder MP Snapshot
Location Upward Dimension during MP Run
Common Netting Location Upward Levels Parameters For Order
Demand Netting
Levels Upward
Netting Location Netting Location Upward Levels Demand Netting
Common Parameters
Netting Location
Levels ForecastUpward
Number ofForecast
traversal levels in Parameters
Demand For
Common Levels Forecast MP 003.004 Common
Netting Snapshot
Location Upward Location Dimension
Netting Location Upward during Levels
MP Run Parameters For
Common Number of Traversal levels for DemandCommon
003.004 Netting
NettingLevels Order
Location Upward Order
Parameters For Order
Common Orders in Location Dimension during DemandCommon
003.005 Netting
Levels Order
Netting MPDomain
Sales Snapshot
Common MP RunUpward Levels
Netting Sales Domain Parameters For Order
Demand Netting
Upward Levels
Netting Sales Domain Netting Sales Domain Upward Levels Demand Netting
Common Parameters
Upward Sales Domain
Forecast Number of traversalForecastlevels in Sales Parameters
Demand For
Common Upward Levels Forecast Domain Dimension during MP Run 003.004 Common
Netting Parameters For
Common MP Sales
SnapshotDomain Netting Sales Domain Upward Levels
Levels Domain
Order Number of Traversal
Order levels for 003.004
Common Upward Levels Order MP Orders in Sales Domain Dimension Parameters For Order
Split - Historical Netting Spreadduring Profile
MP Runderived from Parameters
Netting BrandFor Order
Common Netting Split - Historical Netting Spread 005.009 Demand
Brand Channel past sales
Profile derived from
Common Brand Channel Time Netting ProfileChannel
Netting Split past sales
- Historical Netting Spread Profile Time Varying
derived from 005.003 Demand
Common Varying Profile TimeBrand
Netting Varying
Netting Split -
Brand CustomerHistorical past sales
Netting Spread Profile derived from Netting Brand
Common Brand Customer Time Customer Profile
Netting Split - Historical Netting past salesProfile
Spread Time Varying
derived from Customer
Demand Time
Common Varying
Global past sales 005.008
Netting Demand
Global Profile
Netting Split - Historical Netting Spread Profile derived from
Common Netting
005.004Global Profile
Netting Time- Historical
Varying Netting past salesProfile
Spread Time Varying
derived from
Common Time
Netting Varying
Item Customer
Netting Split -
Item Customer Historical past sales 005.011 Demand
Netting Spread Profile derived from Profile
Common Item Customer Time Netting Item
005.002 Customer
Netting Varying
Split - Override Netting past sales Profile
Spread Time Varying
provided by
Common Profile
Netting Time
Brand Varying
Netting Split
Brand - Override Netting Spreadusers
Channel Profile provided by 005.009 Demand
Common Brand Channel Time Netting ProfileChannel
users Time Varying 005.003 Demand
Netting Varying
Split - Override Netting Spread Profile provided by Profile TimeBrand
Common Netting Split - Override Netting
Brand Customer users
Netting Spread Profile provided by Netting Brand
Common Brand Customer Time Customer Profile
Split - Override Netting users
Netting Varying Spread Time Varying
Profile provided by Customer
Demand Time
Common 005.008 Demand
Global users
Netting Split - Override Netting Spread Profile provided by Netting Global Profile
Common Netting
005.004Global Profile
Netting Time- Varying
Override Netting usersSpread Time Varying
Profile provided by
Common Time
Netting Varying
Item Customer
Netting Split -
Item Customer Override users
Netting Spread Profile provided by 005.011 Demand
Common Item Customer Time Netting Profile
Item Customer
users Time Varying 005.007 Demand
Netting Varying
Split Applicable Used for verification of plugin Profile Time Varying
Common Netting SplitDemand
005.002 Applicable
Netting Split Brand output population
Common Netting Spread Profile normalized Netting Week Channel
Channel 005.009 Demand
Netting Split Brand Netting Spread Profile normalized Profile
Common NettingTime
Split Varying
Brand Netting Brand Channel
Channel Time Varying
Intermediate to bring Brand Netting
Common Channel Profile TimeBrand
Split Varying
Brand Channel at Brand Customer Level Customer Profile
Intermediate Netting Split Brand population for Netting BrandTime
Common Combined Applicable
Netting Split Brand intersection creation
Netting Split Brand Combined Customer
Common Combined Weeks
Brand population of intersection creation Combined Demand
005.003 Applicable
Common Weeks Netting Spread Profile normalized Netting Brand
Customer Profile
005.003 Demand
Netting Split Brand Intermediate to bring Brand
Common Netting Brand
Customer Intermediate
Netting Split Brand Channel at Brand
Netting Spread Customer
Profile Level
normalized Netting Brand
Common Customer Profile
Customer Time Varying Time VaryingApplicable 005.005Profile
Customer Demand Time
Netting Split Combined Netting Split Combined
Common Netting Split Combined Netting Split Combined Netting Intermediate
Applicable Weeks Weeks population 005.013 Demand
Common Applicable Weeks Time for intersections creation Time NettingCombined
005.005 Demand
Split Constant Final calculation for netting split for
Varying Combined Time Varying
Common Netting Intermediate
Final constant profile 005.001 Demand
Common Netting Split Global Netting Spread Profile normalized Combined
Netting Demand
Global Profile
Netting Split Global Time Netting Spread Profile normalized
Common Netting Global
005.006 Demand Profile
Netting Split Intermediate Netting splitTime Varying at planning
Common Time Varying
Netting Profile
Aggregated Constant
Netting Split Intermediate month
Netting split aggregated at planning Netting Profile
Common Aggregated
Aggregated 005.005 Demand
Netting Split Time Varying
Intermediate Nettingmonth Time Varying
split population for priority Aggregated Time
Common Netting
Netting Combined
Split Intermediate profile
Netting split population for priority Combined
Common Netting
Time Varying
Netting SplitCombined
Item profile time varying
Common Netting Spread Profile normalized Combined
Netting Time
Item Varying
Customer 005.011 Demand
Netting Split Item Netting Spread Profile normalized Profile
Common Netting Item
005.013 Customer
Netting SplitTime
Varying Time for
Final calculation Varying
netting split for
Common Profile
Netting Time Varying
Final Time Varying profile 003.005 Common
Netting Time Upward Combined Time Varying
Common Netting Time Upward Levels Demand Netting
Common Netting Levels
Time Upward Netting Time Upward Levels Demand Netting
Netting Time
Levels Upward
Forecast Forecastlevels in Time Parameters For
Number of Traversal Demand Netting
Common Levels Forecast MP 003.004 Common
Netting Time Upward Dimension during MP Run Parameters For
Common Snapshot Netting Time
Levels Order Number of Upward
for DemandCommon
003.004 Netting
Netting Time Upward Parameters For Order
Common Orders in Time Dimension during DemandCommon
003.009 Netting
Levels Order MP Snapshot
Common NEW Demand Type MP Run Type
NEW Demand Parameters
DemandCommonFor Order
Common Open Order Quantity Open Order Quantity Forecast
Demand Streams
Netting Inputs
R netting OrderClass Input 004.004 Demand
Common Order Class R Input
Order Day Priority for placeholder Netting
004.004Inputs Orders
Common Order Day Priority 010.001 Delete
Netting R Input Order of deletion of attributes in Netting Inputs Orders
Common Order of Deletion Obsolete Members
003.001 Common
same dimension
Common Order Priority Order Priority Demand Framework
Netting Inputs
003.001 Common
Common Order Quantity Order Quantity Order
Demand Netting Inputs
Common Order Quantity R Input TG Order Day Quantity 004.004 Demand
Netting Inputs Orders
010.005 OrderlineID
Common OrderlineID Delete Flag OrderlineID Deletion Flag
OrderlineID Delete Flag Deletion Flags
010.005 OrderlineID
Common OrderlineID Deletion Flag Final 011.005 OrderlineID
OrderlineID Delete Flag Deletion Flags
Common Override
Used in for
SkipOrderlineID Delete Flag
netting procedure to Deletion Flags
Override 004.001 Seed Inputs
Common Orders Association get the demand type grain for Overrides
Outbound Inventory One time outbound Demand Types
Common ordershandling cost at 006.011 Financials
Handling CostInventory
Per Unit Plant,DCHandling Cost 006.011Handling
Inventory FinancialsCost
Outbound Inventory
Common Handling Cost Per Unit Inventory
010.001 DeleteCost
Per Unit Intermediate
Common Intermediate
Output Measure Name Output Measure Name Intermediate
Obsolete Members
Common Past Excess Base Forecast Past Excess Base Forecast Buff1 007.001 Past Excess
Past ExcessBuff1
Base Forecast Past Excess Base Forecast Buff1 at 007.003 Netting
Forecasts Past Excess
Common Forecasts Netting Input
Buff1 at
Past Excess Month
Base Forecast Month 007.001 Past Excess
Common Past Excess Base Forecast Buff2 at Month
Buff2 007.003 Netting
Forecasts Past Excess
Common Past Excess Base Forecast Past Excess Base Forecast Buff2 at
Forecasts Netting Input
Buff2 at
Past Excess Month
Base Forecast Month 007.001 Past Excess
Common Past Excess Base Forecast Quantity at Month
Quantity 007.003 Netting
Forecasts Past Excess
Past Excess Base Forecast Past Excess Base Forecast Quantity
Common Forecasts Netting Input
Quantity at Month at month 006.016 Financials
Common Primary Path Total Cost Primary Path Total Cost at Month
006.004 Financials
Primary Path Cost
PROC Transportation Cost costs needed for shipping material
Common Procurement
Per Unit
PROC Transportation Cost whichTransportation
PROC is not coveredCostin purchase
Per Unit ProcurementCost
Common Transportation
Per Unit Intermediate Intermediate Transportation Cost
004.016 R Exception
R Exception Demand R Exception for Demand Netting at
Common Demand Netting At
Netting at Month Row Countmonth
of Measures and
Common Row Count 080 Month
Row Count
Holds Measure Attributes.
Name and 090 Row Count
Common Row Count Definition 003.003 Common
Namedsets Definition
Common RTF Response to Forecast Demand Netting
003.003 Common Inputs
Common RTF LC RTF Last Cycle RTF
Demand Netting Inputs
004.005 Demand
Common RTF R Input R netting forecast Input placeholder
Netting Inputs Forecast
Common Rule Sequence Priority of Rules 001.001 ABDM Rules
Scenario Count at the time of action
Common Scenario Count 070 Run Times
Scenario nametrigger
on which the action
Common Scenario Name 070 RunCommon
003.012 Times
was triggered
Common Segment ID Segment ID for Demand Netting NC Demand Netting
006.007 Financials
Segment ID
Common Total Consumed Quantity Total Consumed Quantity 006.007 Financials
Total Consumed Quantity Total Consumed Quantity Fixed Operating Cost
Common Fixed Operating
006.009 Cost
Variable Inventory Storage Intermediate
Variable additional cost influenced
Common Variable Inventory Storage Intermediate
Variable Storage
Cost Per Unit by the item per dayCost Per
Variable Inventory Storage Variable StorageCost
Common Cost Per Unit Inventory Storage
Unit Intermediate
Version Count at the time of action Inventory Storage Cost
Common Intermediate
Version Count 070 Run Times
Demand trigger
Slice Association Slice Association 860 Slice Association
MeasureGroupDescription Tags AggregateFunction DataType FormatString
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.000 Tenant Attribute Name Aliases Null string #,##0
001.004 Batch Perf History Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.001 Batch Duration Sum datetime
Integration Batch Status Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.001 Batch Duration Sum datetime
Integration Batch Status Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.003 Batch Failure Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Scenario Age Threshold Measure at Version Sum integer #,##0; (#,##0)
Scenario Age Threshold Measure at Version Sum integer #,##0; (#,##0)
Scenario management measures at Version x Sum boolean #
Scenario management measures at Version Sum integer #,##0
Scenario management measures at Version Sum integer #,##0
Data Status Null string #
001.000 Tenant Dimension Name Aliases Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
Scenario Age Threshold Measure at Version Sum integer #,##0; (#,##0)
Scenario Age Threshold Measure at Version Sum integer #,##0; (#,##0)
001.007 Input File Metric Avg number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.007 Input File Metric Sum datetime
001.002 Batch Error Metric Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.002 Batch Error Metric Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.003 Batch Failure Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.007 Input File Metric Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.007 Input File Metric Sum datetime
Scenario Age Threshold Measure at Version Sum integer #
001.007 Input File Metric Max string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.018 Integration Batch Milestones Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.005 Input Table Structure Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.005 Input Table Structure Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.005 Input Table Structure Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.005 Input Table Structure Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.005 Input Table Structure Sum number #,##0
001.004 In Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.005 Input Table Structure Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.005 Input Table Structure Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.004 In Files Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.005 Input Table Structure Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.016 Log Table Structure Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.016 Log Table Structure Null string #,##0
001.016 Log Table Structure Null string #,##0
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.011 Master Stg Mapping Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
Scenario management measures at Version x
Sum boolean #
Scenario management measures at Version Sum integer #,##0
Scenario management measures at Version Sum integer #,##0
001.011 Master Stg Mapping Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.011 Master Stg Mapping Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.011 Master Stg Mapping Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
Scenario management measures at Version x
Sum boolean #
Scenario Age Threshold Measure at Version Sum integer #,##0; (#,##0)
Scenario management measures at Version Sum integer #,##0
Scenario management measures at Version Sum integer #,##0
Scenario Age Threshold Measure at Version Sum integer #,##0; (#,##0)
Scenario Age Threshold Measure at Version Sum integer #,##0; (#,##0)
Scenario Age Threshold Measure at Version Sum integer #,##0; (#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.019 Out Files Validated Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.015 Out Table Structure Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.019 Out Files Validated Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.015 Out Table Structure Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.019 Out Files Validated Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.019 Out Files Validated Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.015 Out Table Structure Sum string #,##0
001.014 Out Files Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.015 Out Table Structure Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.015 Out Table Structure Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.019 Out Files Validated Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.019 Out Files Validated Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.019 Out Files Validated Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.019 Out Files Validated Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.019 Out Files Validated Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.019 Out Files Validated Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.015 Out Table Structure Sum number #,##0
001.014 Out Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.019 Out Files Validated Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.014 Out Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.019 Out Files Validated Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.015 Out Table Structure Null string #,##0
001.015 Out Table Structure Null string #,##0
001.014 Out Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.015 Out Table Structure Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.015 Out Table Structure Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.002 Batch Error Metric Avg number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.003 Batch Failure Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Raw Value Mapping Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.002 Batch Error Metric Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Raw Value Mapping Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Raw Value Mapping Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.007 Input File Metric Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.007 SAP Deletion Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.007 SAP Deletion Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
Scenario management measures at Version x
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Scenario management measures at Version x
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.001 Batch Duration Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.003 Batch Failure Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.007 Input File Metric Sum datetime
Version related information Null picklist #
001.008 Stg Info Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.008 Stg Info Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.008 Stg Info Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.008 Stg Info Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.008 Stg Info Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.008 Stg Info Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.008 Stg Info Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.008 Stg Info Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.008 Stg Info Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.008 Stg Info Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.008 Stg Info Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Sum number #,##0
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.020 Stg Table Structure with MSD365 Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Sum number #,##0
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.010 Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.009 Stg Table Structure Without
Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg SAPAdaptor
Table Structure Without
Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg Table Structure Without
Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg SAPAdaptor
Table Structure Without
Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg Table Structure Without Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg SAPAdaptor
Table Structure Without
Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg Table Structure Without
Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg SAPAdaptor
Table Structure Without
Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg Table Structure Without
Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg SAPAdaptor
Table Structure Without
Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg Table Structure Without
Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg SAPAdaptor
Table Structure Without
Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg Table Structure Without
Sum number #,##0
001.009 Stg SAPAdaptor
Table Structure Without
SAPAdaptor Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.009 Stg Table Structure Without
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.008 Stg Info Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.006 Data Reconciliation Metric Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
001.018 Integration Batch Milestones Sum string #,##0
001.005 Batch Performance History AvgNonNullOrZero integer #,##0; (#,##0)
001.003 Tenant Data Table Structure Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.002 Tenant Data Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.003 Tenant Data Table Structure Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.002 Tenant Data Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.002 Tenant Data Files Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.002 Tenant Data Files Null string #,##0
001.002 Tenant Data Files Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
001.003 Tenant Data Table Structure Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.002 Tenant Data Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.003 Tenant Data Table Structure Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.002 Tenant Data Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.002 Tenant Data Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.002 Tenant Data Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.003 Tenant Data Table Structure Sum number #,##0
001.002 Tenant Data Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.002 Tenant Data Files Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.002 Tenant Data Files Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.001 Time Generation Parameters Sum string #,##0
001.001 Time Generation Parameters Sum string #,##0
001.017 Output Validation Null string #,##0
001.017 Output Validation Null string #,##0
001.017 Output Validation Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.017 Output Validation Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.017 Output Validation Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.017 Output Validation Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.017 Output Validation Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.017 Output Validation Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.017 Output Validation Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.017 Output Validation Null string #,##0
001.017 Output Validation Null string #,##0
001.017 Output Validation Null string #,##0
001.017 Output Validation Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.017 Output Validation Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
001.017 Output Validation Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.017 Output Validation Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
001.017 Output Validation Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Status Null string #
Data Status Null number #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Status Null string #
Data Status Null number #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Status Null string #
Data Status Null string #
Data Status Null number #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Status Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Status Null datetime MM-dd-yyyy
Data Status Null boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Status Null boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Status Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Status Null string #
Data Status Null number #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Status Null string #
Data Status Null number #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Status Null string #
Data Status Null string #
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
shipments Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
shipments $#,##0.00;
Future Unit Price and Cost data Computed number
Future Unit Price and Cost data Null number
Unit Cost by Month Computed number
Unit Cost by Day AvgNonNull number
Unit Cost by Day Null number
Unit Cost by Month Null number
Future Unit Price and Cost data Computed number
Unit Price by Day AvgNonNull number
Unit Price by Day Null number
Future Unit Price and Cost data Null number
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Computed number 0%
Trade Spend Actuals Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Computed number 0%
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Trade Spend Actuals Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
shipments Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Computed number 0%
Day related information Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Version related information Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Information at Item, Location and Day AvgNonNull number 0%
Historical Transaction data including orders
AvgNonNull number 0%
Information at Location and Day AvgNonNull number 0%
Information at Ship To and Day AvgNonNull number 0%
Version related information DistinctSum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Version related information DistinctSum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Partial Week Sum number 0%
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Planning Item related information Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product at lower level Sum number #,##0
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product at lower level AvgNonNull number #,##0.00;(#,##0.00)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
AvgNonNull number #,##0.00;(#,##0.00)
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
level for defining A, B and
User inputs that are used
Max number #,##0.00;(#,##0.00)
X, Y segmentation boundaries
Segmentation of Product at lower level Sum number 0%
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Sum number 0%
Segmentation of Product at lower level Computed number 0%
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
level Computed number 0%
Version related information Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher Sum number 0%
Version related information Null picklist #
Version related information Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Version related information Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
Version related information Max picklist 0%
Segmentation of Product at lower level Null string #
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
Planning Item related information Sum string #
Planning Item related information Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product at lower level Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Version related information Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product at lower level Null string #
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
Product Customer Segmentation Association at
Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
higher level
Product Customer Segmentation Association Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Information at Planning Item and Customer
Null string #
Product Segmentation Association Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Planning Item related information Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Sum number 0%
Segmentation of Product at lower level Null string #
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Version related information Sum string #
Version related information Sum string #
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
Version related information Max picklist #,##0.00;(#,##0.00)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
Segmentation of Product at lower level Null string #
Segmentation of Product at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Sum number #,##0.00;(#,##0.00)
Segmentation of Product at lower level Null string #
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Sum number 0%
Version related information Max picklist #,##0.00;(#,##0.00)
Segmentation of Product at lower level Sum number #,##0
Segmentation of Product at lower level Sum number 0%
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Sum number 0%
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
level for defining A, B and
User inputs that are used
Max number 0%
X, Y segmentation boundaries
Version related information Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Sum number #
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher DistinctSum picklist #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Sum string #
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Max picklist #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
DistinctSum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Max picklist #
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0%;(#,##0%)
System stat at lower level Sum number 0.0%;(0.0%)
System stat at lower level Sum number 0.00%
System stat at lower level Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at lower level Computed number 0%
System stat at lower level Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at lower level Computed number 0%
System stat at higher level Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Information at Planning Item and Customer
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecasting algorithms assigned to Stat Level *
Null string #
Segmentation of Product Group
Customer at higher
Null string #
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
Version related information Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
Version related information Null picklist #
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
Version related information Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
level Customer at higher Null string #
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
Forecast rules and algos Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product Null picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
Forecast rules and algos Null picklist #
Forecast rules and algos Null picklist #
Forecast rules and algos Sum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast rules and algos Null picklist #
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher Null string #
Forecast rules and algos Null picklist #
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast rules and algos Null picklist #
Forecast rules and algos Null picklist #
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Information at Planning Item and Customer
AvgNonNull number 0%
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
System stat at lower level Sum number 0.0%;(0.0%)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Transition level forecast to disaggregate Stat
Level forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Sum number 0%
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Null string #
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at lower level Null string #
Planning Item related information AvgNonNull number 0%
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Transition level forecast to disaggregate Stat
Null string #
Transition level Level forecast
forecast to disaggregate Stat
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Level forecast
Transition level forecast to disaggregate Stat
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Transition level Level forecast
forecast to disaggregate Stat
Null string #
Level forecast
Transition level forecast to disaggregate Stat
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Transition level Level forecast
forecast to disaggregate Stat
Null string #
Level forecast
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number 0%
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Transition level forecast to disaggregate Stat
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Transition level Level forecast
forecast to disaggregate Stat
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Level forecast
Transition level forecast to disaggregate Stat
Null string #
Level forecast
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
DistinctSum picklist #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
Forecasting algorithmslevel
assigned to Stat Level *
Null string #
Channel Group
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Parameters for various algorithms at Stat Level
Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Parameters for xvarious
Channel Group at Stat Level
Max number #,##0.00;(#,##0.00)
Segmentation xofChannel
Customer at higher
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
level Customer at higher Null string #
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
Version related information Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Null string #
level Customer at higher
Segmentation of Product
Null string #
Version related information Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
Version related information Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Version related information Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
System stat at higher level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Version related information Sum datetime yyyy-MM-dd
Dependent Fcst Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Dependent Fcst Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Dependent Fcst Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Dependent Fcst Computed number 0%
Dependent Fcst Computed number 0
Dependent Fcst Computed number 0%
Dependent Fcst Computed number 0
Dependent Fcst Computed number 0%
Dependent Fcst Computed number 0
Dependent Fcst Computed number 0%
Dependent Fcst Computed number 0
Parameters associated with different Stat
Null number #,##0;(#,##0)
Algorithms (SEShistory
Stores the has alpha,
and DES has alpha,
forecast used inbeta)
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Stores Interactive
the history Stat
and workflow
forecast used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Stores the history and workflow
Interactive Stat forecast used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Interactive Stat workflow
Version related information Null string #
Stores the history and forecast used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Stores theInteractive Stat workflow
stat parameters generated by R
DistinctSum string #
Stores the stat parameters Stat
plugin during Interactive workflow
generated by R
Min number #,##0;(#,##0)
plugin during Interactive Stat workflow
Stores the history and forecast used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Stores Interactive
the history Stat
and workflow
forecast used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Interactive Stat workflow
Stores the history and forecast used in Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Interactive Stat workflow
Version related information Null string #
Version related information Null picklist #
Version related information Null picklist #
Version related information Null picklist #
Version related information Null picklist #
Information aboutrelated
periods used in the Null picklist #
stat model and when the stat model was last Null picklist #
Version run
Information about historyinformation
periods used in the Null picklist #
stat model and when the stat model was last Null datetime MM/dd/yyyy
run information
Version related Null picklist #
Specifies the algorithm to be run for each stat Null number #,##0;(#,##0)
Specifies the Model,modelAlgorithm and Parameter
association and the parameterand
Specifies the Model, Algorithm values for the
Parameter Null number #,##0;(#,##0)
association and the parameter values for the Null string #
Customer group related information Null string #
Location related information Null string #
Planning Item related information Null string #
Week related information Null string #
Stores the history and forecast used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Interactive Stat workflow
Version related information Null picklist #
Version related information Null picklist #
AI Predict Recipe Features Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Recipe Features Sum number 0.00%
AI Predict Recipe Features Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Recipe Features Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Recipe Features Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Results Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Results Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Results Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Results Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Results Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Results Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Results Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Tournaments Sum datetime #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Tournaments Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Tournaments Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Tournaments Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Tournaments Sum datetime #,##0;(#,##0)
AI Predict Tournaments Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated sell out forecast and
DistinctSum string #
System generated selltoout
in and
AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
DistinctSum string #
System generated selltoout
in and
DistinctSum string #
conversion to sell in
Holiday Calendar at Sold To DistinctSum string #
Holiday Calendar at Sold To Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
AvgNonNullOrZero number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
DistinctSum string #
conversion to sell in
Version related information Null string #
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0%;(#,##0%)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0%;(#,##0%)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy DistinctSum string #
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy DistinctSum picklist #
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy DistinctSum picklist #
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0.00%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum boolean #
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Sold To level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Information at Planning Item and Customer AvgNonNull number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy at
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer higher
level level
Forecast Accuracy at
Computed number 0%
higher level
Segmentation of Product Customer at higher
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy at
Computed number 0%
higher level
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Location level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Location level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Location level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Planning Item related information AvgNonNull number 0%
Product Location level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Location level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Location level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed string #
Product level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Location level Forecast Accuracy Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Location level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Location level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product level Forecast Accuracy Computed number 0%
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Customer level Forecast Accuracy Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Partial Week lag Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Partial Week lag Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0%
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Stat Transition Level Monthly Lag Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Stat Transition Level Planning Month Lag Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Stat Transition Level Week Lag Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Stat Transition Level Monthly Lag Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Stat Transition Level Planning Month Lag Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Stat Transition Level Week Lag Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Partial Week lag Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Planning Month Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Lag Forecast L1 Week Computed number 0
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details DistinctSum string #
Bucketize Promo Details AvgNonNull number 0%
Bucketize Promo Details DistinctSum string #
Bucketize Marketing Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details DistinctSum string #
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Holiday information by Region DistinctSum string #
Initiative Details Max boolean #
Associate Product and Customer with Promos DistinctSum picklist #
Initiative Details DistinctSum string #
Associate Product and Customer with Promos AvgNonNull number 0%
Initiative Details Max boolean #
Associate Product and Customer with Promos DistinctSum picklist #
Initiative Details Sum number 0%
Initiative Details Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Initiative Details Computed datetime MM/d/yyyy
Initiative Details Max boolean #
Associate Product and Customer with Promos DistinctSum picklist #
Bucketize Promo Details DistinctSum string #
Initiative Details DistinctSum string #
Initiative Details DistinctSum string #
Associate Product and Customer with Promos Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Initiative Details AvgNonNull picklist #,##0; (#,##0)
Initiative Details Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Initiative Details Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Initiative Details Min datetime MM/d/yyyy
Initiative Details Max picklist #
Initiative Details Max boolean #
Associate Product and Customer with Promos DistinctSum picklist #
Holiday information by Region Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Day related information Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Initiative Details Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Bucketize Marketing Details DistinctSum string #
Associate Product and Customer with
Marketing Initiatives Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Bucketize Marketing Details Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Bucketize Marketing Details Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Bucketize Marketing Details Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Associate Time with Initiatives Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Marketing Details Computed number #
Daily weather information by Zip Code DistinctSum string #
Bucketize Promo Details Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Bucketize Promo Details Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Associate Product and Customer with Promos Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Bucketize Promo Details Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Associate Customer with Promos Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Associate Time with Initiatives Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Bucketize Promo Details Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Bucketize Marketing Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Initiative Details Max datetime MM/d/yyyy
Initiative Details Min datetime MM/d/yyyy
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details Computed number #
Bucketize Promo Details Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Daily weather information by Zip Code AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Bucketize Promo Details DistinctSum string #
Bucketize Marketing Details Computed number #
Bucketize Marketing Details Computed number #
System generated sell out forecast and
LastChild number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
Historical sell out data from key customers LastChild number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical sell out data from key customers LastChild number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical sell out data from key customers Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical sell out data from key customers Computed number 0%
Historical sell out data from key customers Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical sell out data from key customers Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical sell out data from key customers Computed number 0%
System generated sell out forecast and
LastChild number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
LastChild number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
LastChild number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
conversion to sell in Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and Computed number 0%
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number 0%
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number 0%
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number 0%
System generated selltoout
in and Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number 0%
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number 0%
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number 0%
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell
System generated sell out forecastin and
Computed number 0%
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
Historical sell out data from key customers Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical sell out data from key customers Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical sell out data from key customers Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical sell out data from key customers Computed number 0%
Historical sell out data from key customers Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical sell out data from key customers Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical sell out data from key customers Computed number 0%
System generated sell out forecast and Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number 0%
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number 0%
System generated selltoout
in and
conversion to sell in Computed number 0%
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number 0%
System generated selltoout
in and
AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
at Planningto sell and
Item in Customer
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Version related information Null string #
ML Driver Importance Computed number 0%
ML Driver Importance null number 0%
ML Driver Importance Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0.00%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Customer Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Customer Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Customer Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Customer Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Customer Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Customer Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Customer Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Customer Forecast Computed number 0%
Customer Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Customer Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Customer Forecast Computed number 0%
Customer Forecast Computed number 0%
Customer Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Customer Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Customer Forecast Computed number 0%
Week related information Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number 0%
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number 0%
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number 0%
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast DistinctSum string #
Sell In Forecast AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Delta Between Forecasts Computed number 0%
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number 0%
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number 0%
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number 0%
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number 0%
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number 0%
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number 0%
System generated selltoout
in and
Computed number 0%
conversion to sell in
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated selltoout
in and
conversion to sell in Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System generated sell out forecast and
Computed number 0%
conversion to sell in
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Computed number 0%
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Computed number 0%
System stat at lower level Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Computed number 0%
System stat at lower level Computed number 0%
System stat at lower level Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Computed number 0%
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Computed number 0%
System stat at lower level Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Computed number 0%
System stat at lower level Computed number 0%
System stat at lower level Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
System stat at lower level Computed number 0%
Process Calendar AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Process Setup Null number #
Process Setup Null boolean #,##0.00; (#,##0.00)
Process Setup Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Process Setup Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Process Setup Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Process Setup Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Process Setup DistinctSum string #
Process Setup Min datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Process Setup Min datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Process Setup Min datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Process Setup Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Process Setup Median string #,##0;(#,##0)
Process Setup Null boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Budget (Target), Annual Operating Plan and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Budget (Target), TermOperating
Annual Plan Plan and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Long Term Plan
Budget (Target), Annual Operating Plan and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Long Term Plan
Budget (Target), Annual Operating Plan and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Long Term Plan
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number 0.0%;(0.0%)
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0.0%;(0.0%)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0.0%;(0.0%)
and Outlook measures
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number 0.0%;(0.0%)
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0.0%;(0.0%)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0.0%;(0.0%)
and Outlook measures
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook DistinctSum string #
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number #,##0.00; (#,##0.00)
and Outlook measures
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number 0.0%;(0.0%)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number 0.0%;(0.0%)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook DistinctSum string #
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
information Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
and Outlook measureswith Target
All the delta related information
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook
Budget (Target), Annualmeasures
Operating Plan and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Long Term Plan
Budget (Target), Annual Operating Plan and
Sum number 0.0%;(0.0%)
Long Term Plan
Budget (Target), Annual Operating Plan and
Sum number 0.0%;(0.0%)
Long Term Plan
Budget (Target), Annual Operating Plan and
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Long Term Plan
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number 0.0%;(0.0%)
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0.0%;(0.0%)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0.0%;(0.0%)
and Outlook measures
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number 0.0%;(0.0%)
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0.0%;(0.0%)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0.0%;(0.0%)
and Outlook measures
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook DistinctSum string #
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number 0.0%;(0.0%)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number 0.0%;(0.0%)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook DistinctSum string #
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
and Outlook measureswith Target
All the delta related information
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
and Outlook measureswith Target
All the delta related information
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measures
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measures
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measures
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measures
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
information Computed number 0%
and Outlook measureswith Target
All the delta related information
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measureswith Target
All the delta related information
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measureswith Target
All the delta related information
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
information Computed number 0%
and Outlook
Budget (Target), Annualmeasures
Operating Plan and
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Long TermOperating
Budget (Target), Annual Plan Plan and
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Long Term Plan
Budget (Target), Annual Operating Plan and
Computed number 0%
Long Term
All the delta related Plan with Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
information Computed number 0%
and Outlook measureswith Target
All the delta related information
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook
Budget (Target), Annualmeasures
Operating Plan and Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Long Term Plan
Budget (Target), Annual Operating Plan and $#,##0.00;
Sum number
Long Term Plan
Budget (Target), Annual Operating Plan and ($#,##0.00)
Computed number 0%
Long Term Plan
Budget (Target), Annual Operating Plan and $#,##0.00;
Sum number
Budget (Target),Long TermOperating
Annual Plan Plan and ($#,##0.00)
Computed number 0%
Long Term Plan
Budget (Target), Annual Operating Plan and
Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Long Term
All the delta related Plan with Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measures
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measures
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number ($#,##0.00)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0.00;
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measures
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
information Computed number 0%
and Outlook measureswith Target
All the delta related information
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measures
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
information Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
and Outlook measureswith Target
All the delta related information
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
information Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
and Outlook measureswith Target
All the delta related information
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
information Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measureswith Target
All the delta related information
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
and Outlook measures
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measures
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0.00%
All the delta related information with Target
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measureswith Target
All the delta related information
Computed number 0%
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
All the deltaand Outlook
related measureswith Target
Computed number 0%
and Outlook measures
Planning Item related information Max datetime MM-dd-yyyy
Planning Item related information Max datetime MM-dd-yyyy
Planning Item related information Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Planning Item related information Min datetime MM-dd-yyyy
Planning Item related information Min datetime MM-dd-yyyy
Planning Item related information Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Intermediate OTIF CD measures that gets
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Time grain on DemandID
measures level
of Order management Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures for calculating Backlogs Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Intermediate OTIF CD measures that gets
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
populated on DemandID level
Measures for calculating Backlogs Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Time grain measures of Order management
MG containing measures AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
KPI that keep record of
On Time, In Full, and OTIF orders at DemandId AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Intermediate OTIF level
CD measures that gets Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
MG containing
populatedmeasures that keep
on DemandID record of
On Time, In Full, and OTIF orders at DemandId Sum datetime yyyy-MM-dd
Measures for calculating Backlogs Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
MG containing for calculating Backlogs
that keep record of Max datetime Mmm-yy
On Time, In Full, and OTIF orders at DemandId AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures for calculating Backlogs Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures for calculating Backlogs Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures for calculating Backlogs Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Time grain measures of Order management
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Standard lead time for customer AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Standard lead time for customer AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Standard lead time for customer AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sync screen Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Demand Late short on problem type Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Demand Late short on problem type Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measure to store future demand
Computed number 0%
supportability and late
Measure to store short
future quantity
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
supportability and late
Measure to store short
future quantity
demand Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
supportability and late
Measure to store short
future quantity
Computed number 0%
supportability and late short
Measure to store future demandquantity
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
supportability and late
Measure to store short
future quantity
demand Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
supportability and late short quantity
Demand Late short on problem type Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Demand Late short on problem type Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measure to store future demand
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
supportability and late
Measure to store short
future quantity
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
supportability and late
Measure to store short
future quantity
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
supportability and late short quantity
Measure to store future demand
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
supportability and late
Measure to store short
future quantity
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
supportability and late
Measure to store short
future quantity
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures andused
which are lateinshort quantity
Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sync screen Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Details of Sales Order Commits Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Details of Sales Order Commits Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Details of Sales Order Commits Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Details of Sales Order Commits Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Details of Sales Order Commits Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Details of Sales Order Commits Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
UOM Conversion for supply planning Null number #,##0.0000
Measures which are used in Demand Supply Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Computed number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measures whichSync screen
are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Measures which are used in Demand Supply
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Sync screen
Forecast Disaggregation Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast Disaggregation Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast Disaggregation Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast Disaggregation Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast Disaggregation Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast Disaggregation Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast Disaggregation Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast Disaggregation Computed number 0%
Forecast Disaggregation Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast Disaggregation Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast Disaggregation Computed number 0%
Forecast Disaggregation Computed number 0%
Forecast Disaggregation Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast Disaggregation Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Forecast Disaggregation Computed number 0%
Day related information Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Partial Week Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Sum number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number $#,##0;($#,##0)
Unconstrained and Constrained Outlook Computed number 0%
Currency Exchange Rate Sum number #,##0.00; (#,##0.00)
UOM Conversion Factor Sum number #,##0.00; (#,##0.00)
Version related information Null string #
Version related information Null number #,##0; (#,##0)
Local Currency Exchange Rate Sum number #,##0.00; (#,##0.00)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number 0%
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number 0%
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number 0%
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number 0%
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number 0%
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number 0%
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Sum number 0%
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number 0%
Demand Signal sent to Supply Planning Computed number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0.00%
New Product Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Life Cycle Details DistinctSum string #
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Life Cycle Details Min datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Actuals grained by Lifecycle Time Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Actuals grained by Lifecycle Time Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Actuals grained by Lifecycle Time Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
New Product Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Actuals grained by Lifecycle Time Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Actuals grained by Lifecycle Time at higher
Computed number 0%
Actuals grained by Lifecycle Time Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Actuals grained by Lifecycle Time at higher
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Historical Transaction data including orders
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
New Product Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Version related information Null picklist #
Version related information Null picklist #
Product Life Cycle Details DistinctSum string #
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Version related information Null string #
New Product Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
New Product Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
New Product Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
New Product Forecast Computed number 0%
New Product Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
New Product Forecast Computed number #,##0;(#,##0)
New Product Forecast Computed number 0%
Version related information Null string #
Version related information Null string #
Version related information Null string #
Item related information Null string #
Planning Item related information Null string #
Ship To related information Null string #
Version related information Null string #
Version related information Null string #
Version related information Null picklist #
New Product Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Life Cycle Details Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Life Cycle Details Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number #,##0.0;(#,##0.0)
Item feature weights related information AvgNonNull number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Life Cycle Details AvgNonNullOrZero number #,##0;(#,##0)
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Product Life Cycle Details Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Item feature weights related information AvgNonNull number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
New Product Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
New Product Forecast AvgNonNullOrZero number 0%
New Product Forecast Sum number 0%
Historical data at L4 level Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Version related information Null number 0.00%
Version related information Null string #
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Version related information Null number 0.00%
New Product Forecast Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Product Life Cycle Details Null string #
Version related information Null number #
Version related information Null number 0.00%
Planning Item related information DistinctSum string #
Product Life Cycle Details Sum number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Null number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Null number 0%
Product Life Cycle Details Max datetime
Product Life Cycle Details DistinctSum string #
Product Life Cycle Details Null string #
Product Life Cycle Details Null string #
Opportunity data input with the latest values
Null string #
to be used in the planning process
Time grained opportunity data to be used in
DistinctSum string #
Time grained planning process
opportunity data to be used in
DistinctSum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
the planning process
Opportunity data input with the latest values
Null string #,##0;(#,##0)
to be used in the planning process
Planning Item related information NULL string #
Version related information NULL picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Version related information NULL picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Version related information NULL picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Time grained opportunity data to be used in
Min datetime MM/dd/yyyy
the planning process
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Time grained opportunity data to be used in
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
dataplanning process
input with the latest values
NULL string #
Opportunity data input with theprocess
to be used in the planning latest values
Min datetime MM/dd/yyyy
to be used
Opportunity in input
data the planning process
populated from the
Min datetime MM/dd/yyyy
batch process
Opportunity data input with the latest values
Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
to be used
Opportunity in input
data the planning process
populated from the
Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
batch process
Opportunity data input populated from the Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Opportunity data process
input with the latest values
Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
to be used in the planning process
Opportunity data input populated from the
Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
batch process
Opportunity data input populated from the
Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Opportunity data process
input with the latest values
DistinctSum string #
Opportunity data inputplanning
to be used in the process
populated from the
DistinctSum string #
batch process
Opportunity data input populated from the
Null string #
Opportunity data process
input with the latest values
AvgNonNull number 0%
to be used in the planning process
Opportunity data input populated from the
AvgNonNull number 0%
batch process
Opportunity data input populated from the
batch process AvgNonNull number 0%
Opportunity data input with the latest values
Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
to be used in the planning process
Opportunity data input populated from the Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
batch process
Opportunity data input populated from the
Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Opportunity data process
input with the latest values
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
to be used in the planning process
Opportunity data input populated from the
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
batch process
Opportunity data input populated from the
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Opportunity data process
input with the latest values Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Opportunity data inputplanning
to be used in the process
populated from the
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
batch process
Opportunity data input populated from the
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Opportunity data process
input with the latest values DistinctSum string #
to be used in the planning process
Opportunity data input populated from the
DistinctSum string #
batch process
Opportunity data input with the latest values
DistinctSum string #
to be used
Opportunity in input
data the planning process
populated from the DistinctSum string #
batch process
Opportunity data input populated from the
Null string #
Opportunity data process
input with the latest values
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Opportunity data inputplanning
to be used in the process
populated from the
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
batch process
Opportunity data input populated from the
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
batch process
Time grained opportunity data to be used in
Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
the planning process
Time grained opportunity data to be used in
DistinctSum string #
Time grainedthe planning process
opportunity data to be used in
AvgNonNull number 0%
the planning process
Time grained opportunity data to be used in
Max datetime MM/dd/yyyy
Time grainedthe planning process
opportunity data to be used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
the planning process
Time grained opportunity data to be used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
the planning process
Time grained opportunity data to be used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
the planning process
Sell In Forecast Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Time grained opportunity data to be used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Time grainedthe planning process
opportunity data to be used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
the planning process
Time grained opportunity data to be used in
DistinctSum string #
Time grainedthe planning process
opportunity data to be used in
DistinctSum string #
the planning process
Time grained opportunity data to be used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Time grainedthe planning process
opportunity data to be used in
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
the planning process
Version related information AvgNonNull number 0.00%
Version related information NULL string #
Scenario management measures at Version Sum datetime dd-MM-yyyy
Scenario management measures at Version Sum boolean #
Scenario management measures at Version Sum boolean #
Scenario management measures at Version Sum boolean #
Scenario management measures at Version x
Sum boolean #
Scenario management measures at Version Sum integer #,##0
Scenario management measures at Version Sum integer #,##0
Scenario management measures at Version x
Sum boolean #
Scenario management measures at Version Sum integer #,##0
Scenario management measures at Version Sum integer #,##0
Scenario management measures at Version Sum integer #
Scenario management measures at Version Sum string #
Scenario management measures at Version AvgNonNull integer #
Scenario Age Threshold Measure at Version Sum integer #
Scenario management measures at Version x
Sum integer #,##0
Scenario management measures at Version Sum string #
Scenario management measures at Version Sum datetime dd-MM-yyyy
Scenario management measures at Version x
Avg integer #,##0
Tracking start and end times for each user MM/dd/yyyy
Max datetime
Tracking start and end times for each user HH:mm:ss
Min datetime
Historical Transaction data including orders HH:mm:ss
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Frame work measure shipments
group for delete obsolete
DistinctSum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Contains input formembers
threshold based additional AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.010 Financials Auxillarycost
Inventory Storage
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Cost Intermediate
Contains input for Variable additional
Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.009 Financials cost
Variable Storage Inventory
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Storage Cost Intermediate
Common Demand Netting Inputs Forecast Sum number #,##0
Common Demand Netting Inputs Forecast Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Netting Demand Type Association Sum number #,##0
Frame work measure group for delete obsolete
DistinctSum picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Inputs Forecast Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Netting Demand Type Association Sum number #,##0
Common Demand Netting Inputs Forecast Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Netting Demand Type Association Sum number #,##0
Frame work measure group for delete obsolete
DistinctSum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Frame work measure members
group for delete obsolete
Sum string a
Frame work measure members
group for delete obsolete
Sum string a
Common Demand Netting Forecast Streams Max string #,##0;(#,##0)
Netting split for common model Sum number
Netting Demand Type Association Null boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Currency Exchange Rates from a Base Unit Sum number #,##0.00; (#,##0.00)
Data Object Delete Flags Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Data Object Delete Flags Max boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Object Delete Flags Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Data Object Delete Flag Overrides Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Forecast Streams Max string #,##0;(#,##0)
Frame work measure group for delete obsolete
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Demand Class Selected Sum boolean #
Netting Demand Type Association Sum number #,##0
Brand Customer Intermediate Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
005.015 Demand Netting Item Customer
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Frame work measureIntermediate
group for delete obsolete
Sum string #
Frame work measure members
group for delete obsolete
members Sum string a
Frame work measure group for delete obsolete
DistinctSum string #,##0;(#,##0)
membersfor Distribution
Contains intermediate Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.013 Financials Cost Distribution
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Standard Cost Intermediate
Contains input to tell whether a Cost is
Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Contains input standard
to tell whether a Cost is
Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Contains input for Incremental Receiving cost
AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.005 FinancialsforDistribution
a material Transportation
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Cost Intermediate
ABDM Rules Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Attribute Mappings Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Object Measures Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Attribute Mappings Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Attribute Mappings Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Object Measures Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
ABDM Rules Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Attribute Mappings Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
ABDM Rules Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Attribute Mappings Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Attribute Mappings Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Object Measures Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Data Object Measures Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
ABDM Rules Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
ABDM Rules Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Items defined for DP - SP Handshake Sum boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Netting Demand Type Association Sum number #,##0
Exclude Excess Forecasts in the Past Sum boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters Max boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Forecast
Netting Parameters For
Min boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Common DemandOrder Netting Parameters For
Min boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters Max boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Forecast
Netting Parameters For
Min boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters For Max boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Common DemandOrder Netting Parameters For
Min boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Frame work measure group for delete obsolete
Sum string a
Contains input members
for cost of operating the
AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.007 Financials Fixed Operating Cost
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Fixed Operating Cost Daily AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.017 Financials Fixed Operating Cost Daily
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Contains inputIntermediate
for machine overtime cost
AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.008 Financialswith production
Flexible Cost Band
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Contains input for machine overtime cost
associated with production AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.008 Financials Flexible Cost Band
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Forecast Streams Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Forecast Streams Max string #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Forecast Streams Max string #,##0;(#,##0)
Contains input for Costs related to special
AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.011 Financials of SKUs.Handling Cost
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Interest Rate for holding Interest AvgNonNull number 0%
006.003 Financials Inventory Interest Rate
AvgNonNull number 0.00%
Contains input for Inventory Holding Cost AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.012 Financials Inventory Holding Cost AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Frame work measureIntermediate
group for delete obsolete
Sum boolean a
Frame work measure members
group for delete obsolete
Sum boolean a
Common Demand Netting Forecast Streams Max boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Forecast Streams Max boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Measure group for Item member deletion flags Min number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measure group for Item member deletion flags Max boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Measure group for Item member deletion flags Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measure group for Item member deletion flag
Min picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Contains input for the Net purchase price for
AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
an item
006.002 Financials Item Purchase Price
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Contains input for the Net purchase price for
AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
an item
006.002 Financials Item Purchase Price
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Contains input for the Net selling price for an
AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.001 FinancialsitemItem Selling Price
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measure group for Location member deletion
Min number #,##0; (#,##0)
flags member deletion
Measure group for Location
Max boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
flags member deletion
Measure group for Location
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
flags member deletion
Measure group for Location
Min picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Measure groupflagforOverrides
Location Type member
Min number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measure group for Location flags Type member
Max boolean #,##0;(#,##0)
Measure group for Location flags Type member
Min number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measure groupdeletion flags Type member
for Location
Min picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Frame work deletion
measureflag Overrides
group for delete obsolete
Sum string a
Frame work measure group for delete obsolete Sum string 2
Frame work measure members
group for delete obsolete
Sum boolean a
Contains input for variable cost associated to
AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.006 Financials SKUs. Variable
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Cost Intermediate
Global Parameter for MP Conversion Max picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Global Parameter for MP Conversion Max picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Global Parameter for MP Conversion Max picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Global Parameter for MP Conversion Max picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Global Parameter for MP Conversion Max picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Incremental Inputs
Forecast Max integer #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand NettingRTF Incremental Inputs
Max integer #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Incremental Inputs Max integer #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Forecast
NettingRTF Incremental Inputs
Max integer #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand NettingRTF
Forecast Incremental Inputs
Max integer #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Incremental Inputs
Max integer #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Forecast
Netting RTFNC Addition and
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common DemandDeletionNetting NC Addition and Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Outputs Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Input flag for profiling from telescopic bucket
Min picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
to finerfrom
Input flag for profiling graintelescopic bucket Min picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
to finer grain
Common Demand Netting Parameters Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Forecast
Netting Parameters For Min number #
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common DemandOrder Netting Parameters For
Min number #
Common Demand Netting Parameters Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Forecast
Netting Parameters For
Sum number #
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common DemandOrder Netting Parameters For
Min number #
Common Demand Netting Inputs Forecast Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Inputs Order Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Input type Weekly or Daily Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Forecast
Netting Parameters For
Min number #
Common Demand Forecast
Netting Parameters For
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Min number #
Common Demand Netting Parameters Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Forecast
Netting Parameters For
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common DemandOrder Netting Parameters For
Min number #
Common Demand Netting Parameters Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Forecast
Netting Parameters For
Min number #
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common DemandOrder Netting Parameters For
Min number #
Order #,##0.0%;
Brand Channel level profile input Sum number
Brand Channel level profile input Time varying Sum number
Brand Customer profile input Sum number
Brand Customer profile input Time varying Sum number
Global Level Profile Input Sum number (#,##0.0%);
Global Level Profile Input Time varying Sum number
Item Customer profile input Sum number
Item Customer profile input Time varying Sum number
Brand Channel level profile input Sum number
Brand Channel level profile input Time varying Sum number
Brand Customer profile input Sum number
Brand Customer profile input Time varying Sum number
Global Level Profile Input Sum number
Global Level Profile Input Time varying Sum number
Item Customer profile input Sum number
Item Customer profile input Time varying Sum number
Demand Netting Split Applicable Week Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Brand Channel level profile input Sum number #,##0.0%;
Brand Channel level profile input Time varying Sum number
Brand Customer profile input Time varying Sum number
Demand Netting Brand Customer Applicable (#,##0.0%);
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Demand Netting BrandWeeks Combined Applicable
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Weeks Time Varying #,##0.0%;
Brand Customer profile input Sum number
Brand Customer profile input Sum number
Brand Customer profile input Time varying Sum number
Demand Netting Intermediate Combined Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
005.013 Demand Netting Intermediate
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Combined Time Varying #,##0.0%;
Demand Netting Intermediate Combined Sum number
Global Level Profile Input Sum number
Global Level Profile Input Time varying Sum number
005.006 Demand Netting Profile Aggregated Sum number
Demand Netting Profile Aggregated Time (#,##0.0%);
Sum number
Varying (#,##0.0%);
Demand Netting Intermediate Combined Sum number
005.013 Demand Netting Intermediate (#,##0.0%);
Sum number
Combined Time Varying (#,##0.0%);
Item Customer profile input Sum number
Item Customer profile input Time varying Sum number
005.013 Demand Netting Intermediate (#,##0.0%);
Sum number
Combined Time Varying (#,##0.0%);
Common Demand Netting Parameters Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Parameters For Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Forecast
Netting Parameters For
Min number #
Common Demand Netting Parameters For
Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common DemandOrder Netting Parameters For
Min number #
Common Demand Netting Forecast Streams Max string #,##0;(#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Inputs Order Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Netting Demand Type Association Max string #,##0
Netting Demand Type Association Max number #,##0
Frame work measure group for delete obsolete
Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Inputs Order Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Inputs Order Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Netting Demand Type Association Max number #,##0
Measure group for OrderlineID member
Min number #,##0; (#,##0)
Measure group deletion flags
for OrderlineID member
Min number #,##0; (#,##0)
deletion flags
Measure group for OrderlineID member
Min picklist #,##0;(#,##0)
deletion flag Overrides
Netting Demand Type Association Max number #,##0;(#,##0)
Contains input for Costs related to special AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.011 Financials of SKUs.Handling Cost
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Frame work measure Intermediate
group for delete obsolete
Sum string a
Past Excess Forecasts Netting Input Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Past Excess Forecasts Netting Input month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Past Excess Forecasts Netting Input Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Past Excess Forecasts Netting Input month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Past Excess Forecasts Netting Input Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
Past Excess Forecasts Netting Input month Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.016 Financials Primary Path Cost AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Contains input for Incremental shipping cost
AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
for a material
006.004 Financials Procurement
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Transportation Cost Intermediate
Netting Demand Type Association Null string #,##0
Genarate Row Count for each action triggered Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
To pass the names of measures or namedsets
Sum string #,##0;(#,##0)
to generate row count
Common Demand Netting Inputs RTF Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Common Demand Netting Inputs RTF Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Netting Demand Type Association Sum number #,##0
ABDM Rules Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
Tracking start and end times for each user
Sum number #,##0
Tracking startactions/process
and end times for each user
Max string #
Common Demand Netting Segment ID Max number #,##0; (#,##0)
Contains input for cost of operating the
Sum number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.007 Financials Fixed Operating Cost
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Contains input for Variable additional
AvgNonNull number #,##0;(#,##0)
006.009 Financials Variablecost
Storage Inventory
AvgNonNull number #,##0; (#,##0)
Storage Cost Intermediate
Tracking start and end times for each user
Sum number #,##0
Slice Association Measure to aid uniform Sum number #,##0; (#,##0)
IsEditable IsReportingMeasure MeasureType AssociationAsGraph PickListName
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 bled
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
Outlier Correction
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_App
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_App
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_App
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_App
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_App
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_App
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_App
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_App
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes/No
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0 Integration_Yes
1 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 History Measure
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Trend Threshold
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Outlier Correction
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
Outlier Correction
1 0 Regular 0
Outlier Correction
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
Outlier Correction
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Bestfit Method
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Error Metric
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Algo
1 0 Regular 0 Algo
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0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Seasonality
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Trend
1 0 Regular 0 Volume Segment
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0 Disagg Type
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
Stat History
1 0 Regular 0
Measure Picklist
Outlier Correction
1 0 Regular 0
Outlier Correction
1 0 Regular 0
Outlier Correction
1 0 Regular 0
Outlier Correction
1 0 Regular 0
Stat History Period
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Item Level
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
Stat Location Level
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Stat Sales Domain
Stat Picklist
Time Level
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0 Reason Code
1 0 Regular 0
Action Picklist
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Currency 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Currency 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Currency 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Currency 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Currency 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Currency 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Currency 0
0 0 Currency 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Currency 0
0 0 Currency 0
0 0 Currency 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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0 0 Currency 0
0 0 Currency 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Currency 0
0 0 Currency 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Currency 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Currency 0
0 0 Currency 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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Space Picklist
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1 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 1 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0 Include
1 0 Regular 0 Opportunity
0 0 Regular 0 (Planner override)
0 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
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0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0 DeleteObsoleteMe
1 0 Regular 0 mbersBehaviorPickl
1 0 Regular 0 ist
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
Delete Flags
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
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1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
Delete Flags
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
Demand Seed
1 0 Regular 0
Distribution Seed
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
Seed Aggregation
Procurement Seed
1 0 Regular 0
Aggregated CTM
1 0 Regular 0
Delivery Day
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
Assortment Flag
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
Delete Flags
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
1 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
0 0 Regular 0
BgColorFormula FgColorFormula TrendFormula MeasureFormula
safedivide(Measure.[Orders vs LY
Gap],Measure.[Orders LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Billing vs LY
Gap],Measure.[Billing LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Billing REV],
Measure.[Billing REV LY])
abs(sum(Measure.[Orders], -1 *
Measure.[Orders LY]))
REV], Measure.[Backorders REV
REV], -1 * Measure.[Backorders
REV LY])) REV], -1
* Measure.[Backorders
sum(Measure.[Actual], -1 LY])
Measure.[Actual LY])
sum(Measure.[Billing], -1 *
Measure.[Billing REV],
sum(Measure.[Orders LY]) -1 *
Measure.[Orders REV LY])
abs(sum(Measure.[Billing REV], -1
* Measure.[Billing REV LY]))
safedivide(Measure.[Orders] ,
Measure.[Orders LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Backorders] ,
Measure.[Backorders LY])
sum(Measure.[Orders], -1 *
Measure.[Orders LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Backorders vs
LY Gap],Measure.[Backorders LY])
REV], -1 * Measure.[Shipments
safedivide(Measure.[Billing REV vs
LY Gap],Measure.[Billing REV LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Shipments] ,
Measure.[Shipments LY])
sum(Measure.[Shipments REV], -1
* Measure.[Shipments REV LY])vs
Gap],Measure.[Shipments LY]),
Measure.[Billing LY])
REV], Measure.[Shipments REV

safedivide(Measure.[Actual vs LY
Gap],Measure.[Actual LY])


abs(sum(Measure.[Net REV
Actual], -1 * Measure.[Net REV
Actual LY]))
sum(Measure.[Net REV Actual], -1
* Measure.[Net REV Actual LY])

safedivide(Measure.[Net REV
Actual vs LY Gap],Measure.[Net
REV Actual LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Net REV
Actual], Measure.[Net REV Actual

sum(Measure.[Backorders], -1 *
Measure.[Backorders LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Actual] ,
Measure.[Actual LY])
abs(sum(Measure.[Orders REV], -1
* Measure.[Orders REV LY]))

safedivide(Measure.[Orders REV vs
LY Gap],Measure.[Orders REV LY])
abs(sum(Measure.[Shipments], -1
* Measure.[Shipments LY]))
safedivide(Measure.[Orders REV],
Measure.[Orders REV LY])-1 *
Measure.[Billing LY]))
REV vs LY Gap],Measure.
[Shipments REV LY])

abs(sum(Measure.[Actual], -1 *
Measure.[Actual LY]))
REV vs LY Gap],Measure.
[Backorders REV LY]) -1 *
Measure.[Shipments LY])
sum(Measure.[Billing REV], -1 *
Measure.[Billing REV LY])
abs(sum(Measure.[Backorders], -1
* Measure.[Backorders LY]))

Fcst L1 MAPE])<=0) then 0 else if

(sum(1,-1 * Measure.[Stat Fcst L1
MAPE])>=1) then 1 else (sum(1,-1

then argb( 1,186, 228, argb( 1,0, 0, 0) else

179) else
then argb(IF(Measure.
1,186, 228, IF(Measure.
[COV]>0.5) then argb( 1,9, 9, 9) else
179) else IF(Measure. IF(Measure.[COV
[COV L1]>0.5) then

255, 178) else IF(Measure. else IF(Measure.

argb( 1,234, 245,Volume
131) else [Cumulative Volume
argb( 1,19, 18, 18)
IF((Measure.[Cumulative else IF((Measure.

") then argb( 1,255,

1-safedivide(Measure.[Number of
Zeros L1],Measure.[Length of
Series L1]) of
Zeros],Measure.[Length of Series])
[Planning Item Intro Date], "DAY")
else if (~(IsNull(Measure.[Planning
Item Intro Date])) &&

1,252, 196, 196) else

then argb( 1,255, 215,
215) else IF((Measure.
[Actual Cleansed System]-

Method]=="Rolling Method]=="Rolling
Sigma") then argb( 1,146, Sigma") then
[Actual])) <= 0.75) then - 1 else

then argb( 1,0, 0, 0) safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst

LY Gap]>0) then 6 else
else IF(Measure. Model2 vs LY Gap],Measure.[Stat
IF(Measure.[Stat Fcst vs
[Stat Fcst vs LY Fcst Model2 LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference] , Measure.[StatFcst
safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Model2] Reference LY]) Fcst
, Measure.[Stat
Model2 LY])
sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[Stat Fcst LY])

sum(Measure.[Actual Cleansed
System], -1 * Measure.[Actual])
sum(Measure.[Actual Cleansed], -1
* Measure.[Actual])

abs(sum(Measure.[Option Fcst], -
1*Measure.[Option Fcst
sum(Measure.[Option LC]))-
1*Measure.[Option Fcst LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Option Fcst vs
LC Gap], Measure.[Option Fcst
abs(sum(Measure.[Option LC])
Fcst], -
1*Measure.[Option Fcst LY]))
safedivide(Measure.[Option Fcst],
Measure.[Option Fcst LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Option Fcst],
Measure.[Option Fcst LC])
safedivide(Measure.[Option Fcst vs
LY sum(Measure.[Option
Gap], Measure.[OptionFcst],
Fcst LY])
1*Measure.[Option Fcst LC])

safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out
Actual vs LY Gap],Measure.[Sell
Out Actual LY])

sum(Measure.[Sell In AM], -
1*Measure.[Sell In AM LC])

safedivide(Measure.[Sell In AM] ,
Measure.[Sell In AM LC])
sum(Measure.[Sell Out], -
1*Measure.[Sell Out LC])

else if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.

[Marketing Fcst MAPE])>=1) Fcst
sum(Measure.[Marketing then 1
Lag1], -1 * Measure.[Actual])
Fcst Lag1] , Measure.[Actual])
else if (coalesce(Measure.
[Reference2 Fcst Lag1],0)!=0 &&
Actual %] <= 0.75) then "Under
Fcst" else
else (if(Measure.[Marketing
if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.
[Published Fcst MAPE])>=1) then 1
2)),Measure.[Reference1 Fcst
Model2 Signal &&
0 else if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.
then safedivide(Measure.
[Reference1 Fcst MAPE])>=1) then
[Reference3 Fcst Abs Error],
[Marketing Fcst Product Abs
Error], coalesce(Measure.
MAPE])<=0) then 0 else if (sum(1,-
* Measure.[Published Fcst
if (coalesce(Measure.
Product MAPE])>=1)
[Reference3 then 1 else
Fcst Lag1],0)!=0 &&
safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Lag1] , Measure.[Actual])
0.75) then - 1 else
<= 0.75) then - 1 else
Out MAPE])<=0) then 0 elseOut
if((safedivide(Measure.[Sell if
(sum(1,-1 * Measure.[Sell Out
MAPE])>=1) then 1 else (sum(1,-1
Stat Fcst Lag1],0)!=0 &&
(if(Measure.[Sell Out Lag vs Actual
%] <= 0.75) then "Under Fcst" else
(if(Measure.[Sell Out Lag Out Lag1]
vs Actual
, Measure.[Actual])
then - 1 else
safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst Out
Model2 Product Abs Error],
then 0 else if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.
else ifFcst Model2 Product
MAPE])>=1) then 1 else (sum(1,-1
[Customer Fcst Lag1],0)!=0
safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out&&
Error], coalesce(Measure.
0 else[Actual],0),1)
if (sum(1,-1 *else
[Reference2 Fcst MAPE])>=1) then
sum(Measure.[Published Fcst
Lag1], -1 * Measure.[Actual])
2)),Measure.[Stat Fcst Tracking
vs Actual %] <= 0.75) then "Under
Fcst" else (if(Measure.[Reference1
0 else if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.
[Published Fcst
Fcst MAPE])>=1)
Product then
Abs Error],
then 0 else if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.
[Sell Out Stat Fcst Product
(sum(1,-1 *then
MAPE])>=1) Measure.[Stat Fcst
1 else (sum(1,-1
Reference Product MAPE])>=1)
0 else if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.
then safedivide(Measure.
[Consensus Fcst MAPE])>=1) then
[Marketing Fcst Abs Error],
sum(Measure.[Reference2 Fcst
Lag1], -1 * Measure.[Actual])
sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2
Lag1], -1 * Measure.[Actual])
safedivide(Measure.[Sales Fcst] ,
vs Actual %] <= 0.75) then Fcst])
Fcst" else (if(Measure.[Reference2
2)),Measure.[Reference2 Fcst
Actual %] Tracking
<= 0.75)Signal
then "Under
Fcst" else (if(Measure.[Published
2)),Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2
Tracking Signal

then safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out

Stat Fcst Product Abs Error],
Fcst Lag1],0)!=0 &&
else if (coalesce(Measure.
[Published Fcst Lag1],0)!=0
Fcst MAPE])<=0) then 0 else&&
(sum(1,-1 * Measure.[Stat Fcst
MAPE])>=1) then 1 else (sum(1,-1

then safedivide(Measure.
[Published Fcst Abs Error],
else if (coalesce(Measure.
[Marketing Fcst Lag1],0)!=0 &&
then safedivide(Measure.[Sales
Fcst Abs Error], coalesce(Measure.
else if (coalesce(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference Lag1],0)!=0else if&&
2)),Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference
else if (sum(1,-1 Measure.[Stat
Fcst Reference MAPE])>=1) then 1
MAPE])<=0) then 0 else if (sum(1,-
1 * Measure.[Consensus Fcst
Product MAPE])>=1) then 1 else

Fcst Lag1] , Measure.[Actual])
sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference
Lag1], -1 * Measure.[Actual])
2)),Measure.[Marketing Fcst
Tracking Signal Fcst
Model2 Lag1] , Measure.[Actual])
Actual %] <= 0.75) then "Under
Fcst" else (if(Measure.[Consensus

sum(Measure.[Reference1 Fcst
Lag1], -1Fcst
[Customer * Measure.[Actual])
Product Abs Error],
else if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.[Sales
Fcst if
else Product
(sum(1,-1MAPE])>=1) then 1
* Measure.[Sell
Out Product MAPE])>=1) thenFcst
safedivide(Measure.[Stat 1
Model2 Abs Error],
Actual %] <= 0.75) then "Under
Fcst" else (if(Measure.[Reference3
sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst Lag1], -1 *
Actual %] <= 0.75) then "Under
Fcst" else (if(Measure.[Sales Fcst
else if (coalesce(Measure.
[Reference1 Fcst Lag1],0)!=0
safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst &&
Error], coalesce(Measure.
then safedivide(Measure.
[Reference1 elseError],
Fcst Abs if
safedivide(Measure.[Sales Fcst
Lag1] , Measure.[Actual])
[Reference3 Fcst Product Abs
MAPE])<=0) then 0 else if (sum(1,-
Error], coalesce(Measure.
1 * Measure.[Customer Fcst
else if (sum(1,-1
MAPE])>=1) * Measure.[Sell
then 1 else
Out Stat Fcst Model2 Product
sum(Measure.[Consensus Fcst
Accuracy], -1 * Measure.
[Consensus Fcst Accuracy Target])
then - 1 else
2)),Measure.[Reference3 Fcst Fcst
Tracking Signal
<= 0.75) then - 1 else
safedivide(Measure.[Reference1 Fcst
Fcst Lag1]
0.75), then
- 1 else
sum(Measure.[Consensus Fcst
else -1 * Measure.[Actual])
if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.[Stat
Fcst Product MAPE])>=1) then 1
MAPE])<=0) then 0 else if (sum(1,-
1 * Measure.[Reference2 Fcst
Product MAPE])>=1) then 1 else
then safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference Abs Error],
else if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.[Sell
Out Stat Fcst MAPE])>=1) then 1
else if (coalesce(Measure.[Sell Out
Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1],0)!=0 &&
vs Actual %] <= 0.75) then "Under
then safedivide(Measure.[Sell
Fcst" else (if(Measure.[Sell Out Out
Stat Fcst Abs Error],
2)),Measure.[Sell Out Tracking
MAPE])<=0) then 0 else if (sum(1,-
1 * Measure.[Reference3 Fcst
Product MAPE])>=1) then 1 else
MAPE])<=0) then 0 else if (sum(1,-
1 * Measure.[Reference1 Fcst
Product <= 0.75) then
MAPE])>=1) then- 11else
if((safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out
else if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.
[Customer Fcst MAPE])>=1) then 1
Out Stat Fcst Model2 Lag vs Actual
%] <= 0.75) then "Under Fcst" else
else if (coalesce(Measure.[Sell
(if(Measure.[Sell Out Stat FcstOut
Lag1],0)!=0 && coalesce(Measure.
safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out Stat
Lag1] , Measure.[Actual]) Out
Stat Fcst Model2 Abs Error],
sum(Measure.[Sell Out Lag1], -1 *
Actual %] <= 0.75) then "Under
Fcst" else (if(Measure.[Customer
sum(Measure.[Customer Fcst
safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out Stat
Lag1], -1 * Measure.[Actual])
thenModel2 Lag1] , Measure.
then[Customer Fcst Abs Error], Out
MAPE])<=0) thenAbs
Product Error],
0 else if (sum(1,-
1 * Measure.[Marketing Fcst
Product MAPE])>=1) then 1 else
sum(Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst
Lag1], -1 * Measure.[Actual])
2)),Measure.[Customer Fcst
Tracking Signal
2)),Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst
Tracking Signal

[Consensus Fcst Product Abs

Error], coalesce(Measure.
sum(Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst
Model2 Lag1], -1 * Measure.
2)),Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst
Model2 Tracking Signal
Fcst safedivide(Measure.
Lag1] , Measure.[Actual])
[Reference2 Fcst Abs Error],
Fcst Accuracy]<=0.3) safedivide(Measure.[Reference3
then argb( 1,222, 33, Fcst Lag1] , Measure.[Actual])
then - 1 else
2)),Measure.[Consensus Fcst Fcst
then safedivide(Measure.[Stat
Tracking Signal Fcst
L1 Abs Error], coalesce(Measure.
[Actual],0),1) else if
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Process Start
Date], Measure.[Process End
Date],[day]) +1

then safedivide(Measure.
[Consensus Fcst Abs Error],
Fcst Lag1]<=
[Actual])) , Measure.[Actual])
0.75) then - 1 else
[Actual])) <= 0.75) then - 1 else
sum(Measure.[Reference3 Fcst Fcst
else if-1(coalesce(Measure.
Lag1], * Measure.[Actual])
[Consensus Fcst Lag1],0)!=0
Fcst MAPE])<=0) then 0 else&&if
(sum(1,-1 * Measure.[Sales Fcst
MAPE])>=1) 0.75)then
1 else
[Reference1 Fcst Product Abs
Error], coalesce(Measure.
[Reference2 Fcst Product Abs
Error], coalesce(Measure.
1 * Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference
Product Location MAPE])>=1) then

safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference Lag1] , Measure.
[Actual]) Fcst
Reference Product Abs Out Stat
Fcst Model2
[Planning ItemProduct Abs Error],
Disc Date], "DAY")
else if (~(IsNull(Measure.[Planning
Item Disc Date])) &&
Reference Product Location Abs
0 else coalesce(Measure.
if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.
[Stat Fcst Product Location
MAPE])>=1) then 1 else (sum(1,-1
[Actual])) <= 0.75) then - 1 else
2)),Measure.[Published Fcst
Tracking Signal
else if (coalesce(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Lag1],0)!=0 && coalesce(Measure.
else if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.[Stat
Fcst Model2
0.75) then - 1 else then 1
vs Actual %] <= 0.75) then "Under
Fcst" else (if(Measure.[Stat
2)),Measure.[Sales Fcst
Fcst Tracking

safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Model2 LocationLocation
Abs Error],
Error], coalesce(Measure.
then safedivide(Measure.[Sales
Fcst ProductFcst
(if(Measure.[Stat AbsLag
vs Actual
<= 0.75) then "Under Fcst" else
Lag vs Actual %] <=
(if(Measure.[Stat Fcst Fcst"
0.75) then "Under Lag vselse
(if(Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference
Fcst Lag1] , Measure.[Actual])
sum(Measure.[Sales Fcst Lag1], -1
* Measure.[Actual])
if(Measure.[Bundle]==[Free T-
shirt]) then Measure.[Promo Scope
Association] Scope
then Measure.[Promo
if(Measure.[Display]==[FOS]) then
Measure.[Promo Scope

if(Measure.[TPR]==[B2GO]) then
Measure.[Promo Scope
Association] Scope
then Measure.[Promo
if(Measure.[Bundle]==[Free Mug])
then Measure.[Promo Scope
if(Measure.[Display]==[GE]) then
Aisle]) then Measure.[Promo
Scope Association]
Start], Measure.[Initiative
Duration], "day")

then safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst

Product Abs Error],

argb( 1,251, 128, 114) else


sum(Measure.[IBP Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[IBP Fcst LY])

Medium]==[TV Ad]) then Measure.
[Marketing Scope Association]

Medium]==[Newspaper Ad]) then

Medium]==[Radio Scope
Ad]) then
Measure.[Marketing Scope
then Measure.[Promo Scope
Association] Ad]) then
Measure.[Marketing Scope

if(Measure.[Feature]==[Half Page])
then Measure.[Promo Scope
if(Measure.[TPR]==[BOGO 50%])
then Measure.[Promo Scope

if(Measure.[Feature]==[Full Page])
then Measure.[Promo Scope
if(Measure.[Display]==[Shelf]) then
Measure.[Promo Scope
if(Measure.[TPR]==[BOGO]) then
Measure.[Promo Scope

IF(~Isnull(Measure.[TPR])) if(Measure.[TPR]==[Reduced
then argb( 1,189, 215, Price]) then Measure.[Promo
231) Scope Association]

safedivide(Measure.[Sell In Calc vs
LC Gap],Measure.[Sell In Calc LC])
abs(sum(Measure.[Sell Out
Actual], -1 * Measure.[Sell Out
Actual LY]))
sum(Measure.[Ch INV Actual], -
1*Measure.[Ch INVOut
sum(Measure.[Sell Actual LY]) -
1*Measure.[Sell Out Actual LY])

sum(Measure.[Sell In Calc], -
1*Measure.[Sell In CalcInLY])
safedivide(Measure.[Sell AM] ,
Measure.[Sell In AM LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Sell In AM vs
LC Gap],Measure.[Sell In AM LC])
abs(sum(Measure.[Sell In AM], -1 *
safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out Stat
Measure.[Sell In AM LY]))
Fcst Model2] , Measure.[Sell Out
safedivide(Measure.[Sell In AM vs
Stat Fcst Model2 LC])
LY Gap],Measure.[Sell In AM LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Sell In Calc vs
argb( 1,255, 255, 255) else then argb( 1,237, 28, LY Gap],Measure.[Sell In Calc
LC Gap]<0) then 9 else safedivide(Measure.[Sell LY]),
In Calc]
thenelse IF(Measure.
argb( 1,237, 28,
argb( In AMelse
1,255, 255, 255) vs IF(Measure.[Sell
LC Gap %]<0) thenIn 9AM vs
else Measure.[Sell In Calc LY])
AM vs LC
IF(Measure.[Sell In AM vs IF(Measure.[Sell In AM vs
[Sell In AM vs LC Gap
safedivide(Measure.[Sell In Calc] ,
then argb( 1,237, 28, Measure.[Sell In Calc LC]) -
argb( 1,255, 255, 255) else 36) else IF(Measure. LY Gap]<0) then 9 else sum(Measure.[Sell In Calc],
argb( 1,255, 255, 255) vs then argb( 1,237, 28,
In AMelse IF(Measure.[Sell
LY Gap %]<0) thenIn 9AM vs
else 1*Measure.[Sell In Calc LC])
[Sell In AM vs LY
IF(Measure.[Sell In AM vs 36) else IF(Measure. IF(Measure.[Sell In AM vs
[Sell In AM vs LY Gap
sum(Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst], -
1 * Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst LC])

safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out Stat

Fcst vs LC Gap],Measure.[Sell Out
Stat Fcst LC])

argb( 1,255, 255, 255) else then argb( 1,237, 28, LC Gap]<0) then 9 else
IF(Measure.[Sell In Calc vs 36) else IF(Measure. IF(Measure.[Sell In Calc vs
[Sell In Calc vs LC
then argb( 1,237, 28,
argb( 1,255, 255, 255) else LC Gap %]<0) then 9 else
36) else IF(Measure.
IF(Measure.[Sell In Calc vs IF(Measure.[Sell In Calc vs sum(Measure.[Sell Out], -
[Sell In Calc vs LC
1*Measure.[Sell Out LY])
then argb( 1,237, 28,
argb( 1,255, 255, 255) else LY Gap]<0) then 9 else sum(Measure.[Sell In AM], -
36) else IF(Measure.
argb( 1,255, 255, In Calc
255) vs then argb( 1,237, 28, IF(Measure.[Sell
else LY In 9
Gap %]<0) then Calc
1*Measure.[Sell In AMOut
elseIn IF(Measure.
Calc vs LY Fcst] , Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst
safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out Stat
IF(Measure.[Sell In Calc vs IF(Measure.[Sell In Calc vs
[Sell In Calc vs LY LC])
Fcst Model2 vs LC Gap],Measure.
[Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 LC])

safedivide(Measure.[Ch INV Actual

vs LY Gap],Measure.[Ch INV Out
safedivide(Measure.[Sell Actual
Actual] , Measure.[Sell Out Actual

abs(sum(Measure.[Ch INV Actual],

-1 * Measure.[Ch INV Actual LY]))
safedivide(Measure.[Ch INV
Actual] , Measure.[Ch INVOut
safedivide(Measure.[Sell Actual
Fcst vs LY Gap],Measure.[Sell Out
Stat Fcst LY])In Calc], -1
* Measure.[Sell In Calc LC]))

abs(sum(Measure.[Sell Out Stat

Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Sell Out Stat
Fcst LY]))
255, 255) else IF(Measure. argb( 1,237, 28, 36) Gap]<0) then 9 else
then IF(Measure.
1,237, 28,
[Sell Out vs LC Gap]>0)
argb( 1,255, 255, 255) else IF(Measure.[Sell
Gap %]<0) thenOut vs LC
9 else
[Sell Out vs LC
IF(Measure.[Sell Out vs LC 36) else IF(Measure. IF(Measure.[Sell Out vs LC abs(sum(Measure.[Sell Out Stat
[Sell Out vs LC Gap Fcst Model2], -1 * Measure.[Sell
Out Stat Fcst Model2 LY]))
argb( 1,237, 28, 36)
255, 255) else IF(Measure. else IF(Measure. Gap]<0) then 9 else
255) else argb(
Out vs255,
LY Gap]>0) 1,237, 28, 36) IF(Measure.[Sell
argb( [SellIF(Measure.
Out vs LY Gap %]<0) thenOut vs LY
9 else
IF(Measure.[Sell Out vs LY IF(Measure.[Sell Out vs LY
[Sell Out vs LY Gap

Outside PLC Horizon [Fcst Outside PLC Weight],Measure.[Actual L6M])
Flag])) then argb( 1,251, Horizon Flag])) then safedivide(Measure.[Reference2
Fcst] , Measure.[Reference2 Fcst
Fcst vs LC Gap],Measure.
[Consensus Fcst LC])
Fcst] , Measure.[Consensus Fcst
LLY]) Fcst] ,
Measure.[Sales Fcst LY])
Fcst vs LC Gap],Measure.
Fcst Fcst LC])
vs LC Gap],Measure.
[Published Fcst LC])
Fcst] , Measure.[Published Fcst
LC]) Fcst],
* Measure.[Published Fcst LC]))
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Reference3
Fcst LY])) Fcst], -1 *
sum(Measure.[Marketing Fcst LY]))
Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Marketing Fcst LY])
Fcst vs LY Gap]<0) then 9
argb( 1,255, 255, 255) else argb( 1,237, 28, 36) sum(Measure.[Consensus Fcst], -1
Fcst else
vs LYIF(Measure.
Gap %]<0) then
argb( else 1,237,
1,255, 255, 255) else argb( IF(Measure.
28, 36) * Measure.[Consensus Fcst
sum(Measure.[Consensus LLY])-1
[Consensus Fcst vs LY
9 else IF(Measure.
IF(Measure.[Consensus else IF(Measure. * Measure.[Consensus Fcst LY])
[Consensus Fcst vs LY Gap
Fcst] , Measure.[Sales Fcst])
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Reference2
Fcst], Fcst]))
-1 * Measure.[Marketing
safedivide(Measure.[Sales vs
Customer Fcst Fcst]))
[Customer Fcst])
Fcst] , Measure.[Reference1 Fcst])
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Stat Fcst L0])) vs
Reference2 Fcst Gap],Measure.
Fcst], -1[Reference2 Fcst])
* Measure.[Reference3
safedivide(Measure.[Consensus vs
Published Fcst]))
Fcst Gap],Measure.
safedivide(Measure.[Consensus vs
Reference3[Published Fcst])
Fcst Gap],Measure.
[Reference3 Fcst])
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Sales Fcst]))
Fcst] , Measure.[Reference2 Fcst])
Fcst] , Measure.[Reference3Fcst]
safedivide(Measure.[Sales Fcst])
Measure.[Marketing Fcst])
sum(Measure.[Consensus Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Reference3 Fcst])
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Reference1
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Published Fcst
LC])) Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Published Fcst])
sum(Measure.[Consensus Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Sales Fcst])
Fcst] , Measure.[Published Fcst
LC]) Fcst], -1
* Measure.[MarketingFcst],
abs(sum(Measure.[Sales Fcst])-1 *
Measure.[Marketing Fcst]))
Fcst] , Measure.[Marketing
sum(Measure.[Consensus Fcst])
Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Stat Fcst L0]) vs
Reference1 Fcst Gap],Measure.
[Reference1 Fcst]) Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Reference1
sum(Measure.[Sales Fcst], Fcst])
-1 *
Measure.[Marketing Fcst])
sum(Measure.[Consensus Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Reference2 Fcst],
sum(Measure.[Consensus Fcst]) -1
* Measure.[Published Fcst LC])vs
Marketing Fcst Gap],Measure.vs
Sales [Marketing
Fcst Fcst])
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Published
Fcst vs LC Gap],Measure.
Fcst] ,[Customer Fcst LC]) Fcst
LC]) Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[Customer Fcst LC])
Fcst vs LY Gap],Measure.
sum(Measure.[Customer Fcst], -1 *
[Customer Fcst LY])
Measure.[Customer Fcst Fcst],
-1 * Measure.[Customer Fcst
abs(sum(Measure.[Customer Fcst],LY]))
-1 * Measure.[Customer Fcst LC]))

Fcst] , Measure.[Customer Fcst

safedivide(Measure.[NPI Fcst] ,
Measure.[NPI Fcst LC])
Fcst vs LC Gap],Measure.
Fcst], [Marketing
-1 Fcst LC])
* Measure.[Reference2
Fcst LC]))
Fcst] , Measure.[Published Fcst
LY]) Fcst],
-1 * Measure.[Published Fcst LY]))

sum(Measure.[Reference3 Fcst], -1
Measure.[Reference3 Fcst LY])
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Consensus
Fcst] Fcst LLY]))
, Measure.[Reference1 Fcst
Fcst vs LY Gap],Measure.
[Consensus Fcst LY])

safedivide(Measure.[Sales Fcst vs
IF(coalesce(Measure.[Is IF(coalesce(Measure LC Gap],Measure.[Sales Fcst LC])
Past Week],0)>0) then .[Is Past Week],0)>0) safedivide(Measure.[Reference3
argb( 1,193, 189, 189) then argb( 1,0, 0, 0) Fcst] , Measure.[Reference3 Fcst

Fcst] , Measure.[Reference3 Fcst
Fcst vs LY Gap],Measure.
[Marketing Fcst LY])

Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Reference3
Fcst LC]))
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Marketing
Fcst LY])) Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[Sales Fcst LC])
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Reference1
Fcst LC]))

Final Fcst] , Measure.[Published
sum(Measure.[SKU DC Split], -
Final Fcst LY])
sum(Measure.[SKU DCDC Split LY])-
1*Measure.[SKU DC Split LC])
Final Fcst vs LY Gap],Measure.
safedivide(Measure.[Final Fcst vs
[Published Final Fcst LY])
LC Gap],Measure.[Final Fcst LC])

abs(sum(Measure.[Final Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[Final Fcst LY]))
sum(Measure.[Published Final
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Published
Fcst], -1 *Final Fcst LC])
Fcst LY]))
Fcst vs LY Gap],Measure.
[Reference3 Fcst LY])

sum(Measure.[Marketing Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Marketing Fcst LC])
Fcst] , Measure.[Reference2 Fcst
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Reference2
Fcst LY])) Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Reference2 Fcst LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Sales Fcst vs
LY Gap],Measure.[Sales Fcst LY])
Fcst vs LC Gap],Measure.
Fcst Fcst LC])
vs LC Gap],Measure.
Fcst] [Reference2 Fcst LC]) Fcst
, Measure.[Marketing
sum(Measure.[Consensus Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Consensus FcstFcst]
safedivide(Measure.[Sales LC]),
Measure.[Sales Fcst LC])
Fcst] , Measure.[Consensus Fcst
Fcst], LY])
-1 * Measure.[Marketing
Fcst LC]))
Fcst] , Measure.[Consensus Fcst
sum(Measure.[Reference1 Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Reference1 Fcst LC])
Fcst vs LLY Gap],Measure.
[Consensus Fcst LLY])

sum(Measure.[Reference1 Fcst], -1
Measure.[Reference1 Fcst LY])
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Reference1
Fcst LY]))

sum(Measure.[Published Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[Published Fcst LC])

Fcst Comment
Exception],0)==1) then
sum(Measure.[Reference3 Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Reference3 Fcst LC])
Fcst] , Measure.[Reference1 Fcst
abs(sum(Measure.[Sales Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[Sales Fcst
sum(Measure.[Sales LC]))-1 *
Measure.[Sales Fcst LY])
Fcst vs LY Gap],Measure.
Fcst],[Reference2 Fcst LY])
-1 * Measure.[Consensus
Fcst vs LY LC]))
[Reference1 Fcst LY])Fcst], -1
* Measure.[Reference2 Fcst LC])
sum(Measure.[Published Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[Published Fcst LY])

sum(Measure.[Sales Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[Customer Fcst])vs
Marketing Fcst Gap],Measure.vs
[Marketing Fcst])
Published Fcst LC Gap],Measure.
[Published Fcst LC])
Fcst] , Measure.[Published
abs(sum(Measure.[Sales Fcst])
Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[Customer Fcst]))
Fcst] , Measure.[Stat Fcst L0]) vs
0 elseFcst
Stat Gap],Measure.[Stat
if (sum(1,-1 Fcst
* Measure.[Stat
Fcst Model2 Product Location
MAPE])>=1) then 1 else (sum(1,-1
safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out] ,
Measure.[Sell Out LC])
safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out vs LC
Gap],Measure.[Sell Out LC])

sum(Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst

Model2], -1 * Measure.[Sell
abs(sum(Measure.[Sell Out
Out Stat
Fcst], Stat Fcst Model2 LY])
-1 * Measure.[SellOutOutStat
Fcst Model2], Fcst-1LC]))
* Measure.[Sell
Out Stat Fcst Model2 LC]))
safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out Stat
Fcst] , Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst
LY]) In Calc], -1
* Measure.[Sell In Calc LY]))

abs(sum(Measure.[Sell Out], -1 *
Measure.[Sell Out Out],
abs(sum(Measure.[Sell LC])) -1 *
Measure.[Sell Out LY]))
safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out vs LY
Gap],Measure.[Sell Out LY])
abs(sum(Measure.[Sell In AM], -1 *
Measure.[Sell In
sum(Measure.[Sell AM
Out LC]))
Stat Fcst], -
1 * Measure.[Sell Out StatOut
safedivide(Measure.[Sell FcstStat
Fcst Model2] , Measure.[Sell Out
Stat Fcst Model2 LY])Out] ,
sum(Measure.[Sell Stat Fcst
Measure.[Sell Out LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Sell OutOut
Model2], -1 * Measure.[Sell Stat
Stat Fcst
Fcst Model2 vs Model2 LC])
LY Gap],Measure.
abs(sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst L0],
[Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 LY]) -1
* Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 LC]))
sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst L0], -1 *
Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 LC])

safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 vs
LY Gap],Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 LY])
sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst L0], -1 *
Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst L0] ,
Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 LY])

abs(sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst L0], -1

* Measure.[Stat Fcst L0Fcst
safedivide(Measure.[Stat LY]))
L0 vs
LC Gap],Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 LC]),
safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst L0]
Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 LC])
sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2], -
1 *safedivide(Measure.[Stat FcstLC])
Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2
Model2 vs LC Gap],Measure.[Stat
Fcst Model2 LC])
abs(sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference], -1 * Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference LC]))

safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference] , Measure.[StatFcst
abs(sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Model2],Reference LC])
-1 * Measure.[Stat Fcst
Model2 LC]))
safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference vs LC Gap],Measure.
[Stat Fcst Reference Fcst
LC]) vs LC
Gap],Measure.[Stat Fcst LC])
sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2], -
1 * Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2 LY])
abs(sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference], -1 * Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference LY]))
sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference], -1 * Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference LY])
abs(sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Model2], -1 * Measure.[Stat Fcst
Model2 LY]))
sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference], -1 * Measure.[Stat Fcst
Reference LC]) Fcst vs LY
safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Gap],Measure.[Stat Fcst LY])
Model2] , Measure.[Stat Fcst
safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst
ReferenceModel2 LC])
vs LY Gap],Measure.
[Stat Fcst Reference LY])

sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst], -1 *
IF(~Isnull(Measure.[Active [Active Process by Measure.[Stat Fcst LC])
Process by Day])) then Day])) then IF(~Isnull(Measure.[Is
Holiday])) then 21
argb( 1,186, 228, 179) argb( 1,186, 228,

IF(Measure.[Date IF(Measure.[Date
Validation]>0) then Validation]>0) then
argb( 1,251, 180, 174) argb( 1,0, 0, 0)

End Date]) then

[Process End Date])
argb( 1,251, 180, 174) else then argb( 1,0, 0, 0)

safedivide(Measure.[Target Off
Invoice],Measure.[Target REV])
GM],Measure.[Target Net REV])
Contribution %], Measure.[Target
Contribution %]*-1)

Contribution to Parent %],

Measure.[Target Contribution
Contribution to Parent %], to
Measure.[Uncons Outlook LY

safedivide(Measure.[Outlook GM
vs Uncons Outlook Gap],Measure.
[Uncons Outlook GM])

safedivide(Measure.[Outlook GM
vs LC Gap],Measure.[Outlook GM
safedivide(Measure.[Target GM vs
Outlook LY Gap],Measure.[Outlook
safedivide(Measure.[Target vs
Outlook COGS
Outlook[Outlook COGS LY])
REV] , Measure.[Outlook
Outlook REV])
GM vs Target
Gap],Measure.[Target GM])

sum(Measure.[Outlook vs LC Gap],
-1 * Measure.[Uncons Outlookvs
safedivide(Measure.[Outlook vs
LC Gap])
Target COGS Gap],Measure.
[Target COGS]) Invoice],
Measure.[Outlook REV])
Uncons Outlook COGS
Gap],Measure.[Uncons Outlook
abs(sum(Measure.[Outlook], -1 *
Measure.[Uncons Outlook]))

sum(Measure.[Outlook], -1 *
Measure.[Outlook LC]) vs LC
sum(Measure.[Off LC])
Invoice], -1 *
Measure.[Off Invoice LC]) &
Allowance], -1 * Measure.
Outlook GM &
[Discount vs Allowance LC]))
LC Gap],Measure.
[Uncons Outlook GM LC])

safedivide(Measure.[Off Invoice],
Measure.[Outlook REV])

abs(sum(Measure.[Outlook], -1 *
Measure.[Outlook LY]))
Outlook GM vs LY Gap],Measure.
safedivide(Measure.[Discount &
Allowance Outlook
sum(Measure.[Uncons On
Invoice], & Allowance LY]) On
-1 * Measure.[Uncons
sum(Measure.[Uncons Outlook
GM %], Invoice
-1 * LC])
Outlook vs LY Gap %]<0) safedivide(Measure.[Discount &
argb( 1,237, 28, 36) Outlook
Allowance vs LCGM
then 9 else IF(Measure. sum(Measure.[Outlook % LY])
GM %], -1
else IF(Measure.
[Uncons Outlook vs LY * [Discount
Measure.[Uncons& Allowance LC])GM
abs(sum(Measure.[Outlook REV], -
1 * Measure.[Uncons Outlook
REV])) ,
Measure.[Outlook LY])
Contribution %], Measure.[Outlook
sum(Measure.[Uncons Outlook
COGS],LY Contribution
-1 * %]*-1)
COGS] , Measure.[Uncons Outlook
COGS]) ,
argb( 1,237, 28, 36) sum(Measure.[Uncons
Measure.[Target]) Outlook
%]<0) then 9 else
else IF(Measure. COGS], -1 * Measure.[Target
IF(Measure.[Uncons sum(Measure.[Outlook COGS], -1 *
[Uncons Outlook vs COGS])
Measure.[Outlook COGS LC])
Outlook COGS vs LY Gap],Measure.
Outlook GM],Outlook COGS LY])
sum(Measure.[Uncons Outlook
REV], Outlook GM LC])
-1 * Measure.[Uncons
Outlook REV LY])
sum(Measure.[Uncons Outlook
COGS], -1 * Measure.[Uncons
safedivide(Measure.[Outlook GM
Outlook COGS LC]) GM
vs safedivide(Measure.[Uncons
LY Gap],Measure.[Outlook
Outlook COGS],LY]) Measure.[Uncons
Outlook COGS LY])

safedivide(Measure.[Outlook REV
vs LY Gap],Measure.[Outlook REV
LY]) Invoice],
sum(Measure.[Uncons Invoice])
Outlook], -1
* Measure.[Uncons Outlook LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Outlook REV],
% vs LY Gap]<0) then 9 Measure.[Outlook REV LY])
sum(Measure.[Net REV], -1 *
% vs IF(Measure.[Outlook
Target Gap]<0) then abs(sum(Measure.[Outlook
Measure.[Net REV LC])REV], -
GM % vsIF(Measure.
9 else LY Gap]>=0)
* Measure.[Target REV]))
[Outlook GM % vs Target
Outlook], -1 * Measure.[Outlook]))&
Allowance], -1 * Measure.
Outlook & Allowance
COGS], LY]))
Outlook COGS LC])
Outlook REV], -1 * Measure.
[Uncons Outlook REVREV],
LC]))-1 *
Measure.[Outlook REV LC])

sum(Measure.[Uncons Net REV], -

1safedivide(Measure.[Outlook vs
* Measure.[Uncons Net REV LY])
Target REV Gap],Measure.[Target
REV]) ,
Measure.[Uncons Outlook])vs
Outlook LY Gap],Measure.[Outlook
LY]) -1 *
sum(Measure.[Target GM %], -1 *
Measure.[Outlook GM %-1LY])
sum(Measure.[Target], *
Measure.[Outlook LY])

sum(Measure.[Outlook COGS], -1 *
Measure.[Outlook COGSOutlook
COGS], -1 * Measure.[Uncons
Outlook COGS LY]) -1 *
Measure.[Outlook LC]))

safedivide(Measure.[Uncons Net
REV], Measure.[Uncons Net REV
LC]) GM %], -1
* Measure.[Outlook GM % LC])vs
safedivide(Measure.[On Invoice
then argb( 1,237, 28, vs LY Gap %]<0) then 9 LY Gap],Measure.[On Invoice LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Outlook GM],
36) else IF(Measure. else IF(Measure.[Outlook
Measure.[Outlook GM LC])
[Outlook REV vs LY REV vs LY Gap %]>0) then safedivide(Measure.[Target REV],
Measure.[Outlook REV
sum(Measure.[Target LY])
REV], -1 *
Measure.[Outlook REV LY])
Outlook vs Outlook Gap],Measure.
safedivide(Measure.[Target vs
Outlook REV [Outlook])
LY Gap],Measure.
[Outlook REV LY])
COGS] , Measure.[Target COGS])vs
Target REV Gap %]<0) Uncons Outlook Gap],Measure.
argb( 1,237, 28, 36) abs(sum(Measure.[Target
[Uncons Outlook]) REV], -1
then 9 else IF(Measure. sum(Measure.[Uncons Outlook
else IF(Measure. * Measure.[Outlook REV LY]))
[Outlook vs Target REV GM %], -1 * Measure.[Outlook GM
%]) -1 *
Measure.[Outlook LY])) GM
vs Target Gap],Measure.[Target
GM]) Outlook], -1
* Measure.[Target]) COGS],
Measure.[Outlook COGS
sum(Measure.[Uncons LY])
GM], -1 * Measure.[Outlook GM])
Outlook REV], -1 * Measure.
[Outlook REV]))

safedivide(Measure.[Target On
Invoice],Measure.[Target REV])
sum(Measure.[Uncons Outlook
REV], -1 * Measure.[Outlook
sum(Measure.[Target GM], REV])
-1 *
Measure.[Outlook GM LY])
sum(Measure.[Uncons Outlook
GM], -1 * Measure.[Target GM])
REV] , Measure.[Uncons Outlook

REV] , Measure.[TargetOutlook
sum(Measure.[Uncons REV])
REV], -1 * Measure.[Target REV])
Outlook GM vs Outlook
Gap],Measure.[Outlook GM])
Outlook COGS] , Measure.[Target
Outlook GM],COGS])
GM]) COGS], -1 *
Measure.[Outlook COGS LY])
sum(Measure.[Outlook], -1 *
Measure.[Uncons Outlook])
sum(Measure.[Uncons Net REV], -
* Measure.[Uncons Net REVNet
REV], Measure.[Uncons Net REV

safedivide(Measure.[Uncons On
Invoice], Measure.[Uncons On
safedivide(Measure.[Uncons Net
REV vs LY Invoice LC])
safedivide(Measure.[Uncons Net
Net REV LY])
REV vs LC Gap],Measure.[Uncons
Net REV LC])
sum(Measure.[Uncons Off
Invoice], -1 * Measure.[Uncons
sum(Measure.[Uncons Off Off
Invoice], -1 *Invoice LY])
Measure.[Uncons Off
Invoice LC]) Invoice], -1
* Measure.[Net Invoice LY])) &
Allowance], Measure.[Discount &
Allowance LC])
safedivide(Measure.[Uncons Off
Invoice], Measure.[Uncons Off
Invoice LC]) REV],
Measure.[Net REV LC]) Off
Invoice vs LY Gap],Measure.Off
Invoice OffGap],Measure.
vs LC Invoice LY])
sum(Measure.[Uncons On
[Uncons Off Invoice LC]) On
Invoice], -1 * Measure.[Uncons
Invoice LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Uncons On
Invoice vs LC Gap],Measure.Off
Invoice], On Invoice LC]) Off
Invoice LY])

sum(Measure.[Discount &
Allowance], -1 * Measure.
[Discount & Allowance LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Uncons On
Invoice], Measure.[Uncons On
Invoice LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Net Invoice vs
LC Gap],Measure.[Net Invoice LC])
sum(Measure.[Outlook GM %], -1
Measure.[Outlook GM % LY])
Outlook REV], Measure.[Uncons
Outlook REV LY])

sum(Measure.[Uncons Outlook
GM %], -1 * Measure.[Uncons
Outlook GM % LC]) REV vs LC
Gap],Measure.[Net REV
safedivide(Measure.[Off LC])
Measure.[Off InvoiceOutlook
REV], -1 * Measure.[Uncons
Outlook Outlook
[Uncons Outlook REV LC])
abs(sum(Measure.[Net REV], -1 *
Measure.[Net REV LC]))

sum(Measure.[Uncons Outlook
Contribution %], Measure.[Target
sum(Measure.[Outlook COGS], -1 *
Contribution %]*-1)
Measure.[Target COGS])
safedivide(Measure.[Net Invoice],
Measure.[Net Invoice LC])
safedivide(Measure.[Outlook GM
LC], Measure.[Net REV LC]) &
Allowance], Measure.[Discount &
Allowance LY])REV], -1 *
Measure.[Outlook REV LY]) ,
Measure.[Outlook LC])
COGS], Measure.[Outlook COGS
LY]) GM], -1 *
Measure.[Target GM])
abs(sum(Measure.[Outlook], -1 *
Measure.[Target])) GM],
Measure.[Outlook GM LY])
Outlook vs Target REV
Gap],Measure.[Target REV])
Outlook] , Measure.[Outlook])
Outlook vs Target COGS
Gap],Measure.[Target COGS])
sum(Measure.[Uncons Outlook
GM], -1 * Measure.[Uncons
OutlookOutlook GM LC])
vs LY Gap],Measure.
[Uncons Outlook LY])
Outlook], -1 * Measure.[Uncons
Outlook LC]))Outlook], -1
* Measure.[Uncons Outlook LC])
Outlook vs LC Gap],Measure.
Outlook] Outlook LC])
, Measure.[Uncons
sum(Measure.[Uncons Outlook
GM], -1 Outlook
* LY])
OutlookOutlook GM LY])
GM], Measure.[Uncons
Outlook GM LY])
Outlook REV], -1 * Measure.
[Target REV])) vs
Target Gap],Measure.[Target])
safedivide(Measure.[Outlook GM],
Measure.[Target GM])
Outlook GM] , Measure.[Outlook
Contribution to Parent %],
Measure.[Outlook LY Contribution
Outlook], -1 * Measure.[Target]))
Outlook COGS] , Measure.[Outlook
Contribution to Parent %],
sum(Measure.[Uncons Contribution
* Measure.[Outlook])
Outlook vs Outlook REV
Outlook REV])
vs Target Gap],Measure.
Outlook] , Measure.[Target])
Outlook vs Outlook COGS
Gap],Measure.[Outlook COGS])
GM] , Measure.[Uncons Outlook
Outlook] , Measure.[Uncons
COGS vsOutlook LC])
LY Gap],Measure.
[Outlook COGS LY])

COGS], Measure.[Outlook COGS
abs(sum(Measure.[Off Invoice], -1
* Measure.[Off Invoice
sum(Measure.[Net LC]))
Invoice], -1 *
Measure.[Net Invoice LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Outlook REV
vs LC Gap],Measure.[Outlook REV
Outlook], -1 * LC])
Outlook LY])) REV], -
argb( 1,237, 28, 36) 1 safedivide(Measure.[Uncons
* Measure.[Outlook REV LY]))
255, 255) else IF(Measure. Gap]<0) then 9 else
argb( IF(Measure.
1,237, 28, 36) Outlook COGS vs LC Gap],Measure.
argb( 1,255,vs255,
LY Gap]>0)
255) else IF(Measure.[Outlook vs LY
Gap %]<0) then 9 else
else vs LY
IF(Measure. [Uncons Outlook COGS LC])
IF(Measure.[Outlook vs LY IF(Measure.[Outlook vs LY safedivide(Measure.[Uncons
[Outlook vs LY Gap Outlook REV] , Measure.[Target
REV]) REV], -1 *
Measure.[Target REV])
Uncons Outlook REV
sum(Measure.[Outlook COGS],Outlook-1 *
Measure.[Uncons OutlookOutlook
Contribution %], Measure.[Uncons
sum(Measure.[Uncons Outlook
Outlook LY Contribution
GM %], -1 * Measure.[Target%]*-1)
%]) REV], -1 *
Measure.[Uncons Outlook
sum(Measure.[Outlook GM],REV])
-1 *
Measure.[Uncons Outlook GM])

IF(Measure.[Planning Item
Disc Date vs LC]!=0) then
argb( 1,241, 211, 176)

IF(Measure.[Planning Item
Intro Date vs LC]!=0) then
argb( 1,241, 211, 176)
L12W]>0) then 11 else
114) else IF(Measure.[AL KPI
128, 114) else
128, 114) else
IF(Measure. safedivide(Measure.
LC]) - 1 -
Measure.[Backorder LC])

[Shipped],Measure.[Shipped LC])
Measure.[Inventory] - Measure.
[Inventory LC]

[Shipped],0))>0) then
abs(Measure.[Inventory] -
Measure.[Supply] LC])
- Measure.
[Supply LC]
Measure.[Purchased] - Measure.LC])
[Purchased LC]

[IBP Demand
Demand Quantity]) then
Measure.[Backorder] - Measure.
[Backorder LC]
LC]) - 1 - Measure.
[Supply LC])
Measure.[Production] - Measure.
[Production LC]

safedivide(Measure. LC])
LC]) - 1 - Measure.
[Received LC]

Measure.[Shipped] - Measure.
[Shipped LC]
abs(Measure.[Shipped] - Measure.
[Shipped LC])

abs(Measure.[Purchased] -
Measure.[Purchased LC])
Measure.[Received LC])

[Received],Measure.[Received LC])

Measure.[Production LC])
[Shipped],Measure.[Shipped LC]) -

LC]) - 1
[Demand],Measure.[Demand LC]) -
[Demand LC]
abs(Measure.[Demand] - Measure.
[Demand LC])

[Supply],Measure.[Supply LC]) - 1

safedivide(Measure.[IBP Fcst vs LY
Gap],Measure.[IBP Fcst LY])

abs(sum(Measure.[IBP Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[IBP Fcst Fcst],
abs(sum(Measure.[IBP LY])) -1 *
Measure.[IBP Fcst LC]))
sum(Measure.[IBP Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[IBP Fcst LC])
safedivide(Measure.[IBP Fcst] ,
Measure.[IBP Fcst LY])

safedivide(Measure.[IBP Fcst vs LC
Gap],Measure.[IBP Fcst LC])
safedivide(Measure.[IBP Fcst] ,
Measure.[IBP Fcst LC])

safedivide(Measure.[Off Invoice vs
LC Gap],Measure.[Off Invoice&LC])
Allowance], -1 * Measure.
[Discount & AllowanceInvoice],
Measure.[Net Invoice LY])
sum(Measure.[On Invoice], -1 *
Measure.[On Invoice LC])
safedivide(Measure.[Uncons On
Invoice vs LY Gap],Measure.
safedivide(Measure.[Net REV],
[Uncons On Invoice LY])
Measure.[Net REV LY])
abs(sum(Measure.[Net REV], -1 *
Measure.[Net REVInvoice],
abs(sum(Measure.[Net LY])) -1
* Measure.[Net Invoice LC]))

abs(sum(Measure.[On Invoice], -1
* Measure.[On Invoice LC]))

safedivide(Measure.[Outlook vs LY
Gap],Measure.[Outlook LY])
sum(Measure.[Net REV], -1 *
Measure.[Net REV LY])
COGS vs LC Gap],Measure.
[Outlook COGS LC])
abs(sum(Measure.[Off Invoice], -1
* Measure.[Off Invoice
sum(Measure.[Off LY]))
Invoice], -1 *
Measure.[Off Invoice LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Off Invoice vs
LY Gap],Measure.[Off Invoice LY])
abs(sum(Measure.[On Invoice], -1
* Measure.[On Invoice LY]))
sum(Measure.[Outlook], -1 *
Measure.[Outlook LY])
Outlook REV], Measure.[Uncons
Outlook REV LC])

safedivide(Measure.[Outlook GM],
Measure.[Net REV]) GM
LY], Measure.[Net
sum(Measure.[Net REV LY])-1 *
argb( 1,237, 28, 36) LY Gap %]<0) then 9 else Measure.[Net Invoice LC])
else IF(Measure.
IF(Measure.[Net REV vs safedivide(Measure.[Net Invoice vs
[Net REV vs LY Gap
LY Gap],Measure.[Net Invoice LY])

safedivide(Measure.[On Invoice],
Measure.[On Invoice LY]) ,
Measure.[Outlook LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Net REV vs LY
Gap],Measure.[Net REV LY])
safedivide(Measure.[Outlook REV],
Measure.[Outlook REV LC])
safedivide(Measure.[On Invoice],
Measure.[On Invoice LC])
Outlook REV vs LY Gap],Measure.
[Uncons Outlook REV LY])REV], -
1 * Measure.[Outlook REV
safedivide(Measure.[On LC]))vs
LC Gap],Measure.[On Invoice
safedivide(Measure.[Off LC])
Measure.[Off Invoice
sum(Measure.[Outlook GMLC])
%], -1
* Measure.[Target GM %])
sum(Measure.[On Invoice], -1 *
Measure.[On Invoice
sum(Measure.[On LY])LY],
Measure.[Off Invoice LY])

sum(Measure.[On Invoice LC],

Measure.[Off InvoiceGM],
sum(Measure.[Outlook LC])-1 *
Measure.[Outlook GM LC])GM],
Measure.[Outlook GM
sum(Measure.[Outlook LY])-1 *
Measure.[Outlook GM LY])
Outlook REV], -1 * Measure.
[Uncons Outlook REV LY]))

sum(Measure.[Final Fcst], -
1*Measure.[Final Fcst LY])
abs(sum(Measure.[Published Final
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Published
Final Fcst LC]))
safedivide(Measure.[Final Fcst] ,
Measure.[Final FcstFcst],
sum(Measure.[Final LY]) -
1*Measure.[Final Fcst LC])
sum(Measure.[Published Final
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Published
Final Fcst LY])
Final Fcst] , Measure.[Published
Final FcstFinal
vs LCFcst LC])
[Published Final Fcst LC])
abs(sum(Measure.[Final Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[Final Fcst LC]))
safedivide(Measure.[Final Fcst vs
LY Gap],Measure.[Final Fcst
safedivide(Measure.[Final Fcst] LY]),
Measure.[Final Fcst LC]) Final
Fcst], -1 * Measure.[Published
Final Fcst LY]))
sum(Measure.[Rate of Change
Planning Item],-1* Measure.[Rate
of Change L4])

then 0 else if (sum(1,-1 * Measure.

[Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2
MAPE])>=1) then 1 else (sum(1,-1

sum(Measure.[NPI Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[NPI Fcst LC])
abs(sum(Measure.[NPI Fcst], -1 *
Measure.[NPI Fcst LC]))
safedivide(Measure.[NPI Fcst vs LC
Gap],Measure.[NPI Fcst LC])
Medium]==[YouTube Ad]) then
Measure.[Marketing Scope

Fcst] , Measure.[Marketing Fcst
Fcst vs LY Gap],Measure.
[Published Fcst LY])

Input (in months)] !=

Line Leasing Duration

= Measure.[Opportunity
Line Modified Date Input

Line Must Win Input LR])

Line Probability Input LR])

Input] != Measure.
[Opportunity Line
Requested Date Input LR])

Input] != Measure.
[Opportunity Line Residual

Line Revenue Input LR])

Line Stage Input] !=

Line Stage Input LR]) then

Line Units Input] !=

Line Units Input LR]) then

Validation] = if((Measure.[Global Scenario Count] == Measure.[Global

scope: Limit]) ||Measure.[Scenario
(&Scenarios); (Measure.[Scenario Count
Age] Per User] == Measure.
= datediff(Measure.[Scenario
Created Date],Measure.[Current Date],[day]);
Scenario Validation] = if((Measure.[Global Scenario Count] == Measure.
[Global Scenario Limit]) || (Measure.[Demand Planning Scenario Count] ==
Measure.[Demand Planning Scenario Limit]) || (Measure.[Scenario Count
Validation] = if((Measure.[Global Scenario Count] == Measure.[Global
Scenario Limit]) || (Measure.[MEIO Scenario Count] == Measure.[MEIO
Scenario Limit]) || (Measure.[Scenario Count Per User] == Measure.
Measure.[Match Including Error Volume] = if(Measure.[Output Volume] >
sum(Measure.[o9 Volume], Measure.[Error Volume],-2) &&
Measure.[Output Volume] < sum(Measure.[o9 Volume],Measure.[Error

Measure.[Match] = if(Measure.[Output Volume] > sum(Measure.[o9

Volume],- 2) && Measure.[Output Volume] < sum(Measure.[o9 Volume],2))
scope: (&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllShipTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
&CurrentAndPastDays); Measure.[Shipments REV LY]=Measure.[Shipments
scope: (&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllShipTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
&CurrentAndPastDays); Measure.[Backorders REV LY]=Measure.
[Backorders REV]@(Time.#.LeadOffset(-365));

scope: (&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllShipTo * &CWVAndScenarios *

&CurrentAndPastDays); Measure.[Orders REV LY]=Measure.[Orders
Price Variance Actual], Measure.[On - Logistics Allowance Actual], Measure.
[On - Trade Discount Actual], Measure.[On - Other Allowance Actual],
Measure.[On - Quantity Discount Actual], Measure.[On - Revenue Rebate

scope: (&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllPastDays * &AllShipTo *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Net Invoice Actual]= sum(Measure.[Billing
REV], -1 * Measure.[On Invoice Actual]);
scope: (&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllPastDays * &AllShipTo *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Discount & Allowance Actual] =
sum(Measure.[On Invoice Actual], Measure.[Off Invoice Actual]);
Discount Actual], Measure.[Off - Impulse Fund Actual], Measure.[Off -
Assortment Fund Actual], Measure.[Off - FT Event Specific Actual],
Measure.[Off - Customer Merchandise Actual], Measure.[Off - Brand

scope: (&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllPastDays * &AllShipTo *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Net REV Actual]= sum(Measure.[Billing
REV], -1 * Measure.[On Invoice Actual], -1 * Measure.[Off Invoice Actual]);
scope: (&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllShipTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
&CurrentAndPastDays); Measure.[Net REV Actual LY]=Measure.[Net REV

(Measure.[Like Item Search History Measure]=="Backorders") then

Measure.[Backorders] else (if (Measure.[Like Item Search History
Measure]=="Billing") then Measure.[Billing] else (if (Measure.[Like Item
scope: (&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllShipTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
scope: (&AllItem * &AllLocationMeasure.[Actual LY]=Measure.
* &AllShipTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
&CurrentAndPastDays); Measure.[Orders LY]=Measure.
scope: (&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllShipTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
&CurrentAndPastDays); Measure.[Billing LY]=Measure.

scope: (&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllShipTo * &CWVAndScenarios *

&CurrentAndPastDays); Measure.[Billing REV LY]=Measure.[Billing

scope: (&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllShipTo * &CWVAndScenarios *

scope: Measure.[Shipments
(&AllItem * &AllLocation LY]=Measure.
* &AllShipTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
&CurrentAndPastDays); Measure.[Backorders LY]=Measure.
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastPlanningMonths *
&CWVAndScenarios * [Item].[L4]); Measure.[Actual L4]=Measure.[Actual];

spreading scope: (&CwvAndScenarios * [Sales Domain].[Region] * [Time].

[Day]); Measure.[Is Holiday L0] = Measure.[Is Holiday];
then DATEDIFF(Measure.[Planning Item Intro Date LC],Measure.[Planning
Item Intro Date], "DAY") else if (~(IsNull(Measure.[Planning Item Intro
Date])) &&

scope: (&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Training Start Date

L1]=DATEADD(&CurrentDay.element(0).Key, -1* (Measure.[History Period]-
1), "month");

scope: (&AllPastPlanningMonths * &AllStatCustomerGroup * &AllStatItem *

&AllStatLocation * &CWVAndScenarios);
&CWVAndScenarios Measure.[System
* &Last36PlanningMonths); Attention Fcst
Cleansed]=if (~isnull(Measure.[Actual Cleansed Adjustment])) then
Stat Fcst L1] )Cleansed
sum(Measure.[Actual else Measure.[System Stat Fcst L1];Cleansed
* &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Reference1 Fcst Tracking Signal
Indicator]=if((safedivide(Measure.[Reference1 Fcst Lag1] , Measure.
[Actual])) <= 0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Reference1 Fcst

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation * &AllPlanningItem *

&AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Fcst LY]=Measure.[Stat
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation * &AllPastPlanningWeeks *
&AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Fcst]=Measure.

Period] else if ( Measure.[History Time Buckets] == "Monthly" && Measure.

[New Launch Period] < 0 ) then 12 else if ( Measure.[History Time Buckets]
== "Quarterly" && Measure.[New Launch Period] < 0 ) then 4 else if

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Assigned Algorithm

List]=if(~IsNull(Measure.[Planner Assigned Algorithm List])) then Measure.
[Planner Assigned Algorithm List] else Measure.[System Assigned Algorithm

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Bestfit Algorithm]=if(~IsNull(Measure.

[Planner Bestfit Algorithm])) then Measure.[Planner Bestfit Algorithm] else
scope: (&AllPastPlanningMonths * &AllStatCustomerGroup * &AllStatItem *
&AllStatLocation * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[System ML Fcst
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation * &AllPlanningItem *
&AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference
scope: (&AllStatCustomerGroup
LY]=Measure.[Stat * &AllStatItem * &CWVAndScenarios *
Fcst Reference]@(Time.#.LeadOffset(-52));
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup
&WarehouseLocation); * &AllLocation
Measure.[Actual * &AllPastPlanningWeeks
L1 Minus *
&AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Fcst

scope: (&AllStatCustomerGroup * &AllStatItem * &AllStatLocation *

&CWVAndScenarios * &LastPlanningMonth);
scope: (&AllStatCustomerGroup Measure.[System
* &AllStatItem Stat Fcst
* &AllStatLocation * L1
80% LB] = Measure.[Actual];
&CWVAndScenarios * &LastPlanningMonth); Measure.[System Stat Fcst L1
80% UB] = Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllPastPlanningMonths * &AllStatCustomerGroup * &AllStatItem *

&AllStatLocation * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Actual L1]=Measure.
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation * &AllPastPlanningMonths *
&AllTransitionItem * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Fcst TL] =

scope: (&AllPastPlanningMonths * &AllStatCustomerGroup * &AllStatItem *

&AllStatLocation * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Planner Stat Fcst
L1]=Measure.[Actual Cleansed];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMLDrivers * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Driver Weight]=Measure.[Driver
Importance] * Measure.[Actual L6M];

then 36 else if ( Measure.[History Time Buckets] == "Quarterly" &&

Measure.[History Period] < 0 ) then 6 else if ( Measure.[History Time
scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.
[Option Fcst]= Edge.[810 Attach Rate Planning].[Option
Forecast]@(To.Item.[Planning Item], To.[Time].[Week]) ;

&AllPastPlanningMonths.relatedmembers([Week]) * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Forecast Model 3] = Measure.[Stat
&AllPastPlanningMonths.relatedmembers([Week]) * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Cleansed History] = sum(Measure.[Stat
&AllPastPlanningMonths.relatedmembers([Week]) * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Forecast Model 1] = Measure.[Stat

Measure]=="Backorders") then Measure.[Backorders]

else (if (Measure.[Stat
&AllPastPlanningMonths.relatedmembers([Week]) History*
* &AllPlanningItem
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Forecast Model 2] = Measure.[Stat

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Lifecycle Profile] = safedivide(Measure.

[Lifecycle Volume],Measure.[Lifecycle Volume]@([Lifecycle
[Week]); Measure.[Marketing Time Association] = if((Time.#.Key >=
Measure.[Initiative Start] && Time.#.Key <= Measure.[Initiative End]) ||
( Time.#.Key <= Measure.[Initiative Start] && Time.#.leadoffset(1).Key >

&AllPastPlanningMonths.relatedmembers([Week]) * &AllPlanningItem *
( Measure.[History Time
&CWVAndScenarios); Buckets] == Forecast
Measure.[Stat "Monthly" &&Fit]
Best Measure.[Disco Period]
= Measure.[Stat Raw
< 0 ) then 12 else if ( Measure.[History Time Buckets] == "Quarterly" &&
Measure.[Disco Period] < 0 ) then 4 else if ( Measure.[History Time
scope: (&CwvAndScenarios * [Item].[Planning Item] * [Sales Domain].[Sold
To] * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Promo Days L1] = Measure.[Promo Days];

spreading scope: (&CwvAndScenarios * [Sales Domain].[Region] * [Time].

[Day]); Measure.[Holiday Type L0] = Measure.[Holiday Type];
scope: (&CwvAndScenarios * [Item].[Planning Item] * [Sales Domain].[Sold
To] * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Discount % L1] = Measure.[Discount %];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastPlanningMonths * &AllPlanningItem

* &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Actual L2]=Measure.[Actual];
[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Consensus Fcst Lag1]) else if (~IsNull(Measure.
[Consensus Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if
(~((IsNull(Measure.[Consensus Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||

Contribution]=safedivide((abs(sum(Measure.[Consensus Fcst Lag1], -1 *

Tracking Signal Indicator]@(Time.#Fcst Lag1]@([Sales
Domain].#.AncestorsAtLevel([Channel Group]).element(0)),
.leadoffset(-1)),Measure.[Reference1 -1 * Measure.
Fcst Tracking Signal
Indicator]@(Time.#.leadoffset(-2)),Measure.[Reference1 Fcst Tracking

(~IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual]))

then (if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] ==

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Customer Fcst Tracking Signal

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Sell OutFcst StatLag1] , Measure.[Actual]))
Fcst Tracking Signal
<= 0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Customer
Indicator]=if((safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag1]Fcst Lag1] ,
, Measure.
[Actual])) <= 0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Sell Out Tracking Signal
Indicator]=if((safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out Lag1] , Measure.[Actual])) <=
0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Sell Out Lag1] , Measure.
(Measure.[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Reference1 Fcst Lag1]) else if
(~IsNull(Measure.[Reference1 Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then
(if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Reference1 Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||

[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Reference1 Fcst Lag1]) else if (~IsNull(Measure.

[Reference1 Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if
(~((IsNull(Measure.[Reference1 Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||
Indicator]@(Time.#.leadoffset(-1)),Measure.[Stat Fcst Tracking Signal
Indicator]@(Time.#.leadoffset(-2)),Measure.[Stat Fcst Tracking Signal

Tracking Signal Indicator]@(Time.#

.leadoffset(-1)),Measure.[Reference2 Fcst Tracking Signal
Indicator]@(Time.#.leadoffset(-2)),Measure.[Reference2 Fcst Tracking
Tracking Signal Indicator]@(Time.#
[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Sell Out Lag1]) Fcstelse
Model2 Tracking Signal
if (~IsNull(Measure.[Sell Out
Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if Fcst Model2 Tracking
(~((IsNull(Measure.[Sell Out
(Measure.[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Reference3 Fcst Lag1]) else if
Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] ==Fcst
(~IsNull(Measure.[Reference3 0) || (IsNull(Measure.[Actual])
Lag1]) && Measure.
|| ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then
(if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Reference3 Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||

Reference Tracking Signal Indicator]@(Time.#

.leadoffset(-1)),Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference Tracking Signal
Indicator]@(Time.#.leadoffset(-2)),Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference Tracking
(Measure.[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Reference2 Fcst Lag1]) else if
(~IsNull(Measure.[Reference2 Fcst Lag1])
[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Published ||Lag1])
Fcst ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then
else if (~IsNull(Measure.
(if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Reference2 Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual]
[Published Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if == 0) ||
(~((IsNull(Measure.[Published Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||

Tracking Signal Indicator]@(Time.#

.leadoffset(-1)),Measure.[Marketing Fcst Tracking Signal
Indicator]@(Time.#.leadoffset(-2)),Measure.[Marketing Fcst Tracking Signal

[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Reference2 Fcst Lag1]) else if (~IsNull(Measure.

[Reference2 Fcst Lag1])
* &CWVAndScenarios); || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual]))
Measure.[Consensus Fcst Accuracy then
Loss] =
(~((IsNull(Measure.[Reference2 Fcst Lag1]) &&
safedivide((abs(sum(Measure.[Consensus Measure.[Actual]
Fcst == 0) ||
Lag1], -1 * Measure.

[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Sales Fcst Lag1]) else if (~IsNull(Measure.[Sales

Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Sales
Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) || (IsNull(Measure.[Actual]) &&

[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Reference3 Fcst Lag1]) else if (~IsNull(Measure.

[Reference3 Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if
(~((IsNull(Measure.[Reference3 Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||

* &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Sales Fcst Tracking Signal

Indicator]=if((safedivide(Measure.[Sales Fcst Lag1] , Measure.[Actual])) <=
Tracking Signal Indicator]@(Time.#
0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Sales
.leadoffset(-1)),Measure.[Reference3 Fcst Fcst Lag1]Signal
Tracking , Measure.
[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1]) else if (~IsNull(Measure.
[Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) Fcst Tracking
then (if
* &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2 Tracking Signal
(~((IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual]
Indicator]=if((safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1] , Measure. == 0) ||
[Actual])) <= 0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2
* &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Published Fcst Tracking Signal
Indicator]=if((safedivide(Measure.[Published Fcst Lag1] , Measure.[Actual]))
<= 0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Published Fcst Lag1] ,

(~IsNull(Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual]))

then (if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] ==
[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Stat Fcst Lag1]) else if (~IsNull(Measure.[Stat
Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Stat
Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) || (IsNull(Measure.[Actual]) &&
then (Measure.[Sell Out Lag1]) else if (~IsNull(Measure.[Sell Out Lag1]) ||
~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Sell Out Lag1]) &&
Measure.[Actual] == 0) || (IsNull(Measure.[Actual]) && Measure.[Sell Out

if (~IsNull(Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.

[Actual])) then (if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1]) &&
.leadoffset(-1)),Measure.[Sell Out Tracking Signal
Indicator]@(Time.#.leadoffset(-2)),Measure.[Sell Out Tracking Signal
(Measure.[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Marketing Fcst Lag1]) else if
(~IsNull(Measure.[Marketing Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then
(if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Marketing Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Tracking Signal
[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Customer FcstOut Statelse
Lag1]) Fcstif Model2 Lag1] ,
[Customer Fcst <= Lag1])
0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Sell
|| ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if Out
(~((IsNull(Measure.[Customer Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||
[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag1]) else if (~IsNull(Measure.
[Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if
(~((IsNull(Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||

(Measure.[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Customer Fcst Lag1]) else if

(~IsNull(Measure.[Customer Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then
(if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Customer Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||
Tracking Signal Indicator]@(Time.#
.leadoffset(-1)),Measure.[Customer Fcst Tracking Signal
Tracking Signal Indicator]@(Time.#
.leadoffset(-1)),Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst TrackingFcst Tracking
Signal Signal
Lag1]) else if (~IsNull(Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2
Indicator]@(Time.#.leadoffset(-2)),Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Lag1]) ||
~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Sell Out Stat
(~IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) Fcst
then (if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual]

.leadoffset(-1)),Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Tracking Signal

Indicator]@(Time.#.leadoffset(-2)),Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2

* &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Fcst Tracking Signal

Indicator]=if((safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst Lag1] , Measure.[Actual])) <=
then -Indicator]@(Time.#.leadoffset(-1)),Measure.[Consensus
1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst Lag1] , Measure.Fcst
Tracking Signal Indicator]@(Time.#.leadoffset(-2)),Measure.[Consensus Fcst
(Measure.[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Stat Fcst L1 Lag1]) else if
(~IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst L1 Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if
(~((IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst L1 Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||
scope: (&AllPlanningCycles * &AllProcesses * &CWVAndScenarios);
Measure.[Process Duration]
* &CWVAndScenarios); = DATEDIFF(Measure.[Process
Measure.[Stat Start
Fcst Accuracy Point Date],
Loss] =
Measure.[Process End Date],[day]) +1;
safedivide((abs(sum(Measure.[Stat Fcst Lag1], -1 * Measure.

* &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Reference3 Fcst Tracking Signal

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference Fcst Lag1] , Measure.
Tracking Signal
[Actual])) <= 0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Reference3
Indicator]=if((safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Fcst Reference Lag1] , Measure.
[Actual])) <= 0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference

* &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Consensus Fcst Tracking Signal

Indicator]=if((safedivide(Measure.[Consensus Fcst Lag1] , Measure.
[Actual])) <= 0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Consensus Fcst

else if (~IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.

[Actual])) then (if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference Lag1]) &&
if (~IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual]))
then then (Measure.[Stat
(if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst
Fcst Lag1]) Lag1])
Model2 else if (~IsNull(Measure.[Stat
&& Measure.[Actual] ==
Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Stat
[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Marketing Fcst Lag1]) else if (~IsNull(Measure.
Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual]
[Marketing == 0) || (IsNull(Measure.[Actual])
Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if &&
(~IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference
(~((IsNull(Measure.[Marketing Lag1])&&
Fcst Lag1]) ||Measure.[Actual]
== 0) ||
then (if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual]

then DATEDIFF(Measure.[Planning Item Disc Date LC],Measure.[Planning

scope: (&AllPlanningItem
Item Disc * &AllSoldTo
Date], "DAY") else * &AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios);
if (~(IsNull(Measure.[Planning Item Disc Date]))
Measure.[Customer Fcst LY]= Measure.[Customer

(Measure.[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Published Fcst Lag1]) else if

(~IsNull(Measure.[Published Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual]))
* &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Reference2 Fcst Tracking Signalthen
(if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Published Fcst Lag1])
Indicator]=if((safedivide(Measure.[Reference2 && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||
Fcst Lag1] , Measure.
Tracking Signal Indicator]@(Time.#
[Actual])) <= 0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Reference2
.leadoffset(-1)),Measure.[Published Fcst Tracking Signal Fcst
Indicator]@(Time.#.leadoffset(-2)),Measure.[Published Fcst Tracking Signal

* &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Marketing Fcst Tracking Signal

Indicator]=if((safedivide(Measure.[Marketing Fcst Lag1] , Measure.
[Actual])) <= 0.75) then - 1 else if((safedivide(Measure.[Marketing Fcst Lag1]
Signal Indicator]@(Time.#
(Measure.[Actual]<0) Fcst Tracking
then (Measure.[Consensus FcstSignal
Lag1]) else if
(~IsNull(Measure.[Consensus Fcst Lag1]) || Fcst Tracking Signal
~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then
[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Sales Fcst Lag1]) else if (~IsNull(Measure.[Sales
(if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Consensus Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0)
Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if (~((IsNull(Measure.[Sales ||
Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) || (IsNull(Measure.[Actual]) &&

(Measure.[Actual]<0) then (Measure.[Stat Fcst Lag1]) else if

(~IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst Lag1]) || ~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then (if
(~((IsNull(Measure.[Stat Fcst Lag1]) && Measure.[Actual] == 0) ||
scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
&TradePromo * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Display]=if(Measure.[Promo
Scope Association] ==1) then Measure.[Initiative Display Details];
&TradePromo * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Initiative ID]= if(Measure.[Promo
scope: (&CWVAndScenarios
Scope *Association]
* [Item].[L4]
then * [Sales Domain].
[Region] * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Marketing Reach]=if(Measure.
[Marketing Scope Association] ==1) then Measure.[Initiative Reach];

scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios *

&TradePromo * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Discount %]=if(Measure.[Promo
Scope Association] ==1) then Measure.[Initiative Discount %];

> Measure.[Initiative Start] && Time.#.leadoffset(1).Key <= Measure.

[Initiative End]) then DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative
scope: (&CWVAndScenarios * [Initiative].[Initiative]); Measure.[Initiative
End]=DATEADD(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.[Initiative Duration],
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastPlanningWeeks
"day"); * &AllPlanningItem *
scope: (&CWVAndScenarios
&CWVAndScenarios); * [Initiative].[Initiative]);
Measure.[Stat Measure.[Sell In
Fcst L0] = Measure.[Actual];
Initiative End]=DATEADD(Measure.[Initiative End], -1* Measure.[Load In

scope: (&CWVAndScenarios * [Initiative].[Initiative]); Measure.[Sell In

Initiative Start]=DATEADD(Measure.[Initiative Start], -1*Measure.[Load In

scope: (&AllPastWeeks * &AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Sell Out]= Measure.[Sell Out Actual];

[Week]); Measure.[Promo Time Association] = if((Time.#.Key >= Measure.

[Initiative Start] && Time.#.Key <= Measure.[Initiative End]) || ( Time.#.Key
<= Measure.[Initiative Start] && Time.#.leadoffset(1).Key > Measure.

&TradePromo * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Promo Scope Association]=

if(Measure.[Promo Product Customer Association] ==1 && Measure.[Promo

scope: (&CWVAndScenarios * &Marketing * [Item].[L4] * [Sales Domain].

[Region] * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Marketing Medium]=if(Measure.
[Marketing Scope Association] ==1) then Measure.[Initiative Medium];
&TradePromo * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Promo Distribution
Coverage]=if(Measure.[Promo Scope Association] ==1) then Measure.
scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
&TradePromo * [Time].[Week]);
scope: (&AllPlanningItem Measure.[Bundle]=if(Measure.[Promo
* &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
* ==1) then
[Time].[Week]); Measure.[Initiative Bundle
Measure.[Promotional Details];
scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
[Promo Scope
&TradePromo Association] ==1)
* [Time].[Week]); then Measure.[Initiative Price];
Scope Association] ==1) then Measure.[Initiative Feature Details];

[Region] * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Marketing Scope Association]=

scope: (&CWVAndScenarios
if(Measure.[Marketing * &Marketing
Product * [Item].[L4]==1
Customer Association] * [Sales Domain].
&& Measure.
[Region] * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Marketing Spend]=if(Measure.
[Marketing Scope Association] ==1) then Measure.[Initiative Spend];

scope: (&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &CWVAndScenarios *

&CurrentAndPastDays); Measure.[Ch INV Actual LY]=Measure.[Ch INV

scope: (&AllPastWeeks * &AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Ch INV L1] = Measure.[Ch INV Actual];

scope: (&CwvAndScenarios * [Item].[Planning Item] * [Sales Domain].[Sold

To] * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Promotional Price L1] = Measure.
[Promotional Price];

scope: (&CwvAndScenarios * [Item].[Planning Item] * [Sales Domain].[Sold

To] * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Display L1] = Measure.[Display];

scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios *

&LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst LC]= Measure.[Sell Out

scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios);

Measure.[Sell In AM]=if (~isnull(Measure.[Sell In Override])) then Measure.
[Sell In Override] else Measure.[Sell In Calc];
scope: (&AllPastWeeks * &AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst]= Measure.[Sell Out
scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios);
Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 LY]= Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllItem * &AllLocation *

&CWVAndScenarios * &LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Published Final Fcst

scope: (&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &CWVAndScenarios *

&CurrentAndPastDays); Measure.[Sell Out Actual LY]=Measure.[Sell Out

scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios);

Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst LY]= Measure.[Sell Out Stat
scope: (&CwvAndScenarios * [Item].[Planning Item] * [Sales Domain].[Sold
scope: (&CwvAndScenarios * [Item].[PlanningL1]
To] * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Bundle = Measure.[Bundle];
Item] * [Sales Domain].[Sold
To] * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[Feature L1] = Measure.[Feature];

scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios);

Measure.[Sell Out LY]=Measure.[Sell Out]@Time.#.leadoffset(-52);
scope: (&AllPastWeeks * &AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Sell
scope: (&AllPlanningItem Out Stat*Fcst
* &AllSoldTo Model2]= Measure.[Sell
&CWVAndScenarios *
Out Actual];
&LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 LC]= Measure.
[Sell Out Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *

&LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Marketing Fcst LC]=Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Published Fcst LY]=Measure.[Published
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Marketing Fcst LY]=Measure.[Marketing
scope: (&AllPastWeeks * &AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Customer
scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * Fcst]= Measure.[Actual];
&CWVAndScenarios *
&LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Customer Fcst LC]=Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastPlanningWeeks * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Reference2 Fcst] = Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastPlanningWeeks * &AllPlanningItem *

scope: Measure.[Reference3
(&AllCustomerGroup Fcst]
* &AllPlanningItem = Measure.[Actual]; *
* &CWVAndScenarios
&LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Reference3 Fcst LC]=Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastPlanningWeeks * &AllPlanningItem *

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup
&CWVAndScenarios); * &AllPlanningItem
Measure.[Reference1 * &CWVAndScenarios
Fcst] = Measure.[Actual]; *
&CurrentAndFutureWeeks); Measure.[Opportunity Fcst] = Measure.
&CurrentAndFutureWeeks); Measure.[Opportunity
[Opportunity Units (incl. in Fcst)]; Revenue Fcst] =
if(~IsNull(Measure.[Opportunity Revenue (incl. in Fcst)])) then Measure.
Fcst]@([Item].#.relatedmembers([Planning Item]).element(0));
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllPastWeeks *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Published Final Fcst]= Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks *

scope: Measure.[Sales
(&AllCustomerGroup Fcst LY]=Measure.[Sales
* &AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Reference2 Fcst LY]=Measure.[Reference2

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *

&LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Published Fcst LC]=Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Sell In Stat L0 Agg]=if (Measure.[Sell In Stat
L0]>0) then Measure.[Sell In Stat L0];

&ForecastHorizonWeeks); Measure.[Sales Fcst Comment Exception]=

if(isNull(Measure.[Sales Fcst Comment])) then (if ((abs(Measure.[Sales Fcst
vs LC Gap])>=0.4*abs(coalesce(Measure.[Sales Fcst LC],0)))) then 1 else
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *
&LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Consensus
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup Fcst* LC]=Measure.[Actual];
* &AllPlanningItem &CWVAndScenarios *
&LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Reference1 Fcst LC]=Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Reference1
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup Fcst LY]=Measure.[Reference1
* &AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks *
Measure.[Consensus Fcst LY]=Measure.[Consensus
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *
&LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Sales Fcst LC]=Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastPlanningWeeks * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Published Fcst] = Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Reference3 Fcst LY]=Measure.[Reference3
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastPlanningWeeks * &AllPlanningItem *
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup
&CWVAndScenarios); * &AllItem * &AllLocation
Measure.[Consensus * &AllPastWeeks *
Fcst] = Measure.[Actual];
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Sell In Stat L0]=if (Measure.[Actual]>0) then

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *

&LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Reference2 Fcst LC]=Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Consensus Fcst LLY]=Measure.[Consensus

scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios);

Measure.[Sell In AM LY]=Measure.[Sell In AM]@Time.#.leadoffset(-52);
scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
&TradePromo * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[TPR]=if(Measure.[Promo Scope
Association] ==1) then Measure.[Initiative TPR Details];
recurrence scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios *
&CurrentAndFutureWeeks); Measure.[Sell In Calc] = if(Time.#.Key ==
&CurrentAndFutureWeeks.element(0).Key) then sum(Measure.[Sell Out],

scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios);

Measure.[Sell In Calc LY]=Measure.[Sell In Calc]@Time.#.leadoffset(-52);

scope: (&CwvAndScenarios * [Item].[Planning Item] * [Sales Domain].[Sold

To] * [Time].[Week]); Measure.[TPR L1] = Measure.[TPR];

recurrence scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios *

&CurrentAndFutureWeeks); Measure.[Ch INV]=sum(Measure.[Ch

scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios);

Measure.[Ch INV LY]=Measure.[Ch INV]@Time.#.leadoffset(-52);

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 LY]=Measure.[Stat Fcst
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastPlanningWeeks * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Sales Fcst] = Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *

&LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 LC]=Measure.[Actual];
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios * &LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios * &LastCyclePastWeeks); Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation * &AllPlanningItem *

&AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2
LY]=Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2]@(Time.#.LeadOffset(-52));

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation * &AllPastPlanningWeeks *

&AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Stat Fcst

scope: (&AllPlanningCycles * &AllProcesses * &CWVAndScenarios);

Measure.[Process Start Date LY]= Measure.[Process Start Date]@([Planning

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Active Process by Day] = if (Time.#.Key >=

Measure.[Process Start Date] && Time.#.Key <= Measure.[Process End
&& datediff(todatetime(Measure.[Process Start Date]),
&CurrentDay.element(0).Key,[day])>=0 && DateDiff(todatetime(Measure.
Measure.[Date Validation]=if((abs(DateDiff(Measure.[Process End Date],
scope: (&AllPlanningCycles
[Planning * &AllProcesses
Cycle].#.Key,[Month])) * &CWVAndScenarios);
> 0)||(abs(DateDiff(Measure.[Process
Measure.[Process End Date LY]= Measure.[Process End Date]@([Planning
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Target GM %] = safedivide(Measure.[Target
GM],Measure.[Target Net REV]);

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Uncons Outlook LY]=Measure.[Uncons

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Outlook LY]=Measure.

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Outlook Downside] = if(Measure.[Outlook
vs LC Gap] < 0) then Measure.[Outlook vs LC Gap] else 0;

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Uncons Outlook]=Measure.[Actual];
[Outlook]*Measure.[Unit Price];

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Uncons Outlook Upside] = if(Measure.

[Uncons Outlook vs LC Gap] > 0) then Measure.[Uncons Outlook vs LC Gap]

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Uncons Outlook Downside] = if(Measure.

[Uncons Outlook vs LC Gap] < 0) then Measure.[Uncons Outlook vs LC Gap]

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Outlook GM] = sum(Measure.[Net REV], -
1*Measure.[Outlook COGS]);
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *
&LastCyclePastMonths); Measure.[On Invoice LC]=Measure.[On Invoice

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Uncons Outlook GM %

LC]=safedivide(Measure.[Uncons Outlook GM LC], Measure.[Uncons Net

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Uncons Outlook GM LY]=Measure.[Uncons
Outlook GM]@(Time.#.LeadOffset(-12));

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Uncons Outlook COGS LY]=Measure.
[Uncons Outlook COGS]@(Time.#.LeadOffset(-12));

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *

&LastCyclePastMonths); Measure.[Uncons
&CWVAndScenarios); Outlook
Measure.[Uncons LC]=Measure.[Actual];
Outlook GM %
LY]=safedivide(Measure.[Uncons Outlook GM LY], Measure.[Uncons Net
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Outlook Upside] = if(Measure.[Outlook vs
LC Gap] > 0) then Measure.[Outlook vs LC Gap] else 0;

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[On Invoice LY]=Measure.[On

[Target REV], -1*Measure.[Target On Invoice], -1*Measure.[Target Off

scope: (&AllCustomerGroupInvoice]);
* &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Target GM] = sum(Measure.[Target Net
REV], -1*Measure.[Target COGS]);
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *
&LastCyclePastMonths); Measure.[Uncons
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup Net REV
* &AllMonths LC]=Measure.[Net
* &AllPlanningItem * REV
&CWVAndScenarios); Actual];
Measure.[Uncons On Invoice] = Measure.[On Invoice
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *
%]*Measure.[Uncons Outlook REV];
&LastCyclePastMonths); Measure.[Off Invoice LC]=Measure.[Off Invoice

REV],-1* Measure.[On Invoice]);

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Uncons Off Invoice] = Measure.[Off Invoice
%]*Measure.[Uncons Outlook REV];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Off Invoice LY]=Measure.[Off
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Outlook REV LY]=Measure.[Outlook

[Uncons Outlook]*Measure.[Unit Price];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup
&LastCyclePastMonths); * &AllPastMonths
Measure.[Uncons * &AllPlanningItem
Outlook *
REV LC]=Measure.
[Billing REV];
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup
&LastCyclePastMonths); * &AllMonths
Measure.[Net * &AllPlanningItem
REV LC]=Measure.[Net *
REV Actual];
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Net REV LY]=Measure.[Net

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

scope: Measure.[Uncons
(&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths *Outlook GM %] = *
safedivide(Measure.[Uncons Outlook GM], Measure.[Uncons Net REV]);
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Outlook GM % LC] = safedivide(Measure.
[Outlook GM LC], Measure.[Net REV LC]);

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Uncons Net REV LY]=Measure.[Uncons Net

[Uncons Off Invoice]);

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *

&LastCyclePastMonths); Measure.[Outlook LC] = Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Uncons Outlook REV LY]=Measure.[Uncons
Outlook REV]@(Time.#.LeadOffset(-12));
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Uncons Outlook GM] = sum(Measure.
[Uncons Net REV], -1*Measure.[Uncons Outlook COGS]);
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastMonths * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Outlook] = Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Planning Item

Intro Date]=Measure.[Intro Date];
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastPartialWeeks * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[IBP Fcst] = Measure.[Actual];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *

&LastCyclePastPartialWeeks); Measure.[IBP Fcst LC]=Measure.[Actual];
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup
&LastCyclePastMonths); * &AllMonths
Measure.[Outlook * &AllPlanningItem *REV];
REV LC]=Measure.[Billing
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Outlook COGS LY]=Measure.[Outlook
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios *
&LastCyclePastMonths); Measure.[Net Invoice LC]=Measure.[Net Invoice

REV], -1 * Measure.[On Invoice], -1 * Measure.[Off Invoice]);

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Net Invoice LY]=Measure.[Net

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Outlook COGS]=Measure.
[Outlook]*Measure.[Unit Cost];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Outlook
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup GM %]
* &AllMonths = safedivide(Measure.
* &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); GM], Measure.[Net
Measure.[Outlook REV]);
GM % LY] = safedivide(Measure.
[Outlook GM LY], Measure.[Net REV LY]);
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Outlook GM LY]=Measure.[Outlook

* Measure.[Off Invoice %];

* Measure.[On Invoice %];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &AllPlanningItem *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Uncons Outlook COGS]=Measure.[Uncons
Outlook]*Measure.[Unit Cost];

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllWeeks *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Published Final Fcst LY]=Measure.
[Published Final Fcst]@(Time.#.LeadOffset(-52));

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Weekly Initial Build] = if ((Time.#.Key <=

Measure.[Intro Date]) && (Time.#.leadOffset(1).Key > Measure.[Intro
Date])) then Measure.[Initial Build] else (if(~isnull(Measure.[Weekly Initial

Measure.[M09 Start Date] = Time.[Week].filter(#.Key > Measure.[Intro

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllLifecycleWeeks * &AllPlanningItem *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Lifecycle Volume]= Measure.[Lifecycle

Measure.[Cannibalized Item Selected] = Edge.[610 Cannibalized Item

Match].[Final Cannibalized Item Selected Name]@(From.[Item].[Planning

Measure.[M06 Start Date] = Time.[Week].filter(#.Key > Measure.[Intro

Measure.[M05 Start Date] = Time.[Week].filter(#.Key > Measure.[Intro

Measure.[M10 Start Date] = Time.[Week].filter(#.Key > Measure.[Intro

Measure.[User Like Item Override Count] = Edge.[620 Like Item Match].
[User Like Item Override Assortment]@(From.[Item].[Planning Item], From.
Measure.[M11 Start Date] = Time.[Week].filter(#.Key > Measure.[Intro
Period],0)==6) then Measure.[M06 Start Date] else if (coalesce(Measure.
[User Defined Ramp
Measure.[M04 UpDate]
Start Period],0)==7) then Measure.[M07
= Time.[Week].filter(#.Key Start Date] else
> Measure.[Intro

Measure.[M02 Start Date] = Time.[Week].filter(#.Key > Measure.[Intro

Measure.[M12 Start Date] = Time.[Week].filter(#.Key > Measure.[Intro
Measure.[M08 Start Date] = Time.[Week].filter(#.Key > Measure.[Intro
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Cannibalization Impact] = Edge.[600
Cannibalization].[Cannib Impact]@(To.[Item].[Planning Item], From.[Sales
safedivide((coalesce(Measure.[M06 Ramp Up Profile], 1)),Measure.[PLC
Horizon]@([Time].#.AncestorsAtLevel([Planning Month]).element(0))) else
scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[NPI Fcst] = sum(Measure.[Weekly Initial
Build],Measure.[NPI Fcst Calc]);

Profile],Measure.[M07 Ramp Up Profile],Measure.[M08 Ramp Up

Measure.[Trend Ramp Up Profile],Measure.[M10
L4]= if (Measure.[Rate Ramp Up
of Change L4] <= Measure.[High
Profile],Measure.[M11 Ramp Up Profile],Measure.[M12 Ramp
Decline Threshold]) then "High Decline" else if (Measure.[Rate Up
of Change
Measure.[o9 Recommendation]= if (Measure.[Trend L4]== "High Decline")
L4] > Measure.[High Decline Threshold] && Measure.[Rate of Change L4] <=
then "Phase Out" else if (Measure.[Rate of Change Gap]<=Measure.[Phase

Measure.[M07 Start Date] = Time.[Week].filter(#.Key > Measure.[Intro

Measure.[Like Item Selected] = Edge.[620 Like Item Match].[Final Like Item
Selected Name]@(From.[Item].[Planning
Measure.[M03 Item], From.[Sales
Start Date] = Time.[Week].filter(#.Key Domain].
> Measure.[Intro

(Time.#.relatedMembers([Planning Month]).element(0).Key == Measure.

[M06 Start Date]) then coalesce(Measure.[M06 Ramp Up Profile], 1) else if
(Time.#.relatedMembers([Planning Month]).element(0).Key == Measure.

scope: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] =
safedivide(Measure.[Marketing Fcst] , Measure.[Marketing Fcst LY]);

&AllWeeks * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[PLC Horizon] = if

((Time.#.leadOffset(1).Key > Measure.[Intro
Item] <= Measure.[High Decline Date]
Threshold]) then && Decline"
"High Time.#.Key
else< if
(Measure.[Rate of Change Planning Item] > Measure.[High Decline

Measure.[User Cannibalized Item Override Count] = Edge.[610 Cannibalized

Item Match].[UserStart
Measure.[M01 Cannibalized Item Override Assortment]@(From.[Item].
Date] = Time.[Week].filter(#.Key > Measure.[Intro
[Opportunity Units (incl. in Fcst)] = if (Measure.[Include Opportunity
(Planner Override)]=="Yes" || (Measure.[Include Opportunity (o9
scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Planning Item
Disc Date]=Measure.[Disco Date];

&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.

[Opportunity Revenue]= if(Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested Date] >=
Time.#.Key && Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested Date] <
&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.
[Opportunity Modified Date]= if(Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested
Date] >= Time.#.Key && Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested Date] <
scope: (&AllOpportunity * &AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *
&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Include Opportunity (o9 Reco.)] = Measure.
[Include Opportunity (o9 says)];

scope: (&AllOpportunity * &AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *

&CWVAndScenarios); Measure.[Include Opportunity (Planner Reco.)] =
Measure.[Include Opportunity (Planner Override)];

&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.

[Opportunity Probability]= if(Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested Date]
>= Time.#.Key && Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested Date] <
&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.
[Opportunity Created Date]=
&AllPlanningItem if(Measure.[Opportunity
* &AllSoldTo Line Requested
* &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.Date]
>= Time.#.Key
[Opportunity && Measure.[Opportunity
Units]= *if(Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested
Line RequestedDate]
Date]< >=
&AllPlanningItem &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.
Time.#.Key && Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested Date]
[Opportunity Must Win]= if(Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested Date] >=<
[Opportunity Leasing
Time.#.Key && Duration (in months)]= Line
Measure.[Opportunity if(Measure.[Opportunity
Requested Date] < Line
Requested * &AllSoldTo
Date] >= Time.#.Key * &CWVAndScenarios);Line
&& Measure.[Opportunity Measure.
[Opportunity Sales Type]= if(Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested Date]
>= Time.#.Key && Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested Date] <

(Planner Reco.)] == "Yes" || (Measure.[Include Opportunity (o9

Reco.)]=="Yes" * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios);
&& (IsNull(Measure.[Include Measure.
Opportunity (Planner Reco.)])
&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure. >=
Stage]= if(Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested Date]
[Opportunity && Measure.[Opportunity
Residual Line Requested
Value]= if(Measure.[Opportunity LineDate] <
Date] >= Time.#.Key && Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested Date] <
&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &CWVAndScenarios); Measure.
[Opportunity Requested Date]= if(Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested
Date] >= Time.#.Key && * &CurrentAndFuturePartialWeeks); Measure.
Measure.[Opportunity Line Requested Date] <
[Opportunity Revenue(Direct Sale)] = if(Measure.[Opportunity Sales Type]

scope: (&Scenarios); Measure.[Delete Scenario Final] = coalesce(Measure.

[Delete Scenario Manual], Measure.[Delete Scenario]);
scope: (&Scenarios); Measure.[Delete Scenario] = if(Measure.[Scenario Age]
> Measure.[Scenario Age Threshold]) then 1;
Scenario Validation] = if((Measure.[Global Scenario Count] == Measure.
[Global Scenario Limit]) || (Measure.[Daily Planning Scenario Count] ==
Measure.[Daily Planning Scenario Limit]) || (Measure.[Scenario Count Per

scope: (&CWV); Measure.[Scenario Limit Per User] = coalesce(Measure.

Scenario Validation] = if((Measure.[Global Scenario Count] == Measure.

[Global Scenario Limit]) || (Measure.[Master Planning Scenario Count] ==
Measure.[Master Planning Scenario Limit]) || (Measure.[Scenario Count Per
spreading scope: (&CWV); Measure.[Scenario Limit Per User Global] =
Measure.[Global Scenario Limit Per User];

Input Position,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Input Leaf/Grain,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Input Data Type,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Output OP,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Output DP,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Output MEIO,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Output MP,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Output Category,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Tenant Position,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Tenant Leaf/Grain,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Tenant Data Type,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Tenant Mandatory,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Billing,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Is Holiday L0,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Outlier Lower Threshold Limit,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Actual L1 Minus Time,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Outlier Upper Threshold Limit,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Actual L1 Minus Time,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Outlier Correction,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Actual L1 Minus Time,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Stat Fcst Profile PL Lag1,Assortment Basis
Stat FcstStat
Profile PL Lag1,Basis
Fcst,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Stat Fcst Profile PL,Assortment Basis

Stat Fcst Profile PL,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Stat Fcst Reference,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Outlier Method,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Actual L1 Minus Time,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Stat Fcst
Fcst Final Profile
Profile TL,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
TL Lag1,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Stat Fcst Profile TL Lag1,Assortment Basis
Stat Fcst Final Profile TL,Assortment Basis
Stat Fcst Final Profile TL,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Planner Stat Fcst L1,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

System Stat Parameter Value,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Actual Cleansed System,Assortment Basis

Reason Code,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Reason Code,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Stat Cleansed History System,Basis Measure,DistributeAdditive
Stat Cleansed History System,Assortment Basis
Holiday Type L0,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Recommended Action,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Recommended Measure,CopyToLeaves
Action,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Reviewed,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Reviewed,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Reason,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Reason,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Reason,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Process Duration,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Sell Out,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Fcst Outside PLC Horizon,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Fcst Outside PLC Horizon,Assortment Basis
Marketing Fcst,Assortment Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Marketing Fcst,Null Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Marketing Fcst,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Consensus Fcst,Assortment Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Consensus Fcst,Null Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Consensus Fcst,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Sales Fcst,Assortment Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Sales Fcst,Null Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Sales Fcst,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Process End Date,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Process Start Date,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

LRP,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
LRP,Null Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
LRP,Assortment Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Outlook LY,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Uncons Outlook,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Uncons Outlook Upside Comment,Basis

Outlook Upside Comment,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Uncons Outlook LY,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Outlook,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

AOP,Null Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

AOP,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
AOP,Assortment Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Target,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Outlook Downside,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Uncons Outlook LY,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

On Invoice %,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Outlook REV,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Uncons Outlook,Assortment Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Uncons Outlook,Null Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Uncons Outlook,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Uncons Outlook Upside,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Outlook,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Off Invoice %,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Outlook REV,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Uncons Outlook Downside,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Uncons Outlook Downside Comment,Basis
Outlook Upside,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Outlook LY,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Target,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Outlook Downside Comment,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Outlook,Assortment Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Outlook,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Outlook,Null Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Uncons Outlook,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M06 Ramp Up Profile,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M06 Ramp Up Profile,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Independence Date,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Independence Date,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
User Defined Ramp Up Period,Null Basis
Disco Date,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Disco Date,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment
M11 Ramp Up Profile,NullBasis
M11 Ramp Up Profile,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M10 Ramp Up Profile,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M10 Ramp Up Profile,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Cannibalization %,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Cannibalization %,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M07 Ramp Up Profile,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M07 Ramp Up Profile,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M09 Ramp Up Profile,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M09 Ramp Up Profile,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M01 Ramp Up Profile,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M01 Ramp Up Profile,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

M08 Ramp Up Profile,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M08 Ramp Up Profile,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M05 Ramp Up Profile,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M05 Ramp Up Profile,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

M04 Ramp Up Profile,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M04 Ramp Up Profile,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M12 Ramp Up Profile,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M12 Ramp Up Profile,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M03 Ramp Up Profile,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M03 Ramp Up Profile,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M02 Ramp Up Profile,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
M02 Ramp Up Profile,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Scaling Factor,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Scaling Factor,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Sales Fcst,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Sales Fcst,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Sales Fcst,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Intro Date,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves

Intro Date,Null Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Is Assorted,Assortment Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Opportunity Revenue,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Opportunity Revenue(Lease),Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves

Opportunity Sales Type,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
Actual,Basis Measure,DistributeToLeaves
Scenario Limit Per User Global,Basis Measure,CopyToLeaves
(Measure.[Billing],0) != coalesce(Measure.[Billing Input],0)) then Measure.[Billing Input]
else Measure.[Billing];
scope: (&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Actual Input] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Actual Input])) then null;
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Billing REV Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Billing REV Input])) then null;
(Measure.[Orders REV],0) != coalesce(Measure.[Orders REV Input],0)) then Measure.
[Orders REV Input] else Measure.[Orders REV];
(Measure.[Shipments],0) != coalesce(Measure.[Shipments Input],0)) then Measure.
[Shipments Input] else Measure.[Shipments];

scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Backorders REV Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Backorders REV Input])) then null;

scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation *REV
(Measure.[Billing REV],0) != coalesce(Measure.[Billing &AllDays * &CWV);
Input],0)) then Measure.
Measure.[Orders [Billing
REV Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Orders REV
REV Input] else Measure.[Billing REV]; Input])) then null;

(Measure.[Unit Price],0) != coalesce(Measure.[Unit Price Input],0)) then Measure.[Unit

Price Input] else Measure.[Unit Price];
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &CWV);
Measure.[Unit Price Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Unit Price Input])) then null;
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllMonths * &CWV);
Measure.[Unit Cost byCost
Measure.[Unit Day]Input]=
= if (coalesce(Measure.[Unit Cost
if (~isnull(Measure.[Unit by Input]))
Cost Day Input],0) == 0) then
then null;
Measure.[Unit Cost by Day Input] else if (coalesce
Measure.[Unit Cost] = if (coalesce(Measure.[Unit Cost Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Unit
Cost Input] else if (coalesce
scope:(&AllItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Unit Price by Day Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Unit
scope:(&AllItem * &AllDays * &CWV);Price by Day Input])) then
Measure.[Unit Cost by Day Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Unit Cost by then
Measure.[Target Price] = if(~isNull(Measure.[Target Price])) null; then
Day Input]))
Fixed Actual Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Off - FT Contractual Fixed Actual Input] else if
Actual Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Off - FT Bottler Funding Actual Input] else if
Measure.[Off - Billback Actual] = if (coalesce(Measure.[Off - Billback Actual Input],0) == 0)
Measure.[Off - then
Coupon Actual] = if (coalesce(Measure.[Off
- Billback - Brand Coupon Actual
Actual Input] else if (coalesce
Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Off - Brand Coupon Actual Input] else if (coalesce
(Measure.[Off Brand Input],0) == 0) then!=Measure.[Off
Coupon Actual],0) - Customer- Merchandise
coalesce(Measure.[Off Brand CouponActual
Input] else if (coalesce
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Off - Brand Coupon
scope:(&AllItem Actual Input]=
* &AllShipTo if (~isnull(Measure.[Off
* &AllLocation - Brand Coupon
* &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[On - Trade Discount
scope:(&AllItem Actual Input]=
* &AllShipTo if (~isnull(Measure.[On
* &AllLocation - Trade Discount
* &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Off - FT Bottler Funding Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Off - FT Bottler
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Off - Cooperation Fund Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Off - Cooperation
Allowance Actual Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[On - Logistics Allowance Actual Input]
else if (coalesce
Actual Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Off - FT Growth Rebate Actual Input] else if
Measure.[On - Cascade Actual] = if (coalesce(Measure.[On - Cascade Actual Input],0) ==
0) then==Measure.[On
Actual Input],0) - Cascade-Actual
0) then Measure.[Off Input]Rebate
Promotion else if Actual
(coalesceInput] else if
Measure.[On - Free Product Actual] = (coalesceif (coalesce(Measure.[On - Free Product Actual
Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[On - Free Product Actual Input] else if (coalesce
(Measure.[On - Free Product* &AllShipTo
Actual],0) != * &AllLocation * &AllDays- Free
coalesce(Measure.[On * &CWV);
Product Actual
Measure.[Off - Slotting Actual] = if (coalesce(Measure.[Off - Slotting ActualActual
Measure.[Off - Shelving Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Off - Shelving Input]))
Input],0) == 0)
Measure.[Off -then FT Event Specific Actual] = if (coalesce(Measure.[Off
Measure.[Off - Slotting Actual Input] else if (coalesce - FT Event Specific
Actual Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Off - FT Event Specific Actual Input] else if (coalesce
(Measure.[Off * &AllShipTo
- FT Event Specific Actual],0)* &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
!= coalesce(Measure.[Off - FT Event Specific
Measure.[Off- -Impulse Fund
Promotion Actual]
Rebate = if (coalesce(Measure.[Off
Actual - Impulse- Fund
Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Off Actual
Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Off - Impulse Fund Actual Input]
Measure.[On - Revenue Rebate Actual] = if (coalesce(Measure.[On - Revenue Rebate else if (coalesce
Actual Input],0)-- Assortment
== 0) thenFund Actual],0) != coalesce(Measure.[Off
Measure.[On - ImpulseelseFund Actual
Measure.[Off Fund Actual]-=Revenue Rebate Actual Input]
if (coalesce(Measure.[Off - Assortmentif (coalesce
(Measure.[On - Revenue Rebate Actual],0) != coalesce(Measure.[On - Revenue
Actual Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Off - Assortment Fund Actual Input] else if (coalesce Rebate
- Assortment *Fund &AllShipTo
Actual],0)* &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
!= coalesce(Measure.[Off - Assortment Fund
Measure.[Off - Billback Actual
scope:(&AllItem Input]= if *(~isnull(Measure.[Off
* &AllShipTo &AllLocation * &AllDays- Billback
* &CWV);Actual Input]))
Measure.[Off - Customer Discount Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Off - Customer
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Off- Other
- Other Discount
if (coalesce(Measure.[Off - Other
if (~isnull(Measure.[Off Discount
- Other Actual
Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Off - Other Discount Actual Input] else if (coalesce
(Measure.[Off * &AllShipTo
- Other Discount * &AllLocation
Actual],0) * &AllDays * &CWV);
!= coalesce(Measure.[Off - Other Discount
Measure.[Off- -Quantity
VT Price Discount Actual]
Off Invoice Actual= Input]=
if (coalesce(Measure.[On - Quantity
if (~isnull(Measure.[Off Discount
- VT Price Off
Actual Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[On - Quantity Discount Actual Input] else if (coalesce
(Measure.[Onscope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo
- Quantity Discount * &AllLocation
Actual],0) * &AllDays * &CWV);
!= coalesce(Measure.[On - Quantity Discount
Measure.[Off - Prompt Pay Discount Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Off
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV); - Prompt Pay
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);Variance
- Price Variance Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[On - Price
Measure.[On - Quantity Discount
scope:(&AllItem Actual
* &AllShipTo Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[On
* &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV); - Quantity
Measure.[Off - Slotting Actual
scope:(&AllItem Input]= if *(~isnull(Measure.[Off
* &AllShipTo &AllLocation * &AllDays - Slotting Actual Input]))
* &CWV);
Measure.[Off - FT Event Specific Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Off - FT Event Specific
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[On - Other Allowance Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[On - Other Allowance
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[On - Logistics Allowance Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[On - Logistics
Measure.[On - Price Variance Actual] = if (coalesce(Measure.[On - Price Variance Actual
Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[On - Price Variance Actual Input] else if (coalesce
(Measure.[On * &AllShipTo
- Price Variance * &AllLocation
Actual],0) != * &AllDays- Price
coalesce(Measure.[On * &CWV);
Variance Actual
Measure.[Off - FT Contractual Fixed Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Off
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * Version.[Version - FT
Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));
Discount Actual Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Off - Customer Discount Actual Input] else
Measure.[On - Trade Discount Actual] =ifif(coalesce
(coalesce(Measure.[On - Trade Discount Actual
Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[On - Trade Discount Actual Input] else if (coalesce
Discount Actual-Input],0)
(Measure.[On == 0) then
Trade Discount Measure.[Off
Actual],0) - Prompt Pay Discount
!= coalesce(Measure.[On Actual
- Trade Input]
else if (coalesce
Measure.[Off - Shelving Actual] = if (coalesce(Measure.[Off - Shelving Actual Input],0) ==
0) then Measure.[Off
scope:(&AllItem - Shelving
* &AllShipTo Actual Input]
* &AllLocation else if (coalesce
* &AllDays * &CWV);
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays *Impulse
- Impulse Fund Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Off - &CWV);Fund Actual
Measure.[Off - Assortment Fund
scope:(&AllItem Actual Input]=
* &AllShipTo if (~isnull(Measure.[Off
* &AllLocation - Assortment Fund
* &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[On Channel Discount Actual]
Rebate Actual = if (coalesce(Measure.[Off
Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[On- Channel
- RevenueDiscount
Actual Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Off - Channel Discount Actual Input] else if (coalesce
(Measure.[Off * &AllShipTo
- Channel Discount * &AllLocation
Actual],0) * &AllDays * &CWV);
!= coalesce(Measure.[Off - Channel Discount
Measure.[Off - Channel Discount Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Off
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV); - Channel
Measure.[Off - FT Growth Rebate Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Off - FT Growth
Invoice Actual Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Off - VT Price Off Invoice Actual Input] else if
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[On - Cascade Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[On - Cascade Actual Input]))
Measure.[On - Other Allowance Actual] = if (coalesce(Measure.[On - Other Allowance
Actual Input],0)
Measure.[Off == 0) then Measure.[On
- Cooperation Fund Actual]- =Other Allowance Actual Input]
if (coalesce(Measure.[Off else if (coalesce
- Cooperation Fund
Actual Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[Off - Cooperation Fund Actual Input] elseAllowance
(Measure.[On - Other Allowance Actual],0) != coalesce(Measure.[On - Other if (coalesce
(Measure.[Off - Cooperation *Fund
&AllShipTo * &AllLocation
Actual],0) * &AllDays * &CWV);
!= coalesce(Measure.[Off - Cooperation Fund
Measure.[On - Free Product Actualo9DP001NullHistoryInput
Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[On - Free Product Actual
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Orders Input] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Orders Input])) then null;
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Shipments REV Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Shipments REV Input])) then null;

coalesce(Measure.[Backorders REV Input],0)) then Measure.[Backorders REV Input] else

Measure.[Backorders REV];

scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * Version.[Version
(Measure.[Backorders],0) != coalesce(Measure.[Backorders Input],0)) then Measure.
[Backorders Input] else Measure.[Backorders];

scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Shipments Input] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Shipments Input])) then null;
(Measure.[Shipments REV],0) != coalesce(Measure.[Shipments REV Input],0)) then
Measure.[Shipments REV Input] else Measure.[Shipments REV];
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Backorders Input] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Backorders Input])) then null;

cartesian scope:(Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}) * Initiative.

[Initiative].filter(#.Name in {"{{Initiative}}"}) * [Sales Domain].[Sold To].filter(#.Name in
{{{#csv SoldTo}}}));
Scope: (&AllPlanningItem * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList
scope: (&AllPlanningItem
([Version].[Version * [Version].[Version
Name].filter(#.Name Name].filter(#.Name
in{{#ibplList in{{#ibplList
VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat
Location] * [Version].[Version
Scope: (&AllPlanningItem Name].filter(#.Name
* [Version].[Version in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));
Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList
Scope: (&AllPlanningItem * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList
Scope: (&AllPlanningItem * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList

scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat

Location] * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));

Scope: (&AllPlanningItem * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList

scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
Measure.[Reporting Item]=Null;
Scope: (&AllPlanningItem * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList
scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [SalesVersionName}}));
Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat
Location] * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));
Scope: (&AllPlanningItem * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList

scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat

Location] * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));
Channel}}).relatedmembers([Customer Group]) * [Location].[Location Type].filter(#.Name
in{{#ibplList LocationType}}).relatedmembers([Location]) *
&AllPastPlanningMonths.relatedmembers([Week]) * [Version].[Version
scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat
Location] * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));

scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList*VersionName}})
cartesian scope:(&AllCustomerGroup &CWV); * [Item].[Stat
Measure.[Stat R Attribute Customer Group] = [Sales

scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat

Location] * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));
scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat
Location] * [Version].[Version
Scope: (&AllPlanningItem Name].filter(#.Name
* [Version].[Version in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));
Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList
scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat
Location] * [Version].[Version
Scope: (&AllPlanningItem Name].filter(#.Name
* [Version].[Version in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));
Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat

Scope: (&AllPlanningItem * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList

Scope: (&AllPlanningItem * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList
scope: ( Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}})* [Item].[Stat
scope: * [Sales Domain].[Stat
([Item].[Stat Item] * [SalesCustomer Group]
Domain].[Stat * [Location].[Stat
Customer Location]);
Group] * [Location].[Stat
Location] * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));
Measure.[COV Threshold] = {{COVThreshold}};


&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths * [Item].[Stat Item].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Item}})
* [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList SalesDomain}}) *

scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Time].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version
[Planning Name].filter(#.Name
Month] * [Sales Domain].[Stat in{{#ibplList
Customer Group] VersionName}})
* [Item].[Stat Item] * *
[Location].[Stat Location]);

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) *
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) *
spread scope:( [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) *
[Item].[Stat Item].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Item}}).relatedmembers([Transition Item]) *
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

Domain].[Stat Customer Group].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList

SalesDomain}}).relatedmembers([Customer Group]) * [Location].[Stat
Measure.[Stat R Attribute Week]o9DP0156GenerateSystemStat
= Time.#.RelatedMembers([Day]).element(0).Name +
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}})
"|" + Time.#.RelatedMembers([Week]).element(0).Name + "|" +* [Item].[Stat
Item]* [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat Location] * [Stat
Algorithm].[Stat Algorithm] );
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
scope: ( Version.[Version
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}})*
VersionName}}) *[Item].[Stat
Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat Location]);
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Group] * [Location].[Stat
VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
Location] * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));
scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat
Location] * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
Item]* [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat Location] );
Measure.[Assigned Algorithm List]=if(~IsNull(Measure.[Planner Assigned Algorithm List]))

scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Time].
scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList
[Planning Month] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer VersionName}})
Group] * [Item].[Stat* Item]
[Location].[Stat Location]);
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat

scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Time].

[Planning Month] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Item].[Stat Item] *
[Location].[Stat Location]);

scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat


scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat

Location] * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat


scope: (&AllItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation * &AllLifecycleWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Lifecycle Orders] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Lifecycle Orders])) then null;

&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths * [Item].[Stat Item].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Item}})

* [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList SalesDomain}}) *

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) *
scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat
Location] * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));


scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
Item]* [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat Location] *

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation * &AllWeeks * Version.

[Version Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));

&Last6PlanningMonths );
scope:( [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList
Measure.[Stat Fcst TL Lag1] = Null; VersionName}}) *[Sales
scope:( [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) *[Sales
scope:( [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) *[Sales


scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
Item]* [Sales Domain].[Stat
scope: ([Version].[Version Customer Group]
Name].filter(#.Name * [Location].[Stat
in{{#ibplList Location]
VersionName}}) *
* [Item].[Stat
Item]* [Sales Domain].[Stat&AllPlanningMonths);
Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat Location] *

scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
Item]* [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat
scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Location]
VersionName}}) *
* [Time].
[Planning Month] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Item].[Stat Item] *
[Location].[Stat Location]);
Item].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Item}})* [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer
Group].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList SalesDomain}}) * [Location].[Stat
scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Time].
[Planning Month] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Item].[Stat Item] *
[Location].[Stat Location]);
scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Time].
[Planning Month] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Item].[Stat Item] *
[Location].[Stat Location]);
scope:( [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) *[Sales

Measure.[Planner Bestfit Algorithm] = NULL;

scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
* &AllStatCustomerGroupin{{#ibplList VersionName}})
* &AllStatLocation * [Item].[Stat
* &CWV);
Measure.[Bestfit Algorithm
cartesian LC] = Measure.[Bestfit
scope:(&AllLocation * &CWV);Algorithm];
else Rif(Measure.[Planner
Measure.[Stat Attribute Location]Bestfit
= Algorithm] == "Naive
Random Walk") then Measure.[Stat Fcst Naive Random Walk]

scope:([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Time].

[Planning Month] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Item].[Stat Item] *
[Location].[Stat Location]);

[Planning Month] * [Item].[Stat Item].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Item}}) * [Sales Domain].

[Stat Customer Group].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList SalesDomain}}) * [Location].[Stat

[Planning Month] * [Item].[Stat Item].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Item}}) * [Sales Domain].

[Stat Customer Group].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList SalesDomain}}) * [Location].[Stat
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllWeeks * Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in

Channel}}).relatedmembers([Customer Group]) * [Location].[Location Type].filter(#.Name

in{{#ibplList LocationType}}).relatedmembers([Location])
Channel}}).relatedmembers([Customer * [StatType].filter(#.Name
Group]) * [Location].[Location Model].[Stat
in{{#ibplList LocationType}}).relatedmembers([Location]) *

Channel}}).relatedmembers([Customer Group]) * [Location].[Location Type].filter(#.Name

in{{#ibplList LocationType}}).relatedmembers([Location]) *
Channel}}).relatedmembers([Customer Group]) * [Location].[Location Type].filter(#.Name
in{{#ibplList LocationType}}).relatedmembers([Location]) * [Stat Model].[Stat
Model].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList StatModel}}) * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name

Channel}}).relatedmembers([Customer Group]) * [Location].[Location Type].filter(#.Name

in{{#ibplList LocationType}}).relatedmembers([Location]) *

scope:([Stat Model].[Stat Model].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList StatModel}}) * [Version].

[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));

scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat
cartesian scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &CWV);
Channel}}).relatedmembers([Customer Group]) * [Location].[Location Type].filter(#.Name
in{{#ibplList LocationType}}).relatedmembers([Location]) *

Measure.[AI Predict Recipe Id]=Null;

Measure.[AI Predict Recipe Score]=Null;


Measure.[AI Predict Recipe Algorithm]=Null;


scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Sell In AM LC]=Measure.[Sell In AM];
Domain].[Stat Customer Group].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList
SalesDomain}}).relatedmembers([Customer Group] ) * [Location].[Stat

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
Measure.[Num Days] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Num Days])) then null;

scope :( [Item].[Planning Item].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv Item}}}) * [Sales Domain].[Sold
To].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv SoldTo}}}) * Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in
{"{{Version}}"})* [Initiative].[Initiative].filter(#.Name in {"{{Initiative}}"}));

Scope : (&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &CWV);
Measure.[Actual L6M]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Actual L6M])) then null;

scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat

Location] * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));
scope :( [Item].[Planning Item].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv Item}}}) * [Sales Domain].[Sold
To].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv SoldTo}}}) * Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in
{"{{Version}}"})* [Initiative].[Initiative].filter(#.Name in {"{{Initiative}}"}));
scope :( [Item].[Planning Item].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv Item}}}) * [Sales Domain].[Sold
To].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv SoldTo}}}) * Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in
{"{{Version}}"})* [Initiative].[Initiative].filter(#.Name in {"{{Initiative}}"}));



scope :( [Item].[Planning Item].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv Item}}}) * [Sales Domain].[Sold

To].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv SoldTo}}}) * Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in
cartesian scope:(Version.[Version
{"{{Version}}"})* Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"})
[Initiative].[Initiative].filter(#.Name * Initiative.
in {"{{Initiative}}"}));
[Initiative].filter(#.Name in {"{{Initiative}}"}));
cartesian scope:(Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}) * Initiative.
cartesian scope:(Version.[Version in {"{{Initiative}}"}));
Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}) * Initiative.
[Initiative].filter(#.Name in {"{{Initiative}}"}));

scope :( [Item].[Planning Item].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv Item}}}) * [Sales Domain].[Sold

To].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv SoldTo}}}) * Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in
{"{{Version}}"})* [Initiative].[Initiative].filter(#.Name in {"{{Initiative}}"}));
Measure.[Is Day] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Is Day])) then null;
cartesian scope:(Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}) * Initiative.
[Initiative].filter(#.Name in {"{{Initiative}}"}));
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * Version.[Version
cartesian scope:([Item].[L4].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv L4}}}) * [Sales Domain].
Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));
[Region].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv Region}}}) * Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in
{"{{Version}}"})* [Initiative].[Initiative].filter(#.Name in {"{{Initiative}}"}));

scope :( [Item].[Planning Item].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv Item}}}) * [Sales Domain].[Sold

To].filter(#.Name in {{{#csv SoldTo}}}) * Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in
{"{{Version}}"})* [Initiative].[Initiative].filter(#.Name in {"{{Initiative}}"}));

scope: ([Item].[Stat Item] * [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat

Location] * Class.Class * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList

cartesian scope:(Version.[Version Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}) * Initiative.

[Initiative].filter(#.Name in {"{{Initiative}}"}));
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Ch INV Actual Input] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Ch INV Actual Input])) then null;
scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllPastDays * &CWV);

scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllDays * &CWV);
Measure.[Sell Out Actual * &AllSoldTo
Input] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Sell Out *Actual Input])) then null;
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

Measure.[Sell Out Tournament Fcst]=Null;

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst LC]=Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst];

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * * &CWV);
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * Version.[Version
Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));
Measure.[Sell Out Stat Fcst]=Null;

Measure.[Published Final Fcst LC] = null;


scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllPastDays * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * Version.[Version

Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Sell Out Stat * &AllSoldTo
Fcst Model2 LC]=Measure.[Sell Out* Stat Fcst Model2];
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * * &CWV);
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

Scope : (&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMLDrivers * &CWV);

Measure.[Driver Importance Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Driver Importance Input])) then
Measure.[Driver Importance] = if (coalesce(Measure.[Driver Importance Input],0) == 0)
then Measure.[Driver Importance Input] else if (coalesce
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Marketing Fcst LC] = Measure.[Marketing Fcst];
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Customer Fcst * &AllSoldTo * Fcst Input])) then null;
Input] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Customer
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &ForecastHorizonWeeks
* &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWV); * &CWV);
Measure.[Customer Fcst LC]=Measure.[Customer Fcst];
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);


scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * Version.[Version

scope:(&AllPlanningItem {"{{Version}}"})); *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * Version.[Version

Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Reference3 Fcst LC] = Measure.[Reference3 Fcst];
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * * &CWV);
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * Version.[Version
Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

then null;

scope:(&AllItem * &AllLocation**&AllLocation * &AllCustomerGroup
&AllCustomerGroup *
* &CurrentAndFutureWeeks *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Version}}) * [Item].[Planning
Item].relatedmembers([Item]) * [Sales Domain].[Customer Group]*
scope:(&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

Measure.[Published Fcst Input] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Published Fcst Input])) then null;

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Version}}) * [Item].[Planning
Item] * [Sales Domain].[Customer Group]* &ForecastHorizonWeeks);

Scope :(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * [Version].[Version

Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Version}}));
Measure.[Sell In Stat L0 Agg]=if (Measure.[Sell In Stat L0]>0) then Measure.[Sell In Stat
Measure.[Sales Fcst Input] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Sales Fcst Input])) then null;


scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem Fcst LC] = Measure.[Consensus
* &AllCustomerGroup Fcst];
* &AllWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Reference1 Fcst LC] = Measure.[Reference1 Fcst];
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Sales Fcst LC] = Measure.[Sales Fcst];

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * Version.[Version * &CWV);
Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Version}}) * [Item].[Planning
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * Version.[Version
Scope :(&AllItem * &AllLocation in {"{{Version}}"}));
* &AllCustomerGroup * &AllPastWeeks * [Version].
[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Version}}));
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Reference2 Fcst LC] = Measure.[Reference2 Fcst];

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * * &CWV);
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * Version.[Version
Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * Version.[Version

Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Sell In Calc LC]=Measure.[Sell In Calc];

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 Input] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 Input])) then null;

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * * &CWV);
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Stat Fcst L0 LC] = Measure.[Stat Fcst L0];
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * &AllLocation * &CWV);
Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2 LC] = Measure.[Stat Fcst Model2];
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * &AllLocation * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem Fcst LC] = Measure.[Stat
* &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeksFcst];
* &AllLocation * &CWV);
Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference LC] = Measure.[Stat Fcst Reference];

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation *

&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

Domain].[Stat Customer Group].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList

SalesDomain}}).relatedmembers([Customer Group] ) * [Location].[Stat
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation * &AllWeeks * Version.
[Version Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation *

&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);


&AllProcesses.filter(#.Name in {"{{Process}}"}) * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name

in{{#ibplList Version}}));
&AllProcesses.filter(#.Name in {"{{Process}}"}) * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name
in{{#ibplList Version}}));
&AllProcesses.filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Process}}) * [Version].[Version
Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList Version}}));

Cycle].#.LeadOffset(-1)))) then Measure.[Process End Date]@([Planning

Cycle].#.LeadOffset(-1)) thenMeasure.[Process
Measure.[Process End Date
Start LC]@([Planning
Cycle].#.LeadOffset(-1)) else Measure.[Process Start Date LC]@([Planning
&AllProcesses.filter(#.Name in {"{{Process}}"}) * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name
in{{#ibplList Version}}));

Measure.[Inventory LY]=Null;


(Measure.[Uncons Outlook],0) != coalesce(Measure.[Uncons Outlook Input],0)) then

Measure.[Uncons Outlook Input] else Measure.[Uncons Outlook];
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * Version.[Version
Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &CWV);
Measure.[On Invoice LC] = Measure.[On Invoice];

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &CWV);
Measure.[Uncons Outlook LC] = Measure.[Uncons Outlook];
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &CurrentAndFutureMonths.element(3)
* &CWV);



scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &CWV);
Measure.[Off Invoice LC] = Measure.[Off Invoice];

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * Version.[Version

Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * Version.[Version

Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &CWV);
Measure.[Uncons Outlook REV LC] = Measure.[Uncons Outlook REV];
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &CWV);
Measure.[Net REV LC] = Measure.[Net REV];

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &CWV);
Measure.[Outlook LC] = Measure.[Outlook];
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * Version.[Version
Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &CurrentAndFutureMonths.element(1)

* &CWV);

Measure.[Stat R Attribute Planning Item] = Item.#.RelatedMembers([Planning

+ "|" + Item.#.RelatedMembers([Transition
Item]).element(0).Name + "|" + Item.#.RelatedMembers([Stat Item]).element(0).Name +
cartesian scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &CWV);
Measure.[Planning Item Intro Date] = if(Item.#.[Planning Item Intro
cartesian scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &CWV);
Measure.[Planning Item Intro Date LC] = Measure.[Planning Item Intro Date];
scope: (Item.[Planning Item] * &CWV);
Measure.[Planning Item]=Item.#.RelatedMembers([Planning Item]).element(0).Name;
Measure.[Production LY]=Null;
Measure.[Received LY]=Null;

Measure.[Backorder LY]=Null;







Measure.[Demand LY]=Null;
Measure.[Supply LY]=Null;



Measure.[Purchased LY]=Null;





Scope: (Version.[Version Name]{{#filter Version}} * &AllLocations * &AllItems *

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
*&CWV ); Week]) *
Measure.[IBP &CWV);
Fcst] = if (coalesce(Measure.[IBP Fcst Input],0) == 0) then Measure.[IBP Fcst
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllPartialWeeks *
Input] else if (coalesce
Measure.[IBP Fcst LY]=((Measure.[Published Fcst

then 1 else {{VolumeThreshold}};

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllPartialWeeks
* &AllCustomerGroup * * &CWV);
Measure.[IBP Fcst LC] = Measure.[IBP Fcst];
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(1).relatedmembers([Partial Week]) *
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Partial Week]) *
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &ForecastHorizonPartialWeeks *
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &CWV);
Measure.[Outlook REV LC] = Measure.[Outlook REV];

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup
Measure.[Net * &CurrentAndFutureMonths.element(2)
Invoice LC] = Measure.[Net Invoice];
* &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * Version.[Version
Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));

Measure.[Uncons Outlook Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Uncons Outlook Input])) then null;


scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &CurrentAndFutureMonths.element(2)

* &CWV);
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &CurrentAndFutureMonths.element(3)
* &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * Version.[Version

Name].filter(#.Name in {"{{Version}}"}));
scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllMonths * Version.[Version
* &AllCustomerGroupin *{"{{Version}}"}));
* &CWV);

scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) * [Item].[Stat

Item]* [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat Location] *

scope:(&AllItem * &AllLocation * &AllCustomerGroup *

&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(3).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

&AllCustomerGroup* &CWV);
Measure.[Disco Date]=if (~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then Measure.[Planning Item Disc
scope: (&AllItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation * &AllLifecycleWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Lifecycle Backorders] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Lifecycle Backorders])) then null;
scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * [Class].[Class] * [Version].[Version
Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));
scope: (&AllItem *Scope
&AllCustomerGroup * &AllLocation
: (&AllCustomerGroup * &AllLifecycleWeeks
* &AllPlanningItem * * &CWV);
Measure.[Lifecycle Shipments] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Lifecycle
&ForecastHorizon.relatedmembers([Week]) * Shipments]))
[Version].[Version then null;
scope: (&AllItem * &AllCustomerGroup &AllLocation * &AllLifecycleWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Lifecycle Billing] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Lifecycle Billing])) then null;
scope: (&AllItem * &AllCustomerGroupthen * &AllLocation
null; * &AllLifecycleWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[Lifecycle Actual] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Lifecycle Actual])) then null;
scope:(&AllItem * o9DP010DailyRefresh
&AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);
Stage]).element(0).Name + "," + Item.#.RelatedMembers([Item Type]).element(0).Name
Measure.[Billing Input] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Billing Input]))
+ "," + Item.#.RelatedMembers([PLC Status]).element(0).Name then null;
+ "," +
Item.#.RelatedMembers([Item Class]).element(0).Name + "," +
Measure.[Stat Fcst Product Accuracy L6M] = NULL;
scope: ([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) *[Item].[Stat
Item]* [Sales Domain].[Stat Customer Group] * [Location].[Stat Location] * [Stat
Algorithm].[Stat Algorithm] * [Stat Parameter].[Stat Parameter]);

scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup * &AllWeeks * &CWV);
Measure.[NPI Fcst LC] = Measure.[NPI Fcst];

scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&ForecastHorizon.relatedmembers([Week]) * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name

cartesian scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &CWV);
Measure.[Planning Item Disc Date LC] = Measure.[Planning Item Disc Date];

&AllCustomerGroup* &CWV);
Measure.[Intro Date]=if (~IsNull(Measure.[Actual])) then Measure.[Planning Item Intro
cartesian scope: (&AllPlanningItem * &CWV);
Measure.[Planning Item Disc Date] = if(Item.#.[Planning Item Disc


Scope: (&AllPlanningItem * [Class].[Class] * [Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name
in{{#ibplList VersionName}}));









scope:(&AllPlanningItem * &AllCustomerGroup *
&CurrentAndFuturePlanningMonths.element(2).relatedmembers([Week]) * &CWV);

scope :([Version].[Version Name].filter(#.Name in{{#ibplList VersionName}}) *

&AllPlanningItem * &AllSoldTo * &AllOpportunity * &CurrentAndFuturePartialWeeks);
(Measure.[Actual],0) != coalesce(Measure.[Actual Input],0)) then Measure.[Actual Input]
else Measure.[Actual];

scope:(&AllItem * &AllShipTo * &AllLocation * &AllDays * &CWV);

Measure.[Off - Customer Merchandise Actual Input]= if (~isnull(Measure.[Off - Customer
Measure.[Unit Price by Day] = if (coalesce(Measure.[Unit Price by Day Input],0) == 0) then
Measure.[Unit Price by Day Input] else if (coalesce
ActionButton (Name, Rule)

Measure.[Scenario Created Date] = todatetime("{{CreationDate}}");


[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Tenant Attribute Name Aliases].[Dimension Name].

[{{DimensionName}}]*[Tenant Attribute Name Aliases].[Attribute Name].

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[SAP Deletion].[Serial No].

[{{SerialNo}}]*[SAP Deletion].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Input Table Structure].[Serial
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Input Table Structure].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Input Table Structure].[Serial
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Input Table Structure].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[In Files].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[In Files].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[In Files].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[In Files].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Input Table Structure].[Serial

No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Input Table Structure].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Input Table Structure].[Serial

cartesian Table Structure].[Table
scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{TableName}}]);
Name].[{{Version}}]*[In Files].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[In Files].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Raw Value Mapping].[Serial No].
cartesian[{{SerialNo}}]*[Raw Value Mapping].[Table
scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{TableName}}]);
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Input Table Structure].[Serial
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Input Table Structure].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Log Table Structure].[Serial No].
cartesian Table Structure].[Out
scope:([Version].[Version Table Name].[{{OutTableName}}]);
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Output Validation].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Output Validation].[Out Table Name].[{{OutTableName}}]);

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Tenant Dimension Name

Aliases].[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Tenant Dimension Name Aliases].[Dimension Name].
[{{DimensionName}}]*[Tenant Dimension Name Aliases].[Alias Name].[{{AliasName}}]);

Measure.[Global Scenario Count] = coalesce(Measure.[Global Scenario Count],0) + 1;

[{{SerialNo}}]*[Master Stg Mapping].[Master Table Name].
[{{MasterTableName}}]*[Master Stg Mapping].[Master Table Column].

cartesian scope: ([Version].[Version Name].[CurrentWorkingView]);

Measure.[Demand Planning Scenario Count] = coalesce(Measure.[Demand Planning
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Out Table Structure].[Serial No].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Out Name].[{{Version}}]*[Out
Table Structure].[Table Files].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Out Files].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
Measure.[Output Override Existing Measure Values]

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Out Table Structure].[Serial No].

[{{SerialNo}}]*[Out Table Structure].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Out Files].[Serial No].

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Out Files].[Table Table Structure With
MSD365].[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With MSD365].[Table Name].

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Out Files].[Serial No].

[{{SerialNo}}]*[Out Files].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Out Files].[Serial No].

[{{SerialNo}}]*[Out Files].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Log Table Structure].[Serial No].

[{{SerialNo}}]*[Log Table Structure].[Out Table Name].[{{OutTableName}}]);

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Raw Value Mapping].[Serial No].

[{{SerialNo}}]*[Raw Value Mapping].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Raw Value Mapping].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Raw Value Mapping].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Integration Batch Milestones].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Integration Batch Milestones].[SSIS Task Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[SAP Deletion].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[SAP Deletion].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);

Measure.[Scenario Count Per User] = coalesce(Measure.[Scenario Count Per User],0) + 1;


cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Info].[Serial No].

cartesian Info].[Table Type].[{{TableType}}]*[Stg
scope:([Version].[Version Info].[Table
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Name].
Structure Without
SAP].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without SAP].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Info].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Info].[Table[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Info].[Table
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Name].
Info].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Info].[Table Type].[{{TableType}}]*[Stg Info].[Table Name].

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With

MSD365].[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Table Structure With MSD365].[Table
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table StructureName].
MSD365].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With MSD365].[Table
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table StructureName].
MSD365].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With MSD365].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With
MSD365].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With MSD365].[Table
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table StructureName].
MSD365].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With MSD365].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With
MSD365].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With MSD365].[Table
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table StructureName].
MSD365].[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With MSD365].[Table Name].
MSD365].[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With MSD365].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With
MSD365].[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Table Structure With MSD365].[Table
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table StructureName].
MSD365].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With MSD365].[Table
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table StructureName].
MSD365].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With MSD365].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With
MSD365].[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With MSD365].[Table Name].

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].

[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg
cartesian Table Structure
scope:([Version].[Version With SAP].[Table
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Name].[{{TableName}}]);
Table Structure With SAP].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg
cartesian Table Structure
scope:([Version].[Version With SAP].[Table
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Name].[{{TableName}}]);
Table Structure With SAP].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg
cartesian Table Structure
scope:([Version].[Version With SAP].[Table
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Name].[{{TableName}}]);
Table Structure With SAP].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].[Table
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
Structure With SAP].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version
Measure.[Stg Table W Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg
SAP Master Data CheckTable Structure With SAP].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Master With SAP].[Table
Stg Mapping].[Master Name].[{{TableName}}]);
Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg
[{{MasterTableName}}]*[Master Stg Mapping].[Master TableTable Structure
SAP].[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without SAP].[Table Name].
SAP].[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without SAP].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version[{{TableName}}]);
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without
cartesian No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg
scope:([Version].[Version Table Structure Without
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg SAP].[Table
Table Name].
Structure Without
SAP].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without SAP].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without
SAP].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without SAP].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without
SAP].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without SAP].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without
SAP].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without SAP].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without
SAP].[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without SAP].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without
cartesian No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg
scope:([Version].[Version Table Structure Without
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg SAP].[Table
Table Name].
Structure Without
SAP].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without SAP].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without
SAP].[Serial [{{TableName}}]);
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without SAP].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without
SAP].[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure Without SAP].[Table Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Stg Table Structure With SAP].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Integration Batch Milestones].

[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Integration Batch Milestones].[SSIS Task Name].
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Tenant Data Table Structure].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Tenant Data Table Structure].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Tenant Data Table Structure].
[Serial scope:([Version].[Version
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Tenant Name].[{{Version}}]*[Tenant
Data Data Files].[Serial No].
Table Structure].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Tenant Data Files].[Tenant Table Type].[{{TenantTableType}}]*[Tenant
Data Files].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Tenant Data Table Structure].

[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Tenant
cartesian scope:([Version].[VersionData Table Structure].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Tenant Data Table Structure].
[Serial No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Tenant Data Table Structure].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Tenant Data Table Structure].
[Serial scope:([Version].[Version
No].[{{SerialNo}}]*[Tenant Name].[{{Version}}]*[Tenant
Data Data Files].[Serial No].
Table Structure].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Tenant Data Files].[Tenant Table Type].[{{TenantTableType}}]*[Tenant
Data Files].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Tenant Data Files].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Tenant Data Files].[Tenant Table Type].[{{TenantTableType}}]*[Tenant
Data Files].[Table Name].[{{TableName}}]);

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Output Validation].[Serial No].

cartesian Validation].[Out
scope:([Version].[Version Table Name].[{{OutTableName}}]);
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Output Validation].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Output Validation].[Out Table Name].[{{OutTableName}}]);

cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Output Validation].[Serial No].

cartesian Validation].[Out
scope:([Version].[Version Table Name].[{{OutTableName}}]);
Name].[{{Version}}]*[Output Validation].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Output Validation].[Out Table Name].[{{OutTableName}}]);
cartesian scope:([Version].[Version Name].[{{Version}}]*[Output Validation].[Serial No].
[{{SerialNo}}]*[Output Validation].[Out Table Name].[{{OutTableName}}]);
Scope : ( [Version].[Version Name]{{#filter VersionName}} );
Measure.[RID Placeholder Attention L1] = "{{RID}}";
cartesian scope:(&AllPlanningItem * Version.[Version Name]{{#filter VersionName}});
Measure.[Initiative Start]=ToDateTime("{{InitiativeStart}}");


Measure.[Initiative Duration]={{InitiativeDuration}};


Association])) then null;

Measure.[Published Final Fcst LC] = null;

Measure.[Is Assorted] = 1;

scope: (&AllL4 * &AllItemFeature * [Version].[Version Name]{{#filter VersionName}});
Measure.[User Feature Weight] = if(~isnull(Measure.[User Feature Weight])) then null;
then null;

Final Fcst Input] else Measure.[Published Final Fcst];


Measure.[Published Fcst Input] = if (~isnull(Measure.[Published Fcst Input])) then null;


Measure.[Published Fcst LC] = null;

Measure.[Published Fcst];


scope: ([Version].[Version Name]{{#filter Version}} * [Item].[Planning Item]{{#filter

PlanningItem}} * [Sales Domain].[Customer Group]{{#filter CustomerGroup}} * [Time].
[Planning Month]{{#filter Time}}.relatedmembers([Week]));
scope:([Planning Cycle].[Planning Cycle]{{#filter PlanningCycle}} * [Version].[Version
Name]{{#filter Version}} * [Process].[Process] );
Measure.[Planning Item Intro Date]=Measure.[Intro Date];

Measure.[Time Stamp] = now();


Measure.[Disco Date] = "{{DiscontinuationDateOfPlanningItem}}";

Stage]).element(0).Name + "," + Item.#.RelatedMembers([Item Type]).element(0).Name +
"," + Item.#.RelatedMembers([PLC Status]).element(0).Name + "," +
Item.#.RelatedMembers([Item Class]).element(0).Name + "," +
Scope : ( [Version].[Version Name]{{#filter VersionName}} );
Measure.[RID Placeholder ML L1] = "{{RID}}";

Assorted],0)==1) then 1;

scope: ({{#entity PlanningItem}} * {{#entity CustomerGroup}} * &AllWeeks * [Version].

[Version Name]{{#filter VersionName}});
scope: (&AllL4 * &AllItemFeature * [Version].[Version Name]{{#filter VersionName}});
Measure.[System Feature Weight] = if(~isnull(Measure.[System
Assorted],0)==1) then 1; Feature Weight])) then

scope: ({{#entity PlanningItem}} * {{#entity CustomerGroup}} * &AllWeeks * [Version].

[Version Name]{{#filter VersionName}});

then 1;

Measure.[Intro Date] = null;
Measure.[Planning Item Disc Date]=Measure.[Disco Date];

Measure.[Scenario Created By] = "{{CreatedBy}}";
Measure.[Product] = "Global";
Input In Plugin (PluginName,VariableName)
Output Of Plugin

DP012SetupAlgoAssociation,ParameterAssociationI DP012SetupAlgoAssociation,ParameterAss
nput ociation

Plugin Invocation (EntityType, EntityName,
Exception Of Plugin PrimaryMeasureName
Initiative Duration



DP012SetupAlgoAssociatio Procedures,o9DP0902SetupAlgoParameterAssociatio
n n,DP012SetupAlgoAssociation
Initiative Duration
Initiative Duration

Initiative Duration
Marketing Fcst
Initiative Duration

Initiative Duration
Initiative Duration

Initiative Duration
Initiative Duration

Initiative Duration
Initiative Duration
Initiative Duration
Initiative Duration
Initiative Duration
Initiative Duration

Initiative Duration

Initiative Duration
Initiative Duration
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst

Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst

Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst

DP035DelistRecommendati Procedures,o9DP010DelistRecommendation,DP035D
on elistRecommendation

Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst

Marketing Fcst
Marketing Fcst
TwinMeasureName TwinToPrimaryFormula
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing End],
LY %] * Measure.
% DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative LY]
[Marketing Fcst Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])

DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.

Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])

DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.

Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])

DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.

Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
DATEDIFF(Measure.[Initiative Start], Measure.
Initiative End 1
[Initiative End], [day])
Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
% [Marketing Fcst LY]
Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
% [Marketing Fcst LY]
Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
% [Marketing Fcst LY]
Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
% [Marketing Fcst LY]

Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] * Measure.

Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
% [Marketing Fcst LY]
Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
% [Marketing Fcst LY]
Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
% [Marketing Fcst LY]
Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure. 0
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY [Marketing
Measure.[Marketing FcstFcst
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
[Marketing Fcst
% [Marketing Fcst LY]
Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] * Measure.
% [Marketing Fcst LY]
Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] * Measure.
Marketing%Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing
vs LYLY]%] * Measure.
% [Marketing Fcst LY]
Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] * Measure.
% [Marketing Fcst LY]
Marketing Fcst vs LY Measure.[Marketing Fcst vs LY %] * Measure.
% [Marketing Fcst LY]
Workflow Sequence Interface to o9 Owner
0.1 Data Integration 1 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 2 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 3 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 4 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 5 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 6 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 7 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 8 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 9 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 10 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 11 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 12 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 13 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 14 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 15 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 16 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 17 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 18 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 19 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 20 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 21 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 22 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 23 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 24 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 25 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 26 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 27 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 28 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 29 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 30 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 31 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 32 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 33 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 230 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 34 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 222 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 35 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 221 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 36 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 37 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 38 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 224 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 39 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 227 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 40 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 41 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 42 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 43 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 44 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 45 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 223 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 225 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 46 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 47 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 226 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 231 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 228 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 229 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 48 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 49 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 50 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 51 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 52 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 53 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 54 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 55 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 56 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 57 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 58 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 59 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 60 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 61 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 62 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 63 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 64 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 65 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 66 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 67 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 68 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 69 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 70 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 71 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 72 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 214 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 73 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 208 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 237 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 74 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 75 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 76 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 211 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 77 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 78 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 79 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 80 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 81 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 213 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 82 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 83 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 84 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 85 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 86 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 87 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 88 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 89 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 90 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 91 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 92 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 93 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 94 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 95 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 96 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 209 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 207 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 235 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 97 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 210 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 236 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 98 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 99 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 212 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 100 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 101 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 102 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 103 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 104 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 105 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 106 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 107 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 108 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 109 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 110 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 111 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 112 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 113 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 114 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 115 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 116 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 234 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 117 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 118 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 119 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 120 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 121 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 122 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 123 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 124 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 233 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 232 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 125 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 126 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 127 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 128 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 129 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 130 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 131 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 132 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 133 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 134 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 135 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 136 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 137 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 138 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 139 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 140 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 141 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 142 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 143 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 144 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 145 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 146 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 147 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 148 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 149 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 150 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 151 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 152 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 153 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 154 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 155 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 156 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 157 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 158 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 159 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 160 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 161 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 162 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 163 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 164 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 165 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 166 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 167 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 168 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 169 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 170 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 171 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 172 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 173 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 174 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 175 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 176 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 177 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 220 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 178 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 179 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 180 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 181 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 182 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 183 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 184 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 185 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 186 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 187 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 188 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 189 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 219 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 218 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 190 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 191 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 192 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 193 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 194 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 215 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 195 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 196 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 197 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 198 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 199 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 200 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 201 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 202 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 203 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 217 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 216 Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 204 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 205 N Owner - DI
0.1 Data Integration 206 N Owner - DI
1.1 Data Status 54 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 36 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 50 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 40 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 10 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 20 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 30 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 32 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 26 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 42 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 44 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 24 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 56 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 38 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 22 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 34 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 52 N Owner - SR
1.1 Data Status 12 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 500 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 502 Y Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 520 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 526 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 524 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 522 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 528 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 400 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 402 Y Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 420 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 426 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 424 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 422 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 428 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 100 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 102 Y Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 120 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 126 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 124 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 122 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 128 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 200 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 202 Y Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 220 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 226 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 224 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 222 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 228 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 300 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 302 Y Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 320 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 326 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 324 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 322 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data 328 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data ASP 100 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data ASP 102 Y Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data ASP 300 N Owner - IG
1.1 Interface Data ASP 310 N Owner - IG
1.1 Interface Data ASP 312 N Owner - IG
1.1 Interface Data ASP 302 N Owner - IG
1.1 Interface Data ASP 200 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data ASP 210 N Owner - IG
1.1 Interface Data ASP 212 N Owner - IG
1.1 Interface Data ASP 202 Y Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
208 N Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
210 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
212 N Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
220 N Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
226 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
224 N Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
222 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
228 N Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
132 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
134 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
136 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
138 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
140 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
142 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
144 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to 146 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
148 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
150 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
152 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
154 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
156 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
158 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
160 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
162 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
Net 164 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
166 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to 168 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
170 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
172 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
174 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
176 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to 178 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
180 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
182 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to 184 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
186 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
188 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to 190 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
192 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
194 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
196 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
198 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
200 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
202 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
206 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
100 N Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
102 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
104 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
106 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
108 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
110 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
112 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
114 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
116 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
118 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
120 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
122 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
124 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to 126 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
128 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data Gross to
130 Y Owner - SR
1.1 InterfaceNet
Data Gross to
204 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 400 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 402 Y Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 420 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 426 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 424 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 422 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 428 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 100 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 102 Y Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 120 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 126 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 124 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 122 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 128 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 200 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 202 Y Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 220 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 226 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 224 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 222 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 228 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 300 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 302 Y Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 320 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 326 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 324 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 322 N Owner - SR
1.1 Interface Data REV 328 N Owner - SR
1.1.1 Data Realignment 5 Owner - IG
1.1.1 Data Realignment 6 Owner - IG
1.1.1 Data Realignment 2 N Owner - IG
1.1.1 Data Realignment 3 N Owner - IG
1.1.1 Data Realignment 1 N Owner - IG
1.1.1 Data Realignment 4 N Owner - IG
1.3 Time Bucket Setup 145 N Owner - SP
1.3 Time Bucket Setup 146 N Owner - SP
1.3 Time Bucket Setup 147 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 21 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 700 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 49 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 31 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 47 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 29 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 35 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 11 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 52 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 34 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 41 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 23 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 17 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 60 N Owner - RJ
1.4 Segmentation 13 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 15 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 14 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 16 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 40 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 22 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 66 Owner- SK
1.4 Segmentation 67 Owner- SK
1.4 Segmentation 43 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 25 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 18 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 42 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 24 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 44 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 26 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 38 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 55 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 56 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 53 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 37 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 63 N Owner - RJ
1.4 Segmentation 68 Owner- SK
1.4 Segmentation 57 N Owner - RJ
1.4 Segmentation 58 N Owner - RJ
1.4 Segmentation 46 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 62 N Owner - RJ
1.4 Segmentation 64 N Owner - RJ
1.4 Segmentation 65 N Owner - RJ
1.4 Segmentation 28 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 20 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 39 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 54 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 48 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 30 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 45 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 61 N Owner - RJ
1.4 Segmentation 27 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 59 N Owner - RJ
1.4 Segmentation 19 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 50 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 51 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 33 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 32 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 36 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 10 N Owner - SP
1.4 Segmentation 12 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 20 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 19 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 18 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 22 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 21 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 14 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 15 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 13 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 23 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 16 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 12 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 10 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 17 N Owner - SP
1.5 Outlier Correction 11 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rule Based Forecast 111 Owner- SK
1.6 Rule Based Forecast 112 Owner- SK
1.6 Rule Based Forecast 114 Owner- SK
1.6 Rule Based Forecast 116 Owner- SK
1.6 Rule Based Forecast 117 Owner- SK
1.6 Rule Based Forecast 118 Owner- SK
1.6 Rule Based Forecast 119 Owner- SK
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 142 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 29 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 42 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 57 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 36 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 43 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 39 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 40 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 12 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 41 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 44 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 45 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 13 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 46 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 10 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 153 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 151 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 47 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 48 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 59 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 26 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 35 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 33 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 38 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 22 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 20 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 140 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 21 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 58 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 25 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 61 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 24 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 23 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 49 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 50 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 51 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 52 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 152 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 149 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 120 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 141 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 65 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 102 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 101 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 66 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 92 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 91 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 132 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 160 Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 67 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 96 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 95 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 68 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 84 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 83 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 69 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 81 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 82 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 115 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 62 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 156 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 79 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 124 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 125 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 158 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 157 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 155 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 111 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 123 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 122 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 70 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 86 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 85 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 71 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 88 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 87 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 131 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 148 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 119 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 121 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 130 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 117 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 112 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 127 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 113 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 128 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 72 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 106 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 105 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 159 Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 73 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 94 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 93 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 74 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 90 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 89 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 75 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 110 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 109 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 76 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 100 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 99 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 77 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 98 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 97 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 78 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 108 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 107 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 80 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 104 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 103 N Owner - HS
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 116 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 118 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 129 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 143 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 114 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 53 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 34 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 32 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 37 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 28 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 60 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 63 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 64 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 30 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 31 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 54 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 55 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 56 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 11 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 154 N Owner - SP
1.6 Rules Based Forecast 150 N Owner - SP
1.6.1 ML Forecasts as Stat
144 N Owner - AM
1.6.1 ML Forecasts at Stat
30 Owner - AM
1.6.1 ML Forecasts at Stat 40 Owner - AM
1.6.1 ML Forecasts at Stat
101 Owner - AM
1.6.1 ML Forecasts at Stat
201 Owner - AM
1.6.1 ML Forecasts at Stat 100 Owner - AM
1.6.1 ML Forecasts at Stat
200 Owner - AM
1.6.1 ML Forecasts at Stat
20 Owner - AM
10.1 Attach Rate 600 N Owner - JR
10.1 Attach Rate 610 N Owner - JR
10.1 Attach Rate 620 N Owner - JR
10.1 Attach Rate 616 N Owner - JR
10.1 Attach Rate 614 N Owner - JR
10.1 Attach Rate 612 N Owner - JR
10.1 Attach Rate 618 N Owner - JR
10.1 Attach Rate 626 N Owner - JR
10.1 Attach Rate 624 N Owner - JR
10.1 Attach Rate 622 N Owner - JR
10.1 Attach Rate 628 N Owner - JR
2.3 Interactive Stat 60 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 103 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 102 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 101 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 19 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 107 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 110 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 111 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 104 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 105 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 106 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 20 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 10 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 18 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 17 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 15 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 16 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 70 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 11 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 71 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 13 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 80 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 60 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 62 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 40 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 50 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 30 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 21 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 100 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 12 N Owner - SP
2.3 Interactive Stat 14 N Owner - SP
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 21 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 17 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 19 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 18 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 20 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 10 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 15 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 16 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 12 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 13 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 11 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 14 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 24 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 22 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 25 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 27 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 23 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 26 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 200 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 202 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 204 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 206 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 102 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 100 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 208 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 210 N Owner-AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 300 N Owner - AS
2.4 AI Predict Plugin 212 N Owner-AS
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 60 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 192 N Owner - SR
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 191 N Owner - SR
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 176 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 179 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 181 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 180 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 182 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 183 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 175 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 184 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 177 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 178 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 185 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 188 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 190 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 189 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 187 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 186 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 101 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 103 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 104 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 100 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 105 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 102 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 106 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 109 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 111 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 110 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 108 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 107 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 125 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 127 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 128 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 124 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 129 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 126 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 130 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 133 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 135 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 134 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 132 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 131 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 198 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 200 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 201 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 197 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 202 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 199 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 203 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 206 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 208 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 207 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 205 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 204 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 194 N Owner - SR
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 193 N Owner - SR
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 195 N Owner - SR
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 140 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 142 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 143 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 139 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 144 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 141 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 145 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 148 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 150 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 149 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 147 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 146 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 152 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 154 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 155 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 151 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 156 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 153 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 157 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 160 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 162 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 161 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 159 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 158 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 164 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 166 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 167 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 163 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 168 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 165 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 169 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 172 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 174 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 173 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 171 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 170 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 196 N Owner - SR
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 113 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 115 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 116 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 112 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 117 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 114 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 118 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 121 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 123 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 122 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 120 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 119 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 264 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 266 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 267 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 263 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 268 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 265 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 269 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 272 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 274 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 273 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 252 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 254 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 255 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 251 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 256 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 253 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 210 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 212 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 213 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 209 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 214 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 211 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 215 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 218 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 220 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 219 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 217 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 216 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 257 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 260 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 262 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 261 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 259 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 258 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 271 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 270 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 12 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 14 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 40 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 15 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 11 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 25 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 27 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 50 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 26 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 16 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 10 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 13 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 237 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 239 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 240 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 236 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 241 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 238 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 242 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 245 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 247 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 248 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 250 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 249 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 246 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 244 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 243 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 17 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 20 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 21 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 30 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 136 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 138 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 137 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 22 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 222 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 224 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 225 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 221 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 226 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 223 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 227 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 230 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 232 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 233 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 235 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 234 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 231 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 229 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 228 N Owner - DJ
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 19 N Owner - SP
3.2 Accuracy and Bias 18 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 303 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 304 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 306 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 308 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 307 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 305 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 159 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 160 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 162 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 164 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 163 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 161 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 447 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 448 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 450 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 452 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 451 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 449 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 435 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 436 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 438 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 440 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 439 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 437 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 285 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 286 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 288 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 290 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 289 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 287 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 579 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 580 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 582 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 584 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 583 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 581 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 309 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 310 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 312 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 314 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 313 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 311 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 165 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 166 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 168 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 170 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 169 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 167 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 453 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 454 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 456 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 458 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 457 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 455 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 616 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 617 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 619 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 621 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 620 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 618 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 597 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 598 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 600 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 602 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 601 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 599 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 635 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 636 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 638 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 640 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 639 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 637 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 321 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 322 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 324 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 326 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 325 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 323 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 177 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 178 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 180 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 182 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 181 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 179 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 465 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 466 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 468 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 470 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 469 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 467 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 327 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 328 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 330 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 332 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 331 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 329 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 183 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 184 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 186 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 188 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 187 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 185 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 471 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 472 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 474 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 476 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 475 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 473 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 315 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 316 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 318 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 320 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 319 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 317 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 171 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 172 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 174 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 176 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 175 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 173 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 459 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 460 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 462 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 464 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 463 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 461 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 429 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 430 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 432 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 434 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 433 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 431 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 279 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 280 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 282 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 284 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 283 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 281 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 573 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 574 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 576 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 578 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 577 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 575 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 411 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 412 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 414 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 416 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 415 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 413 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 267 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 268 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 270 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 272 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 271 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 269 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 555 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 556 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 558 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 560 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 559 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 557 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 649 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 441 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 442 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 444 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 446 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 445 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 443 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 291 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 292 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 294 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 296 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 295 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 293 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 585 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 586 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 588 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 590 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 589 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 587 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 333 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 334 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 336 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 338 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 337 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 335 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 189 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 190 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 192 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 194 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 193 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 191 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 477 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 478 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 480 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 482 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 481 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 479 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 339 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 340 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 342 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 344 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 343 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 341 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 195 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 196 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 198 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 200 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 199 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 197 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 483 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 484 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 486 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 488 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 487 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 485 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 648 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 345 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 346 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 348 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 350 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 349 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 347 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 201 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 202 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 204 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 206 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 205 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 203 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 489 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 490 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 492 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 494 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 493 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 491 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 622 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 623 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 625 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 627 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 626 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 624 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 603 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 604 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 606 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 608 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 607 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 605 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 641 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 642 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 644 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 646 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 645 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 643 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 351 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 352 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 354 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 356 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 355 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 353 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 207 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 208 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 210 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 212 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 211 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 209 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 495 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 496 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 498 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 500 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 499 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 497 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 357 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 358 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 360 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 362 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 361 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 359 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 213 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 214 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 216 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 218 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 217 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 215 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 501 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 502 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 504 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 506 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 505 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 503 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 363 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 364 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 366 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 368 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 367 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 365 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 219 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 220 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 222 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 224 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 223 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 221 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 507 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 508 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 510 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 512 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 511 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 509 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 417 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 418 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 420 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 422 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 421 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 419 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 273 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 274 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 276 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 278 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 277 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 275 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 561 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 562 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 564 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 566 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 565 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 563 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 399 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 400 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 402 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 404 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 403 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 401 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 255 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 256 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 258 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 260 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 259 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 257 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 543 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 544 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 546 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 548 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 547 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 545 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 393 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 394 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 396 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 398 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 397 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 395 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 249 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 250 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 252 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 254 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 253 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 251 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 537 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 538 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 540 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 542 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 541 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 539 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 628 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 611 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 613 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 615 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 614 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 612 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 609 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 592 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 594 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 596 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 595 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 593 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 610 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 591 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 629 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 651 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 653 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 655 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 652 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 654 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 656 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 647 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 630 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 632 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 634 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 633 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 631 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 369 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 370 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 372 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 374 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 373 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 371 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 225 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 226 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 228 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 230 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 229 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 227 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 513 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 514 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 516 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 518 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 517 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 515 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 375 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 376 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 378 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 380 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 379 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 377 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 231 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 232 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 234 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 236 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 235 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 233 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 519 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 520 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 522 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 524 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 523 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 521 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 381 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 382 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 384 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 386 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 385 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 383 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 237 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 238 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 240 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 242 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 241 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 239 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 525 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 526 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 528 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 530 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 529 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 527 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 387 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 388 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 390 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 392 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 391 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 389 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 243 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 244 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 246 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 248 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 247 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 245 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 531 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 532 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 534 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 536 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 535 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 533 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 650 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 423 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 424 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 426 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 428 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 427 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 425 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 297 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 298 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 300 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 302 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 301 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 299 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 567 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 568 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 570 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 572 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 571 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 569 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 405 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 406 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 408 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 410 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 409 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 407 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 261 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 262 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 264 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 266 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 265 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 263 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 549 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 550 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 552 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 554 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 553 N Owner - SP
3.3 Lag Model 551 N Owner - SP
4.1 Initiatives 110 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 111 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 112 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 105 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 107 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 104 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 130 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 106 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 120 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 121 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 122 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 123 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 115 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 124 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 135 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 83 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 95 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 71 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 97 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 82 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 94 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 85 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 77 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 76 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 84 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 96 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 100 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 86 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 72 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 98 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 73 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 87 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 88 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 75 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 74 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 81 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 93 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 136 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 139 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 78 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 127 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 125 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 128 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 126 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 129 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 90 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 113 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 131 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 137 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 102 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 101 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 92 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 99 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 91 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 89 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 108 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 132 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 114 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 116 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 80 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 79 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 117 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 118 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 119 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 109 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 138 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 103 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 133 N Owner - JR
4.1 Initiatives 134 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 800 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 300 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 302 Y Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 320 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 326 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 324 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 322 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 328 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 400 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 820 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 560 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 700 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 730 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 732 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 734 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 710 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 720 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 716 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 714 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 712 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 718 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 726 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 724 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 722 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 728 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 600 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 630 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 632 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 634 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 610 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 620 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 616 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 614 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 612 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 618 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 626 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 624 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 622 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 628 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 650 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 851 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 500 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 200 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 202 Y Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 220 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 226 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 224 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 222 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 228 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 530 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 532 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 534 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 510 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 520 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 516 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 514 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 512 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 518 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 526 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 524 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 522 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 528 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 850 N Owner - JR
4.4 Sell Out Sell In 550 N Owner - JR
5.1.1 ML Driver 110 N Owner - SR
5.1.1 ML Driver 116 N Owner - SR
5.1.1 ML Driver 100 N Owner - SR
5.1.1 ML Driver 102 N Owner - SR
5.1.1 ML Driver 114 N Owner - SR
5.2 Consensus Forecast 113 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 117 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 118 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 119 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 116 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 115 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 114 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 130 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 129 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 128 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 131 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 126 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 125 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 124 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 127 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 122 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 121 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 120 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 123 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 229 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 228 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 227 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 230 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 249 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 248 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 247 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 250 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 253 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 252 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 251 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 254 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 237 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 236 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 235 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 238 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 241 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 240 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 239 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 242 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 245 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 244 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 243 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 246 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 225 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 224 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 223 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 226 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 233 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 232 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 231 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 234 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 10 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 11 Y Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 14 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 15 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 16 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 13 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 12 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 23 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 22 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 21 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 24 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 19 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 18 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 17 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 20 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 132 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 42 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 45 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 46 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 47 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 44 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 43 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 54 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 53 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 52 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 55 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 50 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 49 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 48 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 51 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 133 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 134 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 137 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 138 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 139 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 136 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 135 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 146 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 145 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 144 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 147 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 142 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 141 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 140 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 143 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 148 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 149 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 152 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 153 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 154 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 151 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 150 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 161 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 160 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 159 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 162 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 157 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 156 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 155 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 158 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 71 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 74 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 75 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 76 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 73 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 72 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 83 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 82 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 81 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 84 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 79 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 78 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 77 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 80 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 85 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 88 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 89 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 90 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 87 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 86 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 97 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 96 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 95 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 98 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 93 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 92 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 91 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 94 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 99 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 102 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 103 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 104 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 101 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 100 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 111 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 110 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 109 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 112 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 107 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 106 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 105 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 108 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 25 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 27 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 28 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 26 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 31 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 32 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 33 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 30 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 29 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 40 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 39 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 38 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 41 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 36 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 35 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 34 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 37 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 221 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 220 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 219 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 222 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 257 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 256 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 255 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 258 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 163 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 174 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 175 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 176 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 165 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 164 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 177 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 180 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 181 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 182 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 179 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 178 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 189 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 188 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 187 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 190 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 185 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 184 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 183 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 186 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 172 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 171 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 170 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 173 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 168 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 167 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 166 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 169 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 56 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 57 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 60 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 61 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 62 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 59 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 58 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 69 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 68 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 67 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 70 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 65 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 64 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 63 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 66 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 205 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 208 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 209 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 210 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 207 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 206 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 217 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 216 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 215 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 218 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 213 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 212 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 211 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 214 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 191 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 195 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 196 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 194 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 193 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 192 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 203 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 202 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 201 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 204 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 199 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 198 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 197 N Owner - DJ
5.2 Consensus Forecast 200 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 526 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 516 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 514 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 504 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 502 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 510 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 512 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 520 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 500 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 506 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 508 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 524 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 522 N Owner - DJ
5.2.1 Process Orchestration 518 N Owner - DJ
6.3 Demand Review 400 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 402 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 410 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 412 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 542 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 550 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 554 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 540 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 548 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 552 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 602 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 606 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 358 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 546 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 544 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 600 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 604 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 354 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 352 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 350 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 356 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 420 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 502 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 500 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 422 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 200 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 522 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 530 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 534 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 520 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 528 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 532 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 610 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 614 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 202 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 230 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 232 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 234 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 210 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 220 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 526 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 524 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 608 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 612 N Owner - MY
6.3 Demand Review 216 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 214 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 212 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 218 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 226 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 224 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 222 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 228 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 344 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 342 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 340 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 346 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 264 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 262 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 260 N Owner - SR
6.3 Demand Review 266 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 520 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 524 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 522 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 534 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 532 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 536 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 528 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 526 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 530 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 620 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 660 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 664 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 662 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 668 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 666 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 670 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 674 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 624 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 622 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 634 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 632 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 636 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 628 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 626 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 630 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 730 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 728 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 732 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 718 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 716 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 720 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 100 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 110 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 120 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 116 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 114 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 112 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 118 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 126 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 124 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 122 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 128 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 700 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 698 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 702 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 334 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 332 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 330 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 336 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 688 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 686 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 690 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 304 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 302 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 300 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 306 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 370 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 372 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 374 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 676 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 736 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 734 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 738 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 368 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 364 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 366 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 360 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 362 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 320 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 706 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 704 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 708 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 354 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 352 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 350 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 356 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 420 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 424 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 422 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 434 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 432 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 436 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 428 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 426 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 430 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 400 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 410 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 402 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 416 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 412 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 414 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 408 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 404 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 406 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 380 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 390 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 382 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 396 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 392 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 394 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 388 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 384 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 386 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 500 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 504 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 502 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 514 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 512 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 516 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 508 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 506 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 510 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 600 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 640 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 644 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 642 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 648 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 646 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 672 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 650 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 604 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 602 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 614 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 612 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 616 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 608 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 606 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 610 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 712 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 710 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 714 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 724 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 722 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 726 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 200 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 210 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 220 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 216 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 214 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 212 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 218 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 226 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 224 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 222 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 228 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 682 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 680 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 684 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 314 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 312 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 310 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 316 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 694 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 692 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 696 N Owner - IG
6.3 Financial Review 346 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 344 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 340 N Owner - SR
6.3 Financial Review 342 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 300 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 302 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 330 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 332 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 334 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 310 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 320 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 316 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 314 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 312 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 318 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 326 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 324 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 322 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 328 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 374 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 372 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 370 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 376 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 384 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 382 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 380 N Owner - SR
6.3 Management Review 386 N Owner - SR
6.3 Product Review 11 N Owner - SP
6.3 Product Review 12 N Owner - SP
6.3 Product Review 13 N Owner - SP
6.3 Product Review 10 N Owner - SP
6.3 Product Review 20 N Owner - SP
6.3 Product Review 22 N Owner - SP
6.3 Supply Review 19 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 12 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 23 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 18 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 24 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 13 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 11 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 20 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 10 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 25 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 26 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 9 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 27 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 22 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 21 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 14 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 15 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 16 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 17 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 100 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 102 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 104 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 106 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 108 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 110 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 112 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 114 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 116 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 118 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 120 Y Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 122 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 124 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 126 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 128 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 130 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 132 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 134 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 136 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 138 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 140 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 142 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 144 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 146 Y Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 41 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 42 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 34 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 28 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 35 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 31 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 30 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 36 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 40 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 43 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 33 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 37 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 29 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 39 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 32 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 38 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 148 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 150 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 152 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 154 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 156 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 158 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 160 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 162 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 164 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 166 Y Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 168 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 170 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 172 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 174 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 176 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 178 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 180 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 182 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 184 Y Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 186 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 188 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 190 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 192 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 194 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 196 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 198 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 200 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 202 Y Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 204 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 206 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 208 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 210 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 212 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 214 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 216 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 218 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 220 Y Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 222 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 224 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 226 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 228 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 230 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 6 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 5 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 1 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 4 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 2 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 3 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 232 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 234 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 236 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 238 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 240 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 242 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 8 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 244 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 246 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 248 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 250 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 252 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 254 N Owner - MY
6.3 Supply Review 256 N Owner - MY
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 104 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 106 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 130 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 132 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 134 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 110 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 120 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 116 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 114 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 112 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 118 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 126 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 124 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 122 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 128 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 100 N Owner - SR
6.3.1 DP IBP Handshake 102 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 500 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 510 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 520 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 516 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 514 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 512 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 518 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 526 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 524 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 522 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 528 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 600 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 610 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 620 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 616 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 614 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 612 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 618 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 626 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 624 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 622 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 628 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 700 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 710 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 720 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 716 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 714 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 712 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 718 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 726 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 724 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 722 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 728 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 402 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 400 Y Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 410 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 420 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 416 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 414 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 412 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 418 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 426 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 424 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 422 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 428 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 302 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 300 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 310 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 320 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 316 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 314 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 312 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 318 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 326 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 324 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 322 N Owner - SR
6.3.2 Gross to Net Revenue 328 N Owner - SR
6.3.3 UOM & Currency
20 Y Owner - SP
6.3.3 UOM & Currency
10 Y Owner - SP
6.3.7 Multi-Currency Input 110 N Owner - DJ
6.3.7 Multi-Currency Input 100 N Owner - DJ
6.3.7 Multi-Currency Input 120 N Owner - DJ
7.2 DP SP Handshake 700 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 710 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 720 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 716 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 714 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 712 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 718 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 726 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 724 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 722 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 728 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 500 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 502 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 600 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 610 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 620 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 612 N Owner - JR
7.2 DP SP Handshake 622 N Owner - JR
8.1 NPI EOL 342 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 520 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 344 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 304 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 220 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 306 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 316 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 302 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 300 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 100 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 102 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 104 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 500 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 106 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 112 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 108 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 110 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 205 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 502 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 204 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 200 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 308 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 318 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 400 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 320 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 402 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 322 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 404 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 324 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 406 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 326 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 408 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 328 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 410 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 330 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 412 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 332 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 414 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 334 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 416 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 336 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 418 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 338 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 420 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 340 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 422 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 601 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 504 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 505 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 510 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 516 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 514 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 512 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 518 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 115 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 602 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 600 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 227 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 225 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 229 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 215 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 222 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 202 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 550 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 432 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 430 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 314 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 210 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 428 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 310 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 424 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 312 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 212 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 426 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 556 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 552 N Owner - SR
8.1 NPI EOL 554 N Owner - SR
8.2 Product Transition & Owner -
Delist 12 N NP/DJ -
8.2 Product Transition & Owner
6 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
10 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
34 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
36 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
4 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
32 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
26 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
2 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
8 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
14 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
24 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
20 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
16 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
30 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
28 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
22 N
8.2 Product Transition & NP/DJ -
18 N
Delist NP/DJ
8.3 Opportunity Model 58 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 55 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 56 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 59 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 67 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 43 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 44 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 42 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 51 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 64 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 53 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 68 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 27 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 16 Y Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 30 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 19 Y Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 39 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 28 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 17 Y Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 37 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 23 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 12 Y Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 33 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 24 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 13 Y Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 34 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 29 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 18 Y Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 38 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 31 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 20 Y Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 40 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 26 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 15 Y Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 36 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 22 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 11 Y Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 21 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 10 Y Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 32 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 25 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 14 Y Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 35 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 52 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 47 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 48 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 57 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 54 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 50 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 61 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 65 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 63 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 62 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 46 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 45 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 49 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 60 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 41 N Owner - PR
8.3 Opportunity Model 66 N Owner - PR
9.1 Scenario Management 12 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 22 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 24 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 23 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 27 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 21 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 14 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 26 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 20 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 13 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 15 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 10 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 19 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 11 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 25 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 17 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 18 N Owner - RB
9.1 Scenario Management 16 N Owner - RB
Common 26 Owner - All
Common 25 Owner - All
Common 13 Owner - All
Common 217 Owner - All
Common 80 Owner - All
Common 186 Owner - All
Common 96 Owner - All
Common 194 Owner - All
Common 103 Owner - All
Common 105 Owner - All
Common 12 Owner - All
Common 204 Owner - All
Common 102 Owner - All
Common 9 Owner - All
Common 104 Owner - All
Common 11 Owner - All
Common 205 Owner - All
Common 212 Owner - All
Common 214 Owner - All
Common 162 Owner - All
Common 35 Owner - All
Common 8 Owner - All
Common 59 Owner - All
Common 236 Owner - All
Common 238 Owner - All
Common 237 Owner - All
Common 239 Owner - All
Common 165 Owner - All
Common 216 Owner - All
Common 79 Owner - All
Common 75 Owner - All
Common 3 Owner - All
Common 41 Owner - All
Common 203 Owner - All
Common 213 Owner - All
Common 207 Owner - All
Common 91 Owner - All
Common 183 Owner - All
Common 71 Owner - All
Common 72 Owner - All
Common 58 Owner - All
Common 139 Owner - All
Common 167 Owner - All
Common 180 Owner - All
Common 174 Owner - All
Common 176 Owner - All
Common 179 Owner - All
Common 175 Owner - All
Common 170 Owner - All
Common 181 Owner - All
Common 166 Owner - All
Common 177 Owner - All
Common 178 Owner - All
Common 172 Owner - All
Common 173 Owner - All
Common 171 Owner - All
Common 169 Owner - All
Common 182 Owner - All
Common 68 Owner - All
Common 1 Owner - All
Common 130 Owner - All
Common 143 Owner - All
Common 141 Owner - All
Common 111 Owner - All
Common 116 Owner - All
Common 131 Owner - All
Common 145 Owner - All
Common 146 Owner - All
Common 120 Owner - All
Common 122 Owner - All
Common 210 Owner - All
Common 20 Owner - All
Common 137 Owner - All
Common 74 Owner - All
Common 184 Owner - All
Common 69 Owner - All
Common 136 Owner - All
Common 70 Owner - All
Common 135 Owner - All
Common 160 Owner - All
Common 163 Owner - All
Common 164 Owner - All
Common 4 Owner - All
Common 134 Owner - All
Common 50 Owner - All
Common 185 Owner - All
Common 39 Owner - All
Common 192 Owner - All
Common 208 Owner - All
Common 215 Owner - All
Common 161 Owner - All
Common 158 Owner - All
Common 221 Owner - All
Common 222 Owner - All
Common 220 Owner - All
Common 233 Owner - All
Common 14 Owner - All
Common 190 Owner - All
Common 15 Owner - All
Common 191 Owner - All
Common 67 Owner - All
Common 188 Owner - All
Common 225 Owner - All
Common 223 Owner - All
Common 224 Owner - All
Common 234 Owner - All
Common 226 Owner - All
Common 227 Owner - All
Common 228 Owner - All
Common 231 Owner - All
Common 219 Owner - All
Common 218 Owner - All
Common 206 Owner - All
Common 16 Owner - All
Common 189 Owner - All
Common 62 Owner - All
Common 64 Owner - All
Common 60 Owner - All
Common 61 Owner - All
Common 63 Owner - All
Common 199 Owner - All
Common 195 Owner - All
Common 197 Owner - All
Common 200 Owner - All
Common 196 Owner - All
Common 198 Owner - All
Common 201 Owner - All
Common 202 Owner - All
Common 132 Owner - All
Common 156 Owner - All
Common 157 Owner - All
Common 127 Owner - All
Common 148 Owner - All
Common 155 Owner - All
Common 123 Owner - All
Common 115 Owner - All
Common 128 Owner - All
Common 152 Owner - All
Common 149 Owner - All
Common 108 Owner - All
Common 121 Owner - All
Common 101 Owner - All
Common 99 Owner - All
Common 84 Owner - All
Common 126 Owner - All
Common 150 Owner - All
Common 154 Owner - All
Common 118 Owner - All
Common 114 Owner - All
Common 124 Owner - All
Common 153 Owner - All
Common 147 Owner - All
Common 109 Owner - All
Common 112 Owner - All
Common 129 Owner - All
Common 151 Owner - All
Common 142 Owner - All
Common 110 Owner - All
Common 113 Owner - All
Common 34 Owner - All
Common 38 Owner - All
Common 48 Owner - All
Common 31 Owner - All
Common 94 Owner - All
Common 86 Owner - All
Common 81 Owner - All
Common 18 Owner - All
Common 32 Owner - All
Common 36 Owner - All
Common 46 Owner - All
Common 28 Owner - All
Common 92 Owner - All
Common 85 Owner - All
Common 83 Owner - All
Common 17 Owner - All
Common 45 Owner - All
Common 33 Owner - All
Common 37 Owner - All
Common 30 Owner - All
Common 40 Owner - All
Common 27 Owner - All
Common 49 Owner - All
Common 47 Owner - All
Common 29 Owner - All
Common 44 Owner - All
Common 55 Owner - All
Common 42 Owner - All
Common 93 Owner - All
Common 87 Owner - All
Common 7 Owner - All
Common 6 Owner - All
Common 43 Owner - All
Common 56 Owner - All
Common 82 Owner - All
Common 19 Owner - All
Common 57 Owner - All
Common 125 Owner - All
Common 144 Owner - All
Common 140 Owner - All
Common 119 Owner - All
Common 117 Owner - All
Common 159 Owner - All
Common 97 Owner - All
Common 77 Owner - All
Common 78 Owner - All
Common 209 Owner - All
Common 98 Owner - All
Common 100 Owner - All
Common 76 Owner - All
Common 229 Owner - All
Common 230 Owner - All
Common 232 Owner - All
Common 2 Owner - All
Common 5 Owner - All
Common 133 Owner - All
Common 211 Owner - All
Common 88 Owner - All
Common 51 Owner - All
Common 90 Owner - All
Common 52 Owner - All
Common 89 Owner - All
Common 53 Owner - All
Common 240 Owner - All
Common 54 Owner - All
Common 187 Owner - All
Common 73 Owner - All
Common 66 Owner - All
Common 65 Owner - All
Common 107 Owner - All
Common 106 Owner - All
Common 10 Owner - All
Common 168 Owner - All
Common 22 Owner - All
Common 24 Owner - All
Common 235 Owner - All
Common 21 Owner - All
Common 138 Owner - All
Common 95 Owner - All
Common 193 Owner - All
Common 23 Owner - All
Plugin 1 Owner - RB
WidgetName DimName
DI Batch Audit Version
DI Batch Audit BatchID
DI Batch Audit Solution
DI Batch Audit Time
DI Batch Error Summary Version
DI Batch Error Summary BatchID
DI Batch Error Summary Entity
DI Batch Error Summary Error Category
DI Batch Error Summary Time
DI Batch Performance History BatchID
DI Data Reconciliation Version
DI Data Reconciliation BatchID
DI Data Reconciliation Entity
DI Data Reconciliation Sequence ID
DI Data Stream Report Data Segment
DI Data Stream Report Data Stream
DI Data Stream Report Version
DI Error Data Metric Bar Entity
DI Raw File Metric Version
DI Raw File Metric BatchID
DI Raw File Metric Entity
DI Raw File Metric File Status
DI Raw File Metric Sequence ID
DI Raw File Metric Source
DI SAP Raw File Metric Version
DI SAP Raw File Metric BatchID
DI SAP Raw File Metric Entity
DI SAP Raw File Metric File Status
DI SAP Raw File Metric Sequence ID
DI SAP Raw File Metric Source
DI SSIS Batch Duration Version
DI SSIS Batch Duration BatchID
DI SSIS Batch Duration Solution
DI SSIS Batch Duration Time
DI SSIS Task Chart BatchID
DI SSIS Task Duration Version
DI SSIS Task Duration BatchID
DI SSIS Task Duration SSIS Task
DI SSIS Task Duration Solution
DI SSIS Task Duration Time
DI SSIS Task Wise splitup SSIS Task
DP SP Handshake Items Item
Forecast Time Trends Time
In Files In Files
Input Table Structure Input Table Structure
Integration Batch Milestones Integration Batch Milestones
Log Table Structure Log Table Structure
Master Stg Mapping Master Stg Mapping
Out Files Out Files
Out Table Structure Out Table Structure
Output Validation Output Validation
Performance Benchmarks Action
Performance Benchmarks Personnel
Performance Benchmarks Time
Raw Value Mapping Raw Value Mapping
Review Stat Accuracy Version
Review Stat Accuracy Item
Review Stat Accuracy Sales Domain
Review Stat Accuracy Time
Review Stat Fcst Version
Review Stat Fcst Item
Review Stat Fcst Location
Review Stat Fcst Sales Domain
Review Stat Fcst Time
SAP Deletion SAP Deletion
Scenario Product Age Threshold Version
Stat Accuracy Time
Stat Fcst Bias Time
Stat Fcst vs Actuals Version
Stat Fcst vs Actuals Item
Stat Outlook Time
Stat Outlook L1_1 Time
Stg Info Stg
Stg Info
Table Structure With
Stg Table Structure with MSD365 MSD365
Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor Stg Table Structure With SAP
Tenant Attribute Name Aliases Tenant Attribute Name Aliases
Tenant Data Files Tenant Data Files
Tenant Data Table Structure Tenant
Tenant Data Table Name
Dimension Structure
Tenant Dimension Name Aliases Aliases
Time Generation Parameters Time Generation
Stg Table Parameters
Structure Without
Stg Table Structure w/o Adaptor SAP
Data Status Data Segment
Data Status Data Stream
Validation Item Item
Validation Sales Domain Sales Domain
Validation Location Location
Validation Class Class
Validation Initiative Initiative
Validation Item Feature Item Feature
Validation UOM UOM
Validation Currency Currency
Validation Stat Algorithm Stat Algorithm
Validation Stat Model Stat Model
Validation Stat Parameter Stat Parameter
Validation ML Driver ML Driver
Validation Stat Rule Stat Rule
Validation Data Segment Data Segment
Validation Data Stream Data Stream
Validation Lifecycle Time Lifecycle Time
Validation Time Time
Item Master_1 Item
Daily Units Outlook Time
Daily Units Outlook Gap Time
Daily Units Outlook Gap % Time
Daily Units Outlook Bkdn Item
Daily Units Outlook Bkdn Sales Domain
Daily Units Outlook Bkdn Time
Daily Units Outlook Bkdn Version
Daily Units Outlook Bucketized Bkdn Item
Daily Units Outlook Bucketized Bkdn Sales Domain
Daily Units Outlook Bucketized Bkdn Time
Daily Units Outlook Bucketized Bkdn Version
Check Disagg Profile Version
Check Disagg Profile Time
Setup Time Bucket Version
Stat Bucket Weight Time
Stat Forecast Setup - Copy Version
Segmentation Parameters Class
Volume-Variability History Period Version
Stat Segmentation Parameters Version
COV vs Volume L1 Item
L1 Stat Segment Version
L1 Stat Segment Class
L1 Stat Segment Item
L1 Stat Segment Location
L1 Stat Segment Sales Domain
Segmentation Bubble Chart Item
Stat Segment Item
Stat Segment Class
Product Customer Segment Sales Domain
Product Customer Segment Class
Product Customer Segment Item
Variability vs Error Product Item
Segmentation History Period Version
Segmentation Parameter Grid Version
Segmentation Parameter Grid Cluster
Segmentation Parameter Grid Step
ActualsAtPlanningLevel Time
ActualsAtStatLevel Time
COV Actual L1 Item
Rule Actual Product
based Stat Model - Outlier Item
Rule based Stat Model - Outlier Version
Rule based Stat Model - Outlier Item
Rule based Stat Model - Outlier Location
Correction Sales Domain
Outlier Correction LineChart Time
Actual Cleansed and Actual Gap Time
Actual Cleansed and Actual Gap% Time
Review Outlier Correction Version
Review Outlier Correction Item
Review Outlier Correction Location
Review Outlier Correction Sales Domain
Review Outlier Correction Time
Stat Forecast Setup Version
Stat Segment Rule Setup Version
Stat Segment Rule Setup Stat Rule
Assign Rules and Algorithms Version
Assign Rules and Algorithms Item
Assign Rules and Algorithms Location
Assign Rules and Algorithms Sales Domain
Setup Algorithm Parameters Version
Setup Algorithm Parameters Item
Setup Algorithm Parameters Location
Setup Algorithm Parameters Sales Domain
Setup Algorithm Parameters Stat Algorithm
Setup Algorithm Parameters Stat Parameter
Rule Based Stat Model Selection1 Version
Rule Based Stat Model Selection1 Class
Rule Based Stat Model Selection1 Item
Rule Based Stat Model Selection1 Location
Rule Based Stat Model Selection1 Sales Domain
Variability vs Error L1 Item
Stat Fcst Accuracy Time
DP Fcst Bias L1 Time
Lag1 vs Sell In Stat Gap Time
Lag1 vs Sell In Stat Gap% Time
Forecast All Models Time
Review Rule Based Stat All Models Location
Review Rule Based Stat All Models Item
Review Rule Based Stat All Models Sales Domain
Review Rule Based Stat All Models Time
Forecast Validation Location
Forecast Validation Item
Forecast Validation Sales Domain
Transition Level Stat Item
Transition Level Stat Location
Transition Level Stat Sales Domain
Transition Level Stat Time
Review Stat at Planning Item Location
Review Stat at Planning Item Item
Review Stat at Planning Item Sales Domain
Review Stat at Planning Item Time
Accuracy By Class Item
DP Stat Fcst Bias Time
Stat Forecast Accuracy Time
Review fcst Accuracy Version
Review fcst Accuracy Item
Review fcst Accuracy Sales Domain
Review fcst Accuracy Time
Review Forecast Version
Review Forecast Item
Review Forecast Sales Domain
Review Forecast Time
Review Rule Based Stat_1 Version
Review Rule Based Stat_1 Item
Review Rule Based Stat_1 Location
Review Rule Based Stat_1 Sales Domain
Review Rule Based Stat_1 Time
Review Rules Based Stat Version
Review Rules Based Stat Item
Review Rules Based Stat Location
Review Rules Based Stat Sales Domain
Review Rules Based Stat Time
Rule Based Stat Model Selection Version
Rule Based Stat Model Selection Class
Rule Based Stat Model Selection Item
Rule Based Stat Model Selection Sales Domain
Stat Setup Algorithm Params Version
Stat Setup Algorithm Params Item
Stat Setup Algorithm Params Location
Stat Setup Algorithm Params Sales Domain
Stat Setup Algorithm Params Stat Algorithm
Stat Setup Algorithm Params Stat Parameter
Sell In Stat Accuracy Time
Sell In Stat Accuracy Product Time
Stat Outlook L1 LC Time
Stat Outook Time
Variability vs Error Item
ML Forecast Setup Version
ML Tournament Output AI Predict
ML Tournament Output GraphCubeDim_Sequence
Attention ML Tournament Output AI Predict
Attention ML Tournament Output GraphCubeDim_Sequence
Product Option Association Item
Attach Rate Planning Item
Attach Rate Planning Time
Attach Rate Planning 2 Item
Attach Rate Planning 2 Time
Primary SKU Option Fcst Version
Primary SKU Option Fcst Item
Primary SKU Option Fcst Time
Dependent SKU Option Fcst Version
Dependent SKU Option Fcst Item
Dependent SKU Option Fcst Time
IS Setup Input Level Version
IS Setup History Period Version
IS Setup History Period Stat Model
IS Setup Parameters Version
IS Setup Parameters Stat Algorithm
IS Setup Parameters Stat Model
IS Setup Parameters Stat Parameter
IS Run Stat Item
IS Run Stat Location
IS Run Stat Sales Domain
IS Review Stat Outlook Time
Review Interactive Stat Item
Review Interactive Stat Location
Review Interactive Stat Sales Domain
Review Interactive Stat Time
IS Review Parameters Item
IS Review Parameters Location
IS Review Parameters Sales Domain
IS Review Parameters Stat Model
Holiday Calendar Version
Holiday Calendar Sales Domain
Holiday Calendar Time
AI Predict Features Importance GraphCubeDim_Sequence
AI Predict Features Importance AI Predict
AI Predict Features Importance AI Predict Feature
Tournament Output AI Predict
Tournament Output GraphCubeDim_Sequence
COV Actual Item
Forecast vs Actuals Version
Forecast vs Actuals Item
Forecast vs Actuals by Account Version
Forecast vs Actuals by Account Item
Forecast vs Actuals by Account Sales Domain
Forecast vs Actuals by Account Time
DP Fcst Accuracy Time
DP Fcst Bias Time
Review Accuracy Version
Review Accuracy Item
Review Accuracy Sales Domain
Review Accuracy Time
Sell In Stat Lag1 vs Fcst Lag1 Item
Trade Promo Initiative
Trade Promo Details Initiative
Trade Promo Details Item
Trade Promo Details Sales Domain
Trade Promo Calendar Initiative
Trade Promo Calendar Item
Trade Promo Calendar Sales Domain
Trade Promo Calendar Time
Marketing Events Initiative
Marketing Calendar Initiative
Marketing Calendar Item
Marketing Calendar Sales Domain
Marketing Calendar Time
Initiative Details LC Time
Initiative Calendar Time
Initiative Calendar Initiative
SI SO Details Time
Sell Out Sell In Gap Time
Sell Out Sell In Gap % Time
Sell Out Bkdn Version
Sell Out Bkdn Item
Sell Out Bkdn Sales Domain
Sell Out Bkdn Time
Review Sell Out Sales Domain
Review Sell Out Item
Review Sell Out Time
S&OP ML Drivers Version
S&OP ML Drivers Item
S&OP ML Drivers ML Driver
S&OP ML Drivers Sales Domain
Consensus Time
Consensus Gap Time
Consensus Gap % Time
Consensus Bkdn Item
Consensus Bkdn Sales Domain
Consensus Bkdn Time
Consensus Bkdn Version
Review Consensus Item
Review Consensus Sales Domain
Review Consensus Time
Review Consensus
Consensus with Scenario Version
Comparison Item
Review Consensus with Scenario
Review Consensus with Scenario Sales Domain
Review Consensus with Scenario Time
Comparison Version
DPD Units Outlook Time
Account Plan Leaderboard Version
Account Plan Leaderboard Item
Account Plan Leaderboard Sales Domain
Account Plan Leaderboard Time
AMD Units Outlook Time
AMD Units Outlook Gap Time
AMD Units Outlook Gap % Time
Review Forecast by Account Version
Review Forecast by Account Item
Review Forecast by Account Sales Domain
Review Forecast by Account Time
Forecast vs LC Version
Forecast vs LC Item
Forecast vs LC Sales Domain
DPD Units Outlook Gap Time
DPD Units Outlook Gap % Time
Forecast Report Item
Forecast Report Location
Forecast Report Sales Domain
Forecast Report Time
Planning Calendar Process
Planning Calendar Planning Cycle
Planning Calendar Version
Planning Cycle Calendar Version
Planning Cycle Calendar Planning Cycle
Planning Cycle Calendar Process
Planning Cycle Calendar Time
Process Status Process
Process Status Planning Cycle
Process Status Version
Marketing Bkdn Version
Marketing Bkdn Item
Marketing Bkdn Sales Domain
Marketing Bkdn Time
Marketing Time
Marketing Gap Time
Marketing Gap % Time
Review Marketing Version
Review Marketing Item
Review Marketing Sales Domain
Review Marketing Time
Sales Forecast vs LC Version
Sales Forecast vs LC Item
Sales Forecast vs LC Personnel
Sales Forecast vs LC Sales Domain
S&OP Units Outlook Time
S&OP Units Outlook Gap Time
S&OP Units Outlook Gap % Time
S&OP Units Outlook Bkdn Version
S&OP Units Outlook Bkdn Item
S&OP Units Outlook Bkdn Sales Domain
S&OP Units Outlook Bkdn Time
Review Uncons Outlook Version
Review Uncons Outlook Item
Review Uncons Outlook Sales Domain
Review Uncons Outlook Time
Waterfall Uncons Outlook Time
S&OP Units Outlook REV Time
S&OP Units Outlook REV Gap Time
S&OP Units Outlook REV Gap % Time
S&OP Units Outlook REV Bkdn Item
S&OP Units Outlook REV Bkdn Sales Domain
S&OP Units Outlook REV Bkdn Time
S&OP Units Outlook REV Bkdn Version
Review Outlook REV Item
Review Outlook REV Sales Domain
Review Outlook REV Time
Review Outlook REV Version
GM % Waterfall Time
GM Waterfall Time
REV Waterfall Time
Units Outlook Time
Units Outlook Gap Time
Units Outlook Gap % Time
Units Outlook Bkdn Version
Units Outlook Bkdn Item
Units Outlook Bkdn Sales Domain
Units Outlook Bkdn Time
Review Outlook Version
Review Outlook Item
Review Outlook Sales Domain
Review Outlook Time
Waterfall Outlook Time
P&L Waterfall Time
S&OP Daily
Daily Units
Units Outlook
Outlook Bucketised Time
S&OP Daily Units Outlook Bucketised Item
S&OP Daily Units Outlook Bucketised Sales Domain
S&OP Daily Units Outlook Bucketised Time
Bkdn Version
S&OP Daily Units Outlook Bkdn Item
S&OP Daily Units Outlook Bkdn Sales Domain
S&OP Daily Units Outlook Bkdn Time
S&OP Daily Units Outlook Bkdn Version
S&OP Daily Units Outlook Gap Time
S&OP Daily Units Outlook Gap % Time
Waterfall REV Time
S&OP Outlook Stack Time
S&OP Uncons Outlook Stack Time
S&OP Uncons Outlook Units Bkdn Version
S&OP Uncons Outlook Units Bkdn Item
S&OP Uncons Outlook Units Bkdn Sales Domain
S&OP Uncons
Uncons Outlook
Outlook Units
Units Bkdn Time
S&OP Uncons Bkdn
Outlook Units Version
Bucketized Bkdn
S&OP Uncons Outlook Units Item
S&OP Uncons Bkdn
Outlook Units Sales Domain
Bucketized Bkdn Time
Product Plan Changes Item
IBP PSI Chart Time
IBP PSI Report Item
IBP PSI Report Location
IBP PSI Report Time
IBP PSI Report Version
AL KPI IBP Lateness Days Range Grid Version
AL KPI IBP Lateness Days Range Grid Demand
AL KPI IBP Lateness Days Range Grid Item
AL KPI IBP Lateness Days Range Grid Location
AL KPI IBP Lateness Days Range Grid Time
AL KPI IBP Open Backlog Time
AL KPI IBP Rolling Backlog Chart Time
AL KPI IBP Rolling Backlog Grid Version
AL KPI IBP Rolling Backlog Grid Demand
AL KPI IBP Rolling Backlog Grid Item
AL KPI IBP Rolling Backlog Grid Location
AL KPI IBP Rolling Backlog Grid Sales Domain
AL KPI IBP Rolling Backlog Grid Time
IBP Capacity Constraint Grid Version
IBP Capacity Constraint Grid Item
IBP Capacity Constraint Grid Location
IBP Capacity Constraint Grid Resource
IBP Capacity
Capacity Constraint
Constraint Grid
Item Split Time
IBP Demand Supportability Grid By Time
IBP Demand Supportability Grid By Version
IBP Demand Supportability Grid By Item
IBP Demand Supportability Grid By Location
Brand Time
IBP Material Constraint Grid Version
IBP Material Constraint Grid Item
IBP Material Constraint Grid Location
IBP Material
Material Constraint
Constraint Grid
Location Split Time
Chart Time
IBP Open Order Lateness Chart Time
P&L KPI Item
P&L KPI Location
P&L KPI Sales Domain
P&L KPI Time
P&L KPI Version
Local Exchange Rate Version
Local Exchange Rate Currency
Local Exchange Rate Time
Supply Chain Forecast Sales Domain
Supply Chain Forecast Item
Supply Chain Forecast Location
Supply Chain Forecast Time
Item Launch Curve NPI Version
Item Launch Curve NPI Item
Item Launch Curve NPI Lifecycle Time
Item Launch Curve NPI Sales Domain
Launch Curve NPI Lifecycle Time
NPI Item Leaderboard Version
NPI Item Leaderboard Item
NPI Item Leaderboard Time
NPI New Item Leaderboard Item
NPI New Item Leaderboard Version
NPI Product Life Cycle Version
NPI Product Life Cycle Item
NPI Product Life Cycle Sales Domain
NPI Like Item Search Space Setup Version
NPI Review Item Feature Weights Version
NPI Review Item Feature Weights Item
NPI Review Item Feature Weights Item Feature
NPI Like Item Match Item
NPI Like Item Match Sales Domain
NPI Fcst Time
NPI Fcst Bucketized Bkdn Version
NPI Fcst Bucketized Bkdn Item
NPI Fcst Bucketized Bkdn Sales Domain
NPI Fcst Bucketized Bkdn Time
Cannibalization NPI Item
Cannibalization NPI Sales Domain
Cannib Fcst NPI Time
Cannib Fcst Bucketized Bkdn NPI Version
Cannib Fcst Bucketized Bkdn NPI Item
Cannib Fcst Bucketized Bkdn NPI Sales Domain
Cannib Fcst Bucketized Bkdn NPI Time
Item Master Item
Delist Setup Version
Phase Out Details Item
Phase Out Details Sales Domain
Phase Out Details Version
Phase Out Chart Time
Review Dates Prod Tran Version
Review Dates Prod Tran Item
Review Dates Prod Tran Sales Domain
Product Transition Version
Product Transition Item
Product Transition Sales Domain
Review Forecast by Dates Version
Review Forecast by Dates Item
Review Forecast by Dates Sales Domain
Review Forecast by Dates Time
Review Transition Stack Time
Review Transition Version
Review Transition Item
Review Transition Sales Domain
Review Transition Time
Opportunity Representation Time
Opportunity Details Opportunity
Opportunity Details Item
Opportunity Details Sales Domain
Opportunity Details Time
Opportunity History Opportunity
Opportunity History Item
Opportunity History Sales Domain
Opportunity History Time
Opportunity Shortlist Version
Global Scenario Limit Version
Product Scenario Limits Version
Global Scenario Limit Per User Version
Scenario Limit Per User Version
Scenario Limit Per User Personnel
Scenario Aging Summary Version
Transient: Backlog Value Order;
Total Commit
Transient:Orders; Backlog
Satisfied Orders(Unit)
(Out of S&OP Coordinator
Total Commit Order); Backlog (Unit)
Delete Obsolete Members Version
Delete Obsolete Members DM Rule
Transient: Gap
Item Customer profile input Sales Domain
Item Customer profile input Item
Item Customer
Customer profile
profile input
input Time Time
Item Customer profile input Time Sales Domain
Item Customer profile input Time Item
Item Customer profile input Time Time
Varying Weeklyprofile input Time
Item Customer Sales Domain
Varying Weeklyprofile input Time
Item Customer Item
Varying Weekly Time
Item Master 1 Item
Item Members Delete Flags Item
Location Members Delete Flags Location
Location Type Members Delete Flags Location
OrderlineID Members Delete Flags Documents
Transient: ;
Transient: Time
ActualTaken in minutes
Cleansed vs Actual
Transient: Zero
Transient: Zero
Transactional Forecast Item
Transactional Forecast Location
Transactional Forecast Sales Domain
Transactional Forecast Time
Active Realignment Flag Version
Location Realignment Location
Location Realignment Time
ShipTo Realignment Report Sales Domain
Item Location Realignment Item
Item Location Realignment Location
Item Location Realignment Time
ShipTo Realignment Report Time
Item ShipTo Location Realignment Item
Item ShipTo Location Realignment Location
Item ShipTo Location Realignment Sales Domain
Item ShipTo Location Realignment Time
ShipTo Realignment Sales Domain
ShipTo Realignment Time
Post Location Realignment Location
Post Location Realignment Item
Post Location Realignment Sales Domain
Post Location Realignment Time
Version Name
BatchID SolutionName
Solution Name
Version Name
BatchID SolutionName
Entity Name
Error Category
BatchID SolutionName
Version Name
BatchID SolutionName
Entity Name
Sequence ID
Data Segment
Data Stream Type; Data Stream
Version Name
Entity Name
Version Name
BatchID SolutionName
Entity Name
File Status
Sequence ID
Source Type
Version Name
BatchID SolutionName
Entity Name
File Status
Sequence ID
Source Type
Version Name
BatchID SolutionName
Solution Name
BatchID SolutionName
Version Name
BatchID SolutionName
SSIS Task Name
Solution Name
SSIS Task Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Item
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter
Serial No; Table Name
Serial No; Table Name
Serial No; SSIS Task Name
Serial No; Out Table Name
Serial No; Master Table Name; Master Table Column
Serial No; Table Name
Serial No; Table Name
Serial No; Out Table Name
Product; Action Type; RunID Parent; RunID
Serial No; Table Name
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Item Class; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Location; Location Country; Location Region
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Serial No; Table Name
Version Name
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Item; Planning Item; Item Class
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week
Serial No; Table Type; Table Name
Table Name; Serial No
Serial No; Table Name
Serial No; Dimension Name; Attribute Name; Alias Name
Serial No; Tenant Table Type; Table Name
Serial No; Table Name
Serial No; Dimension Name; Alias Name
Serial No; Parameter Name
Serial No; Table Name
Data Segment
Data Stream
All Item; Item;Type; Data Stream
Reporting Item; Planning Item; Transition Item; Stat Item; Segmentation LOB; L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Item Class;
Group; A1; A2; A3; A4; A5;
All Sales Domain; Ship To; SoldA6; A7;
To; A8; A9; A10;
Customer A11; Stat
Group; A12;Customer
A13; A14;Group;
A15 Channel; Channel Group; Division; Ship To Class; R
Code; City; State; Zone
All Location; Location; Location Region; Location Country; Location Type
Class; Class Group
Initiative; Initiative Category
Item Feature
Stat Algorithm
Stat Model
Stat Parameter
ML Driver
Stat Rule
Data Segment
Data Stream; Data Stream Type
Day; Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year
All Time; Year; Half; Quarter; YTD; Month; Partial Week; Day; Planning Year; Planning Quarter; Planning YTD; Planning Month
All Item; L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item; Item
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week; Day
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week; Day
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week; Day
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week; Day
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week; Day
Version Name
Version Name
Month; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name
Partial Week
Version Name
Version Name
Version Name
Stat Item
Version Name
Segmentation LOB; Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Planning Item
Segmentation LOB; Planning Item
Customer Group
Planning Item
Stat Item
Version Name
Version Name
Step Number
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Year; Month; Quarter; Partial Week
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week
Stat Level
Planning Item
Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week; All Time
Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Version Name
Version Name
Stat Rule
Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Stat Algorithm
Stat Parameter
Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Stat Item
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week; All Time
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week; All Time
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week; All Time
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week; All Time
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week
Stat Location
Stat Item
Channel; Stat Customer Group
Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Stat Location
Stat Item
Stat Customer Group
Stat Item; Transition Item
Stat Location; Location
Stat Customer Group; Customer Group
Planning Month; Week
Stat Location; Location
Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Stat Customer Group; Channel Group; Customer Group
Planning Month; Week
Item Class
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Item Class; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Planning Quarter; Planning Month
Version Name
Stat Level
Channel Group
Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Stat Algorithm
Stat Parameter
Week; Planning Month; Planning Quarter; Planning Year; Month; Quarter; Year; Partial Week; All Time
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month
All Time; Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month
Planning Year; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Stat Item
Version Name
Predict Tournament
Predict Tournament
Planning Item; Planning Item
Planning Item; Planning Item
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Item; Planning Item
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Month; Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name
Version Name
Stat Model
Version Name
Stat Algorithm
Stat Model
Stat Parameter
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Stat Item; Planning Item
Location Country; Location Type; Location
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Month; Week
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Stat Level; Planning Item
Location Country; Location Type; Location
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Quarter; Planning YTD; Planning Month; Week
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Stat Level; Planning Item
Location Country; Location Type; Location
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Stat Model
Version Name
Planning Year; Day; Planning Month; Partial Week; Week
Predict Tournament
Predict Feature
Predict Tournament
Planning Item
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Item; Planning Item; Item Class
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Item Class; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Item
Planning Item
Sold To
Planning Item
Sold To
Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Year; Planning Month; Week
Planning Year; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group; Sold To
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group; Sold To
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; L4
ML Driver
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD Name; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month Name; Planning Month; Week Name; W
Version Name
All Item; L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Item; Planning Item; Item Class
Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Customer Group
Process Type; Process Sub Type; Process
Planning Cycle
Version Name
Version Name
Planning Cycle
Process; Process Sub Type; Process Type
Day of Week; Week Name; Week; Day
Process Type; Process Sub Type; Process
Planning Cycle
Version Name
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning YTD Name; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Planning Month Name; Week; Week Na
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Item; Planning Item; Item Class
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group; Sold To
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item; Transition Group
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Level; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month; Partial Week; Day
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month; Partial Week; Day
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month; Partial Week; Day
Version Name
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month; Partial Week; Day
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month; Partial Week; Day
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Transition Group; Planning Item; Transition Item
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Planning Item; Item
Location Country; Location Region; Location
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
Version Name
L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Planning Item; Item
Location Country; Location Region; Location
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Planning Item; Item
Location Country; Location Region; Location
Ship To
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Planning Item; Item
Location Country; Location Region; Location; Location
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Planning Item; Item
Location Country; Location Region; Location
Quarter; YTD; Year; Month
Version Name
L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Planning Item; Item; Item
Location Country; Location Region; Location; Location
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
All Item; L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Item
Ship To; Customer Group; Channel Group; Channel
Year; YTD; Quarter; Month
Version Name
Version Name
Currency; Currency
Customer Group
Planning Item; Item
Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Item; L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Transition Item; Stat Level; PLC Status; Item Stage; Item Type; Transition Group; Item Clas
A12; A13; A14; A15
Planning Year; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name Item; Planning Item; L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Transition Item; Stat Item; Segmentation LOB; PLC Status; Item Stag
Item; Reporting
A2; A3; A4; A5; A6; A7; A8; A9; A10; A11; A12; A13; A14; A15; All Item
Planning Year; Planning
Item; Reporting YTD; Planning
Item; Planning Quarter; Planning
Item; Transition Item; StatMonth; Week; Day LOB; L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; PLC Status; Item Stag
Item; Segmentation
A2; A3; A4; A5; A6; A7; A8; A9; A10; A11; A12; A13; A14; A15; All Item
Version Name
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Stat Level; Transition Item; Transition Group; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Version Name
Version Name
L6; L5; L4
Item Feature
L1; Stat Level; Item Class; Planning Item; Planning Item; L1; Stat Level; Item Class
Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Item; Stat Item; Transition Group; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
L1; Stat Level; Item Class; Planning Item; Planning Item; L1; Stat Level; Item Class
Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Item; Stat Item; Transition Group; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Item; Item Type; Planning Item; Item Stage; L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Version Name
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Transition Item; Planning Item
Channel Group; Channel; Division; Customer Group
Version Name
Transition Item; L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning Quarter; Planning YTD; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Planning Year; Planning YTD; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Transition Group; Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning Quarter; Planning YTD; Planning Month; Week
Planning Year; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week; Partial Week
Opportunity; Opportunity Line
Planning Item
Sold To
Planning Month; Partial Week
Opportunity; Opportunity Line
Planning Item
Sold To
Version Name
Version Name
Version Name
Version Name
Version Name
Version Name
S&OP Coordinator
3.Supply Review
S&OP Coordinator
Version Name
S&OP Coordinator
Customer Group
Reporting Item
Day of Week
Customer Group
Month; Day
Customer Group
Reporting Item
Planning Month;
Item; Planning Week;
Item; Day Item; Stat Level; L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Item Class; Item Stage; Item Type; PLC Status; Transition
A11; A12; A13; A14; A15; All Item
Location Type
Common Admin
Demand Analyst
Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Customer Group
Version Name
Location; Location
Ship To; Ship To
Location; Location
Location; Location
Ship To
Ship To; Ship To
Planning Item; Item
Customer Group; Ship To
Year; Month; Day
Version Name
BatchID SolutionName
Solution Name

Version Name
BatchID SolutionName

Error Category

Version Name
BatchID SolutionName

Version Name
Entity Name
Version Name
BatchID SolutionName
Entity Name
File Status

Source Type
Version Name
BatchID SolutionName
Entity Name
File Status

Source Type
Version Name
BatchID SolutionName
Solution Name

Version Name
BatchID SolutionName
SSIS Task Name
Solution Name
Item; L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6

Table Name
Table Name
SSIS Task Name
Out Table Name
Master Table Name
Table Name
Table Name
Out Table Name

Table Name
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Location; Location Region; Location Country
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Table Name
Version Name

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item

Table Name
Table Name
Table Name
Dimension Name
Table Name
Table Name
Dimension Name
Parameter Name
Table Name
L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; All Item; Planning Item; Item

L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item

Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
Version Name
Partial Week
Version Name
Partial Week
Version Name
Version Name
Version Name
Stat Item
Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Planning Item; Stat Item
Planning Item

Customer Group
Planning Item
Stat Item
Version Name
Version Name

Step Number

L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Stat Level

L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Stat Level; Planning Item
Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group

Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group

Version Name
Version Name

Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Stat Algorithm
Stat Parameter
Version Name

Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group
Stat Item

Stat Location
Stat Item
Stat Customer Group

Stat Location
Stat Item
Stat Customer Group
Transition Item; Stat Item
Location; Stat Location
Customer Group; Stat Customer Group

Stat Location; Location

Stat Item; Transition Item; Planning Item
Customer Group; Stat Customer Group

L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item; Stat Item

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group

Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group

Version Name

Stat Level; L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1

Channel Group; Channel
Version Name
Stat Item
Stat Location
Stat Customer Group

Stat Item
Version Name
Predict Tournament
Predict Tournament
Planning Item
Planning Item

Planning Item

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item

Version Name
Version Name
Stat Model
Version Name
Stat Algorithm
Stat Model
Stat Parameter
All Item; L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
All Sales Domain; Division; Channel Group; Channel;
Customer Group

All Item; L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
All Sales Domain; Division; Channel Group; Channel;
Customer Group

All Item; L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
All Sales Domain; Division; Channel Group; Channel;
Customer Group

Version Name
Region; Country

Predict Tournament
Predict Feature
Predict Tournament
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item

Initiative Category; Initiative
Initiative Category; Initiative

Initiative Category; Initiative

Planning Item
Sold To

Initiative Category; Initiative

Initiative Category; Initiative

Planning Year

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Sold To; Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer
Planning Item; L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1

Version Name
L4; L1; L6; L5; L3; L2
ML DriverGroup; Customer Group; Division; Channel;
Customer Class

L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item

Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

All Item; Item

Location; All Location

Process; Process Sub Type; Process Type

Planning Cycle
Version Name
Version Name
Planning Cycle
Process; Process Sub Type; Process Type

Process; Process Sub Type; Process Type

Planning Cycle
Version Name
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group; Sold

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item

Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item

Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; Transition Group; L1
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; Transition Group; L1
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Planning Item

L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Planning Item; Item

Location Country; Location Region; Location

Version Name
Version Name

L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Item; Planning Item

Version Name

Item; Planning Item; L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6

Location; Location Country; Location Region

Version Name
L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Planning Item; Item
Location; Location Country; Location Region

Version Name
L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Planning Item; Item
Location Country; Location Region; Location

Version Name
L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; Planning Item; Item
Location Country; Location Region; Location

L1; L2; L3; L4; L5; L6; All Item

Customer Group; Channel Group; Channel; Division

Version Name
Version Name
Currency; Currency
Customer Group
Planning Item

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Planning Year; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Planning Year; Planning Quarter; Planning Month; Week
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item; Item
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item; Item
Version Name
Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Version Name
Version Name
All Item; L6; L5; L4
Item Feature
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel; Channel Group; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item

Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Item; Item Type

Version Name
L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Version Name

Version Name
Transition Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Version Name
Transition Item
Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Version Name
Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group
Version Name
Transition Item; Planning Item
Division; Channel Group; Channel; Customer Group

Planning Item
Customer Group

Opportunity Line

Version Name
Version Name
Version Name
Version Name
Version Name

Version Type; Version Name

3.Supply Review
Backlog & Lateness
3.Supply Review
Version Name

3.Supply Review
Customer Group
L6; Reporting Item
Day of Week
Customer Group
L6; Item
Customer Group
L6; Reporting Item
Planning Month; Week
All Item; L6; L5; L4; L3; L2; L1
Location Type
System Stat
Misc, Demand Review
Misc, Demand Review
All Item; Item
All Location; Location

Version Name
Location; Location
Year; Month; Day
Ship To; Ship To
Location; Location
Location; Location
Ship To
Ship To; Ship To
Item; Planning
Customer Item;
Group; ShipL6;To;
L4; L3; L2; L1 Group;

Source.[Source Type].filter(#.Name in { "SFTP", "ADLS", "AzureBlob",

"MSD365_AzureBlob"} )

Source.[Source Type].filter(#.Name in
&AllDemandItems; ; ; ; ; ;



&AllWeeks.Filter(#.Key>= &CurrentWeek.element(0).LeadOffset(-
13).Key && #.Key <= &CurrentWeek.element(0).LeadOffset(-1).Key )









[AI Predict].[Predict Tournament].[DP032AIPredictMLAtL1Level]

[AI Predict].[Predict Tournament].[DP033AIPredictAttentionModel]


[Stat Model].[Stat Model].filter(#.Name in {"Model 1", "Model 2",
"Model 3"})







[AI Predict].[Predict Tournament].[DP031AIPredict]





; &TradePromo












; &AllDemandItems
























; ; ; ; ; ; ; [Item].[Item].filter(#.[Is New Item] == true)

; ; ; ; ; ; [Item].[Item].filter(#.[Is New Item] ==

true).relatedmembers([Planning Item])

; ; ; ; ; ; [Item].[Item].filter(#.[Is New Item] ==
true).relatedmembers([Planning Item])

; ; ; ; ; ; [Item].[Item].filter(#.[Is New Item] ==
true).relatedmembers([Planning Item])






Version.[Version Name].[CurrentWorkingView]
Version.[Version Name].[CurrentWorkingView]
Version.[Version Name].[CurrentWorkingView]
Version.[Version Name].[CurrentWorkingView]

&Scenarios.relatedmembers([Version Type]);
Backlog & Lateness
Rolling Backlog
Backlog & Lateness


; &AllDemandReportingItems

; &AllDemandReportingItems
Outlier Setup
Demand Review, Units
Demand Review, Units
; &AllDemandItems
; &AllDemandLocations











; ; X BRAND, Y BRAND, Z BRAND; ; ; ;
; ; Supplier, UK, USA
; Replacement; ;








10045, 10495, 12025, 12975, 14605, 20001, 20002, 20003, 7010040, 7010045,
7012020, 7012025, 7012970, 7013290, 7014650, LINK003
; 10045, 10495, 12025, 12975, 14605, 20001, 20002, 20003, 7010040, 7010045,
7012020, 7012025, 7012970, 7013290, 7014650, LINK003


10045, 10495, 12025, 12975, 14605, 20001, 20002, 20003, 7010040, 7010045,
7012020, 7012025, 7012970, 7013290, 7014650, LINK003
OEM, Replacement



10040, 10045, 10450, 10490, 10495, 10960, 12020, 12025, 12975, 14600, 14605,
7010040, 7010045, 7012020, 7012025, 7012970, 7013290, 7014650, LINK003
OEM, Replacement
10045, 10495, 12025, 12975, 14605, 20001, 20002, 20003, 7010040, 7010045,
7012020, 7012025, 7012970, 7013290, 7014650, LINK003
OEM, Replacement

10045, RDC2,
10495, RDC3,
12025, RDC4,
12975, RDC520001, 20002, 20003, 7010040, 7010045,
7012020, 7012025, 7012970, 7013290, 7014650, LINK003
OEM, Replacement


010960, 012020; ;
























2018, 2019, 2020, 2021

; Replacement; ;




; Replacement; ;

; Replacement; ;

; Replacement; ;

CurrentWorkingView, Flex Scenario









; Replacement; ;
; Replacement; ;



; Replacement; ;

; Replacement; ;

; Replacement; ;

; Replacement; ;


; Replacement; ;
; Replacement; ;




; Replacement; ;

; Replacement; ;









; Replacement; ;


Y1, Y2; ; ;







; Replacement; ;



Scenario; Test 3, Test 4

Open Backlog

Rolling Backlog


Run Times
Outlier Setup
Units, Units
Units, Units


AllDays - All Days|Yes; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastTwoPlanningYears - Last Two Planning Years|No

AccuracyHistoryBuckets - AccuracyHistoryBuckets|Yes

StatHorizon - StatHorizon|Yes; LastAndCurrentPlanningYear - Last + Current Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last

BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket - BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket|Yes

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No; StatHorizon - Sta
AllStatBuckets - AllStatBuckets|Yes
LastPlanningMonth - Last Month|No; MTD - Month To Date|No; CurrentPlanningMonth - Current Month|No; LastAndCurren
CurrentPlanningMonth - Current Month|Yes; CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|No; LastPlanningMonth - Last Month|No
CurrentPlanningMonth - Current Month|Yes; CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|No; LastPlanningMonth - Last Month|No

LastPlanningMonth - Last Month|No; MTD - Month To Date|No; CurrentPlanningMonth - Current Month|No; LastAndCurren

LastPlanningMonth - Last Month|No; MTD - Month To Date|No; CurrentPlanningMonth - Current Month|No; LastAndCurren
StatHistoryBuckets - Stat History Buckets|Yes
StatL1HistoryBuckets - StatL1HistoryBuckets|Yes

StatL1HistoryBuckets - StatL1HistoryBuckets|Yes
BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket - BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket|Yes
BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket - BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket|Yes

StatL1HistoryBuckets - Stat L1 History Buckets|Yes

BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket - BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket|Yes
BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket - BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket|Yes
BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket - BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket|Yes
BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket - BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket|Yes
AllStatBuckets - AllStatBuckets|Yes

AllStatBuckets - AllStatBuckets|Yes

AllStatBuckets - AllStatBuckets|Yes

LastPlanningMonth - Last Month|No; Last3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months|No; Last6PlanningMonths - Last 6 Months|Yes; L

BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket - BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket|Yes

Last3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months|Yes; Last6PlanningMonths - Last 6 Months|No; Last12PlanningMonths - Last 12 Month

LastAndCurrentPlanningYear - Last + Current Year|Yes; Last2AndNext2PlanningYears - Last 2 Years + Next 2 Years|No; Last3A
AllStatL1Buckets - AllStatL1Buckets|Yes

StatHorizon - Stat Horizon|Yes

BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket - BacktestStatL1HistoryBucket|Yes
LastPlanningMonth - Last Month|No; Last3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months|No; Last6PlanningMonths - Last 6 Months|Yes; L
StatHorizon - Stat Horizon|Yes
LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No; StatHorizon - Sta

CurrentPlanningYear - Current Planning Year|Yes; LastPlanningYear - Last Planning Year|No; NextPlanningYear - Next Plannin

CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|Yes; LastPlanningYear - Last Year|No; NextPlanningYear - Next Year|No

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Year|No; Las
LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No
StatHorizon - Stat Horizon|Yes

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; StatHorizon - Stat Horizon|Yes; AllPlanningYears

CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|Yes; LastPlanningYear - Last Year|No; NextPlanningYear - Next Year|No

Last2AndNext2PlanningYears - Last 2 Years + Next 2 Years|No; Last3AndNext3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months + Next 3 Mon
LastPlanningMonth - Last Month|No; Last3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months|No; Last6PlanningMonths - Last 6 Months|Yes; L
Last3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months|No; Last6PlanningMonths - Last 6 Months|Yes; Last12PlanningMonths - Last 12 Month

LastPlanningMonth - Last Month|No; Last3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months|Yes; Last6PlanningMonths - Last 6 Months|No; L

CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|Yes; LastLastPlanningYear - Last Year|No; NextPlanningYear - Next Year|No

CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|Yes; LastPlanningYear - Last Year|No; NextPlanningYear - Next Year|No

CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|Yes; LastPlanningYear - Last Year|No; NextNextPlanningYear - Next Year|No

CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|Yes; LastPlanningMonth - Last Month|No; NextNextPlanningYear - Next Next Year|No; N
CurrentPlanningMonth - Last Month|No; CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|Yes; NextNextPlanningYear - Next Next Year|N
CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|Yes; LastPlanningYear - Last Year|No; NextPlanningYear - Next Year|No

CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|Yes; LastPlanningYear - Last Year|No; NextNextPlanningYear - Next Year|No

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear
LastLastPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No;
- Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - LastAllPlanningYears - All LastPlanningYear
Last + Last Year|No; Years|No - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No
LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No
LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No

Last3AndNext3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months + Next 3 Months|No; Last3AndNext9PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months + Next

AllPlanningYears - All Years|No; CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|Yes; CurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Current + Next Year|
- Next + Next Next Year|No; NextNextPlanningYear - Next Next Year|No; NextPlanningYear - Next Year|No
Last2AndNext2PlanningYears - Last 2 Years + Next 2 Years|No; Last3AndNext3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months + Next 3 Mon
Last2AndNext2PlanningYears - Last 2 Years + Next 2 Years|No; Last3AndNext3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months + Next 3 Mon
Last2AndNext2PlanningYears - Last 2 Years + Next 2 Years|No; Last3AndNext3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months + Next 3 Mon

Last2AndNext2PlanningYears - Last 2 Years + Next 2 Years|No; Last3AndNext3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months + Next 3 Mon

Last3AndNext3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months + Next 3 Months|No; Last3AndNext9PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months + Next

Last3AndNext3PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months + Next 3 Months|No; Last3AndNext9PlanningMonths - Last 3 Months + Next

CurrentPlanningMonth - CM|No; CurrentPlanningYear - CY|No; CurrentWeek - CW|No; CurrentPlanningQuarter - CQ|No; Da

CurrentMonth - Current Month|Yes; CurrentYear - Current Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear - Last + Current Year|No; LastYear -

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear
LastLastPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No;
- Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - LastAllPlanningYears - All LastPlanningYear
Last + Last Year|No; Years|No - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No
LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear
LastLastPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No;
- Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - LastAllPlanningYears - All LastPlanningYear
Last + Last Year|No; Years|No - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No
LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No

LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No;-LastMonth
LastLastYear - Last Month|No;
Last Last Year|No; ROY - Rest of
LastLastAndLastYear Year|No;
- Last Last + YTD
Last -Year|No;
Year to Date|No
LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No
LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No

LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No

LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No
YTD - Year to-Date|No;
Current Year|Yes; LastMonth
ROY - Rest - LastMonth|No;
of Year|No; ROY - ROY|No;
CurrentYear - Current YTD
Year|Yes; - YTD|No
LastCurrentAndNextYear - Last + Current + Ne
Next + Next Next Year|No; NextNextYear - Next Next Year|No; NextYear - Next Year|No; QTD - Quarter to Date|No; ROQ - Re
AllYears - All Years|No; CurrentYear - Current Year|Yes; LastAndCurrentYear - Last + Current Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextYe
Next Year|No- Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No

AllYears - All Years|No; CurrentYear - Current Year|Yes; LastAndCurrentYear - Last And Current Year|No; LastCurrentAndNext
Next Year|No

AllYears - All Years|No; CurrentYear - Current Year|Yes; LastAndCurrentYear - Last + Current Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextYe
Next Year|No

CurrentMonth - CurrentMonth|Yes
CurrentMonth - CurrentMonth|Yes
CurrentMonth - CurrentMonth|Yes
LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No; LastMonth - Last Month|No;
LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; ROY - Rest of
LastLastAndLastYear Year|No;
- Last Last + YTD
Last -Year|No;
Year to Date|No
LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No
LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No

LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No
LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No
LastLastYear -- Current
Last LastYear|Yes;
Year|No;LastMonth - LastMonth|No;
LastLastAndLastYear ROY+-Last
- Last Last ROY|No; YTD LastYear
Year|No; - YTD|No- Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No
LastMonth - Last Month|No; MTDCalendar - Month To Date|No; CurrentMonth - Current Month|No; LastAndCurrentMonths

LastMonth - Last Month|No; MTDCalendar - Month To Date|No; CurrentMonth - Current Month|No; LastAndCurrentMonths

LastMonth - Last Month|No; MTDCalendar - Month To Date|No; CurrentMonth - Current Month|No; LastAndCurrentMonths

LastMonth - Last Month|No; MTDCalendar - Month To Date|No; CurrentMonth - Current Month|No; LastAndCurrentMonths
LastMonth - Last Month|No; MTD - Month To Date|No; CurrentMonth - Current Month|No; LastAndCurrentMonths - Last + C
LastLastYear -- Current
Last LastYear|Yes;
Year|No;LastMonth - LastMonth|No;
LastLastAndLastYear ROY+-Last
- Last Last ROY|No; YTD LastYear
Year|No; - YTD|No- Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No
LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear - Last + Current Year|No

LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No

LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No
LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No; LastMonth - Last Month|No; RestofYear - Rest of Year|No; YeartoDate - Year to Date|No; IBPSRL1PlanningHori

LastCurrentAndNextYear - Last + Current + Next Year|Yes; LastYear - Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear - Last + Current Year|
Rest of Year|No; YeartoDate - Year to Date|No; IBPSRL1PlanningHorizon - Planning Horizon|No

LastLastYear - -Last
All Past
Last Weeks|Yes; AllMonths - All Months|No;
Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last LastAllYears - All Years|No;
+ Last Year|No; LastYear
LastYear - Last Year|No
- Last Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear
All Years|No; LastMonth - Last Month|No; RestofYear - Rest of Year|No; YeartoDate - Year to Date|No; IBPSRL1PlanningHori
LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|Yes; LastAndCurrentYea
LastYear - Last Year|Yes; CurrentAndPastMonths - CurrentAndPastMonths|No; LastQuarter - Last Quarter|No

AllYears - All Years|Yes; CurrentYear - Current Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear - Last + Current Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextYe
Next Year|No;
AllYears MonthlyPlanningHorizon
- All Years|Yes; - Planning
CurrentYear - Current Horizon|No
Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear - Last + Current Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextYe
Next Year|No; MonthlyPlanningHorizon - Planning Horizon|No

CurrentYear - Current Year|No; AllYears - All Years|Yes; CurrentQuarter - Current Quarter|No; CurrentMonth - Current Mont

AllYears - All Years|Yes; CurrentYear - Current Year|No; LastAndCurrentYear - Last + Current Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextYe
Next Year|No; MonthlyPlanningHorizon - Planning Horizon|No
CurrentYear - Current Year|Yes; CurrentAndNextYear - Current + Next Year|No; NextYear - Next Year|No; NextAndNextNextY
LastLastYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastYear - Last Year|Yes; LastAndCurrentYea

AllYears - All Years|No; CurrentYear - Current Year|Yes; LastAndCurrentYear - Last + Current Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextYe
Next Year|No

CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|Yes; LastPlanningYear - Last Year|No; NextPlanningYear - Next Year|No; PlanningROY - R
LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No

LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No

AllPlanningYears - All Years|Yes; CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|No; CurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Current + Next Year|
- Next + Next Next Year|No; NextNextPlanningYear - Next Next Year|No; NextPlanningYear - Next Year|No; Last12PlanningM

AllPlanningYears - All Years|Yes; CurrentPlanningYear - Current Year|No; CurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Current + Next Year|
- Next + Next Next Year|No; NextNextPlanningYear - Next Next Year|No; NextPlanningYear - Next Year|No; ForecastHorizon
LastLastPlanningYear - Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - Last Last + Last Year|No; LastPlanningYear - Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear
LastLastPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|No;
- Last Last Year|No; LastLastAndLastPlanningYear - LastForecastHorizon - Forecast
Last + Last Year|No; Horizon|No;- AllPlann
LastPlanningYear Last Yea
Year|No; LastCurrentAndNextPlanningYear - Last + Current + Next Year|Yes; AllPlanningYears - All Years|No

CurrentPlanningYear - Current Planning Year|No; Last2AndNext2PlanningYears - Last 2 And Next 2 Planning Years|No; LastAn
PlanningHorizon - Planning Horizon|Yes; CurrentPlanningMonth - CM|No; CurrentPlanningYear - CY|No; CurrentWeek - CW|

AllPlanningMonths - All Planning Months|No; Last12PlanningMonths - Last 12 Planning Months|Yes; Last24PlanningMonths -

Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment]==1
Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment]==1
Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment]==1
Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment]==1
Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment]==1

Measure.[Product Segment]==1
Measure.[Product Segment]==1
Measure.[Product Customer Segment]==1
Measure.[Product Customer Segment]==1
Measure.[Product Customer Segment]==1

(Measure.[Stat Algorithm Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm

Association] == Algorithm
(Measure.[Stat 1) Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == 1)
(Measure.[Stat Algorithm Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == 1)
(Measure.[Stat Algorithm Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == Algorithm
(Measure.[Stat 1) Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == 1)
(Measure.[Stat Algorithm Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == 1)
Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment] == 1
Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment] == 1
Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment] == 1
Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment] == 1
Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment] == 1
~IsNull(Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment])
~IsNull(Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment])
~IsNull(Measure.[Product Customer L1 Segment])
~IsNull(Measure.[Product Customer L1
(Measure.[Stat Algorithm Parameter Segment]) == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == Algorithm
(Measure.[Stat 1) Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == 1)
(Measure.[Stat Algorithm Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == Algorithm
(Measure.[Stat 1) Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == 1)
(Measure.[Stat Algorithm Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == Algorithm
(Measure.[Stat 1) Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == 1)
(Measure.[Stat Algorithm Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == Algorithm
(Measure.[Stat 1) Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == 1)
(Measure.[Stat Algorithm Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == Algorithm
(Measure.[Stat 1) Parameter Association] == 1) && (Measure.[System Stat Algorithm
Association] == 1)

Measure.[Promo Sold To Association]>=1

~IsNULL(Measure.[Initiative Medium])
Measure.[AL KPI Delivered Qty On Delivery Month]>0
(coalesce(Measure.[IBP Total Met On Time Quantity],0) - Measure.[IBP Demand Quantity])<0
(coalesce(Measure.[IBP Total Met On Time Quantity],0) - Measure.[IBP Demand Quantity])<0
(coalesce(Measure.[IBP Total Met On Time Quantity],0) - Measure.[IBP Demand Quantity])<0
(coalesce(Measure.[IBP Total Met On Time Quantity],0) - Measure.[IBP Demand Quantity])<0
Measure.[System Feature Weight]>0.0
Measure.[System Feature Weight]>0.0
Measure.[System Feature Weight]>0.0
coalesce(Measure.[Opportunity Line Stage Input LR], Measure.[Opportunity Line Stage Input]) !=
"Won - Order Received"
coalesce(Measure.[Opportunity Line Stage Input LR], Measure.[Opportunity Line Stage Input]) !=
"Won - Order Received"
coalesce(Measure.[Opportunity Line Stage Input LR], Measure.[Opportunity Line Stage Input]) !=
"Won - Order Received"
coalesce(Measure.[Opportunity Line Stage Input LR], Measure.[Opportunity Line Stage Input]) !=
"Won - Order Received"
Regular: SSIS Batch Status; Failure Root Cause; Correction Action; Preventive Action

Regular: Raw File Record Count; Error Record Count; Percentage Error; Error Type

Regular: Batch Duration
API Table Record Count; API Insert Record Count; API Update Record Count; API Delete Record Count; In Table Name
LS Upload Count; LS Upload Error Count

Regular: Frequency; When; Missing File; Input Filename; Output Filename; Last Refresh Date; Time Horizon; Input Volume LC

Regular: Error Record Count; Raw File Record Count; Percentage Error
Regular: In File Name; Duration In Seconds; End Time; File Size; File Timestamp; Record Count; Start Time

Regular: In File Name; Duration In Seconds; End Time; File Size; File Timestamp; Record Count; Start Time

Regular: Batch Start Time; Batch End Time; Batch Duration

Regular: Task Duration

Regular: Task Duration
Regular: Task Duration
Regular: DP SP Handshake Enabled

Regular: Input Table Category; Input File Name; Input Source Type; Input File Delimiter; Input File Format; Input Encryption; In
Regular: Input Table Type; Input Column Name; Input Data Type; Input Position; Input Leaf/Grain; Input Sign; Input Column D
Regular: Task Display Name; Include In Performance Benchmark?
Regular: Log Out Table Column; Log Table Column; Log Key Columns For Version
Regular: Master
Output Stg
File Table
Name;Name; Master
Output Stg Column
Category; Output Name
Required For Integration; Output MP; Output DP; Output OP; Output M
Values; Output LocalSync FilterCondition; Output Sync Direction; Output Cluster key; Output Fact Target
Regular: Output Column
Validation Name; Output
Data Stream; Mandatory;
Validation Output
Out Table Data
Column; Type; Output
Validation Position;
Out Table OutputValidation
Condition; Leaf/Grain; Output
Audit StgName;
Table Table
Validation Commercial Planning; Validation Scheduling
Regular: Action Start Time; Action End Time; Scenario Count; Version Count; Scenario Name

Regular: Raw Column Name; Raw Value; Raw o9 Value

Regular: Actual; Stat Fcst Lag1; Stat Fcst Abs Error; Stat Fcst Accuracy; Stat Fcst Bias

Regular: Actual; Stat Fcst; Stat Fcst LC; Stat Fcst vs LC Gap; Stat Fcst vs LC Gap %; Stat Fcst Lag1; Stat Fcst Abs Error; Stat Fcst M
Reference Abs Error; Stat Fcst Reference MAPE; Stat Fcst Reference Accuracy; Stat Fcst Reference Error; Stat Fcst Reference B

Regular: SAPDeletion Column Name; SAPDeletion Value

Regular: Scenario Age Threshold; Global Scenario Age Threshold; CT Scenario Age Threshold; DP Scenario Age Threshold; MEI
Regular: Stat Fcst Accuracy; Stat Fcst Reference Accuracy
Regular: Stat Fcst Lag1; Consensus Fcst Lag1; Stat Fcst Reference Lag1; Actual; Stat Fcst Error; Stat Fcst Lag vs Actual %; Stat F
Transient: Over Forecast
Error; Consensus Fcst LagLag1 (Stat %;
vs Actual Fcst); Under Forecast
Consensus Lag1 (Stat
Fcst Accuracy; Fcst); Over
Consensus Fcst Forecast Lag1 (Stat
Bias; Consensus FcstFcst Reference);
Accuracy Point Under Fo
Loss; Con
Reference Over/Under Exception; Stat Fcst Reference Tracking Signal; Stat Fcst Reference Contribution to Parent %; Stat Fcst

Regular: Stg
Stg Source
Table WType; Stg Threshold
MSD365 Count;
ColumnName; StgStg ErrorWThreshold
Table Percentage;Stg
MSD365 Mandatory; StgTable
MP; Stg DP; Stg OP;
W MSD365 Stg MEIO;
DataType; StgStg Logistic
Table WM
Regular: Stg Table W SAP ColumnName; Stg Table W SAP Mandatory; Stg Table W SAP DataType; Stg Table W SAP Position; W
MSD365 Input Table Name; Stg Table W MSD365 Input Column Name; Stg Table W MSD365 From_JoinClause; Stg Table St
SAP Input Column Name; Stg Table W SAP From_JoinClause; Stg Table W SAP Filter; Stg Table W SAP Group By; Stg Table W S
Regular: Attribute Alias Description
Regular: Tenant File Name; Tenant IBPL Query; Tenant Validate Hierarchy Check; Tenant MP; Tenant DP; Tenant OP; Tenant M
Regular: Tenant Column Name; Tenant Mandatory; Tenant Data Type; Tenant Position; Tenant Leaf/Grain
Regular: Dimension Alias Description
Regular: Time Value;
Stg Table w/oTime
SAPFormat OptionsStg Table w/o SAP Mandatory; Stg Table w/o SAP DataType; Stg Table w/o SAP Pos
Name; Stg Table w/o SAP Input Column Name; Stg Table w/o SAP From_JoinClause; Stg Table w/o SAP Filter; Stg Table w/o SA
Transient: Zero
Transient: Zero

Regular: Stat Bucket Weight

Regular: Forecast Generation Time Bucket; Forecast Storage Time Bucket

Regular: Stat Bucket Weight
Regular: History Measure; History Time Buckets; History Period; Volume-COV History Period; Disco Period; New Launch Perio
Regular: COV Threshold; Volume Threshold
Regular: Volume-COV History Period
Regular: History Time Buckets; History Measure; History Period; Intermittency Threshold; Disco Period; New Launch Period
Regular: Volume
COV L1; L1;
Std COV L1 Avg Volume L1; Product Segment L1; Volume L1; Volume % L1; Cumulative Volume % L1; Interm
Dev L1;
Regular: COV; Volume
Regular: COV; Std Dev; Avg Volume; Volume; Volume %; Cumulative Volume %; Intermittent; Density; Number of Zeros; Leng

Regular: Product Customer Segment

Regular: COV; Stat Fcst Product MAPE; Actual

Regular: Segmentation History Period
Regular: AI Segmentation Current Cycle Target; AI Segmentation LC Target; AI Segmentation Observed Value

Regular: Actual
Regular: Actual
Regular: COV L1; Sell In Stat L1 MAPE; Actual
Regular: COV; Sell In Stat Product MAPE; Volume
Regular: Outlier Method; Outlier Upper Threshold Limit; Outlier Lower Threshold Limit; Outlier Correction

Regular: Actual; Actual Cleansed System; Actual Cleansed; Outlier Upper Threshold; Outlier Lower Threshold; Actual Median
Transient: Zero
Transient: Lag1 vs Stat Fcst Gap %; Zero; Stat Fcst vs LC Gap %
Regular: Actual; Actual Cleansed System; Actual Cleansed Adjustment; Actual Cleansed; Outlier Upper Threshold; Outlier Low

Regular: History Measure; History Period; Forecast Period; Validation Period; Bestfit Method; Error Metric
Regular: Planner Intermittency; Planner PLC; Planner Length of Series; Planner COV Segment; Planner Volume Segment; Plann
Regular: System Assigned Rule; Planner Assigned Rule; System Assigned Algorithm List; Planner Assigned Algorithm List; Cumu
L1; Intermittent L1

Regular: Stat Parameter Value

Regular: System Bestfit Algorithm; Planner Bestfit Algorithm; System Assigned Rule; Planner Assigned Rule; Assigned Algorithm
Volume L1; Volume Segment L1; Volume L1; Volume % L1; Cumulative Volume % L1; Product Segment L1; Trend L1; Seasonal

Regular: COV L1; Actual L1; Stat Fcst MAPE

Regular: Stat Fcst L1 Accuracy; Stat Fcst Product Accuracy; Stat Fcst Accuracy; ML W Lag Accuracy
Transient: Over Forecast Lag1 (Stat Fcst L1); Under Forecast Lag1 (Stat Fcst L1); Zero
Transient: Lag1 vs Stat Fcst Gap; Stat Fcst vs LC Gap; Zero
Transient: Lag1 vs Stat Fcst Gap %; Zero; Stat Fcst vs LC Gap %
Regular: Actual Cleansed; Actual Median; Outlier Upper Threshold; Outlier Lower Threshold; Trend Component L1; Seasonalit
Walk; Stat Fcst Prophet; Stat Fcst sARIMA; Stat Fcst Seasonal Naive YoY; Stat Fcst SES; Stat Fcst STLF; Stat Fcst TBATS; Stat Fcs

Regular: Bestfit Model; AR-NNET Model; Auto ARIMA Model; Croston Model; DES Model; ETS Model; Moving Average Model
Simple AOA Model; Simple Snaive Model; Weighted AOA Model; Weighted Snaive Model

Regular: Actual; Stat Fcst Profile PL; Stat Fcst

Regular: Stat Fcst Product Accuracy; Stat Fcst Accuracy; Actual

Transient: Over Forecast Lag1 (Stat Fcst); Under Forecast Lag1 (Stat Fcst); Zero
Regular: Stat Fcst Accuracy
Regular: Actual; Stat Fcst Lag1; Stat Fcst Abs Error; Stat Fcst Accuracy; Stat Fcst Bias

Regular: Actual; Fcst; Actual LY; Actual vs LY Gap; Actual vs LY Abs Gap; Actual vs LY Gap %; Actual vs LY %; Fcst LY; Fcst vs LY G

Regular: Actual; Actual Cleansed; System Stat Fcst L1; System ML Fcst L1; Stat Fcst L1; Stat Fcst LC; Planner Stat Fcst L1; Stat F
Regular: Actual L1; Actual Cleansed; System Stat Fcst L1; Planner Stat Fcst L1; Stat Fcst L1; Stat Fcst LC; Stat Fcst LY; Stat Fcst L

Regular: Stat Segment Rule; Stat Segment Algo List; Stat Segment; Sell In Stat Algo; Sell In Stat Algo LC; Sell In Stat L1 Accuracy
Volume % L1; COV L1; Std Dev L1; Avg Volume L1; PLC Status L1; Trend L1; Seasonality L1; Length of Series L1; Number of Zero

Regular: System Stat Parameter Value

Regular: Stat Fcst L1 Accuracy; Stat Fcst Product Accuracy; Stat Fcst Accuracy; ML W Lag Accuracy
Regular: Sell In Stat Product Accuracy

Regular: COV L1; Actual L1; Stat Fcst MAPE

Regular: History Period; Forecast Period; Training Start Date L1
Regular: AI Predict Recipe Id; AI Predict Recipe Algorithm; AI Predict Recipe Slice Level; AI Predict Recipe Predict Level; AI Pred

Regular: AI Predict Recipe Id; AI Predict Recipe Algorithm; AI Predict Recipe Slice Level; AI Predict Recipe Predict Level; AI Pred

Regular: Product Option Association

Regular: Attach Rate System; Attach Rate Override; Attach Rate; Attach Rate LC; Attach Rate LY; Option Forecast; Option Fore

Regular: Attach Rate System; Attach Rate Override; Attach Rate; Attach Rate LC; Attach Rate LY; Option Forecast; Option Fore
Regular: Consensus Fcst; Consensus Fcst LY; Consensus Fcst vs LY Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LY Abs Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LY Ga
Consensus Fcst vs LC %

Regular: Consensus Fcst; Consensus Fcst LY; Consensus Fcst vs LY Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LY Abs Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LY Ga
Consensus Fcst vs LC %; Option Fcst; Option Fcst LY; Option Fcst vs LY Gap; Option Fcst vs LY Abs Gap; Option Fcst vs LY Gap %

Regular: Stat Item Level; Stat Sales Domain Level; Stat Location Level; Stat Time Level; Stat History Measure; Stat History Outl
Regular: Stat History Period; Stat Last Run

Regular: Stat Parameter Value

Regular: Stat Raw History; Stat Cleansed History System; Stat Cleansed History Adjustment; Stat Cleansed History; Stat Foreca

Regular: Stat Raw History; Stat Cleansed History System; Stat Cleansed History Adjustment; Stat Cleansed History; Stat Foreca

Regular: Stat Forecast Description

Regular: Holiday Type; Is Holiday

Regular: AI Predict Feature Relative Importance; AI Predict Feature Transform Type; AI Predict Feature Transform SubType; A

Regular: AI Predict Recipe Id; AI Predict Recipe Algorithm; AI Predict Recipe Slice Level; AI Predict Recipe Predict Level; AI Pred

Regular: Actual COV;Fcst
Consensus MAPE; Actual
Lag1; L2 Consensus Fcst Error; Consensus Fcst Lag vs Actual %; Consensus Fcst Accuracy; Consen
Zeros; Trend; Seasonality; PLC Status; COV

Regular: Consensus Fcst Lag1; Actual; Consensus Fcst Error; Consensus Fcst Accuracy; Consensus Fcst Accuracy Point Loss; Co

Regular: Consensus
Transient: Fcst Accuracy;
Over Forecast Lag1 Published FcstUnder
(Consensus Accuracy; SalesLag1
Accuracy; Marketing Fcst Accuracy; Stat Fcst Accuracy;
Regular: Actual; Consensus Fcst Lag1; Stat Fcst); Forecast
Fcst Lag1; Sales Fcst Lag1; Fcst);
Marketing Fcst Lag1;Over Forecast
Consensus Lag1Accuracy;
Fcst (Published Fcst); U
(Stat Fcst); Under Forecast Lag1 (Stat Fcst); Over Forecast Lag1 (Reference1 Fcst); Under Forecast Lag1 (Reference1 Fcst);
Fcst Abs Error; Sales Fcst Abs Error; Marketing Fcst Abs Error; Stat Fcst Abs Error; Reference1 Fcst Abs Error; Reference2 Fcst Und
Consensus Fcst Accuracy Point Loss; Consensus Fcst MAPE Contribution

Regular: Accuracy; Stat Fcst Accuracy; Actual L2

Regular: Initiative Description; Initiative Owner; Initiative TPR; Initiative Display; Initiative Feature; Initiative Bundle; Initiative
Regular: Promo Product Customer Association; Initiative Price; Initiative Discount %; Initiative TPR Details; Initiative Display D

Regular: TPR; Display; Feature; Bundle; Standard Price; Promotional Price; Discount %; Promo Days; Promo Distribution Cover

Regular: Initiative Description; Initiative Owner; Initiative Medium; Initiative Start; Initiative Duration; Initiative End; Initiative
Regular: Marketing Medium; Marketing Reach; Marketing Spend

Regular: Sell Out; Sell Out Stat Fcst; Sell Out Tournament Fcst; Promo Days; BOGO; B2GO; BOGO 50%; Reduced Price; Multi B
Regular: Initiative Start; Initiative End; Initiative Description
Regular: Sell Out; Sell Out LC; Sell Out LY; Sell Out Lag1; Sell In Calc; Sell In Calc LC; Sell In Calc LY; Sell In Calc Lag1; Sell In AM;
Fcst Model2 LC; Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 LY; Sell Out Stat Fcst Model2 Lag1; Customer Fcst; Customer Fcst LC; Customer Fcst
Regular: Sell
Sell Out
Out vs
vs LC
LC Gap; SellSell
Gap %; Out vs vs
%;In Calc
Sell vs LCvsGap;
In Calc Sell %;
LC Gap In Calc vs Calc
Sell In LY Gap;
vs LYSell
Gap In %;
vs LC Gap;vsSell
Gap %;vsS
Fcst vs LY Gap %
Regular: Sell Out; Sell Out LY; Sell Out vs LY Gap; Sell Out vs LY Gap %; Sell Out Lag1; Sell Out Lag2; Sell Out Lag3; Sell Out LC; S

Regular: Sell Out; Wk Cover Target; Ch INV Target; Sell In Calc; Sell In Override; Sell In AM; Ch INV; Wk Cover; Customer Fcst; S

Regular: Driver Importance

Regular: Consensus Fcst; Consensus Fcst LC; Consensus Fcst LY; Consensus Fcst LLY; Consensus Fcst Lag1; Published Fcst; Publ
Stat Fcst L0; Stat Fcst L0 LC; Stat Fcst L0 LY; Stat Fcst L0 Lag1; Reference1 Fcst; Reference1 Fcst LC; Reference1 Fcst LY; Refere
Fcst LC; Customer Fcst LY; Customer Fcst Lag1; IBP Fcst; IBP Fcst LC; IBP Fcst LY; IBP Fcst Lag1; Opportunity Fcst
Transient: Zero
Transient: Zero

Regular: Consensus Fcst; Consensus Fcst LY; Consensus Fcst vs LY Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LY Abs Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LY Ga
Consensus Fcst vs LC %; Sell In AM; Sell In AM LY; Sell In AM vs LY Gap; Sell In AM vs LY Abs Gap; Sell In AM vs LY Gap %; Sell In
IBP Fcst LY; IBP Fcst vs LY Gap; IBP Fcst vs LY Abs Gap; IBP Fcst vs LY Gap %; IBP Fcst vs LY %; IBP Fcst Lag1; IBP Fcst Lag2; IBP F
Regular: Consensus
Consensus Fcst;
Fcst; Consensus
Consensus Fcst
Fcst LC; Consensus Fcst
LY; Consensus Fcst vs
Consensus Fcst Lag1
Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LY Abs Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LY Ga
Consensus Fcst vs LC %; Sell In AM; Sell In AM LY; Sell In AM vs LY Gap; Sell In AM vs LY Abs Gap; Sell In AM vs LY Gap %; Sell In

Regular: Consensus Fcst; Consensus Fcst LC; Consensus Fcst LY; Consensus Fcst Lag1
Transient: Zero
Transient: Zero Consensus Fcst; Actual LY; Actual vs LY Gap; Actual vs LY Abs Gap; Actual vs LY Gap %; Actual vs LY %; Consen
Regular: Actual;
Fcst LC; Consensus Fcst vs LC Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LC Abs Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LC Gap %; Consensus Fcst vs LC %

Regular: Consensus Fcst; Consensus Fcst LC; Consensus Fcst vs LC Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LC Abs Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LC %;
Recommended Action; Reviewed; Intermittent; Length of Series; Number of Zeros; Trend; Seasonality; PLC Status; COV

Transient: Zero
Transient: Zero
Regular: Base Forecast Quantity

Regular: Process Start Date; Process Start Date LC; Process Start Date LY; Process End Date; Process End Date LC; Process End

Regular: Active Process by Day

Regular: Process Owner; Process Submission Status; Process Status Date Stamp

Regular: Sales Fcst; Sales Fcst LY; Sales Fcst vs LY Gap; Sales Fcst vs LY Abs Gap; Sales Fcst vs LY %; Sales Fcst vs LY Gap %; Sale
LY Gap; Marketing Fcst vs LY Abs Gap; Marketing Fcst vs LY %; Marketing Fcst vs LY Gap %; Marketing Fcst Lag1; Marketing Fc
Marketing Fcst Abs Gap; Sales vs Marketing Fcst %; Sales vs Marketing Fcst Gap %

Transient: Zero
Transient: Zero
Regular: Sales Fcst; Sales Fcst Comment; Sales Fcst Comment Exception; Sales Fcst LY; Sales Fcst vs LY Gap; Sales Fcst vs LY Ab
Marketing Fcst; Marketing Fcst LY; Marketing Fcst vs LY Gap; Marketing Fcst vs LY Abs Gap; Marketing Fcst vs LY %; Marketing
LC Gap %; Sales vs Marketing Fcst Gap; Sales vs Marketing Fcst Abs Gap; Sales vs Marketing Fcst %; Sales vs Marketing Fcst Ga

Regular: Sales Fcst; Sales Fcst LC; Sales Fcst vs LC Gap; Sales Fcst vs LC Abs Gap; Sales Fcst vs LC %; Sales Fcst vs LC Gap %; Sale
Abs Gap; Marketing Fcst vs LC %; Marketing Fcst vs LC Gap %; Marketing Fcst LY; Marketing Fcst vs LY Gap; Marketing Fcst vs

Regular: Uncons Outlook; Uncons Outlook Contribution to Parent %; Uncons Outlook Contribution %; Outlook; Outlook Contr
Outlook vs Target Gap %; Uncons Outlook vs Target %; Outlook vs Target Gap; Outlook vs Target Abs Gap; Outlook vs Target G
Regular: vs Uncons
Uncons Outlook
Outlook vs Abs Gap;
Target Outlook
Gap; vs Uncons
Outlook Outlook
vs Target Gap %;Outlook
Gap; Uncons OutlookvsvsLC
Uncons OutlookOutlook
Gap; Uncons %; Outlook
vs LYGap vsOutloo
Gap; Uncon
Gap %; Uncons Outlook vs LY %; Outlook LY; Outlook LY Contribution to Parent %; Outlook LY Contribution %; Outlook vs LY G
Regular: Uncons vs
Uncons Outlook Outlook vsUncons
LC Gap; Target Gap %; Outlook
Outlook vs Gap;
vs LC Abs Target Gap %;Outlook
Uncons Unconsvs
LC Gapvs %;LC Gap %;Outlook
Uncons Unconsvs
Outlook vs LY Gap
LC %; Uncons Ou
vs LC %; Outlook Upside; Outlook Upside Comment; Outlook Downside; Outlook Downside Comment; Target vs Outlook LY G

Regular: Uncons Outlook; Outlook; Target; LRP; AOP; Uncons Outlook vs Target Gap; Uncons Outlook vs Target Abs Gap; Unco
Outlook vs Outlook Abs Gap; Uncons Outlook vs Outlook Gap %; Uncons Outlook vs Outlook %; Outlook vs Uncons Outlook G
Outlook vs LY Abs Gap; Uncons Outlook vs LY Gap %; Uncons Outlook vs LY %; Outlook LY; Outlook vs LY Gap; Outlook vs LY A
Uncons Outlook vs LC %; Outlook LC; Outlook vs LC Gap; Outlook vs LC Abs Gap; Outlook vs LC Gap %; Outlook vs LC %; Target

Regular: Target REV; Target COGS; Target GM; Uncons Outlook REV; Uncons Outlook REV LC; Uncons Outlook REV LY; Uncons
Regular: Outlook
COGS; Outlook LY; Target
COGS vs Outlook
LC; Outlook COGSLY
LY;Gap; Target;
Outlook GM; Uncons Outlook
Outlook GM LC;vsOutlook
Target Gap; Uncons
GM LY; Outlook
Net REV; On Invoice; Off Invoice; Ne
LC; Uncons Outlook GM % LY; Outlook GM %; Outlook GM % LC; Outlook GM % LY
Transient: Zero
Transient: Zero

Regular: Outlook GM % LY; Target GM % vs Outlook LY Gap; Target GM %; Uncons Outlook GM % vs Target Gap; Uncons Outlo
Regular: Outlook GM LY; Target GM vs Outlook LY Gap; Target GM; Uncons Outlook GM vs Target Gap; Uncons Outlook GM; O
Regular: Outlook REV LY; Target vs Outlook REV LY Gap; Target REV; Uncons Outlook vs Target REV Gap; Uncons Outlook REV
Regular: Outlook; Outlook LC; Outlook LY; Outlook Lag1
Transient: Zero
Transient: Zero
Regular: Outlook; Outlook LY; Outlook vs LY Gap; Outlook vs LY Abs Gap; Outlook vs LY Gap %; Outlook vs LY %; Outlook Lag1;
Regular: Outlook; Outlook LY; Outlook vs LY Gap; Outlook vs LY Abs Gap; Outlook vs LY Gap %; Outlook vs LY %; Outlook Lag1;

Regular: Outlook LY; Target vs Outlook LY Gap; Target; Uncons Outlook vs Target Gap; Uncons Outlook; Outlook vs Uncons Ou
Regular: Outlook REV; On Invoice; Off Invoice; Net REV

Transient: Zero
Transient: Zero
Regular: Outlook REV LY; Target vs Outlook REV LY Gap; Target REV; Uncons Outlook vs Target REV Gap; Uncons Outlook REV
Regular: Uncons Outlook; Outlook; Target; LRP; AOP; Uncons Outlook vs Target Gap; Uncons Outlook vs Target Abs Gap; Unco
Outlook vs Outlook Abs Gap; Uncons Outlook vs Outlook Gap %; Uncons Outlook vs Outlook %; Outlook vs Uncons Outlook G
Outlook vs LY Abs Gap; Uncons Outlook vs LY Gap %; Uncons Outlook vs LY %; Outlook LY; Outlook vs LY Gap; Outlook vs LY A
Gap; Uncons Outlook vs LC Abs Gap; Uncons Outlook vs LC Gap %; Uncons Outlook vs LC %; Outlook LC; Outlook vs LC Gap; O

Regular: Uncons Outlook; Outlook; Target; LRP; AOP; Uncons Outlook vs Target Gap; Uncons Outlook vs Target Abs Gap; Unco
Outlook vs Outlook Abs Gap; Uncons Outlook vs Outlook Gap %; Uncons Outlook vs Outlook %; Outlook vs Uncons Outlook G
Outlook vs LY Abs Gap; Uncons Outlook vs LY Gap %; Uncons Outlook vs LY %; Outlook LY; Outlook vs LY Gap; Outlook vs LY A
Uncons Outlook vs LC %; Outlook LC; Outlook vs LC Gap; Outlook vs LC Abs Gap; Outlook vs LC Gap %; Outlook vs LC %

Regular: Planning Item Intro Date; Planning Item Intro Date LC; Planning Item Intro Date vs LC; Planning Item Disc Date; Plann

Transient: Open Order Lateness (Avg Days); Closed Order Lateness (Avg Days)

Regular: AL KPI Backlog Order TG

Regular: AL KPI CD Order Qty Month; AL KPI Delivered Qty On Delivery Month; AL KPI Backlog Trend

Regular: M Capacity RCA UI

Regular: Capacity Demand Late Short Quantity

Regular: IBP Demand Quantity; IBP Total Met On Time Quantity; IBP Demand On Time Supportability; IBP Demand Fill Rate

Regular: M Material RCA UI

Regular: Material Demand Late Short Quantity

Regular: AL KPI Open Order Lateness TG

Regular: Exchange Rate Input

Regular: SKU DC Split; Final Fcst; Published Final Fcst

Regular: Lifecycle Volume; Lifecycle Profile

Regular: Lifecycle Volume; Lifecycle Profile

Regular: Actual; Actual LY; Actual vs LY Gap; Actual vs LY %
Regular: Is Assorted; Intro Date; Disco Date; Independence Date; Like Item Selected; User Defined Ramp Up Period; User Defi
Up Profile; M08 Ramp Up Profile; M09 Ramp Up Profile; M10 Ramp Up Profile; M11 Ramp Up Profile; M12 Ramp Up Profile; C

Regular: Like Item Search Space; Num Like Items; Like Item Search History Measure
Regular: System Feature Weight; User Feature Weight

Regular: Like Item Rank; Like Item Distance; Like Item Similarity; System Suggested Like Item; User Like Item Override; Final Li

Regular: Like Item Fcst; NPI Fcst

Regular: Like Item Fcst; NPI Fcst; Consensus Fcst

Regular: System Suggested Cannibalized Item; User Cannibalized Item Override; Final Cannibalized Item Selected

Regular: Consensus Fcst; Cannibalization Impact

Regular: Consensus Fcst; Cannibalization Impact

Regular: Item Master

Regular: Phase Out History Period (in months); High Decline Threshold; Decline Threshold; Phase Out Threshold

Regular: Actual; Consensus Fcst; Actual L4

Regular: Intro Date; Disco Date

Regular: Transition Flag; Time Stamp; Transition Type; Actual

Regular: Consensus Fcst; Fcst Outside PLC Horizon; Fcst Outside PLC Horizon Flag

Regular: Consensus Fcst

Regular: Consensus Fcst; Fcst Outside PLC Horizon; Fcst Outside PLC Horizon Flag

Regular: Consensus
OpportunityFcst; Opportunity
Stage; FcstSales Type; Opportunity Must Win; Opportunity Probability; Include Opportunity (o9
Duration (in months); Opportunity Residual Value

Regular: Opportunity Line Stage Input; Opportunity Line Sales Type Input; Opportunity Line Must Win Input; Opportunity Line
Opportunity Line Leasing Duration Input (in months); Opportunity Line Residual Value Input; Opportunity Line Stage Input LR

Regular: Probability Threshold; Must Win Options; List of Opportunity Stages; List of Opportunity Types
Regular: Global Scenario Limit
Regular: MEIO Scenario Limit; Master Planning Scenario Limit; Daily Planning Scenario Limit; Demand Planning Scenario Limit
Regular: Global Per User Limit
Regular: Scenario Limit Per User Global; Scenario Limit Per User Override; Scenario Limit Per User

Regular: Scenario Created By; Current Date; Scenario Created Date; Product

Regular: Dimension Name Object; Attribute Name Object; Dimension Attribute Object; Dimension Data Table Name; Child Att
Measures to check; Output Measure Name; Behavior Identifier; Cascade Parent Deletion Dimension Attribute Object; Delete

Regular: Netting Split - Historical Item Customer; Netting Split - Override Item Customer

Regular: Netting Split - Historical Item Customer Time Varying; Netting Split - Override Item Customer Time Varying

Regular: Netting Split - Historical Item Customer Time Varying; Netting Split - Override Item Customer Time Varying

Regular: Item Delete Flag; Item Delete Flag Override; Item Delete Flag Final
Regular: Location Delete Flag; Location Delete Flag Override; Location Delete Flag Final
Regular: Location Type Delete Flag; Location Type Delete Flag Override; Location Type Delete Flag Final
Regular: OrderlineID Delete Flag; OrderlineID Delete Flag Override; OrderlineID Delete Flag Final
Regular: Base Forecast Quantity

Regular: Active Realignment Threshold

Regular: Location Realignment Percentage; Location Realignment Percentage Weighted; Location Realignment Percentages S

Regular: ShipTo Realignment Percentage; ShipTo Realignment Percentage Weighted; Is Active for Batch; ShipTo Realignment
Regular: Item Location Realignment Percentage; Item Location Realignment Percentage Weighted; Item Location Realignmen

Regular: Item ShipTo Location Realignment Percentage; Item ShipTo Location Realignment Percentage Weighted; Item ShipTo

Regular: ShipTo Realignment Percentage; ShipTo Realignment Percentage Weighted; ShipTo Realignment Percentages Sum; S

Regular: Actual Raw; Actual Input; Actual

Regular: AL KPI Accuracy Fcst Lag 1; AL KPI Accuracy Fcst Lag 2; AL KPI Accuracy Fcst Lag 3

Regular: Actual; Stat Fcst; Stat Fcst LC; Stat Fcst LY; Stat Fcst Lag1; Stat Fcst Reference; Stat Fcst Reference LC; Stat Fcst Refere
Regular: Actual L1; Actual Cleansed; Stat Fcst L1; System Stat Fcst L1 80% UB; System Stat Fcst L1 80% LB; System ML Fcst L1;
Regular: Frequency; When; Missing File; Input Filename; Output Filename; Last Refresh Date; Time Horizon; Input Volume LC

Regular: Billing; Billing LY; Actual; Actual LY; Sell Out Actual; Sell Out Actual LY
Regular: Billing vs LY Gap; Actual vs LY Gap; Sell Out Actual vs LY Gap
Regular: Billing vs LY Gap %; Actual vs LY Gap %; Sell Out Actual vs LY Gap %

Regular: Billing; Actual; Sell Out Actual; Billing LY; Billing vs LY Gap; Billing vs LY Abs Gap; Billing vs LY Gap %; Billing vs LY %; Ac

Regular: Billing; Actual; Sell Out Actual; Billing LY; Billing vs LY Gap; Billing vs LY Abs Gap; Billing vs LY Gap %; Billing vs LY %; Ac
Regular: Actual Cleansed System vs Actual Gap; Actual Cleansed vs Actual Gap

Transient: Actual Cleansed System vs Actual Gap%; Actual Cleansed vs Actual Gap%
Regular: Actual; Actual Cleansed System; Actual Median; Outlier Upper Threshold; Outlier Lower Threshold; Stat Fcst L1; Syste
TBATS; Stat Fcst TES; Stat Fcst Theta; Stat Fcst sARIMA; Stat Fcst Growth AOA; Stat Fcst Growth Snaive; Stat Fcst Simple AOA;

Regular: Stat Fcst L1; Stat Fcst Profile1 TL; Stat Fcst Profile2 TL; Stat Fcst Final Profile TL; Stat Fcst TL
Regular: Actual L1; Actual Cleansed; Stat Fcst L1; System Stat Fcst L1 80% UB; System Stat Fcst L1 80% LB; Stat Fcst L1 Lag1; St
Regular: Actual; Stat Fcst; Stat Fcst LC; Stat Fcst LY; Stat Fcst Lag1; Stat Fcst Reference; Stat Fcst Reference LC; Stat Fcst Refere
Regular: Stat Raw History; Stat Cleansed History System; Stat Cleansed History; Stat Forecast Model 1; Stat Forecast Model 2;
Regular: Sell In AM; Sell In AM LY; Sell In AM vs LY Gap; Sell In AM vs LY Abs Gap; Sell In AM vs LY Gap %; Sell In AM vs LY %; Se
Lag1; Sales Fcst Lag2; Sales Fcst Lag3; Sales Fcst LC; Sales Fcst vs LC Gap; Sales Fcst vs LC Abs Gap; Sales Fcst vs LC %; Sales Fcs
Abs Gap; Marketing Fcst vs LC %; Marketing Fcst vs LC Gap %; Stat Fcst L0; Stat Fcst L0 LY; Stat Fcst L0 vs LY Gap; Stat Fcst L0 v
Fcst vs LY Fcst vs LC Customer
Abs Gap; Gap; Consensus
Fcst vsFcst
LY %;vsCustomer
LY Gap; Consensus
Fcst vs LY Fcst
Gap vs%;LLY Gap; Published
Customer Fcst Lag1;Fcst vs LC Gap;
Customer FcstPublished
Lag2; Cus
Gap; Reference3
Regular: Fcst
LLY vs
Fcst LY
vs Gap;
LC GapCustomer
%; Fcst Fcst
Consensus vs
Fcst Gap;
vs LY Customer
Gap %; Fcst vs
Consensus LY
vs Gap;
Fcst %;
vsIBP Fcst vs
LLY Gap %;LC Gap;
Fcst vs IBP
Published Fcst
Fcst vs
vs LY Gap %; P
LY %; Sell In AM;
Published Fcst Sell
vs InGap
LY AM %;LY;Published
Sell In AMFcst
vs LYLag1;
Sell In AMFcst
vs LY AbsPublished
Lag2; Gap; Sell In AMLag3;
Fcst vs LYPublished
Gap %; Sell FcstInLC; vsGap
LY %; Se
LY GapFcst
Sales %; vs
Reference3 Fcst vsvs
LCLYGap %;%;Reference3 Fcst vsSales
LY Gap %;Lag2;
Customer Fcst Lag3;
vs LC Sales
Gap %; Customer Fcst vsvsLYLCGap %;F
Gap; IBP Fcst vs LC Gap %; IBP Fcst vs LC %; Reference1 Fcst; Reference1 Fcst LY; Reference1 Fcst vs LY Gap; Reference1Gap;
LY %; Sales Fcst Gap Sales Fcst Lag1; Fcst Sales Fcst Fcst LC; Sales Fcst Fcst Sv
LC; Marketing
Reference2 FcstFcst
LC Gap; Marketing
Fcst vs LYFcst
LC Abs Gap;FcstMarketing
vs LY AbsFcst vs LC
Gap; %; Marketing
Reference2 Fcst Fcst
vs LYvs%;LCReference2
Gap %; StatFcst FcstvsL0;
Customer Fcst LY; Customer Fcst vs LY Gap; Customer Fcst vs LY Abs Gap; Customer Fcst vs LY %; Customer
vs LY Abs Gap; Reference3 Fcst vs LY %; Reference3 Fcst vs LY Gap %; Reference3 Fcst Lag1; Reference3 Fcst Lag2; Reference3 Fcst vs LY Gap %; C
Abs Gap; Consensus
Consensus vs Published FcstFcst
vs LY
ConsensusvsFcst vs LY %;Fcst
Published Consensus Fcst Consensus
LC Abs Gap; vs LLY Gap;vs Consensus
%;Abs Gap; Con
Consensus vs
Fcst vs LY Gap; Published Fcst vs LY Abs Gap; Published Fcst vs LY %; Published Fcst vs LY Gap %; Published
Gap; Consensus vs Sales Fcst Abs Gap; Consensus vs Sales Fcst %; Consensus vs Sales Fcst Gap %; Consensus vs Marketing Fcst Lag1; Publishe
IBP Fcst Lag3;
Reference1 FcstIBPAbs
LC; Consensus
IBP Fcst vs LC Gap; IBP FcstFcst
vs Reference1 vs LC
%; Abs Gap; IBPvsFcst
Consensus vs LC GapFcst
Reference1 %; Gap
IBP Fcst vs LC %; NPI
%; Consensus vs Fcst; NPI FcstFcL
Consensus vs Published Fcst LC Abs Gap; Consensus vs Published Fcst LC %; Consensus vs Published Fcst LC Gap %; Sales vs M
Consensus vs Sales Fcst %; Consensus vs Sales Fcst Gap %; Consensus vs Marketing Fcst Gap; Consensus vs Marketing Fcst Ga
Reference1 Fcst %; Consensus vs Reference1 Fcst Gap %; Consensus vs Reference2 Fcst Gap; Consensus vs Reference2 Fcst A
Gap; Reference1 Fcst vs LY Abs Gap; Reference1 Fcst vs LY %; Reference1 Fcst vs LY Gap %; Reference1 Fcst Lag1; Reference1
Reference2 Fcst vs LY Gap %; Reference2 Fcst Lag1; Reference2 Fcst Lag2; Reference2 Fcst Lag3; Reference2 Fcst LC; Referenc
Reference3 Fcst Lag2; Reference3 Fcst Lag3; Reference3 Fcst LC; Reference3 Fcst vs LC Gap; Reference3 Fcst vs LC Abs Gap; R
Regular: Consensus Fcst vs LC Gap; Consensus Fcst vs LY Gap
Regular: Consensus Fcst vs LC Gap %; Consensus Fcst vs LY Gap %

Regular: Fcst vs LC Gap; Fcst vs LY Gap

Regular: Fcst vs LC Gap %; Fcst vs LY Gap %

Regular: Sales Fcst; Sales Fcst LC; Sales Fcst LY; Sales Fcst Lag1; Ch INV Target; Marketing Fcst; Marketing Fcst LC; Marketing F
Regular: Sales Fcst vs LC Gap; Sales Fcst vs LY Gap; Marketing Fcst vs LC Gap; Marketing Fcst vs LY Gap
Regular: Sales Fcst vs LC Gap %; Sales Fcst vs LY Gap %; Marketing Fcst vs LC Gap %; Marketing Fcst vs LY Gap %
Regular: LRP; AOP; Target; Uncons Outlook; Uncons Outlook LC; Uncons Outlook LY; Uncons Outlook Lag1; Outlook; Outlook L

Regular: Uncons Outlook REV; Outlook REV; Target REV; Uncons Outlook vs Target REV Gap; Uncons Outlook vs Target REV Ab
Outlook vs Outlook REV Gap %; Uncons Outlook vs Outlook REV %; Outlook vs Uncons Outlook REV Gap; Outlook vs Uncons O
Gap; Outlook REV vs LY Abs Gap; Outlook REV vs LY Gap %; Outlook REV vs LY %; Uncons Outlook REV LC; Uncons Outlook REV
Regular: Uncons
Uncons Outlook
vs Outlook
Outlook vs
vs Target
Target REV Gap;
%; Target
Gap %;Uncons
Outlook Outlook
Outlookvs vs
On Invoice;
Target COGS Gap;
Gap Uncons
Invoice Outlook
%; Uncons GM vs
Invoice vsTarget
GM LY Gap;
vsvsGap; Outloo
Target Invoice
vs Gap;
LY Gap; Uncons
Outlook Outlook
Discount & vs LYREV;
Allowance Outlook
vs LY REV;
Gap; vs LC REV;
Discount Uncons
& Outlook
Allowance vs vs
Gap %; REV Gap;GM
Discount Uncons
& vs LC Outlook
Allowance Outlook
vs LY Target
%; GM
vs LYAb
Invoice G
LY Gap
Outlook %;vsOutlook
Outlook REV
Gap Gap
%; %;
Uncons Outlook REV
Outlook vs
vs LY Gap
Outlook %;
Outlook vs LC
vs Uncons Gap %; Outlook
Outlook REV COGS
Gap; vs LY
Outlook Gap %; Outloo
vs Uncons O
vs LC
Gap Invoice
%; On
Outlook vs LY
GM Gap;
vs Off
LC Invoice
%; Off vs LC
Invoice Gap;
LC; Off
Off Invoice
Invoice vsvs
Gap; Net
Off Invoice
Invoice vs vs
AbsGap; Net
Gap; OffInvoice
Invoice vsvsLY LCGap;
Gap Discount
%; Off I
Net Outlook
LC; Net vs %
vs Abs
LYGap; vs Target
Gap; REV
%; Outlook
REV vsvs LC
LC Gap
%; Uncons
GM Outlook
% vs Outlook
%; Gap
%; Off
Gap; Invoice
Target vs
vs GapLC
OutlookGap %; Off Invoice
REV LY Outlook
Gap %; Target %;
vs Outlook Net Invoice
LY %; On %; Net Invoice vs LY %; Discount & Allowance
Outlook COGS %; Uncons vs Outlook COGS %; vs Invoice; On Invoice
Uncons Outlook %; On
COGS Invoice
Gap; OutlookLY; vs
vs LY G
COGS LC;Actual;
Uncons Target
OutlookOn COGS
Invoice;vs Off Invoice;
LC Gap; Off Invoice
Uncons Outlook%;COGS
Off Invoice LY; Off
vs LC Gap Invoice Outlook
%; Uncons vs LY Gap;COGSOff Invoice
vs LC %;vsOutlook
LY Abs Gap;
Rebate Actual; Off - Cooperation Fund Actual; Off - Billback Actual; Off - VT Price Off Invoice
Target Gap %; Uncons Outlook GM vs Target %; Outlook GM vs Target Gap; Outlook GM vs Target Gap %; Outlook GM vs Targ Actual; Off - Customer Discount A
Abs Gap; Discount & Allowance vs LY Gap %; Discount & Allowance vs LY %; Net Invoice;
Uncons Outlook GM vs LY Gap %; Uncons Outlook GM vs LY %; Outlook GM LY; Outlook GM vs LY Gap; Outlook GM vs LY Gap Net Invoice LY; Net Invoice vs LY Gap
Invoice LC; Off GM
Gap %; Target Invoice vs LC Gap;
vs Outlook LY %;OffUncons
InvoiceOn vs Invoice;
LC Abs Gap; Off Invoice
Uncons On Invoicevs LCLY;Gap %; OffOn
Uncons Invoice
Uncons & Allowanc
On Invoic
vs LYvs%;LCUncons
Abs Gap;
Invoice vs LC Gap %;
Uncons OnNet REV vs
Invoice vsLCLC%; Uncons
Gap; UnconsOutlook COGS;vsOutlook
On Invoice LC Gap COGS;
%; UnconsTarget
vs LC %;Outlo
Outlook COGS Gap %; Outlook vs Uncons Outlook COGS Gap %; Outlook vs Uncons Outlook COGS %; Outlook vs Uncons Outlo
LC Gap; Uncons Outlook COGS vs LC Gap %; Uncons Outlook COGS vs LC %; Outlook COGS LC; Outlook COGS vs LC Gap; Outlo
Target %; Outlook GM vs Target Gap; Outlook GM vs Target Gap %; Outlook GM vs Target %; Uncons Outlook GM vs Outlook
Outlook vs LY %; Outlook GM LY; Outlook GM vs LY Gap; Outlook GM vs LY Gap %; Outlook GM vs LY %; Uncons Outlook GM L
Invoice; Uncons On Invoice LY; Uncons On Invoice vs LY Gap; Uncons On Invoice vs LY Gap %; Uncons On Invoice vs LY %; Unc
Invoice vs LC Gap; Uncons On Invoice vs LC %; Uncons On Invoice vs LC Gap %; Uncons Off Invoice LC; Uncons Off Invoice vs LC

Regular: Outlook vs LC Gap; Outlook vs LY Gap

Regular: Outlook vs LC Gap %; Outlook vs LY Gap %
Regular: Billing; Billing LY; Actual; Actual LY; Sell Out Actual; Sell Out Actual LY

Regular: Billing; Actual; Sell Out Actual; Billing LY; Billing vs LY Gap; Billing vs LY Abs Gap; Billing vs LY Gap %; Billing vs LY %; Ac

Regular: Billing; Actual; Sell Out Actual; Billing LY; Billing vs LY Gap; Billing vs LY Abs Gap; Billing vs LY Gap %; Billing vs LY %; Ac
Regular: Billing vs LY Gap; Actual vs LY Gap; Sell Out Actual vs LY Gap
Regular: Billing vs LY Gap %; Actual vs LY Gap %; Sell Out Actual vs LY Gap %

Regular: LRP; AOP; Target; Uncons Outlook LY; Uncons Outlook LC; Uncons Outlook; Outlook
Regular: LRP; AOP; Target; Uncons Outlook LY; Uncons Outlook LC; Uncons Outlook; Outlook

Regular: Demand LY; Demand LC; Demand; Demand Target; Inventory LY; Inventory LC; BOH; EOH; Inventory Target; Producti

Regular: Demand LY; Demand LC; Demand Target; BOH; Demand; Production LY; Production LC; Production; Production Targe

Regular: AL KPI Delivered Qty On Delivery Month; AL KPI Backlog Trend

Regular: Uncons Outlook; Uncons Outlook REV; Uncons Outlook REV LY; Uncons Outlook REV vs LY Gap; Uncons Outlook REV
vs LC %; On Invoice; On Invoice %; On Invoice LY; On Invoice vs LY Gap; On Invoice vs LY Abs Gap; On Invoice vs LY %; On Invoi
Invoice vs LY Gap; Off Invoice vs LY Abs Gap; Off Invoice vs LY %; Off Invoice vs LY Gap %; Off - FT Event Specific Actual; Off - C
Off - Billback Actual; Off - Customer Discount Actual; Off - Channel Discount Actual; Off - Prompt Pay Discount Actual; Off - Im
Invoice LY; Net Invoice vs LY Gap; Net Invoice vs LY Abs Gap; Net Invoice vs LY Gap %; Net Invoice vs LY %; Net REV; Net REV L
Abs Gap; On Invoice vs LC Gap %; On Invoice vs LC %; Off Invoice LC; Off Invoice vs LC Gap; Off Invoice vs LC Abs Gap; Off Invo
Net Invoice vs LC %; Net REV LC; Net REV vs LC Gap; Net REV vs LC Abs Gap; Net REV vs LC Gap %; Net REV vs LC %; Uncons Ou
LC Gap %; Outlook COGS vs LC %; Uncons On Invoice; Uncons On Invoice LY; Uncons On Invoice vs LY Gap; Uncons On Invoice
Uncons Off Invoice LC; Uncons Off Invoice vs LC Gap; Uncons Off Invoice vs LC Gap %; Uncons Off Invoice vs LC %; Uncons Net
GM vs LY Gap; Uncons Outlook GM vs LY Gap %; Uncons Outlook GM vs LY %; Uncons Outlook GM LC; Uncons Outlook GM vs
Regular: Actual

Regular: Actual; Intro Date; Disco Date; Transition Type; Time Stamp; Rate of Change Planning Item; Trend Planning Item; Rat
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
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Integration Batch Analytics, Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics, Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics, Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics, Integration Batch Analytics
Integration Batch Analytics
Common Admin

DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer

Common Admin
Common Admin
DB Designer
Demand Analyst
Demand Analyst
Demand Analyst
Demand Analyst
Demand Analyst, Demand Analyst Drilldown
Demand Analyst, Demand Analyst Drilldown
Demand Analyst, Demand Analyst Drilldown
Demand Analyst, Demand Analyst Drilldown
Demand Analyst, Demand Analyst Drilldown
DB Designer
Common Admin
Demand Analyst, Demand Analyst Drilldown
Demand Analyst, Demand Analyst Drilldown
Demand Analyst
Demand Analyst
Demand Analyst, Demand Analyst Drilldown
Demand Analyst
DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer
DB Designer
Account Manager, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
Account Manager, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
Common Admin
Common Admin, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
Common Admin, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
Common Admin
Common Admin, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
Demand Analyst
Account Manager, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
Account Manager, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
Account Manager, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
Account Manager, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
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Account Manager, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
Account Manager, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
Account Manager, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
Demand Analyst
Demand Analyst
Common Admin

Common Admin
Demand Analyst
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Demand Planner
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Demand Planner
Demand Analyst
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Account Manager, Demand Planner, Product Planner
Account Manager, Demand Planner, Product Planner
Account Manager, Demand Planner, Product Planner
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Demand Analyst
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Account Manager, Demand Planner Drilldown
Account Manager, Demand Planner Drilldown
Account Manager, Demand Planner Drilldown
Account Manager,
Manager, Demand Planner
Account Plan, Drilldown
Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Drilldown, S&OP Coordinator
Account Manager, Account Plan, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Drilldown, S&OP Coordinator
Account Manager, Account Plan, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Drilldown, S&OP Coordinator
Account Manager, Account Plan, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Drilldown, S&OP Coordinator
Account Manager, Account Plan, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Drilldown, S&OP Coordinator
Account Manager, Account Plan, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Drilldown, S&OP Coordinator
Account Manager, Account Plan, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Drilldown, S&OP Coordinator
Account Manager, Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Drilldown, Initiatives, Product Planner
Account Manager, Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Drilldown, Product Demand
Account Manager, Planner Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Drilldown, Product Demand
Account Manager, Planner Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Drilldown, Product Demand
Account Manager, Planner Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Drilldown, Product Planner
Account Manager, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Account Manager, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Account Manager, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Account Manager, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Account Manager, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager

Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Account Manager
Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Demand Planner,
Planner, Demand
Demand Planner
Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner,
Demand Planner Drilldown
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner,
Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner,
Demand Planner Drilldown
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner,
Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner,
Demand Planner Drilldown
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner,
Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner,
Demand Planner Drilldown
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner Drilldown
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner Drilldown
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner Drilldown

Common Admin, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator

Common Admin, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Common Admin, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Common Admin, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Common Admin, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Common Admin, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Common Admin,
Admin, Demand
Demand Analyst,
Analyst, Demand
Demand Planner,
Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Demand Planner,
Product Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Common Admin, Demand Analyst, Demand Planner, Demand Planner,
Admin, S&OP Coordinator
Demand Analyst, Demand Planner, Demand Planner,
Product Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Product Planner
Product Planner
Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Product Planner
Product Planner
Product Planner
Product Planner
Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator

Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator

Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
Demand Planner, S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator

S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
Demand Analyst, Demand Planner
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator

S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
S&OP Coordinator
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner Drilldown
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner Drilldown
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner Drilldown
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner Drilldown
Product Planner
Product Planner
Product Planner
Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner, Product Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner,
Planner, Product
Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner,
Demand Planner, Demand Planner,Product
Planner, Product Planner, Demand Planner, Product
Planner, DemandPlanner
Product Planner, Product Planner, Product Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner, Demand Planner,
Product Planner, Product Planner, Product Planner, Product Planner
Product Planner
Product Planner
Product Planner
Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner, Product Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Transition Item Drilldown
Demand Planner, Transition Item Drilldown
Demand Planner, Transition Item Drilldown
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner, Transition Item Drilldown
Demand Planner, Transition Item Drilldown
Demand Planner, Transition Item Drilldown
Demand Planner, Transition Item Drilldown
Transition Item Drilldown
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin

Common Admin
Common Admin

Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Common Admin
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner

Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner

Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
Demand Planner
-NoPageGroup-, -NoPageGroup-
-NoPageGroup-, -NoPageGroup-
-NoPageGroup-, -NoPageGroup-
-NoPageGroup-, -NoPageGroup-
-NoPageGroup-, -NoPageGroup-
DP SP Handshake

Ref Model DB Designer

Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer

Ref Model DB Designer
2. Post Game Analysis
2. Post Game Analysis
2. Post Game Analysis
2. Post Game Analysis
System Stat, -NoPageGroup-
System Stat, -NoPageGroup-
System Stat, -NoPageGroup-
System Stat, -NoPageGroup-
System Stat, -NoPageGroup-
Ref Model DB Designer
Scenario Management
System Stat, -NoPageGroup-
System Stat, -NoPageGroup-
2. Post Game Analysis
2. Post Game Analysis
System Stat, -NoPageGroup-
System Stat
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Ref Model DB Designer
Dashboard, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
Dashboard, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
DP Admin
DP Admin, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
DP Admin, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
DP Admin
DP Admin, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
DP Admin
DP Admin
DP Admin
DP Admin
DP Admin
DP Admin
DP Admin
DP Admin
DP Admin
DP Admin
DP Admin
DP Admin, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
1. Manage & Review Data
Month To Date, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
Month To Date, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
Month To Date, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
Month To Date, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
Month To Date, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
Month To Date, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
Month To Date, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
Month To Date, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
Month To Date, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
Month To Date, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
Month To Date, 1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
System Stat
System Stat
DP Time Bucket Setup

DP Time Bucket Setup

System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
2. Post Game Analysis

System Stat
System Stat

System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat, Actionable Insights
System Stat, Actionable Insights
System Stat, Actionable Insights
System Stat, Actionable Insights
System Stat, Actionable Insights
System Stat, Actionable Insights
System Stat, Actionable Insights
System Stat, Actionable Insights
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
2. Post Game Analysis, System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat, System Stat, -NoPageGroup-
System Stat, System Stat, -NoPageGroup-
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
2. Post Game Analysis, 2. Post Game Analysis
2. Post Game Analysis
2. Post Game Analysis

System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat

System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat
System Stat

System Stat
System Stat
System Stat

7. Submit & Archive

7. Submit & Archive
7. Submit & Archive
7. Submit & Archive
7. Submit & Archive
7. Submit & Archive
7. Submit & Archive
7. Submit & Archive
7. Submit & Archive
7. Submit & Archive
7. Submit & Archive
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast, 4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast, 4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast, 4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast, 4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast, 4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
4. Interactive Forecast
Plan, Misc, Review Plan
Plan, Misc, Review Plan
Plan, Misc, Review Plan
2. Post Game Analysis
Actionable Insights
Actionable Insights
Actionable Insights, Demand Planner Drilldown
Actionable Insights, Demand Planner Drilldown
Actionable Insights, Demand Planner Drilldown
Actionable Insights, Demand Planner Drilldown
KPI, KPI, Actionable Insights, KPI, Demand Review
KPI, KPI, Actionable Insights, KPI, Demand Review
KPI, KPI, Actionable Insights, KPI, Demand Review
KPI, KPI, Actionable Insights, KPI, Demand Review
KPI, KPI, Actionable Insights, KPI, Demand Review
KPI, KPI, Actionable Insights, KPI, Demand Review
Plan,KPI, Actionable
5. Business Insights,
Insights, KPI,Demand
Misc, DemandPlanner
ReviewDrilldown, -NoPageGroup-,
Review Plan
Plan, 5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown, Review Plan
Plan, 5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown, Review Plan
Plan, 5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown, Review Plan
Plan, 5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown, Review Plan
Plan, 5. Business Insights, Misc
Plan, 5. Business Insights, Misc
Plan, 5. Business Insights, Misc
Plan, 5. Business Insights, Misc
Plan, 5. Business Insights, Misc

Misc, Misc
Misc, Misc
Misc, Misc
Misc, Misc Insights, 5. Business Insights, 5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand
5. Business
Planner Drilldown
5. Business Insights, 5. Business Insights, 5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand
Planner Drilldown
5. Business Insights, 5. Business Insights, 5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand
Planner Drilldown
5. Business Insights, 5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown
5. Business Insights, 5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown
5. Business Insights, 5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown
5. Business
Business Insights,
Insights, 5.
5. Business
Business Insights,
Insights, Misc, Demand
7. Submit Planner
& Archive, Drilldown
Misc, Demand
Planner Drilldown
5. Business Insights, 5. Business Insights, 7. Submit & Archive, Misc, Demand
Planner Drilldown
5. Business Insights, 5. Business Insights, 7. Submit & Archive, Misc, Demand
Planner Drilldown
5. Business Insights, 5. Business Insights, 7. Submit & Archive, Misc, Demand
Planner Drilldown
Month To Date, NPI
5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown
5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown
5. Business Insights, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown

Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration_2, Process Orchestration_2, 0.

Process Orchestration
Orchestration, Process Orchestration_2, Process Orchestration_2, 0.
Process Orchestration
Orchestration, Process Orchestration_2, Process Orchestration_2, 0.
Process Orchestration
Orchestration, Process Orchestration_2, Process Orchestration_2, 0.
Process Orchestration
Orchestration, Process Orchestration_2, Process Orchestration_2, 0.
Process Orchestration
Orchestration, Process Orchestration_2, Process Orchestration_2, 0.
Process Orchestration
Orchestration, Process Orchestration_2, Process Orchestration_2, 0.
Process Orchestration
Orchestration, Process Orchestration_2, Misc, Process Orchestration_2,
Actionable Insights, 0. Process
Process Orchestration, ProcessOrchestration
Orchestration_2, Misc, Process Orchestration_2,
Actionable Insights, 0. Process Orchestration
Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration_2, Misc, Process Orchestration_2,
Actionable Insights, 0. Process Orchestration
5. Business Insights, Review Plan
5. Business Insights, Review Plan
5. Business Insights, Review Plan
5. Business Insights, Review Plan
Review Plan
Review Plan
Review Plan
5. Business Insights, Review Plan
5. Business Insights, Review Plan
5. Business Insights, Review Plan
5. Business Insights, Review Plan
Actionable Insights
Actionable Insights
Actionable Insights
Actionable Insights
Misc, Demand Review

Misc, Demand Review

Misc, Demand Review
Misc, Demand Review
Misc, Demand Review
Misc, Demand Review
Misc, Demand Review
Misc, Demand Review
Misc, Demand Review
Misc, Demand Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Management Business Review
Management Business Review
Management Business Review
Management Business Review
Management Business Review
Management Business Review
Management Business Review
Management Business Review
Management Business Review
Management Business Review
Management Business Review
Management Business Review

Product Review
Product Review
Product Review
Product Review
Product Review
Product Review
Product Review
Product Review
Product Review
Product Review
1. Manage & Review Data, Plan
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review

3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
3.Supply Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
Financial Review
7. Submit & Archive, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown
7. Submit & Archive, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown
7. Submit & Archive, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown
7. Submit & Archive, Misc, Demand Planner Drilldown
Month To Date, NPI, NPI, NPI
Month To Date, Leaderboard
Month To Date, Leaderboard
Month To Date, Leaderboard
Month To Date, NPI
Month To
To Date,
Date, NPI
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date, NPI, NPI, NPI,
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date, NPI, NPI, NPI,
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date, NPI, NPI, NPI,
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date, NPI
Month To Date
Month To Date
Month To Date
Month To Date
Month To Date
Month To Date, -NoPageGroup-
Month To Date, -NoPageGroup-
Month To Date, -NoPageGroup-
Month To Date
Month To Date
Month To Date
Month To Date, -NoPageGroup-
Month To Date, -NoPageGroup-
Month To Date, -NoPageGroup-
Month To Date, -NoPageGroup-
5. Business Insights
5. Business Insights
5. Business Insights
5. Business Insights
5. Business Insights
5. Business Insights
5. Business Insights
5. Business Insights
5. Business Insights
Scenario Management
Scenario Management
Scenario Management
Scenario Management
Scenario Management
Scenario Management

Delete Obsolete Members

Delete Obsolete Members

Delete Obsolete Members

Delete Obsolete Members
Delete Obsolete Members
Delete Obsolete Members


Batch Audit
Batch Audit
Batch Audit
Batch Audit
Error Data Metric
Error Data Metric
Error Data Metric
Error Data Metric
Error Data Metric
Batch Performance
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Error Data Metric
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Batch Performance
Batch Performance
Batch Performance
Batch Performance
Batch Performance
Batch Performance, Batch Performance
Batch Performance, Batch Performance
Batch Performance, Batch Performance
Batch Performance, Batch Performance
Batch Performance, Batch Performance
Batch Performance
DP - SP Hand Shake

In Files
Input Table Structure
Integration Batch Milestones
Log Table Structure
Master Stg Mapping
Out Files
Out Table Structure
Output Validation

Raw Value Mapping
Forecast Value Add
Forecast Value Add
Forecast Value Add
Forecast Value Add
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
SAP Deletion
Scenario Aging Summary
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Over and Under
Over and Under
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Generate Forecast
Stg Info
Stg Table Structure with MSD365
Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor
Tenant Attribute Name Aliases
Tenant Data Files
Tenant Data Table Structure
Tenant Dimension Name Aliases
Time Generation Parameters
Stg Table Structure w/o Adaptor
Data Status, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Data Status, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Sales Domain, Master Data, Master Data
Location, Master Data, Master Data
Initiative, Master Data, Master Data
Item Feature
Stat Algorithm
Stat Model
Stat Parameter
ML Driver
Stat Rule
Data Segment
Data Stream
Lifecycle Time
Time, Master Data, Master Data
Master Data
Month To Date, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Month To Date, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Month To Date, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Month To Date, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Month To Date, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Month To Date, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Month To Date, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Month To Date, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Month To Date, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Month To Date, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Month To Date, Transactional Data, Transactional Data
Review Forecast
Review Forecast
Time Bucket Setup

Time Bucket Setup

Segmentation Setup
Segmentation Setup
Segmentation Setup
Segmentation Review
Segmentation Review
Segmentation Review
Segmentation Review
Segmentation Review
Segmentation Review
Segmentation Review
Segmentation Review
Segmentation Review
Segmentation Review
Segmentation Review
Segmentation Review
Error vs Variability

Segmentation Review
Segmentation Review

Outlier Setup
Outlier Setup
Outlier Setup
Outlier Review, Tag Outlier Events
Outlier Review, Tag Outlier Events
Outlier Review, Tag Outlier Events
Outlier Review, Tag Outlier Events
Outlier Review, Tag Outlier Events
Outlier Review, Tag Outlier Events
Outlier Review, Tag Outlier Events
Outlier Review, Tag Outlier Events
Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Error vs Variability, Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast, Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Generate Forecast, Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Forecast Value Add, Over and Under
Forecast Value Add
Forecast Value Add

Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast
Generate Forecast

Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup

Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup
Forecast Setup

Finalize Options
Finalize Options
Finalize Options
Finalize Options
Finalize Options
Finalize Options
Finalize Options
Finalize Options
Finalize Options
Finalize Options
Finalize Options
Interactive Stat Setup
Interactive Stat Setup
Interactive Stat Setup
Interactive Stat Setup
Interactive Stat Setup
Interactive Stat Setup
Interactive Stat Setup
Interactive Stat Review
Interactive Stat Review
Interactive Stat Review
Interactive Stat Review, Interactive Stat Review
Interactive Stat Review, Interactive Stat Review
Interactive Stat Review, Interactive Stat Review
Interactive Stat Review, Interactive Stat Review
Interactive Stat Review, Interactive Stat Review
Interactive Stat Review
Interactive Stat Review
Interactive Stat Review
Interactive Stat Review
Sell Out, Finalize Consensus, Forecast
Sell Out, Finalize Consensus, Forecast
Sell Out, Finalize Consensus, Forecast
Sell Out
Sell Out
Sell Out
Sell Out
Sell Out
Error vs Variability
Over & Under
Over & Under
Forecast vs Actuals, Demand Planner Drilldown
Forecast vs Actuals, Demand Planner Drilldown
Forecast vs Actuals, Demand Planner Drilldown
Forecast vs Actuals,Forecast
Accuracy, DemandAccuracy,
Planner Drilldown
Forecast Value Add, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Value Add, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Value Add, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Value Add, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Value Add, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Value Add, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Value Add, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Sell Out, Sales Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown, Initiative
Details, Forecast
Initiative Details
Initiative Details
Initiative Details
Sell Out, Sales Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown, Forecast
Sell Out, Sales Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown, Forecast
Sell Out, Sales Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown, Forecast
Sell Out, Sales Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown, Forecast
Sell Out, Marketing Input, Finalize Consensus
Sell Out, Marketing Input, Finalize Consensus
Sell Out, Marketing Input, Finalize Consensus
Sell Out, Marketing Input, Finalize Consensus
Sell Out, Marketing Input, Finalize Consensus
Sell Out
Sell Out
Sell Out
Sell Out

Sell Out
Sell Out
Sell Out
Sell Out
Sell Out
Sell Out
Sell Out
Finalize Consensus, Finalize Consensus
Finalize Consensus, Finalize Consensus
Finalize Consensus, Finalize Consensus
MarketingConsensus, Finalize
Input, Sales Input,Consensus
Stat Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner
Marketing Input, Sales Input, Stat Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner
Marketing Input, Sales Input, Stat Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner
Sales Input, Stat Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Sales Input, Stat Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Sales Input, Stat Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Sales Input,
Input, Stat
Stat Input,
Input, Finalize Consensus,
Publish Plan, FinalizeDemand Planner
Consensus, Drilldown
Demand Planner
Sales Input, Stat Input, Publish Plan, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner
Sales Input, Stat Input, Publish Plan, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner
Sales Input, Stat Input, Publish Plan, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner
Finalize Consensus
Finalize Consensus
Finalize Consensus
Finalize Consensus
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Marketing Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Marketing Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Marketing Input, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown

Process Orchestration, Process Monitor, Process Monitor, Process Monitor

Process Orchestration, Process Monitor, Process Monitor, Process Monitor
Process Orchestration, Process Monitor, Process Monitor, Process Monitor
Process Orchestration, Process Monitor, Process Monitor, Process Monitor
Process Orchestration, Process Monitor, Process Monitor, Process Monitor
Process Orchestration, Process Monitor, Process Monitor, Process Monitor
Process Orchestration,
Orchestration, Process
Process Monitor,
Monitor, Process Monitor, Process
Finalize Consensus, Monitor
Process Monitor,
Forecast vs LC, Process Monitor
Process Orchestration, Process Monitor, Finalize Consensus, Process Monitor,
Forecast vs LC, Process Process
Process Orchestration, MonitorMonitor, Finalize Consensus, Process Monitor,
Forecast vs LC, Process Monitor
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Forecast vs LC
Forecast vs LC
Forecast vs LC
Forecast vs LC
Demand Review, Units

Demand Review, Units

Demand Review, Units
Demand Review, Units
Demand Review, Units
Demand Review, Units
Demand Review, Units
Demand Review, Units
Demand Review, Units
Demand Review, Units

Review PLC Dates, Review PLC Dates
Demand Supply Sync
Demand Supply Sync
Demand Supply Sync
Demand Supply Sync
Demand Supply Sync
Backlog & Lateness
Backlog & Lateness
Backlog & Lateness
Backlog & Lateness
Backlog & Lateness
Backlog & Lateness
Backlog & Lateness
Backlog & Lateness
Backlog & Lateness
Backlog & Lateness

Backlog & Lateness
Master Data
Master Data
Master Data
Finalize Splits, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Finalize Splits, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Finalize Splits, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Finalize Splits, Finalize Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Launch Curve
Launch Curve
Launch Curve
Launch Curve
Product Intro, Launch Curve, Launch Curve, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Leaderboard
Product Intro, Leaderboard
Product Intro, Leaderboard
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro,
Intro, Product
Product Life Cycle
Intro, Product Intro, Product Intro, Product Life Cycle,
Product Life Cycle, Product Life Cycle,Intro,
Product Intro, Product Intro, Product Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle,
Product Life Cycle, Product Life Cycle, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Intro, Product Intro, Product Intro, Product Life Cycle,
Product Life Cycle, Product Life Cycle, Product Life Cycle
Like Item Search Setup
Like Item Search Setup
Like Item Search Setup
Like Item Search Setup
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Product Intro, Product Life Cycle
Master Data
Product Disco
Product Disco
Product Disco
Product Disco
Product Disco
Product Transition, Review Plan
Product Transition, Review Plan
Product Transition, Review Plan
Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Disco, Review Plan
Product Disco, Review Plan
Product Disco, Review Plan
Product Disco, Review Plan
Review Plan
Sales Input
Sales Input
Sales Input
Sales Input
Sales Input
Sales Input
Sales Input
Sales Input
Sales Input
Opportunities Setup
Global Scenario Limits
Global Scenario Limits
Per User Scenario Limits
Per User Scenario Limits
Per User Scenario Limits
Scenario Aging Summary

Delete Obsolete Members

Delete Obsolete Members

Member Deletion Flags

Member Deletion Flags
Member Deletion Flags
Member Deletion Flags
Data Realignment
Data Realignment
Data Realignment

Data Realignment
Data Realignment
Data Realignment

Data Realignment
Data Realignment
Data Realignment
Data Realignment
Data Realignment
Data Realignment
Data Realignment
Data Realignment
Data Realignment
Data Realignment
Batch Failure
Batch Failure
Batch Failure
Batch Failure
Integration Batch Statistics
Integration Batch Statistics
Integration Batch Statistics
Integration Batch Statistics
Integration Batch Statistics
Batch History
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Reconcilliation
Data Stream Report
Data Stream Report
Data Stream Report
Integration Batch Statistics
Raw File Metric
Raw File Metric
Raw File Metric
Raw File Metric
Raw File Metric
Raw File Metric
SAP Adaptor Raw File Metric
SAP Adaptor Raw File Metric
SAP Adaptor Raw File Metric
SAP Adaptor Raw File Metric
SAP Adaptor Raw File Metric
SAP Adaptor Raw File Metric
Batch History
Batch History
Batch History
Batch History
Task History
Task History, Task Performance
Task History, Task Performance
Task History, Task Performance
Task History, Task Performance
Task History, Task Performance
Task Performance
DP - SP Handshake

In Files
Input Table Structure
Integration Batch Milestones
Log Table Structure
Master Stg Mapping
Out Files
Out Table Structure
Output Validation

Run Times
Run Times
Raw Value Mapping
Forecast Accuracy
Forecast Accuracy
Forecast Accuracy
Forecast Accuracy
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
SAP Deletion
Scenario Aging Summary
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Over and Under
Over and Under
Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Stg Info
Stg Table Structure with MSD365
Stg Table Structure with SAPAdaptor
Tenant Attribute Name Aliases
Tenant Data Files
Tenant Data Table Structure
Tenant Dimension Name Aliases
Time Generation Parameters
Stg Table Structure w/o Adaptor
Data Status, Data Status, Data Status
Data Status, Data Status, Data Status
Sales Domain, Sales Domain, Sales Domain
Location, Location, Location
Initiative, Initiative, Initiative
Item Feature
Stat Algorithm
Stat Model
Stat Parameter
ML Driver
Stat Rule
Data Segment
Data Stream
Lifecycle Time
Time, Time, Time
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date
Month To Date, Month To Date, Month To Date
Review Forecast
Review Forecast
Time Bucket Setup

Time Bucket Setup

Segmentation Setup
Segmentation Setup
Segmentation Setup
COV vs Volume L1
COV vs Volume Product
Product Customer
Product Customer
Product Customer
Error vs Variability


Outlier Setup
Outlier Setup
Outlier Setup
Outlier Review, Outlier
Outlier Review, Outlier
Outlier Review, Outlier
Outlier Review, Outlier
Outlier Review, Outlier
Outlier Review, Outlier
Outlier Review, Outlier
Outlier Review, Outlier
Stat Setup
Stat Setup
Stat Setup
Stat Override
Stat Override
Stat Override
Stat Override
Error vs Variability, Review
Review, Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Review, Review Forecast, Review Forecast
Forecast Accuracy, Over and Under
Forecast Accuracy
Forecast Accuracy


Stat Override
Stat Override
Stat Override
Stat Override
Stat Override
Stat Override

ML Setup
ML Setup
ML Setup

Product Option Association

Option Forecasting
Option Forecasting
Option View
Option View
Option Forecasting
Option Forecasting
Option Forecasting
Option View
Option View
Option View
Setup Stat
Setup Stat
Setup Stat
Setup Stat
Setup Stat
Setup Stat
Setup Stat
Details, Summary
Details, Summary
Details, Summary
Details, Summary
Details, Summary
Sell Out to Sell In, Consensus, Forecast
Sell Out to Sell In, Consensus, Forecast
Sell Out to Sell In, Consensus, Forecast
Sell Out to Sell In
Sell Out to Sell In
Sell Out to Sell In
Sell Out to Sell In
Sell Out to Sell In
Error vs Variability
Forecast vs Actuals
Forecast vs Actuals
Forecast vs Actuals, Demand Planner Drilldown
Forecast vs Actuals, Demand Planner Drilldown
Forecast vs Actuals, Demand Planner Drilldown
Forecast vs Actuals,Forecast
Accuracy, DemandAccuracy,
Planner Drilldown
Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy, Forecast Accuracy,
Forecast Accuracy
Comparison, Comparison,
Sell Out to Sell Comparison,
In, Sales Input, Comparison,
Consensus, Comparison
Demand Planner Drilldown, Initiative
Details, Forecast
Initiative Details
Initiative Details
Initiative Details
Sell Out to Sell In, Sales Input, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown, Forecast
Sell Out to Sell In, Sales Input, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown, Forecast
Sell Out to Sell In, Sales Input, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown, Forecast
Sell Out to Sell In, Sales Input, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown, Forecast
Sell Out to Sell In, Marketing Input, Consensus
Sell Out to Sell In, Marketing Input, Consensus
Sell Out to Sell In, Marketing Input, Consensus
Sell Out to Sell In, Marketing Input, Consensus
Sell Out to Sell In, Marketing Input, Consensus
Sell Out to Sell In
Sell Out to Sell In
Sell Out to Sell In
Sell Out to Sell In

Sell Out to Sell In

Sell Out to Sell In
Sell Out to Sell In
Sell Out to Sell In
Sell Out to Sell In
Sell Out to Sell In
Sell Out to Sell In
Consensus, Consensus
Consensus, Consensus
Consensus, Consensus
Consensus, Consensus
Marketing Input, Sales Input, Stat Input, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Marketing Input, Sales Input, Stat Input, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Marketing Input, Sales Input, Stat Input, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Sales Input, Stat Input, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Sales Input, Stat Input, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Sales Input, Stat Input, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Sales Input, Stat Input, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Sales Input, Stat Input, Archive Plan, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Sales Input, Stat Input, Archive Plan, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Sales Input, Stat Input, Archive Plan, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Sales Input, Stat Input, Archive Plan, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Like Item Selection, Like Item Selection
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Account Plan
Forecast vs LC, Status, Demand Planner Drilldown
Forecast vs LC, Status, Demand Planner Drilldown
Forecast vs LC, Status, Demand Planner Drilldown

Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process

Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process
Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process
Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process
Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process
Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process
Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process Orchestration, Process
Process Submission, Process Submission, Status, Process Submission, Forecast vs
LC, Process
Process Submission
Submission, Process Submission, Status, Process Submission, Forecast vs
LC, Process Submission
Process Submission, Process Submission, Status, Process Submission, Forecast vs
LC, Process Submission
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Marketing Input, Forecast
Forecast vs LC
Forecast vs LC
Forecast vs LC
Forecast vs LC
Units, Units

Units, Units
Units, Units
Units, Units
Units, Units
Units, Units
Units, Units
Units, Units
Units, Units
Units, Units

Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Plan Changes, Product Plan Changes
Rolling Backlog
Rolling Backlog
Rolling Backlog
Rolling Backlog
Rolling Backlog

Exchange Rate
Exchange Rate
Exchange Rate
Finalize Splits, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Finalize Splits, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Finalize Splits, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Finalize Splits, Consensus, Demand Planner Drilldown
Launch Curve
Launch Curve
Launch Curve
Launch Curve
Like Item Selection, Comparison, Launch Curve, Like Item Selection
Leaderboard, Leaderboard
Leaderboard, Leaderboard
Leaderboard, Leaderboard
Product Life Cycle, Product Life Cycle
Cannib Item Selection, Like Item Selection, New Product Forecast, Product Life
Cycle, Life Cycle,
Item Product Life Cycle
CannibCannib Selection,
Item Selection, Like
Like Item Item Selection,
Selection, New Product
New Product Forecast,
Forecast, Product
Product Life
Life Cycle
Cycle, Cannib Item Selection, Like Item Selection, New Product Forecast, Product
Cannib Item Selection, Like Item Selection, New Product Forecast, Product Life
Life Cycle
Cycle, Cannib Item Selection, Like Item Selection, New Product Forecast, Product
Life Cycle
Like Item Search Setup
Like Item Search Setup
Like Item Search Setup
Like Item Search Setup
Like Item Selection, Like Item Selection
Like Item Selection, Like Item Selection
New Product Forecast, New Product Forecast
New Product Forecast, New Product Forecast
New Product Forecast, New Product Forecast
New Product Forecast, New Product Forecast
New Product Forecast, New Product Forecast
Cannib Item Selection, Cannib Item Selection
Cannib Item Selection, Cannib Item Selection
Cannib Item Selection, Cannib Item Selection
Cannib Item Selection, Cannib Item Selection
Cannib Item Selection, Cannib Item Selection
Cannib Item Selection, Cannib Item Selection
Cannib Item Selection, Cannib Item Selection
Product Transition, Transition Item Drilldown
Product Transition, Transition Item Drilldown
Product Transition, Transition Item Drilldown
Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Transition
Review, Transition Item Drilldown
Review, Transition Item Drilldown
Review, Transition Item Drilldown
Review, Transition Item Drilldown
Transition Item Drilldown
Opportunity Review
Opportunity Review
Opportunity Review
Opportunity Review
Opportunity Review
Opportunity History
Opportunity History
Opportunity History
Opportunity History
Global Scenario Limits
Global Scenario Limits
Per User Scenario Limits
Per User Scenario Limits
Per User Scenario Limits
Scenario Aging Summary


Location Type

Item Location
Item Location
Item Location

Item Ship To Location

Item Ship To Location
Item Ship To Location
Item Ship To Location
Ship To
Ship To
XLFolder_Order_Roles Workflow
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
0.1 Data Integration
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Data Status
1.1 Interface Data
1.1 Interface Data
1.1 Interface Data
1.1 Interface Data
1.1 Interface Data
1.1 Interface Data
1.1 Interface Data
1.1 Interface Data
1.1 Interface Data
1.1 Interface Data
1.1 Interface Data
1.3 Setup Time Bucket
1.3 Setup Time Bucket
1.3 Time Bucket Setup
1.3 Time Bucket Setup
1.3 Time Bucket Setup
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.4 Segmentation
1.5 Outlier Correction
1.5 Outlier Correction
1.5 Outlier Correction
1.5 Outlier Correction
1.5 Outlier Correction
1.5 Outlier Correction
1.5 Outlier Correction
1.5 Outlier Correction
1.5 Outlier Correction
1.5 Outlier Correction
1.5 Outlier Correction
1.6 Outlier Correction
Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based
1.6 Rules Based Forecas
1.6 Rules Based Forecas
1.6 Rules Based Forecas
1.6 Rules Based Forecas
1.6 Rules
1.6.1 Based Forecas
ML Forecasts at
Stat Level
1.6.1 ML Forecasts at
ML Forecasts at
Stat Level
1.6.1 ML Forecasts at
ML Forecasts at
Stat Level
10.1 Attach Rate
10.1 Attach Rate
10.1 Attach Rate
10.1 Attach Rate
10.1 Attach Rate
10.1 Attach Rate
10.1 Attach Rate
10.1 Attach Rate
10.1 Attach Rate
10.1 Attach Rate
10.1 Attach Rate
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.3 Interactive Stat
2.4 AI Predict Plugin
2.4 AI Predict Plugin
2.4 AI Predict Plugin
2.4 AI Predict Plugin
2.4 AI Predict Plugin
2.4 AI Predict Plugin
2.4 AI Predict Plugin
2.4 AI Predict Plugin
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
3.2 Accuracy and Bias
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.1 Initiatives
4.4 Sell Out Sell In
4.4 Sell Out Sell In
4.4 Sell Out Sell In
4.4 Sell Out Sell In
4.4 Sell Out Sell In
4.4 Sell Out Sell In
4.4 Sell Out Sell In
4.4 Sell Out Sell In
4.4 Sell Out Sell In
4.4 Sell Out Sell In
5.1.1 ML Driver
5.1.1 ML Driver
5.1.1 ML Driver
5.1.1 ML Driver
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus Forecast
5.2 Consensus
5.2.1 Process Forecast
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
5.2.1 Process
6.3 Demand Review
6.3 Demand Review
6.3 Demand Review
6.3 Demand Review
6.3 Demand Review
6.3 Demand Review
6.3 Demand Review
6.3 Demand Review
6.3 Demand Review
6.3 Demand Review
6.3 Demand Review
6.3 Demand Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial Review
6.3 Financial
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Management
6.3 Product Review
6.3 Product Review
6.3 Product Review
6.3 Product Review
6.3 Product Review
6.3 Product Review
6.3 Product Review
6.3 Product Review
6.3 Product Review
6.3 Product Review
6.3 Product Review
6.3 Supple Review
6.3 Supple Review
6.3 Supple Review
6.3 Supple Review
6.3 Supple Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply Review
6.3 Supply
6.3.2 GrossReview
to Net
6.3.2 Gross to Net
6.3.2 Gross to Net
6.3.2 Gross to Net
6.3.2 Gross to Net
6.3.7 Multi-Currency
6.3.7 Multi-Currency
6.3.7 Multi-Currency
7.2 DP SP Handshake
7.2 DP SP Handshake
7.2 DP SP Handshake
7.2 DP SP Handshake
8.2 NPI EOL Transition
Product Transition
& Delist
8.2 Product Transition
Product Transition
Product Transition
& Delist
8.2 Product Transition
Product Transition
& Delist
8.2 Product Transition
Product Transition
& Delist
8.2 Product Transition
Product Transition
& Delist
8.2 Product Transition
Product Transition
& Delist
8.2 Product Transition
Product Transition
& Delist
8.2 Product Transition
& Delist
8.2 Product Transition
Product Transition
& Delist
8.2 Product Transition
Product Transition
& Delist
8.3 Opportunity Model
8.3 Opportunity Model
8.3 Opportunity Model
8.3 Opportunity Model
8.3 Opportunity Model
8.3 Opportunity Model
8.3 Opportunity Model
8.3 Opportunity Model
8.3 Opportunity Model
9.1 Opportunity
Scenario Model
9.1 Scenario
9.1 Scenario
9.1 Scenario
9.1 Scenario
9.1 Scenario

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