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Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia

Vicerrectoría Académica y de Investigación

Course: English I
Code: 518002

Activity Guide and Evaluation Rubric – Task 2 Family and Daily routine

1. Activity Description

Type of activity: Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 1
Highest score of the activity: 90 points
The activity starts on: Saturday, April The activity ends on: Friday, May 5,
15, 2023 2023
With this activity, you are expected to achieve the following learning

Learning outcome 1: To use a basic repertoire of simple words and phrases related to
your personal data and specific situations through short written communicative acts.

Learning outcome 2: To recognize basic sentence structures, words, and expressions

to communicate limited information in simple short audios and conversations.

The activity consists of:

Individual Work

1. Go to the contents of Unit 1 (located in the Learning Environment).

Listen to the audio and answer the following questions.


2.1 Where is Marco from?

2.2 How old is Marco?
• He is 17 years old.
• He is 16 years old.
2.3 What’s his job or occupation?
2.4 What’s his favorite sport?
• Basketball

• Baseball
2.5 What’s his favorite sportman?
2.6 Is Pedro Marco’s friend?
2.7 How old is Orla?
2.8 Where is she from?
2.9 What are Orla and Molly’s favourite sports?
• Basketball and soccer
• Basketball and tennis
2.10 Who are their favorite tennis players?


Record a voice presentation in which you present three important people in your family.
Say what they do, where are they from, how old are they, who are they for you, etc.
(Use the possessive Saxon).
You can use the tool: and share the link in the Discussion Forum and
in the final PDF document.
Don’t try to submit audio files to the forum.


4.1 Read the text below:

Hi, my name’s Johanna. I’m eleven and I come from England. I live in Cambridge,
and I go to school there. I have a sister; her name is Dora. She’s 2. She is very
noisy. She always cries when I have something new. Oh, it’s a horror!

My mom, Claudia, is 34 and she is at home now. She looks after Dora, but she also
works when she has some free time, especially when Dora is asleep. My mom is a
translator. She translates books and articles from Spanish to English.

My dad is an engineer. His name is Mark. He programs machines and they do what
he wants them to do. It’s hard work but it’s fun. He travels all over the world
because machines are everywhere.

My best friend is Noreen. We go to the same school together. Noreen has blonde
hair, and she wears glasses. She is also great at Maths. She always helps me with
my homework when I’m in trouble. I really love my family and friends very much!

Taken from: Liveworksheets

4.2 Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)?

Correct the false ones.

a) Johanna is from Scotland.
b) She’s 11 years old.
c) Dora is Johanna’s mom.
d) Her father travles a lot.
e) Johanna doesn’t have friends.
f) She loves her family and friends.
g) Johanna’s best friend is Harry.

4.3 Answer the questions below:

a) What’s Johanna’s nationality?

b) How old is her sister?
c) What languages does her mom know?
d) What’s her dad’s job?
e) Who is her best friend?

Write your Daily Routine in a weekday, and the times you do your daily activities.
Use at least 10 daily action verbs. See examples in page 62 of English 1 (Flores Kastanis,
2015). Post your text in the Discussion Forum.

Remember to comment your partners’ contributions.

In the Evaluation Environment, send your final PDF document including:

• Answers for the Listening exercise.

• Link of your recording for the Speaking exercise.
• Answers for the Reading exercise.
• Text about your daily routine.

For the development of the activity consider that:

In the Initial Information Environment, you must:

Check the Course Agenda to be sure about starting and closing dates.

In the Learning Environment, you must:

Study the unit 1 in the E-book, post your Speaking and Writing products in the
Discussion Forum and comment your partners’ answers.

In the Evaluation Environment, you must:

Send the final PDF document to the corresponding link in Evaluation Environment.

Evidences of individual work:

The individual evidence to be submitted is:

A final PDF document where you include:

• Answers for the Listening exercise.

• Link of your recording for the Speaking exercise.
• Answers for the Reading exercise.
• Text about your daily routine.

Send it to the corresponding link in Evaluation environment. Don’t forget to use a cover

Evidences of collaborative work:

The collaborative evidence to be submitted is:

The interaction with your partners in the forum.

2. General Guidelines for the Development of Evidences to Submit

For Individual evidences, consider the following:

Participate actively and timely on the forum.

Send your final PDF document with all the requirements, a cover page and a final
reference page to the correct link in Evaluation environment.

Please keep in mind that all individual or collaborative written products must comply
with the spelling rules and presentation conditions defined in this activity guide.
Regarding the use of references, consider that the product of this activity must
comply with APA style.

In any case, make sure you comply with the rules and avoid academic plagiarism.
You can review your written products using the Turnitin tool found in the virtual

Under the Academic Code of Conduct, the actions that infringe the academic order,
among others, are the following: paragraph e) Plagiarism is to present as your own
work all or part of a written report, task or document of invention carried out by
another person. It also implies the use of citations or lack of references, or it
includes citations where there is no match between these and the reference and
paragraph f) To reproduce, or copy for profit, educational resources or results of
research products, which have rights reserved for the University. (Acuerdo 029 - 13
de diciembre de 2013, artículo 99)

The academic penalties students will face are:

a) In case of academic fraud demonstrated in the academic work or evaluation, the
score obtained will be zero (0.0) without any disciplinary measures being derived.
b) In case of proven plagiarism in academic work of any nature, the score obtained
will be zero (0.0), without any disciplinary measures being derived.

3. Evaluation Rubric Template

Type of activity: Collaborative

Evaluation moment: Intermediate Unit 1
The highest score in this activity is 75 points
First evaluation High level: The answers presented by the student evidence
criterion: oral comprehension of basic speech and good grammar structure
in whole sentences.
Listening exercise If your work is at this level, you can get between 18 points
and 25 points
This criterion
represents 25 Average level: The student answered the questions, but there
points of the total are some minimal grammar mistakes, or the answers don’t
of 90 points of evidence real oral comprehension.
the activity. If your work is at this level, you can get between 10 points
and 17 points

Low level: The answers presented by the student don’t
correspond to the questions proposed.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0 points
and 9 points
Second evaluation High level: The recording presents good pronunciation, clear
criterion: grammar structures and evidence a good oral production by the
Speaking exercise If your work is at this level, you can get between 7 points
and 10 points
This criterion
represents 25 Average level: The recording is complete, but the information
points of the total is not meaningful or does not fulfill the requirements. The
of 90 points of pronunciation is not accurate and the sentences present some
the activity. grammar mistakes.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 4 points
and 6 points
Low level: The student does not present the chart.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
points and 3 points
Third evaluation High level: The student presents the correct translation of the
criterion: words in bold, according to the context as evidence of real
inference and understanding. The student answers the questions
Reading exercise correctly according to the real comprehension of written
This criterion If your work is at this level, you can get between 15 points
represents 20 and 20 points
points of the total
of 90 points of Average level: The student presents the meaning of the words
the activity. in bold, but they are not completely related to the context of the
text, or the definitions are ambiguous. The answers to the
questions are correct but don’t evidence the real comprehension
of the text.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 10 points
and 14 points

Low level: The definitions presented by the students are not

related to the context, which evidence bad use of tools as
dictionaries and lack of real understanding of the written

If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
points and 9 points
Fourth evaluation High level: The student proposes a whole text in which his/her
criterion: routine is clear and well structured. It evidences the real
understanding of the vocabulary and doesn’t present any
Writing exercise grammar mistakes.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 15 points
This criterion and 20 points
represents 20
points of the total Average level: The text produced by the student is complete,
of 90 points of but presents grammar mistakes, or the expressions used
the activity. evidence partial comprehension of the topic. The routine is not
well structured.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 10 points
and 14 points

Low level: The text presented does not correspond to the

requirements, doesn’t relate to the contents, or presents many
grammar and spelling mistakes.
If your work is at this level, you can get between 0
points and 9 points

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