Draft Act 6

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General Instructions

i. Complete the Worksheet. 

ii. Read and follow the specific instructions correctly 
iii. Plagiarized work will not be given credit points (NO copy-paste work, please!)
iv. Cite your References (use APA Format)
v. Watch the documentary videos in ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI)  ( posted on Google Classroom)

Work on the following:

Part I.    " How Far is too Far: The Age of AI - Documentary Video  (25 pts)

 Discuss briefly the ethical issues presented in the video. (use 20-30  sentences)

There are some ethical issues presented in the video, and the first thing I encountered was
the struggles of building an artificial digital brain. Many people think of AI surpass the ability
of the human brain. But what AI only does is based only on the ability of one technology or
on what a computer can do. Since computers physically transport such patterns from one
physical storage space engraved onto electrical components to another. They sometimes
imitate the patterns and sometimes change them in various ways. The rules that computers
use to move, copy, and operate on these data arrays are likewise stored within the computer.
A set of rules is referred to as a 'program' or an 'algorithm.' A collection of algorithms that
work together to accomplish things like example; wake you up for an alarm, measure your
heartbeat from your phone, and even count your steps during a jog. In short, computers,
work using symbolic representations of reality. They truly do save and retrieve information
and they are truly processing. They have actual bodily memories. They are, without
exception, led by algorithms in whatever they do. But they cannot be something that can
surpass a human ability to think hard enough because it is so hard for the scientist to build a
somehow on the level of the artificial or digital brain that like a human have.

Another, the misconception in humans to A.I. and as said in the video “human cooperation is
the most powerful force on human history, and human cooperation with intelligent machines
will define the next era of history.” But I believe that many are still against this because of
the misconception of humans to view A.I. as something that can surpass the way a human
think, which is not true. The most common and perhaps fatal misunderstanding about
artificial intelligence is that it would eliminate human employment. Instead of eliminating the
need for humans to execute some tasks. Which is I don’t believe it’s true because all I know
is A.I. helps in the workplace to have the potential to improve how individuals and
organizations accomplish a certain task. AI may learn to discover susceptibilities in human
habits and behaviors and use them to affect human decision-making, according to recent
research. Even though AI cannot demonstrate human-like intellect or emotions, it has the
capacity to evolve quickly.

Lastly, Mr. Weinberg said in the video, “They don’t provide dexterity and subtle control that
can allow anything”. This is true enough because A.I. only allows what they adapt to their
environment. Yes, they are not programmed like what the video says, because A.I. learns
from themselves. So, it works like, A.I. adapts by allowing data to program itself using
progressive learning algorithms. In order for algorithms to learn, A.I. looks for structure and
regularities in data. For example, an algorithm can teach itself how to play a certain game it
can adapt it, and learn from itself, and it can also educate what product to propose next on
the internet. When fresh data is introduced, the models adjust. But it doesn’t mean that
someday A.I. will rule how the world and our environment works in the future, they are just
made to help us with the task we couldn’t do by ourselves since many people are still in
denial of the fact that A.I. will help to make the world at ease many are still against it.

Part II.    " Will a Robot take my Job? The Age of AI - Documentary Video  (25pts)

 Discuss the applications of AI to your profession in the future and your personal views regarding
automation employment. (use 20- 30 sentences)

In the field of health care, what formerly appeared like science fiction is now becoming a reality.
Artificial intelligence is a rapidly developing technology that allows machines to do formerly
human-only jobs. Advances in A.I. have the potential to reduce postoperative complications,
improve quality of life, improve decision-making, and reduce the number of needless operations
in health care. When it comes to my desired profession someday, when applied to the domains
of health and dentistry, A.I. has the potential to transform care and improve diagnostic accuracy.
In dentistry, A.I. is being employed for a range of objectives, including the detection of normal
and abnormal structures, disease diagnosis, and treatment result prediction. In addition, A.I. is
widely employed in dental laboratories and is playing an increasingly important role in dentistry

Right now, A.I. helps in the field of medical allied profession to improve the health care system.
Because it can be used in many aspects of curing and maintaining a certain health regulation.
What more A.I. can do in the future right? Will A.I. dominate the employment regarding health
care professions, especially in dentistry? I bet not. Despite the fact that A.I. has been found to
have potential uses in dentistry in several studies, these systems are still far from being able to
replace dental experts. Rather, A.I. should be seen as a supplement to dentists and professionals.
To guarantee that humans retain the capacity to supervise treatment and make educated
decisions in dentistry, it is critical to ensure that A.I. is incorporated in a safe and regulated
manner. The path to successful A.I. integration in dentistry will require dental and continuing
education training, a task for which most institutions are now unprepared. However, my personal
views on automation employment is it has one of the most significant advantages which is the
elimination of weariness. Furthermore, because robots do not require restroom breaks or sick
days. They can create the same thing in the same way for as long as you need it, with almost
little quality change. For example; in an office context, automation guarantees higher product
quality. Your meetings can be scheduled for you by an automated personal assistant. You won't
forget about your dental appointment or double book by connecting with your calendar and
using automation. This work is enough to consider automation employment since human should
do all the work that is meant for a human and not to robots even if robots can also do such
things that human can do, I hope humans don’t forget the fact that automation projects was also
made by human or by a human brain, and we should not let artificial dominates our own skill and
freedom to do the work.

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