Chapter Writings

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What are the types of religious dance in the beginning of Chapter 2?

dances of imitation, medicine dances, commemorative dances

2. What are the characteristics of each?
dances of imitation- imitating animals or battle scenes
medicine dances-dance to ward off evil spirts and restore their health
commemorative dances -to celebrate important events as a community
3. What is something you found interesting from the reading?
i learned that their are different types of religions dances especially the medicine one! and that if they
did that they can keep evil spirts away
Why does the author use "folk dance" and "social dance" interchangeably?
because they both mean participatory dances
2. What are the four categories of social dance as described in the textbook?
courtship dances, work dances, war dances, communal dances
3. Pick TWO of these social dances categories and describe characteristics of the dance and where its
origins are.
war dances- they were used to show dominance or as a manifestation that they would win the battle
and it originated in china north and south american indians and africa
courtship dances- were used to impress someone that you like basically or a flirtation dance and it
originated in europe asia and America
Who is Ted Shawn and Ruth St. Denis? What are some of their contributions to Modern Dance?
They are the pioneers of modern dance they also created the Denishawn School of Modern Dance. They
made ethical dances and encouraged their dancer to move in non-ballet movements creating a form of
modern dance
2. Who is Martha Graham? What was her technique like? What were her contributions?
She was a modern dancer and choreographer and her technique was sharp and jagged movement. She
created 181 works of dance
3. Mention another fact or something from the reading you found interesting.
I think that it is cool Martha graham inspired her pieces from greek mythology and biblical stories

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