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Integrating SAP SuccessFactors with

Microsoft 365
Generated on: 2023-05-12 17:52:46 GMT+0000

SAP SuccessFactors Platform | 1H 2023


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Integrating SAP SuccessFactors with Microsoft 365

By integrating your SAP SuccessFactors system with Microsoft 365, you can empower your employees to collaborate with less
friction and complete everyday HR tasks right inside Microsoft 365 applications.

This guide is designed to help you con gure your SAP SuccessFactors system to get it ready for your employees to explore and
collaborate in Microsoft 365 applications.

As the admin of your organization's SAP SuccessFactors system, to well prepare for the integration, you also need permissions
of these roles or help from your Microsoft 365 implementation partners who have these roles:

Microsoft 365 Global admin: required to grant Microsoft Graph API permissions to SAP SuccessFactors

Microsoft 365 Teams admin: required to install the SAP SuccessFactors app in Teams and set up the permission policy

Currently, we offer these features for the integration:

Request feedback

Employees can send a feedback request to others to ask for feedback on their performance at work.

Give feedback

Employees who receive a feedback request can provide their feedback and send it back to the requester.

Start Teams chat

Employees can start a Teams chat from an employee's quickcard or pro le header.

Respond to learning reminders

Employees can receive prompt reminders of their learning assignments or approvals and take quick follow-up actions.

Employees can engage with the features in both web and mobile applications.

Reduced Scope
Be aware of the restrictions and reduced scope before you implement the integration:

The integration is deployed only to these data centers: DC33, DC40, DC52 Preview, DC57, DC62, DC68, and DC70.

Text Replacement isn't supported.

Global Assignment and Concurrent Employment (GA/CE) aren't supported. In these cases, transactions made and data
produced in Teams are sent to the employee's primary employment.

Data Protection and Privacy (DPP) dependency on Microsoft 365: When data is purged in the SAP SuccessFactors
system, SAP SuccessFactors doesn't erase noti cations employees received from the SAP SuccessFactors app in Teams.
Retention of the noti cations follows the retention policy de ned by Teams. For details, see Manage retention policies for
Microsoft Teams.

Basic Microsoft Terms

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Term Description

Adaptive card An actionable content snippet added to a conversation by a bot or message extension. Use text,
graphics, and buttons with these cards for rich communication.

App package A Teams app package is a ZIP le that contains the App manifest le, color icon, and outline icon.

Azure Active Directory Microsoft's cloud-based identity and access management service. It helps authenticated users
access internal and external resources.

Message extension Message extensions are shortcuts for inserting app content or acting on a message. You can use a
message extension without navigating away from the conversation.

Task module A feature of Teams app to create modal pop-up for completing tasks, displaying videos, or

Tenant ID The unique identi er of the tenant where your app is registered in Azure AD portal.

Related Information
About admin roles in the Microsoft 365 admin center
Manage retention policies for Microsoft Teams
Assign admin roles in the Microsoft 365 admin center
Common terms and de nitions for Microsoft Teams

Change History
Learn about changes to the documentation for Integrating SAP SuccessFactors with Microsoft Teams in recent releases.

1H 2023

Type of Change Description More Info

New This is the rst version of this


Enabling Basic Integration with Microsoft 365

Enable the basic integration between SAP SuccessFactors and Microsoft 365.

You have the Administrator Permissions Manage System Properties Work Tech Con guration permission.

Simply completing this task only enables integration with Microsoft Teams chat.

 Note
To enable the extended range of integration with Microsoft 365, you need to follow steps in Enabling Extended Integration
with Microsoft 365.

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1. Go to Admin Center Work Tech Con guration .

2. In the Enablement section, choose Enable Integration.

You've enabled integration with Microsoft Teams chat. Your employees can start a Teams chat with one another from their
quickcard or pro le header.

 Note
After you enable the setting, it takes 20 minutes for the integration to take effect in iOS and Android SAP SuccessFactors
Mobile apps.

Related Information
Enabling Extended Integration with Microsoft 365

Enabling Extended Integration with Microsoft 365

Set up service connection and grant admin consent to enable the extended range of integration between SAP SuccessFactors
and Microsoft 365.

You have the Administrator Permissions Manage System Properties Work Tech Con guration permission.

You have Microsoft 365 Global admin role permissions.

By enabling extended integration, you establish service connection between SAP SuccessFactors and Microsoft 365. Your
employees can then use services powered by both sides wherever integration is applied.

If you own multiple SAP SuccessFactors instances, you need to repeat step 2 for each of the instances.

1. Go to Admin Center Work Tech Con guration .

2. In the Connection and Authentication section, set Azure AD Application Type and choose Connect.

a. In the displayed dialog, choose Connect.

b. Review the permissions requested by the SAP SuccessFactors app.

Currently, the app requests these permissions:

Send a teamwork activity to any user

Read all users' full pro les

Allow the app to manage itself for all users

c. To agree to the request and grant consent, choose Accept.

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 Note
This step requires Microsoft 365 Global admin role permissions. If you don't have the permissions, follow the onscreen
instructions to copy link and send it to your Microsoft 365 Global admin.

3. In the Enablement section, choose Enable Integration.

You've enabled integration with Microsoft 365. Microsoft Graph APIs are ready for service connection.

Related Information
Requested Permissions and Microsoft APIs Called

Setting Up SAP SuccessFactors for Microsoft Teams

The process of setting up the SAP SuccessFactors app for Microsoft Teams involves con gurations to be done by Microsoft 365
Teams admin and Microsoft 365 Global admin. Make sure you get permissions of these roles or contact your Microsoft 365
implementation partners for help.

Preparing the SAP SuccessFactors App

Con gure user mapping and download the app package to prepare the SAP SuccessFactors app for connection with
Microsoft Teams.
Publishing the SAP SuccessFactors App to Microsoft Teams
Publish the SAP SuccessFactors app to Microsoft Teams, so that it's available from your organization's Teams app store
for your employees.
Updating the SAP SuccessFactors App
Update the SAP SuccessFactors app when there's a new version of the app package that contains the latest software
updates or when you make customizations to the app package.

Related Information
How-To Video: Set Up the SAP SuccessFactors App in Microsoft Teams

Preparing the SAP SuccessFactors App

Con gure user mapping and download the app package to prepare the SAP SuccessFactors app for connection with Microsoft

You have the Administrator Permissions Manage System Properties Work Tech Con guration permission.

Extended integration between SAP SuccessFactors and Microsoft 365 is enabled.

You have Microsoft 365 Global admin role permissions.

This task is essential and works as the foundation for setting up SAP SuccessFactors for Teams.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 5
If you own multiple SAP SuccessFactors instances, you need to repeat step 2 for each of the instances.

1. Go to Admin Center Work Tech Con guration .

2. In the SAP SuccessFactors Teams App User Mapping section, set User Identi er in SAP SuccessFactors and User
Identi er in Azure AD and choose Save.

 Note
The identi ers are used to uniquely match an employee between SAP SuccessFactors and Azure AD. Ensure the
following for them to work properly:

Con rm that an employee is allocated a unique user identi er in SAP SuccessFactors and Azure AD,

Set the two user identi ers to exactly the same value for an employee.

Consider user identi ers that are not likely to be changed often, for example, email addresses.

3. In the SAP SuccessFactors Teams App Package section, choose Download.

You're all set to publish the SAP SuccessFactors app to Teams.

Next Steps
Publish the SAP SuccessFactors app to your organization's Teams app store.

Related Information
Enabling Extended Integration with Microsoft 365

Publishing the SAP SuccessFactors App to Microsoft Teams

Publish the SAP SuccessFactors app to Microsoft Teams, so that it's available from your organization's Teams app store for your

Extended integration between SAP SuccessFactors and Microsoft 365 is enabled.

You have Microsoft 365 Teams admin role permissions.

You've downloaded the SAP SuccessFactors app package.

You can decide how your SAP SuccessFactors app looks like in Teams by changing the app name or icon. To do so, perform step 1
or 2 accordingly. Otherwise, start from step 3.

If you owns multiple instances, you need to publish the app separately for each of the instances.

This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 6
1. (Optional) Change the app name.

a. Unzip the ZIP le.

b. In the i18n le, open the JSON le for your target language.

For example, open messages_en_US for American English.

c. Find the elds for short name and full name and replace SAP SuccessFactors with your desired app name.

For example, in messages_en_US, nd name.short and name.full and change the values.

d. Save your changes and compress the les to get an updated app package.

To change the app name for multiple languages, repeat step c in each language le.

2. (Optional) Change the app icon.

a. Unzip the ZIP le.

b. Name your icon les icon-color.png and icon-outline.png and replace the default ones.

For requirements on app icon speci cations, see Microsoft Teams App Icons.

c. Compress the les to get an updated app package.

3. Log in to the Microsoft Teams admin center.

4. In the left navigation menu, choose Teams Apps Manage apps .

5. In the All apps table, choose Upload new app.

6. Choose Upload.

7. Select the app package and choose Open.

Your employees can nd the SAP SuccessFactors app in your organization's app store and install it.

Next Steps
Review permissions and grant consent to the SAP SuccessFactors app.

(Recommended) Pin the app for your employees to discover.

To make it easy for your employees to get to the app, you can pin the app to the app bar in Teams. To pin the app, create
an app setup policy and assign it to employees. For more information, see Manage app setup policies in Microsoft Teams.

(Optional) Install the app for your employees.

To promote the use of the app, you can install the app for all employees in their personal Teams environment or as a
message extension. To do so, create an app setup policy and assign it to employees. For more information, see Manage
app setup policies in Microsoft Teams.

(Optional) Control access to the app.

By default, all employees in your organization can access the app in your organization's app store. To restrict and control
who has permission to use the app, you can create and assign an app permission policy. For more information, see
Manage app permission policies in Microsoft Teams.

Related Information
How-To Video: Set Up the SAP SuccessFactors App in Microsoft Teams
Assign admin roles in the Microsoft 365 admin center
Microsoft Teams App Icons
Manage app setup policies in Microsoft Teams

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Manage app permission policies in Microsoft Teams

Updating the SAP SuccessFactors App

Update the SAP SuccessFactors app when there's a new version of the app package that contains the latest software updates
or when you make customizations to the app package.

Extended integration between SAP SuccessFactors and Microsoft 365 is enabled.

You have Microsoft 365 Teams admin role permissions.

You've downloaded the new SAP SuccessFactors app package.

If you owns multiple instances, you need to update the app separately for each of the instances.

1. Log in to the Microsoft Teams admin center.

2. In the left navigation menu, choose Teams Apps Manage apps .

3. In the All apps table, select the app name.

4. Under New version, choose Upload le.

5. Choose Select a le.

6. Select the new app package and choose Open.

The SAP SuccessFactors app in your organization's app store is replaced with the new version.

Related Information
Assign admin roles in the Microsoft 365 admin center

Starting Microsoft Teams Chat from SAP SuccessFactors

Guide your employees through the procedure of starting a Teams chat with others from their employee quickcard or pro le

Basic integration between SAP SuccessFactors and Microsoft 365 is enabled.


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To facilitate smooth redirection from SAP SuccessFactors to a Teams chat window, it's recommended that your employees
install the Teams desktop client.

1. In the SAP SuccessFactors system, go to an employee's pro le or choose the employee's name link.

2. In the employee's pro le header or quickcard, choose Microsoft Teams Chat.

A chat window is opened in their Team desktop client for instant conversation. If they don't have a desktop client installed, the
chat window is opened in their browser instead.

Related Information
How-To Video: Start Microsoft Teams Chat from Quickcard and People Pro le Header
Enabling Basic Integration with Microsoft 365
People Pro le

Using Continuous Feedback in the SAP SuccessFactors App

Guide your employees through the procedure of requesting or giving feedback through the SAP SuccessFactors app in
Microsoft Teams.

You have a Performance & Goals license.

The latest Continuous Performance Management is enabled.

The Continuous Feedback feature is enabled.

Extended integration between SAP SuccessFactors and Microsoft 365 is enabled.

Employees have the following permissions:

User Permissions Continuous Performance User Permission Give Continuous Feedback

User Permissions Continuous Performance User Permission Request feedback from others

Employees have the SAP SuccessFactors app installed in their Teams client.

To ensure easy access to SAP SuccessFactors in Teams, it's recommended that you pin the SAP SuccessFactors app to the app
bar or as a message extension in the compose message area.

1. In the app bar or the compose message area of any chat, choose the app icon.

2. Choose Request Feedback or Give Feedback as needed.

3. Fill in mandatory elds and choose Send.

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The SAP SuccessFactors app sends activity feed noti cations or desktop noti cations to employees when they receive feedback
or feedback requests.

In both these scenarios, as well as after employees give feedback, the app sends adaptive cards to its bot chat so that
employees can view more details or navigate to their SAP SuccessFactors system.

Related Information
How-To Video: Request and Give Feedback in Microsoft Teams
Enabling Extended Integration with Microsoft 365
Enabling Continuous Performance Management from the Admin Center
Con guring Continuous Feedback (Latest)

Responding to Learning Reminders in the SAP SuccessFactors

Guide your employees through the procedure of responding to learning reminders in the SAP SuccessFactors app in Microsoft

You have a Learning license.

Learning is enabled.

Extended integration between SAP SuccessFactors and Microsoft 365 is enabled.

Employees have the SAP SuccessFactors app installed in their Teams client.

In Teams, the SAP SuccessFactors app sends adaptive cards to its bot chat when employees have learning assignments due in
the next 30 days or managers have a learning assignment to approve.

Basically, sending learning reminders respect the same rules for generating learning cards on the latest home page. For details,
see Learning on the Latest Home Page .

1. In the adaptive card they received, do the following:

Employees: View basic information about the learning assignment and choose View More.

Managers: View basic information about the learning assignment and choose View More or other options.

2. In the expanded section, view assignment information and choose View Details to go to the SAP SuccessFactors system
to take follow-up actions.

3. (Managers only) To approve or decline a learning assignment, choose from these options as needed:


Approve with Comments


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Decline with Comments

 Note
Managers' action takes effect only when they respond to the assignment for the rst time. If they've already
approved or declined the assignment in their SAP SuccessFactors system, attempts to reprocess the assignment will
be met with a message that says "Unable to reach app. Please try again."

The approval status of the learning assignment is synced to the SAP SuccessFactors system.

Related Information
How-To Video: Respond to Learning Reminders in Microsoft Teams
Enabling Extended Integration with Microsoft 365
SuccessFactors Learning User Help
Learning on the Latest Home Page

Requested Permissions and Microsoft APIs Called

This topic describes permissions requested by the integration and Microsoft APIs called to make service requests for speci c

Requested Type Purpose API Called


Send a Application To send /users/{userID}/teamwork/installedApps?

teamwork noti cations $filter=teamsApp/externalId eq '{appID}'
activity to to users
any user /users/{userID}/teamwork/installedApps/{appInstallationID}/chat

Allow the Application POST

app to {BotTrafficManagerEndpoint}/v3/conversations/{chatID}/activitie
itself for all

Read all Application To get /users/{userID}

users' full users'
pro les information

To allow /users?$filter={filterExpression}
users to be
searched by

Business Data Sources

This topic describes sources of business data that is displayed in Microsoft Teams task modules or on adaptive cards.

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This table lists business data that comes from SAP SuccessFactors.

User Interface Scenario Business Data

Task modules Request feedback Default questions

Give feedback

Adaptive cards Learning assignment reminder Card title

Assignment elds, such as Course

Learning assignment approval
Title, Type, and others

All texts on buttons are xed from the Teams side and they follow Teams' language settings.

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