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We pray for our family and friends but how often do we really take the time to see how God has
allowed specific people to be part of our lives. Did you choose your friends or did God? That
person you ran into in the grocery store 20 years is still part of your life today. How about the
person you met while attending a church conference, on the beach, in the mall, at church or in
the neighborhood? We never know whom God has placed in our lives and the purpose they will
fulfill. Today let us recognize our friends both present and absent.
I met my dearest friend after church service nearly 5 years ago. She was waiting on a family
member to pick her up and they were running late, so I offered to drop her off. We lived in the
opposite direction but that was okay. When we arrived at her home, we sat a talked for hours and
discovered we very much alike and there were some distinct differences. She was calm, nothing
ever upset her or so it seemed. I called her ICE. Well, as for me, she called me FIRE. She
encouraged me, laughed and cried with me. She loved to look at pictures of my cakes and even
though I found hundreds of flaws, she found none. I am honored that God chose her to be my
friend. She became the sister I never had, and I loved her with all heart. When God places that
special person in our lives, please let us not take them for granted because one day you may
really need them and they are not there.
The friendship grew and blossomed into the most beautiful friendship I have ever experienced.
However, I would soon discover what I thought would be a life-long friendship ended abruptly,
February 15, 2021. I lost my dear friend that day due to Covid complications.
Father, please continuously bless our friendship.
Our friendship is like a long steady soft rain. It is not so harsh that it will destroy but yet it is not
too soft that it will go unnoticed. We share our hurts, pains, and fears openly because we know
our secrets with each other; they shall always remain.
We remind each other to keep moving forward even when the winds of life are trying to push us
back. We encourage each other when we are going through, that this moment is but temporary.
Father, thank you for the friendship you have entrusted to me. I will guard it always; I will not do
anything to damage our friendship. Please bless our friendship and keep it growing in your grace.
We know friendships area gift and we are thankful that have chosen us to be friends. I pray that
our friendship will always produce fruits of the spirit and may the soft rain of our friendship
nourish the heart forever. Strengthen us in all areas and sharpen our ears so we can listen and not
just hear and guide our tongues so we can speak in gentleness. Father thank you again for my
true friend and thank you for choosing this person to be my friend and me to be theirs. We praise
for all that you do and how you provide for every area of our lives.
In the name of Jesus we pray, let your will be done in our lives always. Amen.

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