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Subject + be + Noun/pronoun
This is a pen.
My uncle is a doctor.
That book is mine.
The total was thirty two.
She is a lawyer.
Seeing is believing.
It is me
Those shoes are not my size.

Interrogative + be + subject
Who is that?
What colour is her hair?
What age is she?

Subject + be + adjective (phrase)
We are ready.
It was dark.
Devi is Charming.
The children are asleep.
He is still alive.
I was not aware of that.
The ship is still afloat.

Subject + be + Prepositional group
She is in good health (= well).
Your memory is at fault (=faulty).
We were all out of breath ( =breathless).
We are not yet out of danger (=safe).
The question is of no importance (=unimportant).
Everything is in good order.
The machine is out of order.
This letter is for you.

Subject + be + ADVERB
Your friend is here.
The others are there.
The train is in.
The concert was over.
My house is near the station.
The whole scheme is off.

Subject + be + to-infinitive (phrase)
This house is to let.
The best is yet to come.
What is to pay?
Who is to blame?
You are to be congratulated.
My aim was to help you.
To know her is to like her.
All you have to do is to fit the pieces together.
His greatest pleasure is to sit in the pub talking to his friends.

Subject + Verb intransitive
We all breathe, drink and eat.
The sun was shining .
The noon rose.
It was raining.
That will do.
Who cares?
Everything fits.
The car won’t start.
Where we start now or later doesn’t matter.

Subject + verb intransitive + adjective
The leaves are turning brown.
Don’t get angry.
He is growing old.
Her dreams have come true.
The meat has gone bad.
The milk turned sour.
The well has run dry.
She fell ill.
Subject + verb intransitive + noun
He died a millionaire.
He lived and died a bachelor.
Let us part good friends.
On leaving school he became a sailor.
She doesn’t look her age.
He proved a true friend.
She will make a good wife.

Subject + verb intransitive + Present participle
The children came running to meet us.
The birds came hopping round my window.
She lay smiling at me.
Do you like to go dancing?
He stood addressing the gathering.
We soon got talking.
The sunshine came streaming through the window.

Subject + verb intransitive + Preposition + noun/pronoun/gerund
You can rely on me.
Can I count on your help.
He succeeded in solving the problem.
Do you believe in getting up early?
He failed in his attempt.
What has happened to them?
We must send for a doctor.

Subject + verb intransitive + to infinitive
She hesitated to meet me
They agreed not to oppose my plan.
She was longing to see her family again.
Would you care to go/ come for a walk with me?
Harry aims to become a computer expert.
Will she agree to marry him?
We all rejoiced to hear of your success.

Subject + verb transitive + noun/pronoun
Nobody answered my question.
We all enjoyed the film.
WE shall make an announcement tomorrow.
They love you.
The workmen dug a deep hole.
Have you ever climbed that mountain?
Can your horse jump that gate?

Subject + verb intransitive + gerund
She enjoys playing tennis.
Have you finished talking?
I couldn’t help laughing.
Would you mind coming earlier?
Do you mind waiting a bit longer?
Please stop talking.
Try cleaning with petrol.
I can’t stand travelling in the rush-hour.
You should practise speaking English whenever you can.
She likes swimming.
Don’t start borrowing money.
She loves having breakfast in bed.

Subject + verb transitive + to infinitive
I prefer to start early.
Do they want to go?
It has started to rain.
What do you intend to do about it?
He pretended not to see us.
Would you like to come with me?
Did you remember to post my letters?
I forgot to post them
We propose to organize a youth club.
He promised never to drink again.
I never thought to see you here.
He thinks to deceive us.

Subject + verb transitive + Indirect object + Direct object
He gave the dog a bone.
I will read you the letter.
Will you please pass me the salt?
Won’t you tell us a story?
He handed her a letter.
Have they paid you the money?
They all wished him a sage journey.
She blew him a kiss.
He denied her nothing.

Subject + verb intransitive + Direct object + Indirect object/(to + noun/pronoun)
She read the letter to all her friends.
He sold his old car to his neighbour.
He still owes a lot of money to the tax office.
He won’t lend money to anyone.
Please pass the note to the man in the corner.
He offered drinks to everyone in the bar.
Don’t show the letter to any of your friends.
They offered the job to Peter.
They awarded the first prize to Mary.
The prisoner wrote a long letter to the President.
The management made a new offer to the workers.

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