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I’ve decided that I am going to tell the story of the piss tasters of Ghent

Throughout history we learned that gunpowder played an important role in the world

But it wasn’t always the easiest thing to make

Because gunpowder requires a little thing called potassium nitrate which is hard to find in nature

However it is in human piss

So gunpowder manufacturers would buy piss from people so they could use the potassium nitrate

But people quickly realized that if they diluted their piss they could sell more piss and get more

So gunpowder manufacturers in Ghent came up with piss tasters

The piss tasters would verify the quality of the piss and the pissers would be paid accordingly

It worked for many years until uh oh science and technology

Potassium nitrate can now be made synthetically and it was cheaper

This meant that many piss tasters lost their jobs

With their talents now useless they took matters into their own hands

They all moved to Amsterdam and founded the Heineken Brewery

Fuck you Heineken

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