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Color Spaces
A set of rules in which color is encoded to a digital file

sRGB (color space) remove gamma >>> Linear sRGB (working space)

 Change color space back at the end of the comp

Add LUT to view image in original state

Consists of:

1. color primaries
2. white point
3. transfer function (linear,gamma,log)

Week 02:
 no drp files
 upload on the task
 only movie, image or pdf

 project flow: top down or left to right
 use templates (copy nodes to text file and save as .setting file)
 arrange nodes to grid

 core key and edge key

> have a good balance
 Symmetry
 Integration/blending
 Depth
 Color harmony
 Timing/speed (Timewarp: Ae)
 Typography
 Sharpness

3D System Comp:
 Render layers separately
 Enable vector info in 3drenderer for motion blur
 new operator mask/stencil to copy alpha and apply it
 experiment with different operators

Week 03:
Color correction:
 Offset: move all image values linearly
 Gain: move black point
 Gamma: influence values between black and white
 Lift: move white point
 Contrast: influence division between bright and dark colors
 Pivot: spread out values from contrast
 Color Temperature: red and blue tint
 Tint: green and purple tint
 White balance: Balance of RGB
 Saturation: influence the unbalance of RGB

In resolve color page > qualifier tab > use color picker to create a mask

Processing Footage:
Metadata contains much useful information

DCI 4K Full Container: 4096 x 2160

> adjust to 2K for faster workflow

DCI 2K Full Container: 2048 x 1080

Adjust image scaling in inspector in edit tab or project settings

Color Spaces

Color Primaries:

 exact color (RGB) within CIE Chromaticity Diagram


Transfer function:

 encodes color values in different functions in order to have better color data distribution
 Gamma
 Log
 Linear (no transfer function applied, what the camera picks up)

Week 07
P4K: 4096 x 2160 = 1.896:1

P6K: 6144 x 3456 = 1.77.1:1

Project: 1920 x 1080 = 1.77:1


make images RECTILINEAR: straight line IRL > straight line in the image

distortion roundtrip template


undistorted crop has the correct angle of view because the regular crop is changing the sensor size


1920 x 1080 > sensor size = 23.1 x 12.99 > focal length = 18mm

2028 / 1920=1.0555…


2028 x 1140 > sensor size = 24.382 x 13.711 > focal length = 18mm (OR >sensor size = 23.1 x 12.99 >
focal length=17.053)

Week 08
Raw = 6K or 4K

> UHD 3840 x 2160

Fusion = Projection Setup

Proj Cam = Full Aperture

Render Cam = Cropped Version > animate camera > 1920 x 1080

Maya Render = 1920 x 1080

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