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Lesson 1: Communication Principles and 4. Receiver - the person who receives the
Ethics transmitted message. The receiver may be a part
of an audience in a public speaking event, a reader
Communication - Communication is understood
of a letter, or a driver who reads road signs. The
as the process of meaning-making through a
receiver is expected to listen or read carefully, to
channel or a medium. It comes from the Latin
be aware of different kinds of senders to jot down
Communicares, meaning to share or to make ideas
information when needed, to provide a response,
common. The connection that encompasses
and to ask questions for clarification.
interaction among partakers is at the center of your
learning of communication. 5. Feedback - is essential to confirm recipient
Processes and Principles of Effective 6. Environment - The place, the feeling the
Communication mood, the mindset, and the condition of both
Effective communication is a key interpersonal sender and receiver are called the environment.
skill and by learning how you can improve your The environment may involve the physical set-up
communication has many benefits. It sounds so of a location where communication takes place,
simple: say what you mean. the space occupied by both the sender and he
receiver, including the objects surrounding the
Communication is beyond simply putting words sender and receiver.
into thoughts and emotions. Simply put,
communication is the art of creating and sharing
The Nine Principles of Effective
ideas for a specific purpose.

FORMS OF COMMUNICATION 1. Clarity - makes speeches understandable.

 verbal communication - which includes 2. Concreteness - Reduces misunderstanding.

the use of language, sounds, and tone of Messages must be supported by facts such as
voice research data, and statistics of figures. To achieve
 non-verbal communication - which concreteness, abstract words must be avoided.
includes body language and facial 3. Courtesy - it builds goodwill.
 written communication - such as through 4. Correctness - Glaring mistakes in grammar
journals, emails, blogs, and text messages obscures the meaning of the sentence. Also,
 visual communication - which involves misuse of language can damage your credibility.
signs, symbols, pictures, graphics, and 5. Consideration – The message must be geared
emojis toward the audience.
6. Creativity - creativity in communication means
The components of the communication process
having the ability to craft interesting messages in
1. Source - The sender carefully crafts the terms of sentence structure and word choice.
message. The sender may be anyone: an author of
7. Conciseness - Simplicity and directness help
a book, a public speaker on a special occasion, or
you to be concise. Avoid using lengthy
even a traffic enforcer.
expressions and word choices.
2. Message - is the reason behind any interaction.
8. Cultural Sensitivity – With increasing
It is the meaning shared between the sender and
emphasis on empowering diverse cultures,
the receiver. Messages take many forms. They
lifestyles, and races and the pursuit of gender
could mean poems, songs, essays, news articles,
equality, cultural sensitivity, becomes an
road signs, and even symbols.
important standard for effective communication.
3. Channel - the means by which a message is
9. Captivating - You must strive to make the
conveyed. When we answer a phone, the phone is
message interesting to command more attention
the channel. On the other hand, when your parents
and better responses.
receive notification of your absences from school,
the channel is a letter. It is the responsibility of
both the sender and the receiver to choose the best
channel for the interaction.
Ethical Consideration in Communication Form of Intercultural Communication (Jandt,
Ethics - is a branch of philosophy that focuses on
issues of right and wrong in human affairs. 1. Interracial Communication- Communicating
with people from different races.
Ethical Communication
Interethnic Communication- interacting with
1. Respect the Audience
people of different ethnic origins.
2. Consider the result of communication.
2. International Communication-
3. Value truth. Communicating between representatives from
different nations.
4. Use information correctly.
3. Intracultural Communication- Interacting
5. Do not falsify information. with members of the same racial or group ethnic
ETHICS IN COMMUNICATION group or co-culture.

Effective communication is ethical Two types of Context Communications.

communication. Communication is ethical only
when it is genuine, open, cooperative, and 1. High-context -is a tradition-linked
sensitive to one’s cultural and social beliefs and communication system that adheres strongly to
practices. If there is an intent to conceal the truth being indirect.
or bring damage to any organization, group, or
2. Low-context - a system that works on
individual person, communication is considered
straightforward communication.

Improving Intercultural Communication

Lesson 2: Local and Global Communication in
Multicultural Settings Guidelines may help you enhance your ability to
communicate effectively across cultures
Barriers to Effective Communication in a
Global Environment: 1. Recognize the validity and differences of
communication styles among people.
1. Cultural Relativism
2. Learn to eliminate personal biases and
2. Lack of knowledge of others’ culture prejudices
3. Discrimination and harassment
3. Strive to acquire the communication skills
4. Language Differences necessary in a multicultural world.

Strategies to Become an Effective Global

Communication Lesson 3: Varieties and Register of Spoken and
Written Language
1. Review the Communication Principle
Varieties of Spoken and Written Language
2. Analyze the Message Receiver
Lin (2016) presents the following nature of
3. Be open to accepting of other culture language variation as prescribed by most linguists
4. Learn about cultures and apply what is learned. based on the ideas of Mahboob (2014)

5. Consider language needs. 1. Language varies when communicating

with people with in (local) and outside
(global) our community.
Communication and Globalization
2. Language varies in speaking and in
Globalization is the communication and
assimilation among individuals, ethnicities, races,
institutions, and governments of various nations 3. Language varies in everyday and
supported by technology and compelled by specialized discourses.
international trade.
Intercultural Communication - refers to
interaction with people from diverse cultures.
Eight domains of Language
1. Local Everyday Written - This may include
instances of local everyday written usage found in
the neighborhood poster.
2. Local everyday oral - may occur in local
communication among neighbors in everyday,
informal, and local varieties of languages.
3. Local specialized written - An example of
local specialized written usage can be found in the
publications and websites of local societies such
as the Baguio Midland Courier.
4. Local Specialized oral - involves specialized
discourses. For an instant, in a computer shop in
the neighborhood, specialized local usage can be
found. (Specialized computer game-related
vocabulary is used)
5. Global everyday writing - avoids local
colloquialisms to make the text accessible to wider
communities of readers.
6. Global everyday oral - may occur in
interactions between people coming from different

parts of the world when they talk about everyday

casual topics.
7. Global specialized writing - expands to as
many readers internationally, hence the non-usage
of local colloquial expression
Ex: International research journal articles.
8. Global specialized oral - occurs when people
from different parts of the world discuss
specialized topics in spoken form.
Ex: Paper presentation sessions at an international
academic conference.

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