Kashmir A Thorough View - Presentation

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History of Kashmir (Bone of contention)

History of Kashmir
 Name =(Ka = Water) (Shimira = Desiccate (dry))
 Early Religion = Hinduism and Buddhism (Nepal) 13C Islam

Akbar 1586 to 1751 Afghan Rule Sikh Rule (governer Gulab Singh Hari Singh
thn Mughal Empire (Qurrani Empire & Raja) Dogra dynasty. 1925 to 1952
Pashtun Tribe 1756 =1819 (Ranjeet sigh) 1846 1Million
to 1789 (ahemad to 1846. Defeat by 77cror treaty also
shah Abdali EIC Anglo Sikh war

 Location and geography = north of Pak and north west of India

 Total Area = 222236KM
 Claimed by =China, India & Pakistan.
 China Occupied =Aksai Chin/Area =38,000 km² By Sino-Indain war in 1962
 Pakistan Occupied =Azad Kashmir =13,297 km² =The leaders of AJK surrendered the
Northern Areas to Pakistan under the Karachi Agreement of 1949.
 Indian Occuped =Jammu And Kashmir =Area: 42,241 km² Union territory: 31 October
2019 Districts: 20

 3rd June plan = Final decision to separate British India into 2(Consideration Geographical and religion).
Can stay alone and independent for those which were under British rule.

 Princely State = (564/562/565) Various Result. 562 Decided to do accession with Countries while 3
(Hyderabad, Junger, Dhakan, Delayed accession. Among All those states Kashmir was one of the largest. Hence,
Kashmir must get self-determination. Which not occurred, How and why?
 Kashmir Dispute =Muslim 77% Hindu 20% While 3% Sikh and Buddhist. Zameni and dariya rasta = Pak,
while pathan kot meet it to India. Despite Muslim majority, Raja Hari sing, Hindu leader, initially he thought
Kashmir should be free state. While some unrest took place and the Raja Hari want to be part of Hindustan.
 Lord Mount batten =19 June 1947 show strength to Maharaja.
 Ponch revolt =
 Standstill Agreement =12 Aug 1947. (To let the condition as it is for few days) But revoult Expended
 Indian Help = 27 Oct 1947 Hari Singh Joint Kashmir with India (‫ )یوم سیاہ‬.

 After that Raja Hari Singh Disappeared, Pak refused, then Kashmir would assassinate to Pak as 77%, India sent
army to Kashmir, Quid thought it is great injustice.
Role of UN
1st Jan 1948 Resoluti on = India to UN During 1st war= UN decision to Cease fire, Referendum, Plebiscite.
Result = No referendum till now, and till the area Pak occupy Azad Kashmir and India Occupy

21 April 1948

 Quaid e Azam pressurized Nehru and presented condition in UN security Council. 21 April 1948 = Passed a
resolution with 3 process.
1. Pakistan was asked to withdraw its national from Kashmir. Fogy, with weapon. (Why all)
2. India was asked to progressively reduce forces to maintain law and order. (why slowly reduce and what is
3. India was asked to appoint a referendum administrator nominated by UN who would conduct free election.
 Pakistan Didn’t accept this, in spite Pakistani, Indian forces must leave the state first. 2ndly Neither Pak nor
Indian army, there must be 3rd force mundane to control the condition. Till reach final decision.
 After a long dispute in this scenario, India was asked to remove all the force from Kashmir.
 To divide Kashmir into 3 parts (Northern area, Ladakh Jammu, (less Muslim= Indian) (Srinagar valley = to do
voting, election)
 Pakistan response = Why election must be held Srinagar valley, why not in whole Kashmir. Let them decide
to choose.
 Indian Response = was gloomy coz of army elimination. Hence rejected.
13 Aug 1948

Lord Mountbatten Complicity sazish= Separated the Kashmir into 3 parts. Again, unrest situation emerges in Kashmir.
Nehru was pressured and under pressure of Quaid Nehru went to UN,

Loc final

Process of appeasement and negotiation. To delay the process

1965 WAR

Ayyub Khan 1965 = Nehru is just time pass, don’t want to solve Kashmir issue, Pak forces reached much ahead the
Kashmir and India attacked on Lahore

Current Situation of Pak Kashmir Dispute


1. Foreign policy,
2. National and international security.

Current scenario

Revoked article 370 Special status to Bifurcate the state

Article 370 = It allows the Indian Administered region jurisdiction or make its own law in all matters, except fiancé, defense,
foreign affairs and communications.

When was 370 and 35a removed?

On 5 August 2019, India issued a Presidential order superseding the 1954 order that made all the provisions of the
Indian constitution applicable to Jammu and Kashmir.

Article 35 A = No outsiders allow to permanently settle and buy land holding local job and educational schooler ship.

It Bifurcate India in to parts,

Ladakh made union and Jammu and Kashmir combined. What is benefit of article 370 revoke?

 To change the demographic character of Muslim majority region by allowing non-Kashmiris to buy land tehre.
 Kashmir will no longer have a separate constitution but will have to abide by India
 All Indian laws will be automatically applicable to Kashmiris and people from outside the state will be able to buy
property there.
Possible way forwards
UN recommends

1. Plebiscite option = Military should be removed both India and Pak. And Do what favored by majority.

Other ways,

2. Partition option = separate into 4 regions

3. The status Quo solution = Jesa cahl raha chalny do, LOC International boundary and Pak get its part and
Indian part get Indian part. Which is failure. And Muslim Maj will revolt. While India favor that coz, it gets major
part of land 70%. But Muslims will get deprived once again.
4. 4 Independent Option =
5. 5) The Irish Model = Long story with (another chapter)

Common Characteristics
Lord Mountbatten = Who inborn such loathe between Pak India, that Pakistan in fought 3 wars. Last viceroy of barashager
subcontinent. When Pak got independent, he thought he would become Governor general of both Pak and India…. But quid refused thn
he became the governor general of India, and he + Moti lal Nehru both fought against Pakistan and Kashmir despite having majority of
Muslims in Kashmir. Captured Kashmir

Redcliff = British lawyer, who plays vital role to in sep of Indo-Pak.

Redcliff Award = Name of decision, to separate sub-continent in 2 parts need to finalize the border, this
decision is called commission and this commission called Redcliff award. Not a name of personality.
3 mem form India and 3 mem form Pakistan. Meanwhile the final decision is to be done by Redcliff. Initially he designed
a fine map but later on he altered it due to pressure of Lord Mountbatten, in result of that. Batala, shakargar, Gurdarpur
53%, and India to get just Pathankot then India would no have link to Kashmir. (‫ظلم پاکستان پر‬

Raja Hari Singh = Ruler of Kashmir, who did titanic injustice in distribution of Kashmir
What are followings:

1. Yom e sihah = 27 Oct 2

2. population of Kashmir = 77% Muslim 20% 2000 (10.1Million)
3. Area of Kashmir =222,236KM
4. Ruler of Kashmir was = Raja from 1925 till Independence (Hari Singh)
5. Actual Cause of Dispute =
6. Importance of Kashmir =
7. possible way forward =
8. Birth of Issue =
9. UN preference =
10. Ponch Revolt = A revolt of (5 days) against the Sikh army in Kashmir by Muslim.
11. Operation Gibraltar = War of 1965 Aug., Due to Kashmir, 2nd war on Kashmir
12. India = Raja Gulab Singh document says it is India.
13. Dixon Report =15 sep 1950 Indian Attitude.
14. 1951 Kashmir election = 1st time election, 1st PM Shiekh Abdullah. Karah Singh cause imprisonment of PM.
15. Bora Nehru meeting = 1953 Dubai, Karachi Delhi, 3 Times meeting occurred.
16. 1st constitution = 17 November 1956
More about

Strategical Importance

 Land locked by three Mountain ranges.

 Source of Fresh water. (mountain, Ice, agree culture)
 Source of electricity.

Decades view

6 Round meeting forced by UK and US

2nd war =1965 War Operation Gibraltar Aug 1965

Tashkent Declaration =

1971 Bangladesh separate (Simla Agreement 2-3 July 1972) 93k Army
Ceasefire Line- (1938) =Line of Control and Border (1972 Aggrement)

No 3rd party Negotiation

 Siachen Glacier 1984 Controlled on Siachen
 1988 SAARC conference, Banzir Bhutto, Rajiv Gandhi(Normalize condition)
1989 Again Uprise in Kashmir due to Mujahideen
 Colombo Saarc 29 July 1998
 Kargil War(Operation = By Musharif Kashmir Washington declaration. 130 checkpst were
captured by pak. Turned into war
 10 Years = 70k Kashmiri go martyred.

 Agra Summit 14-16July 2001, Serious meeting and rounds on Kashmir Issue
 2001 Indian parliament Attack (
 President Musharif Vs Atal Behri Wajpai =Many rounds in two days,
Fail coz of Indian attitude =India’s plan was to bring more in Kashmir Indian government
by 2002 election
 2008 Mumbai Attacks ( On Muslim and ISI trained excuse)
 Nov 26 2008, Nov 29 2008

 Unrest and killing
 2003 PM meeting in NYork
 Cancellation of Talk 2014 by India ( Ilazamat ka tehat)
 2016 Pathan kot attack
 Burahn Wani July 8 2016 Martyred, Hizbul Mujahideen
 Surgical Strikes 2016 26feb sep
 Pulwama Attack =

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