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Analysis of Algorithm Divide and Conquer Approach

Chapter-2. Divide and Conquer Approach

• The technique of diving large problems into smaller subproblems, solving subproblems and
combining them to get solution of original large problem.
• Divide and Conquer is a recursive problem-solving
approach which break a problem into smaller
1. Divide: This involves dividing the problem into some sub
2. Conquer: Sub problems are solved independently.
3. Combine: The Sub problem combine so that we will get
find problem solution.

Many computer science problems are effectively solved using divide and conquer.
• Finding exponential of the number
• Multiplying large numbers.
• Multiplying matrices.
• Sorting elements (Quick sort and Merge Sort )
• Searching elements from the list (Binary Search)
• Discreate Fourier Transform.
• Max-Min Problem.

General Method (Control Abstraction)

• Divide and conquer approach works in three stages.
1. Recursively divide the problem into smaller subproblems.
2. Subproblems are solved independently.
3. Combine solutions of subproblems in-order to derive solution of the original big-problem.
• Each subproblem in divide and conquer are independent and hence subsystem may be solved
independent times.

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Analysis of Algorithm Divide and Conquer Approach

Master Method

➢ Time Complexity :-
T(n) = aT (b) + f(n)

• n is the size of the problem

• a is number of subproblems in the recursion
• n/b is the size of each sub problem
• F(n) is cost of the work done other than recursive calls like
• Cost of dividing the problem
• Cost of merging solution

Explain Binary Search using divide and Conquer

• Searching is the problem of finding element from given set of data.

• Binary search uses divide and conquer approach.
• Algorithm divides the list into two halves and check if element to be searched is on upper or lower
half of the array.
• If element is found in middle then algorithm returns otherwise it continues.

Binary Search

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Search 23 2 5 8 12 16 23 38 56 72 91
L=0 1 2 3 M=4 5 6 7 8 H=9
23 > 16
Take 2nd half
2 5 8 12 16 23 38 56 72 91

0 1 2 3 4 L=5 6 M=7 8 H=9

23 > 56
Take 1st half
2 5 8 12 16 23 38 56 72 91

0 1 2 3 4 L=5, M=5 H=6 7 8 9

Found 23
Return 5
2 5 8 12 16 23 38 56 72 91

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Analysis of Algorithm Divide and Conquer Approach


Algorithm BINARY-SEARCH(A, Key)

//Description: Perform Binary Search on Array A.
//Input: Sorted Array A of size n and Key to be Searched
//Output: Data found or not found.
End n
if start <= end
middle = floor((start+end)/2)
if A[middle]==x
return middle
if A[middle]>x
return BINARY-SEARCH(A, start, middle-1, x)
if A[middle]<x
return BINARY-SEARCH(A, middle+1, end, x)
return FALSE // in case, element is not in the array

Merge Sort
• Merge Sort Uses divide and Conquer approach.
• In Merge Sort, we divide array into two halves, sort the two halves recursively, and then merge the
sorted halves.

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Analysis of Algorithm Divide and Conquer Approach

void mergesort(int a[], in i, int j) {

int mid;
if (i < j) {
mid = (i + j)/2;
mergesort(a, i, mid); //left recurssion
mergesort(a, mid+1, j); //right recurssion
merge (a, i, mid, mid+1, j); //merging of two sorted sub-array

void merge(int a[ ],int i1,int j1,int i2,int j2)

int temp[50]; //array used for merging
int i,j,k;
i=i1; //beginning of the first list
j-i2; //beginning of the second list
while(i<=j1 && j<=j2) //while elements in both lists
while(i<=j1) //copy remaining elements of the first list
temp[k++] = a[i++];
while(j <= j2) //copy remaining elements of the sec
temp[k++] = a[j++];
//Transfer elements from temp[ ] back to a[ ]
for(i = i1, j = 0; i <= j2; i++, j++)

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Analysis of Algorithm Divide and Conquer Approach

Algorithm for merge sort is described below.

Algorithm MERGE_SORT(A,B)
// Description: Sort elements of array A using Merge sort
// Input: Array of size n, low ← 1 and high ← n
// Output: Sorted array B
if low < high then Recursively sort first sub list
mid ← floor (low + high) / 2
MERGE_SORT(A, low, mid) Recursively sort second sub list
MERGE_SORT(A, mid+1, high)
COMBINE(A, low, mid, high) // merge two sorted sublists

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Analysis of Algorithm Divide and Conquer Approach

Procedure COMBINE performs a two way merge to produce a sorted array of size n from two
sorted arrays of size n/2. The subroutine works as follow:

COMBINE (A, low, mid, high)

l1 ← mid – lwo + 1 // size of 1st array
l2 ← high – mid // size of 2nd array
for i ← 1 to l1 do
LEFT [i] ← A [low + i – 1] // copy 1st sub list in array
for j ← 1 to l2 do
RIGHT [i] ← A [mid + j] // copy 2nd sub list in array
// insert sentinel symbol at the end of each array
LEFT [l1 + 1] ← ∞
RIGHT [l2 + 1] ← ∞

// Start two-way merge process

i ← 1, j ← 1 Two-way merge

for k ← low to high do // perform 2-way merge on LEFT & RIGHT

if LEFT[i] ≤ RIGHT[j] then
//smaller element is in LEFT sub list, so copy it in B
B[k] ← LEFT[i]
// smaller element is in RIGHT sub list, so copy it in B
B[k] ← RIGHT[i]

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Analysis of Algorithm Divide and Conquer Approach

Quick Sort
• It is divided and conquer based approach.
• It select one element as a pivot and moves pivot to correct location.
• Fixing the pivot to correct location divides the list into two sub list.
• Each sub lists is solved recursively.


- Scan array from left to right until an element greater than pivot is found.

- Scan array from right to left until an element equal or smaller than pivot is found.

- After finding such elements,

✓ If low < high, then exchange A[low] and A[high].

✓ If low ≥ high, then exchange A[pivot] and A[high], which will split the list into two sub-
lists. Solve them recursively.

Algorithm for quick sort is shown below:

Algorithm QUICKSORT(A, low, high)

// Description: Sort array A using Quick sort
// Input: Unsorted array A of size n, low = 0, high = n – 1
// Output: Sorted array A
if low ≤ high then Find pivot index to split the list

q ← PARTITION (a, low, high)

Sort left sub list
QUICKSORT(A, low, q – 1)
Sort right sub list
QUICKSORT(A, q + 1, high)

The pseudo code of PARTITION subroutine is given below:

PARTITION (A, low, High)

x ← A[high] // x is pivot element i.e. last element of list

i ← low – 1
for j ← low to high – 1 do
if A[j] ≤ x then
swap (A[i], A[j])
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Analysis of Algorithm Divide and Conquer Approach
swap (A[i + 1], A[High])
return (i + 1) // Correct index of pivot after sorting

Min- Max Problem

• It is used to find min and max element from given array.
• In traditional approach the maximum and minimum element can be found by comparing each
element. This approach is simple but it require n – 1 comparison.
• Using divide and conquer approach, we can reduce the number of comparison.
• If a1 is the only element in array, a1 is maximum and minimum.
• If the array contains only two element a1 and a2 then the single comparison between two elements
can decide minimum and maximum two elements.
• If there are more than two elements, algorithm divides the array from middle and crate two
• Both subproblems are treated as an independent problem and same recursive process is applied.
• The division continues until subproblem size becomes one or two.
• After solving two subproblems, their minimum and maximum numbers are compared two build the
solution of large problem.
• This process continues in bottom up fashion to build solution of parent problem.

Algorithm DC_MAXMIN (A, low, High)

//Description: Find minimum and maximum element from array using
divide and conquer approach
//Input: Array A of length n, and indces low = 0 and high = n – 1
//Output: (min, max) variables holding minimum and maximum element of
if n == 1 then
return (A[1], A[1])
else if n == 2 then
if A[1] < A[2] then
return (A[1], A[2])
return (A[2], A[1])
mid ← (low + high)/2
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Analysis of Algorithm Divide and Conquer Approach
[LMin, LMax] = DC_MAXMIN(A, low, mid)
[RMin, RMax] = DC_MAXMIN(A, mid + 1, high)

if LMax > RMax then //Combine solution

max ← LMax
max ← RMax
if LMin > RMin then //Combine solution
min ← LMin
min ← RMin
return (min, max)

Strassen’s matrix multiplication

• The strassens algorithm, named after Volker Strassen, is algorithm for matrix multiplication.
• It is faster than the standard matrix multiplication algorithm.

• It takes less number of multiplication compare to this traditional way of matrix multiplication.

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