MuN Resulution 15.05.23

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United Nations

Security Council
Topic: Promoting International Cooperation for Strengthening Cybersecurity
The delegate of Germany is:

Noting the importance of cybersecurity in the modern digital age,

Reaffirming the right to privacy and the protection of personal data,

Recognizing that cyber-attacks and threats have become more frequent and sophisticated,

Acknowledging the significant role of information and communication technologies in

economic and social development,

Stressing the need for international cooperation and collaboration to prevent and combat
cyber threats,

Emphasizing the role of the United Nations in promoting international peace and security,

1. Calls upon Member States to take measures to strengthen their cybersecurity systems,
a. Developing and implementing national cybersecurity strategies that address cyber
threats, risks, and vulnerabilities.
b. Encouraging public-private partnerships to enhance cybersecurity awareness,
education, and capacity building.
c. Adopting effective legal and regulatory frameworks to protect personal data and
d. Supporting the development and implementation of international standards and norms
for responsible state behaviour in cyberspace.
2. Urges Member States to promote international cooperation in the field of cybersecurity,
a. Sharing information and best practices on cybersecurity policies, technologies, and
incident response.
b. Supporting capacity building initiatives to enhance cybersecurity capabilities in
developing countries.
c. Strengthening regional and international cooperation mechanisms, such as the
Budapest Convention on Cybercrime, to combat cybercrime and enhance
d. Encouraging the establishment of international partnerships for research and
development in cybersecurity.
3. Calls upon the international community to engage in dialogue and cooperation to address the
global challenges of cybersecurity, including:
a. Promoting the exchange of views and experiences on cybersecurity issues among
governments, the private sector, civil society, and academia.
b. Encouraging the United Nations to play a leading role in promoting international
cooperation and coordination on cybersecurity issues.
c. Urging all States to respect international law, including the United Nations Charter, in
their actions in cyberspace.
4. Requests that the United Nations establish a cybersecurity task force to facilitate
coordination and cooperation among Member States and relevant international organizations,
with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of international efforts to prevent and respond to
cyber threats and attacks. The task force should be composed of representatives from relevant
United Nations bodies, Member States, and other stakeholders with expertise in
a. The task force should:
i. be composed of representatives from relevant United Nations bodies,
Member States, and other stakeholders with expertise in cybersecurity.
ii. assess the evolving cybersecurity landscape and identify emerging threats and
challenges, as well as promote the development of innovative solutions and
best practices.
iii. work closely with the private sector, civil society, and academia to promote
cybersecurity awareness and education.
iv. report regularly to the United Nations Security Council on its activities and
recommendations for strengthening international cooperation on
5. Urges Member States to consider the impact of cyber threats on critical infrastructure, such
as energy, transportation, and healthcare, and take appropriate measures to protect them,
a. Conducting risk assessments and implementing mitigation measures to prevent and
respond to cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure.
b. Establishing contingency plans and response mechanisms to ensure the continuity of
essential services in case of cyber incidents.
c. Strengthening public-private partnerships to enhance the security and resilience of
critical infrastructure against cyber threats.
d. Encouraging the development and adoption of secure and resilient technologies for
critical infrastructure.

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