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he second area that is like honestly I don't think anybody ever ever, ever
heard of this outside of when we started doing our feng shui and I'm going to
tell you little story when Ken and I were diving in deeper with our feng shui
journey the very first house we feng shui is this house. And we realized that as
we're analyzing we're like, oh great.

It's a good for people good for money house. And that didn't actually resonate at all for us,
especially because of the year that we had. And I did give a little cue of like the front door
facing the back door. That could have been part of it, but sometimes it's just a
compoundedness of things. And our feng shui teacher was looking at our chart and said,
“Did you have financial difficulties last year Ken?” and I’m not joking you, I nearly fell off the
chair, my jaw dropped to the ground, and nearly fell off the chair I was like. How she
know?, Ken says and I know he's not here right now to share but he said that the hairs
went up at the the back of his spine, because he was like, this is like, how did she know?.

So, it turns out that this house it was in a one year money lock. Okay. a one year money
lock For six months of the year, the end of the year at Ken's the company he'd been
working for, hadn't paid him. He was a contractor, he does own business, but he had no
money like literally no wages, and I moved in at the tail end of that year. And I just noticed
a huge drop off in numbers of clients. And, you know, I moved from an apartment to the
city, out here to the countryside, and I've moved venue for working with my clients. But it
was very different, like the amount of money that I was making was very different and even
moving in here with Ken like obviously I just kind of I put it down to because we try and
rationalize things I put it down to moving thing and all the different things but Ken had
know, like it was just kind of crazy how he was just not being paid. Now. It all unfolded,
positively and hopefully. And the chinese new year is in February. And the cycle change in
early february. We, I think it was like April so we’re doing the course on the teacher so she
said did you have financial difficulties she said probably all got sort it out in like February
or March, and Ken got all the money in February, the end of February all the money came.
So after six months of like, What the hell is going on? And it all just calmed and we were
like, oh, that's all sorted. And we didn't. Honestly we had no we did not associate it with a
house because we haven’t gotten that depth with feng shui. So, that’s our personal
experience with money lock.

Thankfully, you can actually prevent your home from going into that. And that's something
that what we do with our clients in powerhouse so we can check and see what's the
optimum for it and if it's gonna happen can even predict it happening which is also good.
But house locks basically are similar to we talked about the personality types, but they can
happen for people in money. So on the people side, it could be health issues, it could be
legal issues, it could be but a drama could be kind of a big. It’s just a tough year you know,
you might look back in, in the last few years and your house, the house it was a really
tough year like this happened that happened this happened and or it could be financially
and I remember sitting with a client once looking at the finance thing, literally using the
exact same words. Did you have financial difficulties this year?, and they were like I tell you
the date, they could name the date of, they literally name the date of Chinese New Year
that they'd lost their biggest clients. And I was like, again, shivers down my body going this
stuff is like, I don't know, what it's like amazing.

So for money again, it's like this financial restriction that you're like, what? There's no real
reason for it, but actually it's just the energy that the house is moving into. Now, it can be
for a year or 20 years. And I just think of one of my clients Kate her house is actually just
coming out of a lock soon enough and they’re going to be selling. But what was so
fascinating was when we when we did the work her house was actually good for people
good for money house but it was in a 20 year money lock. And the house had gone
through a lot of how would you describe the people beforehand had had a lot of financial
issues and there's a lot of paperwork and money issues to get the house. So I think they
had gone bankrupt before then obviously they had been it had been in a money lock. So
Kate moved in, they had similar things going on. It wasn't great. But when we released it,
they got all of these amazing windfalls of money like insurance paying them back and
mortgage money coming back and pay rises and it just like the floodgates started to open
it was almost like it was kind of like a hold on it and then once you open it up, you can
basically unlock it and bring the flow coming in again.
So, that is kind, that is the good news. Your house could be going through one, they can’t
go. They actually don't go through them at the same time the one year lock or the 20 year
one’s but you could possibly have that going on. So you may do the quiz for the house
types and come back with your house being bad for money and good for people but it
could be in the money lock. And so that's just something to be aware of that there may be
as we look back over your years in your house or how long are there that were tricky for
people for you, personally, or in your relationship or in your finances. As I said there is
good news, you can turn it around we can actually prevent it, predict it and to make sure it
doesn't happen which is really in essence like why I do this because I just love the start of
a new year saying to my clients, I'm like, Yeah, you're gonna to lock, but it won't affect you.
Because, because we know and that's part of the the power of this feng shui is like it’s
very preventative of things unfolding that we don't want to see happen for ourselves.

“So I own a marketing agency. And and it's done well it's done very well over the years,
but I was starting to feel really stuck with it. Like no matter what I did I just you know, like
hitting up against a wall. So the past year, the full year that I've had my house feng shui, I
had my largest revenue month ever which was probably 30% more than I've ever made in
any month, which was amazing. I co-authored a book that went right to like eight bestseller
lists on Amazon and I bought another marketing agency. So you know sometimes if you’re
not like super specific with the universe exactly how you wanting to grow, it was like, okay,
here you go. My work days is easier. I don't work as hard and I know that like, you know,
like and I was just saying before, like I was feeling stuck. And so I was doing all of these
things and I was like kind of spinning on a wheel and running into this wall. And now, it
doesn’t feel that way. I am working less, I am making more money and happier and our
house is bad for money and bad for people there's just been one positive change after

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