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Петрів Соломія, ІП-20-1

II Give Ukrainian equivalents of the following:

replenished – поповнений,
depleted – виснажений,
consumption – споживання,
tidal, and biomass energy – енергія припливів та біомаси,
nuclear fusion – ядерний синтез,
a sustainable supply of energy – стале постачання енергії,
in abundant supply – у достатній/великій кількості,
storable – придатний для зберігання,
the blades of the turbines – лопатки турбін,
concerns about bird and bat mortality – занепокоєння щодо смертності птахів та
combusted – спалений.

III Put 5 types of questions to the sentences:

1. Typically, renewable energy resources have much lower greenhouse gas and other
emissions associated with use.
2. We can put wind to work by utilizing it to power turbines that generate electricity.
3. Some people take issue with the noise and visual pollution of the wind turbines.
4. The core of the Earth generates a tremendous amount of heat, and in many places
around the world.

1. What are some potential benefits of using renewable energy resources?

2. How can we use wind to generate electricity?
3. What are the issues that some people have because of wind turbines?
4. Does the core of the Earth generate a tremendous amount of heat?
4. In what regions of the world is this phenomenon observed?

IV Answer the questions:

1. What energy sources are considered renewable on a human time scale?

Renewable energy resources include wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower, tidal,
biomass energy, and nuclear fusion.

2. What energy sources are considered non-renewable on a human time scale? Non-
renewable energy resources include coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear energy.

3. What are the sources of energy available to us? Give some examples of each
source? There are two types of sources of energy available to us: renewable resources
(wind, solar, geothermal, hydropower, tidal, biomass energy, and nuclear fusion) and
non-renewable (coal, natural gas, oil, and nuclear energy).

4. What are the advantages of renewable energy sources? Renewable energy

resources have much lower greenhouse gas and other emissions associated with use.

5. What are the problems associated with the recovery of energy from non-
renewable energy sources? Non-renewable energy comes from sources that will run
out or will not be replenished in our lifetimes—or even in many, many lifetimes.

6. If we run out of oil, what energy sources hold the most promise for the future of
our society? Solar is by far the most promising.

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