SWOT Analysis

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Strengths, Weaknesses,

Opportunities and Threats

Board of Supervisors
2012 Strategic Planning Workshop
The “SWOT” Analysis
 This report provides an analysis of the various internal
strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and
threats associated with the Objectives of the Board of
 Staff developed these bullet points during a staff held in early
 The list does not reflect 100% consensus, rather various points
of view.
 This information was used to develop staff recommendations
for future Board initiatives.

Weaknesses Strengths
A lack of City resources or The City has resources and
capabilities needed to meet the capabilities that can be used to
stated objectives. meet the stated objectives.

A weakness is a core capability A strength is a core capability of

of Carson City where other Carson City where we have an
communities have an advantage advantage over other
over us. communities.
An external condition that can be
used to advance the stated

An opportunity is a condition in your

macro environment that can improve
your organizations competitive
An external condition that can
hinder the ability to meet an

A threat is an external condition

that is out of your control and has
the potential to harm your
Residents and visitors are safe in structures.
Property is protected from damage.
Carson City is prepared for emergency events.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Qualified people in the *Lack of funds for safety *Mutual aid agreements *Funding - loss of grant funding
positions they hold. improvements in City facilities. *Grants for emergency *Over use of mutual aid (fire)
*Good set of construction / fire *Emergency plans not exercised preparedness and response. agreements.
codes. enough. *FEMA's flood insurance *Large scale disaster
*Good facilities and equipment. *Lack of community education program *Increase in call load for public
programs. *Cooperative relationships with safety services.
*Effective and efficient
emergency response plan - well *Not enough emergency neighboring counties. *Lack of qualified applicants for
organized team. response resources, ie, law positions.
enforcement, fire.
*Programs in place that mitigate *Residents fail to seek out
hazards. *Radio system and lack of educational opportunities.
compliance with FCC regulations.
*Zoning and Master Plan
components that limit exposure *Continuity of government
to hazards.
Residents and visitors are safe when traveling throughout Carson City.
Adequate roadways accommodate vehicular travel.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Internal coordination among *Cost to patrol new roads. *Extension of the freeway. *Competing NDOT
departments. *Cost to implement new *Coordination with NHP and transportation projects.
*Local control of roads. technologies. NDOT. *Funding for local road projects.
*Ability to assess needs. *Ability to implement street *Further airport improvements. *Congestion on NDOT roads.
*Excess capacity. enforcement resources.
*$$ for safety infrastructure
*Pedestrian safety and tailgating.
*Fairview EW and NS
Residents and visitors are safe from criminal activity.
Property is secure from criminal activity.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Partnership Carson City *Staffing levels *Targeted enforcement *Many critical functions and
*Reserves / volunteers *Diminishing resources *Coordinated regional services rely on outside funding.
*Specialty courts (drug, mental *Major infrastructure needs - enforcement efforts. *Drug activity
health) technology upgrades , aging *Eyes on the street - *Key critical positions are grant
*After school counseling at structures, aging equipment. improvement in communications funded.
Juvenile Detention. *Follow through with CIP *Violent crime is low *State mandates - push downs
*Drug testing planning needs are abandoned. *Enforcement of underage *Property crime is on the rise.
*Out of custody programs. *Need to improve drinking.
communication efforts with .
casino's / hotels.
Disease in the community is prevented and controlled.
Community Health services are available.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Consolidated government *Limited funding for prescription *24 ER and Urgent Care *Poor oral health
*Contact tracing and case services. *Ross clinic *Lack of mental health services.
management *Lack of staffing to enforce *School health program *Substance abuse
*Treatment services available regulations.
*Availability of Medicaid and NV *Small % of general funding for
*Focus on immunizations *Promoting - telling out story Check up program. programs.
*Prevention services *Increasing wellness programs *Hub for surrounding counties -
*Can-do attitude with external partners. but no funding.
*Homeless connect *City departments interface *Unfunded mandates / lack of
opportunities with the public. state services.
*Dependence on grant funding.
Water and sanitation services contribute to the health of the community.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Professional and *Complexity of systems. *Relationship with adjoining *Weather
knowledgeable staff. *Infrastructure age. government agencies. *Economic conditions
*Diverse water supply. *Lack of adequate funding. *Landfill waste from other *Federal regulations and
*Consolidated government. agencies. guidelines.
*Ownership of the landfill. *Infrastructure cost sharing with *Natural disaster
adjoining agencies.
*Compact community.
*Low connection fees compared
*Ability to accommodate to other communities.
Ambulance services are available.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*CPR training available to the *Contracted ambulance billing. *Mutual aid agreements with *High number of medical / care
public. *CAD system need for upgrading. surrounding counties. facilities.
*Contracted ambulance billing. *Lack of resources (staffed *Relationships w/ medical *Lack of trauma care facilities.
*Cross trained personnel. ambulances). facilities. *Aging population.
*Emergency medical dispatch *Funding *Reduced insurance
services. *Increasing call volume. reimbursements.
*Modern equipment. *No capital replacement *Traffic
*Wide range of services. schedule. *Rising equipment costs.
*CC Cares * No electronic records for
*MDT in vehicle. patients.
Families in need are offered short term assistance and provided resources to become self-

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Juvenile services available *Possible duplication of services. *Scholarships for participation in *Lack of community knowledge
without court order. *Funding City recreation programs. of resources.
*Short term assistance available *Pressure on staffing due to *Various food distribution *Resources used by other
through Human Services increased client load. programs. surrounding agencies.
*Availability of space in the Jail *Most positions are grant *Non-profit organizations *Not knowing what funding will
for emergency situations. funded. offering a variety of services. be from year to year.
*Emergency medical assistance *More people in need - lack of
for residents. jobs
*Homeless population
*Public perception of people in
Local business is supported.
Growth in strategically defined sectors of the economy are encouraged.
Businesses and projects that provide employment opportunities for Carson City citizens are

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Financially conservative. *Dependence upon sales taxes. *Western Nevada College *Govt is the biggest employer.
*Consolidated government. *Reliance on grant funding to *Digital media opportunities *State sales tax structures.
*Invested redevelopment funds provide services. *Medical campus/facilities *Prepared workforce.
for business incentives. *Getting detailed business *Lodging facilities willing to *Lack of some services may keep
*Existing grant funding being information from the State and invest in the certain recreational business from coming.
used for support of business. current City permit system facilities. *Perception that the City is anti-
*Public safety services provided *Lack of communication with *Sec of State business business.
to business. businesses regarding the registration system.
availability of City resources. *National, regional, local
*City facilities that attract *Certain business clusters that economy.
events. *No business recruiter in-house. currently exist in Carson City.
*State economic development
*Opportunity for regional
Solid waste is recycled or safely and effectively disposed of.
Wastewater is safely and effectively treated and disposed of.
Ground water and surface water is protected.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Own landfill and can determine *Landfill recycle costs. *Landfill expansion due to *Liabilities that come with
procedures. *WWTP operation costs acquired land. operating a landfill.
*Ownership of utilities *Reduction in WWTP staff. *WWTP - land to expand. *State and federal regulations.
(partnership in State water). *Land to create wetlands, *Erosion and weed mgmt and its
*Effluent disposal infrastructure.
*Possess infrastructure storage for filtering. effect on ground and surface
capabilities. *Ground water / surface pump water.
capabilities. *Ability to move water rights.
*Knowledgeable staff. *Protests on water rights
*Enough staff to monitor. through the State engineer
*Open space could have recycled
water applied *WWTP - Age of infrastructure. office.
*Carson River Cleanups *Lack of volunteer management *Lack of awareness of public
or resources and /or expectation utility operations.
*NRCS grant opportunities that city should organize
*Own the river corridor volunteer events
*Landfill makes money or *Lack of awareness of River
recovers costs *Channelization backup causing
*Enough storage for wastewater flooding in neighborhoods.
recycling *Poor residential mgmt of
*Lack of staff to coordinate
Renewable energy is used in City facilities where feasible.
Use of fossil fuels in City equipment is reduced where feasible.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Current policies limit fuel use in *Zoning conflicts for windmills *Power by wind may be possible *Public resistance to windmills.
vehicles. *Have not explored alternative in parks and other public *Renewable energy doesn't
*Hydroelectric potential with fuels. properties. always pencil out.
water deliver systems. *Solar already introduced in the *Equipment in public places
community. prone to vandalism
*Geothermal potential
Public spaces and facilities are used for public activities.
Recreational opportunities offered by nonprofit organizations are supported.
Pathways and other non-vehicular routes connect neighborhoods, school, business districts
and public facilities.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Unified Pathways Master Plan *Cost recovery mandate for Rec *Nonprofit organizations *Trails on private property.
*Advisory Boards programs. *Tough economic times bring *Expectations exceed facility
*Partnership among City *Lack of staffing. about increased recreation capacity.
departments. *Promoting - telling out story program activity *Elimination of grant funds.
*Q18 funding *Lack of support by advisory *Active theater / arts groups *Lack of community awareness
*Existing public facilities and boards. *Aging community - expendable of City operations.
equipment. *Q18 funding limitations. income - active - volunteers *Lack of programs and facilities
*Aging public facilities and *New facilities enhance geared towards the teen
equipment. economic development. population.
*SNPLMA as a funding source. *Misuse of public lands.
*Carson River *Dependence on grant funding.
*Federal lands bill.
Programs offered to the public are utilized.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Quality and diversity of *Mandated cost recovery for *Volunteers *Balance of field use.
programs. programs. *Youth Sports Organization *Programs not always well
*Volunteer employees. *Limitation of facilities and *Theater / Arts advocates known.
*Good numbers in participation. resources. *Duplicate efforts among groups.
*Friends of Silver Saddle Ranch
*Partnerships with other *Community awareness of *Financial reliance on City
programs. *Engaged Latino community
entities. budget.
*Not all demographics are *Boys and Girls Club
*Good youth sports programs. *Change in demographics.
served-teens. *School sports programs
*Library youth programs. *Special interests demanding
Understanding the general need *Activities sponsored by non- programs, pulling resources from
*Partnerships with non-profits. of the public rather than special profit organizations. other areas with wide spread
*At-risk family programs. interests. application
*Competition in program
*Limitations of current available *Lack of available City funding. offerings from neighboring *Community awareness.
facilities. *Lack of teen programming. regions.
*Competition for funding among
*Partnerships between City *Lack of master calendar of *Community service workers. volunteer organizations.
departments. events. *Partnership Carson City. *Costs of participation.
*Lack of multi-generational Public donations. *Rumors and non-verified
recreation programs. stories.
*Limitations of current available
Public transportation is convenient and accessible.
Transportation planning efforts are coordinated with neighboring counties.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Minimal impact to the general *Lack of ability to expand *JAC Ridership is growing. *Reduction in federal funding.
fund. *Well appreciated by the user.
*Coordination partners
*Availability of federal money.
Public and private cultural assets that support culture and the arts are preserved and
Opportunities for cultural education are encouraged.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Being a state capital *State ownership of many *CCAI, theater programs *Resistance from the public to
*Strong public library resources. *Strong community history fund culture with tax dollars.
*City/ County Consolidation *Inadequate size of public *Opera at theater *Culture and arts not a
places. mandated service.
*Sense of community because of *Western Nevada College
cultural events. *Reduction in staffing *Lack of diversity in the
*Special events community.
*Strong volunteer organizations *Lack of funding *Brewery Arts Center
*No conference facility *Worsening economy
*Size of community *Private cultural opportunities
*Volunteer organizations *Carson City is small – not
enough tourists .
*No tax revenues on state-
owned properties.
Resources for lifelong learning are provided.
Tools for lifelong learning are provided.
K-12 entities and Western Nevada College are supported.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Carson City Library *Western Nevada College *Higher education and K-12 not
*Cooperative Extension *Nevada State Library adapting to modern methods of
*Size of community *On-line education
*Reduced funding for higher
*Volunteer organizations *Brewery Arts Center education.
*Prison industries training *Reduced grant opportunities.
*Cultural assets *Worsening economy.
*Engaged parents *WNC transfer credits to UNR.
*Digital media. *Disengaged parents.
Carson City provides information regarding City services and issues to the public.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*City website *Website content maintenance. *Weak newspaper with regard to *Publics lack of knowledge of
*Advisory Boards and their *Uninformed City employees. quantity of reporting staff - their existing advisory committees and
members. willingness to run City stories. their availability for public
*Communications not comment.
*SO Citizens Academy. consistent. *Technology available for
communications. *Lack of media outlets.
*Availability of City staff to *Qualifications / eligibility
communicate with the public requirements and recruitment *Availability of constituent *Lack of interest on the part of
when in the field (deputies,etc.) of advisory board members. management systems to report residents.
problems and manage *Weak circulation of local
*Accessibility to the press. *Reduction in communication complaints.
efforts due to budget cuts. newspaper.
*CCTV *Social media.
*Lack of communication *Lack of interest by the public in
*Reader boards and banners. *Current mail-outs to residents. serving on advisory groups.
professional on City staff.
*Lack of solid survey tools. *Service clubs and other groups *Very vocal minority.
where information can be
*No centralized complaint presented.
*Lack of clear communication
*No easy way for public to
provide input.
Financial resources are effectively managed.

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

*Access to staff and financial *Need for training - lack of time. *Comparable tax rates levied by *Complexity of financial
accounting system. *Complexity of accounting other entities. reporting requirements.
*Conservative approach to system. *Unfunded mandates.
financial management. *Too much reliance on Finance *General lack of trust by the
*Finance Department staff. Department. public.
*Grant accounting complexity.
*Communication of financial

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