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Tag Name Tag Attributes Notes

Paragraph <p></p> -

Title <h1></h1> - There are levels 1 -> 5

Return to the next line <br/> -

Ordered list <ol>..<li>..</li>..</ol> - Each element is between the tag <li></li>

Each element is indexed ( with numbers )

Unordered list <ul>..<li>..</li>..</ul> - Same thing as the ordered list

The elements are not indexed

Image <img .. /> Src : contains the path to the img Src can be either a web site (URL address ) or a
Alt : description of the image if it didn’t show up path in the same document as the HTML file
There is also height and width (in pxls )

Link <a .. >..</a> Href : put the link or the email address What comes between the tag is the text that
Name : for internal link direct us to the link

<tr> For td : Tr : is the row
<td> Rowspan = L : cell extension on L rows Td : is the column ( cell )
<th></th> colspan = L : cell extension on L columns Th : heading of a column / cell
</td> Column : max number of a row

Form <FORM .. >..</FORM> ACTION : URL of script to execute on the input (path) It’s best to use the POST method because it’s
METHOD : for sending the data : safer
GET : data appended in URL of Script
POST : data alone separated from the URL
NAME : the forum name
NAME : the field name
Input <INPUT.. > SIZE : size of the frame Placeholder is the text that’s shown in the tex
MAXLENTH : text length frame for example or the name of the button
TYPE ( text , password , radio , checkbox , submit , Submit : to send
reset , file , email, url , tel , number, range , time , Reset : to modify
date , week , month ) Radio type is for selecting options
VALUE : the field value
AUTOFOCUS : autofocus on the first field
PATTERN : control the input


NAME , COLS : number of columns Used in the from too
ROWS : number of rows
Labels <Label></Label>
For :  refers to the id of the element this label is Comes before the input tag and labels
associated with. Now when the user clicks with the
mouse on the username text the browser will
Dropdown List <SELECT> automatically put the focus in the corresponding
… <OPTION .. > … input field
Field set and Legend <Fieldset> For OPTION : VALUE
… <LEGEND > …
- Used to structure the from
Header* <header></header>
(* : sematic tag used iin

Footer* <footer></footer>

Article* <Article></Article>
Division <div></div>
CLASS , A container for HTML elements and then can b
styled with CSS and javascript
Span <span></span>
 inline container used to mark up a part of a tex
or a part of a document
Navigation* <nav></nav>
defines a set of navigation links
Sidebar* <aside ></ aside >

Content* < Content ></ Content >

Section* <section></section>

Audio <audio>
<source> Src , alt (same as img ) , controls ( in the audio tag)
</audio> It’s best to have controls

Video <video></video>
Src , alt , height , width (same as img ) , autoplay ,
preload (auto / metadata / none ) , loop
Body <body></body>
bgcolor : background color
background : background image
bgproperties : fixed to fix the background
link : link color
alink : visited link color
vlink : link color on the click
Gras , Italic , Underlined <b></b> , <i></i> , <u></u>

Barré , Exposant , Indice <s></s> , <sup></sup> ,


Font <font ..></font>

Color : color of the text
Face : police du text
Size : text size (from 1 to 7)
Align : left , right , center On a tendance à utiliser plus qu’une seule polic
pour éviter le risque de ne pas avoir une qui
n’existe pas. Elles sont séparées par ‘-‘ si la
Frame <Frameset .. > Frameset : Rows = “25%,*” première n’existe pas on passe à la suiv et ains
<frame ..> Cols = “50%,25%” de suite
Par défaut , la taille du texte est de 3
</Frameset> Frameborder : (yes / no )
Frame : src : the file contained in the frame
The frameset replaces the body
Border = n (n in N)
0 in border means no border
Noresize : the user can’t resize the frame
Scrolling : (Yes/No/Auto)
Marginwidth (en pxls)
Marginheight (en pxls)

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