English Immersion Program: Observation Form

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For the use of Mescyt Supervisors and Center Coordinators.

Teacher’s Name: Lissa De Los Santos Class Observed: 02

Registered Students: Attending Students: 3
Level: Basic 2 Unit Scheduled: 9 Unit Taught:
Observer’s Name: Waldo Milanes Date / Time: 5/18/2021 1:40 PM

Performance Indicator Ratings:

4= Fully developed 3= Adequately 2= Developing 1= Undeveloped 0= Not applicable for this lesson plan

Lesson Planning:
_4_ All stages of the lesson are identified in the plan.
_2_ Student learning outcomes and lesson objectives and assessment are aligned.
_4_ Bloom’s Taxonomy levels are evident in the plan.
_4_ Lesson objectives are measurable, achievable, relevant, time-bound and adjustable.
_4_ Appropriate materials and resources are identified.
_4_ Sequence of procedures and transitions is clear and logical.
____The lesson includes appropriate level of details (conveys a mental picture; could be followed by others.)

Evidence Observed and areas for improvement:

The class was essentially a review of the wh-questions. Miscellaneous topics were presented throughout the class.
A slideshow, audio and videos were used to enhance learning. Ss were told what they were going to see at the
beginning of the class.

Academic Time Usage:

_4_ The teacher uses time realistically for adequate pacing and content coverage.
_4_ The teacher allows appropriate amount of time for each stage of the lesson (warm -up, presentations, practice activities
formative assessment, remedial activities and wrap ups.
_4_ Time used is relevant to the objectives of the lesson.

Evidence Observed and areas for improvement:

It is assume that the class is behind schedule; they seemed to be reviewing to do well on the test.

Instructional Delivery:

_4_ Teacher demonstrates mastery of educational strategies and techniques.

_4_ The teacher enhances learning process by effectively arranging information and resources.
_4_ Lesson is engaging and links to prior knowledge.
_4_ Communicative Approach is used.
_4_ Critical thinking is promoted.
_4_ Teacher provides feedback and opportunities for students’ reflection and closure.
The teacher followed an appropriate pace when giving the explanations. The presentation was done with guided
questions to explore what students already knew. The class had a lot of examples to draw on the experience and
knowledge that students already had.
Learning Environment

_4_ Teacher creates a student-centered environment that is conducive to learning.

_4_ Teacher respects students’ diversity, including race, gender, social status and special needs.
_4_ Teacher establishes a climate of trust and teamwork.

Evidence Observed and areas for improvement:

Since Ss were only three, they had ample time to participate. The teacher was very patient, respectful and cooperative
with all Ss even when they took longer than they were supposed to complete a task. There was a tapping sound coming
the teacher’s mike.

Classroom Management:

_4_ Teacher maintains all students engaged in active learning.

_4_ A variety of grouping and seating arrangement is evident.
_4_ The teacher enforces code of conduct.

Evidence Observed and areas for improvement:

All activities were very guided. There were not activities where students had an open chance for reflection.

Formative Assessment:

_4_ The teacher effectively collects information and feedback and from students.
_4_ Teacher makes informed decisions with data and feedback collected from students.
_4_ Formative assessment activities are implemented.
_4_ Formative assessment activities are aligned with learning objectives.
_4_ Remedial activities are carried out.

Evidence Observed:
Assessment was carried out through the use of questions.

Lesson Effectiveness:

_4_ Students are able to demonstrate comprehension of content through authentic tasks.
_4_ Students are able to apply acquired knowledge.

Evidence observed and areas for improvement:

Did not observe these details because the class was an actual review.

Evaluator’s Comments: You do a excellent job caring for and being patient with the students.
Your interest for students’ learning is evident. We recommend to have some activities where students have more chances
to exercise their critical thinking; having less guidance so they are able to solve problems together without the active role
of the teacher. Autonomous classroom can help shift the strategy of your class,

Teacher’s Comments:

Signature of Teacher: Date: 5/18/2021

Signature of Coordinator: Date: 5/18/2021
Signature of Evaluator: Date: 5/18/2021

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