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The Wheel

Page 56 - B
Ver los ejercicios que hicimos


Clase del 29 de mayo: Lesson 5.2

We use the article “the” for:

Exercise 7 A: Speaking, we have to talk about which element is more important (page 58)

Watch the video that the teacher send us by email and answer the questions:

 Whats the commercial selling?

The fiat 500 car

The bud light
Jack’s a new burger
Rebook skyscape

 Whats the punchline if any? (The slogan)

Its very family friendly
Fresh, smooth, real.
From that one
That’s hot(?
So comfortable you forgot you got it on
Its golden …..
 Do you think its effective for selling the product?
The funny commercials attract people, I don’t if its effective for sellings but at least it’s interesting.

Listening: Whats your advertising IQ? Page 59.

1. Each coffe shop will sell at least a thousand of cups.

2. The price is high your product is better.
3. Red- energy; green-safety; yellow and orange- food; blue- high tech products
4. 25% in the first 10 seconds; you need to make it memorable.
5. Monday and Tuesday between 11 and 1.

Exercise C (page 59)

1. The way consumers choice brands.

2. Choices makes people want more of what they’re offering.
3. If the price is higher people think the product is better.
4. Its free and would travel around the world.
5. Memorable, make it short 15-16 seconds, tell a story

Homework: Page 59 and 60: 2 (A-B), 3(A-B-C-D), 4, 5(A-B-C).

A product A price

Launch: Lanzamiento
Advertise: Anunciar
Set: Fijar (como fijar un precio)
A market
Raise: Aumentar
Break into: Romper/ Entrar al

2 1 3 2 3 1
. An opportunity to If you endorse someone
. produce or something,
. something that is you say publicly that
. not available yet you support or approve
.. but that people them.
. would like to have
Real situation (zero conditional).

Real situation (first conditional).

Real situation (first conditional).

Real situation (first conditional).

Hypothetical situation (second conditional)- Would

give us the clue that is Hypotethical Situation.

Hypothetical situation (second conditional)

Provided: “Siempre que…” – as long as,

providing, if, on condition that.

Supposing: Suppose, imagine, let’s say

Unless  is the only condition that stops something from happening (“if you don’t” for Real Situations; “If
you didn’t” for Hypotethical Situations). It means “salvo que”. Example: The epidemic will last all year
unless a vaccine is discovered.
Provided  Used as an “If”.
Supposing  used only in the Hypotethical Conditional

Correction of the

Exercise 4: A and B (underline the stresses (énfasis en lo que suena mas fuerte) in each sentence).

1. I’ll buy it if you reduce the price.

2. I’d buy it if it wasn’t so expensive.
3. Suppose you have the money, which one would you buy?
4. I’ll come as long as you let me pay.
5. You can’t come in unless you remember.

Exercise 5-A: How could a company promote a new product?

The company can make a funny commercial promoting the product bc in that way people remember more
about it and they get interested; they can paid an influencer to endorsement the product, like promoting
good reviews or comments about that on Instagram and twitter; they can also make a video with people
tasting the product and giving a review about it, tell what they think, what they feel, if it is similar or
different from other products, etc.

Class 5th June. Page 62

Hierharchy = /jiarqui/
Collocation= Word combination; it’s a unit of vocabulary.
Exercise 1 Point C

 Adjectives with idea: Brilliant, dreadful (terrible), unrealistic, bizarre, predictable, the best.
 Verbs with ideas: Write down an idea, develop an idea, reject an idea, criticise an idea, come up with
an idea, get an idea. Plus: Discuss an idea.

Exercise 1 Point D and discuss E.

1. Come up.
2. Dreadful.
3. Reject.
4. Criticize or criticise.
5. Developing.  /diviloping/
6. Bizarre.
7. Unrealistic.
8. Predictable.

Exercise 2. Point A, B, C. Listening 5.7

Ideas: Get an sponsor, tv doctor in a program to show benefits of walking, scaring people about the
dangers of the lack of exercise; close the public transports, raising money for charity, get some celebrity to
promote walking, viral video about a feet walking.

Reject ideas: The sponsor is rejected because they don’t want to link with just one company; the scientific
that shows the benefits bc is boring and they gonna spend a lot of money; scaring people into it bc people
already know about the dangers and they don’t care; Closing public transports bc the train and bus
companies are going to reject this idea bc they would lose much money.

They chose the “Famous Feet” video, they’re going to get a celebrity to promote walking generally and
they’re going to film just her/his feets, so people have to guess who these feets are.

Exercise 3. Point A. Listening 5.8

1. How do you feel about this idea?

2. Would you consider the opposite idea of scaring people into it?
3. How does the idea of closing public transport strike you?
4. I think it would be great if we could get some celebrities to promote walking generally.
5. I think we should go the feet idea.
6. With that in mind, suppose try combining the two ideas?
7. Let’s go with that.

June 12 class. Page 66 (Lookback)

Exercise 2-A.



A Because is /iukreinian/
The The

The or zero article


Zero Article

Exercise 4

1. Would/ will
2. Would / will
3. Would / would
4. Come / won’t

Page 76. Exercise 1 and 2-A


Exercise 4-A

Good diet and no longevirity

Exercise 4-B

1 The number of people who are one hundred

2 Longevity
3 market
4 vegetables
5 their stomatch
6 all you can eat restaurants

Homework: Lesson 6.1 68 and 69

Vocabulary 2 –A and Reading 3 A-B-C
“En su mejor momento” 2- C


Alcanzar la 4-E
mayoría de edad Alcanzar la mayoría de edad
or underage 5-H




Exercise 3-A.
 Peak early: A person who reach the fame or is successful at a young age and after
that don’t have a glory moment anymore.
 Late bloomer: A person that gets successful at late in life. It means that they stand
out in a old age.

Exercise 3-B.
1. The late bloomers are Director Ang lee, Colonel Sander, Cervantes. The peak early
are: Wang Yani, Nadia Comaneci and Jocelyn Lavin.
2. Someone is more likely to peak early as a singer, actor or actress and sports.
Nadia in sports,
3. Because a late bloomer reach their talent late so until that they don’t a have
something that makes them stand out so people start to think they’re failure.
4. Freedom: When you get older you have more freedom to make your own decisions
and mistakes. Example: “When you get older you choose what time arrive home or
what time start doing your homework”
Obligation: With more freedom, you also get more obligations, you have more duties
and responsibilities because you become independent from your parents “When you
get a credit card you must pay the bill every month”.
Expectations: As one gets older your expectations also change in my opinion to
become more realistic, because when you are a kid you can have bigger expectations
and dreams for your life and when you start to grow up these expectations can
change to adapt to your new goals and life. “When we’re kids we think in become
astronauts or princess when you grow up”.

Pens: Old school to write a short story. Its means write.

Enterprise: company.
Milestone: Improvement, small goals.
Ever-shifting: Cambios. Ever-shifting sands: arena estable que cuando pisas te empezas a hundir. Here its
means that obligations and expectations that shallow you.

Page 71. 3
1. find a man –intelligent-, three children long hair Green eyes, happy, dont change too much.
2. Romantic, optimistic.

1. Envisage= imagine yourself // to myself, and wearing something floaty.
2. I know, I’m romantic.
3. I hope, I’ll have someone.
4. Green eyes
5. I want to write everything I can down, but I’m running out of time.
6. Don’t change too much
1. Shallow and unrealistic.
2. Happy and amazed.

Will you have graduated in five years?

You will be finishing your studies
I would be finishing my studies

Will you have quited your current job in two years?

One question in future perfect and one question future continuous

Homework: Page 69 grammar 5 and 6.

Must / Make someone do
Can’t / not be
Has to allowed

Should Can
Be supposed to Be allowed to / Let someone do
Don’t have to Can’t
Be able to / Managed to
Not be able to

Related with ability.

Related with permission.

Strong obligation.

Weak obligation.

Related with ability.

1. We must go home now.

2. I can’t come to the party.
3. You don’t have to do it.
4. You shouldn’t listen to him.
5. We’re supposed to speak English.
6. Are we allowed to use dictionaries?
Musn’t or shouldn’t  prohibition. You have no choice. Can’t = musn’t
Don’t have to  lack of obligation/ you don’t need to do it. No obligation, you have a choice.

Point b. Write four sentences using these

modal verbs.
Won’t be able to or
won’t managed to
The worst thing about school was that I
couldn’t go with makeup.
When I as a child, my parents didn’t let me
stay over at my friends’ houses.

Let When I was younger, I was supposed to help

clean our flat and I still do it bc is what we
Was supposed to/ have to do.
had to
When I am older I’ll be able to think if I want
to have kids, for the moment is not in my
Make plans.

Managed to / Have to

‘ll be able to

Don’t have to

Future perfect and continuous sentences examples.

I’ll have changed so much  Will + have + past participle. Going to be happening
In 10 years, I hope I’ll be running my own hostel  will + be + …ing

By 2030, I’ll have opened my own hostel. In that moment it will be finishing.

By 2030, I’ll have left the CUI. Future perfect porque es algo que en ese momento ya habrás hecho, no vas
a trabajar hasta ese momento.

By 2 o’ clock in the morning, Paula will be playing computer games. By 2 o’ clock in the morning, I will have
gone to bed.

Homework: Exercise 4-A-B-C-D Page 71.

Exercise 9 A-B and 10 Page 70.

Homerwork: page 70
Point A:

1 a) prewar
b) prehistoric.
2 a) postwar.
b) postgraduate.
3 a) overtime (sobre la hora)
b) overworked (trabajo excesivo)
4 a) underage.
b) underqualified.

Point B:
Over: overpass, overexposed, overestimate,
overweight, overdose (sobredosis),
overemotional, overcooked, overwhelmed,
overall, overcome (supercar), overrate,

Under: Understand, undercoat, underclothes,

underground, underrated, underappreciated,
undertake (emprender), underpants, underline,
undercooked, undervalued.

Post: postseason, postdate, postgame,

postsurgery, postpone.

Pre: preseasons, prejudge, preview, precaution,

Homework: Page 71. Exercise 4.
preheat, preorder, premature, preschool.

Point A:

1. A
2. B

Have past participle

be verb-ing
1. This person expects to have a
flat in that moment, be the
owner of that flat.
“Own” is a state verb.
2. We often use “by” with future
perfect; be + time = before

1. I’ll have left home.  Future perfect.

2. They’ll have finished. ???
3. We’ll be living in Spain.  Future continuous.
4. It’ll be snowing.  Future perfect.

You’ll have received?

Will you be watching?

You’ll have fallen asleep

Will you be still studying

Will you have passed

You’ll still like

Will you be living?

Complete the lyrics of the song: Time by Pink Floyd

1. Dull day / off-hand / home town / the way

2. lying / Watch / life/ time / one day / ten years / when / starting
3. I run and run to catch up with the sun, but it’s siking (like going down)
Racing around to come up behind you again
The sun is the same in a relative way, but you’re older
Shorter of breath, and one day closer to death
4. Shorter / find the time / plans that either come to naught (cero) / or half page / quiet desesperation
/ english way / the time is gone / the song is over / I’d something more to say.

Vocabulary 1.A 2-A-B-C-D

GRAMMAR quantifiers 3-A-B-C-D and 4
Page 80-81 7.1

Homework: Page 80-81. Lesson 7.1

Soap opera: Telenovela

Costume drama: pelicula de época
Current affairs programme:
Programas de debate sobre noticias
politicas, sociales, economicas, etc.

1. S: Shows the life of what are they presenting. D: One is about wild animals and the other one about
2. S: Both have drama. D: A soap opera has a lot of episodes.
3. S: Jokes and humor. D: A sitcom has laughs incorporated.
4. S: People speaking, telling and informaiting. D: A docudrama tells a fictional history about real
events and the documentary tells facts.
5. ? Series: in cada capitulo una historia diferente – serial: una historia larga en muchos capitulos
6. S: The mistery. D: A detective series doesn’t necessary have horror as a part of the history while a
thriller is based in scare the audience.
7. S: You use at least one of your five senses to win. D: A quiz is based only in answer questions, while
in a game show you play to win.
8. S: Tells the news. D: A current affairs programme includes opinions of commentators.

 Natural World: It’s a wildlife programme, it’s a global hit bc it shows videos and information about
 The Office: it’s a sitcom very popular bc the characters are interesting and it’s centred around the
romantic relationship between two main characters.
 Top Gear: I think it’s a sketch show, it’s a global hit bc attracts over 350 million viewers and
worldwide and maybe it’s for the relationship between the presenters and the challenges they do.
 Sherlock: A detective series, it’s popular bc of the main characters and the relationship that they
might have.
 Strictly Come Dancing: Dance Competition, it’s popular bc of the choreos, guest starring’s, dresses,
music, hosts, etc.

1 Its
2 It’s
3 It’s
4 The
5 It’s
6 The
7 No
8 No

Huge hit

Bizarre Crazy
Global phenomenon
International sensation

Appealed Drawn

Aired Broadcast
Resurrected Revitalised  /revitalaisd/

All: every?
A lot: A large number of; many, se
A moderate or small number/am
An additional one: Another.
Zero: no.
Singular (countable)
plural uncountable

1. Not many.

2. Some

3. Not much.

4. Some.

Uncountable nouns: water, rice, information, knowledge

Countable (singular and plural) nouns: apples, people, books
Some  a few and a little  uncountable and countable nouns.
Few vs a few:
There’re few people today (not many).
I have a few questions (some).
There’re a few cockroaches in the kitchen. Please get my slippers.
There’re few napkins. We need more.

Quiet a few  several, pretty much time doing it.

1. All of us watch lots of tv.

2. Quite a few of us watch online.
3. A few of us prefer listening to the radio
4. Both of us like wildlife programmes.
5. Neither of us enjoy detective stories.

Class number twelve; page 72 – Lesson 6.2

upbeat= optimista
dreading = temiendo

1. Have mixed feeling about

2. Look forward to
3. Have your ups and downs
4. Go nowhere
5. Dread (temer/pavor)
6. Fills you with despair (te
llena de desesperanza).
7. Upbeat (optimista).
8. Look on the bright side.

I got 9 point, I think the analysis is correct to me.

Complete the song  Queen: Spread your wings

The show / it was time / dead life / you’d better begin / do you think / in his hotel room / and miles away /
small / easy / last chance / always dreaming / don’t you know

Page 74: Lesson 6.3 “So what you’re saying is…”

1. Riding is for everything  scooter,
motorbike, bike, etc

2. Babysitting  Used for any kid, can

be a 7 years old child.

3. Toodler: a child of 2 years old.

4. Keep up: Continue with your


5. “Being in charge” followed by an


Function: Persuading Exercise 2 point A and B.

Listening 6.6  They’re talking about the topics number: 2 6 5.

Listen again and write the problems and solutions.
1. The bill of the smartphone  Give the child some rules because it’s normal for his age.
2. Don’t let the kid (10 years) use social networking sites  Try to teach her about how surfing online
in a more secure way.
3. Son of 12 years old that now spends all day in social networking  It is just a stage, you cant force
him to do things that doesn’t want to do
4. Mother upset that his kid want his ears pierced  no opinion.

Notes: “Bunk school”  ratearse.

Exercise 3-point A.

1. Is it better to talk it over with her? A genuine question.

2. It’s better to talk it over with her.  An opinion or a strong opinion.
3. Surely, it’s better to talk it over with her.  An opinion.
4. Isn’t it better to talk it over with her?  A strong opinion where the speaker thinks the listener
should agree with them.
Homework LESSON 6.3 (page 74)  3-B; 3-C; activity 4B

1. Surely it’s // “To set guidelines”  establecer


2. Isn’t it

3. Surely that’s

4. Don’t you think

5. Doesn’t she simply want

Yes, one friend of mine had a gap year and went
to Brazil as a volunteer in a community (like a
religion) to help other people. She learnt a lot
during this travel and when she came back she
was decided to study Medicine so she can help
people to make feel them better.

I like the idea of have a gap year (año sabático)

bc sometimes we need to take a breath about
everything or think what we really want in our

A: Don’t you think that everyone should have

a gap year?

B: I don’t agree. Isn’t it better to start working

as soon as possible?

A: Yes but doesn’t a gap year give people a

different kind of experience?

B: A gap year is just a long holiday. Surely that

a year work is not more useful?

A: I disagree. A year off could give people the

chance of think about a career.

B: Shouldn’t most 22 year olds have decided

by that age?

A: Not always. People often end up in a job

they hate. Anyway, isn’t worth trying?

B: I’m still not convinced. I think it’s a waste

of time.

Class number 14

Video Curb your enthusiasm – stabbing range

 Clinking  Drink a toast while you say cheers. Larry don’t click the cup
 Stabbing range  Larry grab thr knive and want to stabe someone and start telling the would have
to be a stabbing rage and would stave in the belly
 Tap water  Larry says in an ugly way that there is tap water, start talking about a movie that says
a goldfish would commited suicide, everyone has a problem with the water, they don’t like it but
the’re polite

Page 81 – Exercise 5 letter B

1. I watch very few mysterious programmes or series.
2. Every programme has a commercial break every 20 minutes.
3. The weekend schedules usually include a few comedy movies, at least one or two.
4. I like every programme about romance and drama.
5. I once spent quite a few days watching a law series 24/7.
6. I think a plenty of TV has been reconstructed to what people consume now.
7. We have a lot of teenagers shows, we don’t need more.
8. I think a little soap operas is OK but not 24-hour soap operas non-stop.

Hoax means farsa

Homework: Page 83 Students books  Reported Speech: Exercise 2 statement (ordinary sentence) ; 3-A-B
(All the page)

Exercise 1 – Page 83.

1. At the beginning yes, I think its real but
then if I start analyzing I got my dumbs.
2. I disagree, I think hoax photos about
persons should be punished but you can’t
forbid people to not do it and not every
hoax photo is bad, sometimes is
entertaining look hoax photos and try to
figure out if they are real or fake.
3. I agree, famous people are often a target
and that’s not fair bc people believe in
what they see.
4. I agree, it’s fun to find out that a photo
you think is real it’s a hoax.

2. I saw it with my own eyes years ago.

3. I often work with the police.
4. Could you look at it?
Exercise 3-B. Rewrite the sentences in 3-A in reported speech.

1. She asked him to explain why he wanted to remain anonymous.

2. She asked him what he did for the police.
3. She asked him to talk us through the photographs if he would.
4. He said he hadn’t been sure himself, but he had found out it was near Seattle, Washington.
5. She asked him if or whether(the same as “if”) there was a technical reason why he knew it was a
6. He told her he was thrilled when people believe one of his photos.

Class 14th

Doctoring  is manipulated a picture, like photoshoped.

“Say” something, “tell to” anyone

Something that is still true in reported speech remains the present simple:
“I never get angry at a student”  the teacher tould us he never gets angry at a student. “Next week is our
last class”  The teacher said that next week is the last class (still true).

Present to past when you’re reporting a conversation, on the contrary when you say information is not
really reported speech “The teacher told us next week is the last class”

To tell about a job interview you use reported speech: “He asked me what my name was, I said that I lived
in Smith Street but my ID did not…”

Reporting Verbs (attitudinal verbs)

Verb + to  “I’ll come”. He promised to come.

Verb + person + to  “You should wear a jacket if you got out”. She warned me to wear a jacket.
Verb + ing  He denied lying to the insurance company.
Verb + preposition + ing  They accused him of inventing an injury.

Exercise 5 point A.

Tell  number 5
Invite  “Come with us to Pedro’s café”. They invited me to go to Pedro’s café.
Suggest  “Why don’t you do a semi-intensive course?”. He suggested doing a semi…
Advise  “You should see a doctor”. She advised me to see the doctor.
Remind  “Remember to water the plants before leaving home”. She reminded me to water the plants…
Threaten  “If you don’t do your homework, I’ll kill you”. She threatened to kill him.
Offer  “Would you like me to show you the town?”. He offered to show me the town.

Homework: Complete the exercise page 84: 6A “Questions of trust”. DONE.

Watch the video again and make a resume and six sentences using reported verbs and speech.

Curb your enthusiasm: Greg

Larry was drawing Hitler and the Nazi symbol (he was doodling -haciendo garabatos -) when a kid called
Greg introduces to him, he is a kid interested in fashion because his favorite reality TV show is Project
Runaway. Greg asks Larry what is he drawing and he answers Hitler, a bad man that didn’t care about Jews.
The kid seems interested about that and asks Larry to gift him a swastika for his birthday, instated of that
Larry gifts him a sewing /sowin/ machine and Greg loves it but her mother gets mad and asks Larry if he is
trying to turn his son gay.
Days later they meet again in a park and Larry tries to change the present but Greg denies, he says he has
something to Susie, a mother’s friend, and it turns out it’s a pillow sham with the Nazi symbol made with
the sewing machine. The women freak out when Greg says Larry taught him how to make that symbol.

1. Greg wanted to know what Larry drew.

2. Greg admitted loving fashion because his favorite reality tv show was Project Runaway.
3. Larry told Greg he was drawing Hitler, a bad man with the Jews.
4. Larry reminded himself that Greg likes fashion, so he gifted him a sewing machine.
5. The mother accused Larry of trying to turn his son gay.
6. Greg refused to change the present and accused Larry to teaching him how to make the Nazi

Enroll  Inscribirse.
from scratch  Desde cero.

The press (people who write in newspapers, magazines)

The tabloid it’s a kind of newspaper – A popular sensationalist newspaper.

Point B

2. Supplement.
4. Biased (imparcial)  unbiased (parcial)

Clerk  employee
Listening 7.4 B and C
E  Ladle (cucharon) // Surprised because the man wouldn’t do the same for her
A  Dousens dollars, the customers didn’t notice about the cheat,
C  Window Ledge (la base de la ventana –cornisa-) // catch the baby by instintinc, a baby fall
A cushion como una almohada para el cuerpo.
I do like the song  emphasis in do
She did do a good job.

I can’t speak Italian but I can understand it.

You should see a doctor.

Cleft Sentences

You’re the one who’s always telling me that I shouldn’t…

The amazing thing is that…

2. A complete stra

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