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ManageITK was developed to provide wrappers for ITK for the.NET languages such as C#, VB.

NET and
IronPython (Mueller, 2007). It was based on the WrapITK infrastructure, without the use of GCC_XML or
SWIG, instead relying on a manual description of properties of ITK classes, with the addition of some
manually written wrapper classes for key data types. Many of the advantages of this interface come
from the power of.NET including rapid GUI development, support for multiple languages, and object
browsing in an IDE. However, this wrapping approach only works with Microsoft Visual Studio on the
Windows operating system, and properties and methods for a new ITK object need to be manually
added and updated. Also there is no testing generated for the wrapped interface.

MATLAB (Mathworks, Natick, MA) is a popular commercial platform for research and prototyping bio-
medical image processing and other numeric computation algorithms. There are several libraries
available to access ITK algorithms inside MATLAB, although they are not providing a direct access to the
ITK interface. These include MatITK (Chu and Hamarneh, 2006) and SimITK (Dickinson et al., 2011).

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