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(Attached Sheet 3)

Curriculum Vitae for the Applicant for

2016 International Youth Development Exchange Program
Please write clearly in English (block letters, print or type) in order to avoid misreading of handwriting.

Country Dominican Republic

Leader / Participant □ Leader ☑ Participant Photograph

(as shown in passport) - 4.5 cm X 3.5 cm

- Upper half of body
Mayre Rachel Rodriguez Taveras - No hat
- Plain background
- Within the past six months
(First) (Middle) (Family)
Mayre Rachel Rodriguez

Your name will be described as shown in passport in the program official documents. If you prefer

other description,
specify: ( )
Sex □ Male ☑ Female

Date of Birth (YYYY/MM/DD) 11/29/1986 Age 29

Nationality Dominican

Passport Number RD3867234

Type □ Official ☑ General □ Diplomatic
Date of issue 3/23/2016 Date of expiry 3/23/2022
Address 12 ST. #7, Res. Rosmil

Home phone 8095303569 Mobile phone 8496376825

□ (Government) □ Employee (Private)

□ (NGO/NPO) ☑ Self-employed Architect
□ Teacher □ Student
□ Other ( )


Office or School Position Co-owner E-mail

Phone 8499377372 FAX

Name Arturo Rodriguez Relationship Father

Address 12 ST., #7, Res. Rosmil

Home phone 8095303569 Mobile phone 8097140524


Mother tongue Spanish

Language Other linguistic
ability (other French
than English)

□ Buddhism □ Hinduism □ Other

☑ Christian □ Islam ( )

Because of my work at NGO's I have participated in several projects and activities involving youth such
as: -Development in the buffer
zone of Haitises National park, which address issues such as education, health, nutrition, children rights,
child protection, emergencies, livelihoods/ income generation and community movilization. Activities:
multiple workshops of sensitization in children rights, child labor, feeding habits, education quality etc;
camps and training in areas like agriculture / orchard and rural torurism. As a project coordinator i had
to paticipate in most of the workshop and coordinate all tasks that involved the project.
-Builder beyond
borders and Rustic pathways are groups of volunteers that work with us in some of the activities of the
projects but mostly in environmental and construction activities.I was responsible for coordinating the
entire stay of the youth and even accompanied them throughout all their experience until its last day,
Involvement in youth activities
where we said goodbye at the airport.
(Name of organizations, record of - A walk for water and help a child smiles are events that disseminate and promote the children
youth activities, etc.)
rights and the environment. My principal rol of these events besides the coordination was to assist the
participants in any situation.
I also participate in Espeleogrupo of Santo Domingo as a board member.
Espeleogrupo of Santo Domingo sets it's goals to safeguard the caves of Pomier in San Cristobal that are
being exploited by mining, but first we needed to change the mentality of the locals and the way they
value the environment. Since, the center of the Prehistoric Capital of the Antilles was created with
activities such as training workshops, summer camps, sports, etc for the children. I collaborate every
year with the summer camps, teaching the kids the importance of the environment and in activities of
speleology like rappeling. Once a week we visit the center and provide support in any area need it .
Every sunday we get together and give an open practice of rappeling in Mirador Sur park. And every six
month we teach a course on the importance of the caves and the environment in Dominican Republic.

Experiences of international I participated in a ODTE program/contest ( EduExpo) in which I had to make a stand proporsal for my
exchange programs university. I won the first place and went to Milan, Italy to take a summer course for three months in
(Exchange countries, details) 2010. The course that I selected was Interior and showroom design.

Team worker, outgoing personality, leadership (take iniciative), communicator, broad-minded,

Special skills determined, community service, adaptable to change and problem solving.

My first Japanese interest came with architecture; the impressive buildings of modern architecture and
excellent urban planning, not to mention the traditional houses and temples with incredible spaces and
Matters of interest about Japan rich with history. But as time passed my interest has been also connected to the environment
preservation in particular their natural heritage. As I have an outgoing personality, I love to travel and
get to know different places and cultures that changes the way you look at things.

□ Yes ☑ No
Experience of travel to Japan (Date and
purpose: )

□ Yes ☑ No

You have:
Applicants from Republic of ◆been convicted of a crime or offence in any country.
Austria, Dominican Republic and ◆been sentenced to imprisonment for 1 year or more in any country.
Republic of Lithuania only. ◆been deported or removed from Japan or any country for overstaying your visa or violating any law or
◆been convicted and sentenced for a drug offence in any country in violation of law concerning
narcotics, marijuana, opium, stimulants or psychotropic substances.
Criminal record, etc. ◆engaged in prostitution, or in the intermediation or solicitation of a prostitute for other persons, or in
※ “Criminal record, etc.” shall be the provision of a place for prostitution, or any other activity directly connected to prostitution.
filled by applicants from the ◆committed trafficking in persons or incited or aided another to commit such an offence.
countries of the visa exemption
arrangement being set to enter
*Under the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act, a person who may be applicable to one
of these items above cannot enter Japan in principle.
If applicable to any of these items above, please consult a person in charge of the matter of your
government as a special request may be necessary for an entrance.
(These items are the same as the ones appear in an ordinary visa application.)

The information that you provide may be used for the selection and determination of the invitees.
As for the actual invitees, necessary information may be used for 1) the execution of the program and 2) the establishment and
maintenance of the network of ex-participants. Further, these information may be provided for the other invitees and those who are
concerned with the program for the purpose of 1) and provide for the post-program activities organization (International Youth Exchange
Organization of Japan (IYEO)) for the purpose of 2) respectively
All data is securely held in accordance with ‘Act for Protection of Personal Data Held by Administrative Organs.’


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