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1C Islam Paper (50% of grade) - All key words & Quotes


1. Ah-al-bayt People of the Prophet 1. Amr bil Encouraging good actions

Muhammad’s house (family) maroof
2. Allah Arabic name for God 2. Nahi anil Discouraging evil
3. Hadith Sayings of the prophet 3. Ten The most important duties for Shia
Muhammad (s) Obligatory Muslims
4. Khalifah A religious leader (caliph) 4. Five The most impotant duties for sunni
representing Allah or a prophet Pillars muslims
5. Kitab Al-Iman The book of faith in the Sahih 5. Shahadah Declaration of faith Muslims are
Muslim collection of Hadith required to make
6. Qur’an The holiest text in Islam 6. Shirk A sin that involves setting up equals
with Allah
7. Shia Muslims who believe that 7. Adhan The call to prayer
leadership belongs to the ahl- al
8. Sunni Muslims who believe Abu Bakr 8. Imam Person who leads the prayer
was the first of four rightly guided
leaders after the Prophet
9. Adalat Divine Justice, Also known as Adl 9. Jummah A special congregation held every
prayer Friday

10. Mi’ad The day of Resurrection 10. Qiblah Direction of Muslim prayer (makkah)

11. Tawhid Belief in One God 11. Rak’ah Set of movements in each prayer

12. Usul-Adin The name given to the principles 12. Salah The Muslim prayer
of faith in Shi’a Islam

13. Beneficence Kindness, generosity, 13. Wudu Purification ritual ablution

14. Immanence A belief that acts in the world 14. I’tikaaf A period of retreat in mosque during
last ten days of ramadhan
15. Omnipotence Being all powerful 15. Laylatul The Night of Power

16. Sin An action against Allah’s will 16. Ramadan Month of fasting

17. Surah Chapter 17. Sawm To keep away from something, also
known as fasting
18. Transcendence A belief that Allah is above and 18. Khums A system for Shia muslims to pay an
beyond his creation additional 20 percent of wealth
towards community causes
19. Humanity All human beings 19. Nisaab The amount of wealth above which a
Muslim needs to pay Zakah

20. Miracles Extraordinary events not 20. Zakah Literally purification, wealth, one of
explainable by science pillars of islam

21. Prophet A messenger chosen by Allah 21. Hajj The pilgrimage made by Muslims to

22. Risalah The system of communication 22. Ka’bah Cube shaped building Makkah which
between Allah and all people Muslims was the first house of Allah

23. Scripture A holy book or text given by 23. Pilgrimage A journey to a place which is special
Allah through a prophet for religious reasons

24. Injil Original Gospel of Isa 24. Tawaf Anti clockwise circuit of the kabah

25. Kutubullah Books of Allah 25. Greater Striving spiritually to resist evil within
Jihad oneself

26. Revelation Communication from Allah often 26. Jihad Struggling or striving
through an angel

27. Sahifah Scrolls of Ibrahim and Moses 27. Lesser Striving physically to resist an evil in
Jihad the world

28. Tawrat Torah 28. Ashura Shia commemoration of Imam

hussain’s martyrdom

29. Zabur Psalms of David 29. Id-ul- Festival commemorating the devotion
Adha of Ibrahim and Ismail

30. Kiraman The noble scribes, the angels who 30. Id-ul fitr Festival celebrating the end of
Katibin note every person’s good and bad ramadhan
31. Malaikah The Arabic name for Angels 31. Id-ul- Shia festival commemorating the
Ghadeer prophet Muhammad’s choice of Ali as
a leader of all Muslims
32. Akhirah Life after death, when the day of
judgment takes place

33. Al-Qadr (predestination) belief that Allah

has predained certain things put in
place fixed universal laws
34. Barzakh Stage between death and the time
of judgment

35. Resurrection The belief that humans will be

raised again in the next life

Section 1 Quotes
Beliefs and
1.1 The Six The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and [so have] the believers.
Beliefs All of them have believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers, [saying], "We
make no distinction between any of His messengers." (2:285)

1.2 Usool Ad- Tawhid (Surah Ikhlas)

deen Nubbuwah ( 2:285)
Adl ‘ I advise you to be wary of your duty in wealth and poverty, and I advise of being just towards
both friend and foe (Tuhaf Al-Uqul)
Imamah ‘ God wishes to keep uncleanness from you oh people of the prophet’s house (33:33)
Baqarah (2:3) Those who believe in the unseen

1.3 The Tawhid ‘Woship God and shun false God (16:35-36)
Nature of Immanence : We shall certain question those whom messengers for we were never far from them
Allah (7:6-7)
Transcende: Your Lord God who created the heavens and earth in six days and established himself on
the Throne (7:54)
Omnipotence ‘ He has power over all things (2:107)
Beneficence : Your Lord’s bounty is not restricted ( 17:20)
Mercy : My Mercy embraces all things (7:156)
Fairness: ‘God commands you (people) to return things entrusted to you to their rightful owners (4:58)

1.4 Risalah Every community has been sent a prophet (35:24)

Say we believe in God and what sent to down to us and what wa ssent down to Abraham Ishmael,
Isaab, Jacob, and their tribes (2:136)
1.5 Holy ‘’He has not been told what was written in the scriptures of Moses and Abraham’ (53:36)
Books We revealed the torah with guidance ( 5:44)
...To david we gave the Psalms (Zabur) (4:163)
‘We sent Jesus son of Mary we gave him the Gospel.. (57:27)
‘Nor could this Qur’an have been devised by anyone other than God. It is a confirmation of what was
revealed before it.. Let there be no doubt in it (10:37)
1.6 Malaika Praise be to God, creator of the heavens and earth, who made angels messengers with two, three, four
(pairs) of wings (35:1)
‘’The Angel of death put in charge of you will reclaim, and then you will be brought back to your Lord
If anyone is enemy to God, his angels and his messengers of Gabriel, and Mikail then god is certain an
enemy of such disbelievers ( 2:98)
1.7 Al Qadr ‘’He is all known and creator, when he wills something to be he, his way is to say Be and it is (36: 81-
‘’..He has subjected the sun and the moon each to pursue its course for an appointed time (13:2)
..’’Now truth has come from your Lord, let those who wish believe in do so, and let those who wish to
reject it do so (18:29)

1.8 Akhirah ‘’When the hour arrives, on that day people will be separated, those who believed and did good deeds
will delight in Garden, while those who disbelieved and denied our messages and the meeting of the
hereafter will be brought into torment ( 30:14-16)
Jannah ‘What a blessed reward, what a pleasant resting place (18:31)
Jahanam: ‘ The fire will scorch their faces and their lips will be twisted in pain (23:104)

Section 2 Quotes

2.1 Ten Khums : Know that that one-fifth of your battle gains belongs to God, the messenger, to close
Obligatory acts relatives, and orphans, to the needy and travellers ( 8:41)

Amr bil maruf/Nahil anil munkar : The belief both men and women support each other (9:71)

Tawwala ‘Say prophet, I ask no reward from you, for this only, the affection due to kin’

Tabarra ‘ You who believe do not take my enemies and yours as allies (60:1)

2.2 Shahadah God bears witness there is no god but him as do the angels and those who have knowledge
(3:18) + Amana rasool (baqarah)

2.3 Salah Keep up the prayer, the prayer restrains outrageous and unacceptable behaviour (29:45)

2.4 Sawm You who believe fastin has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed to those before you so that
you may be mindful of God ( 2: 183)
Night of Power : The Night of Glory is better than a thousand months, on that night the Angels and
the spirit (Jibreel) descend (Surah 97)
2.5 Zakah and Zakah : Alms are meant only for the poor, the needy, those who administer them, those whose
Khoms heart need winning over, the free slaves, and help those in debt, in god’s and the travellers in need (
Khums : check quote in 10 obligatory acts
1.6 Hajj ‘ We made the kabah a sanctuary for people saying take the spot where Abraham stood as your
place of prayer
We commanded Abraham and Ishmael purify my house for those who walk around, those who stay
there, and who bow down and prostrate themselves in worship ( 2:125)
1.7 Jihad Greater Jihad: ‘’You who believe be mindful to God, and strive for his cause, so that you may
prosper (5:35)
Lesser Jihad : Fight in God’s cause against those who fight you, but do not overstep the limits
( 2:190)

1.8 Celebrations Idul Adhah : quote on hajj

and "For every people there is a feast and this is our feast." [Sahih Al-Bukhari: (vol. 5, no. 268).]
Commemoration Allâh has given you better than those feasts: the ‘Eid-ul-Adh-haa (Feast of Sacrificing), and ‘Eid-
s ul-Fitr (feast of Breaking the fast)." [Sunan An-Nasaaee: English translation: (vol. 2, p.333, no.
Idul Ghadeer: For whoever (I was regarded a sleader, Ali will be the leader


1. Authority The power and right to 1. Khitan Circumcision
make demands
2. Zayd ibn First scribe of the Qur’an 2. Tahneek Putting a date in babies
Thabit mouth
3. Year of Sadness Also the year in which 3. Aqeeqah Baby birth ceremony
prophet (saw) lost his wife
and uncle
4. Hijrah Migration from Mekkah to 4. Ribah Usury or interest
Medina 13th year of islam.
First year of hijri calendar
5. Khatam Muhammad (saw) referred 5. Minbar Pulping where imam
AnNabi to as a seal of all prophets stands to give khutbah
6. Isnad Chain of narrators 6. Khutbah Friday sermon

7. Matn Text of hadith 7. Mihrab Indicates direction of

8. Musnad A collection based on one 8. Minaret Used to amplify human
narrator e.g. Abu Hurayrah voice
(R) example Musnad of
Imam Malik
9. Mussanaf Collection based on topics 9. Sahn Court yard of mosque
e.g all hadith on worship,
famous one
10. Sahih A hadith whose matn and 10. Arabic Famous styles include
isnaad meets all the Calligraphy Naskh, Kufi, Thuluth
conditions. (Hassan and Nasta’liq.
excellent memory missing
but meets all other criteria,
Daeef: fails all 3 criteria)
11. Sunnah The ways, descriptions and 11. Tareeqah Different Sufi orders
sayings of the prophet
12. Qyas Analogy, making a new 12. Maqamaat Different stations a sufi
ruling based on exiting can reach, one can be
ruling e.g Allah says do the the qamam of (hub
not harm bodies, so we love) for the prophet
know all drugs forbidden (saw)
13. Ijmaa Consensus or agreement 13. Wird Specific set of prayers a
of a scholars coming student will take from
together e.g all scholars his sufi teachers
agree that smoking is
haram because it falls
under self-harm
14. Hadith Most famous Bukhair, 14. Silsilah A sufi teacher must take
collectors Muslim others include his knowledge from a
Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, An- line of teachers related
Nasai, Abu Dawud. to the prophet (saw)
15. Shia Hadith Kitab Al Kafi (Imam 15. Ghazali D.1111 in Tous Iran one
collectors Kulayni), man la of the founders of Sufi

yahduruhu (Muhammad Islam

ibn babawayh)
16. Shariah The entire system of laws 16. Ibn Arabi (d Coined the term ‘Insaan
revealed by Allah to the 1240 syria) al kamil’ a person
prophet (Saw) becomes mirror image
of God’s reflection and
attains divine perfection
17. Halal Permitted e.g. eating, 17. Rumi (d1270 Wrote a lot of poetry in
drinking Turkey) connection to spirituality
and connection to God
18. Haram Forbidden: e.g pork

19. Wajib /Fardh Must do, punishment if not

done e.g salah (prayer)
20. Mustahab Extra
reward/recommended e.g
sunnah prayers, using
miswak etc
21. Mubah Permitted no
reward/punishment e.g
what car you buy
22. khalifah Custodian on earth
representing Allah’s
23. Ahul Bayt The family of the prophet
(saw) for sunnis this is
everyone in his family, for
shias this is specifically
Ali, Fatima, and her
children only.
24. Ghadeer According to Shias events
Khumm in which Muhammad
(Saw) announced Ali as
the first khalifah and
25. Nass Imams are believed to have
been divinely designed one
after the other
26. Ismah This means
innocent/infallible imams
are belived to make no
27. Hikmah Imams in shia Islam most
perfect on Islamic law
28. Afadhalyiah Preferred: Imams in shia
islam are believed to be
higher rank than prophets
as they come from a divine

Section 3: Sources of Wisdom Quotes

and Authority

3.1 Qur’an and its Authority He has sent down upon you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth, confirming
what was before it. And He revealed the Torah and the Gospel. 3:3)

3.2 Muhammad (saw) early life Your Lord has not taken leave of you, [O Muhammad], nor has He detested
[you].( 93:2)

3.3 Muhammad (saw) seal of Muhammad is not the father of [any] one of your men, but [he is] the
prophethood Messenger of Allah and last of the prophets. And ever is Allah , of all things,
Knowing. (33:40)

3.4 Family of the prophet (Saw) Verily Allah only desires to keep away the uncleanness from you, O People of
the House (Ahl al-Bayt) and to purify you a thorough purifying. [Verse of
Purification from Qur’an 33:33]

3.5 Hadith Structure O you who have believed, obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those in
authority among you. And if you disagree over anything, refer it to Allah and
the Messenger, if you should believe in Allah and the Last Day. That is the best
[way] and best in result.(4:59)

3.6 Shariah We made for you a law. so follow it. and not the fancies of those who have no
"O ye who believe: Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to GOD, even as
against Yourselves, or your parents, or your Kin, and whether it be (against)
rich or poor. For God  can best protect both. Follow not the lusts (Of your
hearts), lest ye swerve, and if you distort (justice) or decline to do justice.
Verily Allah is well-acquainted with all that you do."*
3.7 Imam suni islam And those who pray, "Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be
the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous." (25:74)

3.8 Imam shia Islam Imam Ali al-Ridha narrates that wherever the armaments among us would go,
knowledge would also follow and the armaments would never depart from
those with knowledge (Imamat).[79

Section 4 : Forms of Expression Quotes

4.1 Muslim Lifestyle Dress Code: Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision and guard their
modesty . That is purer for them. Indeed, Allah is acquainted with what they do.And

tell the believing women to reduce [some] of their vision and guard modesty and not
expose their adornment except that which [necessarily] appears thereof … ‘’
Food/Drink :Forbidden to you is that which dies of itself, and blood, and flesh of
swine, and that on which any other name than that of Allah has been invoked, and
the strangled (animal) and that beaten to death, and that killed by a fall and that killed
by being smitten with the horn, and that which wild beasts have eaten, except what
you slaughter, and what is sacrificed on stones set up (for idols) and that you divide
by the arrows; that is a transgression. (5:3)
Riba: Those who consume interest cannot stand [on the Day of Resurrection] except
as one stands who is being beaten by Satan into insanity. That is because they say,
"Trade is [just] like interest." But Allah has permitted trade and has forbidden
interest. (2:275)

4.2 Mosque and its features The mosques of Allah shall be visited and maintained by such as believe in Allah and
the Last Day, establish regular prayers, and practise regular charity, and fear none (at
all) except Allah.It is they who are expected to be on true guidance. (Surah At-
Tawba, 18
4.3 Islamic Calligraphy Hadith: “Allaah is beautiful and loves beauty

4.4 Shia obligatory acts of Tawalla “Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam),
and Tabarra enjoining Al-Ma‘roof (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do)
and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has
forbidden). And it is they who are the successful” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:104] 
4.5 - 4.7 Sufi Islam, practices, Dhikr: Those men and women who engage much in Allah's praise. for them Allah
teacher and expressions has prepared forgiveness and a Great Reward" Quran (Surah 33: Verse 35)

"When any group of men remember Allah, angels surround them and mercy covers
them, tranquility descends upon them, and Allah mentions them to those who are
with Him." (Muslim)

4.8 Islamic Charity "Those who in charity spend of their goods by night and by day, in secret and
in public, have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor
shall they grieve" (2:274).

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