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Assignment #4: Individual Student Learnings Reflection (20% of Final Grade)

Question 1A: Weekly Activities Experience (5 marks)

a. The selected activity is ‘’ Your Turn—Balancing the Constraints Padlet''. Module 3:

The project constraints were in Module 2, but the activity was done in Module 3. I
learned that project work is not one person’s work. The project constraints are the
restrictions on the project, and they are called triple constraints (Scope, Time, and
Cost) in project management. The activity gave me the opportunity to work with a
teammate to brainstorm and identify things that needed to be worked on, watched,
and balanced to achieve the desired goal of a project.
b. The activity provided scenarios. We worked on scenario B, which was about planning
a party to introduce a new range of sneakers with a total budget of $10,000, but the
original venue was cancelled due to a fire outbreak, and the new venue will be $8000
instead of $5,000. This provides an opportunity to work as if we were dealing with a
real-life situation. We weighed the effect of each constraint on the project quality and
made a decision to balance them for the success of the project. According to the
scenario, the constraints were cost and time. We were able to come up with ideas to
balance it.
c. I will recommend that such an activity be given enough time to complete as it
enhances the understanding of the subject matter.

Question 1C: Weekly Reflections: Your Participation/ Engagement Experience

(a) I think deeply about how the content applies to my personal or professional life I would
like to pursue and to other topics in Marketing or Marketing Management.
(b) During the week 4 reflection, I gained a better understanding of why the planning stage
is important and the purpose of the kick-off meeting. I even learned from my colleagues’
contributions and experiences.

2a. First, explain, in your own words, why Project Management is so important for
Marketing projects.

Project management is essential in marketing projects because it ensures that projects are
completed on time, within budget, and with the expected level of quality. It is crucial because
it involves putting into consideration all factors that may have an influence on the project's
success. This provides the marketing teams with ideas to plan and run their project in an
efficient and effective way.

What do the project management concepts you have learned about bring to marketing
projects to help ensure their success?

The project management concepts have many benefits to bring into marketing projects to
ensure the success of the project. The following are some of the benefits the project
management can bring to marketing project:

1. Project management provides a clear understanding of the marketing project's goal.

The knowledge of the goal helps the project manager ensure that the team members
work together to meet client needs, clarify communication among teams, and keeps
projects on track.
2. Monitoring progress: To keep an eye on the progression of a task, project managers
can use resources, including status reports and regular meetings. This helps in the
quick identification of possible problems and allows the team to make changes as

3. Managing resources: Successful marketing projects require effective resource

management. Project managers can assist in budget management, allocating
resources, and ensuring that the team has the right resources needed to finish the

Why is it important to understand and implement these project management tools?

I. Productivity advantage: The project management process becomes easier and made
more effective with the help of project management tools. Project managers can
more effectively coordinate their teams and make sure that everyone is working
toward the same goals by using tools like checklists of tasks, calendars, and Gantt
II. Enhanced transparency: Project management methods make the project
management process easier to understand. Project managers may observe how the
project is going and identify areas for improvement through assessing progress,
keeping updated on activities, and examining data.
III. Improved decision-making: Project management tools give managers the data they
need to decide on the best course of action. Project managers can make decisions
that are supported by facts rather than guesswork through monitoring progress,
assessing data, and keeping an eye on budgets.

2b Summarize the 3 most important things - such as tools, ideas, concepts, and topics that
you learned from Communications Management

Communications Management

1) A communication plan in project management describes how the project manager will
inform key stakeholders about the project on a regular basis. The team's understanding of
who should receive what information and when to involve project stakeholders will be
enhanced by the communication plan. The use of communication channels, techniques,
and protocols are also specified.
2) Monitoring and managing communication is also a part of communication management.
This can help ensure that project stakeholders are aware of, involved with, and in
agreement with the project's goals and objectives. It involves identifying the
communication goals, selecting the most effective communication channels, as well as
identifying the stakeholders' communication needs.
3) Communication Technology: Communication technology is a tool used to promote
effective communication between project stakeholders. These technologies include email,
instant messaging, video conferencing, project management software, and social media
platforms. Making proper use of communication technology may improve project
communication and collaboration, resulting in improved project results.

How communication management in project management will help me to be an

effective marketer, running successful marketing projects in the future

As a marketer to be, I will have to work effectively with my team members, clients, vendors,
and other stakeholders to carry out marketing projects successfully. Effective communication
management will help me to:

i. It will assist me in clearly defining the project's needs and making sure all
stakeholders are on the same page. This reduces the potential for
misunderstandings and scope creep, which can lead to project delays and increased
expenditure budgets.
ii. Good communication management will assist me in managing stakeholder
expectations and ensuring that everyone is aware of project progress, concerns, and
risks. This will help build a sense of trust and confidence in my team, strengthening
the likelihood of project success.
iii. Communication management will assist me in recognizing and resolving conflicts that
might arise during the project's duration. It can help ensure that issues get solved on
time by creating clear communication methods.

3: Centennial Group Project Experiences (10 marks)

I will share the following 3 key tools, learned in the lesson ‘’Quality Management’’.

i. A task list. A task list is a project quality management tool that allows managers to
keep track of the tasks that have been assigned to their team. Task lists usually
contain information such as the project's essential contact, the professionals working
on it, as well as its deadline and progress update.
ii. Request for Proposal: It is a tool used when there is a need for the service of a third
party. It helps identify a vendor that would be perfect for the project’s needs, and it
gives a lot of information about the vendor that will help in making the decision to
seek their service or not.
iii. A network diagram is an illustration of a project's timeline. It helps in project planning
from start to conclusion. It indicates the scope and important aspects of the project.
The two arrows and the order of precedence

a) Managers and team leaders usually create task lists at the start of a project and double-
check them with everyone involved in the work to ensure they include all of the necessary
information. The size of the project may influence the format of a task list. A task list for a
larger project may include more information and a particular timeframe, whereas a task list
for a small project may resemble a to-do list

The knowledge of the task list tool will help me be a focused and effective marketer. I will be
able to delegate task to team members accordingly and track the progress of the project.

b) . A request for proposal would help to assess offers and compare other plans of action
and choices in order to select the best company to work with. 

The understanding of the request for proposal tool will help me be an effective marketer
because I will be able to consider the information provided on the request for proposal to
examine and select the best vendor that would fit the need of the project.
c) A network diagram is a visual representation of a project that consists of a sequence of
connected arrows and boxes that describe the interrelationship between the activities that
make up the project.

An understanding of the network diagram will help me identify the critical path and act
quickly to complete the project on time. It will help me make informed decisions.

3b Using Brand and Marketing group assignment.

1) Quality planning involves evaluating project needs, defining quality goals and objectives,
and creating a plan for achieving them. This can ensure that everyone is on the same page
and working toward the same objective by developing a plan that includes quality standards
and methods for meeting them.

I will use the team brand marketing group assignment to explain how the concept of quantity
planning helps us as a team to complete the task. For example, we defined the goals and
objectives of the task and created a plan to achieve them. We divide the work amongst
ourselves and place a premium on quality. We chose a team leader to coordinate the work.

2) Quality control has to do with monitoring project progress to ensure that quality standards
are met.

Quality control has helped my team deliver quality work. We chose a team leader and
assistant to coordinate the work. All team members submitted their work to the people
chosen to check the accuracy and correctness of the task. Some are returned to owners for
certain corrections to ensure the quality of the task.

3) Quality assurance is all planned and organized tasks carried out within the quality system
that can be proven to provide confidence that a product or service will meet quality

Quality assurance has helped us provide quality work. The coordinators collaborate with
team members to ensure quality work. The team should organize regular meetings to check
on each other's work and make certain corrections. We did several practices to prepare for
the final presentation and ensure quality.

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