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CEMHAA Unidad Técnico Pedagógica

English Department
Gema V. Rosales Calvo

He named me Malala

Class: Date:
To develop reading comprehension skills and to acquire new vocabulary.

Imagine not seeing your room again. It’s probably full of your things: clothes on the floor, school prizes, photos, your
childhood teddy bears, books, your music collection. Imagine not seeing your pets or your friends again. This is exactly
what happened to a young girl. Aged 14 at the time, Malala’s entire world changed in one morning, when she was shot
by a Taliban bullet. She was flown out of her native Pakistan while still unconscious, and she and her family were not
able to return. They were forced to live in exile in Birmingham, England.

• What do you know about the Talibans?


The Talibans in their own words…

• What do you think about their point of view of women’s rights?


• Would you like to live in a society like this? Why? Why not?

CEMHAA Unidad Técnico Pedagógica
English Department
Gema V. Rosales Calvo

Her words. Analise the meaning of her speech explaining it with your own words:

“We realize the importance of light when we see darkness. We realize the importance of our voice when we are silenced. We believe in the power
and the strength of our words. Today is the day of every woman, every boy, and every girl who have raised their voice for their rights.”

“She’s not independent or free, because she’s not educated.”


“With guns you can kill terrorists, with education you can kill terrorism.”

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