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Educational Unit

“Zoila Esperanza Palacios”

Biography of Martin Luther King

Julian David Chuquisala Romero

1st Accounting


Lic. Tatiana Argudo

School Year:
2022 - 2023
♦ Martin Luther Kink Jr.
King is known throughout the world, many do not know that he was born Michael
King, Jr. His father, Michael King, was a pastor at Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist
Church. During a trip to Germany, King, his father, was so impressed with the story
of the leader of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther, that he not only changed
his own name, but also the name of 5-year-old Michael. King knew that he was
destined to continue the family profession of pastoral work and decided to enter the
ministry. King married Coretta Scott on June 18, 1953, on the front lawn of her
parents' home in their hometown of Heiberger, Alabama.
In 1954, when he was 25 years old, Dr. King became pastor of Dexter Avenue
Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama. In March 1955, Claudette Colvin, a 15-
year-old black student from Montgomery, refused to give up her seat on the bus to a
white man, in violation of Jim Crow laws, local laws in the southern United States. .
States that enforced racial segregation. Nine months later, on December 1, 1955, a
similar incident occurred when a seamstress named Rosa Parks was arrested for
refusing to give up her seat on a city bus. Dr. King's prominent and open role in the
boycott led to numerous threats against his life and his home was bombed.

From the early days of the Montgomery boycott, Dr. King often referred to India's
Mahatma Gandhi as "the guiding light of our technique of nonviolent social
In 1957, Dr. King, Ralph Abernathy, Fred Shuttlesworth, Joseph Lowery, and other
civil rights activists founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to
harness the organizational power of black churches to hold nonviolent protests for
church reform. . civil rights. Thanks to his connections to Big Five civil rights
groups, the overwhelming support of Black America, and the support of prominent
individual benefactors, Dr. King's skill and effectiveness grew exponentially. Before
a crowd of 250,000, he delivered the legendary "I Have a Dream" speech on the
steps of the Lincoln Memorial. That speech, along with many others Dr. King
delivered, has had a lasting influence on world rhetoric.
Dr. King's opposition to the Vietnam War became an important part of his public
image. Dr. King also suggested that the United States declare a truce with the aim of
peace talks and set a date for withdrawal.
But Dr. King would not live to make that vision a reality. The next day, April 4,
1968, James Earl Ray, who had escaped the previous year from a maximum-security
prison, shot Dr. King to death on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis.
Ray was charged and convicted of the murder and sentenced to 99 years in prison on
March 10, 1969.
Unidad Educativa
“Zoila Esperanza Palacios”

Discurso de Graduación

Julián David Chuquisala Romero

1° de Contabilidad

Lengua y Literatura

Lic. Edison Gonzales

Año Lectivo:
2022 – 2023
 Un sueño cumplido
-Buenos días distinguidas autoridades y compañeros de clase.
Mi nombre es Julián David Chuquisala Romero y soy el presidente del
Primero de contabilidad.
En primer lugar, permítanme agradecerles, ustedes se preguntarán “De
que”; y yo responderé “De todo”. Así es, hoy, yo les agradeceré por
todo el apoyo que me han brindado durante tanto tiempo, pues sin
ello, no creo poder estar aquí, parado frente a todos ustedes.
Queridos compañeros, es inevitable sentir nostalgia, al recordar todo
lo que hemos vivido juntos, pues, después de tantos años de esfuerzo,
finalmente todo terminará y en poco tiempo nuestras vidas cambiaran
por completo. Esto me hace recordar a una frase de un gran filosofo:
“La paciencia es amarga, pero su fruto es dulce” (Aristóteles)
Sinceramente me siento muy orgulloso de todo lo que hemos logrado,
pues, sin importar que obstáculo se nos haya cruzado, juntos lo hemos
superado, quizá no estemos todos, pero justamente por ellos es que
nos hemos esforzado tanto. No sé qué nos deparara el mañana, pero
nunca le teman al éxito. Jamás.
“Puede que no sepas a dónde vas, pero siempre que abras las alas, el
viento te llevará” (C. JoyBell C.).
Antes de despedirme, déjenme felicitarlos, puesto que al final de todo
logramos cumplir un sueño y estoy completamente seguro de que no
será el último de nuestras vidas, siempre recuerden que:
“El futuro pertenece a los que creen en la belleza de sus sueños”
(Eleanor Roosevelt).

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