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The text talks about the use of .

immersive virtual environment In the area of visual perception, it facilitates

technology (IVE) and how it is a new the creation of VEs of natural appearance
and updated tool for experimental to study the perception of space and color
research in comparison to basic perception. All this research can be done in
research in order to help psychology. the laboratory without the need to create
the environments physically. In the area of
It is a virtual nonverbal communication, the IVE

TECHNOLOGY environment
technology will facilitate research on mutual
gaze because it will provide the exact data
for analysis something that has been
difficult to obtain due to the lack of
reality that technology.

will allow the

observer to interact naturally with this
environment indistinguishable from reality. The text presents the possible
For research in the areas of perception, disadvantages of the IVE technology. We

RESEARCH TOOL these IVEs propose the creation of virtual are going to seet some examples: the
displays for research in the areas of software and hardware is difficult to work
perception, spatial cognition and social with so the program itsel
interaction. This will require the creation of could alter the
advanced software and hardwares that will results. You

IN PSYCHOLOGY analyze the stimulation

processes through these IVEs.
of neural have

The implementation of the use of virtual and users
displays for research in psychology is a could
Group: 604 great proposal since it will not experience
compromise the control and validity of the flashbacks,
research. drowsiness,
These IVEs can manipulate organic coordination
*Soriano López Naomi Carolina variables such as sex, race, weight, which failures or
Gómez Rodriguez Sarah Julieta will allow an examination of stereotypes imbalance.
Santiago Hernández Yamely Naomi and social identity in a social setting. Examples
Collado Hall Julián
An example is acrophobia, It has been
used to understand of visual perception
and head orientation. The results of
moving objects, the users can see
displace or change size. And it has
The advantages of this technology in the REFERENCIAS
measured the study of social interaction are diverse, for
influence of the example, IVE has increased the realism of
optic flow of the Mueller P(2018) CN Tower (29854057118)
participant. For the tests, since it is possible to alter the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0.
example, IVE [[File:CN Tower
behavior and appearance of the virtual world (29854057118).jpg|CN_Tower_(29854057118)]]
technology has
been used in or the users,
activities such besides being able to S. A (2019) Virtual R (29856352218)
as catching a study with a better vision a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0.
ball and [[File:CN Tower
small group since all the
batting, because it is so easy to study movements and actions of
aspects of its trajectory and the user´s those who interact are Crat (2018) Reality (29854057118)
Creative Commons Attribution 2.0.
arms and hands in manipulating the registered
To carry out all, they have used trackers
into HMDs, it has monitored the eye
while participants do the activities.
CONCLUSION Grez Cañete D. (2007) Mujer drogada, colores
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
The spatial cognition research was We agree with the text because we believe [[File:Jorge-javier-vazquez-mujer.jpg|Jorge-
combined with the VET. The spatial javier-vazquez-mujer]]
that technology is very important today and
navigation has two processes the piloting should be in people's daily lives. Idaho National Laboratory(2016) Computer-
and path integration. Piloting need a Assisted Virtual Environment
As for science, it is more of a research and Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0)
position on the basis of environmental support tool, as it helps to update methods
cues, while the path integration implies an
and data.
updating estimate of current position on
These new technologies are a breakthrough in
basis of the integration of self motion.
Cognitive mapping allows manipulations many areas, as they are innovative and easy
that would impossible in the real world, to use, but they have their drawbacks.
also can manipulate large distal futures. Spatial cognition and social interaction are
examples of how important the technologies
are and the advances that these new
technologies present for psychology.
However, it seems to us that their use for
psychological research is not the best option
because of the failures in the results and the
side effects of the participants.

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