Research Chapter 1

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SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023



Reading play’s an important role in human life ,its role is to realized as a

very substantial because it opens up new knowledge for individual.It serves
as a Basic Building Block for Learning,reading is also an important life skill it
strengthens the brain and improves memory. (According to Dr. Seuss) “The
more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn,
the more places you’ll go”.
Reading Ability commonly recognized that there are different levels or
strands of understanding or comprehension of a text.The ability to read is
fundamental to children’s learning,including their development of broader
literacy skills,and to their future successful participation in society.Reading is
a complex process that involves both learning to decode texts and learning to
make meaning from texts.`

Reading is one of the important skill in English and it gives many

benefits for us. Reading is the window of the world. By reading, people can
get more knowledge and information from books, magazines, newspapers,
and other sources.through the reading activity , the students can enlarge their
knowledge and it can also make them wise and respectful.Students reading
ability must be developed through the help of teachers,reading class should
be designed to build students ability to understand increasingly complex
content of text. Although the reasons for reading may vary, the primary
purpose of reading is to understand the text.
BUMABASA) In support of the implementation of the K-12 Basic Education
Program, the Department of Education (Dep-Ed) is continuously fulfilling its
mandate to produce productive and responsible citizens equipped with
essential competencies and skills for lifelong learning. To make every learner
a proficient reader, schools across the country are tasked to help learners
develop their reading skills.However, such initiatives are still not enough
based on the recent results of national assessments for student learning.


Department of Education (Dep-Ed) supports Every Child a Reader Program,
which aims to make every Filipino child can read and write at his/her grade
level.Thus, the Dep-Ed through the Bureau of Learning Delivery-Teaching and
Learning Division(BLD-TDL) shall continue to administer the Revised
Philippine Informal Reading Inventory(Phil-IRI).

Philippine Informal Reading Inventory(Phil-IRI) used as a classroom-

based assessment tool aims to measure and describe the learners reading
performance in both English and Filipino languages in oral reading, silent
reading and listening comprehension. These three types of assessment aim
to determine the learner’s independent, instructional and frustration levels.


Education in its general sense is a form of learning in which knowledge,

skills, and habits of a group of people are transferred from one generation to
the next through teaching, training, research, or simply through autodidactism.
Autodidactism designed or intended to teach something, to gave a level
of mobility for something that never know before. Generally it occurs through
any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks,feels,or acts.

In relation to the aim of the Department of Education (Dep-Ed), which is

to produce a competent individual, Order No. 34 s. 2001 was released stating
that all public elementary and high school students are required to read at
least one book in the vernacular and one book in English per year before they
can be promoted to the next higher level.

Reading ability is encapsulate of proper pronunciation, omitting,

enunciation, reading speed, and stressing of the word, it’s the bridge between
the passive reader and active reader. Reading is the foundation for all
academic learning. It is the most important form of communication available
human and the most effective tool for the continuing education. Reading is
defined as a cognitive process that involves decoding symbols to arrive at
meaning, it is an active process of constructing meaning of the words. It
implies that the students has the skill and capacity to decode or make
meaning out of a written material.

Reading ability is needed by the students for facing both local and
national test of English tested in written form, so that teaching reading should
be learned earlier since kindergarten until the higher education level.
According to Kennedy (1981:5) reading is the ability of an individual
recognizing a visual form to associate the form with the sound and/or meaning
acquired in the past,and,on the past experience,understand and interpret its
meaning. Base on the explanation, reading is an individual ability in
understanding and finding the message written by the author.
Reading is often considered as a difficult skill.The learner cannot get the
reading achievement which is the most important aspect in reading
comprehension, especially in English. This is the duty for teacher to solve the
problem. They have to show how to teach reading as well so the learners can
understand the reading materials given. It is very vital for increasing the
knowledge of the learners.

Nowadays students find difficulty in reading tasks. Students can say the
word but they don’t know how to read it. If the reading skills of the students fail
to master, they can never hope to get through the other discipline successfully
therefore they can never be a productive, competitive and literate individuals.

In relation of the Initial Policy Guidelines on the Implementation of Reading

First for Region One Program, Regional Order No. 1477, s. 2021. The state
recognizes and supports endeavors that promote reading and literacy and
acknowledges the importance of promoting reading as a shared activity
among the youth, families, educators, and the private sector,thereby
emphasizing personal interaction and facilitating the exchange of ideas
throughout the country.

The researcher pursuit this study to find out if the reading ability of grade
seven students in Cyabu Integrated School will be conducted on the Second
Quarter, Shool Year 2022-2023.

This study was limited only on determining the level of ability in reading of
grade seven in Cayabu Integrated School Tanay Rizal. The variables used in
the study were gender, school graduated from, parents educational
attainment, parents occupation and monthly income. The entire grade seven
comprised the respondents because they were already expected to posses
the skills suitable to the period of refinement in the development of reading
program.This means they can read the text.

The Phil-IRI was utilized as instrument. It consisted of component: the

Word Recognition which includes mispronunciation, substitution, insertion,
omission, reversal, repetition, and refusal to pronounce.


This study aims to determine the reading ability of grade seven students in
Cayabu Integrated School Tanay Rizal School Year 2022-2023.

Specifically, this seeks to answer to the following questions:

1. What is the profile of the students in terms of:

1.1 sex;
1.2 school graduated from:
1.3 parents’ educational attainment;
1.4 parents’ occupation and;
1.5 Family monthly income;
2. What is the performance of the grade seven students in
reading, pre-test and post-test as regard to:
2.1 pronunciation;
2.2 enunciation;
2.3 stressingof the word and;
2.4 word recognition;

3. What is the performance of the grade seven students when

they are grouped according to their profile?

4. What is the performance of grade seven students in Phil- IRI,in

pre-test and post-test?


This study was premised on the following assumptions:

1. It assumed that the respondents will have a higher reading level result in
the post-test than in the pre-test.
2. The reading ability of grade seven students can be determined by the
administration of Phil-IRI coming from Dep-Ed.

The study is based on the three main theories of reading. First is the
bottom up processing, which focused on the printed form of a text. Second is
the top-down processing that enhance the role of background knowledge in
addition to what appeared on the printed page, and third is Schema Theory
which is based on the control and manipulating that a reader can have on the
act of comprehending a text, and thus, emphasizes the involvement of the
reader’s thinking about what his/her doing while reading.

The bottom-up Approach to reading is know as phonics, which requires

the learner to match letters with sounds in a defined sequence. According to
this view, reading is a linear process by which readers decode a text word by
word, linking the words into phrases and then sentences. According to
Samuels and Kamil, the emphasis on behaviorism treated reading as a word-
recognition response to the stimuli of the printed words, where “little attempt
was made to explain what went on within the recesses of the mind that
allowed the human to make sense of the printed page”. These lower level
skills are connected to the visual stimulus, or print, and consequently
concerned with recognizing and recalling.

Top-down processing approaches revolutionize the conception of the way

students learn to read. In this view, reading is not just extracting meaning from
a text but a process of connecting information in the text with the knowledge
the reader brings to the act of reading. Reading is a dialogue between the
reader and the text which involves an active cognitive process in which the
reader’s background knowledge plays a key role in the creation of meaning.
Reading is not a passive mechanical activity but purposeful and rational,
dependent on the prior knowledge and expectations of the reader. It is not
merely a matter of decoding print to sound but also a matter of making a
sense of written language.
Schema Theory is closely related to top-down processing that had a major
impact on reading instruction. It describes in detail how the background
knowledge of the learner interacts with the reading task and illustrates how a
student’s knowledge and previous experience with the world is crucial to
deciphering a text.

These theories are deemed suitable in the present study since the basic
step toward success is the individual’s readiness to recognize and read
printed materials in addition to language is viewed as a code and the readers
main task is to identify grapheme and convert them into phonemes.

Thus, having background knowledge plays a fundamental role in one’s

ability to comprehend a text.


This study was based on Coomb’s systems approach which is input-

process-output. Input which includes the students profile in terms of gender,
school graduated from, parents educational attainment, parents occupation
and monthly family income.

The process indicates the steps to be undertaken in the conduct of this

study such as administration of Phil-IRI - pre-test, intervention activity, Phil-IRI
post-test and the tabulation, analysis and interpretation of data.

The output is the determined reading skills of the students in the

administration of Phil-IRI.
Phil-IRI (Philippine Informal Reading Inventory) are used as a classroom-
based assessment tool to measure and describe the learners’ reading
performance in both English and Filipino languages in oral reading, silent
reading and listening comprehension. These three types of assessment aim
to determine the learner’s independent, instructional and frustration levels.

The feedback serves as the channel in identifying the reading skills in the
administration of Phil-IRI of the students

Profile of the

 Sex
 Age
 School
 Parents
Administration of Pre- Reading Ability of
test, Intervention Grade Seven
Activities, Post-test, Students are Proper
 Parents
Tabulation of Data, Pronunciation,
Analysis and Stressing of the
 Monthly
Interpretation of Data Word and Word
Family Recognition.
Performance of
 Pronunciation
 Stressing of
the Word
 Word



Conceptual Paradigm Showing the Reading Ability of Grade Seven Students

in Cayabu Integrated School Tanay Rizal School Year 2022-2023

For better understanding of the study, the following terms are defined
conceptually and operationally:

Autodidactism. Design or intended to teach something, to gave a

level or mobility for something that never know before.
Active reader. It means reading something with a determination to
understand and evaluate it for its relevance to your
Comprehension. It refers to the ability to understand written words.
Complex Process. In which the reader, through interaction with the
text, and constructs meaning.
Dep-Ed. Department Of Education support every child a reader
program, which aims to make every Filipino child a
reader and a writer at his/her grade level.
Development. It is a branch of reading instruction that is designed to
support literacy an a variety of contexts to improve
comprehension and decoding skills.
Education. It is a purposeful activity directed at achieving certain aims,
such as transmitting knowledge or fostering skills and character traits.
These aims may include the development of understanding, rationality,
kindness, and honesty.
Enunciation. It refers to the clear pronunciation of the words.
Frustration. It is the students scores ranging from 89% & below in
word recognition or 58% & below in comprehension.
Independent. It is the students scores ranging from 97-100% in word
recognition and 80-100% in comprehension.
Literacy skill. It refers to the ability of students to read and to write.
Mispronunciation.The pupil attempts to pronounce the word but
produces a nonsense word, rather than a real one.
Monthly Family Income. It refers to the amount of money received by
the family over a period of time as payment for work or
Omission. The pupil omits a word or a continuous sequence of words
in the text but continues to read.
Parents Occupation. This refers to the job that parents earn for their
Parents Educational Attainment. This refers to the educational level
of the parents.
Phil-IRI. Philippine Informal Reading Inventory means an instrument
used as a classroom-based assessment tool to measure
and describe the learners reading performance.
Post-test. It is a test given to students after completion of an
instructional program or segment and often used in
conjunction with a pre-test to measure their achievement
and the effectiveness of the program.
Pre-test. It is a preliminary test administered to determine a students
baseline knowledge or preparedness for an educational
experience or course of study.
Passive Reader. It refers to the attitude of students forgotten and
rushing through reading to get it done.
Pronunciation. It refers to the way in which we make the sound of the
Reading. It is the cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive
meaning from text.
Reading Ability. It is a specific ability which enables a reader to read
the written form as meaningful language, to read anything
written with independence, comprehension and fluency,
and to mentally interact with the message.
Refusal to Pronounce. The pupil neither pronounces the word nor
attempts to do so. The teacher pronounce the word so
that testing can continue.
Repetition. In reading it is word/s that is repeated especially
unnecessary words.
Reversal. The students reverses the order of words or letters.
Stressing of the Word. It determines so many other aspects of
pronunciation. Word stress determines which vowels in a
word will be pronounced with a clear vowel.
Substitution. The students substitutes a real word that is incorrect.
Understanding. It is generating meaning through analysis and
Variable. It is a word used to describe a quantity or condition that can
Word Recognition. It is the ability of a reader to recognize written
words correctly and virtually effortless.
SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023

A Research Proposal Presented to

The Faculty of Cayabu Integrated School
Brgy. Cayabu Tanay Rizal

In the Partial Fulfillment of

The Requirements in
Practical Research 2 of Senior High School




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