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September 2011

Worship Service on Sundays at 10 a.m.

Pastors Message
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1

Didnt the summer go by fast? It seems like we were just celebrating Pentecost and Childrens Day and now we are beginning to prepare for Rally Day! I have heard people say many times that the older you get the quicker time seems to goI finally believe them. I just blinked and time has gone onmy children are starting 4th grade, Joe and I have been married for 20 years, I have been at the church over eight years, we finished our second mission trip, the Garden is finishing its third summer and so much more has happened! God has surely blessed us as time has gone on, yet, I wonder as time flies, have I spent my days wisely? How many hours have I given up to television, how much time have I given away to complaining, how many precious moments have I lost with my family because I was too busy to slow down?? Time marches on whether we want it to or not. We live moment to moment but our minds are often somewhere else. We get preoccupied worrying over the future or trying to forget the past. We forget to live in the moment, or at least I often do. The challenge for all of us is to live each day, each moment to glorify God! If we are living for God than all those moments in between wont be spent hastily or in ways we will later regret. If our hearts and lives are focused on Gods ways, we will find ourselves in step with every season of life. For some of us in the child-rearing years, time is speeding by and some of us wonder if we will ever get enough sleep again. For those of us in more mature years we may wonder why each day seems so long and how much more time will we have left on this earth. In all of the different seasons of our life, we are all called to the same task. We are to live our lives following in the footsteps of Christ. We will thrive when we live without regret! Let us not focus on our mistakes or failings but rather on what God is calling us to in the moment, right now. What does God want for you and your life this Fall? Have you taken the time to listen to his still quiet voice? He has a plan for each of us in whatever season of life we find ourselves. Maybe the Lord is asking you to spend more time with him or to serve him in a particular way, or he is reminding you that there is a loved one you have been neglecting, or that your Bible is becoming dusty. Whatever the Lord is speaking to your heart, make sure you listen. The Lord knows us and what we need, he knows the gifts he has given us and the blessings we can bring to others. Yes, sometimes it does seem like time flies, and other times it seems like it drags but in every moment we have a choicewill we glorify God or block him out? My prayer for each of us is that in this new day we would take the time to listen, to slow down and hear God calling our name. His love for us is greater than we could ever imagine and it will sustain us through all the seasons of our life! In Christs Love, Pastor Julia

Pittsgrove Presbyterian Church 312 Daretown Road, Elmer, NJ 08318 (856) 358-1104 Website: Pastor Julias email:

member of the CE team if you would be willing to head up this fun and important outreach.

Welcome Our New Members!

Tom and Donna Neill became members of our church on July 10. They have three children, Victoria, Gina and Anthony. Their address is 23 Bridgeton Road, Elmer, ph. 609-233-7722.

Manse Tenants
Our tenants will be vacating the manse at the end of August. We wish them well and pray for them as they move to a new residence. If you have some skills you are willing to donate (painting, etc.), please see a Trustee and volunteer some time. Help Wanted: During 10 am worship on Sundays, volunteers are needed in the nursery. If you are willing and able to help in this important ministry of our church, please use the sign up sheet located outside of the nursery door or call the church office.

Birth Announcements
Congratulations to Doug & Lauren Aitken on the birth of their daughter, Emily June Ann Aitken. Emily was born on June 17 and is the little sister of Caroline. Also congratulations to Rob & Jeanine Tindall on the birth of their son, Matthew Nicholas Tindall. Matthew was born on July 10 and is the little brother of Benjamin.

A great get healthy ministry began last Spring and continues this Fall. Every Tuesday night the group meets to walk or exercise and there is a facebook page that encourages healthy eating and exercise throughout the week! Contact Dana Barrett if you want to learn more or are interested in participating. *******************

Youth Mission Trip Update

The mission trip to Johnstown, NY this summer was a great success. Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers! We really appreciate all of your support. Six youth and two adults plus Pastor Julia and her family attended. The homes needed much work but by Friday there were many miracles. All of the sites we worked on were finished. The neighbors each received a prayer shawl along with hugs and prayers. It was such a privilege to serve God and we give thanks for the opportunity to share some of the blessings he has given us in our lives.

Youth Group Volunteers Needed

If you would like to spend more time with our youth, why not help out with youth group this year? Let Dana or Pastor Julia know if you have some time to give. We would really appreciate the help! Sr. youth group, 7th grade and up, will continue to meet on Sunday evenings. A Jr. Youth Group for 2nd through 6th grade will also meet on Sunday evenings. Both youth groups will begin September 18th and run from 6-7pm. *********************

Trunk or Treat??
Any interest in organizing Trunk or Treat again this year? Talk to Pastor Julia or a

Confirmation Class
A new confirmation class will begin this Fall for youth in 7th grade and up. We will be

meeting monthly, on a Sunday afternoon at 4 pm. Please let the office know if you have a youth that is interested in joining the church.

There will be a parents meeting; watch the bulletin for details.

2011 Graduates
Eighth Grade
Austin Smith Austin graduated from Upper Pittsgrove School on June 15 and will be attending Woodstown High School in September. He has made the Principals List several times and was on the Safety Patrol this year. Austin played basketball and baseball but his favorite sport is dirt bike riding and racing. He also enjoys paintball, playing XBOX, and riding his BMX bike. Robbie Griffith Robbie graduated from Woodland Country Day School where he has attended since Pre-K. He is a member of the Junior National Honor Society and co-captain of the schools soccer team. He will be attending St. Augustine Prep High School this fall. Gina Neill Gina graduated from Upper Pittsgrove School and will attend Woodstown High School this fall. She plays the saxophone and will participate in concert band. Michele Snyder Michele graduated from Upper Pittsgrove School and will attend Woodstown High School this fall. She played field hockey.

High School
Crystal Snyder Crystal graduated from Woodstown High School and will attend Salem Community College through the Stars Program. She was named most artistic in the senior class and is interested in animated graphic arts. Jessica Filippoli Jessica graduated from Woodstown High School and will attend Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences in Boston. She was active in field hockey, lacrosse, and FBLA.

Katie Robbins Katie achieved her Masters Degree in Animal Science from the University of Missouri. She will pursue a PhD at the University of Delaware, concentrating on Child Oncology with a fellowship through AI DuPont. Jackie Robbins Jackie received her Bakery Pastry Certificate from the New England Culinary Institute in Montpelier, Vermont. She is currently employed at the ACME. Jennifer Gardner Jennifer achieved her Masters Degree in Health Care Administration from Walden University. She is continuing as Manager of the Wound Center at Underwood Hospital.


The Deacons would like to thank everyone for their contributions to the Sunshine Box for Denise Snyder. We are sure it brings a warm feeling to her heart daily when she opens a gift. What a wonderful way to show Denise how much her Church Family cares for her. GOD BLESS YOU DENISE!

Deacons Prayer Shawl Ministry Update

By Faye Crispin Since the inception of this ministry 2 years ago, we have distributed a total of 54 prayer shawls/lap robes. We would like to recognize and thank Kitty Lamb who has made and donated 11 of these shawls. Currently there are 3 shawls and 4 lap robes available and we welcome anyone to get those fingers busy and contribute to our inventory. Continue to keep this ministry in your prayers and contact Jennett Stanley or Faye Crispin if you know of anyone who would be comforted by a shawl or lap robe. We are so grateful to Anne Skinner for introducing this wonderful ministry to us.

Whats Happening

9/11 Service of Remembrance 8:30-9:30 am in the sanctuary. Join us for prayer & meditation. Rally Day September 11. Welcome back to Sunday School! Time to celebrate our childrens accomplishments from the previous year. Stay for the covered-dish luncheon where we will hear more detailed stories about the youth mission trip and see a slide show. Please bring a side dish and/or dessert and we will provide the makings for a sandwich. RSVP to the church office if you plan to attend. Sunday School begins September 18th, nursery through adult classes. Youth Groups also begin September 18th, from 6 7 pm. Sr. youth group is 7th grade and up and Jr. youth group is for 2nd 6th grade. We will have games, drama, activity and lots of opportunities to learn more about faith! We go bowling, have mission outreaches to local soup kitchens, help with worship, and more! Join us and invite a friend! Ladies Lunch September 12 at noon. We will meet at the Country Rose Restaurant in Dutch Neck Village. For more information or to RSVP, please contact Helen Sickler at 769-2066. Ladies Bible Study is September 12. Join us at 10 a.m. in the upstairs lounge. We will be studying the Old Testament book of Ruth. All are welcome. Tuesday, September 20 and 27 @ 7:30 pm Book Study, Heaven Is For Real by Todd Burpo. Watch the bulletin for meeting locations. Old Church Memorial Service Sunday, October 2 @ 2pm. Dan Bestwick, a First Responder of 9/11, will be our speaker. Join us! Annual Fall Retreat October 14-16, 2011 at the Grand Hotel in Cape May.

Annual Fall Hayride - The annual hayride is set for October 30th, 12 noon. Well enjoy great fellowship, lunch and a bonfire. Invite your friends! Look for a sign up sheet for food when we get closer to the event or call the office to RSVP. Habitat Workday- at a time to be decided this October. Talk with a member of the Mission Team if you would like to participate and watch the bulletin for details. Board meetings Deacons, Session and Trustees Monday, September 12th at 7:30 pm.

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