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Nama: I Putu Krisna Yogi Pratama

NIM: 2021101022

Prodi: S1 Sastra Inggris


1. I know some of the traditional medicine in Indonesia for example Javanese herb. Javanese

herb [Javanese people called it jamu] is one of the traditional medicine in Indonesia. Jamu is

made from natural ingredients in the form of parts of plants, such as rhizomes (roots), leaves,

bark, and fruit. There are also uses of materials from animal bodies, such as goat bile, snake bile

and many more. Some of the Indonesia people’s favorite jamu are empon-empon, jahe kencur

jeruk, and beras kencur. Empon-empon herbal medicine is useful for preventing viral infection,

orange ginger herb is believed to reduce sore throat. This herb is also effective for warming the

body in the rainy season. And herbal rice kencur itself can increase a child’s appetite to relieve

diarrhea. The ingredients consist of rice, kencur, and other ingredients such as ginger, kawak

acid, kedaung seeds, salt, and brown sugar.

2. Yes, of course! When I was a kid I once drank a kencur rice herb, it tastes a bit sweet and a

little bitter, there is also a little spicy taste. My parents told me that this herb can increase

appetite and reduce the pain of diarrhea, also to refresh the body. In Bali we also have traditional

herbs. One of them is loloh daun katuk/daun kayu manis. I used to drink it when I had a sore

throat. It tastes bitter with a little saltiness from the salt. You need katuk leaves and salt, then all

the ingredients were mashed and add warm water. You can also add honey to reduce the bitter

taste. My grandma said this herb can reduce pain in throat or relieve heartburn.
3. In my opinion, traditional medicine considered less effective than modern medicine. Some

traditional treatments work well but modern medicine just takes these traditional treatments and

makes them more effective. Modern medicine can have side effects, but if taken with regulation

and not in overdose, modern medicine can be the most effective way to help yourself. However,

traditional medicine has proven to be quite effective in treating both chronic diseases and

psychological problems, especially those associated with stress, which frequently stem from

social alienation, anxiety or loss of self-esteem. On the other hand, modern medicine was built

around the model of running tests on sick patients to determine which drug or medical procedure

would best deal with some illness. This makes Modern Medicine more precise in determining the

diagnosis and how to treat this specific disease.

4. Yes, I trust traditional medicine. In my opinion, Traditional medicine has become a common

thing when the initial symptoms of a disease such as sore throat, heartburn, diarrhea and others.

Usually done as a first measure or prevention before using modern medicine. And traditional

medicine is well known by the general public and it’s cheaper than modern medicine or free if

you can make it by yourself at home. We can also use traditional medicine as alternative way if

modern medicine is not able to cure the disease.

5. I think China. China is one of the countries that have the best traditional medicine in the

world. Traditional Chinese medicine is a traditional medical practice practiced in China and has

been around for several thousand years. Medical practices include herbal medicine, acupuncture,

and Tui Na massage. This medicine is classified under Eastern medicine, which includes other

traditional East Asian medicine such as Japanese and Korean. Traditional Chinese medicine with
modern medicine today is quite different. For example, traditional Chinese medicine uses herbs

and natural ingredients, while modern medicine uses pure chemical compounds.

Unlike some forms of traditional medicine that have become extinct, traditional Chinese

medicine is now a part of modern medicine and part of the health system in China. In recent

decades, many Western medical experts have also investigated the truth of this traditional

Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine is often used to help treat the side effects of

chemotherapy, help treat drug addiction, and treat various chronic conditions that conventional

medicine considers impossible to cure.

6. My grandma. When her body feels unwell, she always drink traditional medicine. Noni fruit

(in Indonesia it’s called buah mengkudu) for example, she boils that fruit until the essence comes

out. Then pour into a glass, add a little sugar or honey so that the taste is not too bitter. Noni fruit

herb ready to drink. She believes this herb can reduce stomach ulcers, in fact noni fruit functions

as a gastric acid controller that works by keeping stomach acid production in a reasonable

amount. She also often makes boreh (traditional Balinese scrub) she says this scrub can warm the

body and relieve headaches. If you want to make it, the ingredients used are galangal, ginger,

kencur, turmeric, and cloves. After those ingredients is mashed then spread evenly throughout

the body. Clean your body if the scrub has dried.

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