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Dipartimento di Studi

Linguistici e Culturali

The New International

Economic Order.
Lessons and Legacies
50 Years Later

May 10-11, 2024

Ca’ Foscari University
of Venice, Italy
Call for Papers done—not least in the archives and these ideas, on subjects such as (but not
from the perspectives of Third World limited to):
The New International Economic
countries themselves. New work • The potentials and pitfalls of South-
Order (NIEO) was a series of proposals
published in the last ten years attests to South cooperation
promoted by Third World countries
the relevance of this multilateral effort, • Multilateral Organizations and the NIEO
during the 1970s with the purpose of
but there has not yet been a coordinated • Counter hegemonic diplomatic
reshaping the global economy in favor of
effort to recover the full diplomatic and strategies of Third World nations
developing nations. By taking advantage
intellectual history and significance of • Trade, finance and the NIEO’s
of the consolidation of new voices and
the NIEO. What initiatives constituted the governance of capitalism
actors in the international arena, these
NIEO, beyond the 1974 UN declaration? • The NIEO’s implications for natural
initiatives represented a high point of
How were its legal and procedural tenets resources and extractivism
Third World multilateralism and sought
negotiated at the multilateral level? • Cultural diplomacy in the NIEO
to propose innovative solutions for a
What was the intellectual framework • The history of political thought around
supposedly better governance of the
behind the NIEO? What were the regional the NIEO
international economy and world’s
and national differences in the way • The reception of and reaction to the
countries approached and participated NIEO in the Global North
in this project? How did the two Cold- • The afterlives, legacies, and current
The economic crisis of the 1980s and
War blocs react to NIEO’s initiatives relevance of the NIEO’s proposals
the consolidation of the so-called
and diplomacy? And very importantly:
Washington Consensus displaced the
what aspects, if any, of the NIEO are still To apply, please send an abstract of no
ideas and implementation of the NIEO.
relevant for today’s debate on global more than 200/250 words and a short
However, the theoretical and political
economic, financial, trade and political bio to the conference’s official email
importance of these initiatives remains
governance and the struggle against account:,
relevant, even today. Initiatives such
climate change? by April 30, 2023. Submissions will be
as the creation of new forms of global
reviewed by the conference committee
taxation for multinational corporations
To address such questions and generate and successful applicants will be notified
and new mechanisms of regulation of
an international historiographical and by July 2023. Full papers are due by
financial and commercial flows currently
political conversation on the New March 30, 2024. Best papers will be
discussed in the United States or Europe
International Economic Order’s history considered for publication in a journal
draw, in many cases unconsciously, on
and afterlives, Ca’ Foscari University (still to be decided) special issue.
proposals originally pertaining to the
of Venice, El Colegio de México, the Funding will be available to cover at
NIEO. Recently at the UN, countries from
History and Political Economy Project, least some travel and accommodation
the Global South have explicitly returned
Temple University and University College expenses.
to the proposals for a New International
London, with the collaboration of the
Economic Order, renewing interest in its
Berggruen Institute will convene a two
day conference in Venice in May 2024. Organizing Committee:
We encourage scholars to submit paper Vanni Pettinà, Ana Sofía Rodríguez
The problems of global interdependence
abstracts. We are particularly interested Everaert, Christy Thornton, Artemy
in the current economic, global health,
in projects drawing on original research Kalinovsky, Alessandro Iandolo, Duccio
and climate crises have compelled
from former Third World’s countries’ Basosi, Giuliano Garavini and Nils
scholars to return to the NIEO in recent
archives that address the historical but Gilman
years, but much work remains to be
also the contemporary relevance of

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