The Pheasants Bell

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Enrichment Activity:

Directions: Make a story outline of the selection, using the graphic organizer

Title: The Pheasant’s Bell

Deep in a lonely forest
A large and beautiful straw-thatched house
Conflict: The conflict arose when the beautiful girl revealed herself to be the snake that the
woodcutter killed while saving the poor mother pheasant, and the snake has come to seek
vengeance on the woodcutter.

1. He was working when he heard a pheasant bird cry and fluttering wings nearby. He went
to investigate the commotion and discovered a pheasant nest with eggs and a large snake
poised to strike the mother pheasant.

2. The woodcutter was on a long journey a year after the incident. It was late at night, and
the woodcutter came across a large and beautiful straw thatched house in the woods. Then
he was surprised because he had not expected finding a nice house deep in the forest. He
knocked on the door, and a beautiful girl between the ages of 19 and 20 came out.

3. The girl then revealed to him that she was the snake that he had previously killed. She
claimed that she had been waiting for him for revenge for a very long time, and that she
would now kill him in retaliation.

4. The girl then gave the woodcutter one last chance to save his life by ringing the bell at
the ruin temple deep in the forest mountain. The bell suddenly rang "Bong" in the middle of
the night. The woodcutter was intrigued because there was only one soul at the temple
ruin, then he noticed a blood stain and a head shattered with wings broken lay the blood
stain of a pheasant.
Conclusion: The woodcutter was intrigued because there was only one soul at the temple
ruin, then he noticed a blood stain and a head shattered with wings broken lay the blood
stain of a pheasant.

Theme: Do help anyone because someday they will help you back

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