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Class Discussion Assignment

Heaven Pal

Department of Business and Tourism, Mount Saint Vincent University

BUSI/TMHT 2202- Communication and Self-Management Skills

Dr. Ibrahim Abdellah

April 6, 2023
The process of communication, which involves passing messages between people or groups through a variety of
situations and channels, is intricate and multidimensional. Building connections, completing aims, and improving
personal and professional success all depend on effective communication. Communication may be difficult, though,
particularly when people have various communication preferences, attitudes, and expectations. I have gained from
taking a course on self-management and communication because I have learned more about the importance of
communication and how to improve my interpersonal connections and communication abilities.
The notion that communication requires more than simply transferring information and entails developing
connections and exhibiting empathy for others is probably one of the most important lessons I may have learned
from the course. Active listening, empathy, and feedback are necessary for effective communication. These three
skills entail observing the speaker's words, emotions, and nonverbal signs and responding in a way that demonstrates
respect, understanding, and openness. By employing these methods, I may enhance my communication skills and
develop a connection and sense of trust with others.
The significance of self-awareness and self-management in communication is another crucial idea that I have gotten.
In order to effectively communicate, one must first understand themselves, including their values, prejudices, and
emotions. I can adjust to various communication settings and steer clear of common communication problems like
misunderstanding, misalignment, and conflict by being conscious of my own communication style and inclinations. I
can tackle challenging communication situations and uphold healthy relationships by using self-management skills
including emotional control, assertiveness, and dispute resolution.
I might have learned about the significance of cultural competence in communication as a third idea. It is crucial to
be able to interact with people from various cultural backgrounds in an efficient manner as the globe grows
increasingly linked and diverse. Understanding cultural differences, avoiding prejudices and presumptions, and
adjusting to various communication methods and customs are all aspects of cultural competency. I may improve the
clarity and efficacy of my communications, lower the possibility of misunderstanding and misinterpretation, and
promote inclusion and respect by engaging in cultural competence exercises.
In terms of intercultural misunderstanding, I may have encountered a variety of scenarios in which communication
was difficult owing to cultural differences. For example, I may have encountered circumstances in which I or the
other person used confusing or ambiguous language, or when nonverbal signs were misinterpreted. I may also have
encountered instances in which I or the other person had differing expectations about communication standards such
as directness, hierarchy, or formality. I may have developed insights and methods for dealing with such situations by
attending this course, such as being aware of cultural differences, avoiding preconceptions, and practising active
listening and empathy.
When evaluating my communication abilities, I may find it difficult to score myself on a scale of 1 to 10. This is
because self-evaluation can be biased or misleading and may not accurately reflect my communication ability or
effectiveness. External variables such as social comparison, feedback, or environment can also impact self-
assessment. Self-assessment, on the other hand, maybe a great technique for reflecting on my communication
objectives, strengths, and areas for progress and creating realistic goals for self-improvement. Seeking feedback
from others, such as peers, mentors, or coaches, may help me gain a more objective and constructive assessment of
my communication abilities and find areas for improvement.
Finally, taking a communication and self-management course may have altered my understanding of communication
as a dynamic process requiring attentive listening, empathy, and flexibility. I may have gained insights and
techniques for developing my communication skills and managing interpersonal relationships, as well as learning
fundamental concepts such as the necessity of self-awareness, cultural competency, and relationship-building. I may
improve my personal and professional success and have a good influence on others by continuing to practise and
develop my communication skills.

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