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Autonomous Beamwave Nexus (•••)

Banks of palm-sized devices are arrayed in subdermal storage ports along the Alchemical's back. When
deployed, they launch as a flight of hovering wedge-shaped "fins" with glowing emission apertures. The
Alchemical controls them remotely through a neural link, allowing her to direct volleys of Essence lasers
that overwhelm her enemies.

System: Reflexively spend 1 Essence. This creates a network of miniature floating beam projectors that the
Alchemical telepathically controls for the rest of the scene. They float in the air around her and can make
an independent ranged attack against a target the Alchemical is aware of with swarming lasers. The
Alchemical aims using Wits + (Alertness or Firearms) at difficulty 5, with damage 5 (lethal) and range 40.
The nexus fires on the same Initiative as the Alchemical.

It's possible to attack the projectors, but doing so is a called shot (difficulty 9), and they reflexively dodge
attacks with the Alchemical's full Wits + Alertness pool. A successful attack deals a single level of damage.
Once the system has sustained six levels of damage, the nexus ceases to function and returns to their
storage ports, and can't be activated again for one hour while the Alchemical's body repairs the projectors
or fabricates replacements.

• Coherent Ray-Weave Barrier (2xp): Sacrifice attack functionality to interlock the beams into a shield that
provides cover for the Alchemical. Adds +2 to the difficulty of ranged attacks against her that turn. This
mode can be activated reflexively at any time, but the nexus can't attack in the same turn it's used and vice

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