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Gravity Tides

Luminous Star - Orange

Inner Cauldron – Weak
1Gravity Riptide

Asteroid Belt

Primary Biosphere
3 Gravity Riptides

1 Planet – Talamh – Large, Normal Gravity, Moderate atmospheric presence, Atmospheric

composition Pure, Temperate World. Limited Ecosystem, 1 Landmass, 2 mineral deposits (1
Industrial Metals, Radioactives), 3 archeotech caches
1 Derelict Station – Human – Listening Post/Orbital Drydock

Talamh – Recovering Apocalypse

Talamh was once a colony founded in the golden age of humanity. Composed of refugees of another
conflict, the people settled and began to build a new life upon a once verdant world. As they
approached their height, the Men of Iron's rebellion began, plunging the world into a cataclysmic
war. The conflict resulted with the men of iron and their warmachines being wiped out but the
resultant devastation plunged the world's ecosystem into a death spiral and an extended warming.
One such weapon used created gravitic ripples, forming riptides that would tear apart any ship. A
singular station was all that was left to watch their world die.

Though the people who witnessed the conflict and its aftermath have long died out, their
descendants still live on, and despite the most pessimistic reports, Talamh endures. While much of
the world has been obliterated into radioactive wastes, there are pockets of verdant life. Water and
soil are highly prized and many clans, tribes, and gangs fight for control of such resources while
scavengers pick through the ruins for more of the "Men of Machines'" tech to be utilized. Though
most of this planet's civilization is composed of roaming nomadic groups, there are a few notable
sedentary societies which have formed into kingdoms.

Notable Landmarks
1 Plains
Caledonnia – The largest swathe of arable land. The water that flows through it is produced by a
water purification facility, an ancient, cathedral-like facility that dominates much of the plains' edge.
Though it was used to produce gallons upon gallons of water, storing them into tanks. Now the
water flows freely as a river. The Uisce Faireoir, Water-Watchers carry the sacred duty of singing
the proper hymns and making the appropriate offerings to appease their Water-Giver, while the
Feirmoir, the farmers, tend the land to grow food. Protecting Caledonnia are the Ridire, the Riders,
who ride upon their machine steeds, commanded by the Righ himself, the king. As of now, a
usurper, Righ Baen has ousted the rightful Prion (Prince) Kaelan.

The Ridire
The Ridire refers to the warriors of Caledonnia. With the usurpation of the throne, a sizeable portion
of the Ridire have fled in exile with Prion Kaelan, yet none but one of the Cruaidh Geach, the
towering knight-machines, fled with the Prince. As such, Righ Baen maintains control of
1 Forest


Outer Reaches
1 Graviy Riptide
Asteroid Belt

Special Gear

SC-4V "Scavenger" Pattern Carapace Armor

Despite the apocalyptic catastrophe that befell Talamah, many vestiges of the "Age Before" still
remain. Fewer though are as ubiquitous as the Scavenger armor that many marauders and nomads
utilize. It comes in both light and heavy form, with respective AP, though the weight is slightly
increased by 5kgs. However, it is a relatively simple pattern to manufacture, maintain, and repair,
utilizing many common materials. Jury-rigged rebreathers and primitive photovisors come with this

Graviton Carbine – This arcane machinery takes a size similar to a las carbine. It hums when
activated, crushing a target down to the ground. At one time these weapons were frequent in use,
but despite their mass production in an age long gone, many were destroyed in the cataclysm that
befell the planet.
Graviton Carbine -

Special Vehicle
Cruaid Geach – The

Runic Sword : Melee Two-Handed: Damage: 1d10+8 E Pen 5 Power Field, Force, Balanced
One-Handed: 1d10+4 E, Pen 5, Power Field, Force

Converted Soldier
WS 35
BS 35
S 35 (Unnatural Strength x2)
T 30
Agi 20
Int 40
WP 40
Fel --
Beamers are ancient weapons which operate on principles similar to las weaponry, except lacking
the immediate impact and thermal shock of a lasgun's bolt. Instead, the beam continually, and
rapidly, heats up a target, causing it to melt and burst into flames instead of inducing immediate,
and explosive, vaporization of a lasgun. As soon as the trigger is pulled, the Beamer's machine spirit
will begin tracking what it is shooting at and assisting the wielder, moving the weapon to track the
target if needed, until the trigger is released. The result is a slower effect but far more devastating,
even capable of taking out lightly armored vehicles. The weapon is prone to Overheating.

Basic, Range 60m, 1d10+1 E, Pen 2, Clip 33, S/-/-, Thermal Build Up, Overheat
Thermal Build Up: Once a beamer has struck something, the weapon's machine spirit begins
tracking the target as long as the trigger is held. After the first hit, and on each subsequent turn, the
wielder may continue to make a ranged attack as a Half Action against the same target,
automatically hitting the target unless they can break line of sight from the wielder, rolling only to
determine if the weapon Overheats. These subsequent attacks cannot be Dodged unless the target is
able to break line of sight within (Agi Bonus) meters. Each subsequent turn adds 1d10+1, to a max
of 3d10+4, and increases Pen by 1 to a maximum of Pen 5, and a +5 to the BS roll for the purposes
of determining Overheat. On the second turn, the target immediately catches on fire.
Can use charge packs

Talamh Armor
Carapace Armor All 6, 10 kgs
Advance Helmet Systems: Built-in Voxcaster
Built-In Combi-tool on wrist.
Microthrusters: Allows user to freely move in zero-g environments as if they had an Agility bonus
of 4. On Low gravity worlds, may extend jump and leap distance by double. No effect on standard
and higher gravity.
Mag-Soles: Can walk on metallic surfaces in zero-g environments.
Auto-Medicae: The machine spirit of Talamh delivers automatic injection of Stimm (which can hold
up to three doses) on command or if the user would fall unconscious. The armor's machine spirit
can identify injuries and automatically attempt a Medicae test at Intellect 30 to treat injuries with
First Aid. Blood loss is stopped on the following turn that it is received.
Self-Sealing: Small tears in the armor automatically seal. Tears that result from the loss of a limb
are automatically sealed.
Environmentally Sealed: The armor is environmentally sealed and capable of going into the Void.
Has enough air to last for four hours and air tanks may be exchanged with a half action. Suit
automatically replenishes air in a breathable environment.
Shoulder-mounted lumen light: Acts as a lumen, lighting up to 30 meters in bright light.

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