Arts Work

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Subject : Arts
Level : EY2 New York B & EY2 Milan A
Time Allocation : 60 minutes
Date Issued : Wednesday, 16 March 2022

Name : ____________________________
Class : ____________________________
Submission Date : Monday, 21 March 2022
Instruksi untuk orang tua:
Orang tua membacakan perintah dan mendampingi siswa mengerjakan tugas penilaian.

Make the ocean view by following the steps:

Step A: making the ocean view

1. Draw two wavy lines on the paper plate then draw some corals on the first line and
draw the sun on the top.
2. Take your crayons to colour the picture. Colour the sun yellow and the sky using
light blue. Colour the ocean using dark blue and use some bright colours for the
3. Spread some thick white glue using the ice cream stick at the bottom of the paper
plate. Pour some sand to make sand collage. Let it dry.

Step B: making the fish

4. Take the pipe cleaner. Do beading on the pipe cleaner by following this example.

5. Fold the beads line in a shape of a fish then twist.

Step C: making the paper sail boat
6. Fold a paper to make a sail boat. Watch the video from link as the reference.

Step D: arrange and paste the fish and the sail boat on the ocean view.

Answer the questions.
1. Which is the easiest step?
a. making the ocean view
b. making the fish
c. folding the paper sail boat

2. Do you want to explore the ocean one day?

3. Do you feel satisfied with the artwork you have made?

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