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Canarvacanan Binalonan, Pangasinan




Most Essential Learning Competency:

1. Discusses the stages of infection.
2. Analyze the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the Philippines.


Dressing is a piece of sterile cloth that covers a wound to prevent infection and stop bleeding.

Techniques in Applying a Dressing

╸ Wash your hands.

╸ Unwrap the dressing as close to the wound as possible.
╸ Remember that skin is not sterile.
╸ Place the dressing over the wound
╸ Use dressing that is large enough.
╸ Cover the wound with a dressing that will stick.
╸ Then secure the dressing with a bandage or adhesive tape.

• Cold compress - used to reduce swelling and relieve pain

• Hot compress - used to allow normal blood circulation
• Bandages - used to apply pressure to bleeding

Bandages -used to apply pressure to bleeding

• Triangular - can be used as cold compress, padding, support for pressure or sling.
• Ace - secures dressing in place
Tubular - used to support joints or hold dressing in place

Two phases of Bandaging

1. An open phase bandaging is used for wounds on top and back of the head, back, chest, hand, and
foot and as arm sling.
2. A cravat phase bandaging is used for wounds that need extra support like wound on the eye,
forehead, ear, cheek, jaw, and for a sprained ankle

Techniques in Bandaging

• keep in mind the following:

• always use square knot
• keep the cloth sterile
• always keep the ends
• bandaging technique depends upon the size and location of the wound, your first aid skills and
• bandage firmly over bleeding and securely over the broken bone
• use the natural hollows of the body to slide the bandage gently into place.
• check regularly the bandage.
• secure the bandage with a tape, clips or a bow or square knot/

is a break in the continuity of a tissue in the body that could be open or close.
• Puncture - a piercing wound caused by pointed objects
• Abrasion - caused by rubbing or scraping the skin against rough surface
• Incision - a cut caused by sharp object
• Laceration - s blunt breaking or tearing of soft tissues
• Avulsion - a forcible tearing or partial tearing away of tissues.

How to Manage Wounds?

• For close wound use the RICE Method:

• Resting the injured part
• Ice application
• Compression
• Elevation

• For Open wound with severe bleeding:

• wear gloves and expose the wound
• control bleeding by applying direct pressure
• elevate the injured part above the heart
• cover wound
• care for shock
• consult a physician

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