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Q4 M1  Undifferentiated goods- products whose

physical are so identical, that it would be difficult,

DEFINING A PRODUCT AND DIFFERENTIATING if not impossible, to distinguish one purchased
from one vendor or another.
PRODUCT Ex. Salt bought from the two different vendors’ looks
- is anything that can be offered in a market for attention, feels, and tastes identical.
acquisition, use that might satisfy a need or want.
 Differentiate goods- varied in their
For Kotler-product goes way beyond being a physical characteristics and features that make them
object or a service. Product is defined as anything that distinguishable from one another.
can meet a need or want. Even a retail store or a
customer service representative is considered as product. Ex. Car, the appearance and the features vary because
of the ability of manufacturers to successfully distinguish
FIVE PRODUCT LEVELS their products from competitors which is branding.
1. CORE BENEFIT- fundamental need or want that the
customer satisfies when they buy the product. 3. According to durability: Consumable, Semi-
Durable, and Durable Goods
Ex. The core benefit of a hotel is to provide somewhere
to rest or sleep when away from home. Durability refers to the length of time a consumer can
derive benefit from the product or good purchased.
2.GENERIC PRODUCT- basic version of the product
made up of only those features necessary for it to  Consumable- product whose benefit can only be
function used by a consumer for a short period of time
sometimes only a few minutes such as food and
Ex. In hotel, this mean a bed, towels, a bathroom, mirror drinks.
and wardrobe.  Semi-durables-provide benefits to the customer
3. EXPECTED PRODUCT- set of features that the for a longer period of time. Ex. Clothes, shoes,
customer expects when they buy the product. belts and jackets
 Durables- products that are manufactured to last
Ex. In a hotel, this include clean sheets, clean towels, a long time. Ex. Automobiles, home appliances,
Wi-fi and clean bathroom. furniture.
4. AUGMENTED PRODUCT- refers to any product 4. According to Type: Convenience, shopping,
variations, extra features, or services that help specialty, and Unsought Goods
differentiate the product from its competitors.
 Convenience goods-products that are
Ex. In the hotel, this could be the inclusion of a concierge purchased frequently, usually inexpensive and do
service or a free map of the town in every room. not require much purchase effort and evaluation
5. POTENTIAL PRODUCT- includes all augmentations Ex. newspapers, gum and candy
and transformation the product might undergo in the
future.  Shopping goods- purchased less frequently
than no.1, are relatively more expensive, and
Ex. In a hotel, this could mean a different gift placed in require some amount of information search and
the room each time a customer stay. Ex, it could be evaluation prior to purchase.
some chocolates on one occasion, and some luxury
water on another. Ex. Shoes, clothes, and handbags.

PRODUCT CLASSIFICATION  Specialty goods-goods that require an unusually

1. According to use: Consumer and Industrial Goods large effort on the part of consumer to acquire.

 Consumer goods- goods that are purchased for Ex. Luxury merchandise, works of art, automobiles and
personal consumption and household use home.

Ex. Instant noodles, biscuits, detergent soap.  Unsought goods- goods that consumer seldom
actively look for, and are usually purchased for
 Industrial goods- purchased in order to make extraordinary reasons such as fear or adversity,
other goods, to serve as a raw material or input in rather than desire.
the production of other goods.
Ex. Investments, memorial plans, and life insurance.
Ex. Aluminum (used to manufacture kitchen equipment
and cans)
2. According to differentiation: Undifferentiated and SERVICE
Differentiated Goods  Form of product that consist of activities, benefits
or satisfaction offered for sale.
FOUR MAJOR ATTRIBUTES  Is the only element in the marketing mix that
1.INTANGIBILITY- physical products are intangible. On products revenue.
the other hand, service is intangible. It would, therefore,
not be possible to “sample” a lawyer’s legal skills, or a FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN SETTING PRICES
doctor ability to handle a surgical operation before one
decides to retain a lawyer and doctor. DECISIONS
2. VARIABILITY- Because services are performed by MARKET OBJECTIVES
human beings, no service provider can render the same -Before setting price, the company must decide
service in exactly the same way every single time. A on its strategy for the product. If the company has
college professor when giving the same lectures in two selected its market and positioning carefully, then its
separate sessions, cannot used the exact words and marketing-mix strategy, including price, will be
gestures for both sessions. straightforward
3. INSEPARABITILITY- Because service is rendered by - A firm that has clearly defined its objectives will
people, the service provider must be present each and find it easier to set price.
every time the service is provided. Services are rendered
and consumed simultaneously. MARKETING-MIX STRATEGY

4. PERISHABILITY- Unconsumed services cannot be -Price is the only one of the marketing-mix tools
stored or warehoused. that a company uses to achieve its marketing objectives

 The key is the implementation of a marketing -Decisions made for other marketing-mix
strategy called capacity management variables may affect pricing decisions.

EXPERIENCE -Companies often make their pricing decisions

A product which involves experiential aspects of first then base other marketing-mix decisions on the
consumptions rather than utilitarian ones price that they want to charge.

-engage in fantasies, feelings, and fun and often carries COSTS

subjective meanings and characteristics
-Set the floor for the price that the company can
PRODUCT EXPERIENCES- is the overall value of a charge for its product
product or service to consumer.
CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE- is the expression your
Fixed Costs (overheads)- are costs that do not vary
customers have of your brand as a whole throughout all
with production or sales level.
aspects of the buyer journey.
Variable Costs- vary directly with the level of production
PEOPLE AND PRODUCT- the two primary touch points
that create the customer experience Total Costs- are the sum of fixed and variable costs for
any given level of production.
-critical to the sustained growth of any business ORGANIZATIONAL CONSIDERATION
-promotes loyalty, helps you retain customers, and -Management must decide who within the
encourages brand advocacy organization should set prices.
-today, customers have the power and not the seller EXTERNAL FACTORS AFFECTING PRICING
-US who gave the power with the hell from the world THE MARKET AND DEMAND
wide web.
-set the upper limit
Q4 M2
-before setting prices, the marketer must
FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN SSETTING understand the relationship between price and demand
for its product
Under pure competition, the market consists of many
WHAT IS PRICE? buyer and sellers trading in a uniform commodity such as
 Is the amount of money charged for a product or wheat or financial securities.
 Is the sum of all the values the consumers Under monopolistic competition, the market consists
exchange for the benefits of having the product or of many buyers and sellers that trade over a range of
service. prices rather than a single market price.
 Set by negotiation between buyers and sellers.
Under oligopolistic competition, the market consists of Market-penetration pricing- they set low initial price to
a few sellers that are highly sensitive to each other penetrate the market quickly and deeply – to attract
pricing and marketing strategies. many buyers quickly and win a large market share.
In pure monopoly, the market consists one Seller. GENERAL PRICING APPROACHES
 Government monopoly (a postal service)- can
pursue a variety of pricing objectives.
 Private regulated monopoly- the government
permits the company to set rates.
 Private non-regulated monopoly- are free to price
at what the market will bear.
COMPETITORS’ COSTS, PRICES, AND OFFERS The Price that the company charges will be
somewhere between one that is too low to produce a
-A consumer who is considering the purchase of profit and one that is too high to produce any demand
a Brand A will evaluate Brand A’s price and value
against the prices and prices of comparable products.  Product costs set a floor to the price: consumer
perception of the products value set the ceiling.
-Once a brand is aware of competitor’s prices  The company must consider competitors prices
and offers, it can use them as a starting point for its own and other external and internal factors to find
pricing. the best price between these two extremes.
 Sets of factors: costs, consumer perception,
and competitors prices.
Economic conditions- can have a strong impact on the
Cost-Based Pricing
firms pricing strategies.
-is the practice of setting prices based on the cost
Resellers- The company should set prices that give
of goods or services being sold.
resellers a fair profit, encourage their support and help
them sell. Cost-Plus Pricing
Government- another important on pricing decision -the simplest pricing method
Social Concerns- in setting prices, a company’s short-
term sales and profit goals may have to be tempered by
broader societal consideration.

Premium pricing strategy- producing a high-quality

product and charging the highest price.
Economy pricing strategy- producing a lower quality
product but charging a low price.
Good- Value Strategy- represents a way to attack
premium pricer.
Overcharging Strategy- the company overprices in Break-Even Analysis and Target Profit Pricing
relation to its quality. -The firm tries to determine the price at which it will break
Market-skimming pricing- many companies that invent even or make the target profit it is seeking
new products initially set high prices to ‘skim’ revenues
layer by layer from the market.
-target pricing uses concept of a break-even chart, which Q4 M3
shows the total cost and total revenue expected at
different sales volume levels. STRUCTURE OF DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS, ITS


Distribution Channel- is made up of marketing
intermediaries, or organization that assist in moving
goods and services from produces to end user.
Marketing Intermediaries- are in the middle of
distribution process, between producer and end user


-are usually hired in commission basis by either a
Value-Based Pricing buyer or seller
An increasing number of companies are basing their -job is to make deals.
prices on the product perceived value.
 Agents are sales representative of
-uses buyer perception of value, not the seller’s cost, as manufacturers and wholesalers.
the key to pricing  Brokers are entities that bring buyers and sellers
-Are independent wholesalers that buy related
product lines from many manufacturers and sell to
industrial users

Competition-Based Pricing -firms that sell finished goods to retailers

-Consumer will base their judgements of a RETAILERS

products value on the prices that competitors charge for
-firms that sell good to consumer and industrial
similar products.
users for their consumption
Going Rate Pricing
Non-traditional Channels
-the firm bases its price largely on competitors’
-this arrangement helps differentiate a firm’s
prices, with less attention paid to its own costs or
product from the competition.
-may limit brands coverage, they can give a
Sealed-bid Pricing
producer serving a niche market a way to gain market
-the firm bases its price on how it thinks access without having establish channel intermediaries
competitors will price rather than on its own costs or on
-can also provide another avenue of sales for
larger firms.
Profit-Oriented/Based Pricing
-places an emphasis on the finances of the Channels Reduce the Number of Transactions
product and business.
-Channels make distribution simpler by reducing
-the benefit of profit-oriented is obvious: the the number of transactions required to get a product from
company is guaranteed a profit in every sale manufacturer to consumer

-is often a difficult strategy for marketers to Channels Ease the Flow of Goods
succeed with because it limits flexibility.
 Sorting out: Breaking many different items into
separate stocks that are similar
 Accumulating: Bringing similar stocks together Push Strategy- Involves taking the product directly to the
into larger quantity. customer via whatever means, ensuring the customer is
 Allocating: Breaking similar the products into aware of the brand at the point of purchase.
smaller and smaller lots.
Pull Strategy- Selling by yourself. It uses advertising to
- A second way to ease the flow is by locating
build up customer demand for a product or services.
buyers for merchandise.
- Channels reduce the number of transaction and 3.PERSONAL SELLING
ease the flow of goods
- Is an oral communication with the potential
 Distribution(place) includes the efficient buyers of a product with the intention of making a
managing of the acquisition of raw materials by sale
the factory and the movement from producer to - Is the oldest form of promotion
business-to-business users and consumers. Philip Kotler- “As a face-to-face interaction with one or
 Distribution channel are the series of marketing more prospective purchases for the purpose of making
entities through which good and services pass on sale”
their way from producer to end user.
 Distribution System focus on the physical 4. PUBLIC RELATIONS
transfer of goods and services on their legal
- Is the practice of managing the flow of
ownership at each stage of the distribution
information between an individual or organization
process. and a public.
THE NATURE OF SUPPLY CHAIN - The aim is to persuade the public to maintain a
- The system as a whole is known as supply chain certain point of view about it

Supply chain- is a relative concept, but is commonly Four PR process according to Marston
applied to the whole sequence as an activity
Research, Action, Communication and Evaluation.
- A supplier maintains outbound inventory
- Customer maintains inbound inventory
- A manufacturer also has in-process inventory, - Is the use of consumer direct channels to reach
which all the parts currently used in the and deliver and services to consumer without
fabrication process. using marketing middle man
1. Direct Mail Marketing- involves sending an offer,
PROMOTIONAL TOOLS announcement, or other item to a person through mail.
PROMOTION- keeps the product in the minds of the
customer and helps stimulates demand for the product 2. Catalog Marketing- generally in printed form but can
distribute in form of CD’s
1. ADVERTISING 3.Telemarketing- is the use of telephone and call
centers to attract prospects, sell to existing customers
- “Ad”-towards and “Verto”- I turn means to turn the
and provide service by taking orders and answering
people’s attention to specific thing
- Process of delivering a message about ideas
through media, paid by an individual sponsor. 4. Direct Response Marketing
TYPES OF ADVERTISING Via television (DRTV) has two forms:
1. Print Advertising- is the oldest media 1. Long Form informercials) - half-hour or hour-long
segments that explains a product in detail
2. Outdoor advertising- Publicized product or service
outdoor 2.Short Form- typical 30 or 60 sec. commercials that ask
viewers for an immediate response.
3.Broadcast Advertising- reaches wider audience
Infomercials- promote products that are complicated or
4.Surrogate advertising- advertise indirectly and
technologically advance or require a great deal or
banned by law
5. Celebrity Advertising- uses public figures 5. Kiosk Marketing- kiosk is small, stand alone booth
2. SALES PROMOTION - Set of marketing activities to used for marketing strategies
boosts the sales of the product or services. - usually be manned by one or two individuals who help
- Process of persuading a potential customer to attract attention to the booth to get a new customer.
buy the product.
Q4 M5 Audit- means by which a company can understand how
it relates to the environment in which it operates.
-is a comprehensive examination and analysis of your
THE MARKETING PROCESS marketing activities, goals and objectives.
Marketing is an ongoing business process that consists
of four distinct stages: -a great way to assess your marketing plan and ask
yourself and your department what working and not.
1. Analysis- entails the gathering qualitative and
quantitative data about the company’s products and -useful for getting back in touch with your brand,
possible markets. products and services and re-focusing your marketing
2. Planning- involves constructing strategies that the
company can put into action to attain results in the target Fundamental Components of a Comprehensive and
market Systematic Marketing Audit are the ff:

3.Implementation- the success or failure depends more Environmental Audit: where you focus on your
or less on the work prepared in the analysis and planning customers and the competition.
Strategic Audit: where you take a look at your current
4. Control- company needs to be responsive of marketing plan and strategies and how well or poorly
changing market conditions, customers and fine-tune the they are performing.
marketing strategies for that reason
Organizational Audit: internal look at the resources
THE MARKET ANALYSIS available to you are your marketing department.
-A successful firm Is the which monitors and manages
SWOT Analysis – tool used in strategic planning to
efficiently various forces living in its immediate and
identify and ultimately prioritize the organization SWOT
external environment
1. Strength- characteristics of business that offer an
-Managing the marketing functions begins with a
advantage over its competitors
complete analysis a company’s situation.
2. Weakness- Characteristics that limit performance and
could represent an obstacle in achieving objectives
-Involves deciding on marketing strategies that will help
the company attain its overall strategic objectives. 3. Opportunities- help improve performance or that can
be capitalized upon or exploited
-detailed marketing plan is needed every business
4.Threats- could hinder performance, so ways of
-explains how each strategy responds to the threats,
defending against them can be explored.
opportunities and critical issues spelled out earlier in the
Strategic groups are made up of organization within the
- should lay out an action program for implementing the
same industry that are pursuing equivalent strategies.
marketing strategy along with the details of a supporting
marketing budget. Competitors Future Strategies and Reaction:
MARKET IMPLEMENTATION  Certain Retaliation- react in aggressive manner
-The process that turns marketing plans into marketing to any challenge
actions in order to accomplish strategic marketing  Failure to React- Competitor can be lulled into a
objectives false sense of security.
 Specific Reaction- some competitors may react,
- involves day-to-day and month-to-month activities that
but only to competitive moves in certain areas
effectively put marketing plan work.
 Inconsistent Reaction- simply not predictable
-The process of measuring and evaluating the results of
marketing strategies and plans and taking corrective
action to ensure that marketing
-process which aims to disclose all opportunities and the
risk inherent in the environment and assess the
competitiveness of company’s resource and existing
market position

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