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Written Report

Group members: D’Andre Allen, Norven Dacosta and Sezaun Scarlett

Topic: Sports

The shared theme of Sports, with three topics, were explored by our group “The Effect of Drug

Use In Sports”,“The influence of Tourism on sports” and “The Influence of Technology on


We proceeded by choosing our best artefacts. We discussed and spent ample time on each

artefact, based on the reason for selecting each artefact along with the and content. The first

artefact is a three-minute youtube video, entitled “Sports tourism Economic Impact.” which

speaks about River City Sportsplex; a sports club that benefits both young and old tourists,

coming from different parts of the world to play different types of sports at different times. The

coordinator of this club states that their business benefits enormously from tournaments that are

held annually. We met as a group and eliminated all biases attached to this artefact by the group

member who selected it and decided to include this artefact on the basis of its rich, diverse


The second artefact taken from the website National Library Of Medicine was also selected and

considered most notable; based on its source which we considered reliable and the second-best

source for providing credible information and evidence for any research. This article entitled

"Drug Abuse In Athletes" Written by Dr. Readon and Dr. Creado (2013), explains how an

athletic life may lead to drug use for several reasons, including self-improvement, self-treat

underlying mental issues. Our third artefact was image that showed a picture of a ball that had

not fully crossed the goal line and was given as a no-goal. This image was selected by the group

by an anonymous vote with a written reason, which ultimately aligned with its simplicity and
uniqueness. The group decided that this third artefact beautifully outlined an amazeming aspect

of the central Sports theme.

After expressing our reasons for selecting the three said artefacts, the group met online via

Whatsapp call and decided to conduct a cross analysis of the three pieces.We highlighted how

the impact of sports on tourism and its economic gain aligned with the athletes’ desire to use

dope in sports for financial gain. Sports is a business and so is tourism both must be handled well

to get maximum gain. as such our group recognized the similarity in sports being used to attract

tourists for financial gain and doping being advertised and used for a financial gain, despite its

unfair, immoral aspect. gain. The group argued that the inclusion of the third artefact directly

focusing on football but not the other sporting events shared an interesting viewpoint of how the

highlighted improvement in sports technology will not only boost other sporting activities but

attract tourists in the country to grow the economy and invite new participants and sustain a high

level of enjoyment and interest.

In concluding, we all came to the conclusion and decided that the views of these three artefacts

concretize the topic of Sports.

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