Anaconda Plan

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Anaconda Plan

● Proposed by Winfield Scott and is based on southern geography

● The Appalachian Mountains and Mississippi River divide the CSA into
3 parts
● Scott planned to cut each region off from the other
● The Union Navy would blockade the CSA ports to cut off supplies
● The Union would crush each region

Naval Technology
● On March 8, 1862, the CSA sent out their ironclad called the “Virginia”
(formerly the Merrimack, a Union ship). The Virginia sunk three Union
● On March 9th, 1862, the Union ironclad, The Monitor, met the Virginia
● The two ships fought for 5 hours, but could not sink each other.
Called a draw when neither side wins.
● This changed naval technology forever.
● Remember- Monitor is the Union ship, the Virginia (Or Merrimack) is
the CSA ship

● Richmond was CSA capital
● CSA won both Bull Run battles
● Robert E Lee was in charge of the Confederate army of North
● England and France built ships for the Confederacy

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