Darke - MPD 531 Introduction To Pedagogical Practice (Fall 2021)

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MPD 531 Introduction to Pedagogical Practice


SEMESTER: Fall 2021
SCHEDULED CLASS TIME: 19am – 11:50pm, Mondays (see attached schedule)


OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment
EMAIL: rdarke@colburnschool.edu or Ryan.G.Darke@gmail.com

REQUIRED TEXT: Suzuki, Shinichi. Nurtured by Love.

Provided Documents and Digital Reasources

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will introduce you to instrument specific pedagogical
techniques designed to help you become an effective and proficient
studio teacher. The course will include discussion about instrumental
technique and pedagogy and the context of your role as an educator in
the community with nationally recognized pedagogues. The course will
provide additional input and reinforcement for the teaching of the
Jumpstart student assigned in MPD 201. Private lessons will be observed
by instructor and discussed in depth each week.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the end of the semester, you will be able to:

• Understand the fundamentals of music pedagogy and their

practical applications
• Facilitate a private studio environment that encourages student
feedback, critical thought and a pursuit of excellence
• Teach the basics of performance psychology
• Utilize digital teaching tools
• Provide organizational tools for efficient learning and tracking
• Create an environment of motivation and communication

2. Attendance – All students are allowed one absence during the
semester, after which your participation grade will be affected. All
absences must be excused. Failure to attend a minimum of 70% of
this course will seriously affect your grade, and may place you at risk
of probation or dismissal.

3. Class participation – All students should come prepared to

participate in a conversation for each class.

September 13th - “Communication, Motivation, and Organization”

- How to provide constructive feedback
- How to find triggers of passionate response and excitement
- Using tracking tools and practice journals to keep students accountable and empowered by organization

September 27th - “Practice Techniques and Strategies for Successful Learning”

- Practice Patterns
- |: Sing/Listen/Play/Listen/Strategize :|
- Jason Sulliman – Practice Technique Videos + Conversation
- Variable and Randomized Beat Metronome use

October 11th - “Performance Psychology: Fostering an environment of healthy learning and mastery”
- Rotella, Bob - Golf is not a Game of Perfect
- Elliot, John - Overachievement
- Mack, Jon - Mind Gym
- Kageyama, Noa - Bullet Proof Musician

October 25th - “Utilizing Digital Resources”

- Digital practice tools and how to use them (i.e. Tonal Energy, Rode Recorder, Time Guru)
- Streaming services: Chicago Symphony Broadcasts, Berlin Digital Concert Hall, Symphony Cast
- Educational tools online: Play with a Pro, Musaic via New World Symphony, Audition Hacker, Honesty Pill

November 8th -“Running a Studio: The pack is always stronger than the lone wolf”
- Creating a collaborative studio culture
- Partner practice and group practice techniques
- Mock auditions or recital runs
- Adversity training

November 22nd - “Principles of Shinichi Suzuki: Using language acquisition as a model for musical literacy”

• Suzuki, Shinichi – Nurtured by Love

• Reflections: favorite concepts, quotes, and key ideas
• Practical application of these principles

December 6th - Special Guest Lecturer and Presentation Preparations

December 9th - Final Presentations


• Assignment 1 - Observe two studio classes and three private lessons and write a short reflection of each
experience. These reflections should include the most notable moments of each respective class/lesson
and what you felt made the teaching effective.

**One reflection will be due at each class; must be typed**

Note: There should be seven reflections in total. You may use only one lesson and one studio class from your
applied teacher.
• Assignment 2 - Read assigned pages from Nurtured by Love by Suzuki and write three reflections
according to the schedule below:

Sept 13th – Page 15 -30 (Reflection 1 Due)

Sept 27th – Page 30 - 45
Oct 11th – Page 45 – 60 (Reflection 2 Due)
October 25th - Page 60 – 80
Nov 8th - Page 80 – 100 (Reflection 3 Due)

• Assignment 3

One peer Observation of a Jump Start Lesson led by someone in our MPD 531 Class.

• Assignment 4

Observe one full band rehearsal of the Community School / Jump Start students (and your student), with
the possibility that you join and play along in the section with the directors approval

• Assignment 5

Observe one full band rehearsal of the Community School / Jump Start students (and your student), with
the possibility that you join and play along in the section with the directors approval.

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