Smaw 10 Q2 Week 3-4

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Technology and Livelihood

Quarter 2 – Module 1: Week 3-4
Welding Carbon/Mild Steel Plate in Flat
Position (1F)

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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Multi Pass Weld on Carbon/Mild
2 Steel Plates in Flat Position
Part of this lesson are the suggested steps on how to do multi pass weld in a flat position and some helpful
tips in welding.

What I Need to Know

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. enumerate essentials of welding;
2. familiarize international welding codes and standards ;
3. name acceptable weld profiles ;
4. identify weld defects, causes, and remedies ;
5. familiarize procedures and specifications;
6. apply welding techniques and procedures ;
7. acquire safe welding practices.

What I Know

Listed below are the procedures on how to do multipass weld in flat position. You have to put a
number on the blank before each statement based on its order of what should be done first up to the
last in doing the multipass weld in flat position.

______, Visually check the finished weldment in accordance with welding

standards for: Spatters, Arc strikes, Slag inclusion, Uniformity of beads
______. Deposit the first bead right below the bottom edge of the plate. You may
use whipping or dragging techniques.
______. Remove the slag with a chipping hammer and clean the bead using the
steel brush.
______. Wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before welding.
______. Prepare tools, equipment and materials needed.
______. Strike the second bead to overlap the first bead by half to 2/3 overlap. It
must completely fuse the plate and the first bead.
______. Deposit all the remaining beads until you fill the entire plate.
______. Set up the welding machine and adjust the correct current amperage
settings to 95 amperes. 85-100 amperes (range of adjustments)
______. Lay the plates on the welding table, and tackweld each part- one at the
middle and at the end of the joint.

What’s In

Now it’s time for you to polish your skill in single pass fillet weld in flat position. But you should
answer first the following questions:
1. What should be the size of the bead?
2. What should be the profile?
3. What should be the position of the welded plates?
What’s New

Have you seen a spider making its web? If you have not seen yet, you better find sometime to
see it. And for those who have seen it already, have you counted how many times the spider move
around to complete or finish its web? If your answer is no, don’t worry you still have your lifetime to
count it. If your answer is yes, congratulations, you will become a great builder in whatever things you
want to construct. Would you agree with me? If not, do not argue with me anymore.
Anyway it’s not our next lesson here. I just want you to realize that you are very much more than
an insect like a spider. You are capable of doing great or big things. So don’t waste your time, efforts,
money, and energy on things that will not give any benefits of you. Grab every opportunity to learn.
Especially in acquiring and developing life skills. Just like the welding skills that you are starting to
master now.
Let us go back on spider’s web. By the way, there is no exact number of times a spider finishes its
web it varies randomly. The point is, its many times just enough to catch a prey for its food. This is an
analogy to our next lesson. We are to perform multi pass weld in carbon steel plates on a flat position.
If how times exactly? Many times enough to have a strong hold of the metals we are going to weld.

What is It

Read and understand then prepare what you should prepare.

Steps in multi pass weld in flat position.
1. Prepare the workpiece. (3 pcs. 10mm X 50mm X 200mm Mild Steel Plates) The plate
should be clean and ready for welding.
2. Use the E 6013 welding rod and put it in the electrode holder.
3. Properly fasten the ground clamp from the welding table.
4. Adjust Welding Machine for correct current and amperage settings. ( 95 amps.)

Note: (85-100 range of adjustment)

5. Lay the plate on the welding table, and tack weld the plate.
6. Deposit the first bead right below the bottom edge of the plate. You may use
whipping or dragging techniques.

. Weld at this position (flat).
. Use 3.25mm Æ electrode
. Weld at 70° travel angle and 90° work angle

7. Remove the slag with the chipping hammer and clean the bead using the
steel brush.
8. Strike the second bead to overlap the first bead by half to 2/3 overlap. It
must completely fuse the plate and the first bead.

9. Deposit all the remaining bead until you fill the entire plate.
Try to overlap each previous bead by half.
The slag must be chipped off each weld before the next weld bead is put
in place.

Helpful Tips in Welding

Longer arc lengths will result to increased puddle heat, flattens weld, deep
Shorter arc lengths will result to less puddle heat, less penetration.
Use arc length to control puddle size, penetration and burn through.
Normal arc length is 1/16-1/8 inch.
Use a slightly longer arc length during a start or restart.
Strike the rod to the corner of the plates to avoid arc strikes.
Clean your welding hood lens.
Position yourself to be comfortable in any welding activity.
Watch the puddle and the arc.
Concentrate on steady travel speed and arc length.
10. Remove the slag using a chipping hammer and clean it with a steel
11. Visually inspect the bead and check for any weld defect afterward

Size of weld
Uniformity of bead
Appearance of ripples
Bead overlap and straightness

What’s More

After you have explored and familiarize the steps and helpful tips on welding carbon steel plates in
a flat position, you are now ready to do it. You simply follow the procedure below.
3 pcs. Mild Steel plates 10mm X 50mm X 200mm
10 pcs. E-6013- 3.25mmÆ
Tools and Equipment:
AC or DC welding machine with accessories
Chipping Hammer
Steel brush
Welding gloves (leather)
Welding apron (leather)
Welding helmet/mask
Portable grinder
1. Wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before welding.
2. Prepare tools, equipment and materials needed.
3. Set up the welding machine and adjust the correct current amperage
settings to 95 amperes. 85-100 amperes (range of adjustments)
4. Lay the plates on the welding table, and tackweld each part- one at the
middle and at the end of the joint.
5. Deposit the first bead right below the bottom edge of the plate. You may
use whipping or dragging techniques.
6. Remove the slag with a chipping hammer and clean the bead using the
steel brush.
Note: Use clear goggles or face shield when chipping. The direction of chipping
should be away from you.
7. Strike the second bead to overlap the first bead by half to 2/3 overlap. It
must completely fuse the plate and the first bead.
8. Deposit all the remaining beads until you fill the entire plate.
Note: The slag must be chipped off before the next weld bead is put in place.
9. Visually check the finished weldment in accordance with welding
standards for: Spatters, Arc strikes, Slag inclusion, Uniformity of beads
Note: The weld should be correctly overlapped, straight, of even thickness and
width with fine ripples.

Figure for Welding processes for multi pass in Flat position

What I Have Learned

Listed below are the procedures on how to do multipass weld in flat position. You have to put a
number on the blank before each statement based on its order of what should be done first up to the
last in doing the multipass weld in flat position.

______, Visually check the finished weldment in accordance with welding

standards for: Spatters, Arc strikes, Slag inclusion, Uniformity of beads

______. Deposit the first bead right below the bottom edge of the plate. You may
use whipping or dragging techniques.
______. Remove the slag with a chipping hammer and clean the bead using the
steel brush.
______. Wear the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before welding.
______. Prepare tools, equipment and materials needed.
______. Strike the second bead to overlap the first bead by half to 2/3 overlap. It
must completely fuse the plate and the first bead.
______. Deposit all the remaining beads until you fill the entire plate.
______. Set up the welding machine and adjust the correct current amperage
settings to 95 amperes. 85-100 amperes (range of adjustments)
______. Lay the plates on the welding table, and tackweld each part- one at the
middle and at the end of the joint.
What I Can Do

What I want you to do here is to look for any damage or broken tools that you think can be repaired
by using the multipass weld in flat position in your home, if there is none you look from your neighbour.
Take a picture of the damaged tool that you have. Then you weld it by using your new acquired skill in
multipass weld in flat position. When you are done with it, take a picture of it again. You mount the two
pictures with your name in a single piece of short bond paper. Print them and submit it to your teacher
for checking.
What I Know What I have Learn LESSON 2
9 9
5 5 Performance Standards
being through performance
6 6
1 1
2 2
7 7
8 8
3 3
4 4

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